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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf;


// XXX Shouldn't be here - has nothing to do with buffers.

 * Main tool for object expiry. 
 * Marks creation and access time of an "expirable" object,
 * and extra properties like "id", "valid", etc.
 * Used for objects that expire - originally Sessions, but 
 * also Contexts, Servlets, cache - or any other object that
 * expires.
 * @author Costin Manolache
public final class TimeStamp implements  Serializable {
    private long creationTime = 0L;
    private long lastAccessedTime = creationTime;
    private long thisAccessedTime = creationTime;
    private boolean isNew = true;
    private long maxInactiveInterval = -1;
    private boolean isValid = false;
    MessageBytes name;
    int id=-1;
    Object parent;
    public TimeStamp() {

    // -------------------- Active methods --------------------

     *  Access notification. This method takes a time parameter in order
     *  to allow callers to efficiently manage expensive calls to
     *  System.currentTimeMillis() 
    public void touch(long time) {
	this.lastAccessedTime = this.thisAccessedTime;
	this.thisAccessedTime = time;

    // -------------------- Property access --------------------

    /** Return the "name" of the timestamp. This can be used
     *  to associate unique identifier with each timestamped object.
     *  The name is a MessageBytes - i.e. a modifiable byte[] or char[]. 
    public MessageBytes getName() {
	if( name==null ) name=MessageBytes.newInstance();//lazy
	return name;

    /** Each object can have an unique id, similar with name but
     *  providing faster access ( array vs. hashtable lookup )
    public int getId() {
	return id;

    public void setId( int id ) {;
    /** Returns the owner of this stamp ( the object that is
     *  time-stamped ).
     *  For a 
    public void setParent( Object o ) {

    public Object getParent() {
	return parent;

    public void setCreationTime(long time) {
	this.creationTime = time;
	this.lastAccessedTime = time;
	this.thisAccessedTime = time;

    public long getLastAccessedTime() {
	return lastAccessedTime;

    public long getThisAccessedTime() {
        return thisAccessedTime;

    /** Inactive interval in millis - the time is computed
     *  in millis, convert to secs in the upper layer
    public long getMaxInactiveInterval() {
	return maxInactiveInterval;

    public void setMaxInactiveInterval(long interval) {
	maxInactiveInterval = interval;

    public boolean isValid() {
	return isValid;

    public void setValid(boolean isValid) {
	this.isValid = isValid;

    public boolean isNew() {
	return isNew;

    public void setNew(boolean isNew) {
	this.isNew = isNew;

    public long getCreationTime() {
	return creationTime;

    // -------------------- Maintainance --------------------

    public void recycle() {
	creationTime = 0L;
	lastAccessedTime = 0L;
	maxInactiveInterval = -1;
	isNew = true;
	isValid = false;
	if( name!=null) name.recycle();


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