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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.commands; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.openide.ErrorManager; import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommandSupport; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.exec.StructuredExec; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandExecutionContext; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandExecutorSupport; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandsTree; import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.VcsUtilities; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.commands.ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.commands.ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedPropertiesCommand; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.commands.ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedProperty; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.conditioned.ConditionedStructuredExec; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.variables.Condition; import org.netbeans.modules.vcs.advanced.variables.VariableIO; /** * This class provides input/output of commands from/to xml file. * * @author Martin Entlicher */ public class UserCommandIO extends Object { //public static final String LABEL_TAG = "label"; public static final String COMMANDS_TAG = "commands"; // NOI18N public static final String GLOBAL_COMMANDS_TAG = "globalCommands"; // NOI18N public static final String COMMAND_TAG = "command"; // NOI18N public static final String COMMAND_NAME_ATTR = "name"; // NOI18N public static final String COMMAND_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR = "displayName"; // NOI18N public static final String SEPARATOR_TAG = "separator"; // NOI18N public static final String PROPERTY_TAG = "property"; // NOI18N public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR = "name"; // NOI18N public static final String PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG = "value"; // NOI18N public static final String RUN_TAG = "run"; // NOI18N public static final String RUN_DIR_ATTR = "dir"; // NOI18N public static final String EXEC_TAG = "executable"; // NOI18N public static final String EXEC_VALUE_ATTR = "value"; // NOI18N public static final String ARG_TAG = "arg"; // NOI18N public static final String ARG_VALUE_ATTR = "value"; // NOI18N public static final String ARG_LINE_ATTR = "line"; // NOI18N public static final String IF_ATTR = "if"; // NOI18N public static final String UNLESS_ATTR = "unless"; // NOI18N private static final String ROOT_CMD_NAME = "ROOT_CMD"; // NOI18N /** Creates new UserCommandIO, since it contains only static methods, * the class should never be instantiated. */ private UserCommandIO() { } public static String convertStringArray2String(String[] array) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { String item; if (array[i] != null) { item = org.openide.util.Utilities.replaceString(array[i], "/", "//"); } else { item = ""; } buf.append(item); if (i < array.length - 1) buf.append("/"); } return buf.toString(); } public static String[] convertString2StringArray(String str) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int index = 0; index < str.length(); ) { int delim; int pos = index; while (true) { delim = str.indexOf("/", pos); if (delim < 0) delim = str.length(); else if (delim < str.length() && str.charAt(delim + 1) == '/') { pos = delim + 2; continue; } break; } list.add(org.openide.util.Utilities.replaceString(str.substring(index, delim), "//", "/")); index = delim + 1; } if (list.size() == 0) { return new String[1]; } else { return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[0]); } } public static Object getPropertyValue(String[] resourceBundles, String name, String valueStr) { Class type = CommandNode.getPropertyClass(name); if (Boolean.TYPE.equals(type)) { return Boolean.valueOf(valueStr); } else if (Integer.TYPE.equals(type)) { Integer intObject; try { int intValue = Integer.parseInt(valueStr); intObject = new Integer(intValue); } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { intObject = null; } return intObject; } else if (String.class.equals(type)) { if (VcsCommand.PROPERTY_INPUT_DESCRIPTOR.equals(name)) { return valueStr; } else { return VcsUtilities.getBundleString(resourceBundles, valueStr); } } else if (String[].class.equals(type)) { return convertString2StringArray(valueStr); } else return valueStr; } private static String getPropertyValueStr(String name, Object value) { if (name.indexOf(VcsCommand.PROP_NAME_FOR_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY) >= 