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Lift Framework example source code file (MockHttpServletRequest.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (MockHttpServletRequest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The Lift Framework MockHttpServletRequest.scala source code

 * Copyright 2008-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mocks

import java.text.ParseException
import java.util.Date
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.{Enumeration => JEnum}
import java.util.{HashMap => JHash}
import javax.servlet._
import javax.servlet.http._

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.xml.NodeSeq

// Lift imports
import common.{Box,Empty}
import util.Helpers

import json.JsonAST._

 * A Mock ServletRequest. Change its state to create the request you are
 * interested in. At the very least, you will need to change method and path.
 * There are several things that aren't supported:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>getRequestDispatcher - returns null always
 *   <li>getRequestedSessionId - always returns null. The related
 *       isRequestedSessionId... methods similarly all return false</li>
 *   <li>getRealPath - simply returns the input string
 * </ul>
 * @author Steve Jenson (
 * @author Derek Chen-Becker
 * @param url The URL to extract from
 * @param contextPath The context path for this request. Defaults to "" per the Servlet API.
class MockHttpServletRequest(val url : String = null, var contextPath : String = "") extends HttpServletRequest {
  @deprecated("Use the \"attributes\" var instead")
  def attr = attributes

  @deprecated("Use the \"attributes\" var instead")
  def attr_= (attrs : Map[String,Object]) = attributes = attrs
  var attributes: Map[String, Object] = Map()

  var authType: String = null

   * The character encoding of the request.
   * Defaults to UTF-8. Note that this differs from the default
   * encoding per the HTTP spec (ISO-8859-1), so you
   * will need to change this if you need something
   * other than UTF-8.
  var charEncoding: String = "UTF-8" // HTTP's default encoding

  /** The raw body of the request. */
  var body: Array[Byte] = Array()

   * Sets the body to the given string. The content
   * type is set to "text/plain".
   * Note that the String will be converted to bytes
   * based on the current setting of charEncoding.
  def body_= (s : String) : Unit = body_=(s, "text/plain")

   * Sets the body to the given string and content type.
   * Note that the String will be converted to bytes
   * based on the current setting of charEncoding.
  def body_= (s : String, contentType : String) : Unit = {
    body = s.getBytes(charEncoding)
    this.contentType = contentType

   * Sets the body to the given elements. Also sets
   * the contentType to "text/xml"
   * Note that the elements will be converted to bytes
   * based on the current setting of charEncoding.
  def body_= (nodes : NodeSeq) : Unit = body_=(nodes, "text/xml")

   * Sets the body to the given elements and content type.
   * Note that the elements will be converted to bytes
   * based on the current setting of charEncoding.
  def body_= (nodes : NodeSeq, contentType : String) : Unit = {
    body = nodes.toString.getBytes(charEncoding)
    this.contentType = contentType

   * Sets the body to the given json value. Also
   * sets the contentType to "application/json"
  def body_= (jval : JValue) : Unit = body_=(jval, "application/json")

   * Sets the body to the given json value and content type.
  def body_= (jval : JValue, contentType : String) : Unit = {
    import json.JsonDSL._
    import json.Printer
    body = Printer.pretty(render(jval)).getBytes(charEncoding)
    this.contentType = contentType

  var contentType: String = null

  var cookies: List[Cookie] = Nil

  var headers: Map[String, List[String]] = Map()

   * The port that this request was received on. You should
   * probably change serverPort as well if you change this.
  var localPort = 80

   * The local address that the request was received on.
   * If you change this you should probably change localName
   * and serverName as well.
  var localAddr: String = ""

   * The local hostname that the request was received on.
   * If you change this you should probably change localAddr
   * and serverName as well.
  var localName: String = "localhost"

   * The preferred locales for the client, in decreasing order
   * of preference. If not set, the default locale will be
   * used.
  var locales : List[Locale] = Nil

  var method: String = "GET"

   * The query parameters for the request. There are two main
   * ways to set this List, either by modifying the parameters
   * var directly, or by assigning to queryString, which will
   * parse the provided string into GET parameters.
  var parameters : List[(String,String)] = Nil

  @deprecated("Use the \"parameters\" var instead")
  def parameterMap = Map(parameters : _*)

