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Lift Framework example source code file (SHtml.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (SHtml.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

any, box, elem, elem, elemattr, elemattr, jscmd, jsexp, nodeseq, nodeseq, seq, sfuncholder, string, string

The Lift Framework SHtml.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import S._
import common._
import util._
import util.Helpers._
import http.js._
import http.js.AjaxInfo
import JE._
import JsCmds._
import scala.xml._

class SHtmlJBridge {
  def sHtml = SHtml

 * The SHtml object defines a suite of XHTML element generator methods
 * to simplify the creation of markup, particularly with forms and AJAX.
object SHtml extends SHtml

 * The SHtml object defines a suite of XHTML element generator methods
 * to simplify the creation of markup, particularly with forms and AJAX.
trait SHtml {

   * Convert a T to a String for display in Select, MultiSelect,
   * etc.
  trait PairStringPromoter[T] extends Function1[T, String]

   * A companion object that does implicit conversions
  object PairStringPromoter {
    implicit val strPromot: PairStringPromoter[String] =
      new PairStringPromoter[String]{ def apply(in: String): String = in}

    implicit val intPromot: PairStringPromoter[Int] =
      new PairStringPromoter[Int]{ def apply(in: Int): String = in.toString}

    implicit def funcPromote[T](f: T => String): PairStringPromoter[T] =
      new PairStringPromoter[T]{def apply(in: T): String = f(in)}

    type EnumerationTypeWorkaround = Enumeration#Value
    implicit def enumToStrValPromo[EnumerationTypeWorkaround]: SHtml.PairStringPromoter[EnumerationTypeWorkaround] = 
      new SHtml.PairStringPromoter[EnumerationTypeWorkaround]{
        def apply(in: EnumerationTypeWorkaround): String =

   * An attribute that can be applied to an element.  Typically,
   * this will be a key-value pair, but there is a class of HTML5
   * attributes that should be similated in JavaScript.  
  trait ElemAttr extends Function1[Elem, Elem] {
     * Apply the attribute to the element
    def apply(in: Elem): Elem

   * The companion object that has some very helpful conversion
  object ElemAttr {
    implicit def pairToBasic(in: (String, String)): ElemAttr = 
      new BasicElemAttr(in._1, in._2)

    implicit def funcToElemAttr(f: Elem => Elem): ElemAttr = 
      new ElemAttr{def apply(in: Elem): Elem = f(in)}

    implicit def strSeqToElemAttr(in: Seq[(String, String)]):
    Seq[ElemAttr] = => a: ElemAttr)

    def applyToAllElems(in: Seq[Node], elemAttrs: Seq[ElemAttr]): Seq[Node] = in map {
      case Group(ns) => Group(applyToAllElems(ns, elemAttrs))
      case e: Elem => val updated = elemAttrs.foldLeft(e)((e, f) => f(e))

        new Elem(updated.prefix, updated.label,
                               updated.attributes, updated.scope,
                               applyToAllElems(updated.child, elemAttrs) :_*)
      case n => n

  private class ApplicableElem(in: Elem) {
    def %(attr: ElemAttr): Elem = attr.apply(in)

  private implicit def elemToApplicable(e: Elem): ApplicableElem =
    new ApplicableElem(e)

   * Any old attribute.  You should not explicitly construct one of these,
   * but rather use "name" -> "value" and let the implicit conversion
   * take care of making a BasicElemAttr.
  final case class BasicElemAttr(name: String, value: String) extends ElemAttr {
     * Apply the attribute to the element
    def apply(in: Elem): Elem = in % (name -> value)

   * Invokes the Ajax request
   * @param in the JsExp that returns the request data
  def makeAjaxCall(in: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp {
    def toJsCmd = "liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(" + in.toJsCmd + ", null, null, null)"

   * Invokes the Ajax request
   * @param in the JsExp that returns the request data
   * @param context defines the response callback functions and the response type (JavaScript or JSON)
  def makeAjaxCall(in: JsExp, context: AjaxContext): JsExp = new JsExp {
    def toJsCmd = "liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(" + in.toJsCmd + ", " + (context.success openOr "null") +
            ", " + (context.failure openOr "null") +
            ", " + context.responseType.toString.encJs +

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue the JavaScript that will be executed on the client to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param func the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  def ajaxCall(jsCalcValue: JsExp, func: String => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) = ajaxCall_*(jsCalcValue, SFuncHolder(func))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue the JavaScript that will be executed on the client to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param jsContext the context instance that defines JavaScript to be executed on call success or failure
   * @param func the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  def ajaxCall(jsCalcValue: JsExp, jsContext: JsContext, func: String => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) =
    ajaxCall_*(jsCalcValue, jsContext, SFuncHolder(func))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform a JSON call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param func the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  def jsonCall(jsCalcValue: JsExp, func: Any => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) =
    jsonCall_*(jsCalcValue, SFuncHolder(s => JSONParser.parse(s).map(func) openOr Noop))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform a JSON call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param jsContext the context instance that defines JavaScript to be executed on call success or failure
   * @param func the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  def jsonCall(jsCalcValue: JsExp, jsContext: JsContext, func: Any => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) =
    jsonCall_*(jsCalcValue, jsContext, SFuncHolder(s => JSONParser.parse(s).map(func) openOr Noop))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue -- the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param func -- the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  private def jsonCall_*(jsCalcValue: JsExp, func: AFuncHolder): (String, JsExp) =
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            (name, makeAjaxCall(JsRaw("'" + name + "=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(" + jsCalcValue.toJsCmd + "))"))))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue -- the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param ajaxContext -- the context defining the javascript callback functions and the response type
   * @param func -- the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the function ID and JavaScript that makes the call
  private def jsonCall_*(jsCalcValue: JsExp,
                         ajaxContext: AjaxContext,
                         func: AFuncHolder): (String, JsExp) =
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            (name, makeAjaxCall(JsRaw("'" + name + "=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(" + jsCalcValue.toJsCmd + "))"), ajaxContext)))

  def fajaxCall[T](jsCalcValue: JsExp, func: String => JsCmd)(f: (String, JsExp) => T): T = {
    val (name, js) = ajaxCall(jsCalcValue, func)
    f(name, js)

  def jsonCall(jsCalcValue: JsExp,
               jsonContext: JsonContext,
               func: String => JsObj): (String, JsExp) = ajaxCall_*(jsCalcValue, jsonContext, SFuncHolder(func))

  def fjsonCall[T](jsCalcValue: JsExp, jsonContext: JsonContext, func: String => JsObj)(f: (String, JsExp) => T): T = {
    val (name, js) = jsonCall(jsCalcValue, jsonContext, func)
    f(name, js)

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue -- the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param func -- the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the JavaScript that makes the call
  private def ajaxCall_*(jsCalcValue: JsExp, func: AFuncHolder): (String, JsExp) =
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            (name, makeAjaxCall(JsRaw("'" + name + "=' + encodeURIComponent(" + jsCalcValue.toJsCmd + ")"))))

   * Build a JavaScript function that will perform an AJAX call based on a value calculated in JavaScript
   * @param jsCalcValue -- the JavaScript to calculate the value to be sent to the server
   * @param ajaxContext -- the context defining the javascript callback functions and the response type
   * @param func -- the function to call when the data is sent
   * @return the JavaScript that makes the call
  private def ajaxCall_*(jsCalcValue: JsExp,
                         ajaxContext: AjaxContext,
                         func: AFuncHolder): (String, JsExp) =
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            (name, makeAjaxCall(JsRaw("'" + name + "=' + encodeURIComponent(" + jsCalcValue.toJsCmd + ")"), ajaxContext)))

  private def deferCall(data: JsExp, jsFunc: Call): Call =
    Call(jsFunc.function, (jsFunc.params ++ List(AnonFunc(makeAjaxCall(data)))): _*)

   * Create an Ajax button. When it's pressed, the function is executed
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @param attrs -- the list of node attributes
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, func: () => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            <button onclick={makeAjaxCall(Str(name + "=true")).toJsCmd +
                    "; return false;"}>{text}</button>))((e, f) => f(e))

