Lift Framework example source code file (LiftServlet.scala)
The Lift Framework LiftServlet.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http import xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Group} import common._ import actor._ import util._ import util.Helpers._ import js._ import auth._ import provider._ class LiftServlet extends Loggable { private var servletContext: HTTPContext = null def this(ctx: HTTPContext) = { this () this.servletContext = ctx } def getContext: HTTPContext = servletContext def destroy = { try { LiftRules.ending = true tryo { SessionMaster.shutDownAllSessions() } val cur = millis // wait 10 seconds or until the request count is zero while (LiftRules.reqCnt.get > 0 && (millis - cur) < 10000L) { Thread.sleep(20) } tryo { Schedule.shutdown } tryo { LAScheduler.shutdown() } tryo { LAPinger.shutdown } LiftRules.runUnloadHooks() logger.debug("Destroyed Lift handler.") // super.destroy } catch { case e => logger.error("Destruction failure", e) } } def init = { LiftRules.ending = false } def getLiftSession(request: Req): LiftSession = LiftRules.getLiftSession(request) private def wrapState[T](req: Req, session: Box[LiftSession])(f: => T): T = { session match { case Full(ses) => S.init(req, ses)(f) case _ => CurrentReq.doWith(req)(f) } } private def handleGenericContinuation(reqOrg: Req, resp: HTTPResponse, session: Box[LiftSession], func: ((=> LiftResponse) => Unit) => Unit): Boolean = { val req = if (null eq reqOrg) reqOrg else reqOrg.snapshot def runFunction(doAnswer: LiftResponse => Unit) { Schedule.schedule(() => { val answerFunc: (=> LiftResponse) => Unit = response => doAnswer(wrapState(req, session)(response)) func(answerFunc) }, 5 millis) } if (reqOrg.request.suspendResumeSupport_?) { runFunction(liftResponse => { // do the actual write on a separate thread Schedule.schedule(() => { reqOrg.request.resume(reqOrg, liftResponse) }, 0 seconds) }) reqOrg.request.suspend(cometTimeout) false } else { val future = new LAFuture[LiftResponse] runFunction(answer => future.satisfy(answer)) future.get(cometTimeout) match { case Full(answer) => sendResponse(answer, resp, req); true case _ => false } } } /** * Processes the HTTP requests */ def service(req: Req, resp: HTTPResponse): Boolean = { try { def doIt: Boolean = { if (LiftRules.logServiceRequestTiming) { logTime { val ret = doService(req, resp) val msg = "Service request (" + req.request.method + ") " + req.request.uri + " returned " + resp.getStatus + "," (msg, ret) } } else { doService(req, resp) } } req.request.resumeInfo match { case None => doIt case r if r eq null => doIt case Some((or: Req, r: LiftResponse)) if (req.path == or.path) => sendResponse(r, resp, req); true case _ => doIt } } catch { case rest.ContinuationException(theReq, sesBox, func) => handleGenericContinuation(theReq, resp, sesBox, func); true // we have to return true to hold onto the request case e if e.getClass.getName.endsWith("RetryRequest") => throw e case e => logger.info("Request for " + req.request.uri + " failed " + e.getMessage, e); throw e } } private def flatten(in: List[Any]): List[Any] = in match { case Nil => Nil case Some(x: AnyRef) :: xs => x :: flatten(xs) case Full(x: AnyRef) :: xs => x :: flatten(xs) case (lst: Iterable[_]) :: xs => lst.toList ::: flatten(xs) case (x: AnyRef) :: xs => x :: flatten(xs) case x :: xs => flatten(xs) } private def authPassed_?(req: Req): Boolean = { val checkRoles: (Role, List[Role]) => Boolean = { case (resRole, roles) => (false /: roles)((l, r) => l || resRole.isChildOf(r.name)) } val role = NamedPF.applyBox(req, LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource.toList) role.map(_ match { case Full(r) => LiftRules.authentication.verified_?(req) match { case true => checkRoles(r, userRoles.get) case _ => false } case _ => LiftRules.authentication.verified_?