Lucene example source code file (CHANGES.txt)
The Lucene CHANGES.txt source codeLucene Benchmark Contrib Change Log The Benchmark contrib package contains code for benchmarking Lucene in a variety of ways. For more information on past and future Lucene versions, please see: http://s.apache.org/luceneversions 05/25/2011 LUCENE-3137: ExtractReuters supports out-dir param suffixed by a slash. (Doron Cohen) 03/24/2011 LUCENE-2977: WriteLineDocTask now automatically detects how to write - GZip or BZip2 or Plain-text - according to the output file extension. Property bzip.compression of WriteLineDocTask was canceled. (Doron Cohen) 03/23/2011 LUCENE-2980: Benchmark's ContentSource no more requires lower case file suffixes for detecting file type (gzip/bzip2/text). As part of this fix worked around an issue with gzip input streams which were remaining open (See COMPRESS-127). (Doron Cohen) 03/22/2011 LUCENE-2978: Upgrade benchmark's commons-compress from 1.0 to 1.1 as the move of gzip decompression in LUCENE-1540 from Java's GZipInputStream to commons-compress 1.0 made it 15 times slower. In 1.1 no such slow-down is observed. (Doron Cohen) 03/21/2011 LUCENE-2958: WriteLineDocTask improvements - allow to emit line docs also for empty docs, and be flexible about which fields are added to the line file. For this, a header line was added to the line file. That header is examined by LineDocSource. Old line files which have no header line are handled as before, imposing the default header. (Doron Cohen, Shai Erera, Mike McCandless) 03/21/2011 LUCENE-2964: Allow benchmark tasks from alternative packages, specified through a new property "alt.tasks.packages". (Doron Cohen, Shai Erera) 03/20/2011 LUCENE-2963: Easier way to run benchmark, by calling Benmchmark.exec(alg-file). (Doron Cohen) 03/10/2011 LUCENE-2961: Removed lib/xml-apis.jar, since JVM 1.5+ already contains the JAXP 1.3 interface classes it provides. 02/03/2011 LUCENE-1540: Improvements to contrib.benchmark for TREC collections. ContentSource can now process plain text files, gzip files, and bzip2 files. TREC doc parsing now handles the TREC gov2 collection and TREC disks 4&5-CR collection (both used by many TREC tasks). (Shai Erera, Doron Cohen) 01/31/2011 LUCENE-1591: Rollback to xerces-2.9.1-patched-XERCESJ-1257.jar to workaround XERCESJ-1257, which we hit on current Wikipedia XML export (ENWIKI-20110115-pages-articles.xml) with xerces-2.10.0.jar. (Mike McCandless) 01/26/2011 LUCENE-929: ExtractReuters first extracts to a tmp dir and then renames. That way, if a previous extract attempt failed, "ant extract-reuters" will still extract the files. (Shai Erera, Doron Cohen, Grant Ingersoll) 01/24/2011 LUCENE-2885: Add WaitForMerges task (calls IndexWriter.waitForMerges()). (Mike McCandless) 10/10/2010 The locally built patched version of the Xerces-J jar introduced as part of LUCENE-1591 is no longer required, because Xerces 2.10.0, which contains a fix for XERCESJ-1257 (see http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=554069), was released last year. Upgraded xerces-2.9.1-patched-XERCESJ-1257.jar and xml-apis-2.9.0.jar to xercesImpl-2.10.0.jar and xml-apis-2.10.0.jar. (Steven Rowe) 4/27/2010 LUCENE-2416: WriteLineDocTask now supports multi-threading. Also, StringBufferReader was renamed to StringBuilderReader and works on StringBuilder now. In addition, LongToEnglishContentSource starts from 0 (instead of Long.MIN_VAL+10) and wraps around to MIN_VAL (if you ever hit Long.MAX_VAL). (Shai Erera) 4/07/2010 LUCENE-2377: Enable the use of NoMergePolicy and NoMergeScheduler by CreateIndexTask. (Shai Erera) 3/28/2010 LUCENE-2353: Fixed bug in Config where Windows absolute path property values were incorrectly handled (Shai Erera) 3/24/2010 LUCENE-2343: Added support for benchmarking collectors. (Grant Ingersoll, Shai Erera) 2/21/2010 LUCENE-2254: Add support to the quality package for running experiments with any combination of Title, Description, and Narrative. (Robert Muir) 1/28/2010 LUCENE-2223: Add a benchmark for ShingleFilter. You can wrap any analyzer with ShingleAnalyzerWrapper and specify shingle parameters with the NewShingleAnalyzer task. (Steven Rowe via Robert Muir) 1/14/2010 LUCENE-2210: TrecTopicsReader now properly reads descriptions and narratives from trec topics files. (Robert Muir) 1/11/2010 LUCENE-2181: Add a benchmark for collation. This adds NewLocaleTask, which sets a Locale in the run data for collation to use, and can