0) return null; Class type = CommandNode.getPropertyClass(name); if (String[].class.equals(type)) { return convertStringArray2String((String[]) value); } return value.toString(); } /** * Read the commands definitions from the document and create the tree of commands. */ public static ConditionedCommands readCommands(Document doc, CommandExecutionContext fileSystem) throws DOMException { Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!VariableIO.CONFIG_ROOT_ELEM.equals(rootElem.getNodeName())) return null; NodeList labelList = rootElem.getElementsByTagName(VariableIO.LABEL_TAG); Node labelNode = null; if (labelList.getLength() > 0) { labelNode = labelList.item(0); } NodeList commandsList = rootElem.getElementsByTagName(COMMANDS_TAG); if (commandsList.getLength() > 0) { Node commands = commandsList.item(0); commandsList = commands.getChildNodes(); //getCommands(children, commandsList); } else commandsList = null; return readCommands(labelNode, commandsList, fileSystem); } /** * Read the global commands definitions from the document and create the tree of commands. */ public static ConditionedCommands readGlobalCommands(Document doc) throws DOMException { Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!VariableIO.CONFIG_ROOT_ELEM.equals(rootElem.getNodeName())) return null; NodeList labelList = rootElem.getElementsByTagName(VariableIO.LABEL_TAG); Node labelNode = null; if (labelList.getLength() > 0) { labelNode = labelList.item(0); } NodeList commandsList = rootElem.getElementsByTagName(GLOBAL_COMMANDS_TAG); if (commandsList.getLength() > 0) { Node commands = commandsList.item(0); commandsList = commands.getChildNodes(); //getCommands(children, commandsList); } else commandsList = null; return readCommands(labelNode, commandsList, null); } public static ConditionedCommands readCommands(Node labelNode, NodeList commandsList, CommandExecutionContext execContext) throws DOMException { CommandsTree rootCommandNode = null; String label = ""; if (labelNode != null) { NodeList textList = labelNode.getChildNodes(); if (textList.getLength() > 0) { Node subNode = textList.item(0); if (subNode instanceof Text) { Text textNode = (Text) subNode; label = VcsUtilities.getBundleString(textNode.getData()); } } } UserCommand rootCmd = new UserCommand(); rootCmd.setName(ROOT_CMD_NAME); rootCmd.setDisplayName(label); rootCommandNode = new CommandsTree(new UserCommandSupport(rootCmd, execContext)); ConditionedCommandsBuilder ccb = new ConditionedCommandsBuilder(rootCommandNode); if (commandsList != null) getCommands(rootCommandNode, ccb, commandsList, execContext); return ccb.getConditionedCommands(); } private static void getCommands(CommandsTree cmdTree, ConditionedCommandsBuilder ccb, NodeList commandsList, CommandExecutionContext execContext) throws DOMException { int n = commandsList.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Node commandNode = commandsList.item(i); if (SEPARATOR_TAG.equals(commandNode.getNodeName())) { cmdTree.add(CommandsTree.EMPTY); //children.add(new org.openide.nodes.Node[] { new VcsCommandNode(Children.LEAF, null) }); continue; } if (!COMMAND_TAG.equals(commandNode.getNodeName())) continue; // Ignore nodes that does not contain commands NamedNodeMap attrs = commandNode.getAttributes(); if (attrs.getLength() == 0) continue; Node nameNode = attrs.getNamedItem(COMMAND_NAME_ATTR); if (nameNode == null) continue; UserCommand cmd = new UserCommand(); String name = nameNode.getNodeValue(); cmd.setName(name); //cmd.setName(nameNode.getNodeValue()); nameNode = attrs.getNamedItem(COMMAND_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR); if (nameNode != null) { String displayName = VcsUtilities.getBundleString(nameNode.getNodeValue()); cmd.setDisplayName(displayName); } else cmd.setDisplayName(null); String ifAttr = ""; String unlessAttr = ""; Node ifNode = attrs.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (ifNode != null) ifAttr = ifNode.getNodeValue(); Node unlessNode = attrs.