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 * 11/11/2000 - 19:30:37
 * - extends the FastTyper capabilities of Jext
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Romain Guy, Matt Albrecht
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

import org.jext.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import org.jext.misc.Indent;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.DefaultInputHandler;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.InputHandler;
import org.jext.event.JextEvent;
import org.jext.event.JextListener;

 * Performs the action bound to the keystroke for expanding a shorthand.

* It could maintain a list of all Jext Text Areas that it has been * associated with, to avoid duplicating extra calls to add key bindings, * but that would require a WeakReference to prevent this handler from * keeping those removed areas around, which would pin us to JDK 1.2. */ public class HyperTyperAction extends KeyAdapter implements ActionListener { // HyperTyper delimiters for finding between-spaces // Should this be a property? public static final String delimiters = " \t;.,\"\'(){}[]%+=-*|&^~"; public static final char SPACE = ' '; private static final String DEFAULT_KEY_BIND = "ESCAPE"; protected static final String PROP_NAME = HyperTyperHotkey.PROP_NAME; protected static final String PROP_KEYBIND = PROP_NAME + ".keybinding"; protected static final String PROP_ERROR_MESSAGE = PROP_NAME + ".dialog.error_message"; protected static final String PROP_ERROR_TITLE = PROP_NAME + ".dialog.error_title"; private static final boolean IS_REMOVE_BINDING_IMPLEMENTED = false; private HyperTyperMapping htMap; private ActionListener originalKeyAction = null; /** * Constructor to make the HyperTyper action. */ public HyperTyperAction( HyperTyperMapping htMap ) { this.htMap = htMap; // setup the initial key handler setKeyBinding( HyperTyperObjectManager.getProperty( PROP_KEYBIND ) ); // Hack: // don't forget to do it with the very first Jext Area Jext.getInputHandler().addKeyBinding( HyperTyperObjectManager.getProperty( PROP_KEYBIND ), this ); } /** * Called when a new file was added to the window. This may mean * a new text area. */ public void newFileAdded( JextTextArea area ) { // reset all the properties, I guess. String bind = HyperTyperObjectManager.getProperty( PROP_KEYBIND ); area.getInputHandler().addKeyBinding( bind, this ); area.getInputHandler().setInputAction(new AutoExpander()); } /** * Set this action's key binding! *

* This routine may need to be changed in the future - it only * extracts a single action handler from the default text area; * it doesn't consider multiple text areas for restoring the * original bindings. */ public void setKeyBinding( String bind ) { DefaultInputHandler ih = Jext.getInputHandler(); String orig = Jext.getProperty( PROP_KEYBIND ); if (ih.parseKeyStroke( bind ) == null) { // not a well formed keystroke if (ih.parseKeyStroke( orig ) == null) { // the original property is bad, so set it to the default orig = DEFAULT_KEY_BIND; // this does require an actual binding, though this.originalKeyAction = null; setKeyBinding( orig ); } Jext.setProperty( PROP_KEYBIND, orig ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, HyperTyperObjectManager.getProperty( PROP_ERROR_MESSAGE ) + " '" + orig + "'.", HyperTyperObjectManager.getProperty( PROP_ERROR_TITLE ), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } if (this.originalKeyAction != null) { addKeyBinding( orig, this.originalKeyAction ); } else { if (ih.parseKeyStroke( orig ) != null) { removeKeyBinding( orig ); } } this.originalKeyAction = ih.getAction( bind ); Jext.setProperty( PROP_KEYBIND, bind ); addKeyBinding( bind, this ); } /** * Adds the given binding to all Jext text areas. Should only be called * when the key binding has changed. */ protected static void addKeyBinding( String bind, ActionListener action ) { Iterator enum = getInputHandlers(); while (enum.hasNext()) { ((InputHandler) bind, action ); } } /** * Removes the given binding from all Jext text areas. */ protected static void removeKeyBinding( String bind ) { Iterator enum = getInputHandlers(); while (enum.hasNext()) {; if (IS_REMOVE_BINDING_IMPLEMENTED) { // If not implemented, but above is true, this throws // a not-yet-implemented exception. ((InputHandler) bind ); } } } /** * Retrieve a list of every single known Jext instance's text area's * input handler. */ protected static Iterator getInputHandlers() { ArrayList v = Jext.getInstances(); ArrayList areaV = new ArrayList (); JextTextArea[] areas; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { areas = ((JextFrame) v.get(i)).getTextAreas(); for (int j = 0; j < areas.length; j++) { areaV.add(areas[j].getInputHandler()); } } return areaV.listIterator(); } /** * The HyperTyper text-finder and replacer. To perform proper * indention, we need to do incremental outputting of text. *

