The Lift Framework RestContinuation.scala source code
* Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package http
package rest
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util._
final private[http] case class ContinuationException(req: Req, session: Box[LiftSession], f: ((=> LiftResponse) => Unit) => Unit) extends LiftFlowOfControlException("Continuation")
* Provides a generic way of sending asynchronous response to HTTP clients. If
* the underlying web container does not support continuations the asynchronous
* nature is achieved using locks.
object RestContinuation {
* Process a request asynchronously. If your web container supports
* Async calls/Continuations (e.g., Jetty 6, Jetty 7, and Servlet 3.0
* containers including Jetty 8 and Glassfish), the thread will not
* block until there's a response. The parameter is a function
* that takes a function as it's parameter. The function is invoked
* when the calculation response is ready to be rendered:
* <code class="scala">
* RestContinuation.async {
* reply => {
* myActor ! DoCalc(123, answer => reply{XmlResponse(<i>{answer})})
* }
* }
* class MyActor {
* def lowPriority = {
* case DoCalc(value, whenDone) => whenDone(value * 10)
* }
* }
* </pre>
* Alternatively, from RestHelper:
* <code class="scala">
* serve {
* case "api" :: id _ Get _ => RestContinuation.async {
* reply => for {i <- longCalc(id)} reply({i})
* }
* }
* </pre>
* The body of the function will be executed on a separate thread.
* When the answer is ready, apply the reply function... the function
* body will be executed in the scope of the current request (the
* current session and the current Req object).
def async(f: ((=> LiftResponse) => Unit) => Unit): Nothing = {
throw new ContinuationException(CurrentReq.value, S.session, f)
* Use this in DispatchPF for processing REST requests asynchronously. Note that
* this must be called in a stateful context, therefore the S state must be a valid one.
* @param f - the user function that does the actual computation. This function
* takes one parameter which is the functino that must be invoked
* for returning the actual response to the client. Note that f function
* is invoked asynchronously in the context of a different thread.
@deprecated("Use RestContinuation.async. It provides much better resource management")
def respondAsync(req: Req)(f: => Box[LiftResponse]): () => Box[LiftResponse] = {
val store =
val key = ContinuationKey(req.path, req.requestType)
def handleNonContinuation: Continuation = {
store.get(key) match {
case None =>
val cont = new Continuation {
@volatile var timedOut = false
val future = new LAFuture[Box[LiftResponse]]
lazy val cometTimeout: Long = (LiftRules.cometRequestTimeout openOr 120) * 1000L
var cachedResp: Box[LiftResponse] = null
val resumeFunc: Box[LiftResponse] => Unit = { response =>
if (timedOut){
cachedResp = response
} else {
store -= key
LAScheduler.execute(() => resumeFunc(f))
def tryRespond: Box[LiftResponse] = {
if (cachedResp != null){
val res = cachedResp
cachedResp = null
store -= key
} else {
future.get(cometTimeout) match {
case Full(resp) =>
cachedResp = null
store -= key;
case _ => timedOut = true;
store += (key -> cont)
case Some(cont) => cont
def handleContinuation: Continuation = {
store.get(key) match {
case None =>
val cont = new Continuation {
lazy val cometTimeout: Long = (LiftRules.cometRequestTimeout openOr 120) * 1000L
var cachedResp: Box[LiftResponse] = null
val resumeFunc: Box[LiftResponse] => Unit = { response =>
val ok = req.request.resume(, _)) openOr (req, EmptyResponse))
if (!ok) {
cachedResp = response
} else {
store -= key
def tryRespond: Box[LiftResponse] = {
if (cachedResp != null){
val res = cachedResp
cachedResp = null
store -= key
} else {
try {
} finally {
LAScheduler.execute(() => resumeFunc(f))
store += (key -> cont)
case Some(cont) => cont
val continuation = if (req.request.suspendResumeSupport_?)
() => continuation tryRespond
object ContinuationsStore extends
SessionVar[HashMap[ContinuationKey, Continuation]](new HashMap[ContinuationKey, Continuation])
trait Continuation {
def tryRespond: Box[LiftResponse]
case class ContinuationKey(path: ParsePath, reqType: RequestType)
Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework RestContinuation.scala source code file: