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Java example source code file (memoryService.hpp)

This example Java source code file (memoryService.hpp) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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Java - Java tags/keywords

allstatic, compactiblefreelistspace, defnewgeneration, g1collectedheap, gccause\:\:cause, gcmemorymanager, generation, growablearray, handle, memorymanager, memorypool, psyounggen, share_vm_services_memoryservice_hpp, tracememorymanagerstats

The memoryService.hpp Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.


#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/generation.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
#include "services/memoryUsage.hpp"
#include "gc_interface/gcCause.hpp"

// Forward declaration
class MemoryPool;
class MemoryManager;
class GCMemoryManager;
class CollectedHeap;
class Generation;
class DefNewGeneration;
class PSYoungGen;
class PSOldGen;
class CodeHeap;
class ContiguousSpace;
class CompactibleFreeListSpace;
class GenCollectedHeap;
class ParallelScavengeHeap;
class G1CollectedHeap;

// VM Monitoring and Management Support

class MemoryService : public AllStatic {
  enum {
    init_pools_list_size = 10,
    init_managers_list_size = 5

  // index for minor and major generations
  enum {
    minor = 0,
    major = 1,
    n_gens = 2

  static GrowableArray<MemoryPool*>*    _pools_list;
  static GrowableArray<MemoryManager*>* _managers_list;

  // memory managers for minor and major GC statistics
  static GCMemoryManager*               _major_gc_manager;
  static GCMemoryManager*               _minor_gc_manager;

  // Code heap memory pool
  static MemoryPool*                    _code_heap_pool;

  static MemoryPool*                    _metaspace_pool;
  static MemoryPool*                    _compressed_class_pool;

  static void add_generation_memory_pool(Generation* gen,
                                         MemoryManager* major_mgr,
                                         MemoryManager* minor_mgr);
  static void add_generation_memory_pool(Generation* gen,
                                         MemoryManager* major_mgr) {
    add_generation_memory_pool(gen, major_mgr, NULL);

  static void add_psYoung_memory_pool(PSYoungGen* gen,
                                      MemoryManager* major_mgr,
                                      MemoryManager* minor_mgr);
  static void add_psOld_memory_pool(PSOldGen* gen,
                                    MemoryManager* mgr);

  static void add_g1YoungGen_memory_pool(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
                                         MemoryManager* major_mgr,
                                         MemoryManager* minor_mgr);
  static void add_g1OldGen_memory_pool(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
                                       MemoryManager* mgr);

  static MemoryPool* add_space(ContiguousSpace* space,
                               const char* name,
                               bool is_heap,
                               size_t max_size,
                               bool support_usage_threshold);
  static MemoryPool* add_survivor_spaces(DefNewGeneration* gen,
                                         const char* name,
                                         bool is_heap,
                                         size_t max_size,
                                         bool support_usage_threshold);
  static MemoryPool* add_gen(Generation* gen,
                             const char* name,
                             bool is_heap,
                             bool support_usage_threshold);
  static MemoryPool* add_cms_space(CompactibleFreeListSpace* space,
                                   const char* name,
                                   bool is_heap,
                                   size_t max_size,
                                   bool support_usage_threshold);

  static void add_gen_collected_heap_info(GenCollectedHeap* heap);
  static void add_parallel_scavenge_heap_info(ParallelScavengeHeap* heap);
  static void add_g1_heap_info(G1CollectedHeap* g1h);

  static void set_universe_heap(CollectedHeap* heap);
  static void add_code_heap_memory_pool(CodeHeap* heap);
  static void add_metaspace_memory_pools();

  static MemoryPool*    get_memory_pool(instanceHandle pool);
  static MemoryManager* get_memory_manager(instanceHandle mgr);

  static const int num_memory_pools() {
    return _pools_list->length();
  static const int num_memory_managers() {
    return _managers_list->length();

  static MemoryPool* get_memory_pool(int index) {
    return _pools_list->at(index);

  static MemoryManager* get_memory_manager(int index) {
    return _managers_list->at(index);

  static void track_memory_usage();
  static void track_code_cache_memory_usage() {
  static void track_metaspace_memory_usage() {
  static void track_compressed_class_memory_usage() {
  static void track_memory_pool_usage(MemoryPool* pool);

  static void gc_begin(bool fullGC, bool recordGCBeginTime,
                       bool recordAccumulatedGCTime,
                       bool recordPreGCUsage, bool recordPeakUsage);
  static void gc_end(bool fullGC, bool recordPostGCUsage,
                     bool recordAccumulatedGCTime,
                     bool recordGCEndTime, bool countCollection,
                     GCCause::Cause cause);

  static void oops_do(OopClosure* f);

  static bool get_verbose() { return PrintGC; }
  static bool set_verbose(bool verbose);

  // Create an instance of java/lang/management/MemoryUsage
  static Handle create_MemoryUsage_obj(MemoryUsage usage, TRAPS);

  static const GCMemoryManager* get_minor_gc_manager() {
      return _minor_gc_manager;

  static const GCMemoryManager* get_major_gc_manager() {
      return _major_gc_manager;

class TraceMemoryManagerStats : public StackObj {
  bool         _fullGC;
  bool         _recordGCBeginTime;
  bool         _recordPreGCUsage;
  bool         _recordPeakUsage;
  bool         _recordPostGCUsage;
  bool         _recordAccumulatedGCTime;
  bool         _recordGCEndTime;
  bool         _countCollection;
  GCCause::Cause _cause;
  TraceMemoryManagerStats() {}
  TraceMemoryManagerStats(bool fullGC,
                          GCCause::Cause cause,
                          bool recordGCBeginTime = true,
                          bool recordPreGCUsage = true,
                          bool recordPeakUsage = true,
                          bool recordPostGCUsage = true,
                          bool recordAccumulatedGCTime = true,
                          bool recordGCEndTime = true,
                          bool countCollection = true);

  void initialize(bool fullGC,
                  GCCause::Cause cause,
                  bool recordGCBeginTime,
                  bool recordPreGCUsage,
                  bool recordPeakUsage,
                  bool recordPostGCUsage,
                  bool recordAccumulatedGCTime,
                  bool recordGCEndTime,
                  bool countCollection);

  TraceMemoryManagerStats(Generation::Name kind, GCCause::Cause cause);


Other Java examples (source code examples)

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