Lift Framework example source code file (WebSpecSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework WebSpecSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mockweb import scala.xml.NodeSeq import common.{Box,Empty,Full} import http._ import http.rest._ import json._ import json.JsonDSL._ import mocks.MockHttpServletRequest /** * This only exists to keep the WebSpecSpec clean. Normally, * you could just use "() => bootstrap.Boot.boot". */ object WebSpecSpecBoot { def boot() { println("WebSpecSpec Booting up") // Add this so that withTemplateFor test works LiftRules.addToPackages("net.liftweb.mockweb") LiftRules.statelessRewrite.append { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("test", "stateless"), _, _, _), _, _) => { RewriteResponse(List("stateless", "works")) } } LiftRules.statefulRewrite.append { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("test", "stateful"), _, _, _), _, _) => { RewriteResponse(List("stateful", "works")) } } println("WebSpecSpec Boot complete") } } /** * A test RestHelper to show usage. */ object WebSpecSpecRest extends RestHelper { serve { case "api" :: "info" :: Nil JsonGet req => { ("version" -> "1.0") ~ ("name" -> "WebSpec") } } } /** * This spec does double duty as both a spec against the * WebSpec trait as well as an example of how to use it. */ class WebSpecSpec extends WebSpec(WebSpecSpecBoot.boot _) { "WebSpec" should { setSequential() // This is important for using SessionVars, etc. val testUrl = "http://foo.com/test/stateless" val testReq = new MockHttpServletRequest("http://foo.com/test/this?foo=bar", "/test") // Create a new session for use in the tests val testSession = MockWeb.testS(testUrl) { S.session } object TestVar extends SessionVar[String]("Empty") "properly set up S with a String url" withSFor(testUrl) in { S.request match { case Full(req) => req.path.partPath must_== List("stateless", "works") case _ => fail("No request in S") } } "properly set up S with a String url and session" withSFor(testUrl, testSession) in { TestVar("foo!") TestVar.is must_== "foo!" } "properly re-use a provided session" withSFor(testUrl, testSession) in { TestVar.is must_== "foo!" } "properly set up S with a HttpServletRequest" withSFor(testReq) in { S.uri must_== "/this" S.param("foo") must_== Full("bar") } "properly set up a Req with a String url" withReqFor(testUrl) in { _.path.partPath must_== List("stateless", "works") } "properly set up a Req with a String url and context path" withReqFor(testUrl, "/test") in { _.path.partPath must_== List("stateless") } "properly set up a Req with a HttpServletRequest" withReqFor(testReq) in { _.uri must_== "/this" } "properly set a plain text body" withReqFor(testUrl) withPost("This is a test") in { req => req.contentType must_== Full("text/plain") req.post_? must_== true req.body match { case Full(body) => (new String(body)) must_== "This is a test" case _ => fail("No body set") } } "properly set a JSON body" withReqFor(testUrl) withPut(("name" -> "Joe")) in { req => req.json_? must_== true req.put_? must_== true req.json match { case Full(jval) => jval must_== JObject(List(JField("name", JString("Joe")))) case _ => fail("No body set") } } "properly set an XML body" withSFor(testUrl) withPost(<test/>) in { S.request match { case Full(req) => { req.xml_? must_== true req.post_? must_== true req.xml must_== Full(<test/>) } case _ => fail("No request found in S") } } "properly mutate the request" withSFor(testUrl) withMods(_.contentType = "application/xml") in { (S.request.map(_.xml_?) openOr false) must_== true } "process a JSON RestHelper Request" withReqFor("http://foo.com/api/info.json") in { req => (WebSpecSpecRest(req)() match { case Full(JsonResponse(_, _, _, 200)) => true case other => fail("Invalid response : " + other); false }) must_== true } "properly process a template" withTemplateFor("http://foo.com/net/liftweb/mockweb/webspecspectemplate") in ({ case Full(template) => template.toString.contains("Hello, WebSpec!") must_== true case other => { fail("Error on template : " + other) } } : PartialFunction[Box[NodeSeq],Unit]) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework WebSpecSpec.scala source code file: |
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