Lift Framework example source code file (Menu.scala)
The Lift Framework Menu.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package sitemap import scala.annotation._ import net.liftweb.http._ import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util._ import Helpers._ /** * A common trait between Menu and something that can be converted to a Menu. * This makes building Lists of things that can be converted to Menu instance * easier because there's a common trait. */ trait ConvertableToMenu { def toMenu: Menu } /** * A common trait that defines a portion of a Menu's Link URI path. This allows * us to constrain how people construct paths using the DSL by restricting it to * Strings or to the <pre>**object. */ sealed trait MenuPath { def pathItem: String } /** * This object may be appended to a Menu DSL path, with the syntax * <pre>Menu("Foo") / "test" / ** to match anything starting with * a given path. For more info, see Loc.Link.matchHead_? * * @see Loc.Link */ object ** extends MenuPath {def pathItem = "**"} /** * Defines a single path element for a Menu's Link URI. Typically users will * not utilize this case class, but will use the WithSlash trait's "/" method * that takes Strings. */ final case class AMenuPath(pathItem: String) extends MenuPath sealed trait LocPath { def pathItem: String def wildcard_? : Boolean } object LocPath { implicit def stringToLocPath(in: String): LocPath = new NormalLocPath(in) } case object * extends LocPath { def pathItem = "star" def wildcard_? = true override def toString() = "WildcardLocPath()" } final case class NormalLocPath(pathItem: String) extends LocPath { def wildcard_? = false } /** * The bridge from the Menu singleton to Java-land */ final class MenuJBridge { def menu(): MenuSingleton = Menu } object Menu extends MenuSingleton { /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreParamMenu[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: String => Box[T], encoder: T => String) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): ParamMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash /** * The Java way of building menus. Put the path String here, * for example "/foo/bar" or "/foo/ * /bar" */ def path(pathElement: String): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement.charSplit('/'). drop(if (pathElement.startsWith("/")) 1 else 0). map(_.trim). filter(_ != "**"). map { case "*" => * case "" => NormalLocPath("index") case str => NormalLocPath(str) } match { case Nil => List(NormalLocPath("index")) case xs => xs }, pathElement.endsWith("**"), Nil, Nil) } class ParamMenuable[T](val name: String,val linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], val parser: String => Box[T], val encoder: T => String, val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[T]],val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = ParamMenuable[T] def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamMenuable[T] = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): ParamMenuable[T] = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): ParamMenuable[T] = new ParamMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) // FIXME... do the right thing so that in development mode // the menu and loc are recalculated when the menu is reloaded /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ lazy val toMenu: Menu = Menu(toLoc, submenus :_*) /** * Convert the ParamMenuable into a Loc so you can access * the well typed currentValue */ lazy val toLoc: Loc[T] = new Loc[T] with ParamExtractor[String, T] { import scala.xml._ def headMatch: Boolean = ParamMenuable.this.headMatch // the name of the page def name = ParamMenuable.this.name // the default parameters (used for generating the menu listing) def defaultValue = Empty // no extra parameters def params = ParamMenuable.this.params /** * What's the text of the link? */ def text = ParamMenuable.this.linkText def locPath: List[LocPath] = ParamMenuable.this.path def parser = ParamMenuable.this.parser def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[String] = in.headOption val link = new ParamLocLink[T](ParamMenuable.this.path, ParamMenuable.this.headMatch, t => List(encoder(t))) } } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object ParamMenuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: ParamMenuable[_]): Menu = able.toMenu /** * Convert a Menuable into a