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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands; import org.openide.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.*; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.*; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.diff.DiffInformation; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.PipedFileInformation; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.update.UpdateCommand; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.diff.DiffCommand; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.status.StatusCommand; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.Command; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.BasicCommand; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.CommandException; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.*; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import java.beans.*; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.customizers.DiffParamInput; import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.events.*; /** This class implements the cvs diff command. * * @author mkleint */ public class CvsDiff extends FileSystemCommand { private File startFile; /** * Holds value of property beforeDate. */ private String beforeDate1 = null; /** * Holds value of property firstRevision. */ private String revision1 = null; /** * Holds value of property secondRevision. */ private String revision2 = null; /** * Holds value of property beforeDate2. */ private String beforeDate2 = null; /** * Keyword substitution. The -k switch in command line cvs. */ private String keywordSubst; /** * to be recursive is default behaviour of command. */ private boolean recursive = true; /** Holds value of property ignoreAllWhitespace. */ private boolean ignoreAllWhitespace; /** Holds value of property ignoreBlankLines. */ private boolean ignoreBlankLines; /** Holds value of property ignoreCase. */ private boolean ignoreCase; /** Holds value of property ignoreSpaceChange. */ private boolean ignoreSpaceChange; /** Holds value of property contextDiff. */ private boolean contextDiff; /** Holds value of property unifiedDiff. */ private boolean unifiedDiff; private boolean includeStatCheckCommands = false; private LinkedList checkoutCommands; private FsDiff diffImpl; /** Creates new CvsDiff instance. */ public CvsDiff(File[] filesToCheck, ClientProvider fs) { super(fs); setFiles(filesToCheck); diffImpl = new DiffImpl(); } /** Creates new CvsDiff instance. */ public CvsDiff() { super(); diffImpl = new DiffImpl(); } public CvsCommand getImpl() { return diffImpl; } public FsDiff getDiffImpl() { return diffImpl; } public void setIncludeStatusAndCheckout(boolean include) { includeStatCheckCommands = include; } public String getName() { return NbBundle.getBundle(CvsDiff.class).getString("CvsDiff.name"); // NOI18N } protected void initCommand(boolean commandIsRunning) { // here the the commands is initiated just right before running the command clearCommandList(); int dirNum = 0; BasicCommand command; checkoutCommands = new LinkedList(); File[] files = new File[getFiles().length]; System.arraycopy(getFiles(),0,files,0, getFiles().length); for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++) { if (files[index] != null && files[index].isDirectory()) { //that way just one UI component is run after finish of the command File[] fls = new File[1]; fls[0] = files[index]; if (includeStatCheckCommands) { command = new StatusCommand(); command.setFiles (fls); toDoCommands.addElement (command); } command = new DiffCommand(); command.setFiles(fls); setCommandArguments(command); if (includeStatCheckCommands) { checkNeedForCheckout((DiffCommand)command, checkoutCommands); } toDoCommands.addElement(command); files[index] = null; dirNum = dirNum + 1; } } // now proceed all single files in one batch. if (dirNum == files.length) { super.initCommand(commandIsRunning); return; // no files to check status on. } File[] singleFiles = new File[files.length - dirNum]; int singleIndex = 0; for (int ind = 0; ind < files.length; ind++) { if (files[ind] != null) { singleFiles[singleIndex] = files[ind]; singleIndex = singleIndex + 1; } } if (includeStatCheckCommands) { command = new StatusCommand(); command.setFiles (singleFiles); toDoCommands.addElement (command); } command = new DiffCommand(); command.setFiles(singleFiles); setCommandArguments(command); if (includeStatCheckCommands) { checkNeedForCheckout((DiffCommand)command, checkoutCommands); } toDoCommands.addElement(command); // just add oen command to the queue super.initCommand(commandIsRunning); } protected void beforeEachExecute() { super.beforeEachExecute(); } protected void afterEachExecute() { super.afterEachExecute(); } protected void executeFailed(Exception exc) { stopCommand(); super.executeFailed(exc); } /** * return the library command that is considered main command. * that one is used for loading from */ protected Class getMainCvsCommand() { return DiffCommand.class; } /** * Called when file status information has been received */ public void fileInfoGenerated(FileInfoEvent e) { super.fileInfoGenerated(e); } private void checkNeedForCheckout(DiffCommand comm, LinkedList checkoutList) { // Do always.. just to be sure we got the base file to start from.. // therwise for Locally removed files we would have to make complicated lookup.. for example. // if (comm.getRevision2() != null || comm.getBeforeDate2() != null) { UpdateCommand checkComm = new UpdateCommand(); checkComm.setFiles(comm.getFiles()); checkComm.setPipeToOutput(true); checkComm.setRecursive(comm.isRecursive()); if (comm.getRevision2() != null) { checkComm.setUpdateByRevision(comm.getRevision2()); } else if (comm.getBeforeDate2() != null) { checkComm.setUpdateByDate(comm.getBeforeDate2()); } checkoutList.add(checkComm); // } } // adds the checkouts commands before the diff commands in order to have the public void addCheckoutCommands() { Iterator it = checkoutCommands.