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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.gen; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * Various utility methods dealing with Java */ public class JavaUtil { // This class is not for instantiating. private JavaUtil() { } /** * Convert primitives into Objects and leave objects as is. * @param expr the text expression representing some value * @param classType the current type of @param expr * ('age', 'int') -> 'new java.lang.Integer(age)' * ('age', 'Integer') -> 'age' */ static public String toObject(String expr, String classType) { classType = classType.intern(); if ("boolean" == classType) return "("+expr+" ? java.lang.Boolean.TRUE : java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)"; else { String objClass = (String) toObjectType.get(classType); if (objClass == null) { return expr; } return "new "+objClass+"("+expr+")"; } } static public String toObject(String expr, String classType, boolean j2me) { if (j2me) { if ("boolean".equals(classType)) return "new java.lang.Boolean("+expr+")"; } return toObject(expr, classType); } static private Map toObjectType; static { toObjectType = new HashMap(); toObjectType.put("int", "java.lang.Integer"); toObjectType.put("char", "java.lang.Character"); toObjectType.put("long", "java.lang.Long"); toObjectType.put("short", "java.lang.Short"); toObjectType.put("byte", "java.lang.Byte"); toObjectType.put("float", "java.lang.Float"); toObjectType.put("double", "java.lang.Double"); toObjectType.put("boolean", "java.lang.Boolean"); } /** * Take a Java primitive and return it's object type. * Return the same type if there isn't an object version. */ static public String toObjectType(String classType) { String objClass = (String) toObjectType.get(classType); if (objClass == null) return classType; return objClass; } static private Map fromObjectType; static { fromObjectType = new HashMap(); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Integer", "int"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Character", "char"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Long", "long"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Short", "short"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Byte", "byte"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Float", "float"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Double", "double"); fromObjectType.put("java.lang.Boolean", "boolean"); fromObjectType.put("Integer", "int"); fromObjectType.put("Character", "char"); fromObjectType.put("Long", "long"); fromObjectType.put("Short", "short"); fromObjectType.put("Byte", "byte"); fromObjectType.put("Float", "float"); fromObjectType.put("Double", "double"); fromObjectType.put("Boolean", "boolean"); } /** * Take a Java boxed object (like Integer) and return it's primitive type. * Return the same type if there isn't a primitive version. */ static public String fromObjectType(String classType) { String objClass = (String) fromObjectType.get(classType); if (objClass == null) return classType; return objClass; } /** * Convert expr into a String. Similar to toObject. * @param expr the value to convert into a String * @param type is the name of the current type * ('String', 'value') -> 'value' * ('int', '42') -> '""+42' * ('Integer', 'age') -> 'age.toString()' */ static public String typeToString(String type, String expr) { type = (type == null) ? null : type.intern(); if ("String" == type || "java.lang.String" == type) return expr; if (type == "java.util.Calendar") return "java.text.DateFormat.getInstance().format("+expr+".getTime())"; // See JavaBeansUtil for correctly printing out XML Schema format if (type == "boolean") return expr+" ? \"true\" : \"false\""; if (isPrimitiveType(type)) return "\"\"+"+expr; return expr+".toString()"; } /** * @param expr is an Object type, and we will convert it * to a primitive. * eg: ('java.lang.Double', expr) -> '(java.lang.Double) expr' * eg: ('int', 'obj') -> '((java.lang.Integer)obj).intValue()' */ static public String fromObject(String type, String expr) { type = type.intern(); if (type == "int") return "((java.lang.Integer)"+expr+").intValue()"; if (type == "long") return "((java.lang.Long)"+expr+").longValue()"; if (type == "short") return "((java.lang.Short)"+expr+").shortValue()"; if (type == "byte") return "((java.lang.Byte)"+expr+").byteValue()"; if (type == "float") return "((java.lang.Float)"+expr+").floatValue()"; if (type == "double") return "((java.lang.Double)"+expr+").doubleValue()"; if (type == "char") return "((java.lang.Character)"+expr+").charValue()"; if (type == "boolean") return "((java.lang.Boolean)"+expr+").booleanValue()"; return "("+type+")"+expr; } /** * Is @param className immutable? An immutable object can hold state, * but after it's