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Java example source code file (MacosxDebuggerLocal.m)

This example Java source code file (MacosxDebuggerLocal.m) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

can\'t, check_exception, check_exception_, hsdb_thread_state, jnicall, jnienv, jniexport, kern_success, nprgreg, null, reg_index, sel, throw_new_debugger_exception, unsupported_arch

The MacosxDebuggerLocal.m Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h>

#include <JavaVM/jni.h>

#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <mach/mach_types.h>
#import <sys/sysctl.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <stdarg.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <strings.h>
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <limits.h>
#import <errno.h>
#import <sys/types.h>
#import <sys/ptrace.h>
#include "libproc_impl.h"

#define UNSUPPORTED_ARCH "Unsupported architecture!"

#if defined(x86_64) && !defined(amd64)
#define amd64 1

#if amd64
#include "sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_amd64_AMD64ThreadContext.h"

static jfieldID symbolicatorID = 0; // set in _init0
static jfieldID taskID = 0; // set in _init0

static jfieldID p_ps_prochandle_ID = 0;
static jfieldID loadObjectList_ID = 0;
static jmethodID listAdd_ID = 0;

static jmethodID createClosestSymbol_ID = 0;
static jmethodID createLoadObject_ID = 0;
static jmethodID getJavaThreadsInfo_ID = 0;

// indicator if thread id (lwpid_t) was set
static bool _threads_filled = false;

static void putSymbolicator(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, id symbolicator) {
  (*env)->SetLongField(env, this_obj, symbolicatorID, (jlong)(intptr_t)symbolicator);

static id getSymbolicator(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj) {
  jlong ptr = (*env)->GetLongField(env, this_obj, symbolicatorID);
  return (id)(intptr_t)ptr;

static void putTask(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, task_t task) {
  (*env)->SetLongField(env, this_obj, taskID, (jlong)task);

static task_t getTask(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj) {
  jlong ptr = (*env)->GetLongField(env, this_obj, taskID);
  return (task_t)ptr;

#define CHECK_EXCEPTION_(value) if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { return value; }
#define CHECK_EXCEPTION if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { return;}
#define THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_(str, value) { throw_new_debugger_exception(env, str); return value; }
#define THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION(str) { throw_new_debugger_exception(env, str); return;}
#define CHECK_EXCEPTION_CLEAR if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } 
#define CHECK_EXCEPTION_CLEAR_VOID if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); return; } 
#define CHECK_EXCEPTION_CLEAR_(value) if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); return value; } 

static void throw_new_debugger_exception(JNIEnv* env, const char* errMsg) {
  (*env)->ThrowNew(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/DebuggerException"), errMsg);

static struct ps_prochandle* get_proc_handle(JNIEnv* env, jobject this_obj) {
  jlong ptr = (*env)->GetLongField(env, this_obj, p_ps_prochandle_ID);
  return (struct ps_prochandle*)(intptr_t)ptr;

#if defined(__i386__)
    #define hsdb_thread_state_t     x86_thread_state32_t
    #define hsdb_float_state_t      x86_float_state32_t
    #define HSDB_THREAD_STATE       x86_THREAD_STATE32
    #define HSDB_FLOAT_STATE        x86_FLOAT_STATE32
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
    #define hsdb_thread_state_t     x86_thread_state64_t
    #define hsdb_float_state_t      x86_float_state64_t
    #define HSDB_THREAD_STATE       x86_THREAD_STATE64
    #define HSDB_FLOAT_STATE        x86_FLOAT_STATE64

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    init0
 * Signature: ()V
Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_init0(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) {
  symbolicatorID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "symbolicator", "J");
  taskID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "task", "J");

  // for core file
  p_ps_prochandle_ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "p_ps_prochandle", "J");
  loadObjectList_ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "loadObjectList", "Ljava/util/List;");

  // methods we use
  createClosestSymbol_ID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "createClosestSymbol",
  createLoadObject_ID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "createLoadObject",

