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Lift Framework example source code file (SiteMap.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (SiteMap.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

box, box, left, list, list, menu, seq, sitemap, sitemap, sitemapexception, sitemapsingleton, string, string, unapplylocmatcher

The Lift Framework SiteMap.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package sitemap

import http._
import util._
import common._
import Helpers._

import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text}

class SiteMapException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)

case class SiteMap(globalParamFuncs: List[PartialFunction[Box[Req], Loc.AnyLocParam]],
                   private val convertablekids: ConvertableToMenu*) extends HasKids  {
  import SiteMap._

  lazy val kids: Seq[Menu] =

  private var locs: Map[String, Loc[_]] = Map.empty

  private var locPath: Set[List[String]] = Set()

   * Create a new SiteMap by passing the current menu items
   * to a function.  This function can add to, remove, or
   * otherwise mutate the current menu items.
  def rebuild(f: List[Menu] => List[Menu]) = SiteMap(globalParamFuncs, f(kids.toList) :_*)

  kids.foreach(_._parent = Full(this))

  private[sitemap] def addLoc(in: Loc[_]) {
    val name =
    if (locs.isDefinedAt(name))
    throw new SiteMapException("Location "+name+" defined twice "+
                               locs(name)+" and "+in)
    else locs = locs + (name -> in.asInstanceOf[Loc[_]])

    if (SiteMap.enforceUniqueLinks && ! &&
      throw new SiteMapException("Location "+name+
              " defines a duplicate link "+

    if (! locPath +=

  def globalParams: List[Loc.AnyLocParam] = {
    val r = S.request

    globalParamFuncs.flatMap(f => if (f.isDefinedAt(r)) List(f(r)) else Nil)

  def findLoc(name: String): Box[Loc[_]] = Box(locs.get(name))

  def findLoc(req: Req): Box[Loc[_]] = first(kids)(_.findLoc(req))

  * Find all the menu items for a given group.
  * This method returns a linear sequence of menu items
  def locForGroup(group: String): Seq[Loc[_]] =
      _.testAccess match {
        case Left(true) => true case _ => false

   * Find all the menu items for a given group.
   * This method returns menu tree
  def menuForGroup(group: String): CompleteMenu = {
    CompleteMenu(kids.flatMap(_.makeMenuItem(Nil, group)))

  lazy val menus: List[Menu] =

   * Build a menu based on the current location
  def buildMenu(current: Box[Loc[_]]): CompleteMenu = {
    val path: List[Loc[_]] = current match {
      case Full(loc) => loc.breadCrumbs
      case _ => Nil

 * The bridge to get the SiteMap singleton
final class SiteMapJBridge {
  def siteMap(): SiteMapSingleton = SiteMap

object SiteMap extends SiteMapSingleton

sealed class SiteMapSingleton {
   * By default, Lift enforced unique links in a SiteMap.  However, you
   * can disable this feature by setting enforceUniqueLinks to false
  @volatile var enforceUniqueLinks = true

  def findLoc(name: String): Box[Loc[_]] = for (sm <- LiftRules.siteMap; loc <- sm.findLoc(name)) yield loc

   * Builds a function that successively tests the partial function against the Menu.  If the PartialFunction is
   * matched, it is applied and a new Menu is created.  This is generally used by modules to insert their menus
   * at locations in the menu hierarchy denoted by a marker Loc.LocParam.  If the function does not fire,
   * the 'or' function is applied, which allows trying alternative strategies (e.g., if the marker LocParam
   * is not found, append the menus to the root SiteMap.)  This method returns a function
   * so that the strategy can be returned from a module and chained: (module1 andThen module2 andThen module3)(baseSitemap).
   * @param pf the partial function (pattern match) to test against the Menu, if it matches, apply it which causes menu mutation.
   * @param or the function to apply if none of the patterns match
   * @returns a function which will apply the changes to a SiteMap
  def sitemapMutator(pf: PartialFunction[Menu, List[Menu]])(or: SiteMap => SiteMap): SiteMap => SiteMap = 
    (sm: SiteMap) => {
      var fired = false

      def theFunc: Menu => List[Menu] = 
        (menu: Menu) => {
          if (fired) {
          } else if (pf.isDefinedAt(menu)) {
            fired = true
          } else List(menu.rebuild(doAMenuItem _))

      def doAMenuItem(in: List[Menu]): List[Menu] = 

      val ret = sm.rebuild(_.flatMap(theFunc))

      if (fired) ret else or(sm)

