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Lift Framework example source code file (LiftResponse.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LiftResponse.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

content-type, headerdefaults, inmemoryresponse, int, io, liftresponse, liftresponse, list, list, nil, nil, node, string, string, xmlresponse

The Lift Framework LiftResponse.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import net.liftweb.common._
import scala.xml.{Node, Group, NodeSeq}
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.http.provider._
import js._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.json.{JsonAST, Printer}
import{OutputStream, OutputStreamWriter, Writer, ByteArrayOutputStream}

 * 200 response but without body.
case class OkResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 200)

trait HeaderDefaults {
  val headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(Nil)
  val cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = S.responseCookies

 * 201 Created Response
 * The Resource was created. We then return the resource, post-processing, to
 * the client. Usually used with HTTP PUT.
case class CreatedResponse(xml: Node, mime: String, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse {
  def docType = Empty

  def code = 201

  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(("Content-Type" -> mime) :: addlHeaders)

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = Nil

  def out = xml

 * 202 response but without body.
case class AcceptedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 202)

 * 204 response but without body.
case class NoContentResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 204)

 * 205 response but without body.
case class ResetContentResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 205)

 * 400 Bad Request
 * Your Request was missing an important element. Use this as a last resort if
 * the request appears incorrect.
case class BadResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 400)

 * 401 Unauthorized Response.
case class UnauthorizedResponse(realm: String) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("WWW-Authenticate" -> ("Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\"")), Nil, 401)

object Qop extends Enumeration(0, "auth", "auth-int", "auth,auth-int") {

 * Companion object with builder
object UnauthorizedDigestResponse {
  def apply(realm: String, qop: Qop.Value, nonce: String, opaque: String): UnauthorizedDigestResponse = 
    new UnauthorizedDigestResponse(realm,

 * 401 Unauthorized Response.
class UnauthorizedDigestResponse(override val realm: String, qop: Qop.Value, nonce: String, opaque: String) extends UnauthorizedResponse(realm) {
  override def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("WWW-Authenticate" -> (
          "Digest realm=\"" + realm + "\", " +
                  "qop=\"" + qop + "\", " +
                  "nonce=\"" + nonce + "\", " +
                  "opaque=\"" + opaque + "\""
          )), Nil, 401)

object ForbiddenResponse {
  def apply() = new ForbiddenResponse("")

 * 403 Forbidden
 * The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
 * Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
case class ForbiddenResponse(message: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(message.getBytes("UTF-8"), "Content-Type" -> "text/plain; charset=utf-8" :: headers, cookies, 403)

object NotFoundResponse {
  def apply() = new NotFoundResponse("")

 * 404 Not Found
 * The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
case class NotFoundResponse(message: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(message.getBytes("UTF-8"), "Content-Type" -> "text/plain; charset=utf-8" :: headers, cookies, 404)

 * 405 Method Not Allowed
 * This Resource does not allow this method. Use this when the resource can't
 * understand the method no matter the circumstances.
case class MethodNotAllowedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 405)

 * 406 Not Acceptable
 * This Resource does not allow this method. Use this when the resource can't
 * understand the method no matter the circumstances.
case class NotAcceptableResponse(msg: String) extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(msg.getBytes("UTF-8"), headers, cookies, 406)

object NotAcceptableResponse {
  def apply() = new NotAcceptableResponse("")

 * 410 Resource Gone
 * The requested Resource used to exist but no longer does.
case class GoneResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 410)

 * 415 Resource Gone
 * The requested Resource used to exist but no longer does.
case class UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 415)

 * 500 Internal Server Error
 * The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented
 * it from fulfilling the request.
case class InternalServerErrorResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 500)

 * 501 Not Implemented
 * The server does not support the functionality required to
 * fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the
 * server does not recognize the request method and is not capable
 * of supporting it for any resource.
case class NotImplementedResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 501)

 * 502 Bad Gateway
 * The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid
 * response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting
 * to fulfill the request.
case class BadGatewayResponse() extends LiftResponse with HeaderDefaults {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), headers, cookies, 502)

 * 503 Bad Gateway
 * The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid
 * response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting
 * to fulfill the request.
case class ServiceUnavailableResponse(retryAfter: Long) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("Retry-After" -> retryAfter.toString), Nil, 503)

object JavaScriptResponse {
  def apply(js: JsCmd): LiftResponse = JavaScriptResponse(js, S.getHeaders(Nil), S.responseCookies, 200)