   * Memoize the NodeSeq used in apply() and then call
   * applyAgain() in an Ajax call and you don't have to
   * explicitly capture the template
  def memoize(f: => NodeSeq => NodeSeq): MemoizeTransform = {
    new MemoizeTransform {
      private var lastNodeSeq: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty

     def apply(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
        lastNodeSeq = ns

      def applyAgain(): NodeSeq = f(lastNodeSeq)

   * Memoize the NodeSeq used in apply() and then call
   * applyAgain() in an Ajax call and you don't have to
   * explicitly capture the template
  def idMemoize(f: IdMemoizeTransform => NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc): IdMemoizeTransform = {
    new IdMemoizeTransform {
      var latestElem: Elem = <span/>
      var latestKids: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty

      var latestId = Helpers.nextFuncName

      private def fixElem(e: Elem): Elem = {
        e.attribute("id") match {
          case Some(id) => latestId = id.text ; e
          case None => e % ("id" -> latestId)

      def apply(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = 
        Helpers.findBox(ns){e => latestElem = fixElem(e);
                            latestKids = e.child; Full(e)}.
      map(ignore => applyAgain()).openOr(NodeSeq.Empty)

      def applyAgain(): NodeSeq = 
        new Elem(latestElem.prefix,
                 f(this)(latestKids) :_*)

      def setHtml(): JsCmd = SetHtml(latestId, f(this)(latestKids))

   * Create an Ajax buttun that when it's pressed it submits an Ajax request and expects back a JSON
   * construct which will be passed to the <i>success function
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @param ajaxContext -- defines the callback functions and the JSON response type
   * @param attrs -- the list of node attributes
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def jsonButton(text: NodeSeq, func: () => JsObj, ajaxContext: JsonContext, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            <button onclick={makeAjaxCall(Str(name + "=true"), ajaxContext).toJsCmd +
                    "; return false;"}>{text}</button>))((e, f) => f(e))

   * Create an Ajax button. When it's pressed, the function is executed
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @param attrs -- the list of node attributes
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, jsExp: JsExp, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(SFuncHolder(func)))(name =>
            <button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw(name.encJs + "+'='+encodeURIComponent(" + jsExp.toJsCmd + ")")).toJsCmd +
                    "; return false;"}>{text}</button>))((e, f) => f(e))

   * Create an Ajax buttun that when it's pressed it submits an Ajax request and expects back a JSON
   * construct which will be passed to the <i>success function
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @param ajaxContext -- defines the callback functions and the JSON response type
   * @param attrs -- the list of node attributes
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def jsonButton(text: NodeSeq, jsExp: JsExp, func: Any => JsObj, ajaxContext: JsonContext, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(jsonFmapFunc(func)(name =>
            <button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw(name.encJs + "+'='+ encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(" + jsExp.toJsCmd + "))"), ajaxContext).toJsCmd +
                    "; return false;"}>{text}</button>))(_ % _)

   * Create an Ajax button. When it's pressed, the function is executed
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param jsFunc -- the user function that will be executed. This function will receive as last parameter
   *                  the function that will actually do the ajax call. Hence the user function can decide when
   * 				  to make the ajax request.
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @return a button to put on your pagejsFunc.params ++ List(AnonFunc(makeAjaxCall(Str(name+"=true"))))
  def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, jsFunc: Call, func: () => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            <button onclick={deferCall(Str(name + "=true"), jsFunc).toJsCmd + "; return false;"}>{text}))(_ % _)

   * Create an Ajax button. When it's pressed, the function is executed
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param jsFunc -- the user function that will be executed. This function will receive as last parameter
   *                  the function that will actually do the ajax call. Hence the user function can decide when
   * 				  to make the ajax request.
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def ajaxButton(text: String, func: () => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxButton(Text(text), func, attrs: _*)

   * Create an Ajax button. When it's pressed, the function is executed
   * @param text -- the name/text of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the button is pushed.  Return Noop if nothing changes on the browser.
   * @return a button to put on your page
  def ajaxButton(text: String, jsFunc: Call, func: () => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxButton(Text(text), jsFunc, func, attrs: _*)

   * This method generates an AJAX editable field.
   * Normally, the displayContents will be shown, with an "Edit" button.
   * If the "Edit" button is clicked, the field will be replaced with
   * the edit form, along with an "OK" and "Cancel" button.
   * If the OK button is pressed, the form fields are submitted and the onSubmit
   * function is called, and then the displayContents are re-run to get a new display.
   * If cancel is pressed then the original displayContents are re-shown.
   * Note that the editForm NodeSeq is wrapped inside of an <code>ajaxForm, so it can be comprised
   * of normal (non-AJAX) <code>SHtml form elements. For example:
   * <pre name="code" class="scala">
   * ajaxEditable(Test("Click me"),
   *              SHtml.text("Edit me", s => println("Edited with " +s)),
   *              () => { println("submitted"); Noop })
   * </pre>
  def ajaxEditable (displayContents : => NodeSeq, editForm : => NodeSeq, onSubmit : () => JsCmd) : NodeSeq = {
    import net.liftweb.http.js
    import js.{jquery,JsCmd,JsCmds,JE}
    import jquery.JqJsCmds
    import JsCmds.{Noop,SetHtml}
    import JE.Str
    import JqJsCmds.{Hide,Show}

    val divName = Helpers.nextFuncName
    val dispName = divName + "_display"
    val editName = divName + "_edit"

    def swapJsCmd (show : String, hide : String) : JsCmd = Show(show) & Hide(hide)

    def setAndSwap (show : String, showContents : => NodeSeq, hide : String) : JsCmd =
      (SHtml.ajaxCall(Str("ignore"), {ignore : String => SetHtml(show, showContents)})._2.cmd & swapJsCmd(show,hide))

    def displayMarkup : NodeSeq =
      displayContents ++ Text(" ") ++
      <input value={S.??("edit")} type="button" onclick={setAndSwap(editName, editMarkup, dispName).toJsCmd + " return false;"} />

    def editMarkup : NodeSeq = {
      val formData : NodeSeq =
        editForm ++
        <input type="submit" value={S.??("ok")} /> ++
        hidden(onSubmit) ++
        <input type="button" onclick={swapJsCmd(dispName,editName).toJsCmd + " return false;"} value={S.??("cancel")} />

               setAndSwap(dispName, displayMarkup, editName))

      <div id={dispName}>
      <div id={editName} style="display: none;">

   * Create an anchor tag around a body which will do an AJAX call and invoke the function
   * @param func - the function to invoke when the link is clicked
   * @param body - the NodeSeq to wrap in the anchor tag
   * @param attrs - the anchor node attributes
  def a(func: () => JsCmd, body: NodeSeq, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val key = formFuncName
    addFunctionMap(key, contextFuncBuilder((a: List[String]) => func()))
    attrs.foldLeft(<lift:a key={key}>{body})(_ % _)

   * Create an anchor tag around a body which will do an AJAX call and invoke the function
   * @param jsFunc -- the user function that will be executed. This function will receive as last parameter
   *                  the function that will actually do the ajax call. Hence the user function can decide when
   * 				  to make the ajax request.
   * @param func - the function to invoke when the link is clicked
   * @param body - the NodeSeq to wrap in the anchor tag
   * @param attrs - the anchor node attributes
  def a(jsFunc: Call, func: () => JsCmd, body: NodeSeq, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick={deferCall(Str(name + "=true"), jsFunc).toJsCmd + "; return false;"}>{body}))(_ % _)

  def a(func: () => JsObj,
        jsonContext: JsonContext,
        body: NodeSeq,
        attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {

    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick={makeAjaxCall(Str(name + "=true"), jsonContext).toJsCmd + "; return false;"}>{body}))(_ % _)

   * Create an anchor with a body and the function to be executed when the anchor is clicked
  def a(body: NodeSeq, attrs: ElemAttr*)(func: => JsCmd): Elem =
    a(() => func, body, attrs: _*)

