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The source code/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ajp; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes; import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.BaseRequest; import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.HttpMessages; import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.MimeHeaders; /** * Handle messages related with basic request information. * * This object can handle the following incoming messages: * - "FORWARD_REQUEST" input message ( sent when a request is passed from the web server ) * - "PING REQUEST" input message (sent by the web server to determine if tomcat is not frozen, * a PONG REPLY will be sent back) * - "RECEIVE_BODY_CHUNK" input ( sent by container to pass more body, in response to GET_BODY_CHUNK ) * * It can handle the following outgoing messages: * - SEND_HEADERS. Pass the status code and headers. * - SEND_BODY_CHUNK. Send a chunk of body * - GET_BODY_CHUNK. Request a chunk of body data * - END_RESPONSE. Notify the end of a request processing. * * @author Henri Gomez [hgomez@apache.org] * @author Dan Milstein [danmil@shore.net] * @author Keith Wannamaker [Keith@Wannamaker.org] * @author Costin Manolache */ public class RequestHandler extends AjpHandler { // XXX Will move to a registry system. // Prefix codes for message types from server to container public static final byte JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST = 2; public static final byte JK_AJP13_SHUTDOWN = 7; public static final byte JK_AJP13_PING_REQUEST = 8; public static final byte JK_AJP13_CPING_REQUEST = 10; // Prefix codes for message types from container to server public static final byte JK_AJP13_SEND_BODY_CHUNK = 3; public static final byte JK_AJP13_SEND_HEADERS = 4; public static final byte JK_AJP13_END_RESPONSE = 5; public static final byte JK_AJP13_GET_BODY_CHUNK = 6; public static final byte JK_AJP13_CPONG_REPLY = 9; // Integer codes for common response header strings public static final int SC_RESP_CONTENT_TYPE = 0xA001; public static final int SC_RESP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = 0xA002; public static final int SC_RESP_CONTENT_LENGTH = 0xA003; public static final int SC_RESP_DATE = 0xA004; public static final int SC_RESP_LAST_MODIFIED = 0xA005; public static final int SC_RESP_LOCATION = 0xA006; public static final int SC_RESP_SET_COOKIE = 0xA007; public static final int SC_RESP_SET_COOKIE2 = 0xA008; public static final int SC_RESP_SERVLET_ENGINE = 0xA009; public static final int SC_RESP_STATUS = 0xA00A; public static final int SC_RESP_WWW_AUTHENTICATE = 0xA00B; // Integer codes for common (optional) request attribute names public static final byte SC_A_CONTEXT = 1; // XXX Unused public static final byte SC_A_SERVLET_PATH = 2; // XXX Unused public static final byte SC_A_REMOTE_USER = 3; public static final byte SC_A_AUTH_TYPE = 4; public static final byte SC_A_QUERY_STRING = 5; public static final byte SC_A_JVM_ROUTE = 6; public static final byte SC_A_SSL_CERT = 7; public static final byte SC_A_SSL_CIPHER = 8; public static final byte SC_A_SSL_SESSION = 9; public static final byte SC_A_SSL_KEY_SIZE = 11; // ajp14 originally, now in ajp13 with jk 1.2/2.0 public static final byte SC_A_SECRET = 12; // Used for attributes which are not in the list above public static final byte SC_A_REQ_ATTRIBUTE = 10; // Terminates list of attributes public static final byte SC_A_ARE_DONE = (byte)0xFF; // Translates integer codes to names of HTTP methods public static final String []methodTransArray = { "OPTIONS", "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE", "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "MKCOL", "COPY", "MOVE", "LOCK", "UNLOCK", "ACL", "REPORT", "VERSION-CONTROL", "CHECKIN", "CHECKOUT", "UNCHECKOUT", "SEARCH", "MKWORKSPACE", "UPDATE", "LABEL", "MERGE", "BASELINE-CONTROL", "MKACTIVITY" }; // id's for common request headers public static final int SC_REQ_ACCEPT = 1; public static final int SC_REQ_ACCEPT_CHARSET = 2; public static final int SC_REQ_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 3; public static final int SC_REQ_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = 4; public static final int SC_REQ_AUTHORIZATION = 5; public static final int SC_REQ_CONNECTION = 6; public static final int SC_REQ_CONTENT_TYPE = 7; public static final int SC_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH = 8; public static final int SC_REQ_COOKIE = 9; public static final int SC_REQ_COOKIE2 = 10; public static final int SC_REQ_HOST = 11; public static final int SC_REQ_PRAGMA = 12; public static final int SC_REQ_REFERER = 13; public static final int SC_REQ_USER_AGENT = 14; // Translates integer codes to request header names public static final String []headerTransArray = { "accept", "accept-charset", "accept-encoding", "accept-language", "authorization", "connection", "content-type", "content-length", "cookie", "cookie2", "host", "pragma", "referer", "user-agent" }; public RequestHandler() { } public void init( Ajp13 ajp14 ) { // register incoming message handlers ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST, "JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST", this, null); // 2 // register outgoing messages handler ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_SEND_BODY_CHUNK, // 3 "JK_AJP13_SEND_BODY_CHUNK", this,null ); ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_SEND_HEADERS, // 4 "JK_AJP13_SEND_HEADERS", this,null ); ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_END_RESPONSE, // 5 "JK_AJP13_END_RESPONSE", this,null ); ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_GET_BODY_CHUNK, // 6 "JK_AJP13_GET_BODY_CHUNK", this, null ); ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_CPING_REQUEST, "JK_AJP13_PING_REQUEST", this, null); // 10 ajp14.registerMessageType( JK_AJP13_CPONG_REPLY, "JK_AJP13_PONG_REPLY", this, null); // 9 } /** * Send a CPONG REPLY to web server to its CPING request * * @param ch the Ajp13 channel * @param outBuf the Ajp13Packet output packet to use */ public int sendCPong(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf) { outBuf.reset(); outBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_CPONG_REPLY); try { ch.send(outBuf); } catch (IOException ioe) { log("can't send pong reply"); } return (999); // success but no need to process farther } // -------------------- Incoming message -------------------- public int handleAjpMessage( int type, Ajp13 channel, Ajp13Packet ajp, BaseRequest req ) throws IOException { switch( type ) { case RequestHandler.JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST: return decodeRequest(channel, channel.hBuf, req ); default: return UNKNOWN; } } /** * Parse a FORWARD_REQUEST packet from the web server and store its * properties in the passed-in request object. * * @param req An empty (newly-recycled) request object. * @param msg Holds the packet which has just been sent by the web * server, with its read position just past the packet header (which in * this case includes the prefix code for FORWARD_REQUEST). * * @return 200 in case of a successful decoduing, 500 in case of error. */ protected int decodeRequest(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet msg, BaseRequest req) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("decodeRequest()"); } // XXX Awful return values boolean isSSL = false; // Translate the HTTP method code to a String. byte methodCode = msg.getByte(); req.method().setString(methodTransArray[(int)methodCode - 1]); msg.getMessageBytes(req.protocol()); msg.getMessageBytes(req.requestURI()); msg.getMessageBytes(req.remoteAddr()); msg.getMessageBytes(req.remoteHost()); msg.getMessageBytes(req.serverName()); req.setServerPort(msg.getInt()); isSSL = msg.getBool(); // Decode headers MimeHeaders headers = req.headers(); int hCount = msg.getInt(); for(int i = 0 ; i < hCount ; i++) { String hName = null; // Header names are encoded as either an integer code starting // with 0xA0, or as a normal string (in which case the first // two bytes are the length). int isc = msg.peekInt(); int hId = isc & 0xFF; MessageBytes vMB=null; isc &= 0xFF00; if(0xA000 == isc) { // // header name is encoded as an int // msg.getInt(); // To advance the read position hName = headerTransArray[hId - 1]; vMB= headers.addValue(hName); msg.getMessageBytes(vMB); if (hId == SC_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH) { // just read content-length header int contentLength = (vMB == null) ? -1 : vMB.getInt(); req.setContentLength(contentLength); } else if (hId == SC_REQ_CONTENT_TYPE) { // just read content-type header ByteChunk bchunk = vMB.getByteChunk(); req.contentType().setBytes(bchunk.getBytes(), bchunk.getOffset(), bchunk.getLength()); } else if (hId == SC_REQ_AUTHORIZATION) { ByteChunk bchunk = vMB.getByteChunk(); req.authorization().setBytes(bchunk.getBytes(), bchunk.getOffset(), bchunk.getLength()); } } else { // // header name is a string // // XXX Not very elegant vMB = msg.addHeader(headers); if (vMB == null) { return 500; // wrong packet } msg.getMessageBytes(vMB); } } byte attributeCode; for(attributeCode = msg.getByte() ; attributeCode != SC_A_ARE_DONE ; attributeCode = msg.getByte()) { switch(attributeCode) { case SC_A_CONTEXT : break; case SC_A_SERVLET_PATH : break; case SC_A_REMOTE_USER : msg.getMessageBytes(req.remoteUser()); break; case SC_A_AUTH_TYPE : msg.getMessageBytes(req.authType()); break; case SC_A_QUERY_STRING : msg.getMessageBytes(req.queryString()); break; case SC_A_JVM_ROUTE : msg.getMessageBytes(req.jvmRoute()); break; case SC_A_SSL_CERT : isSSL = true; // Transform the string into certificate. String certString = msg.getString(); byte[] certData = certString.getBytes(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(certData); // Fill the first element. X509Certificate jsseCerts[] = null; try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(bais); jsseCerts = new X509Certificate[1]; jsseCerts[0] = cert; } catch(java.security.cert.CertificateException e) { log("Certificate convertion failed" + e ); } req.