Loc[T] */ implicit def toLoc[T](able: ParamMenuable[T]): Loc[T] = able.toMenu.loc.asInstanceOf[Loc[T]] } /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreParamsMenu[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: List[String] => Box[T], encoder: T => List[String]) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): ParamsMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash def path(pathElement: String): ParamsMenuable[T] with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash } class ParamsMenuable[T](val name: String, val linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], val parser: List[String] => Box[T], val encoder: T => List[String], val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[T]], val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = ParamsMenuable[T] def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamsMenuable[T] = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[T]): ParamsMenuable[T] = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): ParamsMenuable[T] = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): ParamsMenuable[T] = new ParamsMenuable[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) // FIXME... do the right thing so that in development mode // the menu and loc are recalculated when the menu is reloaded /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ lazy val toMenu: Menu = Menu(toLoc, submenus :_*) /** * Convert the ParamsMenuable into a Loc so you can access * the well typed currentValue */ lazy val toLoc: Loc[T] = new Loc[T] with ParamExtractor[List[String], T] { // the name of the page def name = ParamsMenuable.this.name def headMatch: Boolean = ParamsMenuable.this.headMatch // the default parameters (used for generating the menu listing) def defaultValue = Empty // no extra parameters def params = ParamsMenuable.this.params /** * What's the text of the link? */ def text = ParamsMenuable.this.linkText val link = new ParamLocLink[T](ParamsMenuable.this.path, ParamsMenuable.this.headMatch, encoder) def locPath: List[LocPath] = ParamsMenuable.this.path def parser = ParamsMenuable.this.parser def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[List[String]] = Full(in) val pathLen = ParamsMenuable.this.path.length } } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object ParamsMenuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: ParamsMenuable[_]): Menu = able.toMenu /** * Convert a Menuable into a Loc[T] */ implicit def toLoc[T](able: ParamsMenuable[T]): Loc[T] = able.toMenu.loc.asInstanceOf[Loc[T]] } /** * An intermediate class that holds the basic stuff that's needed to make a Menu item for SiteMap. * You must include at least one URI path element by calling the / method */ class PreMenu(name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]) { /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): Menuable with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash def path(pathElement: String): Menuable with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, pathElement :: Nil, false, Nil, Nil) with WithSlash } /** * This trait contains helper method that will extract * parameters and convert path items based on * the locPath */ trait ParamExtractor[ConvertFrom, ConvertTo] { self: Loc[ConvertTo] => /** * What's the path we're extracting against? */ def locPath: List[LocPath] /** * A function to convert the ConvertFrom (a String or * List[String]) to the target type */ def parser: ConvertFrom => Box[ConvertTo] /** * Convert the List[String] extracted from the * parse params into whatever is necessary to convert * to a ConvertTo */ def listToFrom(in: List[String]): Box[ConvertFrom] object ExtractSan { def unapply(in: List[String]): Option[(List[String], ConvertTo)] = { for { (path, paramList) <- extractAndConvertPath(in) toConvert <- listToFrom(paramList) param <- parser(toConvert) } yield path -> param } } /** * Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter */ override lazy val rewrite: LocRewrite = Full(NamedPF(locPath.toString) { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(ExtractSan(path, param), _, _,_), _, _) => { RewriteResponse(path, true) -> param }}) def headMatch: Boolean /** * Given an incoming request path, match the path and * extract the parameters. If the path is matched, return * all the extracted parameters. * If the path matches, the return Full box