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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.*; import org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.gen.XMLWriter; import org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.metadd.*; public class XMLSchemaParser extends GeneralParser implements SchemaParser { public final static String JAVA_TYPE_NS = "http://schema2beans.netbeans.org/javaTypes"; // Handler to callback with the tokens found in the Schema. private DocDefHandler handler; private boolean debug; private GenBeans.Config config = null; private Stack parentTypes = new Stack(); private String lastDefinedType = null; private boolean lastDefinedExternalType = true; private List perAttributeExtraData = new LinkedList(); private String targetNamespace; SchemaRep schema; public XMLSchemaParser(GenBeans.Config config, DocDefHandler handler) { this.config = config; this.filename = config.getFilename(); this.schemaIn = config.getFileIn(); this.handler = handler; this.debug = config.isTraceParse(); schema = new SchemaRep(); schema.debug = debug; } public void process() throws java.io.IOException, Schema2BeansException { startupReader(); try { MetaDD mdd = config.getMetaDD(); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); dbf.setIgnoringComments(true); dbf.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document xmlSchema = db.parse(new InputSource(reader)); schema.setCurrentParsedURI(getReaderURI()); if (config.isForME()) schema.setSchemaTypesForME(true); overrideSchemaTypes(); schema.readDocument(xmlSchema); } catch (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new Schema2BeansNestedException(Common.getMessage("MSG_FailedToParse", filename), e); } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException e) { throw new Schema2BeansNestedException(Common.getMessage("MSG_FailedToParse", filename), e); } finally { shutdownReader(); } if (debug) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(config.messageOut); schema.writeXMLSchemaStandalone(pw); pw.flush(); } schema.optimize(); handler.startDocument(config.getDocRoot()); process(schema.getRootElement()); handler.endDocument(); } /** * Search thru the input beangraphs for anything that might affect * the definition of types from xsd: or xml: */ protected void overrideSchemaTypes() { String xsdNS = schema.getNamespaceURI("xsd"); String xmlNS = schema.getNamespaceURI("xml"); for (Iterator it = config.readBeanGraphs(); it.hasNext(); ) { org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.beangraph.BeanGraph bg = (org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.beangraph.BeanGraph) it.next(); for (int i = 0; i < bg.sizeSchemaTypeMapping(); ++i) { org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.beangraph.SchemaTypeMappingType stm = bg.getSchemaTypeMapping(i); if (xsdNS.equals(stm.getSchemaTypeNamespace()) || xmlNS.equals(stm.getSchemaTypeNamespace())) { setSchemaType(stm); } } } } public void setSchemaType(org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.beangraph.BeanGraph bg) { for (int i = 0; i < bg.sizeSchemaTypeMapping(); ++i) { setSchemaType(bg.getSchemaTypeMapping(i)); } } public void setSchemaType(org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.beangraph.SchemaTypeMappingType stm) { schema.setSchemaTypeMapping(stm.getSchemaTypeNamespace(), stm.getSchemaTypeName(), stm.getJavaType()); } protected void process(SchemaRep.ElementExpr ee) throws Schema2BeansException { if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.Element) { processElement((SchemaRep.Element) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.ComplexType) { // named ComplexType processComplexType((SchemaRep.ComplexType) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.SimpleType) { // named SimpleType processSimpleType((SchemaRep.SimpleType) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.Restriction) { processRestriction((SchemaRep.Restriction) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.SchemaNode) { processSchemaNode((SchemaRep.SchemaNode) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.ElementInformationItem) { if (parentTypes.empty()) { //config.messageOut.println("parentTypes1 is empty! ee="+ee); } else { handler.addExtraDataNode((String) parentTypes.peek(), ee); } } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.RestrictionType) { // Do nothing here as RestrictionType's are handled