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate", jsseCerts); break; case SC_A_SSL_CIPHER : isSSL = true; req.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite", msg.getString()); break; case SC_A_SECRET : // If a request has a secret attribute, set it on // channel - it'll be visible to the caller ( Interceptor, // Connector ) and it can check it against its settings before // trusting us. String secret=msg.getString(); if(secret!=null) { ch.setSecret( secret ); } break; case SC_A_SSL_SESSION : isSSL = true; req.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.ssl_session", msg.getString()); break; case SC_A_REQ_ATTRIBUTE : req.setAttribute(msg.getString(), msg.getString()); break; case SC_A_SSL_KEY_SIZE: // Ajp13 ! isSSL = true; req.setAttribute("javax.servlet.request.key_size", Integer.toString(msg.getInt())); break; default: // Ignore. Assume a single-string value - we shouldn't // allow anything else. msg.getString(); break; } } if(isSSL) { req.setScheme(req.SCHEME_HTTPS); req.setSecure(true); } // set cookies on request now that we have all headers req.cookies().setHeaders(req.headers()); // Check to see if there should be a body packet coming along // immediately after if(req.getContentLength() > 0) { /* Read present data */ int err = ch.receive(ch.inBuf); if(err < 0) { return 500; } ch.blen = ch.inBuf.peekInt(); ch.pos = 0; ch.inBuf.getBytes(ch.bodyBuff); } if (debug > 5) { log(req.toString()); } return 200; // Success } // -------------------- Messages from container to server ------------------ /** * Send the HTTP headers back to the web server and on to the browser. * * @param status The HTTP status code to send. * @param statusMessage the HTTP status message to send. * @param headers The set of all headers. */ public void sendHeaders(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf, int status, String statusMessage, MimeHeaders headers) throws IOException { // XXX if more headers that MAX_SIZE, send 2 packets! if( statusMessage==null ) statusMessage=HttpMessages.getMessage(status); outBuf.reset(); outBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_SEND_HEADERS); outBuf.appendInt(status); outBuf.appendString(statusMessage); int numHeaders = headers.size(); outBuf.appendInt(numHeaders); for( int i=0 ; i < numHeaders ; i++ ) { String headerName = headers.getName(i).toString(); int sc = headerNameToSc(headerName); if(-1 != sc) { outBuf.appendInt(sc); } else { outBuf.appendString(headerName); } outBuf.appendString(headers.getValue(i).toString() ); } outBuf.end(); ch.send(outBuf); } /** * Signal the web server that the servlet has finished handling this * request, and that the connection can be reused. */ public void finish(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) log("finish()"); outBuf.reset(); outBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_END_RESPONSE); outBuf.appendBool(true); // Reuse this connection outBuf.end(); ch.send(outBuf); } /** * Send a chunk of response body data to the web server and on to the * browser. * * @param b A huffer of bytes to send. * @param off The offset into the buffer from which to start sending. * @param len The number of bytes to send. */ public void doWrite(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf, byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) log("doWrite(byte[], " + off + ", " + len + ")"); int sent = 0; while(sent < len) { int to_send = len - sent; to_send = to_send > Ajp13.MAX_SEND_SIZE ? Ajp13.MAX_SEND_SIZE : to_send; outBuf.reset(); outBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_SEND_BODY_CHUNK); outBuf.appendBytes(b, off + sent, to_send); ch.send(outBuf); sent += to_send; } } // -------------------- Utils -------------------- /** * Translate an HTTP response header name to an integer code if * possible. Case is ignored. * * @param name The name of the response header to translate. * * @return The code for that header name, or -1 if no code exists. */ protected int headerNameToSc(String name) { switch(name.charAt(0)) { case 'c': case 'C': if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) { return SC_RESP_CONTENT_TYPE; } else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Language")) { return SC_RESP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE; } else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) { return SC_RESP_CONTENT_LENGTH; } break; case 'd': case 'D': if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { return SC_RESP_DATE; } break; case 'l': case 