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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Sofware Foundation.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tomcat.startup;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tomcat.core.BaseInterceptor;
import org.apache.tomcat.core.Context;
import org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager;
import org.apache.tomcat.core.TomcatException;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Action;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Jdk11Compat;

/* EmbededTomcat is the bean you use to embed tomcat in your application.
   Main is a wrapper that will guess TOMCAT_HOME and dispatch to 
   tasks performing different actions, including EmbededTomcat.


/* Required setup:
   -  EmbededTomcat is assumed to be loaded in the same class loader with
   lib/common, and without lib/container. It'll deal with setting a separate
   class loader for container and applications.

   - tomcat.install or tomcat.home property must be set ( from TOMCAT_HOME env.)


 *  Use this class to embed tomcat in your application. If all you want is to
 *  start/stop tomcat, with minimal customization, you can use Main.main()
 *  This class is designed as a java bean, where you set different properties,
 *  then call methods to perform actions. The main method is "execute", that
 *  will start tomcat. Few other methods allow to perform different other tasks.
 *  EmbededTomcat is usable as an "ant" task as well, using the TaskAdapter.
 *  ( see sample - TODO XXX ).
 *  Adding tomcat to your application:
 *  - Create a java class that will act as adapter and start tomcat ( and
 *    hold your customization code ). The class and all the files in
 *    TOMCAT_HOME/lib/common must be available in the class loader.
 *    lib/container and lib/apps should  _not_ be visible, EmbededTomcat
 *    will handle that. All the application files you want visible from 
 *    tomcat must be included as well.
 *    ADVANCED1. Completely separated classloader
 *  - In your adapter, create an instance of EmbededTomcat.
 *  - set properties you want to customize. 
 *  - add all interceptors including your application-specific. That includes
 *   the connector modules ( shortcuts are provided for common sets of
 *   modules and for common connector configuration ).
 *  - add the root context ( required ) and any other contexts you want.
 *    More context can be added at runtime. You can also use existing
 *    configuration modules that automatically add/deploy Contexts. 
 *  -  call start(). Tomcat will initialize and start. The method returns
 *     when everything is ready.
 *  -  You can add/remove contexts at runtime.
 *  -  call stop(). Tomcat will clean up all resources and shutdown ( clean 
 *     shutdown ). All common modules have been tested and shouldn't leave
 *     any garbage, however it is possible that user code will leave threads
 *     or other garbage ( i.e. not clean on destroy ). If tomcat is run in
 *     a sandbox, this shouldn't be a problem ( as untrusted servlets can't
 *     create threads ). It is your responsiblity to make sure all apps you trust
 *     or custom modules support clean shutdown.
 *  - ADVANCED2. You can throw away the classloader, and use another one
 *    if you start again. That would take care of all garbage and classes
 *    except threads and associated objects ( there is no way to handle
 *    dangling threads except killing them, assuming you can distinguish
 *    them from your own threads ).
 *  All file paths _should_ be absolute. If not, you should set "home" and
 *  make sure you include the "PathSetter" module before anything else.