elsewhere. } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.ModelGroup) { processModelGroup((SchemaRep.ModelGroup) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.Annotation) { processAnnotation((SchemaRep.Annotation) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.Extension) { processExtension((SchemaRep.Extension) ee); } else if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) { processContainsSubElements((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) ee); } else { config.messageOut.println("XMLSchemaPraser.process: Hit unknown ElementExpr: "+ee); } } protected void processContainsSubElements(SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements cse) throws Schema2BeansException { Iterator it = cse.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); process(childee); } } protected void processContainsSubElementsAndAttributes(SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements cse, String elementName) throws Schema2BeansException { Iterator it = cse.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Attribute) { processAttribute(elementName, (SchemaRep.Attribute)childee); } else { process(childee); } } } protected void processElement(SchemaRep.Element el) throws Schema2BeansException { // Make the default type be boolean setLastDefined("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}boolean", true); perAttributeExtraData.clear(); String name = el.getElementName(); SchemaRep.Restriction restrict = null; boolean externalType = false; String schemaType; String namespace = targetNamespace; if (el.getRef() == null) { schemaType = el.getXMLSchemaType(); namespace = el.getElementNamespace(); } else { SchemaRep.Element referredElement = el.getRefElement(); name = referredElement.getElementName(); schemaType = referredElement.getXMLSchemaType(); if (schemaType == null) { // The referred to element either does not have a type // associated with it, or it's type is defined in it's // subelements. schemaType = name; } String ns = schema.namespaceOf(name); if (ns != null) { name = schema.removeNamespace(name); //namespace = schema.getNamespaceURI(ns); } namespace = referredElement.getElementNamespace(); } if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processElement (start: elementName="+name+" namespace="+namespace); if (name == null) { config.messageOut.println("WARNING: elementName is null."); } boolean definedInSubElements; if (schemaType == null) { definedInSubElements = true; schemaType = name; } else { definedInSubElements = false; } String fullSchemaType = schema.resolveNamespaceDefault(schemaType, namespace); /* if (schemaType.equals(fullSchemaType) && namespace != null) { // No namespace prefix, so add the one we're defined with. fullSchemaType = schema.canonicalQName(namespace, schemaType); System.out.println("HAD to add namespace to fullSchemaType: "+fullSchemaType); }*/ String defaultValue = el.getDefault(); if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processElement: name="+name+" schemaType="+schemaType+" fullSchemaType="+fullSchemaType+" definedInSubElements="+definedInSubElements); if (!definedInSubElements) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr schemaTypeDef = schema.getSchemaTypeDef(schemaType); //config.messageOut.println("schemaType="+schemaType+" schemaTypeDef="+schemaTypeDef); // Look for restriction if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) { SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements cse = (SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) schemaTypeDef; restrict = lookForRestriction(cse); String foundDefault = lookForDefault(restrict); if (foundDefault != null) defaultValue = foundDefault; } String javaType = null; if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName) { javaType = ((SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName)schemaTypeDef).getJavaTypeName(); } else { String ns = schema.namespaceOf(schemaType); String nsURI = schema.getNamespaceURI(ns); if (JAVA_TYPE_NS.equals(nsURI)) { javaType = schema.removeNamespace(schemaType); } } handler.element(el.getFullContentName(), fullSchemaType, name, namespace, getInstanceValue(el.getMinOccurs(), el.getMaxOccurs()), externalType, defaultValue); addExtraDataForType(fullSchemaType, schemaTypeDef); if (javaType != null) { //config.messageOut.println("It has a java type: "+javaType); handler.javaType(el.getFullContentName(), fullSchemaType, javaType); if (parentTypes.isEmpty()) { // Top