been constructed that state cannot change. */ static public boolean isImmutable(String className) { className = className.intern(); return immutableTable.containsKey(className); } static private Map immutableTable; static { immutableTable = new HashMap(); immutableTable.put("String", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.String", null); immutableTable.put("int", null); immutableTable.put("short", null); immutableTable.put("long", null); immutableTable.put("boolean", null); immutableTable.put("char", null); immutableTable.put("float", null); immutableTable.put("double", null); immutableTable.put("byte", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Boolean", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Byte", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Character", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Double", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Float", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Integer", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Long", null); immutableTable.put("java.lang.Short", null); immutableTable.put("Boolean", null); immutableTable.put("Byte", null); immutableTable.put("Character", null); immutableTable.put("Double", null); immutableTable.put("Float", null); immutableTable.put("Integer", null); immutableTable.put("Long", null); immutableTable.put("Short", null); immutableTable.put("java.math.BigInteger", null); immutableTable.put("java.math.BigDecimal", null); immutableTable.put("javax.xml.namespace.QName", null); immutableTable.put("org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.QName", null); immutableTable.put("java.net.URI", null); } /** * Take a String (@param value) and generate Java code to coerce it. * eg: ('String', "Hello") -> '"Hello"' * ('int', '10') -> '10' * ('Integer', '43') -> 'new Integer(43)' * ('java.util.Locale', 'Locale.US') -> 'Locale.US' */ public static String instanceFrom(String type, String value) { if (type == null) return value; type = type.intern(); if (type == "java.lang.String" || type == "String") { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("\""); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) { char c = value.charAt(i); buf.append(escapeCharForInstance(c, '"')); } buf.append("\""); return buf.toString(); } if (type == "java.lang.Character" || type == "Character") { return "new "+type+"("+instanceFrom("char", value)+")"; } if (type == "Double" || type == "java.lang.Double" || type == "Integer" || type == "java.lang.Integer" || type == "Boolean" || type == "java.lang.Boolean" || type == "Float" || type == "java.lang.Float" || type == "Short" || type == "java.lang.Short" || type == "Long" || type == "java.lang.Long") return "new "+type+"("+value+")"; if (type == "char[]" || type == "char []") return instanceFrom("java.lang.String", value)+".toCharArray()"; if (type == "char") { char c = value.charAt(0); return "'"+escapeCharForInstance(c, '\'')+"'"; } if (type == "float") return value+"f"; if (type == "java.math.BigDecimal" || type == "java.math.BigInteger") { // We will never need to escape anything inside value here. return "new "+type+"(\""+value+"\")"; } return value; } /** * A helper method for instanceFrom. We escape 1 char at a time here. */ public static String escapeCharForInstance(char c, char illegalChar) { if (c == illegalChar) return "\\"+illegalChar; if (c == '\\') return "\\\\"; if (c == '\b') return "\\b"; if (c == '\t') return "\\t"; if (c == '\n') return "\\n"; if (c == '\f') return "\\f"; if (c == '\r') return "\\r"; if (c < ' ' || c > '\177') return uencode(c); return ""+c; } /** * Convert @param value2 (a literal) to @param type1 and then * compare that to @param value1. * @return Java code in a String, that returns negative, 0, or positive * if value1 < value2, value1 == value2, or value1 > value2. * * ("foo", "java.math.BigDecimal", "1") -> 'foo.compareTo(new java.math.BigDecimal("1"))' */ public static String compareTo(String value1, String type1, String value2) { type1 = type1.intern(); String value2Instance = genParseText(type1, value2); if (isPrimitiveType(type1)) { if ("\"0\"".equals(value2)) return value1; return value1+" - "+value2Instance; } return value1+".compareTo("+value2Instance+")"; } /** * Just like compareTo, but the second value (@param value2Text) is * unquoted text. */ public static String compareToText(String value1, String type1, String value2Text) { type1 = type1.intern(); if (type1 == "int" || type1 == "short") return value1+" - "+value2Text; if (type1 == "long") return value1+" - "+value2Text+"L"; if (type1 == "float") return value1+" - "+value2Text+"f"; if (type1 == "double") return value1+" - "+value2Text+"d"; return compareTo(value1, type1, instanceFrom("java.lang.String", value2Text)); } public static String