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Java example source code file (blockOffsetTable.cpp)

This example Java source code file (blockOffsetTable.cpp) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

action_mark, action_single, blockoffsetarrayuseunallocatedblock, blockoffsetsharedarray\:\:blockoffsetsharedarray, extend, heapword, heapword\*, intptr_format, n_powers, n_words, null, ptr_format, should, went

The blockOffsetTable.cpp Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/blockOffsetTable.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/iterator.hpp"
#include "memory/space.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/universe.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "services/memTracker.hpp"

// BlockOffsetSharedArray

BlockOffsetSharedArray::BlockOffsetSharedArray(MemRegion reserved,
                                               size_t init_word_size):
  _reserved(reserved), _end(NULL)
  size_t size = compute_size(reserved.word_size());
  ReservedSpace rs(size);
  if (!rs.is_reserved()) {
    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for heap offset array");

  MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)rs.base(), mtGC);

  if (!_vs.initialize(rs, 0)) {
    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for heap offset array");
  _offset_array = (u_char*)_vs.low_boundary();
  if (TraceBlockOffsetTable) {
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("BlockOffsetSharedArray::BlockOffsetSharedArray: ");
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  "
                  "  rs.base(): " INTPTR_FORMAT
                  "  rs.size(): " INTPTR_FORMAT
                  "  rs end(): " INTPTR_FORMAT,
                  rs.base(), rs.size(), rs.base() + rs.size());
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  "
                  "  _vs.low_boundary(): " INTPTR_FORMAT
                  "  _vs.high_boundary(): " INTPTR_FORMAT,

void BlockOffsetSharedArray::resize(size_t new_word_size) {
  assert(new_word_size <= _reserved.word_size(), "Resize larger than reserved");
  size_t new_size = compute_size(new_word_size);
  size_t old_size = _vs.committed_size();
  size_t delta;
  char* high = _vs.high();
  _end = _reserved.start() + new_word_size;
  if (new_size > old_size) {
    delta = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_up(new_size - old_size);
    assert(delta > 0, "just checking");
    if (!_vs.expand_by(delta)) {
      // Do better than this for Merlin
      vm_exit_out_of_memory(delta, OOM_MMAP_ERROR, "offset table expansion");
    assert(_vs.high() == high + delta, "invalid expansion");
  } else {
    delta = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_down(old_size - new_size);
    if (delta == 0) return;
    assert(_vs.high() == high - delta, "invalid expansion");

bool BlockOffsetSharedArray::is_card_boundary(HeapWord* p) const {
  assert(p >= _reserved.start(), "just checking");
  size_t delta = pointer_delta(p, _reserved.start());
  return (delta & right_n_bits(LogN_words)) == (size_t)NoBits;

// BlockOffsetArray

BlockOffsetArray::BlockOffsetArray(BlockOffsetSharedArray* array,
                                   MemRegion mr, bool init_to_zero_) :
  BlockOffsetTable(mr.start(), mr.end()),
  assert(_bottom <= _end, "arguments out of order");
  if (!init_to_zero_) {
    // initialize cards to point back to mr.start()
    set_remainder_to_point_to_start(mr.start() + N_words, mr.end());
    _array->set_offset_array(0, 0);  // set first card to 0

// The arguments follow the normal convention of denoting
// a right-open interval: [start, end)
set_remainder_to_point_to_start(HeapWord* start, HeapWord* end, bool reducing) {

  if (start >= end) {
    // The start address is equal to the end address (or to
    // the right of the end address) so there are not cards
    // that need to be updated..

  // Write the backskip value for each region.
  //    offset
  //    card             2nd                       3rd
  //     | +- 1st        |                         |
  //     v v             v                         v
  //    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
  //    |x|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|1| ... |1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2| ...
  //    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
  //    11              19                        75
  //      12
  //    offset card is the card that points to the start of an object
  //      x - offset value of offset card
  //    1st - start of first logarithmic region
  //      0 corresponds to logarithmic value N_words + 0 and 2**(3 * 0) = 1
  //    2nd - start of second logarithmic region
  //      1 corresponds to logarithmic value N_words + 1 and 2**(3 * 1) = 8
  //    3rd - start of third logarithmic region
  //      2 corresponds to logarithmic value N_words + 2 and 2**(3 * 2) = 64
  //    integer below the block offset entry is an example of
  //    the index of the entry
  //    Given an address,
  //      Find the index for the address
  //      Find the block offset table entry
  //      Convert the entry to a back slide
  //        (e.g., with today's, offset = 0x81 =>
  //          back slip = 2**(3*(0x81 - N_words)) = 2**3) = 8
  //      Move back N (e.g., 8) entries and repeat with the
  //        value of the new entry
  size_t start_card = _array->index_for(start);
  size_t end_card = _array->index_for(end-1);
  assert(start ==_array->address_for_index(start_card), "Precondition");
  assert(end ==_array->address_for_index(end_card)+N_words, "Precondition");
  set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(start_card, end_card, reducing); // closed interval

