Lift Framework example source code file (MockHttpServletResponse.scala)
The Lift Framework MockHttpServletResponse.scala source code/* * Copyright 2008-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mocks import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import java.io.PrintWriter import java.io.StringReader import java.io.BufferedReader import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream import java.io.FileInputStream import java.io.InputStream import java.io.StringBufferInputStream import java.io.File import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Date import java.util.Locale import java.util.Vector import javax.servlet._ import javax.servlet.http._ /** * A Mock HttpServletResponse. Take a peek at it's writer or * outputStream to see what lift has written in response to your request * * @param writer a PrintWriter that the response will be written with * @param outputStream an OutputStream that the response will be written to. * * @author Steve Jenson (stevej@pobox.com) */ class MockHttpServletResponse(var writer: PrintWriter, var outputStream: ServletOutputStream) extends HttpServletResponse { protected var statusCode : Int = 200 protected var statusString : String = "OK" protected var contentType = "text/html" protected var contentLength: Int = 0 protected var headers: Map[String, List[String]] = Map() protected var cookies: List[Cookie] = Nil protected var locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault protected var bufferSize: Int = 0 protected var charEncoding = "ISO-8859-1" // yes, that's HTTP's default def setStatus(i: Int, s: String): Unit = { statusCode = i statusString = s } def setStatus(i: Int): Unit = { statusCode = i } def addIntHeader(s: String, i: Int) { addHeader(s, i.toString) } def setIntHeader(s: String, i: Int) { setHeader(s, i.toString) } def addHeader(s1: String, s2: String) { headers += (s1 -> (headers.getOrElse(s1, Nil) ::: List(s2))) } def setHeader(s1: String, s2: String) { headers += (s1 -> List(s2)) } def addDateHeader(s: String, l: Long) { addHeader(s, (new Date(l)).toString) } def setDateHeader(s: String, l: Long) { setHeader(s, (new Date(l)).toString) } def sendRedirect(uri: String) { // Send back a 301 to the URL mentioned statusCode = 301 addHeader("Location", uri) } def sendError(code: Int) { statusCode = code } def sendError(code: Int, s: String) { sendError(code) statusString = s } def encodeRedirectURL(url: String): String = encodeRedirectUrl(url) def encodeRedirectUrl(url: String): String = { // do something fancy encoding on uri, return that. url } def encodeURL(url: String): String = encodeUrl(url) def encodeUrl(url: String): String = { // use the same encoder as encodeRedirectUrl url } def containsHeader(header: String): Boolean = { headers.contains(header) } def addCookie(cookie: Cookie) = { cookies = cookie :: cookies } def getLocale: Locale = locale def setLocale(l: Locale) = locale = l def reset { // well, reset all the state to it's original values. yikes. later. } def isCommitted = false def resetBuffer { // reset the buffer. } def flushBuffer { // flush the buffer } def getBufferSize(): Int = bufferSize def setBufferSize(i: Int): Unit = bufferSize = i def setContentType(t: String): Unit = contentType = t def setContentLength(l: Int): Unit = contentLength = l def setCharacterEncoding(e: String): Unit = charEncoding = e def getWriter(): PrintWriter = writer def getOutputStream(): ServletOutputStream = outputStream def getContentType(): String = contentType def getCharacterEncoding(): String = charEncoding } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MockHttpServletResponse.scala source code file: |
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