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (unlessNode != null) unlessAttr = unlessNode.getNodeValue(); Condition c = VariableIO.createCondition(name, ifAttr, unlessAttr); NodeList propertiesAndSubCommands = commandNode.getChildNodes(); List conditionedProperties = new ArrayList(); boolean subcommandsExist = getProperties(cmd, propertiesAndSubCommands, conditionedProperties); UserCommandSupport cmdSupp = new UserCommandSupport(cmd, execContext); if (subcommandsExist) { CommandsTree subTree = new CommandsTree(cmdSupp); cmdTree.add(subTree); getCommands(subTree, ccb, propertiesAndSubCommands, execContext); } else { cmdTree.add(new CommandsTree(cmdSupp)); } if (c != null) ccb.addConditionedCommand(cmdSupp, c); if (conditionedProperties.size() > 0) { for (Iterator it = conditionedProperties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedProperty property = (ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedProperty) it.next(); ccb.addPropertyToCommand(name, c, property); } } } } private static boolean getProperties(UserCommand cmd, NodeList propertiesAndSubCommands, Collection conditionedProperties) { int m = propertiesAndSubCommands.getLength(); boolean subcommandsExist = false; for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { Node propertyNode = propertiesAndSubCommands.item(j); String name = propertyNode.getNodeName(); if (PROPERTY_TAG.equals(name)) { readProperty(propertyNode, cmd, conditionedProperties); } else if (RUN_TAG.equals(name)) { readStructuredExec(propertyNode, cmd, conditionedProperties); } else if (COMMAND_TAG.equals(name)) { subcommandsExist = true; } } return subcommandsExist; } private static void readProperty(Node propertyNode, UserCommand cmd, Collection conditionedProperties) throws DOMException { String propertyName = null; NamedNodeMap propAttrs = propertyNode.getAttributes(); if (propAttrs.getLength() > 0) { Node nameAttr = propAttrs.getNamedItem(PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR); if (nameAttr != null) { propertyName = nameAttr.getNodeValue(); } } if (propertyName == null) return ; String ifAttr = ""; String unlessAttr = ""; Node ifNode = propAttrs.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (ifNode != null) ifAttr = ifNode.getNodeValue(); Node unlessNode = propAttrs.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (unlessNode != null) unlessAttr = unlessNode.getNodeValue(); Map valuesByConditions = new IdentityHashMap(); Condition c = VariableIO.createCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + propertyName, ifAttr, unlessAttr); String propertyValue = ""; NodeList valueList = propertyNode.getChildNodes(); int vln = valueList.getLength(); for (int k = 0; k < vln; k++) { Node valueNode = valueList.item(k); if (PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG.equals(valueNode.getNodeName())) { NodeList textList = valueNode.getChildNodes(); //System.out.println("property = "+propertyName+", textList.getLength() = "+textList.getLength()); for (int itl = 0; itl < textList.getLength(); itl++) { Node subNode = textList.item(itl); //System.out.println(" subNode = "+subNode); if (subNode instanceof Text) { Text textNode = (Text) subNode; propertyValue += textNode.getData(); } if (subNode instanceof EntityReference) { EntityReference entityNode = (EntityReference) subNode; //System.out.println("Have EntityReference = "+entityNode+", value = "+entityNode.getNodeValue()); NodeList entityList = entityNode.getChildNodes(); for (int iel = 0; iel < entityList.getLength(); iel++) { Node entitySubNode = entityList.item(iel); //System.out.println(" entitySubNode = "+entitySubNode); if (entitySubNode instanceof Text) { Text textEntityNode = (Text) entitySubNode; propertyValue += textEntityNode.getData(); } } } //System.out.println(" propertyValue = "+propertyValue); } String valueIfAttr = ""; String valueUnlessAttr = ""; NamedNodeMap valueAttrs = valueNode.getAttributes(); if (valueAttrs != null) { Node valueIfNode = valueAttrs.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (valueIfNode != null) valueIfAttr = valueIfNode.getNodeValue(); Node valueUnlessNode = valueAttrs.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (valueUnlessNode != null) valueUnlessAttr = valueUnlessNode.getNodeValue(); } Condition vc = VariableIO.createCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + propertyName, valueIfAttr, valueUnlessAttr); propertyValue = translateCommandProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); valuesByConditions.put(vc, getPropertyValue(null, propertyName, propertyValue)); propertyValue = ""; } } Object value = valuesByConditions.get(null); if (value != null) { Condition cond = c; if (valuesByConditions.size() > 1) { cond = VariableIO.createComplementaryCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + propertyName, c, valuesByConditions.keySet()); } if (cond != null) { valuesByConditions.put(cond, value); valuesByConditions.remove(null); } else { valuesByConditions = null; } } if (valuesByConditions == null) { cmd.setProperty(propertyName, value); } else { if (c != null) { for (Iterator it = valuesByConditions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Condition vc = (Condition) it.next(); if (!vc.equals(c)) { vc.addCondition(c, true); } } } conditionedProperties.add( new ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedProperty(propertyName, c, valuesByConditions)); } } private static void readStructuredExec(Node runNode, UserCommand cmd, Collection conditionedProperties) throws DOMException { String dir = null; NamedNodeMap dirAttrs = runNode.getAttributes(); if (dirAttrs.getLength() > 0) { Node dirAttr = dirAttrs.getNamedItem(RUN_DIR_ATTR); if (dirAttr != null) { dir = dirAttr.getNodeValue(); } } String ifAttr = ""; String unlessAttr = ""; Node ifNode = dirAttrs.