  @deprecated("Use the \"parameters\" var instead")
  def parameterMap_= (params : Map[String, List[String]]) {
    parameters = params.toList.flatMap {
      case (key,values) =>{(key,_)}

  var path : String = "/"

  var pathInfo : String = null

  var protocol = "HTTP/1.0"

  def queryString : String =
    if (method == "GET" && !parameters.isEmpty) {{ case (k,v) => k + "=" + v }.mkString("&")
    } else {

  def queryString_= (q : String) {
    if (q != null && q.length > 0) {
      val newParams = ListBuffer[(String,String)]()

      q.split('&').foreach { 
        pair => pair.split('=') match {
          case Array(key,value) => {
            // Append to the current key's value
            newParams += key -> value
          case invalid => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query string: \"" + q + "\"")
      parameters = newParams.toList
      method = "GET"

  var remotePort = 80

   * The hostname of the client that sent the request.
   * If you change this you should probably change remoteAddr
   * as well.
  var remoteHost: String = null

   * The address of the client that sent the request.
   * If you change this you should probably change remoteHost
   * as well.
  var remoteAddr: String = null

  // Default to the root URI
  var requestUri : String = "/"

  var user : String = null

  var userRoles : Set[String] = Set()
  var userPrincipal : Principal = null

  var scheme = "http"

   * Indicates whether the request is being handled by a
   * secure protocol (e.g. HTTPS). If you set the scheme
   * to https you should set this to true.
  var secure = false

  var serverName: String = "localhost"

   * The port that this request was received on. You should
   * probably change localPort as well if you change this.
  var serverPort = 80

  // Defaults to "" for servlet matching "/*"
  var servletPath : String = ""

  var session : HttpSession = null

  if (contextPath.length > 0 && (contextPath(0) != '/' || contextPath.last == '/')) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context path must be empty, or must start with a '/' and not end with a '/': " + contextPath)

  if (url != null) {


   * Construct a new mock request for the given URL. See processUrl
   * for limitations.
   * @param url The URL to extract from
  def this(url : URL) = {

   * Construct a new mock request for the given URL. See processUrl
   * for limitations.
   * @param url The URL to extract from
   * @param contextPath The servlet context of the request.
  def this(url : URL, contextPath : String) = {
    this(null : String, contextPath)

   * Set fields based on the given url string. If the
   * url begins with "http" it is assumed to be a full URL, and is
   * processed with processUrl(URL). If the url begins with "/" then it's
   * assumed to be only the path and query string.
   * @param url The URL to extract from
  def processUrl (url : String) {
    if (url.toLowerCase.startsWith("http")) {
      processUrl(new URL(url))
    } else if (url.startsWith("/")) {
      computeRealPath(url).split('?') match {
        case Array(path, query) => this.path = path; queryString = query
        case Array(path) => this.path = path; queryString = null
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many '?' in URL : " + url)
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not process url: \"%s\"".format(url))

   * Set fields based on the given URL. There are several limitations:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>The host portion is used to set localAddr, localHost and serverName. You will
   *       need to manually set these if you want different behavior.</li>
   *   <li>The userinfo field isn't processed. If you want to mock BASIC authentication,
   *       use the addBasicAuth method</li>
   * </ol>
   * @param url The URL to extract from
   * @param contextPath The servlet context of the request. Defaults to ""
  def processUrl (url : URL) {
    // Deconstruct the URL to set values
    url.getProtocol match {
      case "http" => scheme = "http"; secure = false
      case "https" => scheme = "https"; secure = true
      case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported protocol: " + other)

    localName = url.getHost
    localAddr = localName
    serverName = localName

    if (url.getPort == -1) {
      localPort = 80
    } else {
      localPort = url.getPort

    serverPort = localPort

    path = computeRealPath(url.getPath)

    queryString = url.getQuery


  /** Compute the path portion after the contextPath */
  def computeRealPath (path : String) = { 
    if (! path.startsWith(contextPath)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path \"%s\" doesn't begin with context path \"%s\"!".format(path, contextPath))


   * Adds an "Authorization" header, per RFC1945.
  def addBasicAuth (user : String, pass : String) {
    val hashedCredentials =
      Helpers.base64Encode((user  + ":" + pass).getBytes)
    headers += "Authorization" -> List("Basic " + hashedCredentials)