 * Impersonates a HTTP response having Content-Type = text/javascript
case class JavaScriptResponse(js: JsCmd, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = {
    val bytes = js.toJsCmd.getBytes("UTF-8")
    InMemoryResponse(bytes, ("Content-Length", bytes.length.toString) :: ("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") :: headers, cookies, code)

trait LiftResponse {
  def toResponse: BasicResponse

object JsonResponse {
  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(Nil)
  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = S.responseCookies

  def apply(json: JsExp): LiftResponse = 
    new JsonResponse(json, headers, cookies, 200)
  def apply(json: JsonAST.JValue): LiftResponse = 
    apply(json, headers, cookies, 200)

  def apply(json: JsonAST.JValue, code: Int): LiftResponse = 
    apply(json, headers, cookies, code)

  def apply(_json: JsonAST.JValue, _headers: List[(String, String)], _cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int): LiftResponse = {
    new JsonResponse(new JsExp {
      lazy val toJsCmd = jsonPrinter(JsonAST.render((_json)))
    }, _headers, _cookies, code)

  lazy val jsonPrinter: scala.text.Document => String = 

case class JsonResponse(json: JsExp, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = {
    val bytes = json.toJsCmd.getBytes("UTF-8")
    InMemoryResponse(bytes, ("Content-Length", bytes.length.toString) :: ("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") :: headers, cookies, code)

sealed trait BasicResponse extends LiftResponse {
  def headers: List[(String, String)]

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie]

  def code: Int

  def size: Long

 * Wraps a LiftResponse along with a HTTP reason-phrase. The
 * reason-phrase will be set in the HTTP status line after 
 * the status code as per HTTP specifications. 
 * @param response - the response to be wrapped
 * @param reason - the reason-phrase
case class ResponseWithReason(response: LiftResponse, reason: String) extends LiftResponse {

  def toResponse = response.toResponse

private[http] case object EmptyResponse extends BasicResponse {
  def headers: List[(String, String)] = Nil

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = Nil

  def code = 200

  def size = 0

  def toResponse = this

final case class InMemoryResponse(data: Array[Byte], headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends BasicResponse {
  def toResponse = this

  def size = data.length

  override def toString = "InMemoryResponse(" + (new String(data, "UTF-8")) + ", " + headers + ", " + cookies + ", " + code + ")"

final case class StreamingResponse(data: {def read(buf: Array[Byte]): Int}, onEnd: () => Unit, size: Long, headers: List[(String, String)], cookies: List[HTTPCookie], code: Int) extends BasicResponse {
  def toResponse = this

  override def toString = "StreamingResponse( steaming_data , " + headers + ", " + cookies + ", " + code + ")"

object OutputStreamResponse {

  def apply(out: (OutputStream) => Unit) = 
    new OutputStreamResponse(out, -1, Nil, Nil, 200)

  def apply(out: (OutputStream) => Unit, size: Long) = 
    new OutputStreamResponse(out, size, Nil, Nil, 200)

  def apply(out: (OutputStream) => Unit, headers: List[(String, String)]) = 
    new OutputStreamResponse(out, -1, headers, Nil, 200)

  def apply(out: (OutputStream) => Unit, size: Long, headers: List[(String, String)]) = 
    new OutputStreamResponse(out, size, headers, Nil, 200)


 * Use this response to write your data directly to the response pipe. Along with StreamingResponse
 * you have an aternative to send data to the client.
case class OutputStreamResponse(out: (OutputStream) => Unit,  
  size: Long, 
  headers: List[(String, String)], 
  cookies: List[HTTPCookie], 
  code: Int) extends BasicResponse {

  def toResponse = this


 * 301 Redirect.
case class PermRedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("Location" -> uri), cookies.toList, 301)

 * 307 Redirect.
case class TemporaryRedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("Location" -> uri), cookies.toList, 307)

 * Companion object to RedirectResponse
object RedirectResponse {
   * Construct an instnace of RedirectResponse
  def apply(uri: String, cookies: HTTPCookie*): RedirectResponse = 
    new RedirectResponse(uri, S.request or openOr Req.nil, 
                         cookies :_*)


 * 302
case class RedirectResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse {
  // The Location URI is not resolved here, instead it is resolved with context path prior of sending the actual response
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("Location" -> uri,
    "Content-Type" -> "text/plain"), cookies toList, 302)

 * Companion object to RedirectResponse
object SeeOtherResponse {
   * Construct an instnace of SeeOtherResponse
  def apply(uri: String, cookies: HTTPCookie*): SeeOtherResponse = 
    new SeeOtherResponse(uri, S.request or openOr Req.nil, 
                         cookies :_*)