(req) }) openOr true } private val recent: LRUMap[String, Int] = new LRUMap(2000) private def registerRecentlyChecked(id: String): Unit = synchronized { val next = recent.get(id) match { case Full(x) => x + 1 case _ => 1 } recent(id) = next } private def recentlyChecked(id: Box[String]): Int = synchronized { id.flatMap(recent.get).openOr(0) } /** * Service the HTTP request */ def doService(req: Req, response: HTTPResponse): Boolean = { var tmpStatelessHolder: Box[Box[LiftResponse]] = Empty tryo { LiftRules.onBeginServicing.toList.foreach(_(req)) } def hasSession(idb: Box[String]): Boolean = { idb.flatMap { id => registerRecentlyChecked(id) SessionMaster.getSession(id, Empty) }.isDefined } def isCometOrAjax(req: Req): Boolean = { val wp = req.path.wholePath val len = wp.length if (len < 2) false else { val kindaComet = wp.head == LiftRules.cometPath val cometScript = (len >= 3 && kindaComet && wp(2) == LiftRules.cometScriptName()) val kindaAjax = wp.head == LiftRules.ajaxPath val ajaxScript = len >= 2 && kindaAjax && wp(1) == LiftRules.ajaxScriptName() ((kindaComet && !cometScript) || (kindaAjax && !ajaxScript)) && req.acceptsJavaScript_? } } val sessionIdCalc = new SessionIdCalc(req) val resp: Box[LiftResponse] = try { // if the application is shutting down, return a 404 if (LiftRules.ending) { LiftRules.notFoundOrIgnore(req, Empty) } else if (!authPassed_?(req)) { Full(LiftRules.authentication.unauthorizedResponse) } else if (LiftRules.redirectAjaxOnSessionLoss && !hasSession(sessionIdCalc.id) && isCometOrAjax(req)) { val theId = sessionIdCalc.id // okay after 2 attempts to redirect, just // ignore calls to the comet URL if (recentlyChecked(theId) > 1) { Empty } else { Full(JavaScriptResponse(js.JE.JsRaw("window.location = " + (req.request. header("Referer") openOr "/").encJs).cmd, Nil, Nil, 200)) } } else // if the request is matched is defined in the stateless table, dispatch if (S.statelessInit(req) { tmpStatelessHolder = NamedPF.applyBox(req, LiftRules.statelessDispatchTable.toList).map(_.apply() match { case Full(a) => Full(LiftRules.convertResponse((a, Nil, S.responseCookies, req))) case r => r }); tmpStatelessHolder.isDefined }) { val f = tmpStatelessHolder.open_! f match { case Full(v) => Full(v) case Empty => LiftRules.notFoundOrIgnore(req, Empty) case f: Failure => Full(req.createNotFound(f)) } } else { // otherwise do a stateful response val liftSession = getLiftSession(req) def doSession(r2: Req, s2: LiftSession, continue: Box[() => Nothing]): () => Box[LiftResponse] = { try { S.init(r2, s2) { dispatchStatefulRequest(S.request.open_!, liftSession, r2, continue) } } catch { case cre: ContinueResponseException => r2.destroyServletSession() doSession(r2, getLiftSession(r2), Full(cre.continue)) } } val lzy: () => Box[LiftResponse] = doSession(req, liftSession, Empty) lzy() } } catch { case foc: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw foc case e: Exception if !e.getClass.getName.endsWith("RetryRequest") => { val bundle = (Props.mode, req, e) NamedPF.applyBox(bundle, LiftRules.exceptionHandler.toList) } } tryo { LiftRules.onEndServicing.toList.foreach(_(req, resp)) } resp match { case Full(EmptyResponse) => true case Full(cresp) => sendResponse(cresp, response, req) true case _ => { false } } } private def dispatchStatefulRequest(req: Req, liftSession: LiftSession, originalRequest: Req, continuation: Box[() => Nothing]): () => Box[LiftResponse] = { val toMatch = req val dispatch: (Boolean, Box[LiftResponse]) = NamedPF.find(toMatch, LiftRules.dispatchTable(req.request)) match { case Full(pf) => LiftSession.onBeginServicing.foreach(_(liftSession, req)) val ret: (Boolean, Box[LiftResponse]) = try { try { // run the continuation in the new session // if there is a continuation continuation match { case Full(func) => { func() S.redirectTo("/") } case _ => // do nothing } liftSession.runParams(req) S.functionLifespan(true) { pf(toMatch)() match { case Full(v) => (true, Full(LiftRules.convertResponse((liftSession.checkRedirect(v), Nil, S.responseCookies, req)))) case Empty => (true, LiftRules.notFoundOrIgnore(req, Full(liftSession))) case f: Failure => (true, Full(liftSession.checkRedirect(req.createNotFound(f)))) } } } catch { case ContinueResponseException(cre) => throw cre case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException if (ite.getCause.isInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException]) => (true, Full(liftSession.handleRedirect(ite.getCause.asInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException], req))) case rd: net.liftweb.http.ResponseShortcutException => (true, Full(liftSession.handleRedirect(rd, req))) case e if (e.getClass.getName.endsWith("RetryRequest")) => throw e case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw e case e => (true, NamedPF.applyBox((Props.mode, req, e), LiftRules.exceptionHandler.toList)) } } finally { if (S.functionMap.size > 0) { liftSession.updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, S.uri, millis) S.clearFunctionMap } liftSession.notices = S.getNotices } LiftSession.onEndServicing.foreach(_(liftSession, req, ret._2)) ret case _ => (false, Empty) } val wp = req.path.wholePath if (LiftRules.enableContainerSessions && !req.stateless_?) { req.request.session } def respToFunc(in: Box[LiftResponse]): () => Box[LiftResponse] = { val ret = in.map(LiftRules.performTransform) () => ret } val toReturn: () => Box[LiftResponse] = if (dispatch._1) { respToFunc(dispatch._2) } else if (wp.length == 3 && wp.head == LiftRules.cometPath && wp(2) == LiftRules.cometScriptName()) { respToFunc(LiftRules.serveCometScript(liftSession, req)) } else if ((wp.length >= 1) && wp.head == LiftRules.cometPath) { handleComet(req, liftSession, originalRequest) match { case Left(x) => respToFunc(x) case Right(x) => x } } else if (wp.length == 2 && wp.head == LiftRules.ajaxPath && wp(1) == LiftRules.ajaxScriptName()) { respToFunc(LiftRules.serveAjaxScript(liftSession, req)) } else if (wp.length >= 1 && wp.head == LiftRules.ajaxPath) { respToFunc(handleAjax(liftSession, req)) } else { respToFunc(liftSession.processRequest(req, continuation)) } toReturn } private def extractVersion(path: List[String]) { path match { case first :: second :: _ => RenderVersion.set(second) case _ => } } private def handleAjax(liftSession: LiftSession, requestState: Req): Box[LiftResponse] = { extractVersion(requestState.path.partPath) LiftRules.cometLogger.debug("AJAX Request: " + liftSession.uniqueId + " " + requestState.params) tryo { LiftSession.onBeginServicing.foreach(_(liftSession, requestState)) } val ret = try { requestState.param("__lift__GC") match { case Full(_) => liftSession.updateFuncByOwner(RenderVersion.get, millis) Full(JavaScriptResponse(js.JsCmds.Noop)) case _ => try { val what = flatten(try { liftSession.runParams(requestState) } catch { case ResponseShortcutException(_, Full(to), _) => import js.JsCmds._ List(RedirectTo(to)) }) val what2 = what.flatMap { case js: JsCmd => List(js) case n: NodeSeq => List(n) case js: JsCommands => List(js) case r: LiftResponse => List(r) case s => Nil } val ret: LiftResponse = what2 match { case (json: JsObj) :: Nil => JsonResponse(json) case (js: JsCmd) :: xs => { (JsCommands(S.noticesToJsCmd :: Nil) & ((js :: xs).flatMap { case js: JsCmd => List(js) case _ => Nil }.reverse) & S.jsToAppend).toResponse } case (n: Node) :: _ => XmlResponse(n) case (ns: NodeSeq) :: _ => XmlResponse(Group(ns)) case (r: LiftResponse) :: _ => r case _ => JsCommands(S.noticesToJsCmd :: JsCmds.Noop :: S.jsToAppend).toResponse } LiftRules.cometLogger.debug("AJAX Response: " + liftSession.uniqueId + " " + ret) Full(ret) } finally { liftSession.updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, RenderVersion.get, millis) } } } catch { case foc: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw foc case e => NamedPF.applyBox((Props.mode, requestState, e), LiftRules.exceptionHandler.toList); } tryo { LiftSession.onEndServicing.foreach(_(liftSession, requestState, ret)) } ret } /** * An actor that manages continuations from container (Jetty style) */ class ContinuationActor(request: Req, session: LiftSession, actors: List[(LiftCometActor, Long)], onBreakout: List[AnswerRender] => Unit) extends LiftActor { private var answers: List[AnswerRender] = Nil private var done = false val seqId = Helpers.nextNum def messageHandler = { case BeginContinuation => val sendItToMe: AnswerRender => Unit = ah => this ! ah actors.foreach { case (act, when) => act ! Listen(when, ListenerId(seqId), sendItToMe) } case ar: AnswerRender => answers = ar :: answers LAPinger.schedule(this, BreakOut(), 5 millis) case BreakOut() if !done => done = true session.exitComet(this) actors.foreach { case (act, _) => tryo(act ! Unlisten(ListenerId(seqId))) } onBreakout(answers) case _ => } override def toString = "Actor dude " + seqId } private object BeginContinuation private lazy val cometTimeout: Long = (LiftRules.cometRequestTimeout openOr 120) * 1000L private def setupContinuation(request: Req, session: LiftSession, actors: List[(LiftCometActor, Long)]): Any = { val cont = new ContinuationActor(request, session, actors, answers => request.request.resume( (request, S.init(request, session) (LiftRules.performTransform( convertAnswersToCometResponse(session, answers.toList, actors)))))) try { session.enterComet(cont -> request) LAPinger.schedule(cont, BreakOut(), TimeSpan(cometTimeout)) request.request.suspend(cometTimeout + 2000L) } finally { cont ! BeginContinuation } } private def handleComet(requestState: Req, sessionActor: LiftSession, originalRequest: Req): Either[Box[LiftResponse], () => Box[LiftResponse]] = { val actors: List[(LiftCometActor, Long)] = requestState.params.toList.flatMap { case (name, when) => sessionActor.getAsyncComponent(name).toList.map(c => (c, toLong(when))) } if (actors.isEmpty) Left(Full(new JsCommands(new JE.JsRaw("lift_toWatch = {}") with JsCmd :: JsCmds.RedirectTo(LiftRules.noCometSessionPage) :: Nil).toResponse)) else requestState.request.suspendResumeSupport_? match { case true => { setupContinuation(requestState, sessionActor, actors) Left(Full(EmptyResponse)) } case _ => { Right(handleNonContinuationComet(requestState, sessionActor, actors, originalRequest)) } } } private def convertAnswersToCometResponse(session: LiftSession, ret: Seq[AnswerRender], actors: List[(LiftCometActor, Long)]): LiftResponse = { val ret2: List[AnswerRender] = ret.toList val jsUpdateTime = ret2.map(ar => "if (lift_toWatch['" + ar.who.uniqueId + "'] !== undefined) lift_toWatch['" + ar.who.uniqueId + "'] = '" + ar.when + "';").mkString("\n") val jsUpdateStuff = ret2.map { ar => { val ret = ar.response.toJavaScript(session, ar.displayAll) if (!S.functionMap.isEmpty) { session.updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, ar.who.uniqueId, ar.when) S.clearFunctionMap } ret } } actors foreach (_._1 ! ClearNotices) val addl: List[JsCmd] = (for { req <- S.request rendVer <- extractRenderVersion(req.path.partPath) } yield RenderVersion.doWith(rendVer) { S.jsToAppend }) openOr Nil (new JsCommands(JsCmds.Run(jsUpdateTime) :: jsUpdateStuff ::: addl)).toResponse } private def extractRenderVersion(in: List[String]): Box[String] = in match { case _ :: _ :: _ :: rv :: _ => Full(rv) case _ => Empty } private def handleNonContinuationComet(request: Req, session: LiftSession, actors: List[(LiftCometActor, Long)], originalRequest: Req): () => Box[LiftResponse] = () => { val f = new LAFuture[List[AnswerRender]] val cont = new ContinuationActor(request, session, actors, answers => f.satisfy(answers)) try { cont ! BeginContinuation session.enterComet(cont -> request) LAPinger.schedule(cont, BreakOut(), TimeSpan(cometTimeout)) val