  // java.util.List method we call
  jclass listClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/util/List");
  listAdd_ID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, listClass, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
  getJavaThreadsInfo_ID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "getJavaThreadsInfo",

  init_libproc(getenv("LIBSAPROC_DEBUG") != NULL);

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_getAddressSize
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
#ifdef _LP64
  return 8;

/** called by Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_lookupByName0 */
jlong lookupByNameIncore(
  JNIEnv *env, struct ps_prochandle *ph, jobject this_obj, jstring objectName, jstring symbolName)
  const char *objectName_cstr, *symbolName_cstr;
  jlong addr;
  jboolean isCopy;
  objectName_cstr = NULL;
  if (objectName != NULL) {
    objectName_cstr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, objectName, &isCopy);
  symbolName_cstr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, symbolName, &isCopy);

  print_debug("look for %s \n", symbolName_cstr);
  addr = (jlong) lookup_symbol(ph, objectName_cstr, symbolName_cstr);

  if (objectName_cstr != NULL) {
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, objectName, objectName_cstr);
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, symbolName, symbolName_cstr);
  return addr;

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    lookupByName0
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)J
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, 
  jstring objectName, jstring symbolName) 
  struct ps_prochandle* ph = get_proc_handle(env, this_obj);
  if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
    return lookupByNameIncore(env, ph, this_obj, objectName, symbolName);

  jlong address = 0;

  NSString *symbolNameString = JNFJavaToNSString(env, symbolName);

  print_debug("lookupInProcess called for %s\n", [symbolNameString UTF8String]);

  id symbolicator = getSymbolicator(env, this_obj);
  if (symbolicator != nil) {
    uint64_t (*dynamicCall)(id, SEL, NSString *) = (uint64_t (*)(id, SEL, NSString *))&objc_msgSend;
    address = (jlong) dynamicCall(symbolicator, @selector(addressForSymbol:), symbolNameString);

  print_debug("address of symbol %s = %llx\n", [symbolNameString UTF8String], address);

  return address;

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    lookupByAddress0
 * Signature: (J)Lsun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/cdbg/ClosestSymbol;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_lookupByAddress0
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, jlong addr) {
  uintptr_t offset;
  const char* sym = NULL;

  struct ps_prochandle* ph = get_proc_handle(env, this_obj);
  if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
    sym = symbol_for_pc(ph, (uintptr_t) addr, &offset);
    if (sym == NULL) return 0;
    return (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, this_obj, createClosestSymbol_ID,
                          (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, sym), (jlong)offset);
  return 0;

/** called from Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_readBytesFromProcess0 */
jbyteArray readBytesFromCore(
  JNIEnv *env, struct ps_prochandle *ph, jobject this_obj, jlong addr, jlong numBytes)
  jboolean isCopy;
  jbyteArray array;
  jbyte *bufPtr;
  ps_err_e err;

  array = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, numBytes);
  bufPtr = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, array, &isCopy);

  err = ps_pread(ph, (psaddr_t) (uintptr_t)addr, bufPtr, numBytes);
  (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, array, bufPtr, 0);
  return (err == PS_OK)? array : 0;

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    readBytesFromProcess0
 * Signature: (JJ)Lsun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/ReadResult;
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, 
  jlong addr, jlong numBytes) 
  print_debug("readBytesFromProcess called. addr = %llx numBytes = %lld\n", addr, numBytes);

  // must allocate storage instead of using former parameter buf
  jbyteArray array;

  struct ps_prochandle* ph = get_proc_handle(env, this_obj);
  if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
    return readBytesFromCore(env, ph, this_obj, addr, numBytes);

  array = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, numBytes);

  unsigned long alignedAddress;
  unsigned long alignedLength = 0;
  kern_return_t result;
  vm_offset_t *pages;
  int *mapped;
  long pageCount;
  uint byteCount;
  int i;
  unsigned long remaining;

  alignedAddress = trunc_page(addr);
  if (addr != alignedAddress) {
    alignedLength += addr - alignedAddress;
  alignedLength = round_page(numBytes);
  pageCount = alignedLength/vm_page_size;

