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Lift Framework example source code file (HtmlProperties.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (HtmlProperties.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, box, box, empty, full, full, htmlproperties, htmlproperties, inputstream, int, io, node, node, unit, writer

The Lift Framework HtmlProperties.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import net.liftweb.common._
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Elem}
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import{Writer, InputStream}

 * This trait encapsulates the various choices related to
 * parsing and emitting HTML/XHTML
trait HtmlProperties {
   * When we emit the HTML, what DocType will be emitted
  def docType: Box[String]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * docType property changed
  def setDocType(newDocType: () => Box[String]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = newDocType()
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * When we output the HTML, what encoding will be emitted
  def encoding: Box[String]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * encoding property changed
  def setEncoding(newEncoding: () => Box[String]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = newEncoding()
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * For XHTML, the Encoding appears before the
   * DocType, except if you're writing to IE6,
   * so, rather than having a hard-coded calculation
   * we allow the calculation to be done here.
  def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * htmlOutputHeader property changed
  def setHtmlOutputHeader(newHeader: () => Box[String]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def htmlOutputHeader = newHeader()
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * What's the content type that should be put in the
   * response header?
  def contentType: Box[String]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * contentType property changed
  def setContentType(newContentType: () => Box[String]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = newContentType()
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * How are we parsing incoming files into a NodeSeq?
   * This will likely point to either PCDataXmlParser.apply or
   * Html5.parse
  def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * htmlParser property changed
  def setHtmlParser(newParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = newParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * Given a NodeSeq and a Writer, convert the output
   * to the writer.
  def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * htmlWriter property changed
  def setHtmlWriter(newWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = newWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * Are there HTML5 forms support?
  def html5FormsSupport: Boolean

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * html5FormsSupport property changed
  def setHtml5FormsSupport(newFormsSupport: Boolean) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = newFormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * What is the maximum number of open HTTP
   * requests.
  def maxOpenRequests: Int

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * maxOpenRequests property changed
  def setMaxOpenRequests(maxOpen: Int) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = maxOpen
      def userAgent = old.userAgent

   * What's the UserAgent that was used to create
   * this HtmlChoice
  def userAgent: Box[String]

   * Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
   * userAgent property changed
  def setUserAgent(newUA: Box[String]) = {
    val old = this
    new HtmlProperties {
      def docType = old.docType
      def encoding = old.encoding
      def contentType = old.contentType
      def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
      def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
      def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
      def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
      def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
      def userAgent = newUA

 * This set of properties is based on Lift's current XHTML support
final case class OldHtmlProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
  def docType: Box[String] = LiftRules.docType.vend.apply(S.request openOr Req.nil)
  def encoding: Box[String] = 
    Full(LiftRules.calculateXmlHeader(null, <ignore/>, contentType))

  def contentType: Box[String] = {
    val req = S.request
    val accept = req.flatMap(_.accepts)
    val key = req -> accept
    if (LiftRules.determineContentType.isDefinedAt(key)) {
    } else {

  def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq] = PCDataXmlParser.apply _

  def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
    (n: Node, w: Writer) => {
      val sb = new StringBuilder(64000)
      AltXML.toXML(n, scala.xml.TopScope,
                   sb, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend,
  def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] = 
    (docType -> encoding) match {
      case (Full(dt), Full(enc)) if dt.length > 0 && enc.length > 0 => 
        if (LiftRules.calcIE6ForResponse() && LiftRules.flipDocTypeForIE6) {
          Full(dt.trim + "\n" + enc.trim + "\n")
        } else {
          Full(enc.trim + "\n" + dt.trim + "\n")

      case (Full(dt), _) if dt.length > 0 => Full(dt.trim + "\n")

      case (_, Full(enc)) if enc.length > 0=> Full(enc.trim + "\n")

      case _ => Empty

  val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
    val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
    r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
    r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6

  val maxOpenRequests: Int = 
    LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)

 * If you're going to use HTML5, then this is the set of properties
 * to use
final case class Html5Properties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
  def docType: Box[String] = Full("<!DOCTYPE html>")
  def encoding: Box[String] = Empty

  def contentType: Box[String] = {
      Full("text/html; charset=utf-8")

  def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[Elem] = Html5.parse _

  def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
    Html5.write(_, _, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend)
  def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] = + "\n")

  val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
    val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
    r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
    r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6

  val maxOpenRequests: Int = 
    LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)

 * If you're going to use HTML5 out, but
 * want XHTML in (so you can have mixed case snippet tags
 * and you don't get the Html5 parsers obnoxious table behavior),
 * then this is the set of properties
 * to use
final case class XHtmlInHtml5OutProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
  def docType: Box[String] = Full("<!DOCTYPE html>")
  def encoding: Box[String] = Empty

  def contentType: Box[String] = {
      Full("text/html; charset=utf-8")

  def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq] = PCDataXmlParser.apply _

  def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
    Html5.write(_, _, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend)
  def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] = + "\n")

  val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
    val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
    r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
    r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6

  val maxOpenRequests: Int = 
    LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework HtmlProperties.scala source code file:

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