   * Create an anchor with a body and the function to be executed when the anchor is clicked
   * @param jsFunc -- the user function that will be executed. This function will receive as last parameter
   *                  the function that will actually do the ajax call. Hence the user function can decide when
   * 				  to make the ajax request.
   * @param body - the NodeSeq to wrap in the anchor tag
   * @param attrs - the anchor node attributes
  def a(jsFunc: Call, body: NodeSeq, attrs: ElemAttr*)(func: => JsCmd): Elem =
    a(jsFunc, () => func, body, attrs: _*)

   * Create an anchor that will run a JavaScript command when clicked
  def a(body: NodeSeq, cmd: JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    attrs.foldLeft(<a href="javascript://"
    onclick={cmd.toJsCmd + "; return false;"}>{body}</a>)(_ % _)

   * Create a span that will run a JavaScript command when clicked
  def span(body: NodeSeq, cmd: JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    attrs.foldLeft(<span onclick={cmd.toJsCmd}>{body})(_ % _)

  def toggleKids(head: Elem, visible: Boolean, func: () => JsCmd, kids: Elem): NodeSeq = {
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func)) {
      funcName =>

              val (nk, id) = findOrAddId(kids)
              val rnk = if (visible) nk else nk % ("style" -> "display: none")
              val nh = head %
                      ("onclick" -> (LiftRules.jsArtifacts.toggle(id).cmd & makeAjaxCall(JsRaw("'" + funcName + "=true'")).cmd))
              nh ++ rnk

   * This function does not really submit a JSON request to server instead json is a function
   * that allows you to build a more complex JsCmd based on the JsExp <i>JE.JsRaw("this.value").
   * This function is called by the overloaded version of jsonText.
   * @param value - the initial value of the text field
   * @param ignoreBlur - ignore the onblur event and only do the event if the enter key is pressed
   * @param json - takes a JsExp which describes how to recover the
   * value of the text field and returns a JsExp containing the thing
   * to execute on blur/return
   * @return a text field
  def jsonText(value: String, ignoreBlur: Boolean, json: JsExp => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="text" value={value match {case null => "" case s => s}}/>)(_ % _)) %
  ("onkeypress" -> """liftUtils.lift_blurIfReturn(event)""") %
  (if (ignoreBlur) Null else ("onblur" -> (json(JE.JsRaw("this.value")))))

   * This function does not really submit a JSON request to server instead json is a function
   * that allows you to build a more complex JsCmd based on the JsExp <i>JE.JsRaw("this.value").
   * This function is called by the overloaded version of jsonText.
   * @param value - the initial value of the text field
   * @param json - takes a JsExp which describes how to recover the
   * value of the text field and returns a JsExp containing the thing
   * to execute on blur/return
   * @return a text field
  def jsonText(value: String, json: JsExp => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = jsonText(value, false, json, attrs :_*)

   * Create a JSON text widget that makes a JSON call on blur or "return".
   * @param value - the initial value of the text field
   * @param cmd - the json command name
   * @param json - the JsonCall returned from S.buildJsonFunc
   * @return a text field
  def jsonText(value: String, cmd: String, json: JsonCall, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  jsonText(value, exp => json(cmd, exp), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxTextElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String}, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxText(settable.get, (b: String) => {settable.set(b); Noop}, attrs :_*)

  def ajaxText(value: String, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  ajaxText_*(value, false, Empty, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  ajaxText_*(value, false, Full(jsFunc), SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxText(value: String, ignoreBlur: Boolean, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  ajaxText_*(value, ignoreBlur, Empty, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxText(value: String, ignoreBlur: Boolean, jsFunc: Call, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  ajaxText_*(value, ignoreBlur, Full(jsFunc), SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  private def ajaxText_*(valuePreNull: String, ignoreBlur: Boolean, jsFunc: Box[Call], func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val value = (Box !! valuePreNull).openOr("")
    val raw = (funcName: String, value: String) => JsRaw("'" + funcName + "=' + encodeURIComponent(" + value + ".value)")
    val key = formFuncName

    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func)) {
      funcName =>
      (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="text" value={value}/>)(_ % _)) %
      ("onkeypress" -> """liftUtils.lift_blurIfReturn(event)""") %
      (if (ignoreBlur) Null else
       ("onblur" -> (jsFunc match {
              case Full(f) => JsCrVar(key, JsRaw("this")) & deferCall(raw(funcName, key), f)
              case _ => makeAjaxCall(raw(funcName, "this"))

   * This function does not really submit a JSON request to server instead json is a function
   * that allows you to build a more complex JsCmd based on the JsExp <i>JE.JsRaw("this.value").
   * This function is called by the overloaded version of jsonTextarea.
   * @param value - the initial value of the text area field
   * @param json - takes a JsExp which describes how to recover the
   * value of the text area field and returns a JsExp containing the thing
   * to execute on blur
   * @return a text area field
  def jsonTextarea(value: String, json: JsExp => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  (attrs.foldLeft(<textarea>{value})(_ % _)) %
  ("onblur" -> (json(JE.JsRaw("this.value"))))

   * Create a JSON text area widget that makes a JSON call on blur
   * @param value - the initial value of the text field
   * @param cmd - the json command name
   * @param json - the JsonCall returned from S.buildJsonFunc
   * @return a text field
  def jsonTextarea(value: String, cmd: String, json: JsonCall, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  jsonTextarea(value, exp => json(cmd, exp), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxTextarea(value: String, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  ajaxTextarea_*(value, Empty, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxTextarea(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = 
  ajaxTextarea_*(value, Full(jsFunc), SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  private def ajaxTextarea_*(value: String, jsFunc: Box[Call], func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val raw = (funcName: String, value: String) => JsRaw("'" + funcName + "=' + encodeURIComponent(" + value + ".value)")
    val key = formFuncName

    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func)) {
      funcName =>
      (attrs.foldLeft(<textarea>{value})(_ % _)) %
      ("onblur" -> (jsFunc match {
              case Full(f) => JsCrVar(key, JsRaw("this")) & deferCall(raw(funcName, key), f)
              case _ => makeAjaxCall(raw(funcName, "this"))

  trait AreaShape {
    def shape: String
    def coords: String
  case class RectShape(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int) extends AreaShape {
    def shape: String = "rect"
    def coords: String = ""+left+", "+top+", "+right+", "+bottom
  case class CircleShape(centerX: Int, centerY: Int, radius: Int) extends AreaShape  {
    def shape: String = "circle"
    def coords: String = ""+centerX+", "+centerY+", "+radius
  case class CirclePercentShape(centerX: Int, centerY: Int, radiusPercent: Int) extends AreaShape  {
    def shape: String = "circle"
    def coords: String = ""+centerX+", "+centerY+", "+radiusPercent+"%"
  case class PolyShape(polyCoords: (Int, Int)*) extends AreaShape {
    def shape: String = "poly"
    def coords: String ={ case (x, y) => ""+x+", "+y}.mkString(", ")

   * Generate an Area tag
   * @param shape - the shape of the area (RectShape, CircleShape, CirclePercentShape, PolyShape)
   * @param alt - the contents of the alt attribute
   * @param attrs - the balance of the attributes for the tag
  def area(shape: AreaShape, alt: String, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  attrs.foldLeft(<area alt={alt} shape={shape.shape} coords={shape.coords} />)(_ % _)

   * Generate an Area tag
   * @param shape - the shape of the area (RectShape, CircleShape, CirclePercentShape, PolyShape)
   * @param jsCmd - the JavaScript to execute on the client when the area is clicked
   * @param alt - the contents of the alt attribute
   * @param attrs - the balance of the attributes for the tag
  def area(shape: AreaShape, jsCmd: JsCmd, alt: String, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
  area(shape, alt, (("onclick" -> jsCmd.toJsCmd): ElemAttr) :: attrs.toList :_*)

