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The source codeReadme for challenge/response authentication patches. This tar ball has almost everything you will need to setup jwebmail to handle Challenge/Response authenticators, and it has an OTPAuthenticator as well. The other thing that is needed is my javaOTP package, which is an RFC 1938 compliant OTP server-side implementation. It's available at: http://www.webengruven.org/code/javaOTP-bin.tgz All the patches except webmail-servlet.properties.diff should be applied in the webmail/src directory with a command like: patch -p0 < patch.file webmail-servlet.properties.diff should be applied in the base webmail dir with the same command. The various files inculded in this tar ball are: webmail-servlet.properties.template.diff -- diff for webmail/webmail-serverlet.properties.template file. This tells mod_jserv to look for javaOTP.jar. webmail.src.net.diff -- The main diff file for the webmail/src/net source tree. This is a big one which contains almost all the changes to the src/net tree. xsl.diff -- This also contains diffs for files under src/net, but only the .xsl files for the classic theme in the english language. Right now that is the only language which I've made the changes too, and thus the only one which can really handle OTP's and Challenge/Response authentication in general. changepass.xsl -- This file should be moved to src/net/wastl/webmail/data/xml/*/*. It controls some of the look and feel of various authentication mechanisms, (normal or Challenge/response). makefile1.diff -- This contains a few changes to the makefile relating to how LIBDIR, CONTRIBDIR, and DATADIR are set. I found that if webmail/lib doesn't exist then the first time you make webmail it will start cleaning lib at the root directory. This will fix that and make it easier to override BASEDIR and get the expected behavior of changing LIBDIR, CONTRIBDIR, and DATADIR as well. makefile2.diff -- This contains some changes so that the make file now handles javaOTP.jar and the webengruven plugins dir. doc/Authenticators -- document explaining how to create your own authenticator and how authentication works. org/webengruven/webmail/* -- All the files relating to Challenge/Response and OTP authentication, plus a few others that were added while making changes. It is probably best to completely remove the org/webengruven/webmail dir that comes with webmail v0.7.4 |
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