* This method is overly complex, and should be broken up. * * @author Romain Guy, Matt Albrecht */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JextTextArea textArea = (JextTextArea) InputHandler.getTextArea(evt); textArea.beginCompoundEdit(); Document doc = textArea.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); Element lineElement = map.getElement(map.getElementIndex( textArea.getCaretPosition())); // // First, discover which sequence the user wants. // int start = lineElement.getStartOffset(); int end = lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1; int length = end - start; int startPos = textArea.getCaretPosition(); if (startPos == end) { if (startPos == start) { textArea.endCompoundEdit(); return; } else { startPos--; } } String _line = textArea.getText(start, length); int linePos = startPos - start; int wordStart = -1; int wordEnd = -1; if (delimiters.indexOf(_line.charAt(linePos)) != -1) { if (linePos > 0) { if (delimiters.indexOf(_line.charAt(linePos - 1)) != -1) { textArea.endCompoundEdit(); return; } else { wordEnd = linePos; } } for (int i = linePos - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (delimiters.indexOf(_line.charAt(i)) != -1) { wordStart = i + 1; break; } } } else { // case caret is placed on a word for (int i = linePos; i < length; i++) { if (delimiters.indexOf(_line.charAt(i)) != -1) { wordEnd = i; break; } } for (int i = linePos; i >= 0; i--) { if (delimiters.indexOf(_line.charAt(i)) != -1) { wordStart = i + 1; break; } } } if (wordStart == -1) { wordStart = 0; } if (wordEnd == -1) { wordEnd = length; } // // Expand the text // String expanded = this.htMap.getExpandedText( _line.substring( wordStart, wordEnd ) ); int insertPos = 0; if (expanded != null) { textArea.beginProtectedCompoundEdit(); try { if (wordEnd != _line.length() && _line.charAt(wordEnd) == SPACE) { // could just trim but we only want to treat spaces, not other whitespace chars. StringBuffer workBuf = new StringBuffer(expanded); int wbLen; for (wbLen = workBuf.length(); workBuf.charAt(wbLen - 1) == SPACE; wbLen--); workBuf.setLength(wbLen); expanded = workBuf.toString(); }//end if expanded ends with a space and next char is also a space doc.remove(wordStart + start, wordEnd - wordStart); // avoid computing this operation all the other times wordStart += start; StringBuffer _buf = new StringBuffer(expanded.length()); // 0 = not set // 1 = set // 2 = set & indent once int caretState = 0; boolean onFirstLine = true, wasFirstLine = false; int lastBreak = -1; // by default, the caret position is at the end of the // expanded text. int caret = expanded.length(); char c; out: for (int i = 0 ; i < expanded.length(); i++) { switch (c = expanded.charAt(i)) { case '|': if (i < expanded.length() - 1 && expanded.charAt(i + 1) == '|') { i++; _buf.append('|'); } else { // Only set the caret the first time // This is a disputable check. if (caretState == 0) { caret = insertPos + _buf.length(); caretState = 1; // don't do indent on next line! if (onFirstLine) { wasFirstLine = true; } } } break; case '\n': // put the proper tabbing after the new-line // but only if we are not on the first line if (textArea.getEnterIndent() && !onFirstLine) { // In order to indent correctly, // we need to put the so-far text // into the document. doc.insertString( wordStart + insertPos, _buf.toString(), null ); // So increment the incremental inserting // position counter insertPos += _buf.length(); // and start the buffer over clean // this is a JDK1.2 call - so 86 it. // _buf.delete( 0, _buf.length() ); // and instead use a JDK1.1 call; here we need to create a new buffer _buf = new StringBuffer( expanded.length() - _buf.length() ); // and indent int tempLen = doc.getLength(); Indent.indent(textArea, textArea.getCaretLine(), true, false); // Now we need to increment the // incremental inserting position counter // by the indention amount. int indentLen = doc.getLength() - tempLen; // Adjust the caret position to // reflect the insertion, if it has just been // set. if (caretState == 1) { if (!wasFirstLine) { caret += indentLen; } caretState = 2; } insertPos += indentLen; wasFirstLine = false; } _buf.append('\n'); onFirstLine = false; lastBreak = i; break; default: _buf.append(c); } } doc.insertString(wordStart + insertPos, _buf.toString(), null); // perform a final insert, if we're not on the first line if (!onFirstLine) { int tempLen = doc.getLength(); Indent.indent(textArea, textArea.getCaretLine(), true, false); // possibly adjust the caret position if (lastBreak < caret && caretState <= 1) { caret += doc.getLength() - tempLen; } } // set the caret position correctly, // without going past the end of the file. int caretPos = wordStart + caret; int tempLen = doc.getLength(); if (caretPos > tempLen) { caretPos = tempLen; } textArea.setCaretPosition( caretPos ); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // do nothing } textArea.endProtectedCompoundEdit(); } textArea.endCompoundEdit(); } // end HyperTyper action! }

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