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Lift Framework example source code file (DB.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (DB.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, box, connectionidentifier, connectionidentifier, int, jdbc, list, list, naming, preparedstatement, sql, string, string, superconnection, t, t, unit

The Lift Framework DB.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package db

import common._
import util._
import Helpers._

import javax.sql.{DataSource}
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
import java.sql.{Statement, ResultSet, Types, PreparedStatement, Connection, DriverManager}
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
import javax.naming.{Context, InitialContext}

trait DB1

object DB1 {
  implicit def db1ToDb(in: DB1): DB = DB.theDB  

object DB extends DB1 {

  private[db] lazy val theDB = new DB{}

trait DB extends Loggable {
  private val threadStore = new ThreadLocal[HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder]]
  private val _postCommitFuncs = new ThreadLocal[List[() => Unit]]

  var globalDefaultSchemaName: Box[String] = Empty

  var queryTimeout: Box[Int] = Empty

  type LogFunc = (DBLog, Long) => Any
  private var logFuncs: List[LogFunc] = Nil

  def addLogFunc(f: LogFunc): List[LogFunc] = {
    logFuncs = logFuncs ::: List(f)

  def loggingEnabled_? = !logFuncs.isEmpty

   * queryCollector can be used to collect all statements executed in a single request when passed to addLogFunc
   * Use S.queryLog to get the list of (statement, duration) entries or set an analyzer function using
   * S.addAnalyzer
  @volatile var queryCollector: LogFunc = {
    case (query:DBLog, time) => 

   * can we get a JDBC connection from JNDI?
  def jndiJdbcConnAvailable_? : Boolean = {
    try {
      ((new InitialContext).lookup("java:/comp/env").asInstanceOf[Context].lookup(DefaultConnectionIdentifier.jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection) != null
    } catch {
      case e => false

  // var connectionManager: Box[ConnectionManager] = Empty
  private val connectionManagers = new HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager]

  private val threadLocalConnectionManagers = new ThreadGlobal[Map[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager]]

  def defineConnectionManager(name: ConnectionIdentifier, mgr: ConnectionManager) {
    connectionManagers(name) = mgr

  * Allows you to override the connection manager associated with particular connection identifiers for the duration
  * of the call.
  def doWithConnectionManagers[T](mgrs: (ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager)*)(f: => T): T = {
    val newMap = mgrs.foldLeft( openOr Map())(_ + _)

  case class ConnectionHolder(conn: SuperConnection, cnt: Int, postCommit: List[() => Unit])

  private def info: HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder] = {
    threadStore.get match {
      case null =>
        val tinfo = new HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder]

      case v => v

  private def postCommit: List[() => Unit] =
    _postCommitFuncs.get match {
      case null =>

      case v => v

  private def postCommit_=(lst: List[() => Unit]): Unit = _postCommitFuncs.set(lst)

   * perform this function post-commit.  THis is helpful for sending messages to Actors after we know
   * a transaction has committed
  def performPostCommit(f: => Unit) {
    postCommit = (() => f) :: postCommit

  // remove thread-local association
  private def clearThread(success: Boolean): Unit = {
    val ks = info.keySet
    if (ks.isEmpty) {
      postCommit.foreach(f => tryo(f.apply()))

    } else {
      ks.foreach(n => releaseConnectionNamed(n, !success))

  private def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): SuperConnection = {
    val ret = (( or Box(connectionManagers.get(name))).flatMap(cm => cm.newSuperConnection(name) or cm.newConnection(name).map(c => new SuperConnection(c, () => cm.releaseConnection(c))))) openOr {
      Helpers.tryo {
        val uniqueId = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) Helpers.nextNum.toString else ""
        logger.debug("Connection ID " + uniqueId + " for JNDI connection " + name.jndiName + " opened")
        val conn = (new InitialContext).lookup("java:/comp/env").asInstanceOf[Context].lookup(name.jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection
        new SuperConnection(conn, () => {logger.debug("Connection ID " + uniqueId + " for JNDI connection " + name.jndiName + " closed"); conn.close})
      } openOr {
        throw new NullPointerException("Looking for Connection Identifier " + name + " but failed to find either a JNDI data source " +
                                       "with the name " + name.jndiName + " or a lift connection manager with the correct name")

  private class ThreadBasedConnectionManager(connections: List[ConnectionIdentifier]) {
    private var used: Set[ConnectionIdentifier] = Set()

    def use(conn: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = if (connections.contains(conn)) {
      used += conn
    } else 0

  private object CurrentConnectionSet extends DynoVar[ThreadBasedConnectionManager]

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the DefaultConnectionIdentifier transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(): LoanWrapper =

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the List of ConnectionIdentifiers transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(in: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): LoanWrapper =
  buildLoanWrapper(true, in)

