Lift Framework example source code file (LiftSession.scala)
The Lift Framework LiftSession.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http import java.io.InputStream import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Modifier, InvocationTargetException} import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.Locale import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer} import reflect.Manifest import xml._ import common._ import Box._ import actor._ import util._ import Helpers._ import http.js.{JsCmd, AjaxInfo} import builtin.snippet._ import js._ import provider._ object LiftSession { /** * Returns a reference to a LiftSession dictated by LiftRules#sessionCreator function. */ def apply(session: HTTPSession, contextPath: String) = LiftRules.sessionCreator(session, contextPath) def apply(request: Req): LiftSession = if (request.stateless_?) LiftRules.statelessSession.vend.apply(request) else this.apply(request.request.session, request.request.contextPath) /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is activated */ var onSessionActivate: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is passivated */ var onSessionPassivate: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is setup */ var onSetupSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is about to be terminated */ var onAboutToShutdownSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is terminated */ var onShutdownSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when a stateful request is about to be processed */ var onBeginServicing: List[(LiftSession, Req) => Unit] = Nil /** * After the session is created, if you need to do anything within * the context of the session (like set SessionVars, etc), * add the function to this list */ var afterSessionCreate: List[(LiftSession, Req) => Unit] = Nil /** * Holds user's functions that will be called when a stateful request has been processed */ var onEndServicing: List[(LiftSession, Req, Box[LiftResponse]) => Unit] = Nil @volatile private var constructorCache: Map[(Class[_], Box[Class[_]]), Box[ConstructorType]] = Map() private[http] def constructFrom[T](session: LiftSession, pp: Box[ParamPair], clz: Class[T]): Box[T] = { def calcConstructor(): Box[ConstructorType] = { val const = clz.getDeclaredConstructors() def nullConstructor(): Box[ConstructorType] = const.find(_.getParameterTypes.length == 0).map(const => UnitConstructor(const)) pp match { case Full(ParamPair(value, clz)) => const.find { cp => { cp.getParameterTypes.length == 2 && cp.getParameterTypes().apply(0).isAssignableFrom(clz) && cp.getParameterTypes().apply(1).isAssignableFrom(classOf[LiftSession]) } }. map(const => PAndSessionConstructor(const)) orElse const.find { cp => { cp.getParameterTypes.length == 1 && cp.getParameterTypes().apply(0).isAssignableFrom(clz) } }. map(const => PConstructor(const)) orElse nullConstructor() case _ => nullConstructor() } } (if (Props.devMode) { // no caching in dev mode calcConstructor() } else { val key = (clz -> pp.map(_.clz)) constructorCache.get(key) match { case Some(v) => v case _ => { val nv = calcConstructor() constructorCache += (key -> nv) nv } } }).map { case uc: UnitConstructor => uc.makeOne case pc: PConstructor => pc.makeOne(pp.open_!.v) // open_! okay case psc: PAndSessionConstructor => psc.makeOne(pp.open_!.v, session) } } /** * Check to see if the template is marked designer friendly * and lop off the stuff before the first surround */ @deprecated("Use Templates.checkForContentId") def checkForContentId(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = Templates.checkForContentId(in) } private[http] case class AddSession(session: LiftSession) private[http] case class RemoveSession(sessionId: String) case class SessionWatcherInfo(sessions: Map[String, SessionInfo]) /** * Information about sessions */ case class SessionInfo(session: LiftSession, userAgent: Box[String], ipAddress: Box[String], requestCnt: Int, lastAccess: Long) /** * Manages LiftSessions because the servlet container is less than optimal at * timing sessions out. */ object SessionMaster extends LiftActor with Loggable { private var sessions: Map[String, SessionInfo] = Map.empty private object CheckAndPurge /** * If you have a rule other than <pre>Box !! req.request.remoteAddress* for calculating the remote address, change this function */ @volatile var getIpFromReq: Req => Box[String] = req => Box !! req.request.remoteAddress /** * A list of functions that are run every 10 seconds. The first param is * map containing the session ID and the sessions. The second param is a function * to call to destroy the session. */ @volatile var sessionCheckFuncs: List[(Map[String, SessionInfo], SessionInfo => Unit) => Unit] = ((ses: Map[String, SessionInfo], destroyer: SessionInfo => Unit) => { val now = millis for ((id, info@SessionInfo(session, _, _, _, _)) <- ses.iterator) { if (now - session.lastServiceTime > session.inactivityLength || session.markedForTermination) { logger.info(" Session " + id + " expired") destroyer(info) } else { session.doCometActorCleanup() session.cleanupUnseenFuncs() } } }) :: Nil def getSession(req: Req, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = { this.synchronized { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) match { case Full(session) => lockAndBump(Full(session)) // for stateless requests, vend a stateless session if none is found case _ if req.stateless_? => lockAndBump { req.sessionId.flatMap(sessions.get) } or Full(LiftRules.statelessSession.vend.apply(req)) case _ => getSession(req.request, otherId) } } } def getSession(id: String, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or Box(sessions.get(id)) } /** * Put an Actor in this list and the Actor will receive a message * every 10 seconds with the current list of sessions: * SessionWatcherInfo */ @volatile var sessionWatchers: List[LiftActor] = Nil /** * Returns a LiftSession or Empty if not found */ def getSession(httpSession: => HTTPSession, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or Box(sessions.get(httpSession.sessionId)) } /** * Returns a LiftSession or Empty if not found */ def getSession(req: HTTPRequest, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or req.sessionId.flatMap(id => sessions.get(id)) } /** * Increments the count and last access time for the session */ private def lockAndBump(f: => Box[SessionInfo]): Box[LiftSession] = this.synchronized { f.map { s => sessions += s.session.uniqueId -> SessionInfo(s.session, s.userAgent, s.ipAddress, s.requestCnt + 1, millis) s.session } } private def lockRead[T](f: => T): T = this.synchronized { f } private def lockWrite[T](f: => T): T = this.synchronized { f } /** * Adds a new session to SessionMaster */ def addSession(liftSession: LiftSession, req: Req, userAgent: Box[String], ipAddress: Box[String]) { lockAndBump { Full(SessionInfo(liftSession, userAgent, ipAddress, -1, 0L)) // bumped twice during session creation. Ticket #529 DPP } S.init(req, liftSession) { liftSession.startSession() LiftSession.afterSessionCreate.foreach(_(liftSession, req)) } liftSession.httpSession.foreach(_.link(liftSession)) } protected def messageHandler = reaction /** * Shut down all sessions */ private[http] def shutDownAllSessions() { val ses = lockRead(sessions) ses.foreach { case (key, sess) => if (!sess.session.markedForShutDown_?) { sess.session.markedForShutDown_? = true this ! RemoveSession(key) } } while (true) { val s2 = lockRead(sessions) if (s2.size == 0) return Thread.sleep(50) } } private val reaction: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RemoveSession(sessionId) => val