Lift Framework example source code file (JsCommands.scala)
The Lift Framework JsCommands.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package http package js import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Group, Unparsed, Elem} import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._ import net.liftweb.util.Helpers import net.liftweb.util.TimeHelpers import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util._ import scala.xml.{Node, SpecialNode, Text} object JsCommands { def create = new JsCommands(Nil) def apply(in: Seq[JsCmd]) = new JsCommands(in.toList.reverse) def apply(in: JsExp) = new JsCommands(List(in.cmd)) } class JsCommands(val reverseList: List[JsCmd]) { def &(in: JsCmd) = new JsCommands(in :: reverseList) def &(in: List[JsCmd]) = new JsCommands(in.reverse ::: reverseList) def toResponse = { val data = reverseList.reverse.map(_.toJsCmd).mkString("\n").getBytes("UTF-8") InMemoryResponse(data, List("Content-Length" -> data.length.toString, "Content-Type" -> "text/javascript; charset=utf-8"), S.responseCookies, 200) } } case class JsonCall(funcId: String) { def exp(exp: JsExp): JsCmd = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "(" + exp.toJsCmd + ");") def apply(command: String): JsCmd = apply(JE.Str(command)) def apply(command: JsExp): JsCmd = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "({'command': " + command.toJsCmd + ", 'params': false});") def apply(command: String, params: JsExp) = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "({'command': " + command.encJs + ", 'params':" + params.toJsCmd + "});") def apply(command: String, target: String, params: JsExp) = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "({'command': " + command.encJs + ", 'target': " + target.encJs + ", 'params':" + params.toJsCmd + "});") def apply(command: JsExp, params: JsExp) = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "({'command': " + command.toJsCmd + ", 'params':" + params.toJsCmd + "});") def apply(command: JsExp, target: JsExp, params: JsExp) = JsCmds.Run(funcId + "({'command': " + command.toJsCmd + ", 'target': " + target.toJsCmd + ", 'params':" + params.toJsCmd + "});") } trait JsObj extends JsExp { def props: List[(String, JsExp)] def toJsCmd = props.map {case (n, v) => n.encJs + ": " + v.toJsCmd}.mkString("{", ", ", "}") override def toString(): String = toJsCmd override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = { other match { case jsObj: JsObj => { import scala.annotation.tailrec @tailrec def test(me: Map[String, JsExp], them: List[(String, JsExp)]): Boolean = { them match { case Nil => me.isEmpty case _ if me.isEmpty => false case (k, v) :: xs => me.get(k) match { case None => false case Some(mv) if mv != v => false case _ => test(me - k, xs) } } } test(Map(props :_*), jsObj.props) } case x => super.equals(x) } } def +*(other: JsObj) = { val np = props ::: other.props new JsObj { def props = np } } } /** * The companion object to JsExp that has some * helpful conversions to/from Lift's JSON library */ object JsExp { import json._ implicit def jValueToJsExp(jv: JValue): JsExp = new JsExp { lazy val toJsCmd = Printer.compact(JsonAST.render(jv)) } implicit def strToJsExp(str: String): JE.Str = JE.Str(str) implicit def boolToJsExp(b: Boolean): JsExp = JE.boolToJsExp(b) implicit def intToJsExp(in: Int): JE.Num = JE.Num(in) implicit def longToJsExp(in: Long): JE.Num = JE.Num(in) implicit def doubleToJsExp(in: Double): JE.Num = JE.Num(in) implicit def floatToJsExp(in: Float): JE.Num = JE.Num(in) implicit def numToJValue(in: JE.Num): JValue = in match { case JE.Num(n) => JDouble(n.doubleValue()) } implicit def strToJValue(in: JE.Str): JValue = JString(in.str) } /** * The basic JavaScript expression */ trait JsExp extends HtmlFixer with ToJsCmd { def toJsCmd: String override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = { other match { case jx: JsExp => this.toJsCmd == jx.toJsCmd case _ => super.equals(other) } } override def toString = "JsExp("+toJsCmd+")" // def label: String = "#JS" /* override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = { (new Text(toJsCmd)).buildString(sb) }*/ def appendToParent(parentName: String): JsCmd = { val ran = "v" + Helpers.nextFuncName JsCmds.JsCrVar(ran, this) & JE.JsRaw("if (" + ran + ".parentNode) " + ran + " = " + ran + ".cloneNode(true)").cmd & JE.JsRaw("if (" + ran + ".nodeType) {" + parentName + ".appendChild(" + ran + ");} else {" + parentName + ".appendChild(document.createTextNode(" + ran + "));}").cmd } /** * ~> accesses a property in