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the DefaultConnectionIdentifier transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(eager: Boolean): LoanWrapper =
  buildLoanWrapper(eager, List(DefaultConnectionIdentifier))

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the List of ConnectionIdentifiers transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(eager: Boolean, in: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): LoanWrapper =
    new LoanWrapper {
      private object DepthCnt extends DynoVar[Boolean]

      def apply[T](f: => T): T = if ( == Full(true)) f
      else {

        var success = false
        if (eager) {
          def recurseMe(lst: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): T = lst match {
            case Nil =>
              try {
                try {
                  val ret = f
                  success = true
                } catch {
                  // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
                  // but continue to throw the exception
                  case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
                    success = true
                    throw e
              } finally {

            case x :: xs => DB.use(x) {ignore => recurseMe(xs)}
        } else {
 ThreadBasedConnectionManager(in)) {
            try {
              try {
                val ret = f
                success = true
              } catch {
                // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
                // but continue to throw the exception
                case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
                  success = true
                  throw e
            } finally {


  private def releaseConnection(conn: SuperConnection): Unit = conn.close

  private def calcBaseCount(conn: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = openOr 0

  private def getConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): SuperConnection = {
    logger.trace("Acquiring connection " + name + " On thread " + Thread.currentThread)
    var ret = info.get(name) match {
      case None => ConnectionHolder(newConnection(name), calcBaseCount(name) + 1, Nil)
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(conn, cnt, post)) => ConnectionHolder(conn, cnt + 1, post)
    info(name) = ret
    logger.trace("Acquired connection " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread +
              " count " + ret.cnt)

  private def releaseConnectionNamed(name: ConnectionIdentifier, rollback: Boolean) {
    logger.trace("Request to release connection: " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread)
    (info.get(name): @unchecked) match {
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, 1, post)) => {
        if (! c.getAutoCommit()) {
          if (rollback) tryo{c.rollback}
          else c.commit
        info -= name
        post.reverse.foreach(f => tryo(f()))
        logger.trace("Released connection " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread)
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, n, post)) =>
        logger.trace("Did not release connection: " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread + " count " + (n - 1))
        info(name) = ConnectionHolder(c, n - 1, post)

      case _ =>
        // ignore

   *  Append a function to be invoked after the commit has taken place for the given connection identifier
  def appendPostFunc(name: ConnectionIdentifier, func: () => Unit) {
    info.get(name) match {
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, n, post)) => info(name) = ConnectionHolder(c, n, func :: post)
      case _ =>

  private def runLogger(logged: Statement, time: Long) = logged match {
    case st: DBLog => logFuncs.foreach(_(st, time))
    case _ => // NOP

  def statement[T](db: SuperConnection)(f: (Statement) => T): T = {
    Helpers.calcTime {
      val st =
      if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      } else {

      queryTimeout.foreach(to => st.setQueryTimeout(to))
      try {
        (st, f(st))
      } finally {
    } match {
      case (time, (query, res)) => runLogger(query, time); res

  def exec[T](db: SuperConnection, query: String)(f: (ResultSet) => T): T =
  statement(db) {
    st =>

  private def asString(pos: Int, rs: ResultSet, md: ResultSetMetaData): String = {
    import java.sql.Types._
    md.getColumnType(pos) match {
        case null => null
        case s => s.toString

      case DECIMAL | NUMERIC =>
        rs.getBigDecimal(pos) match {
          case null => null
          case x => x.toString

      case BIGINT | INTEGER | /* DECIMAL | NUMERIC | */ SMALLINT | TINYINT => rs.getLong(pos).toString

      case BIT | BOOLEAN => rs.getBoolean(pos).toString

      case VARCHAR | CHAR | CLOB | LONGVARCHAR => rs.getString(pos)

      case DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP => rs.getTimestamp(pos) match {
        case null => null
        case x => x.toString

      case DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL => rs.getDouble(pos).toString

  private def asAny(pos: Int, rs: ResultSet, md: ResultSetMetaData): Any = {
    import java.sql.Types._
    md.getColumnType(pos) match {

      case DECIMAL | NUMERIC => rs.getBigDecimal(pos)

      case BIGINT | INTEGER | /* DECIMAL | NUMERIC | */ SMALLINT | TINYINT => rs.getLong(pos)

      case BIT | BOOLEAN => rs.getBoolean(pos)

      case VARCHAR | CHAR | CLOB | LONGVARCHAR => rs.getString(pos)

      case DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP => rs.getTimestamp(pos)

      case DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL => rs.getDouble(pos)

  def resultSetTo(rs: ResultSet): (List[String], List[List[String]]) = {
    val md = rs.getMetaData
    val cnt = md.getColumnCount
    val cntList = (1 to cnt).toList
    val colNames = => md.getColumnName(i))

    val lb = new ListBuffer[List[String]]()

    while ( {
      lb += => asString(i, rs, md))