level element def String mySchemaType = schema.resolveNamespaceDefault(name, namespace); //config.messageOut.println("mySchemaType="+mySchemaType); handler.javaType(el.getFullContentName(), mySchemaType, javaType); } } handler.nillable(el.isNillable()); } else { restrict = lookForRestriction(el); } parentTypes.push(fullSchemaType); processContainsSubElements(el); parentTypes.pop(); if (definedInSubElements) { //config.messageOut.println("lastDefinedType="+lastDefinedType+" name="+name); // If we're a top level element and they hadn't defined the type, // then the sub elements defined it for us. If they hadn't // defined a type, and we're not a top level element, then we now // know what type we are (in lastDefinedType), and we should // add ourselves to our enclosing element. if (!parentTypes.isEmpty()) { if (restrict != null) { String foundDefault = lookForDefault(restrict); if (foundDefault != null) defaultValue = foundDefault; } handler.element(el.getFullContentName(), lastDefinedType, name, namespace, getInstanceValue(el.getMinOccurs(), el.getMaxOccurs()), lastDefinedExternalType, defaultValue); handler.nillable(el.isNillable()); } SchemaRep.ElementExpr schemaTypeDef = schema.getSchemaTypeDefResolvedNamespace(lastDefinedType); if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName) { String javaType = ((SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName)schemaTypeDef).getJavaTypeName(); //config.messageOut.println("javaType="+javaType); if (javaType != null) { handler.javaType(el.getFullContentName(), lastDefinedType, javaType); } } } // Load in all of the restrictions into this element if (restrict != null) { addExtraDataCurLink(restrict); } if (!("1".equals(el.getMaxOccurs()) || "unbounded".equals(el.getMaxOccurs()))) { // Unusual maxOccurs amount, add a restriction handler.addExtraDataCurLink(new MaxOccursRestriction(el.getMaxOccurs())); } if (!("1".equals(el.getMinOccurs()) || "0".equals(el.getMinOccurs()))) { // Unusual minOccurs amount, add a restriction handler.addExtraDataCurLink(new MinOccursRestriction(el.getMinOccurs())); } if (perAttributeExtraData.size() > 0) { for (Iterator it = perAttributeExtraData.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { handler.addExtraDataCurLink(it.next()); } } if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processElement finish): elementName="+name); } protected SchemaRep.Restriction lookForRestriction(SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements schemaTypeDef) { if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.SimpleType || schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.SimpleContent) { return (SchemaRep.Restriction) schemaTypeDef.findSubElement(SchemaRep.Restriction.class); } else if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.Element) { return lookForRestriction((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements)schemaTypeDef.findSubElement(SchemaRep.SimpleType.class)); } else if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.ComplexType) { return lookForRestriction((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements)schemaTypeDef.findSubElement(SchemaRep.SimpleContent.class)); } return null; } protected void processComplexType(SchemaRep.ComplexType el) throws Schema2BeansException { setLastDefined(null, true); String name = el.getTypeName(); if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processComplexType: el="+el); if (name == null) { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("Found unnamed complexType."); if (!parentTypes.isEmpty()) name = (String) parentTypes.peek(); if (name == null) name = el.getFullContentName(); } else { name = schema.resolveNamespace(name); } parentTypes.push(name); handler.startElement(el.getFullContentName(), name, Common.ELEMENT); for (Iterator it = el.subElementsIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.ModelGroup) { processModelGroup((SchemaRep.ModelGroup) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Attribute) { processAttribute(name, (SchemaRep.Attribute)childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) { processAttributeGroup(name, (SchemaRep.AttributeGroup)childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.SimpleContent) { processSimpleContent((SchemaRep.SimpleContent) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Annotation) { processAnnotation((SchemaRep.Annotation) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.ComplexContent) { processComplexContent((SchemaRep.ComplexContent) childee); } else { config.messageOut.println("processComplexType: Unfamiliar subelement: "+childee); } } handler.endElement(); parentTypes.pop(); setLastDefined(name, false); } protected void processComplexContent(SchemaRep.ComplexContent el) throws Schema2BeansException { //config.messageOut.println("el="+el); for (Iterator it = el.subElementsIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Extension) { processExtension((SchemaRep.Extension) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Restriction) { processRestriction((SchemaRep.Restriction) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Annotation) { processAnnotation((SchemaRep.Annotation) childee); } else { config.messageOut.println("processComplexContent: Unfamiliar subelement: "+childee); } } } protected void processSimpleContent(SchemaRep.SimpleContent el) throws Schema2BeansException { processContainsSubElements(el); //System.out.println("lastDefinedType="+lastDefinedType); if (lastDefinedType == null) return; SchemaRep.ElementExpr schemaTypeDef = schema.getSchemaTypeDefResolvedNamespace(lastDefinedType); if (schemaTypeDef == null) return; //System.out.println("processSimpleContent: schemaTypeDef="+schemaTypeDef); String javaType = null; if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName) { javaType = ((SchemaRep.HasJavaTypeName)schemaTypeDef).getJavaTypeName(); } addExtraDataForType((String) parentTypes.peek(), schemaTypeDef); if (javaType != null) { handler.javaType(null, (String) parentTypes.peek(), javaType); } } protected void processExtension(SchemaRep.Extension el) throws Schema2BeansException { //config.messageOut.println("extension el="+el); String name = (String) parentTypes.peek(); String base = el.getBase(); SchemaRep.ElementExpr baseDef = schema.getSchemaTypeDef(base); //config.messageOut.println("baseDef="+baseDef); SchemaRep.Restriction restrict = null; if (baseDef instanceof SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) { restrict = lookForRestriction((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements)baseDef); // We're extending something defined internally. processContainsSubElementsAndAttributes((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements)baseDef, name); } addExtraDataForType(name, baseDef); String javaType = el.getJavaTypeName(); if (javaType != null) { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("Setting javatype of "+name+" to "+javaType); handler.javaType(name, name, javaType); if (restrict != null) { addExtraDataNode(name, restrict); } } processContainsSubElementsAndAttributes(el, name); } protected void addExtraDataForType(String name, SchemaRep.ElementExpr schemaTypeDef) throws Schema2BeansException { if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.Base64Binary || schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.HexBinary) { handler.addExtraDataNode(name, schemaTypeDef); //System.out.println("Adding extradata to "+name+" of "+schemaTypeDef); } else if (schemaTypeDef instanceof SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) { SchemaRep.Restriction restrict = lookForRestriction((SchemaRep.ContainsSubElements) schemaTypeDef); //System.out.println("restrict="+restrict); if (restrict != null) addExtraDataForType(name, schema.getSchemaTypeDef(restrict.getBase())); } else { //System.out.println("name="+name+" schemaTypeDef="+schemaTypeDef); } } protected void processModelGroup(SchemaRep.ModelGroup group) throws Schema2BeansException { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processModelGroup: group="+group); if (group instanceof SchemaRep.Group) { SchemaRep.Group grp = (SchemaRep.Group) group; if (grp.getRef() == null) { // This is a group definition which only used thru // a reference. return; } else { SchemaRep.Group referredGroup = grp.getRefGroup(); if (referredGroup == null) { config.messageOut.println(Common.getMessage("MSG_UnableToFind", "group", grp.getRef())); } else { processContainsSubElements(referredGroup); } return; } } char separator = ' '; if (group instanceof SchemaRep.Sequence) separator = ','; else if (group instanceof SchemaRep.Choice) separator = '|'; int groupInstance = getInstanceValue(group.getMinOccurs(), group.getMaxOccurs()); handler.startGroupElements(); boolean first = true; Iterator it = group.