ret2 = f.get(cometTimeout) openOr Nil Full(S.init(originalRequest, session) { convertAnswersToCometResponse(session, ret2, actors) }) } finally { session.exitComet(cont) } } val dumpRequestResponse = Props.getBool("dump.request.response", false) private def logIfDump(request: Req, response: BasicResponse) { if (dumpRequestResponse) { val toDump = request.uri + "\n" + request.params + "\n" + response.headers + "\n" + ( response match { case InMemoryResponse(data, _, _, _) => new String(data, "UTF-8") case _ => "data" } ) logger.trace(toDump) } } /** * Sends the { @code HTTPResponse } to the browser using data from the * { @link Response } and { @link Req }. */ private[http] def sendResponse(liftResp: LiftResponse, response: HTTPResponse, request: Req) { def fixHeaders(headers: List[(String, String)]) = headers map ((v) => v match { case ("Location", uri) => val u = request (v._1, ( (for ( updated <- Full((if (!LiftRules.excludePathFromContextPathRewriting.vend(uri)) u.contextPath else "") + uri).filter(ignore => uri.startsWith("/")); rwf <- URLRewriter.rewriteFunc) yield rwf(updated)) openOr uri )) case _ => v }) def pairFromRequest(req: Req): (Box[Req], Box[String]) = { val acceptHeader = for (innerReq <- Box.legacyNullTest(req.request); accept <- innerReq.header("Accept")) yield accept (Full(req), acceptHeader) } val resp = liftResp.toResponse logIfDump(request, resp) def insureField(headers: List[(String, String)], toInsure: List[(String, String)]): List[(String, String)] = { val org = Map(headers: _*) toInsure.foldLeft(org) { case (map, (key, value)) => if (map.contains(key)) map else map + (key -> value) }.toList } val len = resp.size // insure that certain header fields are set val header = if (resp.code == 304 || resp.code == 303) fixHeaders(resp.headers) else insureField(fixHeaders(resp.headers), LiftRules.defaultHeaders(NodeSeq.Empty -> request) ::: /* List(("Content-Type", LiftRules.determineContentType(pairFromRequest(request)))) ::: */ (if (len >= 0) List(("Content-Length", len.toString)) else Nil)) LiftRules.beforeSend.toList.foreach(f => tryo(f(resp, response, header, Full(request)))) // set the cookies response.addCookies(resp.cookies) // send the response response.addHeaders(header.map { case (name, value) => HTTPParam(name, value) }) LiftRules.supplimentalHeaders(response) liftResp match { case ResponseWithReason(_, reason) => response setStatusWithReason (resp.code, reason) case _ => response setStatus resp.code } try { resp match { case EmptyResponse => case InMemoryResponse(bytes, _, _, _) => response.outputStream.write(bytes) response.outputStream.flush() case StreamingResponse(stream, endFunc, _, _, _, _) => try { var len = 0 val ba = new Array[Byte](8192) val os = response.outputStream stream match { case jio: java.io.InputStream => len = jio.read(ba) case stream => len = stream.read(ba) } while (len >= 0) { if (len > 0) os.write(ba, 0, len) stream match { case jio: java.io.InputStream => len = jio.read(ba) case stream => len = stream.read(ba) } } response.outputStream.flush() } finally { endFunc() } case OutputStreamResponse(out, _, _, _, _) => out(response.outputStream) response.outputStream.flush() } } catch { case e: java.io.IOException => // ignore IO exceptions... they happen } LiftRules.afterSend.toList.foreach(f => tryo(f(resp, response, header, Full(request)))) } } import provider.servlet._ class LiftFilter extends ServletFilterProvider private class SessionIdCalc(req: Req) { private val CometPath = LiftRules.cometPath lazy val id: Box[String] = req.request.sessionId match { case Full(id) => Full(id) case _ => req.path.wholePath match { case CometPath :: _ :: id :: _ if id != LiftRules.cometScriptName() => Full(id) case _ => Empty } } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftServlet.scala source code file: |
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