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The source code

 *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf;


 *  All URL decoding happens here. This way we can reuse, review, optimize
 *  without adding complexity to the buffers.
 *  The conversion will modify the original buffer.
 *  @author Costin Manolache
public final class UDecoder {
    public UDecoder() 

    /** URLDecode, will modify the source.  Includes converting
     *  '+' to ' '.
    public void convert( ByteChunk mb )
        throws IOException
        convert(mb, true);

    /** URLDecode, will modify the source.
    public void convert( ByteChunk mb, boolean query )
	throws IOException
	int start=mb.getOffset();
	byte buff[]=mb.getBytes();
	int end=mb.getEnd();

	int idx= ByteChunk.indexOf( buff, start, end, '%' );
        int idx2=-1;
        if( query )
            idx2= ByteChunk.indexOf( buff, start, end, '+' );
	if( idx<0 && idx2<0 ) {

	// idx will be the smallest positive inxes ( first % or + )
	if( idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < idx ) idx=idx2;
	if( idx < 0 ) idx=idx2;

	for( int j=idx; j= end ) {
		    throw new CharConversionException("EOF");
		byte b1= buff[j+1];
		byte b2=buff[j+2];
		if( !isHexDigit( b1 ) || ! isHexDigit(b2 ))
		    throw new CharConversionException( "isHexDigit");
		int res=x2c( b1, b2 );

	mb.setEnd( idx );

    // -------------------- Additional methods --------------------
    // XXX What do we do about charset ????

    /** In-buffer processing - the buffer will be modified
     *  Includes converting  '+' to ' '.
    public void convert( CharChunk mb )
	throws IOException
        convert(mb, true);

    /** In-buffer processing - the buffer will be modified
    public void convert( CharChunk mb, boolean query )
	throws IOException
	//	log( "Converting a char chunk ");
	int start=mb.getOffset();
	char buff[]=mb.getBuffer();
	int cend=mb.getEnd();

	int idx= CharChunk.indexOf( buff, start, cend, '%' );
        int idx2=-1;
        if( query )
            idx2= CharChunk.indexOf( buff, start, cend, '+' );
	if( idx<0 && idx2<0 ) {
	if( idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < idx ) idx=idx2; 
	if( idx < 0 ) idx=idx2;

	for( int j=idx; j= cend ) {
		    // invalid
		    throw new CharConversionException("EOF");
		char b1= buff[j+1];
		char b2=buff[j+2];
		if( !isHexDigit( b1 ) || ! isHexDigit(b2 ))
		    throw new CharConversionException("isHexDigit");
		int res=x2c( b1, b2 );
	mb.setEnd( idx );

    /** URLDecode, will modify the source
     *  Includes converting  '+' to ' '.
    public void convert(MessageBytes mb)
	throws IOException
        convert(mb, true);

    /** URLDecode, will modify the source
    public void convert(MessageBytes mb, boolean query)
	throws IOException
	switch (mb.getType()) {
	case MessageBytes.T_STR:
	    String strValue=mb.toString();
	    if( strValue==null ) return;
	    mb.setString( convert( strValue, query ));
	case MessageBytes.T_CHARS:
	    CharChunk charC=mb.getCharChunk();
	    convert( charC, query );
	case MessageBytes.T_BYTES:
	    ByteChunk bytesC=mb.getByteChunk();
	    convert( bytesC, query );

    // XXX Old code, needs to be replaced !!!!
    public final String convert(String str)
        return convert(str, true);

    public final String convert(String str, boolean query)
        if (str == null)  return  null;
	if( (!query || str.indexOf( '+' ) < 0) && str.indexOf( '%' ) < 0 )
	    return str;
        StringBuffer dec = new StringBuffer();    // decoded string output
        int strPos = 0;
        int strLen = str.length();

        while (strPos < strLen) {
            int laPos;        // lookahead position

            // look ahead to next URLencoded metacharacter, if any
            for (laPos = strPos; laPos < strLen; laPos++) {
                char laChar = str.charAt(laPos);
                if ((laChar == '+' && query) || (laChar == '%')) {

            // if there were non-metacharacters, copy them all as a block
            if (laPos > strPos) {
                strPos = laPos;

            // shortcut out of here if we're at the end of the string
            if (strPos >= strLen) {

            // process next metacharacter
            char metaChar = str.charAt(strPos);
            if (metaChar == '+') {
                dec.append(' ');
            } else if (metaChar == '%') {
		// We throw the original exception - the super will deal with
		// it
		//                try {
			   parseInt(str.substring(strPos + 1, strPos + 3),16));
                strPos += 3;

        return dec.toString();

    private static boolean isHexDigit( int c ) {
	return ( ( c>='0' && c<='9' ) ||
		 ( c>='a' && c<='f' ) ||
		 ( c>='A' && c<='F' ));
    private static int x2c( byte b1, byte b2 ) {
	int digit= (b1>='A') ? ( (b1 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 :
	    (b1 -'0');
	digit +=(b2>='A') ? ( (b2 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 :
	    (b2 -'0');
	return digit;

    private static int x2c( char b1, char b2 ) {
	int digit= (b1>='A') ? ( (b1 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 :
	    (b1 -'0');
	digit +=(b2>='A') ? ( (b2 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 :
	    (b2 -'0');
	return digit;

    private final static int debug=0;
    private static void log( String s ) {
	System.out.println("URLDecoder: " + s );

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