  // Allocate storage for pages and flags.
  pages = malloc(pageCount * sizeof(vm_offset_t));
  mapped = calloc(pageCount, sizeof(int));

  task_t gTask = getTask(env, this_obj);
  // Try to read each of the pages.
  for (i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
    result = vm_read(gTask, alignedAddress + i*vm_page_size, vm_page_size, 
		     &pages[i], &byteCount);
    mapped[i] = (result == KERN_SUCCESS); 
    // assume all failures are unmapped pages

  print_debug("%ld pages\n", pageCount);
  remaining = numBytes;
  for (i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
    unsigned long len = vm_page_size;
    unsigned long start = 0;

    if (i == 0) {
      start = addr - alignedAddress;
      len = vm_page_size - start;

    if (i == (pageCount - 1)) {
      len = remaining;

    if (mapped[i]) {
      print_debug("page %d mapped (len %ld start %ld)\n", i, len, start);
      (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, array, 0, len, ((jbyte *) pages[i] + start));
      vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), pages[i], vm_page_size);

    remaining -= len;

  free (pages);
  free (mapped);
  return array;

/** Only used for core file reading, set thread_id for threads which is got after core file parsed.
  * Thread context is available in Mach-O core file but thread id is not. We can get thread id
  * from Threads which store all java threads information when they are created. Here we can identify
  * them as java threads by checking if a thread's rsp or rbp within a java thread's stack.
  * Note Macosx uses unique_thread_id which is different from other platforms though printed ids
  * are still pthread id. Function BsdDebuggerLocal.getJavaThreadsInfo returns an array of long
  * integers to host all java threads' id, stack_start, stack_end as:
  * [uid0, stack_start0, stack_end0, uid1, stack_start1, stack_end1, ...]
  * The work cannot be done at init0 since Threads is not available yet(VM not initialized yet). 
  * This function should be called only once if succeeded
bool fill_java_threads(JNIEnv* env, jobject this_obj, struct ps_prochandle* ph) {
  int n = 0, i = 0, j;
  struct reg regs;
  jlongArray thrinfos = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, this_obj, getJavaThreadsInfo_ID);
  int len = (int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, thrinfos);
  uint64_t* cinfos = (uint64_t *)(*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, thrinfos, NULL);
  n = get_num_threads(ph);
  print_debug("fill_java_threads called, num_of_thread = %d\n", n);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!get_nth_lwp_regs(ph, i, Žs)) {
      print_debug("Could not get regs of thread %d, already set!\n", i);
      return false;
    for (j = 0; j < len; j += 3) {
      lwpid_t  uid = cinfos[j];
      uint64_t beg = cinfos[j + 1];
      uint64_t end = cinfos[j + 2]; 
      if ((regs.r_rsp < end && regs.r_rsp >= beg) ||
          (regs.r_rbp < end && regs.r_rbp >= beg)) {
        set_lwp_id(ph, i, uid);
  (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, thrinfos, (jlong*)cinfos, 0);
  return true;

/* For core file only, called from
 * Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_getThreadIntegerRegisterSet0
jlongArray getThreadIntegerRegisterSetFromCore(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, long lwp_id, struct ps_prochandle* ph) {
  if (!_threads_filled)  {
    if (!fill_java_threads(env, this_obj, ph)) {
      throw_new_debugger_exception(env, "Failed to fill in threads");
      return 0;
    } else {
      _threads_filled = true;

  struct reg gregs;
  jboolean isCopy;
  jlongArray array;
  jlong *regs;

  if (get_lwp_regs(ph, lwp_id, &gregs) != true) {
    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_("get_thread_regs failed for a lwp", 0);

