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Lift Framework example source code file (Msgs.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Msgs.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

dispatchit, jscmd, msgserrormeta, msgserrormeta, msgswarningmeta, nil, nodeseq, nodeseq, sessionvar, sessionvar, showall, t, t, text

The Lift Framework Msgs.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package builtin
package snippet

import net.liftweb.http.{DispatchSnippet,LiftRules,NoticeType,S,SessionVar}
import scala.xml._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.http.js._
import JsCmds._
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Full, Empty}

 * This built in snippet renders messages (Errors, Warnings, Notices) in a <i>div.
 * Typically it is used in templates as a place holder for any messages that are <b>not associated with an ID.
 * Setting the attribute <i>showAll to true will render all messages, with and without an ID.
 * This will lead to duplicate messages if additionally the <i>Msg built in snippet is used to show
 * messages associated with an ID.
 * E.g. (child nodes are optional)
 * <pre name="code" class="xml">
 * <lift:Msgs showAll="false">
 *   <lift:error_msg class="errorBox" >Error!  The details are:</lift:error_msg>
 *   <lift:warning_msg>Whoops, I had a problem:</lift:warning_msg>
 *   <lift:warning_class>warningBox</lift:warning_class>
 *   <lift:notice_msg>Note:</lift:notice_msg>
 *   <lift:notice_class>noticeBox</lift:notice_class>
 * </lift:snippet>
 * </pre>
 * JavaScript fadeout and effects for the three types of notices (Errors, Warnings and Notices) can
 * be configured via LiftRules.noticesAutoFadeOut and LiftRules.noticesEffects. Notices for individual
 * elements based on id can be rendered using the <lift:msg/> tag.
 * @see net.liftweb.builtin.snippet.Msg
 * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules#noticesAutoFadeOut
 * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules#noticesEffects
object Msgs extends DispatchSnippet {
  // Dispatch to the render method no matter how we're called
  def dispatch: DispatchIt = {
    case _ => render

   * This method performs extraction of custom formatting and then
   * renders the current notices.
   * @see #renderNotices()
  def render(styles: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    // Capture the value for later AJAX updates
    ShowAll(toBoolean(S.attr("showAll") or S.attr("showall")))

    // Extract user-specified titles and CSS classes for later use
    List((NoticeType.Error, MsgsErrorMeta),
         (NoticeType.Warning, MsgsWarningMeta),
         (NoticeType.Notice, MsgsNoticeMeta)).foreach {
      case (noticeType, ajaxStorage) => {
        // Extract the title if provided, or default to none. Allow for XML nodes
        // so that people can localize, etc.
        val title : NodeSeq = (styles \\ noticeType.titleTag).
          filter(_.prefix == "lift").flatMap(_.child)
        // Extract any provided classes for the messages
        val cssClasses = ((styles \\ noticeType.styleTag) ++
                          (styles \\ noticeType.titleTag \\ "@class")).
 match {
            case Nil => Empty
            case classes => Full(classes.mkString(" "))
        // Save the settings for AJAX usage

    // Delegate the actual rendering to a shared method so that we don't
    // duplicate code for the AJAX pipeline
% ("id" -> LiftRules.noticesContainerId)) ++ noticesFadeOut(NoticeType.Notice) ++ noticesFadeOut(NoticeType.Warning) ++ noticesFadeOut(NoticeType.Error) ++ effects(NoticeType.Notice) ++ effects(NoticeType.Warning) ++ effects(NoticeType.Error) } /** * This method renders the current notices to XHtml based on * the current user-specific formatting from the <lift:Msgs> tag. */ def renderNotices() : NodeSeq = { // Determine which formatting function to use based on tag usage val f = if ( { S.messages _ } else { S.noIdMessages _ } // Compute the formatted set of messages for a given input def computeMessageDiv (args : (List[(NodeSeq,Box[String])],NoticeType.Value,SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]])) : NodeSeq = args match { case (messages,noticeType,ajaxStorage) => // get current settings val title = openOr Text("") val styles = ajaxStorage.get.flatMap(_.cssClasses) // Compute the resulting div f(messages) => (<li>{e}) ) match { case Nil => Nil case msgList => { val ret = <div id={}>{title}
styles.foldLeft(ret)((xml, style) => xml % new UnprefixedAttribute("class", Text(style), Null)) } } } // Render all three types together List((S.errors, NoticeType.Error, MsgsErrorMeta), (S.warnings, NoticeType.Warning, MsgsWarningMeta), (S.notices, NoticeType.Notice, MsgsNoticeMeta)).flatMap(computeMessageDiv) } // This wraps the JavaScript fade and effect scripts into a script that runs onLoad private[snippet] def tailScript (script : JsCmd) : NodeSeq = <lift:tail>{Script(OnLoad(script))} /** * This method produces appropriate JavaScript to fade out the given * notice type. The caller must provide a default value for cases where * fadeout is not configured, as well as a wrapping * function to transform the output. * * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.noticesAutoFadeOut */ def noticesFadeOut[T](noticeType: NoticeType.Value, default : T, wrap : JsCmd => T): T = LiftRules.noticesAutoFadeOut()(noticeType) map { case (duration, fadeTime) => { wrap(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.fadeOut(, duration, fadeTime)) } } openOr default /** * This method produces an appropriate <script> tag to fade out the given * notice type. * * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.noticesAutoFadeOut */ def noticesFadeOut(noticeType: NoticeType.Value): NodeSeq = noticesFadeOut(noticeType, NodeSeq.Empty, tailScript) /** * This method produces appropriate JavaScript to apply effects to the given * notice type. The caller must provide a default value for cases where * effects are not configured, as well as a wrapping * function to transform the output. * * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.noticesEffects */ def effects[T](noticeType: Box[NoticeType.Value], id : String, default : T, wrap : JsCmd => T): T = LiftRules.noticesEffects()(noticeType, id) match { case Full(jsCmd) => wrap(jsCmd) case _ => default } /** * This method produces an appropriate <script> tag to apply effects to * the given notice type. * * @see net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.noticesEffects */ def effects(noticeType: NoticeType.Value): NodeSeq = effects(Full(noticeType),, NodeSeq.Empty, tailScript) } /** * This SessionVar holds formatting data for notice notices * so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting. */ object MsgsNoticeMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]](Empty) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } /** * This SessionVar holds formatting data for warning notices * so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting. */ object MsgsWarningMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]](Empty) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } /** * This SessionVar holds formatting data for error notices * so that the AJAX and static notice renderers use the same formatting. */ object MsgsErrorMeta extends SessionVar[Box[AjaxMessageMeta]](Empty) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } /** * This SessionVar records whether to show id-based messages in * addition to non-id messages. */ object ShowAll extends SessionVar[Boolean](false) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } /** * This case class is used to hold formatting data for the * notice groups so that AJAX and static notices * render consistently. */ case class AjaxMessageMeta(title: NodeSeq, cssClasses: Box[String])

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

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