ses = lockRead(sessions) ses.get(sessionId).foreach { case SessionInfo(s, _, _, _, _) => s.markedForShutDown_? = true Schedule.schedule(() => { try { s.doShutDown try { s.httpSession.foreach(_.unlink(s)) } catch { case e: Exception => // ignore... sometimes you can't do this and it's okay } } catch { case e: Exception => logger.warn("Failure in remove session", e) } }, 0 seconds) lockWrite { sessions = sessions - sessionId } } case CheckAndPurge => val ses = lockRead { sessions } for { f <- sessionCheckFuncs } { if (Props.inGAE) { f(ses, shutDown => { if (!shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_?) { shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_? = true this.sendMsg(RemoveSession(shutDown.session.uniqueId)) } }) } else { Schedule.schedule(() => f(ses, shutDown => { if (!shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_?) { shutDown.session. markedForShutDown_? = true this ! RemoveSession(shutDown. session. uniqueId) } } ), 0 seconds) } } if (!Props.inGAE) { sessionWatchers.foreach(_ ! SessionWatcherInfo(ses)) doPing() } } private[http] def sendMsg(in: Any): Unit = if (!Props.inGAE) this ! in else { lockWrite { tryo { if (reaction.isDefinedAt(in)) reaction.apply(in) } } } private def doPing() { if (!Props.inGAE) { try { Schedule.schedule(this, CheckAndPurge, 10 seconds) } catch { case e: Exception => logger.error("Couldn't start SessionMaster ping", e) } } } doPing() } object PageName extends RequestVar[String]("") /** * Information about the page garbage collection */ private[http] object RenderVersion { private object ver extends RequestVar(Helpers.nextFuncName) def get: String = ver.is def doWith[T](v: String)(f: => T): T = ver.doWith(v)(f) def set(value: String) { ver(value) } } /** * A trait defining how stateful the session is */ trait HowStateful { private val howStateful = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean] /** * Test the statefulness of this session. */ def stateful_? = howStateful.box openOr true /** * There may be cases when you are allowed container state (e.g., * migratory session, but you're not allowed to write Lift * non-migratory state, return true here. */ def allowContainerState_? = howStateful.box openOr true /** * Within the scope of the call, this session is forced into * statelessness. This allows for certain URLs in on the site * to be stateless and not generate a session, but if a valid * session is presented, they have the scope of that session/User */ def doAsStateless[A](f: => A): A = howStateful.doWith(false)(f) } /** * Sessions that include this trait will not be retained past the current * request and will give notifications of failure if stateful features * of Lift are accessed */ trait StatelessSession extends HowStateful { self: LiftSession => override def stateful_? = false override def allowContainerState_? = false } /** * Sessions that include this trait will only have access to the container's * state via ContainerVars. This mode is "migratory" so that a session * can migrate across app servers. In this mode, functions that * access Lift state will give notifications of failure if stateful features * of Lift are accessed */ trait MigratorySession extends HowStateful { self: LiftSession => override def stateful_? = false } /** * Keeps information around about what kinds of functions are run * at the end of page rendering. The results of these functions will be * appended to the bottom of the page. * * @param renderVersion -- the page ID (aka the RenderVersion) * @param functionCount -- the number of functions in the collection * @param lastSeen -- page of the page-level GC * @param functions -- the list of functions to run */ private final case class PostPageFunctions(renderVersion: String, functionCount: Int, longLife: Boolean, lastSeen: Long, functions: List[() => JsCmd]) { /** * Create a new instance based on the last seen time */ def updateLastSeen = new PostPageFunctions(renderVersion, functionCount, longLife, Helpers.millis, functions) } /** * The LiftSession class containg the session state information */ class LiftSession(private[http] val _contextPath: String, val uniqueId: String, val httpSession: Box[HTTPSession]) extends LiftMerge with Loggable with HowStateful { val sessionHtmlProperties: SessionVar[HtmlProperties] = new SessionVar[HtmlProperties](LiftRules.htmlProperties.vend( S.request openOr Req.nil )) {} val requestHtmlProperties: TransientRequestVar[HtmlProperties] = new TransientRequestVar[HtmlProperties](sessionHtmlProperties.is) {} @volatile private[http] var markedForTermination = false @volatile private var _running_? = false /** * Was this session marked for shutdown... if so, * don't remark */ @volatile private[http] var markedForShutDown_? = false private val fullPageLoad = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean] { def ? = this.box openOr false } /** * ****IMPORTANT**** when you access messageCallback, it *MUST* * be in a block that's synchronized on the owner LiftSession */ private var messageCallback: HashMap[String, S.AFuncHolder] = new HashMap private[http] var notices: Seq[(NoticeType.Value, NodeSeq, Box[String])] = Nil private var asyncComponents = new HashMap[(Box[String], Box[String]), LiftCometActor]() private var asyncById = new HashMap[String, LiftCometActor]() private var myVariables: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty private var onSessionEnd: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil private val sessionVarSync = new Object /** * A mapping between pages denoted by RenderVersion and * functions to execute at the end of the page rendering */ private var postPageFunctions: Map[String, PostPageFunctions] = Map() /** * The synchronization lock for the postPageFunctions */ private val postPageLock = new Object @volatile private[http] var lastServiceTime = millis @volatile private[http] var inactivityLength: Long = LiftRules.sessionInactivityTimeout.vend openOr ((30 minutes): Long) private[http] var highLevelSessionDispatcher = new HashMap[String, LiftRules.DispatchPF]() private[http] var sessionRewriter = new HashMap[String, LiftRules.RewritePF]() private object snippetMap extends RequestVar[Map[String, AnyRef]](Map()) private[http] object deferredSnippets extends RequestVar[HashMap[String, Box[NodeSeq]]](new HashMap) private object cometSetup extends SessionVar[List[((Box[String], Box[String]), Any)]](Nil) private[http] def startSession(): Unit = { _running_? = true for (sess <- httpSession) { // calculate the inactivity length. If the length is // defined in LiftRules and it's less than the container's length // then use the Lift length. Why not use it if the Lift length is // longer? Well, the container's just going to time you out, so // why bother. inactivityLength = (sess.maxInactiveInterval * 1000L, LiftRules.sessionInactivityTimeout.vend) match { case (container, Full(lift)) if lift < container => lift case (container, _) => container } } lastServiceTime = millis LiftSession.onSetupSession.foreach(_(this)) sessionHtmlProperties.is // cause the properties to be calculated } def running_? = _running_? private var cometList: List[(LiftActor, Req)] = Nil private[http] def breakOutComet(): Unit = { val cl = synchronized { cometList } cl.foreach(_._1 ! BreakOut()) } private[http] def cometForHost(hostAndPath: String): List[(LiftActor, Req)] = synchronized { cometList }.filter { case (_, r) => r.hostAndPath == hostAndPath } private[http] def enterComet(what: (LiftActor, Req)): Unit = synchronized { cometList = what :: cometList } private[http] def exitComet(what: LiftActor): Unit = synchronized { cometList = cometList.filterNot(_._1 eq what) } private case class RunnerHolder(name: String, func: S.AFuncHolder, owner: Box[String]) object ieMode extends SessionVar[Boolean](LiftRules.calcIEMode()) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } def terminateHint { if (_running_?) { markedForTermination = true; } } /** * Executes the user's functions based on the query parameters */ def runParams(state: Req): List[Any] = { val toRun = { // get all the commands, sorted by owner, (state.uploadedFiles.map(_.name) ::: state.paramNames).distinct. flatMap { n => synchronized { messageCallback.get(n) }.map(mcb => RunnerHolder(n, mcb, mcb.owner)) }. sortWith { case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(b))) if a < b => true case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(b))) if a > b => false case (RunnerHolder(an, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(bn, _, Full(b))) if a == b => an < bn case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(_)), _) => false case (_, RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(_))) => true case (RunnerHolder(a, _, _), RunnerHolder(b, _, _)) => a < b case _ => false } } def buildFunc(i: RunnerHolder): () => Any = i.func match { case bfh if bfh.supportsFileParams_? => () => state.uploadedFiles.filter(_.name == i.name).map(v => bfh(v)) case normal => () => normal(state.params.getOrElse(i.name, state.uploadedFiles.filter(_.name == i.name).map(_.fileName))) } val ret = toRun.map(_.owner).distinct.flatMap { w => val f = toRun.filter(_.owner == w) w match { // if it's going to a CometActor, batch up the commands case Full(id) if asyncById.contains(id) => asyncById.get(id).toList. flatMap(a => a.!?(5000L, ActionMessageSet(f.map(i => buildFunc(i)), state)) match { case Full(li: List[_]) => li case li: List[_] => li case other => Nil }) case _ => f.map(i => buildFunc(i).apply()) } } ret } /** * Updates the internal functions mapping */ def updateFunctionMap(funcs: Map[String, S.AFuncHolder], uniqueId: String, when: Long): Unit = synchronized { funcs.foreach { case (name, func) => messageCallback(name) = func.duplicate(uniqueId) } } def removeFunction(name: String) = synchronized { messageCallback -= name } /** * Set your session-specific progress listener for mime uploads * pBytesRead - The total number of bytes, which have been read so far. * pContentLength - The total number of bytes, which are being read. May be -1, if this number is unknown. * pItems - The number of the field, which is currently being read. (0 = no item so far, 1 = first item is being read, ...) */ var progressListener: Box[(Long, Long, Int) => Unit] = Empty /** * Called just before the session exits. If there's clean-up work, override this method */ private[http] def cleanUpSession() { messageCallback = HashMap.empty notices = Nil asyncComponents.clear asyncById = HashMap.empty myVariables = Map.empty onSessionEnd = Nil postPageFunctions = Map() highLevelSessionDispatcher = HashMap.empty sessionRewriter = HashMap.empty } private[http] def fixSessionTime(): Unit = synchronized { for (httpSession <- this.httpSession) { lastServiceTime = millis // DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!!!!! val diff = lastServiceTime - httpSession.lastAccessedTime val maxInactive = httpSession.maxInactiveInterval.toInt val togo: Int = maxInactive - (diff / 1000L).toInt // if we're within 2 minutes of session timeout and // the Servlet session doesn't seem to have been updated, // extends the lifespan of the HttpSession if (diff > 1000L && togo < 120) { httpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(maxInactive + 120) } } } private[http] def doCometActorCleanup(): Unit = { val acl = synchronized { this.asyncComponents.values.toList } acl.foreach(_ ! ShutdownIfPastLifespan) } /** * Adds a cleanup function that will be executed when session is terminated */ def addSessionCleanup(f: LiftSession => Unit): Unit = synchronized { onSessionEnd = f :: onSessionEnd } /** * Destroy this session and the underlying container session. */ def destroySession() { S.request.foreach(_.request.session.terminate) this.doShutDown() } private[http] def doShutDown() { if (running_?) { // only deal with comet on stateful sessions // stateless temporary sessions bar comet use if (stateful_?) { val cl = synchronized { cometList } if (cl.length > 0) { this.breakOutComet() Thread.sleep(100) } } this.shutDown() } } /** * Puts the correct thread locking around access to postPageFunctions */ private def accessPostPageFuncs[T](f: => T): T = { postPageLock.synchronized { f } } private[http] def cleanupUnseenFuncs(): Unit = { if (LiftRules.enableLiftGC && stateful_?) { val now = millis accessPostPageFuncs { for { (key, pageInfo) <- postPageFunctions } if (!pageInfo.longLife && (now - pageInfo.lastSeen) > LiftRules.unusedFunctionsLifeTime) { postPageFunctions -= key } } synchronized { messageCallback.foreach { case (k, f) => if (!f.sessionLife && f.owner.isDefined && (now - f.lastSeen) > LiftRules.unusedFunctionsLifeTime) { messageCallback -= k } } } } } /** * Clear the PostPage JavaScript functions for the current page. * This is used by CometActor to remove the PostPage JavaScript * functions from the given component during redraw. */ def clearPostPageJavaScriptForThisPage() { testStatefulFeature { accessPostPageFuncs { val rv: String = RenderVersion.get postPageFunctions -= rv } } } /** * Associate a function that renders JavaScript with the current page. * This function will be run and the resulting JavaScript will be appended * to any rendering associated with this page... the normal page render, * Ajax calls, and even Comet calls for this page. * * @param func -- the function that returns JavaScript to be appended to * responses associated with this page */ def addPostPageJavaScript(func: () => JsCmd) { testStatefulFeature { accessPostPageFuncs { // The page or cometactor that the functions are associated with val rv: String = RenderVersion.get val old = postPageFunctions.getOrElse(rv, PostPageFunctions(rv, 0, S.currentCometActor. isDefined, Helpers.millis, Nil)) val updated = PostPageFunctions(old.renderVersion, old.functionCount + 1, old.longLife, Helpers.millis, func :: old.functions) postPageFunctions += (rv -> updated) } } } def postPageJavaScript(rv: String): List[JsCmd] = { def org = accessPostPageFuncs { val ret = postPageFunctions.get(rv) ret.foreach { r => postPageFunctions += (rv -> r.updateLastSeen) } ret } org match { case None => Nil case Some(ppf) => { val lb = new ListBuffer[JsCmd] def run(count: Int, funcs: List[() => JsCmd]) { funcs.reverse.foreach(f => lb += f()) val next = org.get // safe to do get here because we know the // postPageFunc is defined val diff = next.functionCount - count // if the function table is updated, make sure to get // the additional functions if (diff == 0) {} else { run(next.functionCount, next.functions.take(diff)) } } run(ppf.functionCount, ppf.functions) lb.toList } } } /** * Get the post-page JavaScript functions for a sequence of page IDs. * This is used by the CometActor to get the post-page JavaScript functions * for the comet actor and for the page the the comet actor is associated with */ def postPageJavaScript(pageIds: Seq[String]): List[JsCmd] = { for { rv <- pageIds.toList.distinct js <- postPageJavaScript(rv) } yield js } /** * Get the JavaScript to execute as part of the current page */ def postPageJavaScript(): List[JsCmd] = postPageJavaScript(RenderVersion.get) /** * Updates the timestamp of the functions owned by this owner and return the * number of updated functions */ private[http] def updateFuncByOwner(ownerName: String, time: Long): Int = { accessPostPageFuncs { for { funcInfo <- postPageFunctions.get(ownerName) } postPageFunctions += (ownerName -> funcInfo.updateLastSeen) } synchronized { (0 /: messageCallback)((l, v) => l + (v._2.owner match { case Full(owner) if (owner == ownerName) => v._2.lastSeen = time 1 case Empty => v._2.lastSeen = time 1 case _ => 0 })) } } /** * Returns true if there are functions bound for this owner */ private[http] def hasFuncsForOwner(owner: String): Boolean = synchronized { !messageCallback.find(_._2.owner == owner).isEmpty } private def shutDown() = { var done: List[() => Unit] = Nil S.initIfUninitted(this) { onSessionEnd.foreach(_(this)) synchronized { LiftSession.onAboutToShutdownSession.foreach(_(this)) _running_? = false SessionMaster.sendMsg(RemoveSession(this.uniqueId)) asyncComponents.foreach { case (_, comp) => done ::= (() => tryo(comp ! ShutDown)) } cleanUpSession() LiftSession.onShutdownSession.foreach(f => done ::= (() => f(this))) } } done.foreach(_.apply()) } /** * Find the template assocaited with the Loc */ private[http] def locTemplate: Box[NodeSeq] = for (loc <- S.location; template <- loc.template) yield template /** * Define the context path for this session. This allows different * sessions to have different context paths. */ def contextPath = LiftRules.calculateContextPath() openOr _contextPath /** * Convert a template into a Lift Response. * * @param template -- the NodeSeq that makes up the page... or the template * will be located via findVisibleTemplate * @param request -- the Req the led to this rendering * @param path -- the ParsePath that led to this page * @param code -- the HTTP response code (usually 200) * * @returns a Box of LiftResponse with all the proper page rewriting */ def processTemplate(template: Box[NodeSeq], request: Req, path: ParsePath, code: Int): Box[LiftResponse] = { overrideResponseCode.doWith(Empty) { (template or findVisibleTemplate(path, request)).map { xhtml => fullPageLoad.doWith(true) { // allow parallel snippets // Phase 1: snippets & templates processing val rawXml: NodeSeq = processSurroundAndInclude(PageName get, xhtml) // Make sure that functions have the right owner. It is important for this to // happen before the merge phase so that in merge to have a correct view of // mapped functions and their owners. updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, RenderVersion get, millis) // Clear the function map after copying it... but it // might get some nifty new functions during the merge phase S.clearFunctionMap // Phase 2: Head & Tail merge, add additional elements to body & head val xml = merge(rawXml, request) // But we need to update the function map because there // may be addition functions created during the JsToAppend processing // See issue #983 updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, RenderVersion get, millis) notices = Nil // Phase 3: Response conversion including fixHtml LiftRules.convertResponse((xml, overrideResponseCode.is openOr code), S.getHeaders(LiftRules.defaultHeaders((xml, request))), S.responseCookies, request) } } } } private object overrideResponseCode extends TransientRequestVar[Box[Int]](Empty) /** * If the sitemap entry for this Req is marked stateless, * run the rest of the request as stateless */ private def checkStatelessInSiteMap[T](req: Req)(f: => T): T = { req.location match { case Full(loc) if loc.stateless_? => this.doAsStateless(f) case _ => f } } /** * Destroy the current session, then create a new session and * continue the execution of the code. The continuation function * must return Nothing (it must throw an exception... this is typically * done by calling S.redirectTo(...)). This method is * useful for changing sessions on login. Issue #727. */ def destroySessionAndContinueInNewSession(continuation: () => Nothing): Nothing = { throw new ContinueResponseException(continuation) } private[http] def processRequest(request: Req, continuation: Box[() => Nothing]): Box[LiftResponse] = { ieMode.is // make sure this is primed S.oldNotices(notices) LiftSession.onBeginServicing.foreach(f => tryo(f(this, request))) val ret = try { // run the continuation in the new session // if there is a continuation continuation match { case Full(func) => { func() S.redirectTo("/") } case _ => // do nothing } val sessionDispatch = S.highLevelSessionDispatcher val toMatch = request NamedPF.applyBox(toMatch, sessionDispatch) match { case Full(f) => runParams(request) try { f() match { case Full(r) => Full(checkRedirect(r)) case _ => LiftRules.notFoundOrIgnore(request, Full(this)) } } finally { notices = S.getAllNotices } case _ => RenderVersion.get // touch this early runParams(request) val early = LiftRules.preAccessControlResponse_!!.firstFull(request) // Process but make sure we're okay, sitemap wise val response: Box[LiftResponse] = early or (request.testLocation match { case Left(true) => checkStatelessInSiteMap(request) { cleanUpBeforeRender PageName(request.uri + " -> " + request.path) LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets.doWith(() => !Props.inGAE) { (request.location.flatMap(_.earlyResponse) or LiftRules.earlyResponse.firstFull(request)) or (processTemplate(locTemplate, request, request.path, 200) or request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) }) } } case Right(Full(resp)) => Full(resp) case _ if (LiftRules.passNotFoundToChain) => Empty case _ if Props.mode == Props.RunModes.Development => request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) } or Full(ForbiddenResponse("The requested page was not defined in your SiteMap, so access was blocked. (This message is displayed in development mode only)")) case _ => request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) } }) // Before returning the response check for redirect and set the appropriate state. response.map(checkRedirect) } } catch { case ContinueResponseException(cre) => throw cre case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException if (ite.getCause.isInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException]) => Full(handleRedirect(ite.getCause.asInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException], request)) case rd: net.liftweb.http.ResponseShortcutException => Full(handleRedirect(rd, request)) case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw e case e => NamedPF.applyBox((Props.mode, request, e), LiftRules.exceptionHandler.toList); } LiftSession.onEndServicing.foreach(f => tryo(f(this, request, ret))) ret } /** * Merge all the head elements into the main head element and move tail stuff to the end of the * page. */ def performHeadMerge(in: NodeSeq, req: Req): Node = merge(in, req) private def cleanUpBeforeRender { // Reset the mapping between ID and Style for Ajax notices. MsgErrorMeta(new HashMap) MsgWarningMeta(new HashMap) MsgNoticeMeta(new HashMap) } private[http] def handleRedirect(re: ResponseShortcutException, request: Req): LiftResponse = { if (re.doNotices) notices = S.getAllNotices re.response } /** * Set a session-local variable to a value * * @param name -- the name of the variable * @param value -- the value of the variable */ private[liftweb] def set[T](name: String, value: T): Unit = sessionVarSync.synchronized { myVariables = myVariables + (name -> value) } /** * Gets the named variable if it exists * * @param name -- the name of the session-local variable to get * * @return Full ( value ) if found, Empty otherwise */ private[liftweb] def get[T](name: String): Box[T] = sessionVarSync.synchronized { Box(myVariables.get(name)).asInstanceOf[Box[T]] } /** * Unset the named variable * * @param name the variable to unset */ private[liftweb] def unset(name: String): Unit = sessionVarSync.synchronized { myVariables -= name } private[http] def attachRedirectFunc(uri: String, f: Box[() => Unit]) = { f map { fnc => val func: String = LiftSession.this.synchronized { val funcName = Helpers.nextFuncName messageCallback(funcName) = S.NFuncHolder(() => { fnc() }) funcName } Helpers.appendFuncToURL(uri, func + "=_") } openOr uri } private[http] def checkRedirect(resp: LiftResponse): LiftResponse = resp match { case RedirectWithState(uri, state, cookies) => state.msgs.foreach(m => S.message(m._1, m._2)) notices = S.getAllNotices RedirectResponse(attachRedirectFunc(uri, state.func), cookies: _*) case _ => resp } private def allElems(in: NodeSeq, f: Elem => Boolean): List[Elem] = { val lb = new ListBuffer[Elem] def appendAll(in: NodeSeq, lb: ListBuffer[Elem]) { in.foreach { case Group(ns) => appendAll(ns, lb) case e: Elem if f(e) => lb += e; appendAll(e.child, lb) case e: Elem => appendAll(e.child, lb) case _ => } } appendAll(in, lb) lb.toList } private def findVisibleTemplate(path: ParsePath, session: Req): Box[NodeSeq] = { val tpath = path.partPath val splits = tpath.toList.filter { a => !a.startsWith("_") && !a.startsWith(".") && a.toLowerCase.indexOf("-hidden") == -1 } match { case s@_ if (!s.isEmpty) => s case _ => List("index") } Templates(splits, S.locale) } private[liftweb] def findTemplate(name: String): Box[NodeSeq] = { val splits = (if (name.startsWith("/")) name else "/" + name).split("/").toList.drop(1) match { case Nil => List("index") case s => s } Templates("templates-hidden" :: splits, S.locale) match { case Full(x) => Full(x) case f: Failure if Props.devMode => f case _ => Templates(splits, S.locale) } } /* * Given a Snippet name, try to determine the fully-qualified Class * so that we can instantiate it via reflection. */ private def findSnippetClass(name: String): Box[Class[AnyRef]] = { if (name == null) Empty else { // Name might contain some relative packages, so split them out and put them in the proper argument of findClass val (packageSuffix, terminal) = name.lastIndexOf('.') match { case -1 => ("", name) case i => ("." + name.substring(0, i), name.substring(i + 1)) } findClass(terminal, LiftRules.buildPackage("snippet").map(_ + packageSuffix) ::: (("lift.app.snippet" + packageSuffix) :: ("net.liftweb.builtin.snippet" + packageSuffix) :: Nil)) } } private def instantiateOrRedirect[T](c: Class[T]): Box[T] = { try { LiftSession.constructFrom(this, S.location.flatMap(_. currentValue.map(v => ParamPair(v, v.asInstanceOf[Object].getClass))), c) } catch { case e: IllegalAccessException => Empty } } private def findAttributeSnippet(attrValue: String, rest: MetaData, params: AnyRef*): MetaData = { S.doSnippet(attrValue) { val (cls, method) = splitColonPair(attrValue) first(LiftRules.snippetNamesToSearch.vend(cls)) { nameToTry => findSnippetClass(nameToTry) flatMap { clz => instantiateOrRedirect(clz) flatMap { inst => invokeMethod(clz, inst, method) or invokeMethod(clz, inst, method, params.toList.toArray) match { case Full(md: MetaData) => Full(md.copy(rest)) case _ => Empty } } } } openOr rest } } private object DotSplit { def unapply(in: String): Option[List[String]] = { val i = in.lastIndexOf('.') if (i >= 0) Some(List(in.substring(0, i), in.substring(i + 1))) else None } } private def colonToDot(in: String): String = { if (in.indexOf('/') >= 0) { val len = in.length() val ret = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len) var x = 0 while (x < len) { val c = in.charAt(x) if (c == '/') { ret.append('.') } else ret.append(c) x += 1 } ret.toString } else in } /** * Split a string separated by a point or by a column in 2 parts. Uses default values if only one is found or if no parts are found * @param in string to split * @return a pair containing the first and second parts */ private def splitColonPair(in: String): (String, String) = { (in match { case null => List("") case DotSplit(lst) => lst case s => s.roboSplit(":") }) match { case f :: s :: _ => (colonToDot(f), s) case f :: Nil => (colonToDot(f), "render") case _ => ("yikes dude, there's no method name defined", "render") } } /** * Finds a template named name and then runs it throught the Lift processing engine */ def findAndProcessTemplate(name: List[String]): Box[Elem] = { def findElem(in: NodeSeq): Box[Elem] = in.toList.flatMap { case e: Elem => Some(e) case _ => None } headOption for { template <- Templates(name, S.locale) ?~ ("Template " + name + " not found") res <- findElem(processSurroundAndInclude(name.mkString("/", "/", ""), template)) } yield res } private def processAttributes(in: MetaData): MetaData = { in match { case Null => Null case mine: PrefixedAttribute if (mine.pre == "lift") => { mine.key match { case s if s.indexOf('.') > -1 => findAttributeSnippet(s, processAttributes(in.next), mine) case "snippet" => findAttributeSnippet(mine.value.text, processAttributes(in.next)) case _ => mine.copy(processAttributes(in.next)) } } case notMine => notMine.copy(processAttributes(in.next)) } } /** * See if there's a object singleton with the right name */ private def findSnippetObject(cls: String): Box[AnyRef] = findSnippetClass(cls + "$").flatMap { c => tryo { val field = c.getField("MODULE$") field.get(null) } } /* * We need to locate a snippet instance for the given tag name. We look in * this order: * * 1. Check to see if a StatefulSnippet has already registered itself * 2. See if we have a custom snippet dispatch defined in LiftRules * 3. Locate a Class or Object based on the snippet name * * For the cases #2 and #3, we need to set the snippet name if the returned snippet * class is a StatefulSnippet so that the registration function works on return calls. */ private def findSnippetInstance(cls: String): Box[AnyRef] = S.snippetForClass(cls) or (LiftRules.snippet(cls) or findSnippetClass(cls).flatMap(c => instantiateOrRedirect(c) or findSnippetObject(cls))) match { case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) => inst.addName(cls); S.overrideSnippetForClass(cls, inst); Full(inst) case Full(ret) => Full(ret) case fail: Failure => fail case _ => Empty } /** * Report a snippet error depending on what the run mode is */ private def reportSnippetError(page: String, snippetName: Box[String], why: LiftRules.SnippetFailures.Value, addlMsg: NodeSeq, whole: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { for { f <- LiftRules.snippetFailedFunc.toList } { f(LiftRules.SnippetFailure(page, snippetName, why)) } if (Props.devMode || Props.testMode) { overrideResponseCode.set(LiftRules.devModeFailureResponseCodeOverride) } Helpers.errorDiv( <div>Error processing snippet: <b> {snippetName openOr "N/A"} </b> Reason: <b> {why}{addlMsg} </b> XML causing this error: <br/> <pre style="background: lightgrey; padding: 6px; border: 1px solid"> {whole.toString} </pre> </div>) openOr NodeSeq.Empty } private final def findNSAttr(attrs: MetaData, prefix: String, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = attrs match { case Null => Empty case p: PrefixedAttribute if p.pre == prefix && p.key == key => Some(p.value) case x => findNSAttr(x.next, prefix, key) } /** * Wrap an AFuncHolder with the current snippet and Loc context so that for Ajax calls, the original snippets, * RequestVars and Loc (location) are populated * * @param f the AFuncHolder that you want to wrap with execution context */ private[http] def contextFuncBuilder(f: S.AFuncHolder): S.AFuncHolder = { val