   * Generate an Area tag
   * @param shape - the shape of the area (RectShape, CircleShape, CirclePercentShape, PolyShape)
   * @param func - The server side function to execute when the area is clicked on.
   * @param alt - the contents of the alt attribute
   * @param attrs - the balance of the attributes for the tag
  def area(shape: AreaShape, func: () => JsCmd, alt: String, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func)) {
      funcName =>
      area(shape, alt, (("onclick" -> (makeAjaxCall(Str(funcName + "=true")).toJsCmd +
                                      "; return false;")): ElemAttr) :: attrs.toList :_*)

  def ajaxCheckboxElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Boolean}, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxCheckbox(settable.get, (b: Boolean) => {settable.set(b); Noop}, attrs :_*)

  def ajaxCheckbox(value: Boolean, func: Boolean => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxCheckbox_*(value, Empty, LFuncHolder(in => func(in.exists(toBoolean(_)))), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxCheckboxElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Boolean}, jsFunc: Call, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxCheckbox_*(settable.get, Full(jsFunc), 
                   LFuncHolder(in => {settable.set(in.exists(toBoolean( _))); 
                                      Noop}), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxCheckbox(value: Boolean, jsFunc: Call, func: Boolean => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxCheckbox_*(value, Full(jsFunc), LFuncHolder(in => func(in.exists(toBoolean(_)))), attrs: _*)

  private def ajaxCheckbox_*(value: Boolean, jsFunc: Box[Call], func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val raw = (funcName: String, value: String) => JsRaw("'" + funcName + "=' + " + value + ".checked")
    val key = formFuncName

    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func)) {
      funcName =>
              (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="checkbox"/>)(_ % _)) %
                      checked(value) %
                      ("onclick" -> (jsFunc match {
                        case Full(f) => JsCrVar(key, JsRaw("this")) & deferCall(raw(funcName, key), f)
                        case _ => makeAjaxCall(raw(funcName, "this"))

   * Make a set of Ajax radio buttons.  When the buttons are pressed,
   * the function is called
   * @param opts -- The possible values.  These are not revealed to the browser
   * @param deflt -- the default button
   * @param ajaxFunc -- the function to invoke when the button is pressed
  def ajaxRadio[T](opts: Seq[T], deflt: Box[T], ajaxFunc: T => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): ChoiceHolder[T] = {
    val groupName = Helpers.nextFuncName
    val itemList ={
      v => {
        ChoiceItem(v, attrs.foldLeft(<input type="radio" name={groupName}
                                     value={Helpers.nextFuncName}/>)(_ % _) % 
                   checked(deflt == Full(v)) %
                   ("onclick" -> ajaxCall(Str(""), 
                                          ignore => ajaxFunc(v))._2.toJsCmd))

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def ajaxSelectElem[T](options: Seq[T], default: Box[T], attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (onSubmit: T => JsCmd)(implicit f: PairStringPromoter[T]):
  Elem = {
    ajaxSelectObj[T]( => (v -> f(v))),
                     default, onSubmit, attrs :_*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def ajaxSelectObj[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Box[T],
                       onSubmit: T => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {

    val secure = {case (obj, txt) => (obj, randomString(20), txt)}
    val defaultNonce = default.flatMap(d => secure.find(_._1 == d).map(_._2))
    val nonces = {case (obj, nonce, txt) => (nonce, txt)}
    def process(nonce: String): JsCmd =
      secure.find(_._2 == nonce).map(x => onSubmit(x._1)) getOrElse Noop
    //  (nonces, defaultNonce, SFuncHolder(process))

      SFuncHolder(process _),
      attrs: _*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def ajaxSelectElem[T](options: Seq[T], default: Box[T],
                        jsFunc: Call,
                        attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (onSubmit: T => JsCmd)
  (implicit f: PairStringPromoter[T]): Elem = 
        ajaxSelectObj[T]( => (v, f(v))), default,
                         jsFunc, onSubmit)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def ajaxSelectObj[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Box[T],
                       jsFunc: Call,
                       onSubmit: T => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {

    val secure = {case (obj, txt) => (obj, randomString(20), txt)}
    val defaultNonce = default.flatMap(d => secure.find(_._1 == d).map(_._2))
    val nonces = {case (obj, nonce, txt) => (nonce, txt)}
    def process(nonce: String): JsCmd =
      secure.find(_._2 == nonce).map(x => onSubmit(x._1)) getOrElse Noop
    //  (nonces, defaultNonce, SFuncHolder(process))

      SFuncHolder(process _),
      attrs: _*)

  def ajaxSelect(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
                 func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxSelect_*(opts, deflt, Empty, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def ajaxSelect(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
                 jsFunc: Call, func: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    ajaxSelect_*(opts, deflt, Full(jsFunc), SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  private def ajaxSelect_*(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
                           jsFunc: Box[Call], func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val raw = (funcName: String, value: String) => JsRaw("'" + funcName + "=' + " + value + ".options[" + value + ".selectedIndex].value")
    val key = formFuncName

    val vals =
    val testFunc = LFuncHolder(in => in.filter(v => vals.contains(v)) match {case Nil => false case xs => func(xs)}, func.owner)
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(testFunc)) {
      funcName =>
              (attrs.foldLeft(<select>{opts.flatMap {case (value, text) => () % selected(deflt.exists(_ == value))}})(_ % _)) %
                      ("onchange" -> (jsFunc match {
                        case Full(f) => JsCrVar(key, JsRaw("this")) & deferCall(raw(funcName, key), f)
                        case _ => makeAjaxCall(raw(funcName, "this"))

  def ajaxInvoke(func: () => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) =
    fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(NFuncHolder(func)))(name => (name, makeAjaxCall(name + "=true")))

   * Build a swappable visual element.  If the shown element is clicked on, it turns into the hidden element and when
   * the hidden element blurs, it swaps into the shown element.
  def swappable(shown: Elem, hidden: Elem): Elem = {
    val (rs, sid) = findOrAddId(shown)
    val (rh, hid) = findOrAddId(hidden)
    val ui = LiftRules.jsArtifacts
    (<span>{rs % ("onclick" -> (ui.hide(sid).cmd &
            ui.showAndFocus(hid).cmd & JsRaw("return false;")))}{dealWithBlur(rh % ("style" -> "display: none"), ( & ui.hide(hid).cmd))}</span>)

  def swappable(shown: Elem, hidden: String => Elem): Elem = {
    val (rs, sid) = findOrAddId(shown)
    val hid = formFuncName
    val ui = LiftRules.jsArtifacts

    val rh = <span id={hid}>{hidden( + ";" + ui.hide(hid).toJsCmd + ";")}
    (<span>{rs % ("onclick" -> (ui.hide(sid).toJsCmd + ";" + + "; return false;"))}{(rh % ("style" -> "display: none"))})

  private def dealWithBlur(elem: Elem, blurCmd: String): Elem = {
    (elem \ "@onblur").toList match {
      case Nil => elem % ("onblur" -> blurCmd)
      case x :: xs => val attrs = elem.attributes.filter(_.key != "onblur")
      Elem(elem.prefix, elem.label, new UnprefixedAttribute("onblur", Text(blurCmd + x.text), attrs), elem.scope, elem.child: _*)