#undef NPRGREG
#undef REG_INDEX
#if amd64
#define NPRGREG sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_amd64_AMD64ThreadContext_NPRGREG
#define REG_INDEX(reg) sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_amd64_AMD64ThreadContext_##reg

  array = (*env)->NewLongArray(env, NPRGREG);
  regs = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, array, &isCopy);

  regs[REG_INDEX(R15)] = gregs.r_r15;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R14)] = gregs.r_r14;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R13)] = gregs.r_r13;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R12)] = gregs.r_r12;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RBP)] = gregs.r_rbp;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RBX)] = gregs.r_rbx;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R11)] = gregs.r_r11;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R10)] = gregs.r_r10;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R9)]  = gregs.r_r9;
  regs[REG_INDEX(R8)]  = gregs.r_r8;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RAX)] = gregs.r_rax;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RCX)] = gregs.r_rcx;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RDX)] = gregs.r_rdx;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RSI)] = gregs.r_rsi;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RDI)] = gregs.r_rdi;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RIP)] = gregs.r_rip;
  regs[REG_INDEX(CS)]  = gregs.r_cs;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RSP)] = gregs.r_rsp;
  regs[REG_INDEX(SS)]  = gregs.r_ss;
  regs[REG_INDEX(FSBASE)] = 0;
  regs[REG_INDEX(GSBASE)] = 0;
  regs[REG_INDEX(DS)] = gregs.r_ds;
  regs[REG_INDEX(ES)] = gregs.r_es;
  regs[REG_INDEX(FS)] = gregs.r_fs;
  regs[REG_INDEX(GS)] = gregs.r_gs;
  regs[REG_INDEX(TRAPNO)] = gregs.r_trapno;
  regs[REG_INDEX(RFL)]    = gregs.r_rflags;

#endif /* amd64 */
  (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, array, regs, JNI_COMMIT);
  return array;

 * Lookup the thread_t that corresponds to the given thread_id.
 * The thread_id should be the result from calling thread_info() with THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO
 * and reading the m_ident_info.thread_id returned.
 * The returned thread_t is the mach send right to the kernel port for the corresponding thread.
 * We cannot simply use the OSThread._thread_id field in the JVM. This is set to ::mach_thread_self()
 * in the VM, but that thread port is not valid for a remote debugger to access the thread.
lookupThreadFromThreadId(task_t task, jlong thread_id) {
  print_debug("lookupThreadFromThreadId thread_id=0x%llx\n", thread_id);
  thread_array_t thread_list = NULL;
  mach_msg_type_number_t thread_list_count = 0;
  thread_t result_thread = 0;
  int i;
  // get the list of all the send rights
  kern_return_t result = task_threads(task, &thread_list, &thread_list_count);
  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    print_debug("task_threads returned 0x%x\n", result);
    return 0;
  for(i = 0 ; i < thread_list_count; i++) {
    thread_identifier_info_data_t m_ident_info;
    mach_msg_type_number_t count = THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO_COUNT;

    // get the THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO for the send right
    result = thread_info(thread_list[i], THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO, (thread_info_t) &m_ident_info, &count);
    if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
      print_debug("thread_info returned 0x%x\n", result);
    // if this is the one we're looking for, return the send right
    if (thread_id == m_ident_info.thread_id)
      result_thread = thread_list[i];
  vm_size_t thread_list_size = (vm_size_t) (thread_list_count * sizeof (thread_t));
  vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) thread_list, thread_list_count);
  return result_thread;

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    getThreadIntegerRegisterSet0
 * Signature: (J)[J
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, 
  jlong thread_id) 
  print_debug("getThreadRegisterSet0 called\n");

  struct ps_prochandle* ph = get_proc_handle(env, this_obj);
  if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
    return getThreadIntegerRegisterSetFromCore(env, this_obj, thread_id, ph);

  kern_return_t result;
  thread_t tid;
  mach_msg_type_number_t count = HSDB_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
  hsdb_thread_state_t state;
  jlongArray registerArray;
  jlong *primitiveArray;
  task_t gTask = getTask(env, this_obj);

  tid = lookupThreadFromThreadId(gTask, thread_id);

  result = thread_get_state(tid, HSDB_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t)&state, &count);

