Java example source code file (XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java)
The XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java Java example source code/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dtd.XMLDTDDescription; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.validation.ValidationManager; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.NamespaceSupport; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLChar; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLResourceIdentifierImpl; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLStringBuffer; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.Augmentations; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLString; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XNIException; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponentManager; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLDTDScanner; import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLInputSource; import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.Entity; import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.StaxXMLInputSource; import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.dtd.DTDGrammarUtil; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory; import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent; /** * This class is responsible for scanning XML document structure * and content. * * This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to * efficiently build pull parser. Lot of improvements have been done and * the code has been added to support stax functionality/features. * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems * @author K.Venugopal, Sun Microsystems * @author Glenn Marcy, IBM * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Arnaud Le Hors, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM * @author Sunitha Reddy, Sun Microsystems * * Refer to the table in unit-test javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReaderTest.SupportDTD for changes * related to property SupportDTD. * @author Joe Wang, Sun Microsystems * @version $Id: XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java,v 1.17 2010-11-01 04:39:41 joehw Exp $ */ public class XMLDocumentScannerImpl extends XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl{ // // Constants // // scanner states /** Scanner state: XML declaration. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_XML_DECL = 42; /** Scanner state: prolog. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG = 43; /** Scanner state: trailing misc. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC = 44; /** Scanner state: DTD internal declarations. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_DTD_INTERNAL_DECLS = 45; /** Scanner state: open DTD external subset. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL = 46; /** Scanner state: DTD external declarations. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS = 47; /** Scanner state: NO MORE ELEMENTS. */ protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_NO_SUCH_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION = 48; // feature identifiers /** Property identifier document scanner: */ protected static final String DOCUMENT_SCANNER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.DOCUMENT_SCANNER_PROPERTY; /** Feature identifier: load external DTD. */ protected static final String LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE; /** Feature identifier: load external DTD. */ protected static final String DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE; // property identifiers /** Property identifier: DTD scanner. */ protected static final String DTD_SCANNER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.DTD_SCANNER_PROPERTY; // property identifier: ValidationManager protected static final String VALIDATION_MANAGER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.VALIDATION_MANAGER_PROPERTY; /** property identifier: NamespaceContext */ protected static final String NAMESPACE_CONTEXT = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTEXT_PROPERTY; // recognized features and properties /** Recognized features. */ private static final String[] RECOGNIZED_FEATURES = { LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD, DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE, }; /** Feature defaults. */ private static final Boolean[] FEATURE_DEFAULTS = { Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, }; /** Recognized properties. */ private static final String[] RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES = { DTD_SCANNER, VALIDATION_MANAGER }; /** Property defaults. */ private static final Object[] PROPERTY_DEFAULTS = { null, null }; // // Data((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE)).booleanValue(); // // properties /** DTD scanner. */ protected XMLDTDScanner fDTDScanner = null; /** Validation manager . */ //xxx: fValidationManager code needs to be added yet! protected ValidationManager fValidationManager; protected XMLStringBuffer fDTDDecl = null; protected boolean fReadingDTD = false; protected boolean fAddedListener = false; // protected data // other info /** Doctype name. */ protected String fDoctypeName; /** Doctype declaration public identifier. */ protected String fDoctypePublicId; /** Doctype declaration system identifier. */ protected String fDoctypeSystemId; /** Namespace support. */ protected NamespaceContext fNamespaceContext = new NamespaceSupport(); // features /** Load external DTD. */ protected boolean fLoadExternalDTD = true; // state /** Seen doctype declaration. */ protected boolean fSeenDoctypeDecl; protected boolean fScanEndElement; //protected int fScannerLastState ; // drivers /** XML declaration driver. */ protected Driver fXMLDeclDriver = new XMLDeclDriver(); /** Prolog driver. */ protected Driver fPrologDriver = new PrologDriver(); /** DTD driver. */ protected Driver fDTDDriver = null ; /** Trailing miscellaneous section driver. */ protected Driver fTrailingMiscDriver = new TrailingMiscDriver(); protected int fStartPos = 0; protected int fEndPos = 0; protected boolean fSeenInternalSubset= false; // temporary variables /** Array of 3 strings. */ private String[] fStrings = new String[3]; /** External subset source. */ private XMLInputSource fExternalSubsetSource = null; /** A DTD Description. */ private final XMLDTDDescription fDTDDescription = new XMLDTDDescription(null, null, null, null, null); /** String. */ private XMLString fString = new XMLString(); private static final char [] DOCTYPE = {'D','O','C','T','Y','P','E'}; private static final char [] COMMENTSTRING = {'-','-'}; // // Constructors // /** Default constructor. */ public XMLDocumentScannerImpl() {} // <init>() // // XMLDocumentScanner methods // /** * Sets the input source. * * @param inputSource The input source. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. */ public void setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource) throws IOException { fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(this); //this starts a new entity and sets the current entity to the document entity. fEntityManager.startDocumentEntity(inputSource); // fDocumentSystemId = fEntityManager.expandSystemId(inputSource.getSystemId()); setScannerState(XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT); } // setInputSource(XMLInputSource) /**return the state of the scanner */ public int getScannetState(){ return fScannerState ; } public void reset(PropertyManager propertyManager) { super.reset(propertyManager); // other settings fDoctypeName = null; fDoctypePublicId = null; fDoctypeSystemId = null; fSeenDoctypeDecl = false; fNamespaceContext.reset(); fSupportDTD = ((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD)).booleanValue(); // xerces features fLoadExternalDTD = !((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(Constants.ZEPHYR_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.IGNORE_EXTERNAL_DTD)).booleanValue(); setScannerState(XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT); setDriver(fXMLDeclDriver); fSeenInternalSubset = false; if(fDTDScanner != null){ ((XMLDTDScannerImpl)fDTDScanner).reset(propertyManager); } fEndPos = 0; fStartPos = 0; if(fDTDDecl != null){ fDTDDecl.clear(); } } /** * Resets the component. The component can query the component manager * about any features and properties that affect the operation of the * component. * * @param componentManager The component manager. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by component on initialization error. * For example, if a feature or property is * required for the operation of the component, the * component manager may throw a * SAXNotRecognizedException or a * SAXNotSupportedException. */ public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.reset(componentManager); // other settings fDoctypeName = null; fDoctypePublicId = null; fDoctypeSystemId = null; fSeenDoctypeDecl = false; fExternalSubsetSource = null; // xerces features fLoadExternalDTD = componentManager.getFeature(LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD, true); fDisallowDoctype = componentManager.getFeature(DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE, false); fNamespaces = componentManager.getFeature(NAMESPACES, true); fSeenInternalSubset = false; // xerces properties fDTDScanner = (XMLDTDScanner)componentManager.getProperty(DTD_SCANNER); fValidationManager = (ValidationManager)componentManager.getProperty(VALIDATION_MANAGER, null); try { fNamespaceContext = (NamespaceContext)componentManager.getProperty(NAMESPACE_CONTEXT); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { } if (fNamespaceContext == null) { fNamespaceContext = new NamespaceSupport(); } fNamespaceContext.reset(); fEndPos = 0; fStartPos = 0; if(fDTDDecl != null) fDTDDecl.clear(); //fEntityScanner.registerListener((XMLBufferListener)componentManager.getProperty(DOCUMENT_SCANNER)); // setup driver setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_XML_DECL); setDriver(fXMLDeclDriver); } // reset(XMLComponentManager) /** * Returns a list of feature identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no features * are recognized by this component. */ public String[] getRecognizedFeatures() { String[] featureIds = super.getRecognizedFeatures(); int length = featureIds != null ? featureIds.length : 0; String[] combinedFeatureIds = new String[length + RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.length]; if (featureIds != null) { System.arraycopy(featureIds, 0, combinedFeatureIds, 0, featureIds.length); } System.arraycopy(RECOGNIZED_FEATURES, 0, combinedFeatureIds, length, RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.length); return combinedFeatureIds; } // getRecognizedFeatures():String[] /** * Sets the state of a feature. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a feature changes state. * <p> * <strong>Note: Components should silently ignore features * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * @param state The state of the feature. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */ public void setFeature(String featureId, boolean state) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.setFeature(featureId, state); // Xerces properties if (featureId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX)) { final int suffixLength = featureId.length() - Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX.length(); if (suffixLength == Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE.length() && featureId.endsWith(Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE)) { fLoadExternalDTD = state; return; } else if (suffixLength == Constants.DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE.length() && featureId.endsWith(Constants.DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE)) { fDisallowDoctype = state; return; } } } // setFeature(String,boolean) /** * Returns a list of property identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no properties * are recognized by this component. */ public String[] getRecognizedProperties() { String[] propertyIds = super.getRecognizedProperties(); int length = propertyIds != null ? propertyIds.length : 0; String[] combinedPropertyIds = new String[length + RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.length]; if (propertyIds != null) { System.arraycopy(propertyIds, 0, combinedPropertyIds, 0, propertyIds.length); } System.arraycopy(RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES, 0, combinedPropertyIds, length, RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.length); return combinedPropertyIds; } // getRecognizedProperties():String[] /** * Sets the value of a property. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a property changes value. * <p> * <strong>Note: Components should silently ignore properties * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * @param value The value of the property. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */ public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.setProperty(propertyId, value); // Xerces properties if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { final int suffixLength = propertyId.length() - Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length(); if (suffixLength == Constants.DTD_SCANNER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.DTD_SCANNER_PROPERTY)) { fDTDScanner = (XMLDTDScanner)value; } if (suffixLength == Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTEXT_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTEXT_PROPERTY)) { if (value != null) { fNamespaceContext = (NamespaceContext)value; } } return; } } // setProperty(String,Object) /** * Returns the default state for a feature, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * feature. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */ public Boolean getFeatureDefault(String featureId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_FEATURES[i].equals(featureId)) { return FEATURE_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return super.getFeatureDefault(featureId); } // getFeatureDefault(String):Boolean /** * Returns the default state for a property, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * property. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */ public Object getPropertyDefault(String propertyId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES[i].equals(propertyId)) { return PROPERTY_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return super.getPropertyDefault(propertyId); } // getPropertyDefault(String):Object // // XMLEntityHandler methods // /** * This method notifies of the start of an entity. The DTD has the * pseudo-name of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and * general entities are just specified by their name. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param identifier The resource identifier. * @param encoding The auto-detected IANA encoding name of the entity * stream. This value will be null in those situations * where the entity encoding is not auto-detected (e.g. * internal entities or a document entity that is * parsed from a java.io.Reader). * * @throws XNIException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */ public void startEntity(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier identifier, String encoding, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException { super.startEntity(name, identifier, encoding,augs); //register current document scanner as a listener for XMLEntityScanner fEntityScanner.registerListener(this); // prepare to look for a TextDecl if external general entity if (!name.equals("[xml]") && fEntityScanner.isExternal()) { // Don't do this if we're skipping the entity! if (augs == null || !((Boolean) augs.getItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED)).booleanValue()) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TEXT_DECL); } } // call handler /** comment this part.. LOCATOR problem.. */ if (fDocumentHandler != null && name.equals("[xml]")) { fDocumentHandler.startDocument(fEntityScanner, encoding, fNamespaceContext, null); } } // startEntity(String,identifier,String) /** * This method notifies the end of an entity. The DTD has the pseudo-name * of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entities * are just specified by their name. * * @param name The name of the entity. * * @throws XNIException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */ public void endEntity(String name, Augmentations augs) throws IOException, XNIException { super.endEntity(name, augs); if(name.equals("[xml]")){ //if fMarkupDepth has reached 0. //and driver is fTrailingMiscDriver (which //handles end of document in normal case) //set the scanner state of SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED if(fMarkupDepth == 0 && fDriver == fTrailingMiscDriver){ //set the scanner set to SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED) ; } else{ //else we have reached the end of document prematurely //so throw EOFException. throw new java.io.EOFException(); } //this is taken care in wrapper which generates XNI callbacks, There are no next events //if (fDocumentHandler != null) { //fDocumentHandler.endDocument(null); //} } } // endEntity(String) public XMLStringBuffer getDTDDecl(){ Entity entity = fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity(); fDTDDecl.append(((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).ch,fStartPos , fEndPos-fStartPos); if(fSeenInternalSubset) fDTDDecl.append("]>"); return fDTDDecl; } public String getCharacterEncodingScheme(){ return fDeclaredEncoding; } /** return the next state on the input * * @return int */ public int next() throws IOException, XNIException { return fDriver.next(); } //getNamespaceContext public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext(){ return