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toDoCommands.add(0, it.next()); } } /** Getter for property beforeDate. * @return Value of property beforeDate. */ public String getBeforeDate1() { return beforeDate1; } /** Setter for property beforeDate. * @param beforeDate New value of property beforeDate. */ public void setBeforeDate1(String beforeDate) { this.beforeDate1 = beforeDate; } /** Getter for property firstRevision. * @return Value of property firstRevision. */ public String getRevision1() { return revision1; } /** Setter for property firstRevision. * @param firstRevision New value of property firstRevision. */ public void setRevision1(String firstRevision) { revision1 = firstRevision; } /** Getter for property secondRevision. * @return Value of property secondRevision. */ public String getRevision2() { return revision2; } /** Setter for property secondRevision. * @param secondRevision New value of property secondRevision. */ public void setRevision2(String secondRevision) { this.revision2 = secondRevision; } /** Getter for property beforeDate2. * @return Value of property beforeDate2. */ public String getBeforeDate2() { return beforeDate2; } /** Setter for property beforeDate2. * @param beforeDate2 New value of property beforeDate2. */ public void setBeforeDate2(String beforeDate2) { this.beforeDate2 = beforeDate2; } /** * Getter for property keywordSubst. * @return Value of property keywordSubst. */ public String getKeywordSubst() { return keywordSubst; } /** * Setter for property keywordSubst. * @param keywordSubst New value of property keywordSubst. */ public void setKeywordSubst(String keywordSubst) { this.keywordSubst = keywordSubst; } /** Sets recursive (-R switch) or local (-l switch) behaviour. */ public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) { this.recursive = recursive; } /** Returns recursive (-R switch) or local (-l switch) behaviour. */ public boolean isRecursive() { return recursive; } /** true if all the whitespace differences should be ignored. (-w) * @return Value of property ignoreAllWhitespace. */ public boolean isIgnoreAllWhitespace() { return this.ignoreAllWhitespace; } /** Setter for property ignoreAllWhitespace. * true if all the whitespace differences should be ignored. (-w) * @param ignoreAllWhitespace New value of property ignoreAllWhitespace. */ public void setIgnoreAllWhitespace(boolean ignoreAllWhitespace) { this.ignoreAllWhitespace = ignoreAllWhitespace; } /** Getter for property ignoreBlankLines. * @return Value of property ignoreBlankLines. */ public boolean isIgnoreBlankLines() { return this.ignoreBlankLines; } /** Setter for property ignoreBlankLines. * @param ignoreBlankLines New value of property ignoreBlankLines. */ public void setIgnoreBlankLines(boolean ignoreBlankLines) { this.ignoreBlankLines = ignoreBlankLines; } /** Getter for property ignoreCase. * @return Value of property ignoreCase. */ public boolean isIgnoreCase() { return this.ignoreCase; } /** Setter for property ignoreCase. * @param ignoreCase New value of property ignoreCase. */ public void setIgnoreCase(boolean ignoreCase) { this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase; } /** Getter for property ignoreSpaceChange. * @return Value of property ignoreSpaceChange. */ public boolean isIgnoreSpaceChange() { return this.ignoreSpaceChange; } /** Setter for property ignoreSpaceChange. * @param ignoreSpaceChange New value of property ignoreSpaceChange. */ public void setIgnoreSpaceChange(boolean ignoreSpaceChange) { this.ignoreSpaceChange = ignoreSpaceChange; } /** * equals to the -c switch of cvs * Getter for property contextDiff. * @return Value of property contextDiff. */ public boolean isContextDiff() { return this.contextDiff; } /** * equals to the -c switch of cvs * Setter for property contextDiff. * @param contextDiff New value of property contextDiff. */ public void setContextDiff(boolean contextDiff) { this.contextDiff = contextDiff; } /** * equals to the -u switch of cvs * Getter for property unifiedDiff. * @return Value of property unifiedDiff. */ public boolean isUnifiedDiff() { return this.unifiedDiff; } /** * equals to the -u switch of cvs. * Setter for property unifiedDiff. * @param unifiedDiff New value of property unifiedDiff. */ public void setUnifiedDiff(boolean unifiedDiff) { this.unifiedDiff = unifiedDiff; } /** * called when server responses with "ok" or "error", (when the command finishes) */ public void commandTerminated(org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.TerminationEvent e) { // super.commandTerminated(e); } public class DiffImpl extends FsDiff implements FileSystemCommandImpl { public DiffImpl() { } public FileSystemCommand getOuterClassInstance() { return CvsDiff.this; } /** Add a CommandDisplayerListener to the FilesystemCommand. * |
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