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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.api.registry; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import org.netbeans.api.registry.fs.FileSystemContextFactory; import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase; import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestSuite; import org.netbeans.spi.registry.BasicContext; import org.netbeans.spi.registry.SpiUtils; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.filesystems.Repository; import org.openide.loaders.DataObject; import org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo; import org.openide.util.Lookup; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.net.URL; /** * * @author Vitezslav Stejskal * @author David Konecny */ public class BindingTest extends NbTestCase { private static final String MY_NULL = new String("MY_NULL"); public BindingTest (String name) { super (name); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestRunner.run(new NbTestSuite(BindingTest.class)); } protected void setUp () throws Exception { Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ModuleInfo.class); } public void testBindObject() throws Exception { implBindObject(getRootContext(), "foo", getRoot(), new JLabel("obj 11"), new JLabel("second OBJ")); } public void testBindObject2() throws Exception { Context ctx = getRootContext().createSubcontext("a/b/c"); FileObject fo = findResource ("a/b/c"); implBindObject(ctx, "foo", fo, new JLabel("objQ"), new JLabel("secondW")) ; getRootContext().destroySubcontext("a"); } // XXX #27494 Names over 50 chars. public void _EXCLUDE_issue36334_testLongNameObject() throws Exception { implBindObject(getRootContext(), "ThisIsVeryLongNameOfInstanceFileToTestIssueDealingWithInstanceNamesWhichLenghtIsOver50Characters", getRoot(), new JLabel("objQ1"), new JLabel("secondW1")); } // XXX #27494 Names containing some special chars public void _EXCLUDE_testStrangeNameObject() throws Exception { implBindObject(getRootContext(), ":[]<>?*|.\"\u0020\u007E#", getRoot(), new JLabel("objQ111"), new JLabel("secondW111")); } public void implBindObject(Context context, String bindingName, FileObject rootFO, Object objA, Object objA2) throws Exception { FileObject f; context.putObject(bindingName, objA); String fileName = escapeAndCut(bindingName); f = rootFO.getFileObject (fileName, "settings"); assertTrue ("Instance file wasn't created for bound object", f != null); assertTrue (f.isData ()); // XXX: hold IDO instance otherwise, it can be GCed and another instance of // objA will be lookuped from the context, this is bug of IDO DataObject ido = DataObject.find (f); Object obj2 = context.getObject(bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("Bound object wasn't lookuped", obj2 != null); assertTrue ("Bind obj and lookup result are different", objA == obj2); // object and subcontext must coexist try { context.createSubcontext (bindingName); } catch (Exception e) { fail ("Context with same name as object binding must coexist"); } context.destroySubcontext (bindingName); obj2 = context.getObject (bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("Subcontext destroyed, but object can't be found, obj2=" + obj2 + " objA=" + objA, obj2 == objA); // incorrect binding name { // this binding will not be stored context.putObject("ctx1/"+bindingName, objA); Object o = context.getObject ("ctx1/"+bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("ContextException expected when slash character is used in name", o == MY_NULL); } // rebind Object objB = objA2; context.putObject (bindingName, objB); Object obj = context.getObject (bindingName, MY_NULL); assertEquals ("New object not found", obj, objB); // unbind context.putObject (bindingName, null); f = rootFO.getFileObject (bindingName, "settings"); assertTrue ("Instance file wasn't destroyed for unbound object", f == null); // binding doesn't exist anymore obj2 = context.getObject(bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue("Object is still reachable even if unbound", obj2 == MY_NULL); // unbind for non-existing binding must be OK context.putObject (bindingName, null); } public void testBindPrimitive() throws Exception { implBindPrimitive(getRootContext(), "foo", getRoot(), new String("11"), new String("789")); } public void testBindPrimitive2() throws Exception { Context ctx = getRootContext().createSubcontext("a/b/c"); FileObject fo = findResource ("a/b/c"); implBindPrimitive(ctx, "foo", fo, new String("171"), new String("7879")) ; getRootContext().destroySubcontext("a"); } // XXX #27494 Names over 50 chars. public void testLongNamePrimitive() throws Exception { implBindPrimitive(getRootContext(), "ThisIsVeryLongNameOfInstanceFileToTestIssueDealingWithInstanceNamesWhichLenghtIsOver50Characters", getRoot(), new String("119"), new String("9789")); } // XXX #27494 Names containing some special chars public void _EXCLUDE_testStrangeNamePrimitive() throws Exception { implBindPrimitive(getRootContext(), ":[]<>?