Java example source code file (WinGammaPlatform.java)
The WinGammaPlatform.java Java example source code/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; abstract class HsArgHandler extends ArgHandler { static final int STRING = 1; static final int VECTOR = 2; static final int HASH = 3; boolean nextNotKey(ArgIterator it) { if (it.next()) { String s = it.get(); return (s.length() == 0) || (s.charAt(0) != '-'); } else { return false; } } void empty(String key, String message) { if (key != null) { System.err.println("** Error: empty " + key); } if (message != null) { System.err.println(message); } WinGammaPlatform.usage(); } static String getCfg(String val) { int under = val.indexOf('_'); int len = val.length(); if (under != -1 && under < len - 1) { return val.substring(under+1, len); } else { return null; } } } class ArgRuleSpecific extends ArgRule { ArgRuleSpecific(String arg, ArgHandler handler) { super(arg, handler); } boolean match(String rulePattern, String arg) { return rulePattern.startsWith(arg); } } class SpecificHsArgHandler extends HsArgHandler { String message, argKey, valKey; int type; public void handle(ArgIterator it) { String cfg = getCfg(it.get()); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String val = it.get(); switch (type) { case VECTOR: BuildConfig.addFieldVector(cfg, valKey, val); break; case HASH: BuildConfig.putFieldHash(cfg, valKey, val, "1"); break; case STRING: BuildConfig.putField(cfg, valKey, val); break; default: empty(valKey, "Unknown type: "+type); } it.next(); } else { empty(argKey, message); } } SpecificHsArgHandler(String argKey, String valKey, String message, int type) { this.argKey = argKey; this.valKey = valKey; this.message = message; this.type = type; } } class HsArgRule extends ArgRuleSpecific { HsArgRule(String argKey, String valKey, String message, int type) { super(argKey, new SpecificHsArgHandler(argKey, valKey, message, type)); } } public abstract class WinGammaPlatform { public boolean fileNameStringEquality(String s1, String s2) { return s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2); } static void usage() throws IllegalArgumentException { System.err.println("WinGammaPlatform platform-specific options:"); System.err.println(" -sourceBase <path to directory (workspace) " + "containing source files; no trailing slash>"); System.err.println(" -projectFileName <full pathname to which project file " + "will be written; all parent directories must " + "already exist>"); System.err.println(" If any of the above are specified, "+ "they must all be."); System.err.println(" Note: if '-altRelativeInclude' option below " + "is used, then the '-relativeAltSrcInclude' " + "option must be used to specify the alternate " + "source dir, e.g., 'src\\closed'"); System.err.println(" Additional, optional arguments, which can be " + "specified multiple times:"); System.err.println(" -absoluteInclude <string containing absolute " + "path to include directory>"); System.err.println(" -altRelativeInclude <string containing " + "alternate include directory relative to " + "-sourceBase>"); System.err.println(" -relativeInclude <string containing include " + "directory relative to -sourceBase>"); System.err.println(" -define <preprocessor flag to be #defined " + "(note: doesn't yet support " + "#define (flag) (value))>"); System.err.println(" -startAt <subdir of sourceBase>"); System.err.println(" -additionalFile <file not in database but " + "which should show up in project file>"); System.err.println(" -additionalGeneratedFile <absolute path to " + "directory containing file; no trailing slash> " + "<name of file generated later in the build process>"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public void addPerFileLine(Hashtable table, String fileName, String line) { Vector v = (Vector) table.get(fileName); if (v != null) { v.add(line); } else { v = new Vector(); v.add(line); table.put(fileName, v); } } protected static class PerFileCondData { public String releaseString; public String debugString; } protected void addConditionalPerFileLine(Hashtable table, String fileName, String releaseLine, String debugLine) { PerFileCondData data = new PerFileCondData(); data.releaseString = releaseLine; data.debugString = debugLine; Vector v = (Vector) table.get(fileName); if (v != null) { v.add(data); } else { v = new Vector(); v.add(data); table.put(fileName, v); } } protected static class PrelinkCommandData { String description; String commands; } protected void addPrelinkCommand(Hashtable table, String build, String description, String commands) { PrelinkCommandData data = new PrelinkCommandData(); data.description = description; data.commands = commands; table.put(build, data); } public boolean findString(Vector v, String s) { for (Iterator iter = v.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if (((String) iter.next()).equals(s)) { return true; } } return false; } String getProjectName(String fullPath, String extension) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { File file = new File(fullPath).getCanonicalFile(); fullPath = file.getCanonicalPath(); String parent = file.getParent(); if (!fullPath.endsWith(extension)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("project file name \"" + fullPath + "\" does not end in "+extension); } if ((parent != null) && (!fullPath.startsWith(parent))) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal error: parent of file name \"" + parent + "\" does not match file name \"" + fullPath + "\"" ); } int len = parent.length(); if (!parent.endsWith(Util.sep)) { len += Util.sep.length(); } int end = fullPath.length() - extension.length(); if (len == end) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal error: file name was empty" ); } return fullPath.substring(len, end); } protected abstract String getProjectExt(); public void createVcproj(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { parseArguments(args); String projectFileName = BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "ProjectFileName"); String ext = getProjectExt(); String projectName = getProjectName(projectFileName, ext); writeProjectFile(projectFileName, projectName, createAllConfigs(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PlatformName"))); } protected void writePrologue(String[] args) { System.err.println("WinGammaPlatform platform-specific arguments:"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.err.print(args[i] + " "); } System.err.println(); } void parseArguments(String[] args) { new ArgsParser(args, new