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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.apache.jasper.compiler; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.apache.jasper.*; import org.openide.ErrorManager; /** * * @author Petr Jiricka */ public class GetParseData { protected JspCompilationContext ctxt; protected Options options; private CompilerHacks compHacks; private int errorReportingMode; private org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.Node.Nodes nbNodes; private org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo nbPageInfo; private Throwable parseException; /** Creates a new instance of ExtractPageData */ public GetParseData(JspCompilationContext ctxt, int errorReportingMode) { this.ctxt = ctxt; this.errorReportingMode = errorReportingMode; this.options = ctxt.getOptions(); this.compHacks = new CompilerHacks(ctxt); } public org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.Node.Nodes getNbNodes() { return nbNodes; } public org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo getNbPageInfo() { return nbPageInfo; } public Throwable getParseException() { return parseException; } /** Code in this method copied over and adapted from Compiler.generateJava() **/ public void parse() { Node.Nodes pageNodes = null; PageInfo pageInfo = null; String xmlView = null; try { //String smapStr = null; // long t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); // Setup page info area Compiler comp = compHacks.getCompiler(); pageInfo = comp.getPageInfo(); ErrorDispatcher errDispatcher = comp.getErrorDispatcher(); // pageInfo = new PageInfo(new BeanRepository(ctxt.getClassLoader(), // errDispatcher)); JspConfig jspConfig = options.getJspConfig(); JspConfig.JspProperty jspProperty = jspConfig.findJspProperty(ctxt.getJspFile()); /* * If the current uri is matched by a pattern specified in * a jsp-property-group in web.xml, initialize pageInfo with * those properties. */ pageInfo.setELIgnored(JspUtil.booleanValue(jspProperty.isELIgnored())); pageInfo.setScriptingInvalid(JspUtil.booleanValue(jspProperty.isScriptingInvalid())); if (jspProperty.getIncludePrelude() != null) { pageInfo.setIncludePrelude(jspProperty.getIncludePrelude()); } if (jspProperty.getIncludeCoda() != null) { pageInfo.setIncludeCoda(jspProperty.getIncludeCoda()); } // String javaFileName = ctxt.getServletJavaFileName(); // Setup the ServletWriter // String javaEncoding = ctxt.getOptions().getJavaEncoding(); // OutputStreamWriter osw = null; // try { // osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(javaFileName), // javaEncoding); // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { // errDispatcher.jspError("jsp.error.needAlternateJavaEncoding", javaEncoding); // } // ServletWriter writer = new ServletWriter(new PrintWriter(osw)); // ctxt.setWriter(writer); // Reset the temporary variable counter for the generator. JspUtil.resetTemporaryVariableName(); // Parse the file ParserController parserCtl = new ParserController(ctxt, comp); pageNodes = parserCtl.parse(ctxt.getJspFile()); // if (ctxt.isPrototypeMode()) { // // generate prototype .java file for the tag file // Generator.generate(writer, this, pageNodes); // writer.close(); // return null; // } // Generate FunctionMapper (used for validation of EL expressions and // code generation) // pageInfo.setFunctionMapper(new FunctionMapperImpl(this)); // Validate and process attributes // Validator.validate(comp, pageNodes); xmlView = NbValidator.validate(comp, pageNodes); // long t2=System.currentTimeMillis(); // Dump out the page (for debugging) // Dumper.dump(pageNodes); // Collect page info Collector.collect(comp, pageNodes); // Compile (if necessary) and load the tag files referenced in // this compilation unit. // PENDING - we may need to process tag files somehow // TagFileProcessor tfp = new TagFileProcessor(); // tfp.loadTagFiles(comp, pageNodes); // long t3=System.currentTimeMillis(); // Determine which custom tag needs to declare which scripting vars ScriptingVariabler.set(pageNodes, errDispatcher); // Optimizations by Tag Plugins TagPluginManager tagPluginManager = options.getTagPluginManager(); tagPluginManager.apply(pageNodes, errDispatcher, pageInfo); // Generate