// Unlike the normal convention in this code, the argument here denotes
// a closed, inclusive interval: [start_card, end_card], cf set_remainder_to_point_to_start()
// above.
BlockOffsetArray::set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(size_t start_card, size_t end_card, bool reducing) {

  if (start_card > end_card) {
  assert(start_card > _array->index_for(_bottom), "Cannot be first card");
  assert(_array->offset_array(start_card-1) <= N_words,
    "Offset card has an unexpected value");
  size_t start_card_for_region = start_card;
  u_char offset = max_jubyte;
  for (int i = 0; i < N_powers; i++) {
    // -1 so that the the card with the actual offset is counted.  Another -1
    // so that the reach ends in this region and not at the start
    // of the next.
    size_t reach = start_card - 1 + (power_to_cards_back(i+1) - 1);
    offset = N_words + i;
    if (reach >= end_card) {
      _array->set_offset_array(start_card_for_region, end_card, offset, reducing);
      start_card_for_region = reach + 1;
    _array->set_offset_array(start_card_for_region, reach, offset, reducing);
    start_card_for_region = reach + 1;
  assert(start_card_for_region > end_card, "Sanity check");
  DEBUG_ONLY(check_all_cards(start_card, end_card);)

// The card-interval [start_card, end_card] is a closed interval; this
// is an expensive check -- use with care and only under protection of
// suitable flag.
void BlockOffsetArray::check_all_cards(size_t start_card, size_t end_card) const {

  if (end_card < start_card) {
  guarantee(_array->offset_array(start_card) == N_words, "Wrong value in second card");
  u_char last_entry = N_words;
  for (size_t c = start_card + 1; c <= end_card; c++ /* yeah! */) {
    u_char entry = _array->offset_array(c);
    guarantee(entry >= last_entry, "Monotonicity");
    if (c - start_card > power_to_cards_back(1)) {
      guarantee(entry > N_words, "Should be in logarithmic region");
    size_t backskip = entry_to_cards_back(entry);
    size_t landing_card = c - backskip;
    guarantee(landing_card >= (start_card - 1), "Inv");
    if (landing_card >= start_card) {
      guarantee(_array->offset_array(landing_card) <= entry, "Monotonicity");
    } else {
      guarantee(landing_card == (start_card - 1), "Tautology");
      // Note that N_words is the maximum offset value
      guarantee(_array->offset_array(landing_card) <= N_words, "Offset value");
    last_entry = entry;  // remember for monotonicity test

BlockOffsetArray::alloc_block(HeapWord* blk_start, HeapWord* blk_end) {
  assert(blk_start != NULL && blk_end > blk_start,
         "phantom block");
  single_block(blk_start, blk_end);