currentMap = snippetMap.is val curLoc = S.location val requestVarFunc: Function1[Function0[Any], Any] = RequestVarHandler.generateSnapshotRestorer() new S.ProxyFuncHolder(f) { override def apply(in: List[String]): Any = requestVarFunc(() => S.CurrentLocation.doWith(curLoc) { snippetMap.doWith(snippetMap.is ++ currentMap) { super.apply(in) } } ) override def apply(in: FileParamHolder): Any = requestVarFunc(() => S.CurrentLocation.doWith(curLoc) { snippetMap.doWith(snippetMap.is ++ currentMap) { super.apply(in) } } ) } } /** * During the HTTP request/response cycle or in a CometActor, * Lift populates "S" with information about the current session, * the current request, etc. This method allows you to wrap a * function in another function that will snapshot current state * (request vars, Req, Loc, etc.) such that when the returned * function is executed, it will be executed as if it had been * executed in the scope of the thread where it was create. * This allows you to farm work out to separate threads, but make * it look to those threads as if the scope was the same as if it * had been executed on the thread that created the function. */ def buildDeferredFunction[T](f: () => T): () => T = { val currentReq: Box[Req] = S.request.map(_.snapshot) val renderVersion = RenderVersion.get val currentMap = snippetMap.is val curLoc = S.location val requestVarFunc = RequestVarHandler.generateSnapshotRestorer[T]() () => { requestVarFunc(() => executeInScope(currentReq, renderVersion)(f())) } } def executeInScope[T](req: Box[Req], renderVersion: String)(f: => T): T = { def doExec(): T = { RenderVersion.set(renderVersion) try { f } finally { if (S.functionMap.size > 0) { this.updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, renderVersion, millis) S.clearFunctionMap } } } req match { case Full(r) => S.init(r, this)(doExec()) case _ => S.initIfUninitted(this)(doExec()) } } private def processSnippet(page: String, snippetName: Box[String], attrs: MetaData, wholeTag: NodeSeq, passedKids: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val isForm = !attrs.get("form").toList.isEmpty val eagerEval: Boolean = (attrs.get("eager_eval").map(toBoolean) or findNSAttr(attrs, "lift", "eager_eval").map(toBoolean) or findNSAttr(attrs, "l", "eager_eval").map(toBoolean) ) getOrElse false val kids = if (eagerEval) processSurroundAndInclude(page, passedKids) else passedKids // Locate a snippet as defined by our SiteMap Loc def locSnippet(snippet: String): Box[NodeSeq] = for (loc <- S.location; func <- loc.snippet(snippet)) yield func(kids) def locateAndCacheSnippet(tagName: String): Box[AnyRef] = snippetMap.is.get(tagName) or { first(LiftRules.snippetNamesToSearch.vend(tagName)) { nameToTry => val ret = findSnippetInstance(nameToTry) // Update the snippetMap so that we reuse the same instance in this request ret.foreach(s => snippetMap.set(snippetMap.is.updated(tagName, s))) ret } } val ret: NodeSeq = try { snippetName.map(snippet => S.doSnippet(snippet)( (S.locateMappedSnippet(snippet).map(_(kids)) or locSnippet(snippet)).openOr( S.locateSnippet(snippet).map(_(kids)) openOr { val (cls, method) = splitColonPair(snippet) (locateAndCacheSnippet(cls)) match { // deal with a stateless request when a snippet has // different behavior in stateless mode case Full(inst: StatelessBehavior) if !stateful_? => if (inst.statelessDispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) inst.statelessDispatch(method)(kids) else NodeSeq.Empty case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) if !stateful_? => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StateInStateless, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) => if (inst.dispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) { val res = inst.dispatch(method)(kids) inst.mergeIntoForm(isForm, res, SHtml.hidden(() => inst.registerThisSnippet)) /* (if (isForm && !res.isEmpty) SHtml.hidden(() => inst.registerThisSnippet) else NodeSeq.Empty) ++ res*/ } else reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StatefulDispatchNotMatched, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst: DispatchSnippet) => if (inst.dispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) inst.dispatch(method)(kids) else reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StatefulDispatchNotMatched, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst) => { def gotIt: Box[NodeSeq] = for { meth <- tryo(inst.getClass.getMethod(method)) if classOf[CssBindFunc].isAssignableFrom(meth.getReturnType) } yield meth.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[CssBindFunc].apply(kids) import java.lang.reflect.{Type, ParameterizedType} def isFunc1(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case c: Class[_] => classOf[Function1[_, _]] isAssignableFrom c case _ => false } def isNodeSeq(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case c: Class[_] => classOf[NodeSeq] isAssignableFrom c case _ => false } def testGeneric(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case pt: ParameterizedType => if (isFunc1(pt.getRawType) && pt.getActualTypeArguments.length == 2 && isNodeSeq(pt.getActualTypeArguments()(0)) && isNodeSeq(pt.getActualTypeArguments()(1))) true else testGeneric(pt.getRawType) case clz: Class[_] => if (clz == classOf[Object]) false else clz.getGenericInterfaces.find(testGeneric) match { case Some(_) => true case _ => testGeneric(clz.getSuperclass) } case _ => false } def isFuncNodeSeq(meth: Method): Boolean = { (classOf[Function1[_, _]] isAssignableFrom meth.getReturnType) && testGeneric(meth.getGenericReturnType) } def nodeSeqFunc: Box[NodeSeq] = for { meth <- tryo(inst.getClass.getMethod(method)) if isFuncNodeSeq(meth) } yield meth.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq]].apply(kids) (gotIt or nodeSeqFunc) openOr { val ar: Array[AnyRef] = List(Group(kids)).toArray ((Helpers.invokeMethod(inst.getClass, inst, method, ar)) or Helpers.invokeMethod(inst.getClass, inst, method)) match { case CheckNodeSeq(md) => md case it => val intersection = if (Props.devMode) { val methodNames = inst.getClass.getMethods().map(_.getName).toList.distinct val methodAlts = List(method, Helpers.camelify(method), Helpers.camelifyMethod(method)) methodNames intersect methodAlts } else Nil reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.MethodNotFound, if (intersection.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else <div>There are possible matching methods ( {intersection} ), but none has the required signature: <pre>def {method} (in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq</pre> </div>, wholeTag) } } } case Failure(_, Full(exception), _) => logger.warn("Snippet instantiation error", exception) reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.InstantiationException, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case _ => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.ClassNotFound, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) } }))).openOr { reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.NoNameSpecified, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) } } catch { case ExclosedSnippetFailure(e) => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, e.snippetFailure, e.buildStackTrace, wholeTag) case e: SnippetFailureException => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, e.snippetFailure, e.buildStackTrace, wholeTag) } def checkMultiPart(in: MetaData): MetaData = in.filter(_.key == "multipart").toList match { case Nil => Null case x => new UnprefixedAttribute("enctype", Text("multipart/form-data"), Null) } def checkAttr(attr_name: String, in: MetaData, base: MetaData): MetaData = in.filter(_.key == attr_name).toList match { case Nil => base case x => new UnprefixedAttribute(attr_name, Text(x.head.value.text), base) } if (ret.isEmpty) ret else attrs.get("form").map(_.text.trim.toLowerCase) match { case Some("post") => S.withAttrs(attrs.filter(_.key == "multipart")) { net.liftweb.builtin.snippet.Form.post(ret) } match { case e: Elem => e % LiftRules.formAttrs.vend.foldLeft[MetaData](Null)((base, name) => checkAttr(name, attrs, base)) case x => x } case Some(ft) => <form action={S.uri} method={ft}> {ret} </form> % checkMultiPart(attrs) % LiftRules.formAttrs.vend.foldLeft[MetaData](Null)((base, name) => checkAttr(name, attrs, base)) case _ => ret } } private object ExclosedSnippetFailure { def unapply(e: Throwable): Option[SnippetFailureException] = e.getCause match { case null => None case e: SnippetFailureException => Some(e) case _ => None } } /** * Apply HTML specific corrections such as adding the context path etc. */ def fixHtml(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = Req.fixHtml(contextPath, in) /** * The partial function that defines how lift tags are processed for this session. Initially composed * of LiftRules.liftTagProcessing orElse the default lift tag processing. If you need to change the * way a particular session handles lift tags, alter this partial function. */ @volatile var liftTagProcessing: List[LiftRules.LiftTagPF] = _ /** * The basic partial function that does lift tag processing */ private def _defaultLiftTagProcessing: LiftRules.LiftTagPF = NamedPF("Default Lift Tags") { case ("snippet", elm, metaData, kids, page) => metaData.get("type") match { case Some(tn) => S.doSnippet(tn.text) { NamedPF((tn.text, elm, metaData, kids, page), liftTagProcessing) } case _ => processSnippet(page, Empty, elm.attributes, elm, elm.child) } case (snippetInfo, elm, metaData, kids, page) => processSnippet(page, Full(snippetInfo), metaData, elm, kids) } liftTagProcessing = LiftRules.liftTagProcessing.toList ::: List(_defaultLiftTagProcessing) private def asNodeSeq(in: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = in private class DeferredProcessor extends SpecializedLiftActor[ProcessSnippet] { protected def messageHandler = { case ProcessSnippet(f) => f() } } private case class ProcessSnippet(f: () => Unit) // if the "lift:parallel" attribute is part of the snippet, create an // actor and send the message off to that actor private def processOrDefer(isLazy: Boolean)(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { /* val isLazy = LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets() && node.attributes.find { case p: PrefixedAttribute => p.pre == "lift" && (p.key == "parallel") case _ => false }.isDefined */ if (fullPageLoad.? && isLazy && LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets()) { // name the node val nodeId = randomString(20) val renderVersion = RenderVersion.get val theNode = <lift_deferred:node id={nodeId}/> // take a snapshot of the hashmap used to communicate between threads val hash = deferredSnippets.is // insert an empty node hash.synchronized { hash(nodeId) = Empty } // create a function that will restore our RequestVars val reqVarCallback = deferredSnippets.generateSnapshotRestorer[NodeSeq]() // create a new actor val actor = new DeferredProcessor // snapshot the current Req val req = S.request.map(_.snapshot) // send the ProcessSnippet message to the Actor actor ! ProcessSnippet(() => { executeInScope(req, renderVersion) { // process the message val bns = tryo { reqVarCallback(() => f) } // set the node hash.synchronized { hash(nodeId) = bns match { case Empty => Failure("Weird Empty Node", Empty, Empty) case x => x } // and notify listeners hash.notify() } } }) theNode } else f } /** * Processes the surround tag and other lift tags */ def processSurroundAndInclude(page: String, in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { in.flatMap { case Group(nodes) => Group(processSurroundAndInclude(page, nodes)) case SnippetNode(element, kids, isLazy, attrs, snippetName) => processOrDefer(isLazy) { S.doSnippet(snippetName) { S.withAttrs(attrs) { processSurroundAndInclude(page, NamedPF((snippetName, element, attrs, kids, page), liftTagProcessing)) } } } case v: Elem => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, processAttributes(v.attributes), v.scope, processSurroundAndInclude(page, v.child): _*) case v => v } } /** * A nicely named proxy for processSurroundAndInclude. This method processes * a Lift template * * @param pageName -- the name of the page being processed (for error reporting) * @param template -- the template to process using Lift's templating engine */ def runTemplate(pageName: String, template: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = processSurroundAndInclude(pageName, template) /** * Run the code, but if the session is not stateful, then * throw a StateInStatelessException */ def testStatefulFeature[T](f: => T): T = { if (this.stateful_?) f else throw new StateInStatelessException( "Accessing stateful feature outside of a stateful session") } /** * Finds all Comet actors by type */ def findComet(theType: String): List[LiftCometActor] = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncComponents.flatMap { case ((Full(name), _), value) if name == theType => Full(value) case _ => Empty }.toList } } /** * Find the comet actor by type and name */ def findComet(theType: String, name: Box[String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncComponents.get(Full(theType) -> name) } } /** * This method will send a message to a CometActor, whether or not * the CometActor is instantiated. If the CometActor already exists * in the session, the message will be sent immediately. If the CometActor * is not yet instantiated, the message will be sent to the CometActor * as part of setup (@see setupComet) if it is created as part * of the current HTTP request/response cycle. * * @param theType the type of the CometActor * @param name the optional name of the CometActor * @param msg the message to send to the CometActor */ def sendCometActorMessage(theType: String, name: Box[String], msg: Any) { testStatefulFeature { findComet(theType, name) match { case Full(a) => a ! msg case _ => setupComet(theType, name, msg) } } } /** * Allows you to send messages to a CometActor that may or may not be set up yet */ def setupComet(theType: String, name: Box[String], msg: Any) { testStatefulFeature { cometSetup.atomicUpdate(v => (Full(theType) -> name, msg) :: v) } } private[liftweb] def findComet(theType: Box[String], name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = { testStatefulFeature { val what = (theType -> name) val ret = synchronized { val ret = Box(asyncComponents.get(what)).or({ theType.flatMap { tpe => val ret = findCometByType(tpe, name, defaultXml, attributes) ret.foreach(r => synchronized { asyncComponents(what) = r asyncById(r.uniqueId) = r }) ret } }) ret } for { actor <- ret (cst, csv) <- cometSetup.is if cst == what } actor ! csv cometSetup.atomicUpdate(v => v.filter(_._1 != what)) ret } } /** * Finds a Comet actor by ID */ def getAsyncComponent(id: String): Box[LiftCometActor] = synchronized( testStatefulFeature(asyncById.get(id))) /** * Adds a new Comet actor to this session */ private[http] def addCometActor(act: LiftCometActor): Unit = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncById(act.uniqueId) = act } } private[liftweb] def addAndInitCometActor(act: LiftCometActor, theType: Box[String], name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]) = { testStatefulFeature { val what = (theType -> name) synchronized { asyncById(act.uniqueId) = act asyncComponents(what) = act } act.callInitCometActor(this, theType, name, defaultXml, attributes) act ! PerformSetupComet2(if (act.sendInitialReq_?) S.request.map(_.snapshot) else Empty) } } /** * Remove a Comet actor */ private[http] def removeCometActor(act: LiftCometActor): Unit = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncById -= act.uniqueId messageCallback -= act.jsonCall.funcId asyncComponents -= (act.theType -> act.name) val toCmp = Full(act.uniqueId) messageCallback.foreach { case (k, f) => if (f.owner == toCmp) messageCallback -= k } accessPostPageFuncs { postPageFunctions -= act.uniqueId } val id = Full(act.uniqueId) messageCallback.keys.toList.foreach { k => val f = messageCallback(k) if (f.owner == id) { messageCallback -= k } } } } private def findCometByType(contType: String, name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = { testStatefulFeature { val createInfo = CometCreationInfo(contType, name, defaultXml, attributes, this) val boxCA: Box[LiftCometActor] = LiftRules.cometCreationFactory.vend.apply(createInfo).map { a => a ! PerformSetupComet2(if (a.sendInitialReq_?) S.request.map(_.snapshot) else Empty); a } or LiftRules.cometCreation.toList.find(_.isDefinedAt(createInfo)).map(_.apply(createInfo)).map { a => a ! PerformSetupComet2(if (a.sendInitialReq_?) S.request.map(_.snapshot) else Empty); a } or (findType[LiftCometActor](contType, LiftRules.buildPackage("comet") ::: ("lift.app.comet" :: Nil)).flatMap { cls => tryo((e: Throwable) => e match { case e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException => () case e => logger.info("Comet find by type Failed to instantiate " + cls.getName, e) }) { val constr = cls.getConstructor() val ret = constr.newInstance().asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] ret.callInitCometActor(this, Full(contType), name, defaultXml, attributes) ret ! PerformSetupComet2(if (ret.sendInitialReq_?) S.request.map(_.snapshot) else Empty) ret.asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] } or tryo((e: Throwable) => logger.info("Comet find by type Failed to instantiate " + cls.getName, e)) { val constr = cls.getConstructor(this.getClass, classOf[Box[String]], classOf[NodeSeq], classOf[Map[String, String]]) val ret = constr.newInstance(this, name, defaultXml, attributes).asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor]; ret ! PerformSetupComet2(if (ret.sendInitialReq_?) S.request.map(_.snapshot) else Empty) ret.asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] } }) boxCA.foreach { _.setCometActorLocale(S.locale) } boxCA } } private def failedFind(in: Failure): NodeSeq = <html xmlns:lift="http://liftweb.net" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head/> <body> {Helpers.errorDiv( <div>Error locating template. <br/> Message: <b> {in.msg} </b> {in.exception.map(e => {e.toString}{e.getStackTrace.map(_.toString).mkString("\n")} </pre>).openOr(NodeSeq.Empty)} </div>) openOr NodeSeq.Empty} </body> </html> private[liftweb] def findAndMerge(templateName: Box[String], atWhat: Map[String, NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = { val name: String = templateName.map(s => if (s.startsWith("/")) s else "/" + s).openOr("/templates-hidden/default") def hasLiftBind(s: NodeSeq): Boolean = (Helpers.findOption(s) { case e if "lift" == e.prefix && "bind" == e.label => Some(true) case _ => None }).isDefined findTemplate(name) match { case f@Failure(msg, be, _) if Props.devMode => failedFind(f) case Full(s) => if (hasLiftBind(s)) Helpers.bind(atWhat, s) else atWhat.toList match { case Nil => s case xs => xs.map { case (id, replacement) => (("#" + id) #> replacement) }.reduceLeft(_ & _)(s) } case _ => atWhat.values.flatMap(_.toSeq).toList } } } /** * The response from a page saying that it's been rendered */ case object ShutDown /** * If a class is to be used as a lift view (rendering from code rather than a static template) * and the method names are to be used as "actions", the view must be marked as "InsecureLiftView" * because there exists the ability to execute arbitrary methods based on wire content */ trait InsecureLiftView /** * The preferred way to do lift views... implement a partial function that dispatches * the incoming request to an appropriate method */ trait LiftView { implicit def nsToCns(in: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq] = Box.legacyNullTest(in) def dispatch: PartialFunction[String, () => Box[NodeSeq]] } // an object that extracts an elem that defines a snippet private object SnippetNode { private def removeLift(str: String): String = str.indexOf(":") match { case x if x >= 0 => str.substring(x + 1) case _ => str } private def makeMetaData(key: String, value: String, rest: MetaData): MetaData = key.indexOf(":") match { case x if x > 0 => new PrefixedAttribute(key.substring(0, x), key.substring(x + 1), value, rest) case _ => new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, rest) } private def pairsToMetaData(in: List[String]): MetaData = in match { case Nil => Null case x :: xs => { val rest = pairsToMetaData(xs) x.charSplit('=').map(Helpers.urlDecode) match { case Nil => rest case x :: Nil => makeMetaData(x, "", rest) case x :: y :: _ => makeMetaData(x, y, rest) } } } private def isLiftClass(s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith("lift:") || s.startsWith("l:") private def snippy(in: Elem): Option[(String, MetaData)] = ((for { cls <- in.attribute("class") snip <- cls.text.charSplit(' ').find(isLiftClass) } yield snip) orElse in.attribute("lift").map(_.text)).map { snip => snip.charSplit('?') match { case Nil => "this should never happen" -> Null case x :: Nil => urlDecode(removeLift(x)) -> Null case x :: xs => urlDecode(removeLift(x)) -> pairsToMetaData(xs.flatMap(_.roboSplit("[;&]"))) } } private def liftAttrsAndParallel(in: MetaData): (Boolean, MetaData) = { var next = in var par = false var nonLift: MetaData = Null while (next != Null) { next match { // remove the lift class css classes from the class attribute case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "class" => up.value.text.charSplit(' ').filter(s => !isLiftClass(s)) match { case Nil => case xs => nonLift = new UnprefixedAttribute("class", xs.mkString(" "), nonLift) } case p: PrefixedAttribute if (p.pre == "l" || p.pre == "lift") && p.key == "parallel" => par = true case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "lift" => // ignore case p: PrefixedAttribute if p.pre == "lift" && p.key == "snippet" => nonLift = p.copy(nonLift) case a => nonLift = a.copy(nonLift) } next = next.next } (par, nonLift) } def unapply(baseNode: Node): Option[(Elem, NodeSeq, Boolean, MetaData, String)] = baseNode match { case elm: Elem if elm.prefix == "lift" || elm.prefix == "l" => { Some((elm, elm.child, elm.attributes.find { case p: PrefixedAttribute => p.pre == "lift" && (p.key == "parallel") case _ => false }.isDefined, elm.attributes, elm.label)) } case elm: Elem => { for { (snippetName, lift) <- snippy(elm) } yield { val (par, nonLift) = liftAttrsAndParallel(elm.attributes) val newElm = new Elem(elm.prefix, elm.label, nonLift, elm.scope, elm.child: _*) (newElm, newElm, par || (lift.find { case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "parallel" => true case _ => false }. flatMap(up => AsBoolean.unapply(up.value.text)) getOrElse false), lift, snippetName) } } case _ => { None } } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftSession.scala source code file: |
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