genParseText(String type, String expr, boolean j2me) { if (j2me) return genParseTextME(type, expr); else return genParseText(type, expr); } /** * Take a particular @param type (eg: "java.lang.Integer") and return a * String that will parse the @param expr and make it into that type. * The value of @param expr should be a String. * eg: ('java.lang.Integer', 'node.getNodeValue()') * -> 'new java.lang.Integer(node.getNodeValue())' */ public static String genParseText(String type, String expr) { if (type == null) return expr; type = type.intern(); if (type == "java.lang.String" || type == "String") return expr; if (type == "boolean") return "java.lang.Boolean.valueOf("+expr+").booleanValue()"; if (type == "java.lang.Boolean" || type == "Boolean") return "java.lang.Boolean.valueOf("+expr+")"; if (type == "java.lang.Integer" || type == "Integer" || type == "java.lang.Long" || type == "Long" || type == "java.lang.Short" || type == "Short" || type == "java.lang.Float" || type == "Float" || type == "java.lang.Double" || type == "Double" || type == "java.lang.Byte" || type == "Byte" || type == "java.math.BigDecimal" || type == "BigDecimal" || type == "java.math.BigInteger" || type == "BigInteger" || type == "java.lang.StringBuffer" || type == "StringBuffer" || type == "java.text.MessageFormat" || type == "java.text.AttributedString" || type == "java.util.StringTokenizer" || type == "java.net.URI" || type == "javax.xml.namespace.QName" || type == "org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.QName" || type == "java.io.File") { // NOI18N return "new "+type+"("+expr+")"; // NOI18N } if (type == "java.lang.Character") return "new java.lang.Character(("+expr+").charAt(0))"; if (type == "char[]" || type == "char []") return "("+expr+").toCharArray()"; if (type == "long") return "Long.parseLong("+expr+")"; if (type == "int") return "Integer.parseInt("+expr+")"; if (type == "byte") return "Byte.parseByte("+expr+")"; if (type == "short") return "Short.parseShort("+expr+")"; if (type == "float") return "Float.parseFloat("+expr+")"; if (type == "double") return "Double.parseDouble("+expr+")"; if (type == "char") return "("+expr+").charAt(0)"; if ("java.util.Date"== type) return "java.text.DateFormat.getInstance().parse("+expr+")"; if ("javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement" == type) return "javax.xml.soap.SOAPElementFactory.newInstance().create("+expr+").addTextNode("+expr+")"; // The parameter to create probably isn't quite correct. // See JavaBeansUtil for correctly printing out XML Schema format of java.util.Calendar return "/* UNKNOWN type for parsing:"+type+"*/ "+expr; } /** * Take a particular @param type (eg: "java.lang.Integer") and return a * String that will parse the @param expr and make it into that type. * The value of @param expr should be a String. * These work in *MIDP/J2ME*. * eg: ('java.lang.Integer', 'node.getNodeValue()') * -> 'new java.lang.Integer(node.getNodeValue())' */ static public String genParseTextME(String type, String name) { String parm = name; type = type.intern(); if (type == "String" || type == "java.lang.String") return parm; else if (type == "int") parm = "java.lang.Integer.parseInt(" + name + ")"; else if(type == "short") parm = "java.lang.Short.parseShort(" + name + ")"; else if(type == "long") parm = "java.lang.Long.parseLong(" + name + ")"; else if (type == "boolean") parm = "(\"true\".equals("+name+") || \"1\".equals("+name+") || \"TRUE\".equals("+name+") || \"True\".equals("+name+"))"; else if (type == "char") parm = name + ".charAt(0)"; else if ("char[]" == type) parm = name+".toCharArray()"; else if ("java.lang.Integer" == type) parm = "new java.lang.Integer("+genParseTextME("int", name)+")"; else if ("java.lang.Long" == type) parm = "new java.lang.Long("+genParseTextME("long", name)+")"; else if ("java.lang.Boolean" == type) { // The .TRUE or .FALSE trick doesn't seem to compile. //parm = "("+genParseTextME("boolean", name)+") ? java.lang.Boolean.TRUE : java.lang.Boolean.FALSE"; parm = "new java.lang.Boolean("+genParseTextME("boolean", name)+")"; } else if (type == "double") parm = "java.lang.Double.parseDouble(" + name + ")"; else if (type == "float") parm = "java.lang.Float.parseFloat(" + name + ")"; else if (type == "byte") parm = "java.lang.Byte.parseByte(" + name + ")"; else if ("java.lang.Short" == type) parm = "new "+type+"("+genParseTextME("short", name)+")"; else if ("java.lang.Byte" == type) parm = "new "+type+"("+genParseTextME("byte", name)+")"; else if ("java.lang.Double" == type || "java.lang.Float" == type || "java.lang.StringBuffer" == type || "java.math.BigInteger" == type || "java.math.BigDecimal" == type) parm = "new "+type+"("+name+")"; /* else if ("java.util.Date" == type) parm = "???"; */ else if ("java.lang.Character" == type) parm = "new "+type+"("+name+".charAt(0))"; return parm; } /** * Take a particular @param type (eg: "java.lang.Integer") and return a * String that will parse the @param expr, making it into that type, * and storing the value into @param var. * The value of @param expr should be a String. */ public static String genParseText(String type, String expr, String var) { return genParseText(type, expr, var, false); } public static String genParseText(String type, String expr, String var, boolean j2me) { if (type == null) return expr; type = type.intern(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); if (type == "java.util.Calendar") { // See JavaBeansUtil for correctly printing out XML Schema format of java.util.Calendar out.append(var); out.append(" = "); out.append("java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); "); out.append(var); out.append(".setTime(java.text.DateFormat.getInstance().parse("); out.append(expr); out.append("));"); } else { out.append(var); out.append(" = "); out.append(genParseText(type, expr, j2me)); out.append(";"); } return out.toString(); } /** * What exceptions might we encounter from doing the result of * genParseText. These exceptions are ones that we'd have to declare. */ public static List exceptionsFromParsingText(String type) { return exceptionsFromParsingText(type, true); } public static List exceptionsFromParsingText(String type, boolean fromParsing) { List result = new ArrayList(); if (type == null) return result; type = type.intern(); if (type == "java.net.URI") result.add("java.net.URISyntaxException"); if (fromParsing && type == "java.util.Calendar") result.add("java.text.ParseException"); return result; } public static boolean isPrimitiveType(String className) { if (className == null) return false; className = className.intern(); return ("long" == className || "int" == className || "char" == className || "short" == className || "double" == className || "float" == className || "byte" == className || "boolean" == className); } public static Class getPrimitive(String className) { className = className.intern(); if (className == "int") return Integer.TYPE; if (className == "long") return Long.TYPE; if (className == "float") return Float.TYPE; if (className == "double") return Double.TYPE; if (className == "byte") return Byte.TYPE; if (className == "boolean") return Boolean.TYPE; if (className == "char") return Character.TYPE; if (className == "short") return Short.TYPE; if (className == "void") return Void.TYPE; return null; } public static boolean canProduceNoXMLMetaChars(String className) { className = fromObjectType(className).intern(); return ("long" == className || "int" == className || "short" == className || "double" == className || "float" == className || "byte" == className || "boolean" == className || "java.math.BigDecimal" == className || "java.math.BigInteger" == className); } public static String nullValueForType(String type) { type = type.intern(); if (type == "long" || type == "int" || type == "short" || type == "char" || type == "byte") return "0"; if (type == "double") return "0.0"; if (type == "float") return "0.0f"; if (type == "boolean") return "false"; return "null"; } /** * @param type is the name of a class * @return a default value for that type. * eg: X -> new X() * java.math.BigDecimal -> new java.math.BigDecimal("0") * Integer -> new Integer("0") */ public static String genNewDefault(String type) { type = type.intern(); if ("java.lang.String" == type || "String" == type) return "\"\""; if (isPrimitiveType(type)) return nullValueForType(type); if (type == "java.lang.Boolean" || type == "Boolean") return "java.lang.Boolean.FALSE"; if (type == "java.lang.Integer" || type == "Integer" || type == "java.lang.Long" || type == "Long" || type == "java.lang.Short" || type == "Short" || type == "java.lang.Float" || type == "Float" || type == "java.lang.Double" || type == "Double" || type == "java.lang.Byte" || type == "Byte" || type == "java.math.BigInteger" || type == "BigInteger" || type == "java.math.BigDecimal" || type == "BigDecimal") { // NOI18N return "new "+type+"(\"0\")"; // NOI18N } if (type == "java.net.URI" || type == "javax.xml.namespace.QName" || type == "org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.QName") return "new "+type+"(\"\")"; // NOI18N if (type == "java.lang.Character") return "new java.lang.Character('0')"; if (type == "java.util.Calendar") return "java.util.Calendar.getInstance()"; if (type == "byte[]") return "new byte[0]"; return "new "+type+"()"; } /** * Given a scalar type, figure out how to make it into an int * (ie, hash code). */ static public String exprToInt(String type, String expr) { type = type.intern(); if (type == "boolean") return expr+" ? 