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (first) first = false; else handler.character(separator); SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Element) { processElement((SchemaRep.Element) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.ModelGroup) { processModelGroup((SchemaRep.ModelGroup) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Annotation) { } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Any) { processAny((SchemaRep.Any) childee); } else { config.messageOut.println("processModelGroup: Unfamiliar subelement: "+childee); } } handler.endGroupElements(groupInstance); } protected void processSimpleType(SchemaRep.SimpleType el) throws Schema2BeansException { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processSimpleType: el="+el); /* String name = el.getTypeName(); if (name != null) { parentTypes.push(name); handler.startElement(el.getFullContentName(), name, Common.ELEMENT); } */ processContainsSubElements(el); //addExtraDataForType(schema.resolveNamespace(el.getTypeName()), el); /* if (name != null) { handler.endElement(); parentTypes.pop(); setLastDefined(name, true); } */ } protected void processRestriction(SchemaRep.Restriction el) throws Schema2BeansException { /* boolean externalType = true; String typeName = el.getJavaTypeName(); if (typeName == null) { externalType = false; typeName = el.getBase(); } else { setLastDefined(typeName, externalType); } */ //System.out.println("processRestriction: el.base="+el.getBase()+" el.javaType="+el.getJavaTypeName()); setLastDefined(schema.resolveNamespace(el.getBase()), false); //setLastDefined(el.getBase(), false); //handler.element(el.getFullContentName(), typeName, typeName, Common.TYPE_1, externalType); processContainsSubElements(el); } protected void processAny(SchemaRep.Any el) throws Schema2BeansException { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("Found "+el); String namespace = el.getNamespace(); if (namespace != null && namespace.startsWith("##")) namespace = null; handler.element(el.getFullContentName(), "any", "any", namespace, getInstanceValue(el.getMinOccurs(), el.getMaxOccurs()), true, null); handler.javaType("any", "any", "org.w3c.dom.Element"); handler.addExtraDataCurLink(el); } protected void processSchemaNode(SchemaRep.SchemaNode sn) throws Schema2BeansException { targetNamespace = sn.getTargetNamespace(); if (targetNamespace != null && !"".equals(targetNamespace)) handler.setDefaultNamespace(targetNamespace); processContainsSubElements(sn); } protected void setLastDefined(String typeName) { //config.messageOut.println("setLastDefined: typeName="+typeName); this.lastDefinedType = typeName; this.lastDefinedExternalType = false; } protected void setLastDefined(String typeName, boolean externalType) { //config.messageOut.println("setLastDefined: typeName="+typeName); this.lastDefinedType = typeName; this.lastDefinedExternalType = externalType; } protected void addTopAttributes(SchemaRep.Element parentElement, SchemaRep.Element el) { //config.messageOut.println("fullContentName="+el.getFullContentName()); Iterator it = el.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Attribute) { //addTopAttributes(parentElement, (SchemaRep.Attribute) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) { //addTopAttributes(parentElement, (SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.ComplexType) { addTopAttributes(parentElement, (SchemaRep.ComplexType) childee); } } } protected void addTopAttributes(SchemaRep.Element parentElement, SchemaRep.ComplexType el) { Iterator it = el.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Attribute) { //addTopAttributes(parentElement, (SchemaRep.Attribute) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) { //addTopAttributes(parentElement, (SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) childee); } } } protected void processAttribute(String parentElement, SchemaRep.Attribute attr) throws Schema2BeansException { if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processAttribute to "+parentElement+" attr="+attr); if (attr.getRef() != null) { SchemaRep.Attribute referredAttr = attr.getRefAttribute(); if (referredAttr == null) { config.messageOut.println(Common.getMessage("MSG_UnableToFind", "attribute", attr.getRef())); } else { processAttribute(parentElement, referredAttr); } return; } //config.messageOut.println("fullContentName="+attr.getFullContentName()); String attributeName = attr.getAttributeName(); boolean externalType = true; String attrType = attr.getJavaType(); String