jforum example source code file (postgresql_drop_tables.sql)
The jforum postgresql_drop_tables.sql source codeDROP TABLE jforum_banlist; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_banlist_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_categories; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_categories_order_seq; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_categories_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_config; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_config_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_forums; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_forums_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_groups; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_groups_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_posts; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_posts_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_posts_text; DROP TABLE jforum_privmsgs; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_privmsgs_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_privmsgs_text; DROP TABLE jforum_ranks; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_ranks_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_role_values; DROP TABLE jforum_roles; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_roles_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_sessions; DROP TABLE jforum_smilies; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_smilies_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_themes; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_themes_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_topics; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_topics_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_topics_watch; DROP TABLE jforum_user_groups; DROP TABLE jforum_users; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_users_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_vote_desc; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_vote_desc_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_vote_results; DROP TABLE jforum_vote_voters; DROP TABLE jforum_words; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_words_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_karma; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_karma_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_bookmarks; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_bookmarks_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_quota_limit; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_quota_limit_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_extension_groups; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_extension_groups_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_extensions; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_extensions_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_attach; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_attach_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_attach_desc; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_attach_desc_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_attach_quota; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_attach_quota_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_banner; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_banner_seq; DROP TABLE jforum_forums_watch; DROP TABLE jforum_moderation_log; DROP SEQUENCE jforum_moderation_log_seq; Other jforum examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this jforum postgresql_drop_tables.sql source code file: |
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