static funciton mapper codes. ELFunctionMapper.map(comp, pageNodes); // generate servlet .java file // Generator.generate(writer, comp, pageNodes); // writer.close(); // The writer is only used during the compile, dereference // it in the JspCompilationContext when done to allow it // to be GC'd and save memory. // ctxt.setWriter(null); // long t4=System.currentTimeMillis(); // if( t4-t1 > 500 ) { // log.debug("Generated "+ javaFileName + " total=" + // (t4-t1) + " generate=" + ( t4-t3 ) + " validate=" + ( t2-t1 )); // } //JSR45 Support - note this needs to be checked by a JSR45 guru // if (! options.isSmapSuppressed()) { // String smapStr = SmapUtil.generateSmap(ctxt, pageNodes); // } // If any proto type .java and .class files was generated, // the prototype .java may have been replaced by the current // compilation (if the tag file is self referencing), but the // .class file need to be removed, to make sure that javac would // generate .class again from the new .java file just generated. // PENDING - we may need to process tag files somehow // tfp.removeProtoTypeFiles(ctxt.getClassFileName()); } catch (ThreadDeath t) { throw t; } catch (Throwable t) { parseException = t; } finally { // convert the nodes try { if (pageNodes != null) { nbNodes = convertNodes(pageNodes); } } catch (JasperException e) { if (parseException == null) { parseException = e; } } // convert the pageInfo try { if (pageInfo != null) { // xmlView may be null nbPageInfo = convertPageInfo(pageInfo, xmlView, ctxt); } } catch (JspException e) { if (parseException == null) { parseException = e; } } } // return smapStr; } private static org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.Node.Nodes convertNodes(Node.Nodes nodes) throws JasperException { org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.Node.Nodes nbNodes = NodeConverterVisitor.convertNodes(nodes); return nbNodes; } private static org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo convertPageInfo(PageInfo pageInfo, String xmlView, JspCompilationContext ctxt) throws JspException { PageInfoImpl nbPageInfo = new PageInfoImpl( getTaglibsMapReflect(pageInfo, ctxt), getJSPPrefixMapperReflect(pageInfo), getXMLPrefixMapperReflect(pageInfo), ((CompilerHacks.HackPageInfo)pageInfo).getApproxXmlPrefixMapper(), pageInfo.getImports(), pageInfo.getDependants(), pageInfo.getIncludePrelude(), pageInfo.getIncludeCoda(), getPluginDclsReflect(pageInfo), getPrefixesReflect(pageInfo) ); nbPageInfo.setLanguage( pageInfo.getLanguage()); nbPageInfo.setExtends( pageInfo.getExtends()); nbPageInfo.setContentType( pageInfo.getContentType()); nbPageInfo.setSession( pageInfo.getSession()); nbPageInfo.setBufferValue( pageInfo.getBufferValue()); nbPageInfo.setAutoFlush( pageInfo.getAutoFlush()); nbPageInfo.setIsThreadSafe( pageInfo.getIsThreadSafe()); nbPageInfo.setIsErrorPage( pageInfo.getIsErrorPage()); nbPageInfo.setErrorPage( pageInfo.getErrorPage()); nbPageInfo.setMaxTagNesting( pageInfo.getMaxTagNesting()); nbPageInfo.setScriptless( pageInfo.isScriptless()); nbPageInfo.setScriptingInvalid( pageInfo.isScriptingInvalid()); nbPageInfo.setELIgnored( pageInfo.isELIgnored()); nbPageInfo.setOmitXmlDecl( pageInfo.getOmitXmlDecl()); nbPageInfo.setIsJspPrefixHijacked( pageInfo.isJspPrefixHijacked()); nbPageInfo.setDoctypeName( pageInfo.getDoctypeName()); nbPageInfo.setDoctypeSystem( pageInfo.getDoctypeSystem()); nbPageInfo.setDoctypePublic( pageInfo.getDoctypePublic()); nbPageInfo.setHasJspRoot( pageInfo.hasJspRoot()); nbPageInfo.setBeans(createBeanData(pageInfo.getBeanRepository())); // the xml view nbPageInfo.setXMLView(xmlView); return nbPageInfo; } private static org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo.BeanData[] createBeanData(BeanRepository rep) { try { initBeanRepositoryFields(); Vector sessionBeans = (Vector)sessionBeansF.get(rep); Vector pageBeans = (Vector)pageBeansF.get(rep); Vector appBeans = (Vector)appBeansF.get(rep); Vector requestBeans = (Vector)requestBeansF.get(rep); Hashtable beanTypes = (Hashtable)beanTypesF.get(rep); int size = beanTypes.size(); org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo.BeanData