    (colNames, lb.toList)

  def resultSetToAny(rs: ResultSet): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) = {
    val md = rs.getMetaData
    val cnt = md.getColumnCount
    val cntList = (1 to cnt).toList
    val colNames = => md.getColumnName(i))

    val lb = new ListBuffer[List[Any]]()

    while ( {
      lb += => asAny(i, rs, md))

    (colNames, lb.toList)

   * This method handles the common task of setting arguments on a prepared
   * statement based on argument type. Returns the properly updated PreparedStatement.
  private def setPreparedParams(ps : PreparedStatement, params: List[Any]): PreparedStatement = {
    params.zipWithIndex.foreach {
      case (null, idx) => ps.setNull(idx + 1, Types.VARCHAR)
      case (i: Int, idx) => ps.setInt(idx + 1, i)
      case (l: Long, idx) => ps.setLong(idx + 1, l)
      case (d: Double, idx) => ps.setDouble(idx + 1, d)
      case (f: Float, idx) => ps.setFloat(idx + 1, f)
      // Allow the user to specify how they want the Date handled based on the input type
      case (t: java.sql.Timestamp, idx) => ps.setTimestamp(idx + 1, t)
      case (d: java.sql.Date, idx) => ps.setDate(idx + 1, d)
      case (t: java.sql.Time, idx) => ps.setTime(idx + 1, t)
      /* java.util.Date has to go last, since the java.sql date/time classes subclass it. By default we
       * assume a Timestamp value */
      case (d: java.util.Date, idx) => ps.setTimestamp(idx + 1, new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime))
      case (b: Boolean, idx) => ps.setBoolean(idx + 1, b)
      case (s: String, idx) => ps.setString(idx + 1, s)
      case (bn: java.math.BigDecimal, idx) => ps.setBigDecimal(idx + 1, bn)
      case (obj, idx) => ps.setObject(idx + 1, obj)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runQuery(query: String, params: List[Any]): (List[String], List[List[String]]) =
  runQuery(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runQuery(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): (List[String], List[List[String]]) = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => resultSetTo(setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeQuery)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def performQuery(query: String, params: List[Any]): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) =
  performQuery(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def performQuery(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => resultSetToAny(setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeQuery)

   * Executes the given parameterized update string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runUpdate(query: String, params: List[Any]): Int =
  runUpdate(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized update string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runUpdate(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeUpdate

  def runQuery(query: String): (List[String], List[List[String]]) =
    use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn => exec(conn, query)(resultSetTo))

  def performQuery(query: String): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) =
    use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn => exec(conn, query)(resultSetToAny))

  def rollback(name: ConnectionIdentifier) = use(name)(conn => conn.rollback)

   * Executes  { @code statement } and converts the  { @code ResultSet } to model
   * instance  { @code T } using  { @code f }
  def exec[T](statement: PreparedStatement)(f: (ResultSet) => T): T = {
    queryTimeout.foreach(to => statement.setQueryTimeout(to))
    val rs = statement.executeQuery
    try {
    } finally {

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement)
    } else {

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * Retrieval of generated keys is controlled with the autokeys parameter, corresponding to the
   * constants defined on java.sql.Statement: RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS or NO_GENERATED_KEYS
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autokeys: Int, conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autokeys)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autokeys)

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * If the driver supports it, generated keys for the given column indices can be retrieved.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autoColumns: Array[Int], conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autoColumns)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autoColumns)

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * If the driver supports it, generated keys for the given column names can be retrieved.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autoColumns: Array[String], conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autoColumns)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autoColumns)

  private def runPreparedStatement[T](st: PreparedStatement)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    queryTimeout.foreach(to => st.setQueryTimeout(to))
    Helpers.calcTime {
      try {
      } finally {
    } match {
      case (time, (query, res)) => runLogger(query, time); res

  private object currentConn extends DynoVar[SuperConnection]

  def currentConnection: Box[SuperConnection] =

   * Executes function  { @code f } with the connection named  { @code name }. Releases the connection
   * before returning.
  def use[T](name: ConnectionIdentifier)(f: (SuperConnection) => T): T = {
    val conn = getConnection(name) {
      var rollback = true
      try {
        val ret = f(conn)
        rollback = false
      } catch {
        // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
        // but continue to throw the exception
        case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
          rollback = false
          throw e
      } finally {
        releaseConnectionNamed(name, rollback)

  * The SQL reserved words.  These words will be changed if they are used for column or table names.
  def reservedWords:  scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = userReservedWords openOr defaultReservedWords

  *  If you need to change some of the reserved word, you can supply your own set in Boot.scala:
  * DB.userReservedWords = Full(Set("foo", "bar"))
  @volatile var userReservedWords: Box[ scala.collection.immutable.Set[String]] = Empty