   * create an anchor tag around a body
   * @to - the target
   * @param func - the function to invoke when the link is clicked
   * @param body - the NodeSeq to wrap in the anchor tag
   * @attrs - the (optional) attributes for the HTML element
  def link(to: String, func: () => Any, body: NodeSeq,
           attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    fmapFunc((a: List[String]) => {func(); true})(key =>
            attrs.foldLeft(<a href={Helpers.appendFuncToURL(to, key + "=_")}>{body})(_ % _))

  private def makeFormElement(name: String, func: AFuncHolder,
                              attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    fmapFunc(func)(funcName =>
            attrs.foldLeft(<input type={name} name={funcName}/>)(_ % _))

  def text_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, func, Empty, attrs: _*)

  def text_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, ajaxTest: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, func, Full(ajaxTest), attrs: _*)

  private def buildOnBlur(bf: Box[String => JsCmd]): MetaData = bf match {
    case Full(func) =>
      new UnprefixedAttribute("onblur", Text(ajaxCall(JsRaw("this.value"), func)._2.toJsCmd), Null)

    case _ => Null

  def text_*(value: String, ignoreBlur: Boolean, func: AFuncHolder, ajaxTest: Box[String => JsCmd], attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("text", func, attrs: _*) % new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value match {case null => "" case s => s}), Null) % (
      if (ignoreBlur) Null else buildOnBlur(ajaxTest))

  def text_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, ajaxTest: Box[String => JsCmd], attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, false, func, ajaxTest, attrs :_*)

  def password_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("password", func, attrs: _*) % ("value" -> value)

  def hidden_*(func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("hidden", func, attrs: _*) % ("value" -> "true")

  def submit_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
      def doit = makeFormElement("submit", func, attrs: _*) % ("value" -> value) match {
        case Empty => formGroup(1)(doit)
        case _ => doit

  private def dupWithName(elem: Elem, name: String): Elem = {
    new Elem(elem.prefix,
             new UnprefixedAttribute("name", name, 
                                     elem.attributes.filter {
                                       case up: UnprefixedAttribute =>
                                         up.key != "name"
                                       case _ => true
             elem.child :_*)

  private def isRadio(in: MetaData): Boolean = 
    in.get("type").map(_.text equalsIgnoreCase "radio") getOrElse false

  private def isCheckbox(in: MetaData): Boolean = 
    in.get("type").map(_.text equalsIgnoreCase "checkbox") getOrElse false

   * If you want to update the href of an <a> tag,
   * this method returns a function that mutates the href
   * by adding a function that will be executed when the link
   * is clicked:
   * <code>
   * "#my_link" #> SHtml.hrefFunc(() => println("howdy"))
   * </code>
  def hrefFunc(func: () => Any): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = {
    val allEvent = List("href")

    ns => {
      def runNodes(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = 
        in.flatMap {
          case Group(g) => runNodes(g)
          // button
          case e: Elem => {
            val oldAttr: Map[String, String] =
                  flatMap(a => e.attribute(a).
                          map(v => a -> (v.text))) :_*)

            val newAttr = e.attributes.filter{
              case up: UnprefixedAttribute => !oldAttr.contains(up.key)
              case _ => true

            fmapFunc(func) {
              funcName => 
                new Elem(e.prefix, e.label,
                           case (meta, attr) =>
                             new UnprefixedAttribute(attr,
                                                                     getOrElse(attr, ""), 
                         }, e.scope, e.child :_*)

          case x => x

   * Create something that's bindable to an event attribute
   * and when the event happens, the command will fire:
   * <code>
   * "input [onblur]" #> SHtml.onEvent(s => Alert("Thanks: "+s))
   * </code>
  def onEvent(func: String => JsCmd): (String, JsExp) = 
    ajaxCall(JsRaw("this.value"), func)

   * Specify the events (e.g., onblur, onchange, etc.)
   * and the function to execute on those events.  Returns
   * a NodeSeq => NodeSeq that will add the events to all
   * the Elements
   * <code>
   * ":text" #> SHtml.onEvents("onchange", "onblur")(s => Alert("yikes "+s))
   * </code>
  def onEvents(event: String, events: String*)(func: String => JsCmd):
  NodeSeq => NodeSeq = {
    val allEvent = event :: events.toList
    ns => {
      def runNodes(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = 
        in.flatMap {
          case Group(g) => runNodes(g)
          // button
          case e: Elem => {
            val oldAttr: Map[String, String] =
                  flatMap(a => e.attribute(a).
                          map(v => a -> (v.text+"; "))) :_*)

            val newAttr = e.attributes.filter{
              case up: UnprefixedAttribute => !oldAttr.contains(up.key)
                case _ => true

            val cmd = ajaxCall(JsRaw("this.value"), func)._2.toJsCmd
            new Elem(e.prefix, e.label,
                       case (meta, attr) =>
                         new UnprefixedAttribute(attr,
                                                 oldAttr.getOrElse(attr, "") +
                     }, e.scope, e.child :_*)

          case x => x

   * execute the function when the form is submitted.
   * This method returns a function that can be applied to
   * form fields (input, button, textarea, select) and the
   * function is executed when the form containing the field is submitted.
  def onSubmitUnit(func: () => Any): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = 
    onSubmitImpl(func: AFuncHolder)

   * execute the String function when the form is submitted.
   * This method returns a function that can be applied to
   * form fields (input, button, textarea, select) and the
   * function is executed when the form containing the field is submitted.
  def onSubmit(func: String => Any): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = {
    onSubmitImpl(func: AFuncHolder)

   * execute the List[String] function when the form is submitted.
   * This method returns a function that can be applied to
   * form fields (input, button, textarea, select) and the
   * function is executed when the form containing the field is submitted.
  def onSubmitList(func: List[String] => Any): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = 
    onSubmitImpl(func: AFuncHolder)

   * Execute the Boolean function when the form is submitted.
   * This method returns a function that can be applied to
   * form fields (input, button, textarea, select) and the
   * function is executed when the form containing the field is submitted.
  def onSubmitBoolean(func: Boolean => Any): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = 
    onSubmitImpl(func: AFuncHolder)

   * Execute the function when the form is submitted.
   * This method returns a function that can be applied to
   * form fields (input, button, textarea, select) and the
   * function is executed when the form containing the field is submitted.
  def onSubmitImpl(func: AFuncHolder): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = {
    val fgSnap = S._formGroup.get

    (in: NodeSeq) => S._formGroup.doWith(fgSnap){
      var radioName: Box[String] = Empty
      var checkBoxName: Box[String] = Empty
      var checkBoxCnt = 0

      def runNodes(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = 
        in.flatMap {
          case Group(g) => runNodes(g)
          // button
          case e: Elem if e.label == "button" => 
   match {
              case Empty => 
                formGroup(1)(fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)})
              case _ => fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)}

          // textarea
          case e: Elem if e.label == "textarea" => 
            fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)}

          // select
          case e: Elem if e.label == "select" => 
            fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)}

          // radio
          case e: Elem if e.label == "input" && isRadio(e.attributes) => 
            radioName match {
              case Full(name) => dupWithName(e, name)
              case _ =>
                fmapFunc(func) {
                  name => {
                    radioName = Full(name)
                    dupWithName(e, name)
          // checkbox
          case e: Elem if e.label == "input" && isCheckbox(e.attributes) => 
            checkBoxName match {
              case Full(name) =>
                checkBoxCnt += 1
                dupWithName(e, name)
              case _ =>
                fmapFunc(func) {
                  name => {
                    checkBoxName = Full(name)
                    checkBoxCnt += 1
                    dupWithName(e, name)

          // submit
          case e: Elem if e.label == "input" && e.attribute("type").map(_.text) == Some("submit") => 
   match {
              case Empty => 
                formGroup(1)(fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)})
              case _ => fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)}

          // generic input
          case e: Elem if e.label == "input" => 
            fmapFunc(func) {dupWithName(e, _)}

          case x => x

      val ret = runNodes(in)
      checkBoxName match {
        // if we've got a single checkbox, add a hidden false checkbox
        case Full(name) if checkBoxCnt == 1 => {
          ret ++ <input type="hidden" name={name} value="false"/> 

        case _ => ret

  def text(value: String, func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Generate an input element for the Settable
  def textElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String}, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(settable.get, SFuncHolder(s => settable.set(s)), attrs: _*)

   * Generate an input field with type email.  At some point,
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers.  FIXME
  def email(value: String, func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    email_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Generate an email input element for the Settable. At some point
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers. FIXME
  def email(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String},
            attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
              email_*(settable.get, SFuncHolder(s => settable.set(s)), attrs: _*)

  private def email_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("email", func, attrs: _*) %
  new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value), Null)