bd[] = new org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo.BeanData[size]; Iterator it = beanTypes.keySet().iterator(); int index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String id = (String)it.next(); String type = (String)beanTypes.get(id); int scope = PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE; if (sessionBeans.contains(id)) { scope = PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE; } if (appBeans.contains(id)) { scope = PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE; } if (requestBeans.contains(id)) { scope = PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE; } bd[index] = new BeanDataImpl(id, scope, type); ++index; } return bd; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } static class PageInfoImpl extends org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo { public PageInfoImpl(/*BeanRepository beanRepository*/ Map taglibsMap, Map jspPrefixMapper, Map xmlPrefixMapper, Map approxXmlPrefixMapper, List imports, List dependants, List includePrelude, List includeCoda, List pluginDcls, Set prefixes ) { super(taglibsMap, jspPrefixMapper, xmlPrefixMapper, approxXmlPrefixMapper, imports, dependants, includePrelude, includeCoda, pluginDcls, prefixes); } private String xmlView; public void setXMLView(String xmlView) { this.xmlView = xmlView; } public String getXMLView() { return xmlView; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(super.toString()); sb.append(" ------- XML View (constructed from the original data structure) -----\n"); if (xmlView == null) { sb.append("no XML view\n"); } else { sb.append(getXMLView()); } return sb.toString(); } } static class BeanDataImpl implements org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo.BeanData { private String id; private int scope; private String className; BeanDataImpl(String id, int scope, String className) { this.id = id; this.scope = scope; this.className = className; } /** Identifier of the bean in the page (variable name). */ public String getId() { return id; } /** Scope for this bean. Returns constants defined in {@link javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext}. */ public int getScope() { return scope; } /** Returns the class name for this bean. */ public String getClassName() { return className; } } // ------ getting BeanRepository data by reflection private static Field sessionBeansF, pageBeansF, appBeansF, requestBeansF, beanTypesF; private static void initBeanRepositoryFields() { if (sessionBeansF == null) { try { sessionBeansF = BeanRepository.class.getDeclaredField("sessionBeans"); sessionBeansF.setAccessible(true); pageBeansF = BeanRepository.class.getDeclaredField("pageBeans"); pageBeansF.setAccessible(true); appBeansF = BeanRepository.class.getDeclaredField("appBeans"); appBeansF.setAccessible(true); requestBeansF = BeanRepository.class.getDeclaredField("requestBeans"); requestBeansF.setAccessible(true); beanTypesF = BeanRepository.class.getDeclaredField("beanTypes"); beanTypesF.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } } // ------ getting BeanRepository data by reflection private static Field pluginDclsF, prefixesF, taglibsMapF, jspPrefixMapperF, xmlPrefixMapperF; private static void initPageInfoFields() { if (pluginDclsF == null) { try { pluginDclsF = PageInfo.class.getDeclaredField("pluginDcls"); pluginDclsF.setAccessible(true); prefixesF = PageInfo.class.getDeclaredField("prefixes"); prefixesF.setAccessible(true); taglibsMapF = PageInfo.class.getDeclaredField("taglibsMap"); taglibsMapF.setAccessible(true); jspPrefixMapperF = PageInfo.class.getDeclaredField("jspPrefixMapper"); jspPrefixMapperF.setAccessible(true); xmlPrefixMapperF = PageInfo.class.getDeclaredField("xmlPrefixMapper"); xmlPrefixMapperF.