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (ifNode != null) ifAttr = ifNode.getNodeValue(); Node unlessNode = dirAttrs.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (unlessNode != null) unlessAttr = unlessNode.getNodeValue(); Condition c = VariableIO.createCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED, ifAttr, unlessAttr); Map execsByConditions = new IdentityHashMap(); //StructuredExec exec = new StructuredExec((dir != null) ? new java.io.File(dir) : null, "", new StructuredExec.Argument[0]); NodeList execArgsList = runNode.getChildNodes(); int ean = execArgsList.getLength(); for (int k = 0; k < ean; k++) { Node eaNode = execArgsList.item(k); if (EXEC_TAG.equals(eaNode.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap execAttributes = eaNode.getAttributes(); if (execAttributes == null) continue; Node execValue = execAttributes.getNamedItem(EXEC_VALUE_ATTR); if (execValue == null) continue; String execStr = execValue.getNodeValue(); StructuredExec exec = new StructuredExec((dir != null) ? new java.io.File(dir) : null, execStr, new StructuredExec.Argument[0]); String execIfAttr = ""; String execUnlessAttr = ""; Node execIfNode = execAttributes.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (execIfNode != null) execIfAttr = execIfNode.getNodeValue(); Node execUnlessNode = execAttributes.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (execUnlessNode != null) execUnlessAttr = execUnlessNode.getNodeValue(); Condition ec = VariableIO.createCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED + "/executor", execIfAttr, execUnlessAttr); execsByConditions.put(ec, exec); } else if (ARG_TAG.equals(eaNode.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap argAttributes = eaNode.getAttributes(); if (argAttributes == null) continue; Node argValue = argAttributes.getNamedItem(ARG_VALUE_ATTR); Node argLine = argAttributes.getNamedItem(ARG_LINE_ATTR); //String argValueStr = null; String argStr = null; boolean line = false; if (argValue != null) { argStr = argValue.getNodeValue(); } else if (argLine != null) { argStr = argLine.getNodeValue(); line = true; } //if (argValueStr == null && argLineStr == null) continue; if (argStr == null) continue; String argIfAttr = ""; String argUnlessAttr = ""; Node argIfNode = argAttributes.getNamedItem(IF_ATTR); if (argIfNode != null) argIfAttr = argIfNode.getNodeValue(); Node argUnlessNode = argAttributes.getNamedItem(UNLESS_ATTR); if (argUnlessNode != null) argUnlessAttr = argUnlessNode.getNodeValue(); Condition ac = VariableIO.createCondition(cmd.getName() + "/" + VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED + "/arg", argIfAttr, argUnlessAttr); StructuredExec.Argument arg; if (ac == null) { arg = new StructuredExec.Argument(argStr, line); } else { arg = new ConditionedStructuredExec.ConditionedArgument(ac, argStr, line); } //for (Iterator it = execsByConditions.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { for (Iterator it = execsByConditions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Condition cc = (Condition) it.next(); StructuredExec exec = (StructuredExec) execsByConditions.get(cc); if (arg instanceof ConditionedStructuredExec.ConditionedArgument && !(exec instanceof ConditionedStructuredExec)) { exec = new ConditionedStructuredExec(exec.getWorking(), exec.getExecutable(), exec.getArguments()); execsByConditions.put(cc, exec); } exec.addArgument(arg); } } } if (execsByConditions.size() == 1 && execsByConditions.get(null) != null) { cmd.setProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED, execsByConditions.get(null)); } else { if (c != null) { for (Iterator it = execsByConditions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Condition vc = (Condition) it.next(); if (!vc.equals(c)) { vc.addCondition(c, true); } } } conditionedProperties.add( new ConditionedCommandsBuilder.ConditionedProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED, c, execsByConditions)); } } /** * Write the commands definitions to the document from the tree of commands. */ public static boolean writeCommands(Document doc, CommandsTree commands) throws DOMException { return writeCommands(doc, null, commands); } /** * Write the commands definitions