   * Generate an input field with type url.  At some point,
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers.  FIXME
  def url(value: String, func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    url_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Generate a url input element for the Settable. At some point
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers. FIXME
  def url(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String},
          attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
            url_*(settable.get, SFuncHolder(s => settable.set(s)), attrs: _*)

  private def url_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("url", func, attrs: _*) %
  new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value), Null)

   * Generate an input field with type number.  At some point,
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers.  FIXME
  def number(value: Int, func: Int => Any,
             min: Int, max: Int, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
             min, max,
             SFuncHolder(s => Helpers.asInt(s).map(func)), attrs: _*)

   * Generate a number input element for the Settable. At some point
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers. FIXME
  def number(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Int},
             min: Int, max: Int,
             attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
               number_*(settable.get, min, max,
                        SFuncHolder(s => Helpers.asInt(s).map(s => settable.set(s))),
                        attrs: _*)
  private def number_*(value: Int,
                       min: Int, max: Int,
                       func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    import Helpers._

                    attrs: _*) % 
    ("value" -> value.toString) %
    ("min" -> min.toString) %  
    ("max" -> max.toString)

   * Generate an input field with type range.  At some point,
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers.  FIXME
  def range(value: Int, func: Int => Any,
             min: Int, max: Int, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
            min, max,
            SFuncHolder(s => Helpers.asInt(s).map(func)), attrs: _*)

   * Generate a range input element for the Settable. At some point
   * there will be graceful fallback for non-HTML5 browsers. FIXME
  def range(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Int},
            min: Int, max: Int,
             attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
               range_*(settable.get, min, max,
                       SFuncHolder(s => Helpers.asInt(s).map(s => settable.set(s))),
                       attrs: _*)
  private def range_*(value: Int,
                      min: Int, max: Int,
                      func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    import Helpers._

                    attrs: _*) % 
    ("value" -> value.toString) %
    ("min" -> min.toString) %  
    ("max" -> max.toString)

  def textAjaxTest(value: String, func: String => Any, ajaxTest: String => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), ajaxTest, attrs: _*)

  def textAjaxTest(value: String, func: String => Any, ajaxTest: Box[String => JsCmd], attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    text_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), ajaxTest, attrs: _*)

  def password(value: String, func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("password", SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*) % new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value), Null)

  def passwordElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String}, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("password", SFuncHolder(s => settable.set(s)), attrs: _*) % new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(settable.get), Null)

  def hidden(func: () => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("hidden", NFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*) % ("value" -> "true")

  def hidden(func: (String) => Any, defaultlValue: String, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    makeFormElement("hidden", SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*) % ("value" -> defaultlValue)

   * Create an HTML button with strOrNodeSeq as the body.  The
   * button will be type submit.
   * @param strOrNodeSeq -- the String or NodeSeq (either will work just fine)
   * to put into the body of the button
   * @param func -- the function to execute when the form containing the button
   * is posted
   * @param attrs -- the attributes to append to the button
   * @return a button HTML Element b
  def button(strOrNodeSeq: StringOrNodeSeq, func: () => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    def doit: Elem = {
      attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =>
        <button type="submit" name={name} value="_">{
          strOrNodeSeq.nodeSeq}</button>))(_ % _)
    } match {
      case Empty => formGroup(1)(doit)
      case _ => doit
   * Generates a form submission button.
   * @param value The label for the button
   * @param func The function that will be executed on form submission
   * @param attrs Optional XHTML element attributes that will be applied to the button
  def submit(value: String, func: () => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {

    def doit = {
      makeFormElement("submit", NFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*) %
              new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value), Null)
    } match {
      case Empty => formGroup(1)(doit)
      case _ => doit

   * Constructs an Ajax submit button that can be used inside ajax forms.
   * Multiple buttons can be used in the same form.
   * @param value - the button text
   * @param func - the ajax function to be called
   * @param attrs - button attributes
  def ajaxSubmit(value: String, func: () => JsCmd, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val funcName = "z" + Helpers.nextFuncName
    addFunctionMap(funcName, contextFuncBuilder(func))

    (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="submit" name={funcName}/>)(_ % _)) %
      new UnprefixedAttribute("value", Text(value), Null) %
      ("onclick" -> ("liftAjax.lift_uriSuffix = '"+funcName+"=_'; return true;"))

   * Generates a form submission button with a default label.
   * @param func The function that will be executed on form submission
   * @param attrs Optional XHTML element attributes that will be applied to the button
  def submitButton(func: () => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = makeFormElement("submit", NFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX.
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
  def ajaxForm(body: NodeSeq) = (<lift:form>{body})

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX.
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
   * @param onSubmit JavaScript code to execute on the client prior to submission
   * @deprecated Use ajaxForm(NodeSeq,JsCmd) instead
  def ajaxForm(onSubmit: JsCmd, body: NodeSeq) = (<lift:form onsubmit={onSubmit.toJsCmd}>{body})

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX.
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
   * @param onSubmit JavaScript code to execute on the client prior to submission
  def ajaxForm(body: NodeSeq, onSubmit: JsCmd) = (<lift:form onsubmit={onSubmit.toJsCmd}>{body})

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX. This also
   * takes a parameter for script code that will be executed after the form has been submitted.
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
   * @param postSubmit Code that should be executed after a successful submission
  def ajaxForm(body : NodeSeq, onSubmit : JsCmd, postSubmit : JsCmd) = (<lift:form onsubmit={onSubmit.toJsCmd} postsubmit={postSubmit.toJsCmd}>{body})

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX and processed by
   * a JSON handler. This can be useful if you may have dynamic client-side modification
   * of the form (addition or removal).
   * @param jsonHandler The handler that will process the form
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
  def jsonForm(jsonHandler: JsonHandler, body: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = jsonForm(jsonHandler, Noop, body)

   * Takes a form and wraps it so that it will be submitted via AJAX and processed by
   * a JSON handler. This can be useful if you may have dynamic client-side modification
   * of the form (addition or removal).
   * @param jsonHandler The handler that will process the form
   * @param onSubmit JavaScript code that will be executed on the client prior to submitting
   * the form
   * @param body The form body. This should not include the <form> tag.
  def jsonForm(jsonHandler: JsonHandler, onSubmit: JsCmd, body: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    val id = formFuncName
    <form onsubmit={(onSubmit &"processForm", FormToJSON(id)) & JsReturn(false)).toJsCmd} id={id}>{body}

   * Having a regular form, this method can be used to send the content of the form as JSON.
   * the request will be processed by the jsonHandler
   * @param jsonHandler - the handler that process this request
   * @oaram formId - the id of the form
  def submitJsonForm(jsonHandler: JsonHandler, formId: String):JsCmd ="processForm", FormToJSON(formId))

   * Having a regular form, this method can be used to send the serialized content of the form.
   * @oaram formId - the id of the form
  def submitAjaxForm(formId: String):JsCmd = SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId))

   * Vend a function that will take all of the form elements and turns them
   * into Ajax forms
  def makeFormsAjax: NodeSeq => NodeSeq = "form" #> ((ns: NodeSeq) => 
    (ns match {
      case e: Elem => {
        val id: String = e.attribute("id").map(_.text) getOrElse
        val newMeta = e.attributes.filter{
          case up: UnprefixedAttribute =>
            up.key match {
              case "id" => false
              case "action" => false
              case "onsubmit" => false
              case "method" => false
              case _ => true
          case _ => true

        new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, 
                 newMeta, e.scope, e.child :_*) % ("id" -> id) %
        ("action" -> "javascript://") % 
        ("onsubmit" -> 
         (SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(id)).toJsCmd +
          "; return false;"))
      case x => x
  }): NodeSeq)

   * Submits a form denominated by a formId and execute the func function
   * after form fields functions are executed.
  def submitAjaxForm(formId: String, func: () => JsCmd): JsCmd = {
    val funcName = "Z" + Helpers.nextFuncName
    addFunctionMap(funcName, contextFuncBuilder(func))

       LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId).toJsCmd + " + " + 
       Str("&" + funcName + "=true").toJsCmd))