'L': if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Last-Modified")) { return SC_RESP_LAST_MODIFIED; } else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Location")) { return SC_RESP_LOCATION; } break; case 's': case 'S': if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) { return SC_RESP_SET_COOKIE; } else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie2")) { return SC_RESP_SET_COOKIE2; } break; case 'w': case 'W': if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("WWW-Authenticate")) { return SC_RESP_WWW_AUTHENTICATE; } break; } return -1; } private int debug=0; private Logger logger = new Logger(); public void setDebug(int debug) { this.debug = debug; } public void setLogger(Logger l) { this.logger = l; } void log(String s) { logger.log("[RequestHandler] " + s ); } // ==================== Servlet Input Support ================= // XXX DEPRECATED public int available(Ajp13 ch) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("available()"); } if (ch.pos >= ch.blen) { if( ! refillReadBuffer(ch)) { return 0; } } return ch.blen - ch.pos; } /** * Return the next byte of request body data (to a servlet). * * @see Request#doRead */ public int doRead(Ajp13 ch) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("doRead()"); } if(ch.pos >= ch.blen) { if( ! refillReadBuffer(ch)) { return -1; } } return ch.bodyBuff[ch.pos++] & 0xFF; } /** * Store a chunk of request data into the passed-in byte buffer. * * @param b A buffer to fill with data from the request. * @param off The offset in the buffer at which to start filling. * @param len The number of bytes to copy into the buffer. * * @return The number of bytes actually copied into the buffer, or -1 * if the end of the stream has been reached. * * @see Request#doRead */ public int doRead(Ajp13 ch, byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("doRead(byte[], int, int)"); } if(ch.pos >= ch.blen) { if( ! refillReadBuffer(ch)) { return -1; } } if(ch.pos + len <= ch.blen) { // Fear the off by one error // Sanity check b.length > off + len? System.arraycopy(ch.bodyBuff, ch.pos, b, off, len); ch.pos += len; return len; } // Not enough data (blen < pos + len) int toCopy = len; while(toCopy > 0) { int bytesRemaining = ch.blen - ch.pos; if(bytesRemaining < 0) bytesRemaining = 0; int c = bytesRemaining < toCopy ? bytesRemaining : toCopy; System.arraycopy(ch.bodyBuff, ch.pos, b, off, c); toCopy -= c; off += c; ch.pos += c; // In case we exactly consume the buffer if(toCopy > 0) if( ! refillReadBuffer(ch)) { // Resets blen and pos break; } } return len - toCopy; } /** * Get more request body data from the web server and store it in the * internal buffer. * * @return true if there is more data, false if not. */ public boolean refillReadBuffer(Ajp13 ch) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("refillReadBuffer()"); } // If the server returns an empty packet, assume that that end of // the stream has been reached (yuck -- fix protocol??). // Why not use outBuf?? ch.inBuf.reset(); ch.inBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_GET_BODY_CHUNK); ch.inBuf.appendInt(Ajp13.MAX_READ_SIZE); ch.send(ch.inBuf); int err = ch.receive(ch.inBuf); if(err < 0) { throw new IOException(); } // check for empty packet, which means end of stream if (ch.inBuf.getLen() == 0) { if (debug > 0) { log("refillReadBuffer(): " + "received empty packet -> end of stream"); } ch.blen = 0; ch.pos = 0; return false; } ch.blen = ch.inBuf.peekInt(); ch.pos = 0; ch.inBuf.getBytes(ch.bodyBuff); return (ch.blen > 0); } // ==================== Servlet Output Support ================= /** */ public void beginSendHeaders(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf, int status, String statusMessage, int numHeaders) throws IOException { if (debug > 0) { log("sendHeaders()"); } // XXX if more headers that MAX_SIZE, send 2 packets! outBuf.reset(); outBuf.appendByte(JK_AJP13_SEND_HEADERS); if (debug > 0) { log("status is: " + status + "(" + statusMessage + ")"); } // set status code and message outBuf.appendInt(status); outBuf.appendString(statusMessage); // write the number of headers... outBuf.appendInt(numHeaders); } public void sendHeader(Ajp13Packet outBuf, String name, String value) throws IOException { int sc = headerNameToSc(name); if(-1 != sc) { outBuf.appendInt(sc); } else { outBuf.appendString(name); } outBuf.appendString(value); } public void endSendHeaders(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf) throws IOException { outBuf.end(); ch.send(outBuf); } /** * Send the HTTP headers back to the web server and on to the browser. * * @param status The HTTP status code to send. * @param headers The set of all headers. */ public void sendHeaders(Ajp13 ch, Ajp13Packet outBuf, int status, MimeHeaders headers) throws IOException { sendHeaders(ch, outBuf, status, HttpMessages.getMessage(status), headers); } } |
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