 * Example1
    // Assume EmbededTomcat and all common jars are in CLASSPATH
    EmbededTomcat tomcat=new EmbededTomcat();
    tomcat.setInstallDir( installDir );

    // tomcat.setDebug( debug );
    // tomcat.setAutoDeploy( false ); // no webapps/ is used
    // tomcat.setEstart(true ); // server.xml will not be used 


    if( explicitModules ) {
      // For each module you want to add ( you must include a minimal set )
      int mid=tomcat.addModule( "org.apache.tomcat.modules.xxxx" );
      tomcat.setModuleProperty( mid, "property", "value" );
    } else {
      // Nothing - server.xml will be used if setEstart(false) ( default )
      //           the default set will be used if setEstart(true)

    // If you don't add one explicitely, the defaults are used ( HTTP/8080,
    //  Ajp12/8007 for shutdown )
    // tomcat.addEndpoint( port, null, null );
    // You can add other connectors using addModule()

    // tomcat.addApplicationAdapter( myModule );

    // If you also want "webapps/" ( if you don addContext this is automatic )
    // tomcat.addAutoDeploy(); 
    // tomcat.addContext( path, docBase, null);
* * @author Costin Manolache */ public class EmbededTomcat { // the "real" server protected ContextManager contextM = new ContextManager(); // your application protected Object application; // null == not set up protected Vector connectors=new Vector(); String home=null; String installDir=null; int httpPort=8080; int ajpPort=0; Hashtable attributes=new Hashtable(); // configurable properties protected int dL=0; boolean defaultConnectors=true; boolean autoDeploy=true; boolean serverXml=true; boolean help; boolean blocking=false; String modulesFile = null; // prevent tomcat from starting. boolean nostart=false; public EmbededTomcat() { } // -------------------- /** Access to the ContextManager. */ public ContextManager getContextManager() { return contextM; } // -------------------- Properties - set before start /** * Debug for EmbededTomcat, enable debugging on tomcat * and the LogEvents module. * "-debug debug" on the command line */ public void setDebug( int debug ) { this.dL=debug; contextM.setDebug( debug ); debug( "Debugging enabled "); } /** * set if we need to block. */ public void setStartb(boolean b) { blocking = b; } boolean noClassLoaders=false; public void setNoClassloaders( boolean b ) { noClassLoaders=b; } /** Set the home dir for tomcat, where webapps/ will be located. * "-home dir" on the command line. */ public void setHome( String s ) { home=s; } /** Set install dir for tomcat, where libs will be located. * "-install dir" on the command line. */ public void setInstall(String install) { this.installDir=install; contextM.setInstallDir( install ); if( dL > 0 ) debug( "setInstall " + install); } /** Set location of the server.xml file, to be used by ServerXml reader. * Not used if EStart() is used. * "-config foo" on the command line. */ public void setConfig( String s ) { attributes.put("config", s); } /** * Set the location of the modules.xml file, to be used by * ServXml reader. -modulesFile foo on the command line. */ public void setModulesFile(String mf) { modulesFile = mf; } /** Tomcat will run in a sandboxed environment, under SecurityManager. * "-sandbox" on the command line */ public void setSandbox(boolean b) { attributes.put("sandbox", "true"); } /** Generate Jk configuration, without running tomcat. * Equivalent with "-jkconf" on the command line. */ public void setJkconf(boolean b ) { attributes.put("jkconf", "true"); nostart=true; } /** Dummy, "-start" on the command line. */ public void setStart(boolean b) { // nothing, default mode } /** Use 'embeded' configuration to start tomcat. * * If Estart is false ( the default ), we'll load server.xml and all * the modules inside. * * If it is set to true, we'll load the a hard-coded set of modules. * * If you add explicitely your own set of module it will be used * instead of the defaults. Modules need to be added before * adding the first connector or initContextManager is called. * * Equivalent with "-estart" on the command line. */ public void setEstart(boolean b) { debug( "Using default embedded config "); serverXml=false; } /** Used from estart ( i.e. no server.xml, minimal config ) */ public void setHttpPort( int port ) { httpPort=port; } /** Set the port for ajp connections. * If not set, ajp will not be enabled. * Used for estart. */ public void