be used in the future for benchmarking localized range queries and sorts. Also add NewCollationAnalyzerTask, which works with both JDK and ICU Collator implementations. Fix ReadTokensTask to not tokenize fields unless they should be tokenized according to DocMaker config. The easiest way to run the benchmark is to run 'ant collation' (Steven Rowe via Robert Muir) 12/22/2009 LUCENE-2178: Allow multiple locations to add to the class path with -Dbenchmark.ext.classpath=... when running "ant run-task" (Steven Rowe via Mike McCandless) 12/17/2009 LUCENE-2168: Allow negative relative thread priority for BG tasks (Mike McCandless) 12/07/2009 LUCENE-2106: ReadTask does not close its Reader when OpenReader/CloseReader are not used. (Mark Miller) 11/17/2009 LUCENE-2079: Allow specifying delta thread priority after the "&"; added log.time.step.msec to print per-time-period counts; fixed NearRealTimeTask to print reopen times (in msec) of each reopen, at the end. (Mike McCandless) 11/13/2009 LUCENE-2050: Added ability to run tasks within a serial sequence in the background, by appending "&". The tasks are stopped & joined at the end of the sequence. Also added Wait and RollbackIndex tasks. Genericized NearRealTimeReaderTask to only reopen the reader (previously it spawned its own thread, and also did searching). Also changed the API of PerfRunData.getIndexReader: it now returns a reference, and it's your job to decRef the reader when you're done using it. (Mike McCandless) 11/12/2009 LUCENE-2059: allow TrecContentSource not to change the docname. Previously, it would always append the iteration # to the docname. With the new option content.source.excludeIteration, you can disable this. The resulting index can then be used with the quality package to measure relevance. (Robert Muir) 11/12/2009 LUCENE-2058: specify trec_eval submission output from the command line. Previously, 4 arguments were required, but the third was unused. The third argument is now the desired location of submission.txt (Robert Muir) 11/08/2009 LUCENE-2044: Added delete.percent.rand.seed to seed the Random instance used by DeleteByPercentTask. (Mike McCandless) 11/07/2009 LUCENE-2043: Fix CommitIndexTask to also commit pending IndexReader changes (Mike McCandless) 11/07/2009 LUCENE-2042: Added print.hits.field, to print each hit from the Search* tasks. (Mike McCandless) 11/04/2009 LUCENE-2029: Added doc.body.stored and doc.body.tokenized; each falls back to the non-body variant as its default. (Mike McCandless) 10/28/2009 LUCENE-1994: Fix thread safety of EnwikiContentSource and DocMaker when doc.reuse.fields is false. Also made docs.reuse.fields=true thread safe. (Mark Miller, Shai Erera, Mike McCandless) 8/4/2009 LUCENE-1770: Add EnwikiQueryMaker (Mark Miller) 8/04/2009 LUCENE-1773: Add FastVectorHighlighter tasks. This change is a non-backwards compatible change in how subclasses of ReadTask define a highlighter. The methods doHighlight, isMergeContiguousFragments, maxNumFragments and getHighlighter are no longer used and have been mark deprecated and package protected private so there's a compile time error. Instead, the new getBenchmarkHighlighter method should return an appropriate highlighter for the task. The configuration of the highlighter tasks (maxFrags, mergeContiguous, etc.) is now accepted as params to the task. (Koji Sekiguchi via Mike McCandless) 8/03/2009 LUCENE-1778: Add support for log.step setting per task type. Perviously, if you included a log.step line in the .alg file, it had been applied to all tasks. Now, you can include a log.step.AddDoc, or log.step.DeleteDoc (for example) to control logging for just these tasks. If you want to ommit logging for any other task, include log.step=-1. The syntax is "log.step." together with the Task's 'short' name (i.e., without the 'Task' part). (Shai Erera via Mark Miller) 7/24/2009 LUCENE-1595: Deprecate LineDocMaker and EnwikiDocMaker in favor of using DocMaker directly, with content.source = LineDocSource or EnwikiContentSource. NOTE: with this change, the "id" field from the Wikipedia XML export is now indexed as the "docname" field (previously it was indexed as "docid"). Additionaly, the SearchWithSort task now accepts all types that SortField can accept and no longer falls back to SortField.AUTO, which has been deprecated. (Mike McCandless) 7/20/2009 LUCENE-1755: Fix WriteLineDocTask to output a document if it contains either a title or body (or both). (Shai Erera via