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JMeter example source code file (addons.txt)

This example JMeter source code file (addons.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - JMeter tags/keywords

as, copy, create, if, it, jmeter, jmeter, jmeter_home, jmeter_home, the, the, this, this, to

The JMeter addons.txt source code

This file describes how to create local additions to JMeter.

Create a new directory for the sources:


mkdir addons

Copy addons.xml into JMETER_HOME

To build the addons, run ant as follows:

ant -buildfile=addons.xml

This will compile the sources to build/addons/...

If successful, it will also create the jar file:


As the filename of this jar is alphabetically earlier,
any classes in it will be used in preference to existing JMeter classes.

This allows the addons to be used to supply new functionality as well
as overriding existing functionality, without needing to rebuild JMeter.

Such addons are intended mainly to be used locally - for example if you
have developed any new code that is only relevant to your organisation.

It can also be useful for developing general purpose add-ons that are
intended for general release. Once tested, these can be moved into one of 
the normal JMeter source directories.

N.B. The build file assumes that JMeter has been built separately, as
JMeter classes are resolved from jars in the lib and lib/ext directories.

Other JMeter examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this JMeter addons.txt source code file:

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