ArgRule[] { new ArgRule("-sourceBase", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { String cfg = getCfg(it.get()); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String sb = (String) it.get(); if (sb.endsWith(Util.sep)) { sb = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); } BuildConfig.putField(cfg, "SourceBase", sb); it.next(); } else { empty("-sourceBase", null); } } } ), new HsArgRule("-buildBase", "BuildBase", " (Did you set the HotSpotBuildSpace environment variable?)", HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-buildSpace", "BuildSpace", null, HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-platformName", "PlatformName", null, HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-projectFileName", "ProjectFileName", null, HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-jdkTargetRoot", "JdkTargetRoot", " (Did you set the HotSpotJDKDist environment variable?)", HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-compiler", "CompilerVersion", " (Did you set the VcVersion correctly?)", HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-absoluteInclude", "AbsoluteInclude", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-altRelativeInclude", "AltRelativeInclude", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-relativeInclude", "RelativeInclude", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-absoluteSrcInclude", "AbsoluteSrcInclude", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-relativeAltSrcInclude", "RelativeAltSrcInclude", null, HsArgHandler.STRING ), new HsArgRule("-relativeSrcInclude", "RelativeSrcInclude", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-define", "Define", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-useToGeneratePch", "UseToGeneratePch", null, HsArgHandler.STRING ), new ArgRuleSpecific("-perFileLine", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { String cfg = getCfg(it.get()); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String fileName = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String line = it.get(); BuildConfig.putFieldHash(cfg, "PerFileLine", fileName, line); it.next(); return; } } empty(null, "** Error: wrong number of args to -perFileLine"); } } ), new ArgRuleSpecific("-conditionalPerFileLine", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { String cfg = getCfg(it.get()); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String fileName = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String productLine = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String debugLine = it.get(); BuildConfig.putFieldHash(cfg+"_debug", "CondPerFileLine", fileName, debugLine); BuildConfig.putFieldHash(cfg+"_product", "CondPerFileLine", fileName, productLine); it.next(); return; } } } empty(null, "** Error: wrong number of args to -conditionalPerFileLine"); } } ), new HsArgRule("-disablePch", "DisablePch", null, HsArgHandler.HASH ), new ArgRule("-startAt", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { if (BuildConfig.getField(null, "StartAt") != null) { empty(null, "** Error: multiple -startAt"); } if (nextNotKey(it)) { BuildConfig.putField(null, "StartAt", it.get()); it.next(); } else { empty("-startAt", null); } } } ), new HsArgRule("-ignoreFile", "IgnoreFile", null, HsArgHandler.HASH ), new HsArgRule("-ignorePath", "IgnorePath", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-hidePath", "HidePath", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new HsArgRule("-additionalFile", "AdditionalFile", null, HsArgHandler.VECTOR ), new ArgRuleSpecific("-additionalGeneratedFile", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { String cfg = getCfg(it.get()); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String dir = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String fileName = it.get(); BuildConfig.putFieldHash(cfg, "AdditionalGeneratedFile", Util.normalize(dir + Util.sep + fileName), fileName); it.next(); return; } } empty(null, "** Error: wrong number of args to -additionalGeneratedFile"); } } ), new ArgRule("-prelink", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { if (nextNotKey(it)) { if (nextNotKey(it)) { String description = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String command = it.get(); BuildConfig.putField(null, "PrelinkDescription", description); BuildConfig.putField(null, "PrelinkCommand", command); it.next(); return; } } } empty(null, "** Error: wrong number of args to -prelink"); } } ), new ArgRule("-postbuild", new HsArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { if (nextNotKey(it)) { if (nextNotKey(it)) { String description = it.get(); if (nextNotKey(it)) { String command = it.get(); BuildConfig.putField(null, "PostbuildDescription", description); BuildConfig.putField(null, "PostbuildCommand", command); it.next(); return; } } } empty(null, "** Error: wrong number of args to -postbuild"); } } ), }, new ArgHandler() { public void handle(ArgIterator it) { throw new RuntimeException("Arg Parser: unrecognized option "+it.get()); } } ); if (BuildConfig.getField(null, "SourceBase") == null || BuildConfig.getField(null, "BuildBase") == null || BuildConfig.getField(null, "ProjectFileName") == null || BuildConfig.getField(null, "CompilerVersion") == null) { usage(); } if (BuildConfig.getField(null, "UseToGeneratePch") == null) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: need to specify one file to compute PCH, with -useToGeneratePch flag"); } BuildConfig.putField(null, "PlatformObject", this); } Vector createAllConfigs(String platform) { Vector allConfigs = new Vector(); allConfigs.add(new C1DebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new C1FastDebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new C1ProductConfig()); allConfigs.add(new C2DebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new C2FastDebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new C2ProductConfig()); allConfigs.add(new TieredDebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new TieredFastDebugConfig()); allConfigs.add(new TieredProductConfig()); return allConfigs; } PrintWriter printWriter; public void writeProjectFile(String projectFileName, String projectName, Vector<BuildConfig> allConfigs) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException("use compiler version specific version"); } int indent; private Stack<String> tagStack = new Stack Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java WinGammaPlatform.java source code file: |
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