// Action_mark - update the BOT for the block [blk_start, blk_end).
//               Current typical use is for splitting a block.
// Action_single - udpate the BOT for an allocation.
// Action_verify - BOT verification.
BlockOffsetArray::do_block_internal(HeapWord* blk_start,
                                    HeapWord* blk_end,
                                    Action action, bool reducing) {
         "reference must be into the heap");
         "limit must be within the heap");
  // This is optimized to make the test fast, assuming we only rarely
  // cross boundaries.
  uintptr_t end_ui = (uintptr_t)(blk_end - 1);
  uintptr_t start_ui = (uintptr_t)blk_start;
  // Calculate the last card boundary preceding end of blk
  intptr_t boundary_before_end = (intptr_t)end_ui;
  clear_bits(boundary_before_end, right_n_bits(LogN));
  if (start_ui <= (uintptr_t)boundary_before_end) {
    // blk starts at or crosses a boundary
    // Calculate index of card on which blk begins
    size_t    start_index = _array->index_for(blk_start);
    // Index of card on which blk ends
    size_t    end_index   = _array->index_for(blk_end - 1);
    // Start address of card on which blk begins
    HeapWord* boundary    = _array->address_for_index(start_index);
    assert(boundary <= blk_start, "blk should start at or after boundary");
    if (blk_start != boundary) {
      // blk starts strictly after boundary
      // adjust card boundary and start_index forward to next card
      boundary += N_words;
    assert(start_index <= end_index, "monotonicity of index_for()");
    assert(boundary <= (HeapWord*)boundary_before_end, "tautology");
    switch (action) {
      case Action_mark: {
        if (init_to_zero()) {
          _array->set_offset_array(start_index, boundary, blk_start, reducing);
        } // Else fall through to the next case
      case Action_single: {
        _array->set_offset_array(start_index, boundary, blk_start, reducing);
        // We have finished marking the "offset card". We need to now
        // mark the subsequent cards that this blk spans.
        if (start_index < end_index) {
          HeapWord* rem_st = _array->address_for_index(start_index) + N_words;
          HeapWord* rem_end = _array->address_for_index(end_index) + N_words;
          set_remainder_to_point_to_start(rem_st, rem_end, reducing);
      case Action_check: {
        _array->check_offset_array(start_index, boundary, blk_start);
        // We have finished checking the "offset card". We need to now
        // check the subsequent cards that this blk spans.
        check_all_cards(start_index + 1, end_index);

// The range [blk_start, blk_end) represents a single contiguous block
// of storage; modify the block offset table to represent this
// information; Right-open interval: [blk_start, blk_end)
// NOTE: this method does _not_ adjust _unallocated_block.
BlockOffsetArray::single_block(HeapWord* blk_start,
                               HeapWord* blk_end) {
  do_block_internal(blk_start, blk_end, Action_single);

void BlockOffsetArray::verify() const {
  // For each entry in the block offset table, verify that
  // the entry correctly finds the start of an object at the
  // first address covered by the block or to the left of that
  // first address.

  size_t next_index = 1;
  size_t last_index = last_active_index();

  // Use for debugging.  Initialize to NULL to distinguish the
  // first iteration through the while loop.
  HeapWord* last_p = NULL;
  HeapWord* last_start = NULL;
  oop last_o = NULL;

  while (next_index <= last_index) {
    // Use an address past the start of the address for
    // the entry.
    HeapWord* p = _array->address_for_index(next_index) + 1;
    if (p >= _end) {
      // That's all of the allocated block table.
    // block_start() asserts that start <= p.
    HeapWord* start = block_start(p);
    // First check if the start is an allocated block and only
    // then if it is a valid object.
    oop o = oop(start);
    assert(!Universe::is_fully_initialized() ||
           _sp->is_free_block(start) ||
           o->is_oop_or_null(), "Bad object was found");
    last_p = p;
    last_start = start;
    last_o = o;

// BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace

// The block [blk_start, blk_end) has been allocated;
// adjust the block offset table to represent this information;
// NOTE: Clients of BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace: consider using
// the somewhat more lightweight split_block() or
// (when init_to_zero()) mark_block() wherever possible.
// right-open interval: [blk_start, blk_end)
BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::alloc_block(HeapWord* blk_start,
                                            HeapWord* blk_end) {
  assert(blk_start != NULL && blk_end > blk_start,
         "phantom block");
  single_block(blk_start, blk_end);
  allocated(blk_start, blk_end);

// Adjust BOT to show that a previously whole block has been split
// into two.  We verify the BOT for the first part (prefix) and
// update the  BOT for the second part (suffix).
//      blk is the start of the block
//      blk_size is the size of the original block
//      left_blk_size is the size of the first part of the split
void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::split_block(HeapWord* blk,
                                                 size_t blk_size,
                                                 size_t left_blk_size) {
  // Verify that the BOT shows [blk, blk + blk_size) to be one block.
  verify_single_block(blk, blk_size);
  // Update the BOT to indicate that [blk + left_blk_size, blk + blk_size)
  // is one single block.
  assert(blk_size > 0, "Should be positive");
  assert(left_blk_size > 0, "Should be positive");
  assert(left_blk_size < blk_size, "Not a split");

  // Start addresses of prefix block and suffix block.
  HeapWord* pref_addr = blk;
  HeapWord* suff_addr = blk + left_blk_size;
  HeapWord* end_addr  = blk + blk_size;