  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    print_error("getregs: thread_get_state(%d) failed (%d)\n", tid, result);
    return NULL;

#if amd64
#define NPRGREG sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_amd64_AMD64ThreadContext_NPRGREG
#undef REG_INDEX
#define REG_INDEX(reg) sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_amd64_AMD64ThreadContext_##reg

  // 64 bit
  print_debug("Getting threads for a 64-bit process\n");
  registerArray = (*env)->NewLongArray(env, NPRGREG);
  primitiveArray = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, registerArray, NULL);

  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R15)] = state.__r15;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R14)] = state.__r14;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R13)] = state.__r13;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R12)] = state.__r12;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R11)] = state.__r11;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R10)] = state.__r10;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R9)]  = state.__r9;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(R8)]  = state.__r8;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RDI)] = state.__rdi;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RSI)] = state.__rsi;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RBP)] = state.__rbp;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RBX)] = state.__rbx;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RDX)] = state.__rdx;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RCX)] = state.__rcx;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RAX)] = state.__rax;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(TRAPNO)] = 0;            // trapno, not used
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(ERR)]    = 0;            // err, not used 
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RIP)] = state.__rip;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(CS)]  = state.__cs;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RFL)] = state.__rflags;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(RSP)] = state.__rsp;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(SS)] = 0;                // We don't have SS
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(FS)] = state.__fs;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(GS)] = state.__gs;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(ES)] = 0;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(DS)] = 0;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(FSBASE)] = 0;
  primitiveArray[REG_INDEX(GSBASE)] = 0;
  print_debug("set registers\n");

  (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, registerArray, primitiveArray, 0);

#endif /* amd64 */

  return registerArray;

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    translateTID0
 * Signature: (I)I
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, jint tid) 
  print_debug("translateTID0 called on tid = 0x%x\n", (int)tid);

  kern_return_t result;
  thread_t foreign_tid, usable_tid;
  mach_msg_type_name_t type;
  foreign_tid = tid;
  task_t gTask = getTask(env, this_obj);
  result = mach_port_extract_right(gTask, foreign_tid, 
				   &usable_tid, &type);
  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
    return -1;
  print_debug("translateTID0: 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", foreign_tid, usable_tid);
  return (jint) usable_tid;

static bool ptrace_continue(pid_t pid, int signal) {
  // pass the signal to the process so we don't swallow it
  int res;
  if ((res = ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, pid, (caddr_t)1, signal)) < 0) {
    print_error("attach: ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, %d) failed with %d\n", pid, res);
    return false;
  return true;

// waits until the ATTACH has stopped the process
// by signal SIGSTOP
static bool ptrace_waitpid(pid_t pid) {
  int ret;
  int status;
  while (true) {
    // Wait for debuggee to stop.
    ret = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
    if (ret >= 0) {
      if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
        // Any signal will stop the thread, make sure it is SIGSTOP. Otherwise SIGSTOP
        // will still be pending and delivered when the process is DETACHED and the process
        // will go to sleep.
        if (WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGSTOP) {
          // Debuggee stopped by SIGSTOP.
          return true;
        if (!ptrace_continue(pid, WSTOPSIG(status))) {
          print_error("attach: Failed to correctly attach to VM. VM might HANG! [PTRACE_CONT failed, stopped by %d]\n", WSTOPSIG(status));
          return false;
      } else {
        print_error("attach: waitpid(): Child process exited/terminated (status = 0x%x)\n", status);
        return false;
    } else {
      switch (errno) {
        case EINTR:
        case ECHILD:
          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Child process pid (%d) does not exist \n", pid);
        case EINVAL:
          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Invalid options argument.\n");
          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Unexpected error %d\n",errno);
      return false;

