Lift Framework example source code file (MockHttpServletRequest.scala)
The Lift Framework MockHttpServletRequest.scala source code/* * Copyright 2008-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mocks import java.io.{BufferedReader,ByteArrayInputStream,InputStreamReader} import java.net.URL import java.security.Principal import java.text.ParseException import java.util.Date import java.util.Locale import java.util.{Enumeration => JEnum} import java.util.{HashMap => JHash} import javax.servlet._ import javax.servlet.http._ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.xml.NodeSeq // Lift imports import common.{Box,Empty} import util.Helpers import json.JsonAST._ /** * A Mock ServletRequest. Change its state to create the request you are * interested in. At the very least, you will need to change method and path. * * There are several things that aren't supported: * * <ul> * <li>getRequestDispatcher - returns null always * <li>getRequestedSessionId - always returns null. The related * isRequestedSessionId... methods similarly all return false</li> * <li>getRealPath - simply returns the input string * </ul> * * @author Steve Jenson (stevej@pobox.com) * @author Derek Chen-Becker * * @param url The URL to extract from * @param contextPath The context path for this request. Defaults to "" per the Servlet API. * */ class MockHttpServletRequest(val url : String = null, var contextPath : String = "") extends HttpServletRequest { @deprecated("Use the \"attributes\" var instead") def attr = attributes @deprecated("Use the \"attributes\" var instead") def attr_= (attrs : Map[String,Object]) = attributes = attrs var attributes: Map[String, Object] = Map() var authType: String = null /** * The character encoding of the request. * * Defaults to UTF-8. Note that this differs from the default * encoding per the HTTP spec (ISO-8859-1), so you * will need to change this if you need something * other than UTF-8. */ var charEncoding: String = "UTF-8" // HTTP's default encoding /** The raw body of the request. */ var body: Array[Byte] = Array() /** * Sets the body to the given string. The content * type is set to "text/plain". * * Note that the String will be converted to bytes * based on the current setting of charEncoding. */ def body_= (s : String) : Unit = body_=(s, "text/plain") /** * Sets the body to the given string and content type. * * Note that the String will be converted to bytes * based on the current setting of charEncoding. */ def body_= (s : String, contentType : String) : Unit = { body = s.getBytes(charEncoding) this.contentType = contentType } /** * Sets the body to the given elements. Also sets * the contentType to "text/xml" * * Note that the elements will be converted to bytes * based on the current setting of charEncoding. */ def body_= (nodes : NodeSeq) : Unit = body_=(nodes, "text/xml") /** * Sets the body to the given elements and content type. * * Note that the elements will be converted to bytes * based on the current setting of charEncoding. */ def body_= (nodes : NodeSeq, contentType : String) : Unit = { body = nodes.toString.getBytes(charEncoding) this.contentType = contentType } /** * Sets the body to the given json value. Also * sets the contentType to "application/json" */ def body_= (jval : JValue) : Unit = body_=(jval, "application/json") /** * Sets the body to the given json value and content type. */ def body_= (jval : JValue, contentType : String) : Unit = { import json.JsonDSL._ import json.Printer body = Printer.pretty(render(jval)).getBytes(charEncoding) this.contentType = contentType } var contentType: String = null var cookies: List[Cookie] = Nil var headers: Map[String, List[String]] = Map() /** * The port that this request was received on. You should * probably change serverPort as well if you change this. */ var localPort = 80 /** * The local address that the request was received on. * * If you change this you should probably change localName * and serverName as well. */ var localAddr: String = "" /** * The local hostname that the request was received on. * * If you change this you should probably change localAddr * and serverName as well. */ var localName: String = "localhost" /** * The preferred locales for the client, in decreasing order * of preference. If not set, the default locale will be * used. */ var locales : List[Locale] = Nil var method: String = "GET" /** * The query parameters for the request. There are two main * ways to set this List, either by modifying the parameters * var directly, or by assigning to queryString, which will * parse the provided string into GET parameters. */ var parameters : List[(String,String)] = Nil @deprecated("Use the \"parameters\" var