*|.\"\u0020\u007E#", getRoot(), new String("1175"), new String("7895")); } public void implBindPrimitive(Context context, String bindingName, FileObject rootFO, String objA, String objA2) throws Exception { FileObject f; context.putObject(bindingName, objA); String obj2 = (String)context.getObject(bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("Bound object wasn't lookuped", obj2 != null); assertTrue ("Bind obj and lookup result are different: A="+objA+" B="+obj2, objA.equals(obj2)); // object and subcontext must coexist try { context.createSubcontext (bindingName); } catch (Exception e) { fail ("Context with same name as object binding must coexist"); } context.destroySubcontext (bindingName); obj2 = (String)context.getObject (bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("Subcontext destroyed, but object can't be found, obj2=" + obj2 + " objA=" + objA, obj2.equals(objA)); // incorrect binding name { // this binding will not be stored context.putObject("ctx1/"+bindingName, objA); String o = (String)context.getObject ("ctx1/"+bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue ("ContextException expected when slash character is used in name", o == MY_NULL); } // rebind String objB = (String)objA2; context.putObject (bindingName, objB); String obj = (String)context.getObject (bindingName, MY_NULL); assertEquals ("New object not found", obj, objB); // unbind context.putObject (bindingName, null); f = rootFO.getFileObject (bindingName, "settings"); assertTrue ("Instance file wasn't destroyed for unbound object", f == null); // binding doesn't exist anymore obj2 = (String)context.getObject(bindingName, MY_NULL); assertTrue("Object is still reachable even if unbound", obj2 == MY_NULL); // unbind for non-existing binding must be OK context.putObject (bindingName, null); } public void testPrimitive() throws Exception { implTestPrimitive(getRootContext()); } public void testPrimitive2() throws Exception { Context ctx = getRootContext().createSubcontext("a/b/c"); FileObject fo = findResource ("a/b/c"); implTestPrimitive(ctx); getRootContext().destroySubcontext("a"); } public void implTestPrimitive(Context ctx) throws Exception { String s = "bsdfmdbmfd"; ctx.putString("b1", s); String s_ = ctx.getString("b1", null); assertTrue("Values do not match", s_.equals(s)); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b1", null) instanceof String); int i = 1889; ctx.putInt("b2", i); int i_ = ctx.getInt("b2", 1112); assertTrue("Values do not match", i_ == i); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b2", null) instanceof Integer); long l = 188918891L; ctx.putLong("b3", l); long l_ = ctx.getLong("b3", 11121112L); assertTrue("Values do not match", l_ == l); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b3", null) instanceof Long); float f = 18891111.1889F; ctx.putFloat("b4", f); float f_ = ctx.getFloat("b4", 1112.1112F); assertTrue("Values do not match: "+f_+" "+f, f_ == f); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b4", null) instanceof Float); double d = 181889333333.18989989891889D; ctx.putDouble("b5", d); double d_ = ctx.getDouble("b5", 11121112.11121112D); assertTrue("Values do not match", d_ == d); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b5", null) instanceof Double); boolean b = true; ctx.putBoolean("b6", b); boolean b_ = ctx.getBoolean("b6", false); assertTrue("Values do not match", b_ == b); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b6", null) instanceof Boolean); Font ff = new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC, 31); ctx.putFont("b7", ff); Font ff_ = ctx.getFont("b7", null); assertEquals("Values do not match", ff, ff_ ); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b7", null) instanceof Font); Color c = new Color(10, 20, 30); ctx.putColor("b8", c); Color c_ = ctx.getColor("b8", new Color(1, 2, 3)); assertTrue("Values do not match", c_.getRGB() == c.getRGB()); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b8", null) instanceof Color); URL u = new URL("http://www.netbeans.org/download/"); ctx.putURL("b9", u); URL