   * Having a regular form, this method can be used to send the serialized content of the form.
   * @oaram formId - the id of the form
   * @param postSubmit - the function that needs to be called after a successfull request
  def submitAjaxForm(formId: String, postSubmit: Call):JsCmd =
    SHtml.makeAjaxCall(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId), AjaxContext.js(Full(postSubmit.toJsCmd)))

  private def secureOptions[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Box[T],
                               onSubmit: T => Any): (Seq[(String, String)], Box[String], AFuncHolder) = {
    val secure = {case (obj, txt) => (obj, randomString(20), txt)}
    val defaultNonce = default.flatMap(d => secure.find(_._1 == d).map(_._2))
    val nonces = {case (obj, nonce, txt) => (nonce, txt)}
    def process(nonce: String): Unit =
      secure.find(_._2 == nonce).map(x => onSubmit(x._1))
    (nonces, defaultNonce, SFuncHolder(process))

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def select(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String], func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    select_*(opts, deflt, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of values
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param attrs -- the attributes to append to the resulting Elem,
   * these may be name-value pairs (static attributes) or special
   * HTML5 ElemAtts
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
   * @param f -- the function that converts a T to a Display String.
  def selectElem[T](options: Seq[T], default: Box[T], attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (onSubmit: T => Any)
  (implicit f: PairStringPromoter[T]): 
  Elem = {
    selectObj[T]( => (v, f(v))), default, onSubmit, attrs :_*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of values
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param attrs -- the attributes to append to the resulting Elem,
   * these may be name-value pairs (static attributes) or special
   * HTML5 ElemAtts
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
   * @param f -- the function that converts a T to a Display String.
  def selectElem[T](options: Seq[T], 
                    settable: LiftValue[T], 
                    attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (implicit f: PairStringPromoter[T]): 
  Elem = {
    selectObj[T]( => (v, f(v))), Full(settable.get), 
                 s => settable.set(s), attrs :_*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def selectObj[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Box[T],
                   onSubmit: T => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val (nonces, defaultNonce, secureOnSubmit) =
    secureOptions(options, default, onSubmit)

    select_*(nonces, defaultNonce, secureOnSubmit, attrs: _*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def select_*(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
               func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val vals =
    val testFunc = LFuncHolder(in => in.filter(v => vals.contains(v)) match {case Nil => false case xs => func(xs)}, func.owner)

    attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(testFunc)(fn => <select name={fn}>{opts.flatMap {case (value, text) => () % selected(deflt.exists(_ == value))}}))(_ % _)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission.  No check is made to see if the resulting value was in the original list.
   * For use with DHTML form updating.
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def untrustedSelect(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
                      func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    untrustedSelect_*(opts, deflt, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission.  No check is made to see if the resulting value was in the original list.
   * For use with DHTML form updating.
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def untrustedSelect_*(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Box[String],
                        func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    fmapFunc(func)(funcName =>
            attrs.foldLeft(<select name={funcName}>{opts.flatMap {case (value, text) => () % selected(deflt.exists(_ == value))}})(_ % _))

   * Create a multiple select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission.  No check is made to see if the resulting value was in the original list.
   * For use with DHTML form updating.
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def untrustedMultiSelect(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Seq[String],
                      func: List[String] => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq =
    untrustedMultiSelect_*(opts, deflt, LFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Create a multiple select box based on the list with a default value and the function to be executed on
   * form submission.  No check is made to see if the resulting value was in the original list.
   * For use with DHTML form updating.
   * @param opts -- the options.  A list of value and text pairs
   * @param deflt -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param func -- the function to execute on form submission
  def untrustedMultiSelect_*(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Seq[String],
                        lf: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = {
    val hiddenId = Helpers.nextFuncName
    fmapFunc(LFuncHolder(l => lf(l.filter(_ != hiddenId)))) {
      funcName => NodeSeq.fromSeq(
          attrs.foldLeft(<select multiple="true" name={funcName}>{opts.flatMap {case (value, text) => () % selected(deflt.contains(value))}})(_ % _),
          <input type="hidden" value={hiddenId} name={funcName}/>

  private def selected(in: Boolean) = if (in) new UnprefixedAttribute("selected", "selected", Null) else Null

  def multiSelect(opts: Seq[(String, String)], deflt: Seq[String],
                  func: List[String] => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    multiSelect_*(opts, deflt, LFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def multiSelectElem[T](options: Seq[T], default: Seq[T], attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (onSubmit: List[T] => Any)
  (implicit f: PairStringPromoter[T]): Elem = {
    multiSelectObj[T]( => (v, f(v))), default, 
                      onSubmit, attrs :_*)

   * Create a select box based on the list with a default value and the function
   * to be executed on form submission
   * @param options -- a list of value and text pairs (value, text to display)
   * @param default -- the default value (or Empty if no default value)
   * @param onSubmit -- the function to execute on form submission
  def multiSelectObj[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Seq[T],
                        onSubmit: List[T] => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val (nonces, defaultNonce, secureOnSubmit) =
    secureMultiOptions(options, default, onSubmit)

    multiSelect_*(nonces, defaultNonce, secureOnSubmit, attrs: _*)

  private[http] def secureMultiOptions[T](options: Seq[(T, String)], default: Seq[T],
                                          onSubmit: List[T] => Any): (Seq[(String, String)],
          Seq[String], AFuncHolder) =
      val o2 = options.toList

      val secure: List[(T, String, String)] = {case (obj, txt) => (obj, randomString(20), txt)}
      val sm: Map[String, T] = Map( => (v._2, v._1)): _*)
      val defaultNonce: Seq[String] = default.flatMap(d => secure.find(_._1 == d).map(_._2))
      val nonces: List[(String, String)] = {case (obj, nonce, txt) => (nonce, txt)}.toList
      def process(info: List[String]): Unit = onSubmit(info.flatMap(sm.get))

      (nonces, defaultNonce, LFuncHolder(process))

  def multiSelect_*(opts: Seq[(String, String)],
                    deflt: Seq[String],
                    func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    fmapFunc(func)(funcName =>
            attrs.foldLeft(<select multiple="true" name={funcName}>{opts.flatMap(o => () % selected(deflt.contains(o._1)))})(_ % _))

  def textarea(value: String, func: String => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    textarea_*(value, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

  def textareaElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = String}, 
                   attrs: ElemAttr*):
  Elem = textarea_*(settable.get, SFuncHolder(s => settable.set(s)), attrs: _*)

  def textarea_*(value: String, func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem =
    fmapFunc(func)(funcName =>
            attrs.foldLeft(<textarea name={funcName}>{value match {case null => "" case s => s}})(_ % _))

  def radio(opts: Seq[String], deflt: Box[String], func: String => Any,
            attrs: ElemAttr*): ChoiceHolder[String] =
    radio_*(opts, deflt, SFuncHolder(func), attrs: _*)

   * Generate a collection or radio box items from a sequence of
   * things
  def radioElem[T](opts: Seq[T], deflt: Box[T], attrs: ElemAttr*)
  (onSubmit: Box[T] => Any): ChoiceHolder[T] = {
    val possible = => Helpers.nextFuncName -> v).toList

    val hiddenId = Helpers.nextFuncName

    fmapFunc(LFuncHolder(lst => lst.filter(_ != hiddenId) match {
      case Nil => onSubmit(Empty)
      case x :: _ => onSubmit(possible.filter(_._1 == x).
    })) {
      name => {
        val items = {
          case ((id, value), idx) => {
            val radio = 
              attrs.foldLeft(<input type="radio"
                             name={name} value={id}/>)(_ % _) %
            checked(deflt.filter(_ == value).isDefined)

            val elem = if (idx == 0) {
              radio ++ <input type="hidden" value={hiddenId} name={name}/>
            } else {
            ChoiceItem(value, elem)

  def radio_*(opts: Seq[String], deflt: Box[String],
              func: AFuncHolder, attrs: ElemAttr*): ChoiceHolder[String] = {
    fmapFunc(func) {
      name =>
              val itemList = => ChoiceItem(v,
                attrs.foldLeft(<input type="radio" name={name} value={v}/>)(_ % _) %
                        checked(deflt.filter((s: String) => s == v).isDefined)))