  // Indices for starts of prefix block and suffix block.
  size_t pref_index = _array->index_for(pref_addr);
  if (_array->address_for_index(pref_index) != pref_addr) {
    // pref_addr does not begin pref_index

  size_t suff_index = _array->index_for(suff_addr);
  if (_array->address_for_index(suff_index) != suff_addr) {
    // suff_addr does not begin suff_index

  // Definition: A block B, denoted [B_start, B_end) __starts__
  //     a card C, denoted [C_start, C_end), where C_start and C_end
  //     are the heap addresses that card C covers, iff
  //     B_start <= C_start < B_end.
  //     We say that a card C "is started by" a block B, iff
  //     B "starts" C.
  //     Note that the cardinality of the set of cards {C}
  //     started by a block B can be 0, 1, or more.
  // Below, pref_index and suff_index are, respectively, the
  // first (least) card indices that the prefix and suffix of
  // the split start; end_index is one more than the index of
  // the last (greatest) card that blk starts.
  size_t end_index  = _array->index_for(end_addr - 1) + 1;

  // Calculate the # cards that the prefix and suffix affect.
  size_t num_pref_cards = suff_index - pref_index;

  size_t num_suff_cards = end_index  - suff_index;
  // Change the cards that need changing
  if (num_suff_cards > 0) {
    HeapWord* boundary = _array->address_for_index(suff_index);
    // Set the offset card for suffix block
    _array->set_offset_array(suff_index, boundary, suff_addr, true /* reducing */);
    // Change any further cards that need changing in the suffix
    if (num_pref_cards > 0) {
      if (num_pref_cards >= num_suff_cards) {
        // Unilaterally fix all of the suffix cards: closed card
        // index interval in args below.
        set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(suff_index + 1, end_index - 1, true /* reducing */);
      } else {
        // Unilaterally fix the first (num_pref_cards - 1) following
        // the "offset card" in the suffix block.
        set_remainder_to_point_to_start_incl(suff_index + 1,
          suff_index + num_pref_cards - 1, true /* reducing */);
        // Fix the appropriate cards in the remainder of the
        // suffix block -- these are the last num_pref_cards
        // cards in each power block of the "new" range plumbed
        // from suff_addr.
        bool more = true;
        uint i = 1;
        while (more && (i < N_powers)) {
          size_t back_by = power_to_cards_back(i);
          size_t right_index = suff_index + back_by - 1;
          size_t left_index  = right_index - num_pref_cards + 1;
          if (right_index >= end_index - 1) { // last iteration
            right_index = end_index - 1;
            more = false;
          if (back_by > num_pref_cards) {
            // Fill in the remainder of this "power block", if it
            // is non-null.
            if (left_index <= right_index) {
              _array->set_offset_array(left_index, right_index,
                                     N_words + i - 1, true /* reducing */);
            } else {
              more = false; // we are done
        while (more && (i < N_powers)) {
          size_t back_by = power_to_cards_back(i);
          size_t right_index = suff_index + back_by - 1;
          size_t left_index  = right_index - num_pref_cards + 1;
          if (right_index >= end_index - 1) { // last iteration
            right_index = end_index - 1;
            if (left_index > right_index) {
            more  = false;
          assert(left_index <= right_index, "Error");
          _array->set_offset_array(left_index, right_index, N_words + i - 1, true /* reducing */);
    } // else no more cards to fix in suffix
  } // else nothing needs to be done
  // Verify that we did the right thing
  verify_single_block(pref_addr, left_blk_size);
  verify_single_block(suff_addr, blk_size - left_blk_size);

// Mark the BOT such that if [blk_start, blk_end) straddles a card
// boundary, the card following the first such boundary is marked
// with the appropriate offset.
// NOTE: this method does _not_ adjust _unallocated_block or
// any cards subsequent to the first one.
BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::mark_block(HeapWord* blk_start,
                                           HeapWord* blk_end, bool reducing) {
  do_block_internal(blk_start, blk_end, Action_mark, reducing);

HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::block_start_unsafe(
  const void* addr) const {
  assert(_array->offset_array(0) == 0, "objects can't cross covered areas");
  assert(_bottom <= addr && addr < _end,
         "addr must be covered by this Array");
  // Must read this exactly once because it can be modified by parallel
  // allocation.
  HeapWord* ub = _unallocated_block;
  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock && addr >= ub) {
    assert(ub < _end, "tautology (see above)");
    return ub;

