What this is
This file is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn
Java by Example" TM.
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The source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE staff SYSTEM "staff.dtd" [
<!ENTITY ent1 "es">
<!ENTITY ent2 "1900 Dallas Road">
<!ENTITY ent3 "Texas">
<!ENTITY ent4 "">
<!ENTITY ent5 PUBLIC "entityURI" "entityFile" NDATA notation1>
<!ENTITY ent1 "This entity should be discarded">
<!NOTATION notation1 PUBLIC "notation1File">
<!NOTATION notation2 SYSTEM "notation2File">
<!-- This is comment number 1.-->
<name>Margaret Martin
<address domestic="Yes">1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551
<name>Martha Raynolds
<![CDATA[This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &tab;]]>
<address domestic="Yes" street="Yes">&ent2; Dallas, &ent3;
<position>Department Manager
<address domestic="Yes" street="No">PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553
<name>Jeny Oconnor
<position>Personnel Director
<address domestic="Yes" street="Y&ent1;">27 South Road. Dallas, Texas 98556
<name>Robert Myers
<position>Computer Specialist
<address street="Yes">1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558