 * 303
case class SeeOtherResponse(uri: String, request: Req, cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends LiftResponse {
  // The Location URI is not resolved here, instead it is resolved with context path prior of sending the actual response
  def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(), List("Location" -> uri,
    "Content-Type" -> "text/plain"), cookies toList, 303)

object DoRedirectResponse {
  def apply(url: String): LiftResponse = RedirectResponse.apply(url, List[HTTPCookie]() :_*)

object RedirectWithState {
  def apply(uri: String, state: RedirectState, cookies: HTTPCookie*): RedirectWithState =
    this.apply(uri, S.request or openOr Req.nil, state, cookies :_*)

  def apply(uri: String, req: Req, state: RedirectState, cookies: HTTPCookie*): RedirectWithState =
    new RedirectWithState(uri, req, state, cookies :_*)

  def unapply(in: Any): Option[(String, RedirectState, Seq[HTTPCookie])] =
    in match {
      case rdws: RedirectWithState => Some((rdws.uri, rdws.state,
      case _ => None

class RedirectWithState(override val uri: String, val req: Req, val state: RedirectState, override val cookies: HTTPCookie*) extends RedirectResponse(uri, req, cookies: _*)

object RedirectState {
  def apply(f: () => Unit, msgs: (String, NoticeType.Value)*): RedirectState = new RedirectState(Full(f), msgs: _*)
case class RedirectState(func: Box[() => Unit], msgs: (String, NoticeType.Value)*)

object MessageState {
  implicit def tuple2MessageState(msg: (String, NoticeType.Value)) = MessageState(msg)

  def apply(msgs: (String, NoticeType.Value)*): MessageState =
     new MessageState(msgs :_*)

class MessageState(override val msgs: (String, NoticeType.Value)*) extends RedirectState(Empty, msgs: _*)

 * Stock XHTML doctypes available to the lift programmer.
object DocType {
  val xhtmlTransitional = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"

  val xhtmlStrict = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">"

  val xhtmlFrameset = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"\">"

  val xhtml11 = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">"

  val xhtmlMobile = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\" \"\">"

  val html5 = "<!DOCTYPE html>"

 * Avoid using this in favor of LiftRules.docType
@deprecated("Avoid using this in favor of LiftRules.docType")
object ResponseInfo {

   def docType: PartialFunction[Req, Box[String]] = new PartialFunction[Req, Box[String]](){
     def isDefinedAt(req: Req): Boolean  = true

     def apply(req: Req): Box[String] = LiftRules.docType.vend(req)

   def docType_=(f: PartialFunction[Req, Box[String]]) = LiftRules.docType.default.set { (req: Req) => 
     if (f.isDefinedAt(req))

object PlainTextResponse {
  def apply(text: String): PlainTextResponse = PlainTextResponse(text, Nil, 200)

  def apply(text: String, code: Int): PlainTextResponse = PlainTextResponse(text, Nil, code)

case class PlainTextResponse(text: String, headers: List[(String, String)], code: Int) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = {
    val bytes = text.getBytes("UTF-8")
    InMemoryResponse(bytes, ("Content-Length", bytes.length.toString) :: ("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") :: headers, Nil, code)

object CSSResponse {
  def apply(text: String): CSSResponse = CSSResponse(text, Nil, 200)

  def apply(text: String, code: Int): CSSResponse = CSSResponse(text, Nil, code)

case class CSSResponse(text: String, headers: List[(String, String)], code: Int) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = {
    val bytes = text.getBytes("UTF-8")
    InMemoryResponse(bytes, ("Content-Length", bytes.length.toString) :: ("Content-Type", "text/css; charset=utf-8") :: headers, Nil, code)

trait NodeResponse extends LiftResponse {
  def out: Node

  val htmlProperties: HtmlProperties = S.htmlProperties

  def headers: List[(String, String)]

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie]

  def code: Int

  def docType: Box[String]

  def renderInIEMode: Boolean = false

  def includeXmlVersion = true

  val isIE6 = LiftRules.calcIE6ForResponse()

  def flipDocTypeForIE6 = false

  protected def writeDocType(writer: Writer): Unit = {
    val doc: String = + "\n") openOr ""
    val encoding: String = if (!includeXmlVersion) "" else _encoding

    if (flipDocTypeForIE6 && isIE6) {
    } else {

  protected lazy val _encoding: String =  
    LiftRules.calculateXmlHeader(this, out, headers.ciGet("Content-Type"))  

  def toResponse = {
    val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(64000)
    val writer = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, "UTF-8")


    htmlProperties.htmlWriter(out, writer)

    writer.append("  \n  ")


    InMemoryResponse(bos.toByteArray, headers, cookies, code)

trait XmlNodeResponse extends LiftResponse {
  def out: Node

  def headers: List[(String, String)]

  def addlHeaders: List[(String, String)]

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie]

  def code: Int

  def docType: Box[String]