// attach to a process/thread specified by "pid"
static bool ptrace_attach(pid_t pid) {
  int res;
  if ((res = ptrace(PT_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0)) < 0) {
    print_error("ptrace(PT_ATTACH, %d) failed with %d\n", pid, res);
    return false;
  } else {
    return ptrace_waitpid(pid);

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    attach0
 * Signature: (I)V
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, jint jpid)
  print_debug("attach0 called for jpid=%d\n", (int)jpid);


  kern_return_t result;
  task_t gTask = 0;
  result = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), jpid, &gTask);
  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    print_error("attach: task_for_pid(%d) failed: '%s' (%d)\n", (int)jpid, mach_error_string(result), result);
    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach to the process. Could be caused by an incorrect pid or lack of privileges.");
  putTask(env, this_obj, gTask);

  // use ptrace to stop the process
  // on os x, ptrace only needs to be called on the process, not the individual threads
  if (ptrace_attach(jpid) != true) {
    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach to the process");

  id symbolicator = nil;
  id jrsSymbolicator = objc_lookUpClass("JRSSymbolicator");
  if (jrsSymbolicator != nil) {
    id (*dynamicCall)(id, SEL, pid_t) = (id (*)(id, SEL, pid_t))&objc_msgSend;
    symbolicator = dynamicCall(jrsSymbolicator, @selector(symbolicatorForPid:), (pid_t)jpid);
  if (symbolicator != nil) {
    CFRetain(symbolicator); // pin symbolicator while in java heap

  putSymbolicator(env, this_obj, symbolicator);
  if (symbolicator == nil) {
    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach symbolicator to the process");


/** For core file, 
    called from Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal_attach0__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2 */
static void fillLoadObjects(JNIEnv* env, jobject this_obj, struct ps_prochandle* ph) {
  int n = 0, i = 0;

  // add load objects
  n = get_num_libs(ph);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     uintptr_t base;
     const char* name;
     jobject loadObject;
     jobject loadObjectList;

     base = get_lib_base(ph, i);
     name = get_lib_name(ph, i);
     loadObject = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, this_obj, createLoadObject_ID,
                                   (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, name), (jlong)0, (jlong)base);
     loadObjectList = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, this_obj, loadObjectList_ID);
     (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, loadObjectList, listAdd_ID, loadObject);

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    attach0
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, jstring execName, jstring coreName)
  const char *execName_cstr;
  const char *coreName_cstr;
  jboolean isCopy;
  struct ps_prochandle* ph;

  execName_cstr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, execName, &isCopy);
  coreName_cstr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, coreName, &isCopy);

  print_debug("attach: %s %s\n", execName_cstr, coreName_cstr);

  if ( (ph = Pgrab_core(execName_cstr, coreName_cstr)) == NULL) {
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, execName, execName_cstr);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, coreName, coreName_cstr);
    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach to the core file");
  (*env)->SetLongField(env, this_obj, p_ps_prochandle_ID, (jlong)(intptr_t)ph);
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, execName, execName_cstr);
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, coreName, coreName_cstr);
  fillLoadObjects(env, this_obj, ph);

 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    detach0
 * Signature: ()V
  JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj)
  print_debug("detach0 called\n");
  struct ps_prochandle* ph = get_proc_handle(env, this_obj);
  if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
  task_t gTask = getTask(env, this_obj);

  // detach from the ptraced process causing it to resume execution
  int pid;
  kern_return_t k_res;
  k_res = pid_for_task(gTask, &pid);
  if (k_res != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    print_error("detach: pid_for_task(%d) failed (%d)\n", pid, k_res);
  else {
    int res = ptrace(PT_DETACH, pid, 0, 0);
    if (res < 0) {
      print_error("detach: ptrace(PT_DETACH, %d) failed (%d)\n", pid, res);

  mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
  id symbolicator = getSymbolicator(env, this_obj);
  if (symbolicator != nil) {

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java MacosxDebuggerLocal.m source code file:

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