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The source code/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2002 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.jellytools.modules.xml; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*; /** Class implementing all necessary methods for handling "Select XSLT Script" FileSelector. * * @author ms113234 * @version 1.0 */ public class SelectXSLTScriptDialog extends JDialogOperator { /** Creates new SelectXSLTScriptDialog that can handle it. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when FileSelector not found */ public SelectXSLTScriptDialog() { super( "Select XSLT Script" ); } private JTreeOperator _treeTreeView; private JLabelOperator _lblSelect; private JButtonOperator _btOK; private JButtonOperator _btCancel; private JComboBoxOperator _cboSelect; public static final String ITEM_HOMEMS113234NETBEANS34BETASAMPLEDIR = "/home/ms113234/.netbeans/3.4beta/sampledir"; //****************************** // Subcomponents definition part //****************************** /** Tries to find null TreeView$ExplorerTree in this dialog. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when component not found * @return JTreeOperator */ public JTreeOperator treeTreeView() { if (_treeTreeView==null) { _treeTreeView = new JTreeOperator(this, 0); } return _treeTreeView; } /** Tries to find "Select:" JLabel in this dialog. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when component not found * @return JLabelOperator */ public JLabelOperator lblSelect() { if (_lblSelect==null) { _lblSelect = new JLabelOperator( this, "Select:", 0 ); } return _lblSelect; } /** Tries to find "OK" ButtonBarButton in this dialog. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when component not found * @return JButtonOperator */ public JButtonOperator btOK() { if (_btOK==null) { _btOK = new JButtonOperator( this, "OK", 0 ); } return _btOK; } /** Tries to find "Cancel" ButtonBarButton in this dialog. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when component not found * @return JButtonOperator */ public JButtonOperator btCancel() { if (_btCancel==null) { _btCancel = new JButtonOperator( this, "Cancel", 0 ); } return _btCancel; } /** Tries to find null JComboBox in this dialog. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when component not found * @return JComboBoxOperator */ public JComboBoxOperator cboSelect() { if (_cboSelect==null) { _cboSelect = new JComboBoxOperator(this, 0); } return _cboSelect; } //**************************************** // Low-level functionality definition part //**************************************** /** clicks on "OK" ButtonBarButton * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when ButtonBarButton not found */ public void oK() { btOK().push(); } /** clicks on "Cancel" ButtonBarButton * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when ButtonBarButton not found */ public void cancel() { btCancel().push(); } /** tries to find cboSelect and select item * @param item String item */ public void setSelect( String item ) { cboSelect().selectItem(item, true, true); } //***************************************** // High-level functionality definition part //***************************************** /** Performs verification of SelectXSLTScriptDialog by accessing all its components. * @throws TimeoutExpiredException when any component not found */ public void verify() { treeTreeView(); lblSelect(); btOK(); btCancel(); cboSelect(); } /** Performs simple test of SelectXSLTScriptDialog * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { new SelectXSLTScriptDialog().verify(); System.out.println("SelectXSLTScriptDialog verification finished."); } } |
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