setAjpPort( int port ) { ajpPort=port; } /** Dummy, "-run" on the command line. */ public void setRun(boolean b) { setStart(true); } /** Don't run, just display the help message. "-help" on the command line. */ public void setHelp(boolean b) { help=b; } // -------------------- Generic properties -------------------- public void setProperty( String name, String v ) { if( name.equals("home") ) setHome((String) v ); if( name.equals("install") ) setInstall( (String) v); if( name.equals("sandbox")) setSandbox(true); attributes.put( name, v ); } public void setAttribute( String name, Object v ) { if( name.equals("parentClassLoader") ) setParentClassLoader((ClassLoader)v); if( name.equals("commonClassLoader") ) setCommonClassLoader((ClassLoader)v); if( name.equals("args") ) setArgs((String [])v); if( name.equals("commonClassPath") ) setCommonClassPath((URL [])v); if( v==null) attributes.remove( name ); else attributes.put( name, v ); } // Ant compatibility ( TODO ) public void addProperty(Property prop) { } // -------------------- Application Modules -------------------- /** Keep a reference to the application in which we are embeded */ public void setApplication( Object app ) { application=app; } /** Keep a reference to the application in which we are embeded */ public Object getApplication() { return application; } // -------------------- Module configuration -------------------- Vector modules=new Vector(); /** Add a module explicitely. You can use server.xml, a pre-defined * set of modules, or your own set. * * Must be called before adding the first endpoint or context and * before initContextManger. * * If you add a module you must also call addDefaultModules (before * or after your modules ) - or you can add all the required modules * manually. */ public int addModule( BaseInterceptor ri ) throws TomcatException { if( ri==null ) return -1; if( dL > 20 ) debug( "addModule " + ri.getClass().getName()); if(ri.getClass().getName().indexOf("Xml") <0 ) ri.setDebug( dL ); modules.addElement( ri ); return modules.size()-1; } /** Add a custom module. It'll return the module id, that can be * used to set properties * @see addModule( BaseInterceptor ri ) */ public int addModule( String className ) throws TomcatException { BaseInterceptor bi=createModule( className ); if( bi==null ) throw new TomcatException("module not found " + className); return addModule( bi ); } /** Find a module from the set added with addModule() or addDefaultModules() */ public int findModule( String className, int startPos ) { for( int i=startPos; i0 ) debug( "setModuleProperty " + o.getClass().getName() + " " + name + " " + value ); IntrospectionUtils.setProperty( o, name, value ); } // -------------------- Module helpers -------------------- /** Init tomcat using server.xml-style configuration. Called * automatically if no module was explicitely added and Estart is * true ( default ). The automatic call happens before addContext, * addEndpoint or execute() */ public void addServerXmlModules() throws TomcatException { String conf=(String)attributes.get( "config" ); addModule( "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.PathSetter"); int mid=addModule( "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.ServerXmlReader"); if( null!=conf ) { if( dL>0) debug( "Using config file " + conf); setModuleProperty( mid, "config",conf ); } if( null != modulesFile ) { if( dL > 0 ) debug("Using modules file " + modulesFile); setModuleProperty(mid,"moduleConfig", modulesFile); } } /** Add all the default modules, needed for a fully functional container. * You must setEtomcat( true ) if you don't want server.xml to be used. */ public void addDefaultModules() throws TomcatException { //this is a bug in 3.3.0, we shoud disable it automcatically if( serverXml ) { addServerXmlModules(); return; } if( dL > 0) { int mid=addModule( LOG_EVENTS_MODULE ); setModuleProperty(mid, "enabled", "true"); } for( int i=0; i0) debug( "add context \"" + hosts[0] + ":" + ctxPath + "\" "+ docRoot ); // User added a context explicitely, disable the default. autoDeploy=false; if( ! initialized ) initContextManager(); // tomcat supports only file-based contexts if( ! "file".equals( docRoot.getProtocol()) ) { debug( "addContext() invalid docRoot: " + docRoot ); throw new RuntimeException("Invalid docRoot " + docRoot ); } try { Context ctx=contextM.createContext(); ctx.setDebug( dL ); ctx.setContextManager( contextM ); ctx.setPath( ctxPath ); ctx.setDocBase( docRoot.getFile()); if( hosts!