the current JsExp */ def ~>(right: JsMember): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = JsExp.this.toJsCmd + "." + right.toJsCmd } def ~>(right: Box[JsMember]): JsExp = right.dmap(this)(r => ~>(r)) /** * This exists for backward compatibility reasons for JQueryLeft and JQueryRight * which are now deprecated. Use ~> whenever possible as this will be removed soon. */ @deprecated def >>(right: JsMember): JsExp = ~>(right) def cmd: JsCmd = JsCmds.Run(toJsCmd + ";") def +(right: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = JsExp.this.toJsCmd + " + " + right.toJsCmd } def ===(right: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = JsExp.this.toJsCmd + " = " + right.toJsCmd } } trait JsMember { def toJsCmd: String } /** * JavaScript Expressions. To see these in action, check out * sites/example/src/webapp/json.html */ object JE { def boolToJsExp(in: Boolean): JsExp = if (in) JsTrue else JsFalse /** * The companion object to Num which has some helpful * constructors */ object Num { def apply(i: Int): Num = new Num(i) def apply(lng: Long): Num = new Num(lng) def apply(d: Double): Num = new Num(d) def apply(f: Float): Num = new Num(f) } case class Num(n: Number) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = n.toString } case class Stringify(in: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "JSON.stringify(" + in.toJsCmd + ")" } case class JsArray(in: JsExp*) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = in.map(_.toJsCmd).mkString("[", ", ", "]\n") }.toJsCmd def this(in: List[JsExp]) = this (in: _*) } object JsArray { def apply(in: List[JsExp]) = new JsArray(in: _*) } case class ValById(id: String) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "(function() {if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {return document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").value;} else {return null;}})()" } /** * Given the id of a checkbox, see if it's checked */ case class CheckedById(id: String) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "(function() {if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {return document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").checked} else {return false;}})()" } /** * gets the element by ID */ case class ElemById(id: String, then: String*) extends JsExp { override def toJsCmd = "document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")" + ( if (then.isEmpty) "" else then.mkString(".", ".", "") ) } /** * Gives the parent node of the node denominated by the id * * @param id - the id of the node */ case class ParentOf(id: String) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = (ElemById(id) ~> Parent).toJsCmd } object LjSwappable { def apply(visible: JsExp, hidden: JsExp): JxBase = { new JxNodeBase { def child = Nil def appendToParent(name: String): JsCmd = JsRaw(name + ".appendChild(lift$.swappable(" + visible.toJsCmd + ", " + hidden.toJsCmd + "))").cmd } } def apply(visible: NodeSeq, hidden: NodeSeq): JxBase = { new JxNodeBase { def child = Nil def appendToParent(name: String): JsCmd = JsRaw(name + ".appendChild(lift$.swappable(" + AnonFunc( JsCmds.JsCrVar("df", JsRaw("document.createDocumentFragment()")) & addToDocFrag("df", visible.toList) & JE.JsRaw("return df").cmd ).toJsCmd + "(), " + AnonFunc(JsCmds.JsCrVar("df", JsRaw("document.createDocumentFragment()")) & addToDocFrag("df", hidden.toList) & JE.JsRaw("return df").cmd).toJsCmd + "()))").cmd } } } object LjBuildIndex { def apply(obj: String, indexName: String, tables: (String, String)*): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.buildIndex(" + obj + ", " + indexName.encJs + (if (tables.isEmpty) "" else ", " + tables.map {case (l, r) => "[" + l.encJs + ", " + r.encJs + "]"}.mkString(", ")) + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp, indexName: String, tables: (String, String)*): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.buildIndex(" + obj.toJsCmd + ", " + indexName.encJs + (if (tables.isEmpty) "" else ", " + tables.map {case (l, r) => "[" + l.encJs + ", " + r.encJs + "]"}.mkString(", ")) + ")" } } protected trait MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String def apply(obj: String, func: String): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$." + funcName + "(" + obj + ", " + func.encJs + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp, func: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$." + funcName + "(" + obj.toJsCmd + ", " + func.toJsCmd + ")" } } object LjAlt { def apply(obj: String, func: String, alt: String): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.alt(" + obj + ", " + func.encJs + ", " + alt.encJs + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp, func: JsExp, alt: String): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.alt(" + obj.toJsCmd + ", " + func.toJsCmd + ", " + alt.encJs + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp, func: JsExp, alt: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.alt(" + obj.toJsCmd + ", " + func.toJsCmd + ", " + alt.toJsCmd + ")" } } object LjMagicUpdate { def apply(obj: String, field: String, idField: String, toUpdate: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.magicUpdate(" + obj + ", " + field.encJs + ", " + idField.encJs + ", " + toUpdate.toJsCmd + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp, field: String, idField: String, toUpdate: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.magicUpdate(" + obj.toJsCmd + ", " + field.encJs + ", " + idField.encJs + ", " + toUpdate.toJsCmd + ")" } } object LjForeach extends MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String = "foreach" } object LjFilter extends MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String = "filter" } object LjMap extends MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String = "map" } object LjFold { def apply(what: JsExp, init1: JsExp, func: String): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.fold(" + what.toJsCmd + ", " + init1.toJsCmd + ", " + func.encJs + ")" } def apply(what: JsExp, init1: JsExp, func: AnonFunc): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$.fold(" + what.toJsCmd + ", " + init1.toJsCmd + ", " + func.toJsCmd + ")" } } object LjFlatMap extends MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String = "flatMap" } object LjSort extends MostLjFuncs { def funcName: String = "sort" def apply(obj: String): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$." + funcName + "(" + obj + ")" } def apply(obj: JsExp): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "lift$." + funcName + "(" + obj.toJsCmd + ")" } } object FormToJSON { def apply(formId: String) = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = LiftRules.jsArtifacts.formToJSON(formId).toJsCmd; } } /** * A String (JavaScript encoded) */ case class Str(str: String) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = str.encJs } /** * A JavaScript method that takes parameters * * JsFunc is very similar to Call but only the latter will be implicitly converted to a JsCmd. * @see Call */ case class JsFunc(method: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = params.map(_.toJsCmd).mkString(method + "(", ", ", ")") def cmd: JsCmd = JsCmds.Run(toJsCmd + ";") } /** * Put any JavaScript expression you want in here and the result will be * evaluated. */ case class JsRaw(rawJsCmd: String) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = rawJsCmd } case class JsVar(varName: String, andThen: String*) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = varName + (if (andThen.isEmpty) "" else andThen.mkString(".", ".", "")) } /** * A value that can be retrieved from an expression */ case class JsVal(valueName: String) extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = valueName } case object Id extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = "id" } case object Parent extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = "parentNode" } case object Style extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = "style" } case object Value extends JsMember { def toJsCmd = "value" } case object JsFalse extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "false" } case object JsNull extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "null" } case object JsTrue extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "true" } /** * A JavaScript method that takes parameters * * Call is very similar to JsFunc but only the former will be implicitly converted to a JsCmd. * @see JsFunc */ case class Call(function: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = function + "(" + params.map(_.toJsCmd).mkString(",") + ")" } trait AnonFunc extends JsExp { def applied: JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "(" + AnonFunc.this.toJsCmd + ")" + "()" } def applied(params: JsExp*): JsExp = new JsExp { def toJsCmd = "(" + AnonFunc.this.toJsCmd + ")" + params.map(_.toJsCmd).mkString("(", ",", ")") } } object AnonFunc { def apply(in: JsCmd): AnonFunc = new JsExp with AnonFunc { def toJsCmd = "function() {" + in.toJsCmd + "}" } def apply(params: String, in: