Lucene example source code file (TestIndexReaderReopen.java)
The Lucene TestIndexReaderReopen.java source codepackage org.apache.lucene.index; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode; import org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCache; import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher; import org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreDoc; import org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery; import org.apache.lucene.store.AlreadyClosedException; import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory; import org.apache.lucene.util.BitVector; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.util._TestUtil; public class TestIndexReaderReopen extends LuceneTestCase { public void testReopen() throws Exception { final Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, false); performDefaultTests(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir1); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return IndexReader.open(dir1, false); } }); dir1.close(); final Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); performDefaultTests(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir2); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return IndexReader.open(dir2, false); } }); dir2.close(); } public void testParallelReaderReopen() throws Exception { final Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, true); final Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); performDefaultTests(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir1); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir2); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { ParallelReader pr = new ParallelReader(); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir1, false)); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir2, false)); return pr; } }); dir1.close(); dir2.close(); final Directory dir3 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir3, true); final Directory dir4 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir4, true); performTestsWithExceptionInReopen(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir3); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir4); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { ParallelReader pr = new ParallelReader(); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir3, false)); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir4, false)); // Does not implement reopen, so // hits exception: pr.add(new FilterIndexReader(IndexReader.open(dir3, false))); return pr; } }); dir3.close(); dir4.close(); } // LUCENE-1228: IndexWriter.commit() does not update the index version // populate an index in iterations. // at the end of every iteration, commit the index and reopen/recreate the reader. // in each iteration verify the work of previous iteration. // try this once with reopen once recreate, on both RAMDir and FSDir. public void testCommitReopen () throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); doTestReopenWithCommit(random, dir, true); dir.close(); } public void testCommitRecreate () throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); doTestReopenWithCommit(random, dir, false); dir.close(); } private void doTestReopenWithCommit (Random random, Directory dir, boolean withReopen) throws IOException { IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(dir, newIndexWriterConfig( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)).setOpenMode( OpenMode.CREATE).setMergeScheduler(new SerialMergeScheduler()).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); iwriter.commit(); IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(dir, false); try { int M = 3; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { for (int j=0; j<M; j++) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(newField("id", i+"_"+j, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(newField("id2", i+"_"+j, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); doc.add(newField("id3", i+"_"+j, Store.YES, Index.NO)); iwriter.addDocument(doc); if (i>0) { int k = i-1; int n = j + k*M; Document prevItereationDoc = reader.document(n); assertNotNull(prevItereationDoc); String id = prevItereationDoc.get("id"); assertEquals(k+"_"+j, id); } } iwriter.commit(); if (withReopen) { // reopen IndexReader r2 = reader.reopen(); if (reader != r2) { reader.close(); reader = r2; } } else { // recreate reader.close(); reader = IndexReader.open(dir, false); } } } finally { iwriter.close(); reader.close(); } } public void testMultiReaderReopen() throws Exception { final Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, true); final Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); performDefaultTests(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir1); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir2); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] {IndexReader.open(dir1, false), IndexReader.open(dir2, false)}); } }); dir1.close(); dir2.close(); final Directory dir3 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir3, true); final Directory dir4 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir4, true); performTestsWithExceptionInReopen(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir3); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir4); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] {IndexReader.open(dir3, false), IndexReader.open(dir4, false), // Does not implement reopen, so // hits exception: new FilterIndexReader(IndexReader.open(dir3, false))}); } }); dir3.close(); dir4.close(); } public void testMixedReaders() throws Exception { final Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, true); final Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); final Directory dir3 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir3, false); final Directory dir4 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir4, true); final Directory dir5 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir5, false); performDefaultTests(new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { // only change norms in this index to maintain the same number of docs for each of ParallelReader's subreaders if (i == 1) TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir1); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir4); TestIndexReaderReopen.modifyIndex(i, dir5); } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { ParallelReader pr = new ParallelReader(); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir1, false)); pr.add(IndexReader.open(dir2, false)); MultiReader mr = new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] { IndexReader.open(dir3, false), IndexReader.open(dir4, false)}); return new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] { pr, mr, IndexReader.open(dir5, false)}); } }); dir1.close(); dir2.close(); dir3.close(); dir4.close(); dir5.close(); } private void performDefaultTests(TestReopen test) throws Exception { IndexReader index1 = test.openReader(); IndexReader index2 = test.openReader(); TestIndexReader.assertIndexEquals(index1, index2); // verify that reopen() does not return a new reader instance // in case the index has no changes ReaderCouple couple = refreshReader(index2, false); assertTrue(couple.refreshedReader == index2); couple = refreshReader(index2, test, 0, true); index1.close(); index1 = couple.newReader; IndexReader index2_refreshed = couple.refreshedReader; index2.close(); // test if refreshed reader and newly opened reader return equal results TestIndexReader.assertIndexEquals(index1, index2_refreshed); index2_refreshed.close(); assertReaderClosed(index2, true, true); assertReaderClosed(index2_refreshed, true, true); index2 = test.openReader(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { index1.close(); couple = refreshReader(index2, test, i, true); // refresh IndexReader index2.close(); index2 = couple.refreshedReader; index1 = couple.newReader; TestIndexReader.assertIndexEquals(index1, index2); } index1.close(); index2.close(); assertReaderClosed(index1, true, true); assertReaderClosed(index2, true, true); } public void testReferenceCounting() throws IOException { for (int mode = 0; mode < 4; mode++) { Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, true); IndexReader reader0 = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader0); assertTrue(reader0 instanceof DirectoryReader); IndexReader[] subReaders0 = reader0.getSequentialSubReaders(); for (int i = 0; i < subReaders0.length; i++) { assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders0[i]); } // delete first document, so that only one of the subReaders have to be re-opened IndexReader modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.deleteDocument(0); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader1 = refreshReader(reader0, true).refreshedReader; assertTrue(reader1 instanceof DirectoryReader); IndexReader[] subReaders1 = reader1.getSequentialSubReaders(); assertEquals(subReaders0.length, subReaders1.length); for (int i = 0; i < subReaders0.length; i++) { if (subReaders0[i] != subReaders1[i]) { assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders0[i]); assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders1[i]); } else { assertRefCountEquals(2, subReaders0[i]); } } // delete first document, so that only one of the subReaders have to be re-opened modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.deleteDocument(1); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader2 = refreshReader(reader1, true).refreshedReader; assertTrue(reader2 instanceof DirectoryReader); IndexReader[] subReaders2 = reader2.getSequentialSubReaders(); assertEquals(subReaders1.length, subReaders2.length); for (int i = 0; i < subReaders2.length; i++) { if (subReaders2[i] == subReaders1[i]) { if (subReaders1[i] == subReaders0[i]) { assertRefCountEquals(3, subReaders2[i]); } else { assertRefCountEquals(2, subReaders2[i]); } } else { assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders2[i]); if (subReaders0[i] == subReaders1[i]) { assertRefCountEquals(2, subReaders2[i]); assertRefCountEquals(2, subReaders0[i]); } else { assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders0[i]); assertRefCountEquals(1, subReaders1[i]); } } } IndexReader reader3 = refreshReader(reader0, true).refreshedReader; assertTrue(reader3 instanceof DirectoryReader); IndexReader[] subReaders3 = reader3.getSequentialSubReaders(); assertEquals(subReaders3.length, subReaders0.length); // try some permutations switch (mode) { case 0: reader0.close(); reader1.close(); reader2.close(); reader3.close(); break; case 1: reader3.close(); reader2.close(); reader1.close(); reader0.close(); break; case 2: reader2.close(); reader3.close(); reader0.close(); reader1.close(); break; case 3: reader1.close(); reader3.close(); reader2.close(); reader0.close(); break; } assertReaderClosed(reader0, true, true); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, true); assertReaderClosed(reader2, true, true); assertReaderClosed(reader3, true, true); dir1.close(); } } public void testReferenceCountingMultiReader() throws IOException { for (int mode = 0; mode <=1; mode++) { Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, false); Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); IndexReader reader1 = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader1); IndexReader initReader2 = IndexReader.open(dir2, false); IndexReader multiReader1 = new MultiReader(new IndexReader[] {reader1, initReader2}, (mode == 0)); modifyIndex(0, dir2); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); IndexReader multiReader2 = multiReader1.reopen(); // index1 hasn't changed, so multiReader2 should share reader1 now with multiReader1 assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); modifyIndex(0, dir1); IndexReader reader2 = reader1.reopen(); assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); if (mode == 1) { initReader2.close(); } modifyIndex(1, dir1); IndexReader reader3 = reader2.reopen(); assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader2); multiReader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); multiReader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); if (mode == 1) { initReader2.close(); } reader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader1); multiReader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); multiReader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); reader3.