Lift Framework example source code file (LiftFrameworkProject.scala)
The Lift Framework LiftFrameworkProject.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.Calendar import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name import com.weiglewilczek.bnd4sbt.BNDPlugin import net.liftweb.sbt._ import sbt._ class LiftFrameworkProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends ParentProject(info) with LiftParentProject { import CompileScope._ import ProvidedScope._ // Core projects // ------------- lazy val common = coreProject("common", slf4j_api, logback, log4j)() lazy val actor = coreProject("actor")(common) lazy val json = coreProject("json", paranamer, scalap)() lazy val json_scalaz = coreProject("json-scalaz", scalaz)(json) lazy val json_ext = coreProject("json-ext", commons_codec, joda_time)(common, json) lazy val util = coreProject("util", joda_time, commons_codec, javamail, log4j, htmlparser)(actor, json) // Web projects // ------------ lazy val testkit = webProject("testkit", commons_httpclient, servlet_api)(util) lazy val webkit = webkitProject("webkit", commons_fileupload, servlet_api, TestScope.jetty6, TestScope.jwebunit)(util, testkit) lazy val wizard = webProject("wizard")(webkit, db) // Persistence projects // -------------------- lazy val db = persistenceProject("db")(util) lazy val proto = persistenceProject("proto")(webkit) lazy val jpa = persistenceProject("jpa", scalajpa, persistence_api)(webkit) lazy val mapper = persistenceProject("mapper", RuntimeScope.h2database, RuntimeScope.derby)(db, proto) lazy val record = persistenceProject("record")(proto, db) // db to be removed in v 2.5 (ticket 997) lazy val ldap = persistenceProject("ldap", TestScope.apacheds)(mapper) lazy val couchdb = persistenceProject("couchdb", dispatch_http)(record) lazy val squeryl_record = persistenceProject("squeryl-record", RuntimeScope.h2database, squeryl)(record, db) lazy val mongodb = persistenceProject("mongodb", mongo_driver)(json_ext) lazy val mongodb_record = persistenceProject("mongodb-record")(record, mongodb) // Framework apidocs // ----------------- lazy val framework_doc = project(".", "lift-framework-doc", new DefaultProject(_) with LiftDefaultDocProject) private def coreProject = frameworkProject("core") _ private def webProject = frameworkProject("web") _ private def persistenceProject = frameworkProject("persistence") _ private def frameworkProject(base: String)(path: String, libs: ModuleID*)(deps: Project*) = project(base / path, "lift-" + path, new FrameworkProject(_, libs: _*), deps: _*) // Webkit Project has testkit dependency in non-default scope -- needs special treatment // so that it doesn't fall over. // Ref: http://groups.google.com/group/simple-build-tool/browse_thread/thread/40d8ecafbf03f901 private def webkitProject(path: String, libs: ModuleID*)(deps: Project*) = project("web" / path, "lift-" + path, new FrameworkProject(_, libs: _*) { // Specs needed in 'provided' scope, this will lead to duplications in testclasspath though override def libraryDependencies = super.libraryDependencies ++ Seq("org.scala-tools.testing" %% "specs" % specsVersion % "provided") // Move testkit dependency from 'compile' (default) to 'provided' scope override def deliverProjectDependencies = testkit.projectID % "provided" :: super.deliverProjectDependencies.toList - testkit.projectID // System properties necessary during test System.setProperty("net.liftweb.webapptest.src.test.webapp", (testSourcePath / "webapp").absString) }, deps: _*) // Default base // ------------ class FrameworkProject(info: ProjectInfo, libs: ModuleID*) extends DefaultProject(info) with BNDPlugin with LiftDefaultProject { override def libraryDependencies = super.libraryDependencies ++ libs override def packageOptions = ManifestAttributes((new Name("Build-Time"), Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis.toString)) :: super.packageOptions.toList // FIXME: Build fails with -Xcheckinit -Xwarninit override def compileOptions = super.compileOptions.toList -- compileOptions("-Xcheckinit", "-Xwarninit").toList // OSGi Attributes override def bndExportPackage = Seq("net.liftweb.*;version=\"%s\"".format(projectVersion.value)) override def bndImportPackage = "net.liftweb.*;version=\"%s\"".format(projectVersion.value) :: super.bndImportPackage.toList // BNDPlugin should include mainResourcesOutputPath too, to include the generated resources override def bndIncludeResource = super.bndIncludeResource ++ Seq(mainResourcesOutputPath.absolutePath) // System properties necessary during test TODO: Figure out how to make this a subdir of persistence/ldap/ System.setProperty("apacheds.working.dir", (outputPath / "apacheds").absolutePath) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftFrameworkProject.scala source code file: |
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