u_ = ctx.getURL("b9", null); assertEquals("Values do not match", u_ , u); assertTrue("Object type does not match", ctx.getObject("b9", null) instanceof URL); String sa[] = new String[]{"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"}; ctx.putStringArray("b0", '#', sa); String sa_[] = ctx.getStringArray("b0", '#', new String[]{"1", "2", "3"}); assertEquals("Values do not match", sa_[0] , "aaa"); assertEquals("Values do not match", sa_[1] , "bbb"); assertEquals("Values do not match", sa_[2] , "ccc"); } public void testObjectRef() throws Exception { BasicContext rootCtx = FileSystemContextFactory.createContext(getRoot()); BasicContext basicCtx = rootCtx.createSubcontext("someCOTOXO"); BasicContext basicCtx2 = basicCtx.createSubcontext("subocontexto"); Context ctx = SpiUtils.createContext(basicCtx); Context ctx2 = SpiUtils.createContext(basicCtx2); Object o = new JLabel("my label Y"); ctx.putObject("obj25", o); ObjectRef or = SpiUtils.createObjectRef(basicCtx, "obj25"); ctx.putObject("ref", or);; Object val = ctx.getObject("ref", MY_NULL); assertTrue("Retrieved object cannot be null", val != MY_NULL); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", val instanceof JLabel); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", ((JLabel)val).getText().equals("my label Y")); ObjectRef or2 = ctx.getRef("ref"); assertTrue("Retrieved object cannot be null", or2 != null); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", or2.getBindingName().equals(or.getBindingName())); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", or2.getContextAbsoluteName().equals(or.getContextAbsoluteName())); ObjectRef or3 = ctx.getRef("obj25"); assertTrue("Retrieved object must be null", or3 == null); ObjectRef or4 = SpiUtils.createObjectRef(basicCtx, "ref"); ctx2.putObject("refref", or4); ObjectRef or5 = SpiUtils.createObjectRef(basicCtx2, "refref"); ctx2.putObject("refrefref", or5); val = ctx2.getObject("refrefref", MY_NULL); assertTrue("Retrieved object cannot be null", val != MY_NULL); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", val instanceof JLabel); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", ((JLabel)val).getText().equals("my label Y")); ObjectRef or6 = ctx2.getRef("refrefref"); assertTrue("Retrieved object cannot be null", or6 != null); assertTrue("Retrived object is not the same", or6.equals(or5)); getRootContext().destroySubcontext("someCOTOXO"); } // copied from org.netbeans.modules.registry.olddssimpl.Utils. // this can be easily broken if not properly synchronized with changes // in InstanceDataObject, org.netbeans.modules.registry.olddssimpl.Utils and // here. private static final char OPEN = '['; private static final char CLOSE = ']'; private static final int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 50; private static String escapeAndCut (String name) { int maxLen = MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH; String ename = escape(name); if (ename.length() <= maxLen) return ename; String hash = Integer.toHexString(ename.hashCode()); maxLen = (maxLen > hash.length()) ? (maxLen-hash.length()) / 2 :1; String start = ename.substring(0, maxLen); String end = ename.substring(ename.length() - maxLen); return start + hash + end; } private static String escape (String text) { boolean spacenasty = text.startsWith(" ") || text.endsWith(" ") || text.indexOf(" ") != -1; // NOI18N int len = text.length (); StringBuffer escaped = new StringBuffer (len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = text.charAt (i); // For some reason Windoze throws IOException if angle brackets in filename... if (c == '/' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == OPEN || c == CLOSE || c == '<' || c == '>' || // ...and also for some other chars (#16479): c == '?' || c == '*' || c == '|' || (c == ' ' && spacenasty) || c == '.' || c == '"' || c < '\u0020' || c > '\u007E' || c == '#') { // Hex escape. escaped.append ('#'); String hex = Integer.toString (c, 16).toUpperCase (); if (hex.length () < 4) escaped.append ('0'); if (hex.length () < 3) escaped.append ('0'); if (hex.length () < 2) escaped.append ('0'); escaped.append (hex); } else { escaped.append (c); } } return escaped.toString (); } protected Context getRootContext() { return Context.getDefault(); } protected FileObject getRoot() { return Repository.getDefault ().getDefaultFileSystem ().getRoot (); } protected FileObject findResource(String resource) { return Repository.getDefault ().findResource (resource); } } |
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