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } } private static Vector getPluginDclsReflect(PageInfo pageInfo) { initPageInfoFields(); try { return (Vector)pluginDclsF.get(pageInfo); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } private static HashSet getPrefixesReflect(PageInfo pageInfo) { initPageInfoFields(); try { return (HashSet)prefixesF.get(pageInfo); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } private static class TagInfoCacheRecord{ long time; TagInfo tagInfo; public TagInfoCacheRecord(long time, TagInfo info){ this.tagInfo = info; this.time = time; } } /** The cache for the tag infos from tagfiles. There are stored TagInfoCacheRecord as value and * the path for a tagfile as key. The informations are cached for the whole application. * The cache is changed, when a jsp page is parsed and a tag file was changed. */ private static Hashtable tagInfoCache = new Hashtable(); private static Map getTaglibsMapReflect(PageInfo pageInfo, JspCompilationContext ctxt) { initPageInfoFields(); try { Map taglibs = (Map)taglibsMapF.get(pageInfo); Iterator iter = taglibs.values().iterator(); TagLibraryInfo libInfo; TagInfo [] tagInfos; // Caching information about tag files while (iter.hasNext()){ libInfo = (TagLibraryInfo)iter.next(); tagInfos = null; try { ArrayList tags = new ArrayList(); if (libInfo instanceof ImplicitTagLibraryInfo){ //We need the access for the files Field tagFileMapF = ImplicitTagLibraryInfo.class.getDeclaredField("tagFileMap"); tagFileMapF.setAccessible(true); Hashtable tagFileMap = (Hashtable)tagFileMapF.get(libInfo); //Check every file in tag library Enumeration e = tagFileMap.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()){ //Find the path for the file String name = (String) e.nextElement(); String filePath = (String)tagFileMap.get(name); URL path = ctxt.getResource(filePath); File file = new File (path.getFile()); // Is there the file in the cache? if (tagInfoCache.containsKey(path)){ TagInfoCacheRecord r = (TagInfoCacheRecord)tagInfoCache.get(path); // Is there a change in the tagfile? if (r.time < file.lastModified()){ tagInfoCache.put(path, new TagInfoCacheRecord (file.lastModified(), libInfo.getTagFile(name).getTagInfo())); } } else { tagInfoCache.put(path, new TagInfoCacheRecord (file.lastModified(), libInfo.getTagFile(name).getTagInfo())); } //Obtain information from the cache tags.add(((TagInfoCacheRecord)tagInfoCache.get(path)).tagInfo); tagInfos = new TagInfo[tags.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++){ tagInfos[i] = (TagInfo)tags.get(i); } } } else { TagFileInfo[] tagFiles = libInfo.getTagFiles(); if (tagFiles != null && tagFiles.length > 0){ tagInfos = new TagInfo[tagFiles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tagFiles.length; i++){ // Is it tag file from jar or form WEB-INF/tags String path = ctxt.getTldLocation(libInfo.getURI())[0]; File file = new File (path); path = path + tagFiles[i].getPath(); // Is there the file in the cache? if (tagInfoCache.containsKey(path)){ TagInfoCacheRecord r = (TagInfoCacheRecord)tagInfoCache.get(path); // Is there a change in the tagfile? if (r.time < file.lastModified()){ tagInfoCache.put(path, new TagInfoCacheRecord (file.lastModified(), libInfo.getTagFile(tagFiles[i].getName()).getTagInfo())); } } else { tagInfoCache.put(path, new TagInfoCacheRecord (file.lastModified(), libInfo.getTagFile(tagFiles[i].getName()).getTagInfo())); } //Obtain information from the cache tagInfos[i] = ((TagInfoCacheRecord)tagInfoCache.get(path)).tagInfo; } } } if (tagInfos != null && tagInfos.length > 0){ // Setting the taginfos directly to the library. Field tagInfosF = ImplicitTagLibraryInfo.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("tags"); tagInfosF.setAccessible(true); tagInfosF.set(libInfo, tagInfos); } } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException e){ ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e){ ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } catch (org.apache.jasper.JasperException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } return taglibs; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } private static Map getJSPPrefixMapperReflect(PageInfo pageInfo) { initPageInfoFields(); try { return (Map)jspPrefixMapperF.get(pageInfo); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } private static Map getXMLPrefixMapperReflect(PageInfo pageInfo) { initPageInfoFields(); try { return (Map)xmlPrefixMapperF.get(pageInfo); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new RuntimeException(); } } } |
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