will contain * the rewritten path and the extracted path parameter */ def extractAndConvertPath(org: List[String]): Box[(List[String], List[String])] = { import scala.collection.mutable._ val retPath = new ListBuffer[String]() val retParams = new ListBuffer[String]() var gotStar = false @tailrec def doExtract(op: List[String], mp: List[LocPath]): Boolean = (op, mp) match { case (Nil, Nil) => true case (o :: Nil, Nil) => { retParams += o headMatch || !gotStar } case (op, Nil) => retParams ++= op; headMatch case (Nil, _) => false case (o :: _, NormalLocPath(str) :: _) if o != str => false case (o :: os, * :: ms) => { gotStar = true retParams += o retPath += *.pathItem doExtract(os, ms) } case (o :: os, _ :: ms) => { retPath += o doExtract(os, ms) } } if (doExtract(org, locPath)) { Full((retPath.toList, retParams.toList)) } else { Empty } } } trait BaseMenuable { type BuiltType def path: List[LocPath] def headMatch: Boolean def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash } trait WithSlash { self: BaseMenuable => /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item. This method is * typically only used to allow the <pre>** object mechanism for specifying head match. */ def /(pathElement: MenuPath): BuiltType = pathElement match { case ** => buildOne(path, true) case AMenuPath(pathItem) => buildOne(path ::: List(NormalLocPath(pathItem)), headMatch) } def path(pathElement: MenuPath): BuiltType = this./(pathElement) /** * The method to add a path element to the URL representing this menu item */ def /(pathElement: LocPath): BuiltType with WithSlash = buildSlashOne(path ::: List(pathElement), headMatch) } class Menuable(val name: String,val linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit], val path: List[LocPath], val headMatch: Boolean, val params: List[Loc.LocParam[Unit]],val submenus: List[ConvertableToMenu]) extends ConvertableToMenu with BaseMenuable { type BuiltType = Menuable def buildOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType = new Menuable(name, linkText, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) def buildSlashOne(newPath: List[LocPath], newHead: Boolean): BuiltType with WithSlash = new Menuable(name, linkText, newPath, newHead, params, submenus) with WithSlash /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def rule(param: Loc.LocParam[Unit]): Menuable = >>(param) /** * Append a LocParam to the Menu item */ def >>(param: Loc.LocParam[Unit]): Menuable = new Menuable(name, linkText, path, headMatch, params ::: List(param), submenus) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: ConvertableToMenu*): Menuable = submenus(subs.toList) /** * Define the submenus of this menu item */ def submenus(subs: List[ConvertableToMenu]): Menuable = new Menuable(name, linkText, path, headMatch, params, submenus ::: subs) /** * Convert the Menuable into a Menu instance */ def toMenu: Menu = Menuable.toMenu(this) } /** * The companion object to Menuable that has convenience methods */ object Menuable { /** * Convert a Menuable into a Menu when you need a Menu. */ implicit def toMenu(able: Menuable): Menu = Menu(Loc(able.name, new ParamLocLink[Unit](able.path, able.headMatch, ignore => Nil), able.linkText, able.params), able.submenus :_*) } } /** * A DSL for building menus. */ sealed trait MenuSingleton { import Menu._ /** * A Menu can be created with the syntax <pre>Menu("Home") / "index" * The first parameter is the LinkText which calculates how Links are presented. The * parameter to Menu will be treated as call-by-name such that it is re-evaluated each time * the menu link is needed. That means you can do <pre>Menu(S ? "Home") / "index" * and the menu link will be localized for each display. */ def apply(linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]): PreMenu = this.apply(Helpers.randomString(20), linkText) /** * A Menu can be created with the syntax <pre>Menu("home_page", "Home") / "index" * The first parameter is the name of the page and the second is the LinkText which calculates how Links are presented. * The LinkText * parameter to Menu will be treated as call-by-name such that it is re-evaluated each time * the menu link is needed. That means you can do <pre>Menu("home_page", S ? "Home") / "index" * and the menu link will be localized for each display. You can look up a Menu item by * name as well as using the <lift:menu.item name="home_page"> snippet. */ def apply(name: String,linkText: Loc.LinkText[Unit]): PreMenu = new PreMenu(name, linkText) /** * A convenient way to define a Menu items that's got the same name as it does it's localized LinkText. * <pre>Menu.i("Home") / "index" is short-hand for Menu("Home", S ? "Home") / "index"*/ def i(nameAndLink: String): PreMenu = Menu.apply(nameAndLink, S ? nameAndLink) def param[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: String => Box[T], encoder: T => String): PreParamMenu[T] = new PreParamMenu[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder) def params[T<:AnyRef](name: String, linkText: Loc.LinkText[T], parser: List[String] => Box[T], encoder: T => List[String]): PreParamsMenu[T] = new PreParamsMenu[T](name, linkText, parser, encoder) } case class Menu(loc: Loc[_], private val convertableKids: ConvertableToMenu*) extends HasKids with ConvertableToMenu { lazy val kids: Seq[Menu] = convertableKids.map(_.toMenu) private[sitemap] var _parent: Box[HasKids] = Empty private[sitemap] var siteMap: SiteMap = _ private[sitemap] def init(siteMap: SiteMap) { this.siteMap = siteMap kids.foreach(_._parent = Full(this)) kids.foreach(_.init(siteMap)) loc.menu = this } /** * Rebuild the menu by mutating the child menu items. * This mutation can be changing, adding or removing */ def rebuild(f: List[Menu] => List[Menu]): Menu = Menu(loc, f(kids.toList) :_*) private[sitemap] def validate { _parent.foreach(p => if (p.isRoot_?) throw new SiteMapException("Menu items with root location (\"/\") cannot have children")) kids.foreach(_.validate) } private[sitemap] def testParentAccess: Either[Boolean, Box[() => LiftResponse]] = _parent match { case Full(p) => p.testAccess case _ => Left(true) } override private[sitemap] def testAccess: Either[Boolean, Box[() => LiftResponse]] = loc.testAccess def toMenu = this def findLoc(req: Req): Box[Loc[_]] = if (loc.doesMatch_?(req)) Full(loc) else first(kids)(_.findLoc(req)) def locForGroup(group: String): Seq[Loc[_]] = (if (loc.inGroup_?(group)) List[Loc[_]](loc) else Nil) ++ kids.flatMap(_.locForGroup(group)) override def buildUpperLines(pathAt: HasKids, actual: Menu, populate: List[MenuItem]): List[MenuItem] = { val kids: List[MenuItem] = _parent.toList.flatMap(_.kids.toList.flatMap(m => m.loc.buildItem(if (m == this) populate else Nil, m == actual, m == pathAt))) _parent.toList.flatMap(p => p.buildUpperLines(p, actual, kids)) } def makeMenuItem(path: List[Loc[_]]): Box[MenuItem] = loc.buildItem(kids.toList.flatMap(_.makeMenuItem(path)) ::: loc.supplimentalKidMenuItems, _lastInPath(path), _inPath(path)) /** * Make a menu item only of the current loc is in the given group */ def makeMenuItem(path: List[Loc[_]], group: String): Box[MenuItem] = if (loc.inGroup_?(group)) makeMenuItem(path) else Empty private def _inPath(in: List[Loc[_]]): Boolean = in match { case Nil => false case x :: xs if x eq loc => true case x :: xs => _inPath(xs) } private def _lastInPath(path: List[Loc[_]]): Boolean = path match { case Nil => false case xs => xs.last eq loc } def breadCrumbs: List[Loc[_]] = _parent match { case Full(m: Menu) => m.loc.breadCrumbs case _ => Nil } } final class ParamLocLink[T](path: List[LocPath], headMatch: Boolean, backToList: T => List[String]) extends Loc.Link[T](path.map(_.pathItem), headMatch) { @tailrec def test(toTest: List[String], path: List[LocPath]): Boolean = { (toTest, path) match { case (Nil, Nil) => true case (Nil, _) => false case (_, Nil) => matchHead_? case (str :: _, NormalLocPath(p) :: _) if str != p => false case (_ :: ts, * :: ps) => test(ts, ps) case (_ :: ts, _ :: ps) => test(ts, ps) } } override def isDefinedAt(req: Req): Boolean = { test(req.path.partPath, path) } /** * Override this method to modify the uriList with data from the Loc's value */ override def pathList(value: T): List[String] = { import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val ret = new ListBuffer[String]() @tailrec def merge(path: List[LocPath], params: List[String]) { (path, params) match { case (Nil, p) => ret ++= p case (* :: ps, Nil) => ret += "?" ; merge(ps, Nil) case (* :: ps, r :: rs) => ret += r ; merge(ps, rs) case (NormalLocPath(p) :: ps, rs) => ret += p ; merge(ps, rs) } } merge(path, backToList(value)) ret.toList } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Menu.scala source code file: |
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