to the document from the tree of commands. */ public static boolean writeCommands(Document doc, ConditionedCommands commands) throws DOMException { return writeCommands(doc, commands, commands.getCommands()); } private static boolean writeCommands(Document doc, ConditionedCommands commands, CommandsTree tree) throws DOMException { Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!VariableIO.CONFIG_ROOT_ELEM.equals(rootElem.getNodeName())) return false; Element commandsElm = doc.createElement(COMMANDS_TAG); putCommands(doc, commandsElm, commands, tree, null); rootElem.appendChild(commandsElm); return true; } /** * Write the global commands definitions to the document from the tree of commands. */ public static boolean writeGlobalCommands(Document doc, ConditionedCommands commands) throws DOMException { Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!VariableIO.CONFIG_ROOT_ELEM.equals(rootElem.getNodeName())) return false; Element commandsElm = doc.createElement(GLOBAL_COMMANDS_TAG); putCommands(doc, commandsElm, commands, commands.getCommands(), null); rootElem.appendChild(commandsElm); return true; } private static void putCommands(Document doc, org.w3c.dom.Node commands, ConditionedCommands cc, CommandsTree commandsNode, Collection notFoundConditions) { if (notFoundConditions == null) notFoundConditions = new HashSet(); CommandsTree[] commandChildren = commandsNode.children(); for (int i = 0; i < commandChildren.length; i++) { CommandsTree commandNode = commandChildren[i]; CommandSupport supp = commandNode.getCommandSupport(); //VcsCommand cmd = (VcsCommand) commandNode.getCookie(VcsCommand.class); if (supp == null || !(supp instanceof UserCommandSupport)) { Element separatorElem = doc.createElement(SEPARATOR_TAG); commands.appendChild(separatorElem); continue; } UserCommandSupport uSupport = (UserCommandSupport) supp; VcsCommand cmd = uSupport.getVcsCommand(); ConditionedCommand ccmd = null; if (cc != null) { ccmd = cc.getConditionedCommand(cmd.getName()); } if (ccmd != null) { Condition[] conditions = ccmd.getConditions(); for (int ic = 0; ic < conditions.length; ic++) { ConditionedPropertiesCommand cpcmd = ccmd.getCommandFor(conditions[ic]); // Test the command so that we find the right one! if (!uSupport.equals(cpcmd.getCommand())) continue; Element commandElm = doc.createElement(COMMAND_TAG); commandElm.setAttribute(COMMAND_NAME_ATTR, cmd.getName()); String displayName = cmd.getDisplayName(); if (displayName != null) commandElm.setAttribute(COMMAND_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR, displayName); if (conditions[ic] != null) VariableIO.setConditionAttributes(commandElm, conditions[ic]); putProperties(doc, commandElm, cpcmd); if (commandNode.hasChildren()) putCommands(doc, commandElm, cc, commandNode, notFoundConditions); commands.appendChild(commandElm); } } else { Element commandElm = doc.createElement(COMMAND_TAG); commandElm.setAttribute(COMMAND_NAME_ATTR, cmd.getName()); String displayName = cmd.getDisplayName(); if (displayName != null) commandElm.setAttribute(COMMAND_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR, displayName); putProperties(doc, commandElm, cmd); if (commandNode.hasChildren()) putCommands(doc, commandElm, cc, commandNode, notFoundConditions); commands.appendChild(commandElm); } } } private static void putProperties(Document doc, Element commandElm, VcsCommand cmd) throws DOMException { String[] properties = cmd.getPropertyNames(); Arrays.sort(properties); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Object value = cmd.getProperty(properties[j]); if (value == null) continue; if (VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED.equals(properties[j])) { putStructuredExec(doc, commandElm, (StructuredExec) value); continue; } String valueStr = getPropertyValueStr(properties[j], value); if (valueStr == null) continue; Element propertiesElm = doc.createElement(PROPERTY_TAG); propertiesElm.setAttribute(PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR, properties[j]); Element propValueElem = doc.createElement(PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG); Text valueText = doc.createTextNode(valueStr); propValueElem.appendChild(valueText); propValueElem.setAttribute("xml:space","preserve"); // To preserve new lines (see issue #14163) propertiesElm.appendChild(propValueElem); commandElm.appendChild(propertiesElm); } } private static void putProperties(Document doc, Element commandElm, ConditionedPropertiesCommand cpcmd) throws DOMException { VcsCommand cmd = cpcmd.getCommand().getVcsCommand(); String[] allProperties; ConditionedProperty[] cproperties = cpcmd.getConditionedProperties(); Map