  // Otherwise, find the block start using the table.
  size_t index = _array->index_for(addr);
  HeapWord* q = _array->address_for_index(index);

  uint offset = _array->offset_array(index);    // Extend u_char to uint.
  while (offset >= N_words) {
    // The excess of the offset from N_words indicates a power of Base
    // to go back by.
    size_t n_cards_back = entry_to_cards_back(offset);
    q -= (N_words * n_cards_back);
    assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
           err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
                   q, _sp->bottom()));
    assert(q < _sp->end(),
           err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
                   q, _sp->end()));
    index -= n_cards_back;
    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
  assert(offset < N_words, "offset too large");
  q -= offset;
  assert(q >= _sp->bottom(),
         err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed below bottom = " PTR_FORMAT,
                 q, _sp->bottom()));
  assert(q < _sp->end(),
         err_msg("q = " PTR_FORMAT " crossed above end = " PTR_FORMAT,
                 q, _sp->end()));
  HeapWord* n = q;

  while (n <= addr) {
    debug_only(HeapWord* last = q);   // for debugging
    q = n;
    n += _sp->block_size(n);
    assert(n > q,
           err_msg("Looping at n = " PTR_FORMAT " with last = " PTR_FORMAT","
                   " while querying blk_start(" PTR_FORMAT ")"
                   " on _sp = [" PTR_FORMAT "," PTR_FORMAT ")",
                   n, last, addr, _sp->bottom(), _sp->end()));
  assert(q <= addr,
         err_msg("wrong order for current (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")" " <= arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
                 q, addr));
  assert(addr <= n,
         err_msg("wrong order for arg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") <= next (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
                 addr, n));
  return q;

HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::block_start_careful(
  const void* addr) const {
  assert(_array->offset_array(0) == 0, "objects can't cross covered areas");

  assert(_bottom <= addr && addr < _end,
         "addr must be covered by this Array");
  // Must read this exactly once because it can be modified by parallel
  // allocation.
  HeapWord* ub = _unallocated_block;
  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock && addr >= ub) {
    assert(ub < _end, "tautology (see above)");
    return ub;

  // Otherwise, find the block start using the table, but taking
  // care (cf block_start_unsafe() above) not to parse any objects/blocks
  // on the cards themsleves.
  size_t index = _array->index_for(addr);
  assert(_array->address_for_index(index) == addr,
         "arg should be start of card");

  HeapWord* q = (HeapWord*)addr;
  uint offset;
  do {
    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
    if (offset < N_words) {
      q -= offset;
    } else {
      size_t n_cards_back = entry_to_cards_back(offset);
      q -= (n_cards_back * N_words);
      index -= n_cards_back;
  } while (offset >= N_words);
  assert(q <= addr, "block start should be to left of arg");
  return q;

#ifndef PRODUCT
// Verification & debugging - ensure that the offset table reflects the fact
// that the block [blk_start, blk_end) or [blk, blk + size) is a
// single block of storage. NOTE: can't const this because of
// call to non-const do_block_internal() below.
void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_single_block(
  HeapWord* blk_start, HeapWord* blk_end) {
  if (VerifyBlockOffsetArray) {
    do_block_internal(blk_start, blk_end, Action_check);

void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_single_block(
  HeapWord* blk, size_t size) {
  verify_single_block(blk, blk + size);

// Verify that the given block is before _unallocated_block
void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_not_unallocated(
  HeapWord* blk_start, HeapWord* blk_end) const {
  if (BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock) {
    assert(blk_start < blk_end, "Block inconsistency?");
    assert(blk_end <= _unallocated_block, "_unallocated_block problem");

void BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::verify_not_unallocated(
  HeapWord* blk, size_t size) const {
  verify_not_unallocated(blk, blk + size);
#endif // PRODUCT

size_t BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace::last_active_index() const {
  if (_unallocated_block == _bottom) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return _array->index_for(_unallocated_block - 1);

// BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace

HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace::block_start_unsafe(const void* addr) const {
  assert(_array->offset_array(0) == 0, "objects can't cross covered areas");