   * Defines a form element for a file upload that will call the
   * specified function when the file is uploaded if the file size
   * is greater than zero. Note that in order to use the fileUpload
   * element you need to specify the multipart attribute on your
   * snippet tag:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   * <lift:Some.snippet form="POST" multipart="true">
   * ...
   * </lift:Some.snippet>
   * </pre>
  def fileUpload(func: FileParamHolder => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): Elem = {
    val f2: FileParamHolder => Any = fp => if (fp.length > 0) func(fp)
    fmapFunc(BinFuncHolder(f2)) { name => 
      attrs.foldLeft(<input type="file" name={ name }/>) { _ % _ }

  /** Holds a form control as HTML along with some user defined value */
  final case class ChoiceItem[T](key: T, xhtml: NodeSeq)

  /** Holds a series of choices: HTML for input controls alongside some user defined value */
  final case class ChoiceHolder[T](items: Seq[ChoiceItem[T]]) {
    /** Retrieve the ChoiceItem that has the given key, throwing NoSuchElementException if there is no matching ChoiceItem */
    def apply(in: T): NodeSeq = items.filter(_.key == in).head.xhtml

    /** Retrieve the nth ChoiceItem, 0-based */
    def apply(in: Int): NodeSeq = items(in).xhtml

    /** Apply a function to each ChoiceItem, collecting the results */
    def map[A](f: ChoiceItem[T] => A) =

    /** Apply a function to each ChoiceItem, concatenating the results */
    def flatMap[A](f: ChoiceItem[T] => Iterable[A]) = items.flatMap(f)

    /** Return the ChoiceItems that the given function returns true for */
    def filter(f: ChoiceItem[T] => Boolean) = items.filter(f)

    /** Generate a simple form by calling ChoiceItem.htmlize on each ChoiceItem and concatenating the resulting HTML */
    def toForm: NodeSeq = flatMap(ChoiceHolder.htmlize)

  object ChoiceHolder {
    /** Convert a ChoiceItem into a span containing the control and the toString of the key */
    var htmlize: ChoiceItem[_] => NodeSeq = c => (<span>{c.xhtml} {c.key.toString}
) } private def checked(in: Boolean) = if (in) new UnprefixedAttribute("checked", "checked", Null) else Null private def setId(in: Box[String]) = in match {case Full(id) => new UnprefixedAttribute("id", Text(id), Null); case _ => Null} /** * Generate a ChoiceHolder of possible checkbox type inputs that calls back to the given function when the form is submitted. * * @param possible complete sequence of possible values, each a separate checkbox when rendered * @param actual values to be preselected * @param func function to receive all values corresponding to the checked boxes * @param attrs sequence of attributes to apply to each checkbox input element * @return ChoiceHolder containing the checkboxes and values in order */ def checkbox[T](possible: Seq[T], actual: Seq[T], func: Seq[T] => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): ChoiceHolder[T] = { val len = possible.length fmapFunc(LFuncHolder((strl: List[String]) => {func( => x >= 0 && x < len).map(possible(_))); true})) { name => ChoiceHolder( => ChoiceItem(p._1, attrs.foldLeft(<input type="checkbox" name={name} value={p._2.toString}/>)(_ % _) % checked(actual.contains(p._1)) ++ (if (p._2 == 0) (<input type="hidden" name={name} value="-1"/>) else Nil)))) } } /** * Defines a new checkbox for the Settable */ def checkboxElem(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Boolean}, attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = { checkbox_id(settable.get, s => settable.set(s), Empty, attrs: _*) } /** * Defines a new checkbox set to { @code value } and running { @code func } when the * checkbox is submitted. */ def checkbox(value: Boolean, func: Boolean => Any, attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = { checkbox_id(value, func, Empty, attrs: _*) } /** * Defines a new checkbox for the Settable */ def checkbox_id(settable: Settable{type ValueType = Boolean}, id: Box[String], attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = { def from(f: Boolean => Any): List[String] => Boolean = (in: List[String]) => { f(in.exists(toBoolean(_))) true } checkbox_*(settable.get, LFuncHolder(from(s => settable.set(s))), id, attrs: _*) } /** * Defines a new checkbox set to { @code value } and running { @code func } when the * checkbox is submitted. Has an id of { @code id }. */ def checkbox_id(value: Boolean, func: Boolean => Any, id: Box[String], attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = { def from(f: Boolean => Any): List[String] => Boolean = (in: List[String]) => { f(in.exists(toBoolean(_))) true } checkbox_*(value, LFuncHolder(from(func)), id, attrs: _*) } def checkbox_*(value: Boolean, func: AFuncHolder, id: Box[String], attrs: ElemAttr*): NodeSeq = { fmapFunc(func)(name => (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="checkbox" name={name} value="true"/>)(_ % _) % checked(value) % setId(id)) ++ (<input type="hidden" name={name} value="false"/>) ) } } object AjaxType extends Enumeration("javascript", "json") { val JavaScript, JSON = Value } object AjaxContext { def js(success: Box[String], failure: Box[String]) = new JsContext(success, failure) def js(success: Box[String]) = new JsContext(success, Empty) def json(success: Box[String], failure: Box[String]) = new JsonContext(success, failure) def json(success: Box[String]) = new JsonContext(success, Empty) } case class AjaxContext(success: Box[String], failure: Box[String], responseType: AjaxType.Value) class JsContext(override val success: Box[String], override val failure: Box[String]) extends AjaxContext(success, failure, AjaxType.JavaScript) class JsonContext(override val success: Box[String], override val failure: Box[String]) extends AjaxContext(success, failure, AjaxType.JSON) object Html5ElemAttr { /** * The autofocus attribute */ final case object Autofocus extends SHtml.ElemAttr { // FIXME detect HTML5 browser and do the right thing def apply(in: Elem): Elem = in % ("autofocus" -> "true") } /** * The required attribute */ final case object Required extends SHtml.ElemAttr { // FIXME detect HTML5 browser and do the right thing def apply(in: Elem): Elem = in % ("required" -> "true") } /** * The placeholder attribute for HTML5. * * @param text - a String or () => String that will be the * placeholder property in the attribute */ final case class Placeholder(text: StringFunc) extends SHtml.ElemAttr { // FIXME detect HTML5 browser and do the right thing def apply(in: Elem): Elem = in % ("placeholder" -> text.func()) } } /** * Mix this trait into a snippet class so that you have a convenient * value to redirect back to (whence). * When you're done with the snippet, <code>S.redirectTo(whence) */ trait Whence { protected val whence = S.referer openOr "/" } /** * Memoize the CSS Selector Transform and the most recent * NodeSeq sent to the NodeSeq => NodeSeq so that when * applyAgain() is called, the NodeSeq most recently used * in apply() is used. */ trait MemoizeTransform extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { def applyAgain(): NodeSeq } /** * A mechanism to memoize a transformation and then * re-use the most recent html and ID to redraw * the content or even use an Ajax call to update the content */ trait IdMemoizeTransform extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { /** * The latest ID of the outer */ def latestId: String /** * The outer Elem */ def latestElem: Elem /** * The children of the Elem */ def latestKids: NodeSeq def applyAgain(): NodeSeq def setHtml(): JsCmd } sealed trait NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] object NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc { implicit def promoteNodeSeq(in: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc = NodeSeqFunc(in) implicit def promoteSeqNodeSeq(in: Seq[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc = SeqNodeSeqFunc(in) } final case class NodeSeqFunc(f: NodeSeq => NodeSeq) extends NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc { def apply(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = f(ns) } final case class SeqNodeSeqFunc(f: Seq[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) extends NodeSeqFuncOrSeqNodeSeqFunc { def apply(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = f.flatMap(_(ns)) }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SHtml.scala source code file:

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