=null && hosts.length>0 ) { ctx.setHost( hosts[0] ); for( int i=1; i>hosts.length; i++) { ctx.addHostAlias( hosts[i]); } } contextM.addContext( ctx ); ctx.init(); return ctx; } catch( Exception ex ) { debug("exception adding context " + ctxPath + "/" + docRoot, ex); } return null; } /** Find the context mounted at /cpath for a virtual host. */ public Context getContext( String host, String cpath ) { // We don't support virtual hosts in embeded tomcat // ( it's not difficult, but can be done later ) Enumeration ctxE=contextM.getContexts(); while( ctxE.hasMoreElements() ) { Context ctx=(Context)ctxE.nextElement(); // XXX check host too ! if( ctx.getPath().equals( cpath )) { // find if the host matches if( ctx.getHost()==null ) return ctx; if( host==null ) return ctx; if( ctx.getHost().equals( host )) return ctx; Enumeration aliases=ctx.getHostAliases(); while( aliases.hasMoreElements()){ if( host.equals( (String)aliases.nextElement())) return ctx; } } } return null; } // -------------------- Startup/shutdown methods -------------------- /** Initialize the context manager. Called automatically before the * first addContext or on execute(). You can call it explicitely * if you want to 'tweak' the cm before execute. */ public void initContextManager() throws TomcatException { if( initialized ) return; if( installDir==null ) { installDir=IntrospectionUtils.guessInstall("tomcat.install", "tomcat.home","tomcat.jar"); if( dL > 0 ) debug( "Guessed installDir " + installDir ); } if( home==null ) { home = System.getProperty("tomcat.home"); if( home == null ) home = installDir; if( dL > 0 ) debug( "Using homeDir " + installDir ); } contextM.setInstallDir( installDir ); contextM.setHome( home ); try { setTomcatProperties(); initClassLoaders(); jdk11Compat.setContextClassLoader( containerCL ); // if(modules.size()==0) addDefaultModules(); if( !serverXml ) { if( attributes.get("sandbox") != null ) addModule( POLICY_MODULE ); if( autoDeploy ) addAutoDeploy(); if( defaultConnectors ) addDefaultConnectors(); } beforeAddInterceptors(); for( int i=0; i< modules.size() ; i++ ) { contextM.addInterceptor( (BaseInterceptor) modules.elementAt( i ) ); } // if using server.xml and no new interceptors found, then quit if( serverXml && (modules.size() == contextM.getContainer().getInterceptors().length)) { debug("No configuration found."); debug("The modules and/or server configuration files are missing."); return; } contextM.init(); } catch( Throwable ex ) { if( ex instanceof InvocationTargetException ) { ex=((InvocationTargetException)ex).getTargetException(); } debug("exception initializing ContextManager", ex); throw new TomcatException( "EmbededTomcat.initContextManager", ex ); } if(dL>0) debug( "ContextManager initialized" ); initialized=true; } /** Start the context manager. Will do nothing if -jkConfig or -help * ( or the equivalent setters ) are used. */ public void start() throws TomcatException { if( nostart ) { debug("Tomcat will not start - configuration only mode "); contextM.shutdown(); return; } long time3=System.currentTimeMillis(); contextM.start(); long time4=System.currentTimeMillis(); debug("Startup time " + ( time4-time3 )); if(blocking) { await(); } } /** * Wait for a shutdown. */ void await() { while(blocking) { synchronized(this) { try{ wait(); blocking = false; }catch(Exception ex) { contextM.log("Error in await",ex); } } } } /** Shutdown contextM - may exit the VM. * This method is intrinsically dangerous, so use at your own * risk. It is very possible that the entire VM will shut down after * calling this method. You should only call this method if you need * to implement advanced functionality. */ public void shutdown() throws TomcatException { contextM.shutdown(); if(blocking) { notify(); } } /** Stop contextM - will not exit the VM. */ public void stop() throws TomcatException { contextM.stop(); if(blocking) { notify(); } } // -------------------- Helpers and shortcuts -------------------- /** Add a HTTP listener. Must be called after all 'core' modules * are called. If no endpoint is added explicitely the defaults will * be added. */ public int addEndpoint( int port, InetAddress addr , String hostname) throws TomcatException { if(modules.size()==0) addDefaultModules(); defaultConnectors=false; if(dL>0) debug( "addConnector " + port + " " + addr + " " + hostname ); int mid=addModule("org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor"); setModuleProperty( mid, "port", Integer.toString(port) ); if( addr != null ) setModuleProperty( mid, "address", addr.getHostAddress()); if( hostname != null ) setModuleProperty( mid, "hostName", hostname ); return mid; } /** Add AJP12 listener. */ public int addAjpEndpoint( int port, InetAddress addr , String hostname) throws TomcatException { if(modules.size()==0) addDefaultModules(); defaultConnectors=false; if(dL>0) debug( "addAjp12Connector " + port + " " + addr + " " + hostname ); int mid=addModule("org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp12Interceptor"); setModuleProperty( mid, "port", Integer.toString( port )) ; if( addr != null ) setModuleProperty( mid, "address", addr.getHostAddress()); if( hostname != null ) setModuleProperty( mid, "hostName", hostname ); return mid; } /** Add a secure HTTP listener. */ public int addSecureEndpoint( int port, InetAddress addr, String hostname, String keyFile, String keyPass ) throws TomcatException { if(modules.size()==0) addDefaultModules(); int mid=addEndpoint( port, addr, hostname ); setModuleProperty( mid, "socketFactory", ""); setModuleProperty( mid, "secure", "true"); return mid; } /** Add the default HTTP/8080, Ajp12-stop/8007, if no explicit addEndpoint * was called */ public void addDefaultConnectors() throws TomcatException { if( httpPort > 0 ) addEndpoint( httpPort, null, null ); if( ajpPort >0 ) addAjpEndpoint( ajpPort, null, null ); } // -------------------- execute() -------------------- /** Main and Ant action. It's expected to be overriden with completely different functionality - do not use super.execute(), but call directly the methods you need. */ public void execute() throws Exception { final EmbededTomcat et=this; jdk11Compat.doPrivileged( new Action() { public Object run() throws Exception { et.execute1(); return null; } }, jdk11Compat.getAccessControlContext()); } public void execute1() throws Exception { if( args!=null ) processArgs( args ); if( help ) { printUsage(); return; } // Init if( ! initialized ) { long time1=System.currentTimeMillis(); initContextManager(); long time2=System.currentTimeMillis(); debug("Init time " + (time2-time1)); } if( initialized ) { // Start start(); } } // -------------------- Main -------------------- protected String args[]=null; public void setArgs( String args[] ) { this.args=args; } public boolean processArgs(String args[]) { try { if( dL> 0 ) { debug( "Processing args " ); for( int i=0; i 0 ) debug("Set tomcat property " + k + " " + o ); } else contextM.setNote( k, o ); } } // -------------------- Class loader configuration -------------------- // Set those if you embed tomcat in your app. If not, defaults // will be used as described in the comments. ClassLoader parentCL; ClassLoader appsCL; ClassLoader commonCL; ClassLoader containerCL; ClassLoader modulesCL; URL[] commonCP; URL[] modulesCP; URL[] appsCP; URL[] containerCP; /** Parent class loader is the parent of "common" loader. It can be used as a parent for the webapps, if you want them to have the minimal visibility of tomcat. If you do so, make sure you include at least servlet.jar. */ public void setParentClassLoader( ClassLoader cl ) { this.parentCL=cl; } /** Class loader containing lib/common ( or equivalent ). This will be the * parent of both the server container and also parent of webapp loaders. * Typically used to load EmbededTomcat ( defaults to * this.getClassLoader()). * * For backward compat, the caller can include all elements of the * org.apache.tomcat.common.classpath property. */ public void setCommonClassLoader( ClassLoader cl ) { this.commonCL=cl; } /** Classpath used for common class loader ( probably not needed of URLClassLoader is used ). Used for javac. */ public void setCommonClassPath( URL cp[] ) { commonCP=cp; } /** Parent class loader for all web applications. * Defaults to common + lib/apps + all elements of * org.apache.tomcat.apps.classpath */ public void setAppsClassLoader( ClassLoader cl ) { this.appsCL=cl; } /** Class loader used to load tomcat internal classes, not * visible to webapps. * Defaults to common + ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/container/ + * ${TOMCAT_HOME}/classes + ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar */ public void setContainerClassLoader( ClassLoader cl ) { this.containerCL=cl; } public ClassLoader getContainerClassLoader() { return containerCL; } // -------------------- Class loader methods -------------------- static final Jdk11Compat jdk11Compat=Jdk11Compat.getJdkCompat(); /** System property used to set the application class loader, which will be the parent of all webapps. */ public static final String PROPERTY_APPS_LOADER = "org.apache.tomcat.apps.classpath"; public static final String PROPERTY_CONTAINER_LOADER = "org.apache.tomcat.container.classpath"; /** Initialize class loaders with the defaults, if not set */ public void initClassLoaders() throws IOException, MalformedURLException { if( dL > 0 ) debug( "Init class loaders " + noClassLoaders ); if( noClassLoaders ) { commonCL=this.getClass().getClassLoader(); if( commonCL == null ) { commonCL=jdk11Compat.newClassLoaderInstance(new URL [] {}, null); } parentCL=commonCL; containerCL=commonCL; modulesCL=commonCL; if( dL> 0 ) debug( "All class loaders " + commonCL ); contextM.setParentLoader(parentCL); contextM.setCommonLoader(modulesCL); contextM.setContainerLoader(containerCL); contextM.setAppsLoader(appsCL); return; } if( parentCL==null ) { if( dL > 0 ) debug( "Default parent loader: null"); } String prefix=installDir + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator; // At least this is assumed to be set. if( commonCL==null ) { debug( "Default commonCL "); commonCL=this.getClass().getClassLoader(); } // Intermediary class loader - add modules/xxx/WEB-INF/common/* modulesCP=getModulesCommonCP(); if( modulesCP == null ) { modulesCL=commonCL; } else { if( dL > 0 ) IntrospectionUtils.displayClassPath( "Modules-common", modulesCP ); modulesCL=jdk11Compat.newClassLoaderInstance( modulesCP, commonCL ); } if( containerCL == null ) { if( dL > 0 ) debug( "Dir : " + prefix+"container" + " " + PROPERTY_CONTAINER_LOADER); containerCP= IntrospectionUtils.getClassPath( prefix+"container", null, PROPERTY_CONTAINER_LOADER, true ); containerCP=addModulesContainerCP( containerCP ); containerCL= jdk11Compat.newClassLoaderInstance(containerCP , modulesCL); if( dL > 0 ) IntrospectionUtils.displayClassPath( "ContainerCP", containerCP ); } if( appsCL==null ) { appsCP= IntrospectionUtils.getClassPath( prefix + "apps", null, PROPERTY_APPS_LOADER, false ); appsCL=jdk11Compat.newClassLoaderInstance(appsCP , modulesCL); } // Tomcat initialization // Set the env. variable with the classpath String cp=System.getProperty("tc_path_add"); cp=IntrospectionUtils.classPathAdd(commonCP,cp); if( modulesCP!= null ) cp=IntrospectionUtils.classPathAdd(modulesCP,cp); cp=IntrospectionUtils.classPathAdd(appsCP,cp); if( cp != null ) System.getProperties().put("tc_path_add",cp); contextM.setParentLoader(parentCL); contextM.setCommonLoader(modulesCL); contextM.setContainerLoader(containerCL); contextM.setAppsLoader(appsCL); } /** Allow modules to add libs in the common CP. This reduce the * setup overhead when installing modules. */ protected URL[] getModulesCommonCP() { return findModulesCP( "/WEB-INF/lib/common"); } protected URL[] findModulesCP(String dir) { String prefix= installDir + File.separator + "modules" + File.separator; File f=new File( prefix ); if( ! f.exists() ) return null; Vector jarsV = new Vector(); String[] list = f.list(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { File commonF=new File( f, list[i] + dir ); if( commonF.exists() ) { // Add all the jars IntrospectionUtils.addToClassPath(jarsV, commonF.getAbsolutePath()); File classes=new File( commonF, "classes" ); if( classes.exists() ) { URL url=IntrospectionUtils.getURL( commonF.getAbsolutePath(),"classes" ); if( url!=null ) jarsV.addElement( url ); } } } if(jarsV.size() == 0 ) return null; return IntrospectionUtils.getClassPath( jarsV ); } protected URL[] addModulesContainerCP(URL orig[] ) { URL mCP[]=findModulesCP( "/WEB-INF/lib/container" ); if( mCP == null || mCP.length==0 ) return orig; URL result[]=new URL[ orig.length + mCP.length ]; System.arraycopy( mCP, 0, result, 0, mCP.length ); System.arraycopy( orig, 0, result, 0, orig.length ); return result; } // -------------------- Utils -------------------- public void debug( String s ) { debug( s, null ); } public void debug( String s, Throwable t ) { System.out.println("EmbededTomcat: " + s ); if( t!