Mark Miller) 7/14/2009 LUCENE-1725: Fix the example Sort algorithm - auto is now deprecated and no longer works with Benchmark. Benchmark will now throw an exception if you specify sort fields without a type. The example sort algorithm is now typed. (Mark Miller) 7/6/2009 LUCENE-1730: Fix TrecContentSource to use ISO-8859-1 when reading the TREC files, unless a different encoding is specified. Additionally, ContentSource now supports a content.source.encoding parameter in the configuration file. (Shai Erera via Mark Miller) 6/26/2009 LUCENE-1716: Added the following support: doc.tokenized.norms: specifies whether to store norms doc.body.tokenized.norms: special attribute for the body field doc.index.props: specifies whether DocMaker should index the properties set on DocData writer.info.stream: specifies the info stream to set on IndexWriter (supported values are: SystemOut, SystemErr and a file name). (Shai Erera via Mike McCandless) 6/23/09 LUCENE-1714: WriteLineDocTask incorrectly normalized text, by replacing only occurrences of "\t" with a space. It now replaces "\r\n" in addition to that, so that LineDocMaker won't fail. (Shai Erera via Michael McCandless) 6/17/09 LUCENE-1595: This issue breaks previous external algorithms. DocMaker has been replaced with a concrete class which accepts a ContentSource for iterating over a content source's documents. Most of the old DocMakers were changed to a ContentSource implementation, and DocMaker is now a default document creation impl that provides an easy way for reusing fields. When [doc.maker] is not defined in an algorithm, the new DocMaker is the default. If you have .alg files which specify a DocMaker (like ReutersDocMaker), you should change the [doc.maker] line to: [content.source=org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds.ReutersContentSource] i.e. doc.maker=org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds.ReutersDocMaker becomes content.source=org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds.ReutersContentSource doc.maker=org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds.SimpleDocMaker becomes content.source=org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds.SingleDocSource Also, PerfTask now logs a message in tearDown() rather than each Task doing its own logging. A new setting called [log.step] is consulted to determine how often to log. [doc.add.log.step] is no longer a valid setting. For easy migration of current .alg files, rename [doc.add.log.step] to [log.step] and [doc.delete.log.step] to [delete.log.step]. Additionally, [doc.maker.forever] should be changed to [content.source.forever]. (Shai Erera via Mark Miller) 6/12/09 LUCENE-1539: Added DeleteByPercentTask which enables deleting a percentage of documents and searching on them. Changed CommitIndex to optionally accept a label (recorded as userData=<label> in the commit point). Added FlushReaderTask, and modified OpenReaderTask to also optionally take a label referencing a commit point to open. Also changed default autoCommit (when IndexWriter is opened) to true. (Jason Rutherglen via Mike McCandless) 12/20/08 LUCENE-1495: Allow task sequence to run for specfied number of seconds by adding ": 2.7s" (for example). 12/16/08 LUCENE-1493: Stop using deprecated Hits API for searching; add new param search.num.hits to set top N docs to collect. 12/16/08 LUCENE-1492: Added optional readOnly param (default true) to OpenReader task. 9/9/08 LUCENE-1243: Added new sorting benchmark capabilities. Also Reopen and commit tasks. (Mark Miller via Grant Ingersoll) 5/10/08 LUCENE-1090: remove relative paths assumptions from benchmark code. Only build.xml was modified: work-dir definition must remain so benchmark tests can run from both trunk-home and benchmark-home. 3/9/08 LUCENE-1209: Fixed DocMaker settings by round. Prior to this fix, DocMaker settings of first round were used in all rounds. (E.g. term vectors.) (Mark Miller via Doron Cohen) 1/30/08 LUCENE-1156: Fixed redirect problem in EnwikiDocMaker. Refactored ExtractWikipedia to use EnwikiDocMaker. Added property to EnwikiDocMaker to allow for skipping image only documents. 