Java example source code file (sharkNativeWrapper.hpp)
The sharkNativeWrapper.hpp Java example source code/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #ifndef SHARE_VM_SHARK_SHARKNATIVEWRAPPER_HPP #define SHARE_VM_SHARK_SHARKNATIVEWRAPPER_HPP #include "runtime/handles.hpp" #include "shark/llvmHeaders.hpp" #include "shark/sharkBuilder.hpp" #include "shark/sharkContext.hpp" #include "shark/sharkInvariants.hpp" #include "shark/sharkStack.hpp" class SharkNativeWrapper : public SharkCompileInvariants { friend class SharkStackWithNativeFrame; public: static SharkNativeWrapper* build(SharkBuilder* builder, methodHandle target, const char* name, BasicType* arg_types, BasicType return_type) { return new SharkNativeWrapper(builder, target, name, arg_types, return_type); } private: SharkNativeWrapper(SharkBuilder* builder, methodHandle target, const char* name, BasicType* arg_types, BasicType return_type) : SharkCompileInvariants(NULL, builder), _target(target), _arg_types(arg_types), _return_type(return_type), _lock_slot_offset(0) { initialize(name); } private: void initialize(const char* name); private: methodHandle _target; BasicType* _arg_types; BasicType _return_type; llvm::Function* _function; SharkStack* _stack; llvm::Value* _oop_tmp_slot; OopMapSet* _oop_maps; int _receiver_slot_offset; int _lock_slot_offset; // The method being compiled. protected: methodHandle target() const { return _target; } // Properties of the method. protected: int arg_size() const { return target()->size_of_parameters(); } BasicType arg_type(int i) const { return _arg_types[i]; } BasicType return_type() const { return _return_type; } bool is_static() const { return target()->is_static(); } bool is_synchronized() const { return target()->is_synchronized(); } bool is_returning_oop() const { return target()->is_returning_oop(); } // The LLVM function we are building. public: llvm::Function* function() const { return _function; } // The Zero stack and our frame on it. protected: SharkStack* stack() const { return _stack; } // Temporary oop storage. protected: llvm::Value* oop_tmp_slot() const { assert(is_static() || is_returning_oop(), "should be"); return _oop_tmp_slot; } // Information required by nmethod::new_native_nmethod(). public: int frame_size() const { return stack()->oopmap_frame_size(); } ByteSize receiver_offset() const { return in_ByteSize(_receiver_slot_offset * wordSize); } ByteSize lock_offset() const { return in_ByteSize(_lock_slot_offset * wordSize); } OopMapSet* oop_maps() const { return _oop_maps; } // Helpers. private: llvm::BasicBlock* CreateBlock(const char* name = "") const { return llvm::BasicBlock::Create(SharkContext::current(), name, function()); } llvm::Value* thread_state_address() const { return builder()->CreateAddressOfStructEntry( thread(), JavaThread::thread_state_offset(), llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(SharkType::jint_type()), "thread_state_address"); } llvm::Value* pending_exception_address() const { return builder()->CreateAddressOfStructEntry( thread(), Thread::pending_exception_offset(), llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(SharkType::oop_type()), "pending_exception_address"); } void CreateSetThreadState(JavaThreadState state) const { builder()->CreateStore( LLVMValue::jint_constant(state), thread_state_address()); } void CreateWriteMemorySerializePage() const { builder()->CreateStore( LLVMValue::jint_constant(1), builder()->CreateIntToPtr( builder()->CreateAdd( LLVMValue::intptr_constant( (intptr_t) os::get_memory_serialize_page()), builder()->CreateAnd( builder()->CreateLShr( builder()->CreatePtrToInt(thread(), SharkType::intptr_type()), LLVMValue::intptr_constant(os::get_serialize_page_shift_count())), LLVMValue::intptr_constant(os::get_serialize_page_mask()))), llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(SharkType::jint_type()))); } void CreateResetHandleBlock() const { llvm::Value *active_handles = builder()->CreateValueOfStructEntry( thread(), JavaThread::active_handles_offset(), SharkType::jniHandleBlock_type(), "active_handles"); builder()->CreateStore( LLVMValue::intptr_constant(0), builder()->CreateAddressOfStructEntry( active_handles, in_ByteSize(JNIHandleBlock::top_offset_in_bytes()), llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(SharkType::intptr_type()), "top")); } llvm::LoadInst* CreateLoadPendingException() const { return builder()->CreateLoad( pending_exception_address(), "pending_exception"); } }; #endif // SHARE_VM_SHARK_SHARKNATIVEWRAPPER_HPP Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java sharkNativeWrapper.hpp source code file: |
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