   * The encoding for this XML response
  def encoding: String = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"

  protected def writeDocType(writer: Writer): Unit = {
    val doc: String = + "\n") openOr ""


  def toResponse = {
    val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(64000)
    val writer = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, "UTF-8")


    def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
    (n: Node, w: Writer) => {
      val sb = new StringBuilder(64000)
      AltXML.toXML(n, scala.xml.TopScope,
                   sb, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend,

    htmlWriter(out, writer)

    writer.append("  \n  ")


    InMemoryResponse(bos.toByteArray, headers, cookies, code)

case class XhtmlResponse(out: Node, 
                         private val __docType: Box[String],
                         private val _headers: List[(String, String)],
                         cookies: List[HTTPCookie],
                         code: Int,
                         override val renderInIEMode: Boolean) extends NodeResponse {
  private[http] var _includeXmlVersion: Boolean = true

  override def includeXmlVersion: Boolean = _includeXmlVersion

  override val flipDocTypeForIE6: Boolean = LiftRules.flipDocTypeForIE6

  val docType: Box[String] = htmlProperties.docType

  protected override def writeDocType(writer: Writer): Unit = {
    htmlProperties.htmlOutputHeader.foreach {

  override protected lazy val _encoding: String = htmlProperties.encoding openOr ""

  val headers: List[(String, String)] =
    _headers.find(_._1 equalsIgnoreCase "content-type") match {
      case Some(_) => _headers
      case _ => htmlProperties.contentType match {
        case Full(ct) => ("Content-Type" -> ct) :: _headers
        case _ => _headers

 * Allows you to create custom 200 responses for clients using different
 * Content-Types.
case class XmlMimeResponse(xml: Node, mime: String, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse {
  def docType = Empty

  def code = 200

  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(("Content-Type" -> mime) :: addlHeaders)

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = Nil

  def out = xml

class XmlResponse(val xml: Node, val code: Int, val mime: String, val cookies: List[HTTPCookie],
                  val addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse {
  def docType = Empty

  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(("Content-Type" -> mime) :: addlHeaders)

  def out: Node = xml

object XmlResponse {
  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code and "text/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, "text/xml; charset=utf-8", Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code and "text/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, "text/xml; charset=utf-8", Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code and given mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, mime: String) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, mime, Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code and mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int, mime: String) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, mime, Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code, "text/xml" mime type and given cookies */
  def apply(xml: Node, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, "text/xml; charset=utf-8", cookies)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code, given cookies and "text/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, "text/xml; charset=utf-8", cookies)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code, given mime type and given cookies */
  def apply(xml: Node, mime: String, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, mime, cookies)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code, mime type and cookies */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int, mime: String, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, mime, cookies)

  private object _addlHeaders extends ThreadGlobal[List[(String, String)]]

   * Additional headers for the XmlResponse
  def addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = openOr Nil

  def withHeaders[T](headers: (String, String)*)(f: => T): T = {
    val cur = openOr Nil
    _addlHeaders.doWith(headers.toList ::: cur)(f)


object AppXmlResponse {
  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code and "application/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, "application/xml; charset=utf-8", Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code and "application/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, "application/xml; charset=utf-8", Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code and given mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, mime: String) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, mime, Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code and mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int, mime: String) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, mime, Nil)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with 200 OK response code, "application/xml" mime type and given cookies */
  def apply(xml: Node, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, 200, "application/xml; charset=utf-8", cookies)

  /** Construct XmlResponse with given response code, given cookies and "application/xml" mime type */
  def apply(xml: Node, code: Int, cookies: List[HTTPCookie]) = new XmlResponse(xml, code, "application/xml; charset=utf-8", cookies)


 * Returning an Atom document.
case class AtomResponse(xml: Node, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse {
  def docType = Empty

  def code = 200

  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(("Content-Type" -> "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8") :: addlHeaders)

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = Nil

  def out = xml

 * Returning an OpenSearch Description Document.
case class OpenSearchResponse(xml: Node, addlHeaders: List[(String, String)] = XmlResponse.addlHeaders) extends XmlNodeResponse {
  def docType = Empty

  def code = 200

  def headers: List[(String, String)] = S.getHeaders(("Content-Type" -> "application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset=utf-8") ::

  def cookies: List[HTTPCookie] = Nil

  def out = xml

 * The Atom entity was successfully created and is shown to the client.
case class AtomCreatedResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = CreatedResponse(xml, "application/atom+xml").toResponse

 * Returning an Atom category document.
case class AtomCategoryResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = XmlMimeResponse(xml, "application/atomcat+xml").toResponse

 * Returning an Atom Service Document.
case class AtomServiceResponse(xml: Node) extends LiftResponse {
  def toResponse = XmlMimeResponse(xml, "application/atomsvc+xml").toResponse

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftResponse.scala source code file:

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