=null) t.printStackTrace(); } public BaseInterceptor createModule( String classN ) { try { Class c=containerCL.loadClass( classN ); return (BaseInterceptor)c.newInstance(); } catch( Exception ex ) { debug( "error creating module " + classN, ex); return null; } } // -------------------- COMPAT -------------------- // Alternative property names, for backward compat. public void setSecurity(boolean b) { setSandbox(true); } public void setH(String s ) { setHome(s); } public void setI(String s ) { setInstall(s); } public void setF(String s ) { setConfig(s); } public void addInterceptor( BaseInterceptor ri ) throws TomcatException { addModule( ri ); } // Other methods, no longer used public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /** This is an adapter object that provides callbacks into the * application. */ public void addApplicationAdapter( BaseInterceptor adapter ) throws TomcatException { if(modules.size()==0) addDefaultModules(); addModule(adapter); } // -------------------- PROPERTIES -------------------- // Server.xml equivalent protected String moduleSet1[] = { "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.HookSetter", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.PathSetter", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.LoaderInterceptor11", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.TrustedLoader", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.LogSetter", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.mappers.SimpleMapper1", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.session.SessionExpirer", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.session.SessionIdGenerator", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.session.SessionId", "org.apache.tomcat.facade.WebXmlReader", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.generators.ErrorHandler", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.WorkDirSetup", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.generators.Jdk12Interceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.generators.InvokerInterceptor", //XXX GCC-HACK "org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.generators.StaticInterceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.mappers.ReloadInterceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.session.SimpleSessionStore", "", "", "", "org.apache.tomcat.facade.LoadOnStartupInterceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.facade.Servlet22Interceptor", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.mappers.DecodeInterceptor" }; static String POLICY_MODULE= "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.PolicyInterceptor"; static String LOG_EVENTS_MODULE = "org.apache.tomcat.modules.loggers.LogEvents"; // Autodeploy/autowebapp protected String moduleSetAD[] = { "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.ContextXmlReader", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.AutoDeploy", "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.AutoWebApp" }; // -------------------- Help -------------------- public static void printUsage() { PrintStream out=System.out; out.println("Usage: java org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbeddedTomcat {options}"); out.println(" Options are:"); out.println(" -config file (or -f file) Use this file instead of server.xml"); out.println(" -debug level Sets specified debug level on EmbeddedTomcat,"); out.println(" ContextManager, \"Xml\" modules, and contexts"); out.println(" -help Show this usage report"); out.println(" -home dir Use this directory as tomcat.home"); out.println(" -install dir (or -i dir) Use this directory as tomcat.install"); out.println(" -jkconf Write mod_jk configuration files, without"); out.println(" starting Tomcat"); out.println(" -sandbox Enable security manager (includes java.policy)"); out.println(" -estart Starts Tomcat without reading server.xml"); out.println(" -httpPort HTTP port to use in 'estart' mode"); out.println(" -ajpPort AJP port to use in 'estart' mode"); out.println("Note: the '-' on the options is optional."); out.println(); } // -------------------- Override -------------------- /** Hook - will be called after all modules are configured, * before they are added to the ContextManager. */ protected void beforeAddInterceptors() throws TomcatException { //int mid=findModule( "org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.LoaderInterceptor11" ,0); //setModuleProperty( mid, "debug", "10" ); } }
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