Jetty example source code file (chat.js)
The Jetty chat.js source codedojo.require("dojox.cometd"); dojo.require("dojox.cometd.timestamp"); var room = { _last: "", _username: null, _connected: true, groupName: "whimsical", join: function(name){ if(name == null || name.length==0 ){ alert('Please enter a username!'); }else{ dojox.cometd.init(new String(document.location).replace(/http:\/\/[^\/]*/,'').replace(/\/examples\/.*$/,'')+"/cometd"); // dojox.cometd.init(""); this._connected = true; this._username = name; dojo.byId('join').className='hidden'; dojo.byId('joined').className=''; dojo.byId('phrase').focus(); // subscribe and join dojox.cometd.startBatch(); dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo", room, "_chat", { groupName: this.groupName}); dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo", { user: room._username, join: true, chat : room._username+" has joined" }, { groupName: this.groupName }); dojox.cometd.endBatch(); // handle cometd failures while in the room room._meta = dojo.subscribe("/cometd/meta", this, function(event){ console.debug(event); if(event.action == "handshake"){ room._chat({ data: { join: true, user:"SERVER", chat:"reinitialized" } }); dojox.cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo", room, "_chat", { groupName: this.groupName }); }else if(event.action == "connect"){ if(event.successful && !this._connected){ room._chat({ data: { leave: true, user: "SERVER", chat: "reconnected!" } }); } if(!event.successful && this._connected){ room._chat({ data: { leave: true, user: "SERVER", chat: "disconnected!" } }); } this._connected = event.successful; } }, {groupName: this.groupName }); } }, leave: function(){ if(!room._username){ return; } if(room._meta){ dojo.unsubscribe(room._meta, null, null, { groupName: this.groupName }); } room._meta=null; dojox.cometd.startBatch(); dojox.cometd.unsubscribe("/chat/demo", room, "_chat", { groupName: this.groupName }); dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo", { user: room._username, leave: true, chat : room._username+" has left" }, { groupName: this.groupName }); dojox.cometd.endBatch(); // switch the input form dojo.byId('join').className=''; dojo.byId('joined').className='hidden'; dojo.byId('username').focus(); room._username = null; dojox.cometd.disconnect(); }, chat: function(text){ if(!text || !text.length){ return false; } dojox.cometd.publish("/chat/demo", { user: room._username, chat: text}, { groupName: this.groupName }); }, _chat: function(message){ var chat=dojo.byId('chat'); if(!message.data){ console.debug("bad message format "+message); return; } var from=message.data.user; var special=message.data.join || message.data.leave; var text=message.data.chat; if(!text){ return; } if( !special && from == room._last ){ from="..."; }else{ room._last=from; from+=":"; } if(special){ chat.innerHTML += "<span class=\"alert\">"+from+" "+text+" Other Jetty examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Jetty chat.js source code file: |
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