instead") def parameterMap = Map(parameters : _*) @deprecated("Use the \"parameters\" var instead") def parameterMap_= (params : Map[String, List[String]]) { parameters = params.toList.flatMap { case (key,values) => values.map{(key,_)} } } var path : String = "/" var pathInfo : String = null var protocol = "HTTP/1.0" def queryString : String = if (method == "GET" && !parameters.isEmpty) { parameters.map{ case (k,v) => k + "=" + v }.mkString("&") } else { null } def queryString_= (q : String) { if (q != null && q.length > 0) { val newParams = ListBuffer[(String,String)]() q.split('&').foreach { pair => pair.split('=') match { case Array(key,value) => { // Append to the current key's value newParams += key -> value } case invalid => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query string: \"" + q + "\"") } } parameters = newParams.toList method = "GET" } } var remotePort = 80 /** * The hostname of the client that sent the request. * * If you change this you should probably change remoteAddr * as well. */ var remoteHost: String = null /** * The address of the client that sent the request. * * If you change this you should probably change remoteHost * as well. */ var remoteAddr: String = null // Default to the root URI var requestUri : String = "/" var user : String = null var userRoles : Set[String] = Set() var userPrincipal : Principal = null var scheme = "http" /** * Indicates whether the request is being handled by a * secure protocol (e.g. HTTPS). If you set the scheme * to https you should set this to true. */ var secure = false var serverName: String = "localhost" /** * The port that this request was received on. You should * probably change localPort as well if you change this. */ var serverPort = 80 // Defaults to "" for servlet matching "/*" var servletPath : String = "" var session : HttpSession = null // BEGIN PRIMARY CONSTRUCTOR LOGIC if (contextPath.length > 0 && (contextPath(0) != '/' || contextPath.last == '/')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context path must be empty, or must start with a '/' and not end with a '/': " + contextPath) } if (url != null) { processUrl(url) } // END PRIMARY CONSTRUCTOR /** * Construct a new mock request for the given URL. See processUrl * for limitations. * * @param url The URL to extract from */ def this(url : URL) = { this() processUrl(url) } /** * Construct a new mock request for the given URL. See processUrl * for limitations. * * @param url The URL to extract from * @param contextPath The servlet context of the request. */ def this(url : URL, contextPath : String) = { this(null : String, contextPath) processUrl(url) } /** * Set fields based on the given url string. If the * url begins with "http" it is assumed to be a full URL, and is * processed with processUrl(URL). If the url begins with "/" then it's * assumed to be only the path and query string. * * @param url The URL to extract from */ def processUrl (url : String) { if (url.toLowerCase.startsWith("http")) { processUrl(new URL(url)) } else if (url.startsWith("/")) { computeRealPath(url).split('?') match { case Array(path, query) => this.path = path; queryString = query case Array(path) => this.path = path; queryString = null case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many '?' in URL : " + url) } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not process url: \"%s\"".format(url)) } } /** * Set fields based on the given URL. There are several limitations: * * <ol> * <li>The host portion is used to set localAddr, localHost and serverName. You will * need to manually set these if you want different behavior.</li> * <li>The userinfo field isn't processed. If you want to mock BASIC authentication, * use the addBasicAuth method</li> * </ol> * * @param url The URL to extract from * @param contextPath The servlet context of the request. Defaults to "" */ def processUrl (url : URL) { // Deconstruct the URL to set values url.getProtocol match { case "http" => scheme = "http"; secure = false case "https" => scheme = "https"; secure = true case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported protocol: " + other) } localName = url.getHost localAddr = localName serverName = localName if (url.getPort == -1) { localPort = 80 } else { localPort = url.getPort } serverPort = localPort path = computeRealPath(url.getPath) queryString = url.getQuery } /** Compute the path portion after the contextPath */ def computeRealPath (path : String) = { if (! path.startsWith(contextPath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path \"%s\" doesn't begin with context path \"%s\"!".format(path, contextPath)) } path.substring(contextPath.length) } /** * Adds an "Authorization" header, per RFC1945. */ def addBasicAuth (user : String, pass : String) { val hashedCredentials = Helpers.base64Encode((user + ":" + pass).getBytes) headers += "Authorization" -> List("Basic " + hashedCredentials) } // ServletRequest methods def getAttribute(key: String): Object = attr.get(key).getOrElse(null) def getAttributeNames(): JEnum[Object] = attr.keys.iterator def getCharacterEncoding(): String = charEncoding def getContentLength(): Int = body.length def getContentType(): String = contentType def getInputStream(): ServletInputStream = { new MockServletInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(body)) } def getLocalAddr(): String = localAddr def getLocale(): Locale = locales.headOption.getOrElse(Locale.getDefault) def getLocales(): JEnum[Object] = locales.iterator def getLocalName(): String = localName def getLocalPort(): Int = localPort def getParameter(key: String): String = parameters.find(_._1 == key).map(_._2) getOrElse null def getParameterMap(): java.util.Map[Object, Object] = { // Build a new map based on the parameters List var newMap = Map[String,List[String]]().withDefault(ignore => Nil) parameters.foreach { case (k,v) => newMap += k -> (newMap(k) ::: v :: Nil) // Ugly, but it works and keeps order } asMap(newMap.map{case (k,v) => (k,v.toArray)}.asInstanceOf[Map[Object,Object]]) } def getParameterNames(): JEnum[Object] = parameters.map(_._1).distinct.iterator def getParameterValues(key: String): Array[String] = parameters.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2).toArray def getProtocol(): String = protocol def getReader(): BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(body), charEncoding)) def getRealPath(s: String): String = s def getRemoteAddr(): String = remoteAddr def getRemoteHost(): String = remoteHost def getRemotePort(): Int = remotePort def getRequestDispatcher(s: String): RequestDispatcher = null def getScheme(): String = scheme def getServerName(): String = serverName def getServerPort(): Int = serverPort def isSecure = secure def removeAttribute(key: String): Unit = attr -= key def setAttribute(key: String, value: Object): Unit = attr += (key -> value) def setCharacterEncoding(enc: String): Unit = charEncoding = enc // HttpServletRequest methods def getAuthType(): String = authType def getContextPath(): String = contextPath def getCookies(): Array[Cookie] = cookies.toArray def getDateHeader(h: String): Long = { val handler : PartialFunction[Throwable,Box[Long]] = { case pe : ParseException => { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse the date for %s : \"%s\"".format(h, getHeader(h))) Empty } } Helpers.tryo(handler,{ // Have to use internetDateFormatter directly since parseInternetDate returns the epoch date on failure Box.!!(getHeader(h)).map(Helpers.internetDateFormatter.parse(_).getTime) }).flatMap(x => x) openOr -1L } def getHeader(h: String): String = headers.get(h) match { case Some(v :: _) => v case _ => null } def getHeaderNames(): JEnum[Object] = headers.keys.iterator def getHeaders(s: String): JEnum[Object] = headers.getOrElse(s, Nil).iterator def getIntHeader(h: String): Int = { Box.!!(getHeader(h)).map(_.toInt) openOr -1 } def getMethod(): String = method def getPathInfo(): String = pathInfo def getPathTranslated(): String = path def getQueryString(): String = queryString def getRemoteUser(): String = user def getRequestedSessionId(): String = null def getRequestURI(): String = contextPath + path def getRequestURL(): StringBuffer = { val buffer = new StringBuffer(scheme + "://" + localName) if (localPort != 80) buffer.append(":" + localPort) if (contextPath != "") buffer.append(contextPath) buffer.append(path) if (queryString ne null) { buffer.append("?" + queryString) } buffer } def getServletPath(): String = servletPath def getSession(): HttpSession = getSession(true) def getSession(create: Boolean): HttpSession = { if ((session eq null) && create) { session = new MockHttpSession } session } def getUserPrincipal(): java.security.Principal = null def isRequestedSessionIdFromURL(): Boolean = false def isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl(): Boolean = false def isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie(): Boolean = false def isRequestedSessionIdValid(): Boolean = false def isUserInRole(user: String): Boolean = false /** * A utility method to set the given header to an RFC1123 date * based on the given long value (epoch seconds). */ def setDateHeader(s: String, l: Long) { headers += (s -> List(Helpers.toInternetDate(l))) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MockHttpServletRequest.scala source code file: |
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