   * Builds a function that successively tests the partial function against the Menu.  If the PartialFunction is
   * matched, it is applied and a new Menu is created.  This is generally used by modules to insert their menus
   * at locations in the menu hierarchy denoted by a marker Loc.LocParam.  If the function does not fire,
   * a copy of the original sitemap is returned.
   * @param pf the partial function (pattern match) to test against the Menu, if it matches, apply it which causes menu mutation.
   * @returns a function which will apply the changes to a SiteMap
  def simpleSitemapMutator(pf: PartialFunction[Menu, List[Menu]]) = sitemapMutator(pf)(s => s)

   * Create a mutator that simply appends the menus to the SiteMap at the end of the sitemap.  This is a good
   * default mutator that appends the menu items at the end of the sitemap
  def addMenusAtEndMutator(menus: List[Menu]): SiteMap => SiteMap =
    (sm: SiteMap) => sm.rebuild(_ ::: menus)

   * <p>
   * In the PartialFunction for sitemapMutator, you may want to look for a particular Loc in the menu to determine
   * if you want to (1) replace it, (2) add your menus after it or (3) insert your menus under it.  You can create
   * a pattern matcher via buildMenuMatcher which returns an instance of UnapplyLocMatcher.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * For example:<br/>
   * <code class="scala">
   * val MyMarkerLocParam = new Loc.LocParam[Any]
   * val MyMatcher = SiteMap.buildMenuMatcher(_ == MyMarkerLocParam)
   * </pre>
   * </p>
  trait UnapplyLocMatcher {
    def unapply(menu: Menu): Option[Menu]

   * <p>
   * Builds an UnapplyLocMatcher
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * For example:<br/>
   * <code class="scala">
   * val MyMarkerLocParam = new Loc.LocParam[Any]
   * val MyMatcher = SiteMap.buildMenuMatcher(_ == MyMarkerLocParam)
   * </pre>
   * </p>
  def buildMenuMatcher(matchFunc: Loc.LocParam[_] => Boolean): UnapplyLocMatcher = new UnapplyLocMatcher {
    def unapply(menu: Menu): Option[Menu] =
      menu.loc.params.find(matchFunc).map(ignore => menu)

  def findAndTestLoc(name: String): Box[Loc[_]] =
  findLoc(name).flatMap(l => l.testAccess match {
      case Left(true) => Full(l)
      case _ => Empty

  def buildLink(name: String, text: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    val options = for {
        loc <- findAndTestLoc(name).toList
        link <- loc.createDefaultLink
      } yield {
        val linkText = text match {
          case x if x.length > 0 => x
          case _ => loc.linkText openOr Text(
        <a href={link}>{linkText}

    options.headOption getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty

  def buildLink(name: String): NodeSeq = buildLink(name, Nil)

   * A Java-callable method that builds a SiteMap
  def build(kids: Array[ConvertableToMenu]): SiteMap = 
    this.apply(kids :_*)

  def apply(kids: ConvertableToMenu *) = new SiteMap(Nil, kids :_*)

   * Should the top level /index path be rendered as /  By default this value is false.
   * You may set it to true, but this may confuse some application servers when the application
   * is not running in the root context.
  @volatile var rawIndex_? = false

trait HasKids {
  def kids: Seq[Menu]
  def buildUpperLines(pathAt: HasKids, actual: Menu, populate: List[MenuItem]): List[MenuItem] = populate

  def isRoot_? = false

  private[sitemap] def testAccess: Either[Boolean, Box[() => LiftResponse]] = Left(true)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SiteMap.scala source code file:

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