conditionedPropertiesByNames; if (cproperties != null) { List properties = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(cmd.getPropertyNames())); conditionedPropertiesByNames = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < cproperties.length; i++) { String name = cproperties[i].getName(); if (!properties.contains(name)) properties.add(name); conditionedPropertiesByNames.put(name, cproperties[i]); } allProperties = (String[]) properties.toArray(new String[properties.size()]); } else { conditionedPropertiesByNames = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; allProperties = cmd.getPropertyNames(); } Arrays.sort(allProperties); for (int i = 0; i < allProperties.length; i++) { ConditionedProperty property = (ConditionedProperty) conditionedPropertiesByNames.get(allProperties[i]); if (property != null) { Condition c = property.getCondition(); Element propertyElm; if (VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED.equals(allProperties[i])) { propertyElm = putStructuredExec(doc, commandElm, c, property.getValuesByConditions()); } else { propertyElm = putProperty(doc, commandElm, allProperties[i], c, property.getValuesByConditions()); } if (c != null) { VariableIO.setConditionAttributes(propertyElm, c); } } else { Object value = cmd.getProperty(allProperties[i]); if (value == null) continue; if (VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_STRUCTURED.equals(allProperties[i])) { putStructuredExec(doc, commandElm, (StructuredExec) value); continue; } String valueStr = getPropertyValueStr(allProperties[i], value); if (valueStr == null) continue; putProperty(doc, commandElm, allProperties[i], valueStr); } } } private static Element putProperty(Document doc, Element commandElm, String name, String value) throws DOMException { Element propertyElm = doc.createElement(PROPERTY_TAG); propertyElm.setAttribute(PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR, name); addPropertyValue(doc, propertyElm, value); commandElm.appendChild(propertyElm); return propertyElm; } private static Element putProperty(Document doc, Element commandElm, String name, Condition c, Map valuesByConditions) throws DOMException { Element propertyElm = doc.createElement(PROPERTY_TAG); propertyElm.setAttribute(PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR, name); for (Iterator it = valuesByConditions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Condition vc = (Condition) it.next(); Object value = valuesByConditions.get(vc); String valueStr = getPropertyValueStr(name, value); if (valueStr == null) continue; Element valueElem = addPropertyValue(doc, propertyElm, valueStr); if (vc != null && !vc.equals(c)) VariableIO.setConditionAttributes(valueElem, vc); } commandElm.appendChild(propertyElm); return propertyElm; } private static Element addPropertyValue(Document doc, Element propertyElm, String value) { Element propValueElem = doc.createElement(PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG); Text valueNode = doc.createTextNode(value); propValueElem.appendChild(valueNode); propValueElem.setAttribute("xml:space","preserve"); // To preserve new lines (see issue #14163) propertyElm.appendChild(propValueElem); return propValueElem; } private static Element putStructuredExec(Document doc, Element commandElm, StructuredExec exec) throws DOMException { Element runElm = doc.createElement(RUN_TAG); if (exec.getWorking() != null) { runElm.setAttribute(RUN_DIR_ATTR, exec.getWorking().getPath()); } Element execElm = doc.createElement(EXEC_TAG); execElm.setAttribute(EXEC_VALUE_ATTR, exec.getExecutable()); runElm.appendChild(execElm); addArguments(doc, runElm, exec.getArguments()); commandElm.appendChild(runElm); return runElm; } private static Element putStructuredExec(Document doc, Element commandElm, Condition c, Map execsByConditions) throws DOMException { Element runElm = doc.createElement(RUN_TAG); if (execsByConditions.size() == 0) return runElm; String working = ((StructuredExec) execsByConditions.values().iterator().next()).getWorking().getPath(); runElm.setAttribute(RUN_DIR_ATTR, working); for (Iterator it = execsByConditions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Condition ec = (Condition) it.next(); StructuredExec exec = (StructuredExec) execsByConditions.get(ec); Element execElm = doc.createElement(EXEC_TAG); execElm.setAttribute(EXEC_VALUE_ATTR, exec.getExecutable()); runElm.appendChild(execElm); if (ec != null && !ec.equals(c)) VariableIO.setConditionAttributes(execElm, ec); addArguments(doc, runElm, exec.getArguments()); commandElm.appendChild(runElm); } return runElm; } private static void addArguments(Document doc, Element