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, false); reader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, false); reader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); reader3.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, true); dir1.close(); dir2.close(); } } public void testReferenceCountingParallelReader() throws IOException { for (int mode = 0; mode <=1; mode++) { Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, false); Directory dir2 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir2, true); IndexReader reader1 = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader1); ParallelReader parallelReader1 = new ParallelReader(mode == 0); parallelReader1.add(reader1); IndexReader initReader2 = IndexReader.open(dir2, false); parallelReader1.add(initReader2); modifyIndex(1, dir2); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); IndexReader parallelReader2 = parallelReader1.reopen(); // index1 hasn't changed, so parallelReader2 should share reader1 now with multiReader1 assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); modifyIndex(0, dir1); modifyIndex(0, dir2); IndexReader reader2 = reader1.reopen(); assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); if (mode == 1) { initReader2.close(); } modifyIndex(4, dir1); IndexReader reader3 = reader2.reopen(); assertRefCountEquals(2 + mode, reader1); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader2); parallelReader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); parallelReader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1 + mode, reader1); if (mode == 1) { initReader2.close(); } reader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(1, reader1); parallelReader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); parallelReader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); reader3.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, false); reader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, false); reader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); reader3.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertReaderClosed(reader1, true, true); dir1.close(); dir2.close(); } } public void testNormsRefCounting() throws IOException { Directory dir1 = newDirectory(); createIndex(random, dir1, false); IndexReader reader1 = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); SegmentReader segmentReader1 = SegmentReader.getOnlySegmentReader(reader1); IndexReader modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.deleteDocument(0); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader2 = reader1.reopen(); modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.setNorm(1, "field1", 50); modifier.setNorm(1, "field2", 50); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader3 = reader2.reopen(); SegmentReader segmentReader3 = SegmentReader.getOnlySegmentReader(reader3); modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.deleteDocument(2); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader4 = reader3.reopen(); modifier = IndexReader.open(dir1, false); modifier.deleteDocument(3); modifier.close(); IndexReader reader5 = reader3.reopen(); // Now reader2-reader5 references reader1. reader1 and reader2 // share the same norms. reader3, reader4, reader5 also share norms. assertRefCountEquals(1, reader1); assertFalse(segmentReader1.normsClosed()); reader1.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertFalse(segmentReader1.normsClosed()); reader2.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); // now the norms for field1 and field2 should be closed assertTrue(segmentReader1.normsClosed("field1")); assertTrue(segmentReader1.normsClosed("field2")); // but the norms for field3 and field4 should still be open assertFalse(segmentReader1.normsClosed("field3")); assertFalse(segmentReader1.normsClosed("field4")); reader3.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertFalse(segmentReader3.normsClosed()); reader5.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); assertFalse(segmentReader3.normsClosed()); reader4.close(); assertRefCountEquals(0, reader1); // and now all norms that reader1 used should be closed assertTrue(segmentReader1.normsClosed()); // now that reader3, reader4 and reader5 are closed, // the norms that those three readers shared should be // closed as well assertTrue(segmentReader3.normsClosed()); dir1.close(); } private void performTestsWithExceptionInReopen(TestReopen test) throws Exception { IndexReader index1 = test.openReader(); IndexReader index2 = test.openReader(); TestIndexReader.assertIndexEquals(index1, index2); try { refreshReader(index1, test, 0, true); fail("Expected exception not thrown."); } catch (Exception e) { // expected exception } // index2 should still be usable and unaffected by the failed reopen() call TestIndexReader.assertIndexEquals(index1, index2); index1.close(); index2.close(); } public void testThreadSafety() throws Exception { final Directory dir = newDirectory(); // NOTE: this also controls the number of threads! final int n = _TestUtil.nextInt(random, 20, 40); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, newIndexWriterConfig( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random))); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { writer.addDocument(createDocument(i, 3)); } writer.optimize(); writer.close(); final TestReopen test = new TestReopen() { @Override protected void modifyIndex(int i) throws IOException { if (i % 3 == 0) { IndexReader modifier = IndexReader.open(dir, false); modifier.setNorm(i, "field1", 50); modifier.close(); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { IndexReader modifier = IndexReader.open(dir, false); modifier.deleteDocument(i % modifier.maxDoc()); modifier.close(); } else { IndexWriter modifier = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig( TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random))); modifier.addDocument(createDocument(n + i, 6)); modifier.close(); } } @Override protected IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return IndexReader.open(dir, false); } }; final List<ReaderCouple> readers = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList Other Lucene examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lucene TestIndexReaderReopen.java source code file: |
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