  // ServletRequest methods

  def getAttribute(key: String): Object = attr.get(key).getOrElse(null)

  def getAttributeNames(): JEnum[Object] = attr.keys.iterator

  def getCharacterEncoding(): String = charEncoding

  def getContentLength(): Int = body.length

  def getContentType(): String = contentType

  def getInputStream(): ServletInputStream = {
    new MockServletInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(body))

  def getLocalAddr(): String = localAddr

  def getLocale(): Locale = locales.headOption.getOrElse(Locale.getDefault)

  def getLocales(): JEnum[Object] = locales.iterator
  def getLocalName(): String = localName

  def getLocalPort(): Int = localPort
  def getParameter(key: String): String = 
    parameters.find(_._1 == key).map(_._2) getOrElse null

  def getParameterMap(): java.util.Map[Object, Object] = {
    // Build a new map based on the parameters List
    var newMap = Map[String,List[String]]().withDefault(ignore => Nil)

    parameters.foreach {
      case (k,v) => newMap += k -> (newMap(k) ::: v :: Nil) // Ugly, but it works and keeps order

    asMap({case (k,v) => (k,v.toArray)}.asInstanceOf[Map[Object,Object]])

  def getParameterNames(): JEnum[Object] =

  def getParameterValues(key: String): Array[String] = 
    parameters.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2).toArray

  def getProtocol(): String = protocol
  def getReader(): BufferedReader = 
    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(body), charEncoding))
  def getRealPath(s: String): String = s

  def getRemoteAddr(): String = remoteAddr

  def getRemoteHost(): String = remoteHost

  def getRemotePort(): Int = remotePort

  def getRequestDispatcher(s: String): RequestDispatcher = null

  def getScheme(): String = scheme

  def getServerName(): String = serverName

  def getServerPort(): Int = serverPort

  def isSecure = secure

  def removeAttribute(key: String): Unit = attr -= key

  def setAttribute(key: String, value: Object): Unit = attr += (key -> value)

  def setCharacterEncoding(enc: String): Unit = charEncoding = enc

  // HttpServletRequest methods
  def getAuthType(): String = authType

  def getContextPath(): String = contextPath

  def getCookies(): Array[Cookie] = cookies.toArray

  def getDateHeader(h: String): Long = {
    val handler : PartialFunction[Throwable,Box[Long]] = {
      case pe : ParseException => {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse the date for %s : \"%s\"".format(h, getHeader(h)))
      // Have to use internetDateFormatter directly since parseInternetDate returns the epoch date on failure
    }).flatMap(x => x) openOr -1L

  def getHeader(h: String): String = headers.get(h) match {
    case Some(v :: _) => v
    case _ => null

  def getHeaderNames(): JEnum[Object] = headers.keys.iterator

  def getHeaders(s: String): JEnum[Object] =
    headers.getOrElse(s, Nil).iterator

  def getIntHeader(h: String): Int = {
    Box.!!(getHeader(h)).map(_.toInt) openOr -1

  def getMethod(): String = method

  def getPathInfo(): String = pathInfo

  def getPathTranslated(): String = path

  def getQueryString(): String = queryString

  def getRemoteUser(): String = user

  def getRequestedSessionId(): String = null
  def getRequestURI(): String = contextPath + path

  def getRequestURL(): StringBuffer = {
    val buffer = new StringBuffer(scheme + "://" + localName)
    if (localPort != 80) buffer.append(":" + localPort)
    if (contextPath != "") buffer.append(contextPath)


    if (queryString ne null) {
      buffer.append("?" + queryString)


  def getServletPath(): String = servletPath

  def getSession(): HttpSession = getSession(true)

  def getSession(create: Boolean): HttpSession = {
   if ((session eq null) && create) {
      session = new MockHttpSession

  def getUserPrincipal(): = null

  def isRequestedSessionIdFromURL(): Boolean = false

  def isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl(): Boolean = false

  def isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie(): Boolean = false

  def isRequestedSessionIdValid(): Boolean = false

  def isUserInRole(user: String): Boolean = false

   * A utility method to set the given header to an RFC1123 date
   * based on the given long value (epoch seconds).
  def setDateHeader(s: String, l: Long) {
    headers += (s -> List(Helpers.toInternetDate(l)))

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MockHttpServletRequest.scala source code file:

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