  * The default reserved words.
  * TODO : Maybe this should be refactored to allow for driver-specific reserved words
  lazy val defaultReservedWords:  scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = scala.collection.immutable.HashSet("abort",
       "notnull", // reserved word for PostgreSQL
       "show", // MySQL reserved word
       "timestamp", // reserved in Oracle

class SuperConnection(val connection: Connection, val releaseFunc: () => Unit, val schemaName: Box[String]) {
  def this(c: Connection, rf: () => Unit) = this (c, rf, Empty)

  lazy val brokenLimit_? = driverType.brokenLimit_?

  def createTablePostpend: String = driverType.createTablePostpend

  def supportsForeignKeys_? : Boolean = driverType.supportsForeignKeys_?

  lazy val driverType: DriverType = DriverType.calcDriver(connection)

  lazy val metaData = connection.getMetaData

object SuperConnection {
  implicit def superToConn(in: SuperConnection): Connection = in.connection

trait ConnectionIdentifier {
  def jndiName: String

  override def toString() = "ConnectionIdentifier(" + jndiName + ")"

  override def hashCode() = jndiName.hashCode()

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case ci: ConnectionIdentifier => ci.jndiName == this.jndiName
    case _ => false

case object DefaultConnectionIdentifier extends ConnectionIdentifier {
  var jndiName = "lift"

 * The standard DB vendor.
 * @param driverName the name of the database driver
 * @param dbUrl the URL for the JDBC data connection
 * @param dbUser the optional username
 * @param dbPassword the optional db password
class StandardDBVendor(driverName: String,
                       dbUrl: String,
                       dbUser: Box[String],
                       dbPassword: Box[String]) extends ProtoDBVendor {
  protected def createOne: Box[Connection] = try {

    val dm = (dbUser, dbPassword) match {
      case (Full(user), Full(pwd)) =>
        DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, user, pwd)

      case _ => DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl)

  } catch {
    case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace; Empty

trait ProtoDBVendor extends ConnectionManager {
  private val logger = Logger(classOf[ProtoDBVendor])
  private var pool: List[Connection] = Nil
  private var poolSize = 0
  private var tempMaxSize = maxPoolSize

   * Override and set to false if the maximum pool size can temporarilly be expanded to avoid pool starvation
  protected def allowTemporaryPoolExpansion = true

   *  Override this method if you want something other than
   * 4 connections in the pool
  protected def maxPoolSize = 4

   * The absolute maximum that this pool can extend to
   * The default is 20.  Override this method to change.
  protected def doNotExpandBeyond = 20

   * The logic for whether we can expand the pool beyond the current size.  By
   * default, the logic tests allowTemporaryPoolExpansion && poolSize <= doNotExpandBeyond
  protected def canExpand_? : Boolean = allowTemporaryPoolExpansion && poolSize <= doNotExpandBeyond

   *   How is a connection created?
  protected def createOne: Box[Connection]

   * Test the connection.  By default, setAutoCommit(false),
   * but you can do a real query on your RDBMS to see if the connection is alive
  protected def testConnection(conn: Connection) {

  def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Box[Connection] =
    synchronized {
      pool match {
        case Nil if poolSize < tempMaxSize =>
          val ret = createOne
          poolSize = poolSize + 1
          logger.debug("Created new pool entry. name=%s, poolSize=%d".format(name, poolSize))

        case Nil =>
          val curSize = poolSize
          logger.trace("No connection left in pool, waiting...")
          // if we've waited 50 ms and the pool is still empty, temporarily expand it
          if (pool.isEmpty && poolSize == curSize && canExpand_?) {
            tempMaxSize += 1
            logger.debug("Temporarily expanding pool. name=%s, tempMaxSize=%d".format(name, tempMaxSize))

        case x :: xs =>
          logger.trace("Found connection in pool, name=%s".format(name))
          pool = xs
          try {
          } catch {
            case e => try {
              logger.debug("Test connection failed, removing connection from pool, name=%s".format(name))
              poolSize = poolSize - 1
            } catch {
              case e => newConnection(name)

  def releaseConnection(conn: Connection): Unit = synchronized {
    if (tempMaxSize > maxPoolSize) {
      tryo {conn.close()}
      tempMaxSize -= 1
      poolSize -= 1
    } else {
      pool = conn :: pool
    logger.debug("Released connection. poolSize=%d".format(poolSize))

  def closeAllConnections_!(): Unit = _closeAllConnections_!(0)

  private def _closeAllConnections_!(cnt: Int): Unit = synchronized {"Closing all connections")
    if (poolSize <= 0 || cnt > 10) ()
    else {
      pool.foreach {c => tryo(c.close); poolSize -= 1}
      pool = Nil
      if (poolSize > 0) wait(250)

      _closeAllConnections_!(cnt + 1)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework DB.scala source code file:

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