  // Otherwise, find the block start using the table.
  assert(_bottom <= addr && addr < _end,
         "addr must be covered by this Array");
  size_t index = _array->index_for(addr);
  // We must make sure that the offset table entry we use is valid.  If
  // "addr" is past the end, start at the last known one and go forward.
  index = MIN2(index, _next_offset_index-1);
  HeapWord* q = _array->address_for_index(index);

  uint offset = _array->offset_array(index);    // Extend u_char to uint.
  while (offset > N_words) {
    // The excess of the offset from N_words indicates a power of Base
    // to go back by.
    size_t n_cards_back = entry_to_cards_back(offset);
    q -= (N_words * n_cards_back);
    assert(q >= _sp->bottom(), "Went below bottom!");
    index -= n_cards_back;
    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
  while (offset == N_words) {
    assert(q >= _sp->bottom(), "Went below bottom!");
    q -= N_words;
    offset = _array->offset_array(index);
  assert(offset < N_words, "offset too large");
  q -= offset;
  HeapWord* n = q;

  while (n <= addr) {
    debug_only(HeapWord* last = q);   // for debugging
    q = n;
    n += _sp->block_size(n);
  assert(q <= addr, "wrong order for current and arg");
  assert(addr <= n, "wrong order for arg and next");
  return q;

//              _next_offset_threshold
//              |   _next_offset_index
//              v   v
//      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
//      | i-1   |   i   | i+1   | i+2   | i+3   |
//      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
//       ( ^    ]
//         block-start

void BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace::alloc_block_work(HeapWord* blk_start,
                                        HeapWord* blk_end) {
  assert(blk_start != NULL && blk_end > blk_start,
         "phantom block");
  assert(blk_end > _next_offset_threshold,
         "should be past threshold");
  assert(blk_start <= _next_offset_threshold,
         "blk_start should be at or before threshold");
  assert(pointer_delta(_next_offset_threshold, blk_start) <= N_words,
         "offset should be <= BlockOffsetSharedArray::N");
         "reference must be into the heap");
         "limit must be within the heap");
  assert(_next_offset_threshold ==
         _array->_reserved.start() + _next_offset_index*N_words,
         "index must agree with threshold");

  debug_only(size_t orig_next_offset_index = _next_offset_index;)

  // Mark the card that holds the offset into the block.  Note
  // that _next_offset_index and _next_offset_threshold are not
  // updated until the end of this method.

  // We need to now mark the subsequent cards that this blk spans.

  // Index of card on which blk ends.
  size_t end_index   = _array->index_for(blk_end - 1);

  // Are there more cards left to be updated?
  if (_next_offset_index + 1 <= end_index) {
    HeapWord* rem_st  = _array->address_for_index(_next_offset_index + 1);
    // Calculate rem_end this way because end_index
    // may be the last valid index in the covered region.
    HeapWord* rem_end = _array->address_for_index(end_index) +  N_words;
    set_remainder_to_point_to_start(rem_st, rem_end);

  // _next_offset_index and _next_offset_threshold updated here.
  _next_offset_index = end_index + 1;
  // Calculate _next_offset_threshold this way because end_index
  // may be the last valid index in the covered region.
  _next_offset_threshold = _array->address_for_index(end_index) + N_words;
  assert(_next_offset_threshold >= blk_end, "Incorrect offset threshold");

#ifdef ASSERT
  // The offset can be 0 if the block starts on a boundary.  That
  // is checked by an assertion above.
  size_t start_index = _array->index_for(blk_start);
  HeapWord* boundary    = _array->address_for_index(start_index);
  assert((_array->offset_array(orig_next_offset_index) == 0 &&
          blk_start == boundary) ||
          (_array->offset_array(orig_next_offset_index) > 0 &&
         _array->offset_array(orig_next_offset_index) <= N_words),
         "offset array should have been set");
  for (size_t j = orig_next_offset_index + 1; j <= end_index; j++) {
    assert(_array->offset_array(j) > 0 &&
           _array->offset_array(j) <= (u_char) (N_words+N_powers-1),
           "offset array should have been set");

HeapWord* BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace::initialize_threshold() {
         "just checking");
  _next_offset_index = _array->index_for(_bottom);
  _next_offset_threshold =
  return _next_offset_threshold;

void BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace::zero_bottom_entry() {
         "just checking");
  size_t bottom_index = _array->index_for(_bottom);
  _array->set_offset_array(bottom_index, 0);

size_t BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace::last_active_index() const {
  size_t result = _next_offset_index - 1;
  return result >= 0 ? result : 0;

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java blockOffsetTable.cpp source code file:

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