JsCmd): AnonFunc = new JsExp with AnonFunc { def toJsCmd = "function(" + params + ") {" + in.toJsCmd + "}" } } object JsObj { def apply(members: (String, JsExp)*): JsObj = new JsObj { def props = members.toList } } case class JsLt(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " < " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsGt(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " > " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsEq(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " == " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsNotEq(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " != " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsLtEq(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " <= " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsGtEq(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " >= " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsOr(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " || " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsAnd(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " && " + right.toJsCmd } case class JsNot(exp: JsExp) extends JsExp { def toJsCmd = "!" + exp.toJsCmd } } trait HtmlFixer { /** * Super important... call fixHtml at instance creation time and only once * This method must be run in the context of the thing creating the XHTML * to capture the bound functions */ @deprecated("Use fixHtmlAndJs or fixHtmlFunc") protected def fixHtml(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): String = { val w = new java.io.StringWriter S.htmlProperties. htmlWriter(Group(S.session. map(s => s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("JS SetHTML id: " + uid, content))). openOr(content)), w) w.toString.encJs } /** * Calls fixHtmlAndJs and if there's embedded script tags, * construct a function that executes the contents of the scripts * then evaluations to Expression. For use when converting * a JsExp that contains HTML. */ def fixHtmlFunc(uid: String, content: NodeSeq)(f: String => String) = fixHtmlAndJs(uid, content) match { case (str, Nil) => f(str) case (str, cmds) => "((function() {"+cmds.reduceLeft{_ & _}.toJsCmd+" return "+f(str)+";})())" } /** * Calls fixHtmlAndJs and if there's embedded script tags, * append the JsCmds to the String returned from applying * the function to the enclosed HTML. * For use when converting * a JsCmd that contains HTML. */ def fixHtmlCmdFunc(uid: String, content: NodeSeq)(f: String => String) = fixHtmlAndJs(uid, content) match { case (str, Nil) => f(str) case (str, cmds) => f(str)+"; "+cmds.reduceLeft(_ & _).toJsCmd } /** * Super important... call fixHtml at instance creation time and only once * This method must be run in the context of the thing creating the XHTML * to capture the bound functions */ protected def fixHtmlAndJs(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): (String, List[JsCmd]) = { import Helpers._ val w = new java.io.StringWriter val xhtml = S.session. map(s => s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("JS SetHTML id: " + uid, content))). openOr(content) import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val lb = new ListBuffer[JsCmd] val revised = ("script" #> ((ns: NodeSeq) => { ns match { case FindScript(e) => { lb += JE.JsRaw(ns.text).cmd NodeSeq.Empty } case x => x } }))(xhtml) S.htmlProperties.htmlWriter(Group(revised), w) (w.toString.encJs, lb.toList) } private object FindScript { def unapply(in: NodeSeq): Option[Elem] = in match { case e: Elem => { e.attribute("type").map(_.text).filter(_ == "text/javascript").flatMap { a => if (e.attribute("src").isEmpty) Some(e) else None } } case _ => None } } } trait JsCmd extends HtmlFixer with ToJsCmd { def &(other: JsCmd): JsCmd = JsCmds.CmdPair(this, other) def toJsCmd: String override def toString() = "JsCmd("+toJsCmd+")" } object JsCmd { /** * If you've got Unit and need a JsCmd, return a Noop */ implicit def unitToJsCmd(in: Unit): JsCmd = JsCmds.Noop } object JsCmds { implicit def seqJsToJs(in: Seq[JsCmd]): JsCmd = in.foldLeft[JsCmd](Noop)(_ & _) object Script { def apply(script: JsCmd): Node = <script type="text/javascript">{Unparsed(""" // <![CDATA[ """ + fixEndScriptTag(script.toJsCmd) + """ // ]]> """)}</script> private def fixEndScriptTag(in: String): String = if (S.ieMode) """\<\/script\>""".r.replaceAllIn(in, """<\\/script>""") else in } def JsHideId(what: String): JsCmd = LiftRules.jsArtifacts.hide(what).cmd def JsShowId(what: String): JsCmd = LiftRules.jsArtifacts.show(what).cmd /** * Replaces the