runElm, StructuredExec.Argument[] args) throws DOMException { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Element argElm = doc.createElement(ARG_TAG); if (args[i].isLine()) { argElm.setAttribute(ARG_LINE_ATTR, args[i].getArgument()); } else { argElm.setAttribute(ARG_VALUE_ATTR, args[i].getArgument()); } if (args[i] instanceof ConditionedStructuredExec.ConditionedArgument) { Condition c = ((ConditionedStructuredExec.ConditionedArgument) args[i]).getCondition(); VariableIO.setConditionAttributes(argElm, c); } runElm.appendChild(argElm); } } /** * Perform a translation of command's property value. Currently just class names * are translated according to a translation table. */ public static String translateCommandProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) { if (UserCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC.equals(propertyName)) { int classIndex = propertyValue.indexOf(".class"); if (classIndex > 0) { int begin; for (begin = classIndex; begin >= 0; begin--) { char c = propertyValue.charAt(begin); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && c != '.') break; } begin++; if (begin < classIndex) { String classNameOrig = propertyValue.substring(begin, classIndex); String classNameNew = translateExecClass(classNameOrig); if (!classNameOrig.equals(classNameNew)) { propertyValue = propertyValue.substring(0, begin) + classNameNew + propertyValue.substring(classIndex); } } } } return propertyValue; } private static Reference translateMapRef = new SoftReference(null); private static final Object MAP_LOCK = new Object(); /** * Translates an old class name (starting with "vcs.*") to the new class name * ("org.netbeans.modules.vcs.profiles.*") according to the translation table * at org/netbeans/modules/vcs/advanced/commands/cmdPackageTranslations */ public static String translateExecClass(String className) { String[][] map; synchronized (MAP_LOCK) { map = (String[][]) translateMapRef.get(); if (map == null) { try { map = loadTranslateClassMap(); } catch (IOException ioex) { if (ErrorManager.getDefault() != null) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ioex); } else { ioex.printStackTrace(); } } translateMapRef = new SoftReference(map); } } // search for "the" name final int mapsize = map.length; for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) { if (className.startsWith(map[i][0])) { String newClassName; //if (arrayPrefix < 0) { newClassName = map[i][1] + className.substring(map[i][0].length()); //} else { // newClassName = className.substring(0, arrayPrefix) + map[i][1] + name.substring(map[i][0].length()); //} className = newClassName; } }/* catch (IOException e) { if (ErrorManager.getDefault() != null) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } */ // default return className; } private static String[][] loadTranslateClassMap() throws IOException { URL table = UserCommandIO.class.getResource("cmdPackageTranslations.txt"); //NOI18N ArrayList chunks = new ArrayList(); loadTranslationFile(table, chunks); // post process Collections.sort(chunks, new StringArrayComparator()); final int pairslen = chunks.size(); String[][] mapping = new String[pairslen][2]; for (int i = 0; i < pairslen; i++) { String[] chunk = (String[]) chunks.get(i); mapping[i][0] = chunk[0]; mapping[i][1] = chunk[1]; } return mapping; } /** * Load single translation file. * @param resource URL identifiing transaction table * @param chunks output parameter accepting loaded data */ private static void loadTranslationFile(URL resource, List chunks) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( resource.openStream(), "UTF8")); // use explicit encoding //NOI18N for (;;) { String line = reader.readLine(); String[] pair = parseLine(line); if (pair == null) { // EOF break; } chunks.add(pair); } } private static String[] parseLine(final String line) { if (line == null) { return null; } final int slen = line.length(); int space = line.indexOf(' '); if (space <= 0 || (space == slen - 1)) { return null; } String[] chunk = new String[] {line.substring(0, space), null}; space++; int c; while ((space < slen) && (line.charAt(space++) == ' ')); if (space == slen) { return null; } String token = line.substring(--space); token = token.trim(); chunk[1] = token; return chunk; } /** Compares to object by length of String returned by toString(). */ private static final class StringArrayComparator implements Comparator { public boolean equals(Object o) { return super.equals(o); } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { String[] s1 = (String[]) o1; String[] s2 = (String[]) o2; return (s2[0].length() - s1[0].length()); } } } |
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