0 : 1"; else if (type == "byte" || type == "char" || type == "short") return "(int) "+expr; else if (type == "int") return expr; else if (type == "long") return "(int)("+expr+"^("+expr+">>>32))"; else if (type == "float") return "Float.floatToIntBits("+expr+")"; else if (type == "double") return exprToInt("long", "Double.doubleToLongBits("+expr+")"); else return "("+expr+").hashCode()"; } /** * @return an expression to compare to expressions; this can be put right * into an if statement. * ('int', 'var1', 'var2') -> 'var1 == var2' * ('String', 'word', '"hello"') -> 'word == null ? "hello" == null : word.equals("hello")' * ('float', 'var1', 'var2') -> 'Float.floatToIntBits(var1) == Float.floatToIntBits(var2)' */ static public String genEquals(String type, String attr1, String attr2) { return genEquals(type, attr1, attr2, true); } /** * @param attr1CanBeNull whether or not attr1 could be null. */ static public String genEquals(String type, String attr1, String attr2, boolean attr1CanBeNull) { type = type.intern(); if (type == "float") { return "Float.floatToIntBits("+attr1+") == Float.floatToIntBits("+attr2+")"; } else if (type == "double") { return "Double.doubleToLongBits("+attr1+") == Double.doubleToLongBits("+attr2+")"; } else if (isPrimitiveType(type)) { return attr1+" == "+attr2; } else if (attr1CanBeNull) { return attr1+" == null ? "+attr2+" == null : "+attr1+".equals("+attr2+")"; } else { return attr1+".equals("+attr2+")"; } } /** * Looks for the class and sees if it's cloneable. */ public static boolean isCloneable(String className) { if (className == null) return false; className = className.intern(); if (className == "java.util.Calendar") return true; try { //System.out.println("Looking for class: "+className); Class cls = Class.forName(className); if (cls == null) return false; //System.out.println("Found it"); if (Cloneable.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { System.out.println(className+" is cloneable."); return true; } return false; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } /** * Is the class not an interface and not abstract; i.e., it's possible * to call a constructor on this class. (Note that primitives fail.) */ public static boolean isInstantiable(String className) { if (className == null) return false; className = className.intern(); if (className == "String" || className == "java.lang.String") return true; try { //System.out.println("Looking for class: "+className); Class cls = Class.forName(className); if (cls == null) return false; //System.out.println("Found it: result="+cls.isInterface()); if (cls.isInterface()) return false; if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) return false; return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { if (className.indexOf('.') < 0) return isInstantiable("java.lang."+className); return false; } } /** * checkValueToType will make sure that a given value is * acceptable for a given type. To make the problem more * tractable, this is limited to simple types. * eg: * ("java.lang.Integer", "1") -> true * ("java.lang.Integer", "1.5") -> false * ("java.lang.String", "ksadjflkjas24#@") -> true * ("short", "12345") -> true * ("short", "123456") -> false * Note that the 'tostr' template in javaGenLibrary.xsl has very * similar code and any changes should be made there too. */ public static boolean checkValueToType(String type, String value) { //System.out.println("checkValueToType: type="+type+" value='"+value+"'"); // We try to convert it (just like how javaGenLibrary.xsl // would generate code for). If an IllegalArgumentException // is thrown, then it's the wrong value for that type. try { // BEGIN_NOI18N if ("java.lang.String".equals(type) || "char[]".equals(type) || "char []".equals(type) || "char".equals(type) || "Character".equals(type) || "String".equals(type) || "java.lang.Character".equals(type)) return true; else if ("long".equals(type)) Long.parseLong(value); else if ("int".equals(type)) Integer.parseInt(value); else if ("byte".equals(type)) Byte.parseByte(value); else if ("short".equals(type)) Short.parseShort(value); else if ("float".equals(type)) Float.parseFloat(value); else if ("double".equals(type)) Double.parseDouble(value); else if ("boolean".equals(type)) Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue(); else if ("java.lang.Double".equals(type)) new java.lang.Double(value); else if ("java.lang.Integer".equals(type)) new java.lang.Integer(value); else if ("java.lang.Boolean".equals(type)) new java.lang.Boolean(value); else if ("java.lang.Float".equals(type)) new java.lang.Float(value); else if ("java.lang.Short".equals(type)) new java.lang.Short(value); else if ("java.lang.Long".equals(type)) new java.lang.Long(value); else if ("java.math.BigDecimal".equals(type)) new java.math.BigDecimal(value); else if ("java.math.BigInteger".equals(type)) new java.math.BigInteger(value); else if ("java.lang.StringBuffer".equals(type)) new java.lang.StringBuffer(value); else if ("java.text.MessageFormat".equals(type)) new java.text.MessageFormat(value); else if ("java.text.AttributedString".equals(type)) new java.text.AttributedString(value); else if ("java.util.StringTokenizer".equals(type)) new java.util.StringTokenizer(value); else { // END_NOI18N /* // Should do some reflection and see if a valueOf method // exists and takes a single String as an argument. Class clz = getClass(type); if (clz != null) { java.lang.reflect.Method meth = clz.getMethod("valueOf", new Class[] {String.class}); if (meth == null || !Modifier.isStatic(meth.getModifiers())) { return false; } } else { return false; } // Could try to invoke the method too, but do we // really want to invoke a method from some random class. */ if ("".equals(value)) // NOI18N return false; // Hack, should check value return true; // for now } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; /* } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { LogFlags.lgr.println(LogFlags.DEBUG, LogFlags.module, LogFlags.DBG_VALIDATE, 100, "checkValueToType got ClassNotFoundException for type='"+type+"' value='"+value+"'"); return false; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LogFlags.lgr.println(LogFlags.DEBUG, LogFlags.module, LogFlags.DBG_VALIDATE, 100, "checkValueToType got NoSuchMethodException for type='"+type+"' value='"+value+"'"); return false; */ } return true; } static public String baseClassOfArray(String className) { // Does this handle more than 1 dimensional arrays correctly if (className.startsWith("[L") && className.endsWith(";")) { // NOI18N return className.substring(2, className.length()-1); } return className.substring(0, className.length()-2); } /** * This will return a name from @param fullClassName where everything upto * and including the last '.' is removed. * eg: "java.lang.String[]" -> "String[]" * "java.util.ArrayList" -> "ArrayList" */ static public String baseName(String fullClassName) { int pos = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pos == -1) return fullClassName; return fullClassName.substring(pos+1, fullClassName.length()); } private static final Class charArrayClass = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE, 0).getClass(); static public String getCanonicalClassName(Class cls) { if (charArrayClass.isAssignableFrom(cls)) return "char[]"; // NOI18N if (cls.isArray()) return baseClassOfArray(cls.getName())+"[]"; return cls.getName(); } static public int getOptimialHashMapSize(Object[] keys) { return getOptimialHashMapSize(keys, keys.length * 8); } /** * Using reflection figure out the optimal initial capacity for a * HashMap given some keys. This uses a load factor of 1.0f. * By optimal, the table does not need resizing and there are * no lists (or chaining) being done in a HashMap.Entry. * * @param maxSize the point at which to give up (the maximum size to try) */ static public int getOptimialHashMapSize(Object[] keys, int maxSize) { int keyLength = keys.length; int defaultAnswer = keyLength + 1; try { java.lang.reflect.Field tableField = HashMap.class.getDeclaredField("table"); tableField.setAccessible(true); for (int tableSize = keyLength + 1; tableSize <= maxSize; tableSize <<= 1) { //System.out.println("tableSize="+tableSize); HashMap map = new HashMap(tableSize, 1.0f); for (int k = 0; k < keyLength; ++k) { map.put(keys[k], null); } Object[] table = (Object[]) tableField.get(map); int nullCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) { //System.out.println("table["+i+"]="+table[i]); if (table[i] == null) ++nullCount; } //System.out.println("nullCount="+nullCount); if (table.length - nullCount != keyLength) { //System.out.println("A list had begun."); continue; } return table.length; } } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) { return defaultAnswer; } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException e) { return defaultAnswer; } return defaultAnswer; } // Convert the @param in stream using native2ascii, assuming it's already // UTF-8 encoded. static public void native2ascii(Writer out, Reader in) throws java.io.IOException { FilterWriter n2afilter = new N2AFilter(out); copyStream(n2afilter, in); } static public class N2AFilter extends FilterWriter { public N2AFilter(Writer writer) { super(writer); } public void write(char[] cbuf) throws IOException { write(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length); } public void write(int c) throws IOException { write((char) c); } public void write(char c) throws IOException { //System.out.println("c="+c); if(c > '\177') { out.write(uencode(c)); } else { out.write(c); } } public void write(char ac[], int off, int len) throws IOException { int end = off+len; for (int k = off; k < end; k++) { write(ac[k]); } } public void write(String str) throws IOException { write(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length()); } public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException { write(str.toCharArray(), off, len); } } /** * Take a character and return the \ u (Unicode) representation of it. */ public static String uencode(char c) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("\\u"); String s1 = Integer.toHexString(c); StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(s1); stringbuffer.reverse(); int l = 4 - stringbuffer.length(); for(int i1 = 0; i1 < l; i1++) stringbuffer.append('0'); for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 4; j1++) result.append(stringbuffer.charAt(3 - j1)); return result.toString(); } public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; /** * copyStream is not really a Java Utility method, but it's needed by * one of them, and so is here. * @return the total length of the stream (in char's) copied. */ public static int copyStream(Writer out, Reader in) throws java.io.IOException { int len; int totalLength = 0; char[] buf = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; while ((len = in.read(buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { out.write(buf, 0, len); totalLength += len; } out.flush(); return totalLength; } /** * copyStream is not really a Java Utility method, but it's needed by * one of them, and so is here. * @return the total length of the stream (in char's) copied. */ public static int copyStream(OutputStream out, InputStream in) throws java.io.IOException { int len; int totalLength = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; while ((len = in.read(buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { out.write(buf, 0, len); totalLength += len; } out.flush(); return totalLength; } static public class InputMonitor implements Runnable { private InputStream is; private OutputStream out; public InputMonitor(InputStream is, OutputStream out) { this.is = is; this.out = out; } /** * Copy the contents of the InputStream to the Writer. * Remember to close the InputStream or else this Thread will * never end. */ public void run() { //System.out.println("Starting InputMonitor thread"); try { int c; while ((c = is.read()) != -1) { byte ch = (byte)c; out.write(ch); } out.flush(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { try { out.write(e.getMessage().getBytes()); } catch (java.io.IOException e2) { // try only once. } } //System.out.println("Finished InputMonitor thread"); } } private static Map reservedWords; static { reservedWords = new HashMap(); reservedWords.put("abstract", "_abstract"); reservedWords.put("assert", "_assert"); reservedWords.put("boolean", "_boolean"); reservedWords.put("break", "_break"); reservedWords.put("byte", "_byte"); reservedWords.put("case", "_case"); reservedWords.put("catch", "_catch"); reservedWords.put("char", "_char"); reservedWords.put("class", "_class"); reservedWords.put("const", "_const"); reservedWords.put("continue", "_continue"); reservedWords.put("default", "_default"); reservedWords.put("do", "_do"); reservedWords.put("double", "_double"); reservedWords.put("else", "_else"); reservedWords.put("extends", "_extends"); reservedWords.put("false", "_false"); reservedWords.put("final", "_final"); reservedWords.put("finally", "_finally"); reservedWords.put("float", "_float"); reservedWords.put("for", "_for"); reservedWords.put("goto", "_goto"); reservedWords.put("if", "_if"); reservedWords.put("implements", "_implements"); reservedWords.put("import", "_import"); reservedWords.put("instanceof", "_instanceof"); reservedWords.put("int", "_int"); reservedWords.put("interface", "_interface"); reservedWords.put("long", "_long"); reservedWords.put("native", "_native"); reservedWords.put("new", "_new"); reservedWords.put("null", "_null"); reservedWords.put("package", "_package"); reservedWords.put("private", "_private"); reservedWords.put("protected", "_protected"); reservedWords.put("public", "_public"); reservedWords.put("return", "_return"); reservedWords.put("short", "_short"); reservedWords.put("static", "_static"); reservedWords.put("strictfp", "_strictfp"); reservedWords.put("super", "_super"); reservedWords.put("switch", "_switch"); reservedWords.put("synchronized", "_synchronized"); reservedWords.put("this", "_this"); reservedWords.put("throw", "_throw"); reservedWords.put("throws", "_throws"); reservedWords.put("transient", "_transient"); reservedWords.put("true", "_true"); reservedWords.put("try", "_try"); reservedWords.put("void", "_void"); reservedWords.put("volatile", "_volatile"); reservedWords.put("while", "_while"); } public static boolean reservedWord(String name) { return reservedWords.containsKey(name); } } |
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