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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.lib.ddl.impl; import java.util.*; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; import org.netbeans.lib.ddl.*; import org.netbeans.lib.ddl.impl.*; /** * Interface of database action command. Instances should remember connection * information of DatabaseSpecification and use it in execute() method. This is a base interface * used heavily for sub-interfacing (it is not subclassing :) */ public class CreateTrigger extends AbstractCommand implements CreateTriggerCommand { public static final int BEFORE = 1; public static final int AFTER = 2; /** Arguments */ private Vector events; /** for each row */ boolean eachrow; /** Condition */ private String cond; /** Table */ private String table; /** Timing */ int timing; /** Body of the procedure */ private String body; public static String getTimingName(int code) { switch (code) { case BEFORE: return "BEFORE"; // NOI18N case AFTER: return "AFTER"; // NOI18N } return null; } private static ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.lib.ddl.resources.Bundle"); // NOI18N static final long serialVersionUID =-2217362040968396712L; public CreateTrigger() { events = new Vector(); } public String getTableName() { return table; } public void setTableName(String tab) { table = tab; } public boolean getForEachRow() { return eachrow; } public void setForEachRow(boolean flag) { eachrow = flag; } /** Returns text of procedure */ public String getText() { return body; } /** Sets name of table */ public void setText(String text) { body = text; } public String getCondition() { return cond; } public void setCondition(String con) { cond = con; } public int getTiming() { return timing; } public void setTiming(int time) { timing = time; } /** Returns arguments */ public Vector getEvents() { return events; } public TriggerEvent getEvent(int index) { return (TriggerEvent)events.get(index); } /** Sets argument array */ public void setEvents(Vector argarr) { events = argarr; } public void setEvent(int index, TriggerEvent arg) { events.set(index, arg); } public TriggerEvent createTriggerEvent(int when, String columnname) throws DDLException { try { Map gprops = (Map)getSpecification().getProperties(); Map props = (Map)getSpecification().getCommandProperties(Specification.CREATE_TRIGGER); Map bindmap = (Map)props.get("Binding"); // NOI18N String tname = (String)bindmap.get("EVENT"); // NOI18N if (tname != null) { Map typemap = (Map)gprops.get(tname); if (typemap == null) throw new InstantiationException( MessageFormat.format( bundle.getString("EXC_UnableLocateObject"), // NOI18N new String[] {tname})); Class typeclass = Class.forName((String)typemap.get("Class")); // NOI18N String format = (String)typemap.get("Format"); // NOI18N TriggerEvent evt = (TriggerEvent)typeclass.newInstance(); Map temap = (Map)props.get("TriggerEventMap"); // NOI18N evt.setName(TriggerEvent.getName(when)); evt.setColumn(columnname); evt.setFormat(format); return (TriggerEvent)evt; } else throw new InstantiationException( MessageFormat.format( bundle.getString("EXC_UnableLocateType"), // NOI18N new String[] {"EVENT", bindmap.toString() })); // NOI18N } catch (Exception e) { throw new DDLException(e.getMessage()); } } public void addTriggerEvent(int when) throws DDLException { addTriggerEvent(when, null); } public void addTriggerEvent(int when, String columnname) throws DDLException { TriggerEvent te = createTriggerEvent(when, columnname); if (te != null) events.add(te); } public Map getCommandProperties() throws DDLException { Map props = (Map)getSpecification().getProperties(); String evs = "", argdelim = (String)props.get("TriggerEventListDelimiter"); // NOI18N Map cmdprops = super.getCommandProperties(); Enumeration col_e = events.elements(); while (col_e.hasMoreElements()) { TriggerEvent evt = (TriggerEvent)col_e.nextElement(); boolean inscomma = col_e.hasMoreElements(); evs = evs + evt.getCommand(this)+(inscomma ? argdelim : ""); } cmdprops.put("trigger.events", evs); // NOI18N cmdprops.put("trigger.condition", cond); // NOI18N cmdprops.put("trigger.timing", getTimingName(timing)); // NOI18N cmdprops.put("table.name", quote(table)); // NOI18N cmdprops.put("trigger.body", body); // NOI18N if (eachrow) cmdprops.put("each.row", ""); // NOI18N return cmdprops; } } |
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