node having the provided id with the markup given by node * * @param id - the id of the node that will be replaced * @param node - the new node */ case class Replace(id: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd with HtmlFixer { override val toJsCmd = { val (html, js) = fixHtmlAndJs("inline", content) var ret = """ try { var parent1 = document.getElementById(""" + id.encJs + """); parent1.innerHTML = """ + html + """; for (var i = 0; i < parent1.childNodes.length; i++) { var node = parent1.childNodes[i]; parent1.parentNode.insertBefore(node.cloneNode(true), parent1); } parent1.parentNode.removeChild(parent1); } catch (e) { // if the node doesn't exist or something else bad happens } """ if (js.isEmpty) ret else ret + " "+js.toJsCmd } } /** * Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content * * This is analogous to assigning a new value to a DOM object's innerHtml property in Javascript. * * @param id - the id of the node whose content will be replaced * @param content - the new content */ case class SetHtml(uid: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd { // we want eager evaluation of the snippets so they get evaluated in context val toJsCmd = LiftRules.jsArtifacts.setHtml(uid, Helpers.stripHead(content)).toJsCmd } /** * Makes the parameter the selected HTML element on load of the page * * @param in the element that should have focus * * @return the element and a script that will give the element focus */ object FocusOnLoad { def apply(in: Elem): NodeSeq = { val (elem, id) = findOrAddId(in) elem ++ Script(LiftRules.jsArtifacts.onLoad(Run("if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").focus();};"))) } } /** * Sets the value of an element and sets the focus */ case class SetValueAndFocus(id: String, value: String) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").value = " + value.encJs + "; document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").focus();};" } /** * Sets the focus on the element denominated by the id */ case class Focus(id: String) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").focus();};" } /** * Creates a JavaScript function with a name, a parameters list and * a function body */ object Function { def apply(name: String, params: List[String], body: JsCmd): JsCmd = new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "function " + name + "(" + params.mkString(", ") + """) { """ + body.toJsCmd + """ } """ } } /** * Execute the 'what' code when the page is ready for use */ object OnLoad { def apply(what: JsCmd): JsCmd = LiftRules.jsArtifacts.onLoad(what) } /** * Sets the value to the element having the 'id' attribute with * the result of the 'right' expression */ case class SetValById(id: String, right: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ").value = " + right.toJsCmd + ";};" } /** * Assigns the value computed by the 'right' expression to the * 'left' expression. */ case class SetExp(left: JsExp, right: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = left.toJsCmd + " = " + right.toJsCmd + ";" } /** * Creates a JavaScript var named by 'name' and assigns it the * value of 'right' expression. */ case class JsCrVar(name: String, right: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "var " + name + " = " + right.toJsCmd + ";" } /** * Assigns the value of 'right' to the members of the element * having this 'id', chained by 'then' sequences */ case class SetElemById(id: String, right: JsExp, then: String*) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "if (document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")) {document.getElementById(" + id.encJs + ")" + ( if (then.isEmpty) "" else then.mkString(".", ".", "") ) + " = " + right.toJsCmd + ";};" } implicit def jsExpToJsCmd(in: JsExp) = in.cmd case class CmdPair(left: JsCmd, right: JsCmd) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = { val sb = new StringBuilder append(sb, this) sb.toString } private def append(sb: StringBuilder, cmd: JsCmd) { cmd match { case CmdPair(l, r) => append(sb, l) sb.append('\n') append(sb, r) case c => sb.append(c.toJsCmd) } } } trait HasTime { def time: Box[TimeSpan] def timeStr = time.map(_.millis.toString) openOr "" } case class After(time: TimeSpan, toDo: JsCmd) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "setTimeout(function() {" + toDo.toJsCmd + "}, " + time.millis + ");" } case class Alert(text: String) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "alert(" + text.encJs + ");" } case class Confirm(text: String, yes: JsCmd) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "if (confirm(" + text.encJs + ")) {" + yes.toJsCmd + "}" } case class Run(text: String) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = text } case object _Noop extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "" } implicit def cmdToString(in: JsCmd): String = in.toJsCmd def Noop: JsCmd = _Noop case class JsTry(what: JsCmd, alert: Boolean) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "try { " + what.toJsCmd + " } catch (e) {" + (if (alert) "alert(e);" else "") + "}" } /** * A companion object with a helpful alternative constructor */ object RedirectTo { /** * Redirect to a page and execute the function * when the page is loaded (only if the page is on the * same server, not going to some other server on the internet) */ def apply(where: String, func: () => Unit): RedirectTo = S.session match { case Full(liftSession) => new RedirectTo(liftSession.attachRedirectFunc(where, Full(func))) case _ => new RedirectTo(where) } } case class RedirectTo(where: String) extends JsCmd { private val where2 = // issue 176 if (where.startsWith("/") && !LiftRules.excludePathFromContextPathRewriting.vend(where)) (S.contextPath + where) else where def toJsCmd = "window.location = " + S.encodeURL(where2).encJs + ";" } /** * Update a Select with new Options */ case class ReplaceOptions(select: String, opts: List[(String, String)], dflt: Box[String]) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = """var x=document.getElementById(""" + select.encJs + """); if (x) { while (x.length > 0) {x.remove(0);} var y = null; """ + opts.map { case (value, text) => "y=document.createElement('option'); " + "y.text = " + text.encJs + "; " + "y.value = " + value.encJs + "; " + (if (Full(value) == dflt) "y.selected = true; " else "") + " try {x.add(y, null);} catch(e) {if (typeof(e) == 'object' && typeof(e.number) == 'number' && (e.number & 0xFFFF) == 5){ x.add(y,x.options.length); } } " }.mkString("\n")+"};" } case object JsIf { def apply(condition: JsExp, body: JsCmd): JsCmd = JE.JsRaw("if ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " ) { " + body.toJsCmd + " }") def apply(condition: JsExp, bodyTrue: JsCmd, bodyFalse: JsCmd): JsCmd = JE.JsRaw("if ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " ) { " + bodyTrue.toJsCmd + " } else { " + bodyFalse.toJsCmd + " }") def apply(condition: JsExp, body: JsExp): JsCmd = JE.JsRaw("if ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " ) { " + body.toJsCmd + " }") def apply(condition: JsExp, bodyTrue: JsExp, bodyFalse: JsExp): JsCmd = JE.JsRaw("if ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " ) { " + bodyTrue.toJsCmd + " } else { " + bodyFalse.toJsCmd + " }") } case class JsWhile(condition: JsExp, body: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "while ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " ) { " + body.toJsCmd + " }" } case class JsWith(reference: String, body: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "with ( " + reference + " ) { " + body.toJsCmd + " }" } case class JsDoWhile(body: JsExp, condition: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "do { " + body.toJsCmd + " } while ( " + condition.toJsCmd + " )" } case class JsFor(initialExp: JsExp, condition: JsExp, incrementExp: JsExp, body: JsExp) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "for ( " + initialExp.toJsCmd + "; " + condition.toJsCmd + "; " + incrementExp.toJsCmd + " ) { " + body.toJsCmd + " }" } case class JsForIn(initialExp: JsExp, reference: String, body: JsCmd) extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "for ( " + initialExp.toJsCmd + " in " + reference + ") { " + body.toJsCmd + " }" } case object JsBreak extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "break" } case object JsContinue extends JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "continue" } object JsReturn { def apply(in: JsExp): JsCmd = new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "return " + in.toJsCmd } def apply(): JsCmd = new JsCmd { def toJsCmd = "return " } } } /** * A collection of defaults for JavaScript related stuff */ object JsRules { /** * The default duration for displaying FadeOut and FadeIn * messages. */ //@deprecated @volatile var prefadeDuration: Helpers.TimeSpan = 5 seconds /** * The default fade time for fading FadeOut and FadeIn * messages. */ //@deprecated @volatile var fadeTime: Helpers.TimeSpan = 1 second } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JsCommands.scala source code file: |
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