schemaType = attr.getType(); String defaultValue = attr.getDefaultValue(); SchemaRep.Restriction restrict = null; SchemaRep.ElementExpr ee = null; if (schemaType != null && defaultValue == null) { ee = schema.getSchemaTypeDef(schemaType); if (ee instanceof SchemaRep.SimpleType) { SchemaRep.SimpleType st = (SchemaRep.SimpleType) ee; restrict = (SchemaRep.Restriction) st.findSubElement("restriction"); //config.messageOut.println("restrict="+restrict); String foundDefault = lookForDefault(restrict); if (foundDefault != null) defaultValue = foundDefault; } else { config.messageOut.println("Type for attribute "+attributeName+" is not simple enough: "+ee); } //config.messageOut.println("defaultValue="+defaultValue); } int instance; if (defaultValue != null || attr.getFixed() != null || attr.isRequired()) instance = Common.TYPE_1; else { instance = Common.TYPE_0_1; } handler.startElement(parentElement, parentElement, Common.ATTLIST); handler.element(attr.getFullContentName(), attrType, attributeName, attr.getAttributeNamespace(), instance, externalType, defaultValue); handler.element("CDATA", instance); if (attr.getFixed() != null) { handler.element("#FIXED", instance); // NOI18N handler.element(attr.getFullContentName(), attrType, attr.getFixed(), null, instance, externalType, defaultValue); } else if (attr.isRequired()) { handler.element("#REQUIRED", instance); // NOI18N } else { handler.element("#IMPLIED", instance); // NOI18N } handler.javaType(attr.getFullContentName(), attr.getAttributeName(), attrType); if (ee != null) { addExtraDataForType(attr.getAttributeName(), ee); } if (restrict != null) { addExtraDataCurLink(restrict); } handler.endElement(); } protected void addExtraDataCurLink(SchemaRep.Restriction restrict) { //config.messageOut.println("restrict="+restrict); for (Iterator it = restrict.subElementsIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object o = it.next(); if (o instanceof SchemaRep.RestrictionType) { //config.messageOut.println("Adding RestrictionType: "+o); handler.addExtraDataCurLink(o); } } } protected void addExtraDataNode(String name, SchemaRep.Restriction restrict) throws org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.Schema2BeansException { for (Iterator it = restrict.subElementsIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object o = it.next(); if (o instanceof SchemaRep.RestrictionType) { handler.addExtraDataNode(name, o); } } } /** * Given the restrictions, can we pick a decent default. */ protected String lookForDefault(SchemaRep.Restriction restrict) { if (config.isMakeDefaults() && restrict != null) { for (Iterator subelements = restrict.subElementsIterator(); subelements.hasNext(); ) { Object rt = subelements.next(); //config.messageOut.println("rt="+rt); // If we find an Enumeration, then let's pick the // first value as the default, since it's gotta be // one of the values. if (rt instanceof SchemaRep.Enumeration) { String defaultValue = ((SchemaRep.Enumeration)rt).getValue(); //config.messageOut.println("Found defaultValue="+defaultValue); return defaultValue; } } } return null; } protected void processAttributeGroup(String parentElement, SchemaRep.AttributeGroup attrGroup) throws Schema2BeansException { SchemaRep.AttributeGroup schemaTypeDef = (SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) schema.getSchemaTypeDef(attrGroup.getRef()); if (debug) config.messageOut.println("processAttributeGroup schemaTypeDef="+schemaTypeDef); if (schemaTypeDef == null) throw new IllegalStateException("attributeGroup ref has reference to unknown name: "+attrGroup.getRef()); Iterator it = schemaTypeDef.subElementsIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr childee = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) it.next(); if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.Attribute) { processAttribute(parentElement, (SchemaRep.Attribute) childee); } else if (childee instanceof SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) { processAttributeGroup(parentElement, (SchemaRep.AttributeGroup) childee); } } } protected void processAnnotation(SchemaRep.Annotation ann) throws Schema2BeansException { SchemaRep.Documentation doc = (SchemaRep.Documentation) ann.findSubElement(SchemaRep.Documentation.class); String name = null; if (!parentTypes.isEmpty()) name = (String) parentTypes.peek(); if (name == null) return; if (doc != null) { StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator subelements = doc.subElementsIterator(); subelements.hasNext(); ) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr el = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) subelements.next(); if (el instanceof SchemaRep.TextNode) { comment.append(((SchemaRep.TextNode)el).getText()); } else if (el instanceof SchemaRep.AnyNode) { try { XMLWriter xw = new XMLWriter(false); ((SchemaRep.AnyNode)el).writeXMLSchema(xw); xw.writeTo(comment); } catch (IOException e) { // Should not occur throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } handler.setExtendedProperty(name, "comment", comment.toString()); } SchemaRep.AppInfo appInfo = (SchemaRep.AppInfo) ann.findSubElement(SchemaRep.AppInfo.class); if (appInfo != null) { String switchName = null; String switchHelp = null; boolean switchMandatory = false; for (Iterator subelements = appInfo.subElementsIterator(); subelements.hasNext(); ) { SchemaRep.ElementExpr el = (SchemaRep.ElementExpr) subelements.next(); if (el instanceof SchemaRep.AnyNode) { SchemaRep.AnyNode anyNode = (SchemaRep.AnyNode) el; String anyNodeName = anyNode.getContentName(); if (anyNodeName == null) continue; anyNodeName = anyNodeName.intern(); if ("extends" == anyNodeName) { SchemaRep.TextNode value = (SchemaRep.TextNode) anyNode.findSubElement(SchemaRep.TextNode.class); if (value != null) { handler.setExtendedProperty(name, "extends", value.getText()); } } else if ("implements" == anyNodeName) { SchemaRep.TextNode value = (SchemaRep.TextNode) anyNode.findSubElement(SchemaRep.TextNode.class); if (value != null) { handler.setExtendedProperty(name, "implements", value.getText()); } } else if ("switch" == anyNodeName) { SchemaRep.TextNode value = (SchemaRep.TextNode) anyNode.findSubElement(SchemaRep.TextNode.class); if (value != null) switchName = value.getText(); } else if ("switchHelp" == anyNodeName) { SchemaRep.TextNode value = (SchemaRep.TextNode) anyNode.findSubElement(SchemaRep.TextNode.class); if (value != null) switchHelp = value.getText(); } else if ("switchMandatory" == anyNodeName) { SchemaRep.TextNode value = (SchemaRep.TextNode) anyNode.findSubElement(SchemaRep.TextNode.class); if (value != null) { switchMandatory = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value.getText()); } } } } if (switchName != null) { perAttributeExtraData.add(new SwitchData(switchName, switchHelp, switchMandatory)); } } } static protected int getInstanceValue(String minOccurs, String maxOccurs) { if (minOccurs == null) minOccurs = "1"; if (maxOccurs == null) maxOccurs = "1"; if (minOccurs.equals("0")) { if (maxOccurs.equals("1")) return Common.TYPE_0_1; //if (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")) return Common.TYPE_0_N; } if (maxOccurs.equals("1")) return Common.TYPE_1; return Common.TYPE_1_N; } public static class MaxOccursRestriction implements DataListRestriction { private String maxOccurs; public MaxOccursRestriction(String maxOccurs) { this.maxOccurs = maxOccurs; } public void genRestriction(Writer out, String sizeExpr, String readMethod, String type, String failVar) throws IOException { out.write("if ("+sizeExpr+" > "+maxOccurs+") {\n"); out.write(failVar+" = true;\n"); out.write("}\n"); } public String toString() { return "maxOccurs ("+maxOccurs+")"; } } public static class MinOccursRestriction implements DataListRestriction { private String minOccurs; public MinOccursRestriction(String minOccurs) { this.minOccurs = minOccurs; } public void genRestriction(Writer out, String sizeExpr, String readMethod, String type, String failVar) throws IOException { out.write("if ("+sizeExpr+" < "+minOccurs+") {\n"); out.write(failVar+" = true;\n"); out.write("}\n"); } public String toString() { return "minOccurs ("+minOccurs+")"; } } public static class SwitchData { private String switchName; private String switchHelp; private boolean mandatory; public SwitchData(String switchName) { this.switchName = switchName; } public SwitchData(String switchName, String switchHelp) { this.switchName = switchName; this.switchHelp = switchHelp; } public SwitchData(String switchName, String switchHelp, boolean mandatory) { this.switchName = switchName; this.switchHelp = switchHelp; this.mandatory = mandatory; } public String getName() { return switchName; } public String getHelp() { return switchHelp; } public boolean isMandatory() { return mandatory; } public String toString() { return "Switch"; } } } |
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