1/24/2008 LUCENE-1136: add ability to not count sub-task doLogic increment 1/23/2008 LUCENE-1129: ReadTask properly uses the traversalSize value LUCENE-1128: Added support for benchmarking the highlighter 01/20/08 LUCENE-1139: various fixes - add merge.scheduler, merge.policy config properties - refactor Open/CreateIndexTask to share setting config on IndexWriter - added doc.reuse.fields=true|false for LineDocMaker - OptimizeTask now takes int param to call optimize(int maxNumSegments) - CloseIndexTask now takes bool param to call close(false) (abort running merges) 01/03/08 LUCENE-1116: quality package improvements: - add MRR computation; - allow control of max #queries to run; - verify log & report are flushed. - add TREC query reader for the 1MQ track. 12/31/07 LUCENE-1102: EnwikiDocMaker now indexes the docid field, so results might not be comparable with results prior to this change, although it is doubted that this one small field makes much difference. 12/13/07 LUCENE-1086: DocMakers setup for the "docs.dir" property fixed to properly handle absolute paths. (Shai Erera via Doron Cohen) 9/18/07 LUCENE-941: infinite loop for alg: {[AddDoc(4000)]: 4} : * ResetInputsTask fixed to work also after exhaustion. All Reset Tasks now subclas ResetInputsTask. 8/9/07 LUCENE-971: Change enwiki tasks to a doc maker (extending LineDocMaker) that directly processes the Wikipedia XML and produces documents. Intermediate files (one per document) are no longer created. 8/1/07 LUCENE-967: Add "ReadTokensTask" to allow for benchmarking just tokenization. 7/27/07 LUCENE-836: Add support for search quality benchmarking, running a set of queries against a searcher, and, optionally produce a submission report, and, if query judgements are available, compute quality measures: recall, precision_at_N, average_precision, MAP. TREC specific Judge (based on TREC QRels) and TREC Topics reader are included in o.a.l.benchmark.quality.trec but any other format of queries and judgements can be implemented and used. 7/24/07 LUCENE-947: Add support for creating and index "one document per line" from a large text file, which reduces per-document overhead of opening a single file for each document. 6/30/07 LUCENE-848: Added support for Wikipedia benchmarking. 6/25/07 - LUCENE-940: Multi-threaded issues fixed: SimpleDateFormat; logging for addDoc/deleteDoc tasks. - LUCENE-945: tests fail to find data dirs. Added sys-prop benchmark.work.dir and cfg-prop work.dir. (Doron Cohen) 4/17/07 - LUCENE-863: Deprecated StandardBenchmarker in favour of byTask code. (Otis Gospodnetic) 4/13/07 Better error handling and javadocs around "exhaustive" doc making. 3/25/07 LUCENE-849: 1. which HTML Parser is used is configurable with html.parser property. 2. External classes added to classpath with -Dbenchmark.ext.classpath=path. 3. '*' as repeating number now means "exhaust doc maker - no repetitions". 3/22/07 -Moved withRetrieve() call out of the loop in ReadTask -Added SearchTravRetLoadFieldSelectorTask to help benchmark some of the FieldSelector capabilities -Added options to store content bytes on the Reuters Doc (and others, but Reuters is the only one w/ it enabled) 3/21/07 Tests (for benchmarking code correctness) were added - LUCENE-840. To be invoked by "ant test" from contrib/benchmark. (Doron Cohen) 3/19/07 1. Introduced an AbstractQueryMaker to hold common QueryMaker code. (GSI) 2. Added traversalSize parameter to SearchTravRetTask and SearchTravTask. Changed SearchTravRetTask to extend SearchTravTask. (GSI) 3. Added FileBasedQueryMaker to run queries from a File or resource. (GSI) 4. Modified query-maker generation for read related tasks to make further read tasks addition simpler and safer. (DC) 5. Changed Taks' setParams() to throw UnsupportedOperationException if that task does not suppot command line param. (DC) 6. Improved javadoc to specify all properties command line params currently supported. (DC) 7. Refactored ReportTasks so that it is easy/possible now to create new report tasks. (DC) 01/09/07 1. Committed Doron Cohen's benchmarking contribution, which provides an easily expandable task based approach to benchmarking. See the javadocs for information. (Doron Cohen via Grant Ingersoll) 2. Added this file. 3. 2/11/07: LUCENE-790 and 788: Fixed Locale issue with date formatter. Fixed some minor issues with benchmarking by task. Added a dependency on the Lucene demo to the build classpath. (Doron Cohen, Grant Ingersoll) 4. 2/13/07: LUCENE-801: build.xml now builds Lucene core and Demo first and has classpath dependencies on the output of that build. (Doron Cohen, Grant Ingersoll) Other Lucene examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lucene CHANGES.txt source code file: |
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