fNamespaceContext ; } // // Protected methods // // driver factory methods /** Creates a content driver. */ protected Driver createContentDriver() { return new ContentDriver(); } // createContentDriver():Driver // scanning methods /** Scans a doctype declaration. */ protected boolean scanDoctypeDecl(boolean supportDTD) throws IOException, XNIException { // spaces if (!fEntityScanner.skipSpaces()) { reportFatalError("MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE_IN_DOCTYPEDECL", null); } // root element name fDoctypeName = fEntityScanner.scanName(); if (fDoctypeName == null) { reportFatalError("MSG_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED", null); } // external id if (fEntityScanner.skipSpaces()) { scanExternalID(fStrings, false); fDoctypeSystemId = fStrings[0]; fDoctypePublicId = fStrings[1]; fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); } fHasExternalDTD = fDoctypeSystemId != null; // Attempt to locate an external subset with an external subset resolver. if (supportDTD && !fHasExternalDTD && fExternalSubsetResolver != null) { fDTDDescription.setValues(null, null, fEntityManager.getCurrentResourceIdentifier().getExpandedSystemId(), null); fDTDDescription.setRootName(fDoctypeName); fExternalSubsetSource = fExternalSubsetResolver.getExternalSubset(fDTDDescription); fHasExternalDTD = fExternalSubsetSource != null; } // call handler if (supportDTD && fDocumentHandler != null) { // NOTE: I don't like calling the doctypeDecl callback until // end of the *full* doctype line (including internal // subset) is parsed correctly but SAX2 requires that // it knows the root element name and public and system // identifier for the startDTD call. -Ac if (fExternalSubsetSource == null) { fDocumentHandler.doctypeDecl(fDoctypeName, fDoctypePublicId, fDoctypeSystemId, null); } else { fDocumentHandler.doctypeDecl(fDoctypeName, fExternalSubsetSource.getPublicId(), fExternalSubsetSource.getSystemId(), null); } } // is there an internal subset? boolean internalSubset = true; if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('[')) { internalSubset = false; fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) { reportFatalError("DoctypedeclUnterminated", new Object[]{fDoctypeName}); } fMarkupDepth--; } return internalSubset; } // scanDoctypeDecl():boolean // // Private methods // /** Set the scanner state after scanning DTD */ protected void setEndDTDScanState() { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); setDriver(fPrologDriver); fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(XMLDocumentScannerImpl.this); fReadingDTD=false; } /** Returns the scanner state name. */ protected String getScannerStateName(int state) { switch (state) { case SCANNER_STATE_XML_DECL: return "SCANNER_STATE_XML_DECL"; case SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG: return "SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG"; case SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC: return "SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC"; case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_INTERNAL_DECLS: return "SCANNER_STATE_DTD_INTERNAL_DECLS"; case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL: return "SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL"; case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS: return "SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS"; } return super.getScannerStateName(state); } // getScannerStateName(int):String // // Classes // /** * Driver to handle XMLDecl scanning. * * This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to * efficiently build pull parser. Lots of performance improvements have been done and * the code has been added to support stax functionality/features. * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM */ protected final class XMLDeclDriver implements Driver { // // Driver methods // public int next() throws IOException, XNIException { if(DEBUG_NEXT){ System.out.println("NOW IN XMLDeclDriver"); } // next driver is prolog regardless of whether there // is an XMLDecl in this document setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); setDriver(fPrologDriver); //System.out.println("fEntityScanner = " + fEntityScanner); // scan XMLDecl try { if (fEntityScanner.skipString(xmlDecl)) { fMarkupDepth++; // NOTE: special case where document starts with a PI // whose name starts with "xml" (e.g. "xmlfoo") if (XMLChar.isName(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { fStringBuffer.clear(); fStringBuffer.append("xml"); while (XMLChar.isName(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { fStringBuffer.append((char)fEntityScanner.scanChar()); } String target = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(fStringBuffer.ch, fStringBuffer.offset, fStringBuffer.length); //this function should fill the data.. and set the fEvent object to this event. fContentBuffer.clear() ; scanPIData(target, fContentBuffer); //REVISIT:where else we can set this value to 'true' fEntityManager.fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks = true; //return PI event since PI was encountered return XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION ; } // standard XML declaration else { scanXMLDeclOrTextDecl(false); //REVISIT:where else we can set this value to 'true' fEntityManager.fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks = true; return XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT; } } else{ //REVISIT:where else we can set this value to 'true' fEntityManager.fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks = true; //In both case return the START_DOCUMENT. ony difference is that first block will //cosume the XML declaration if any. return XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT; } //START_OF_THE_DOCUMENT } // premature end of file catch (EOFException e) { reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); return -1; //throw e; } } } // class XMLDeclDriver /** * Driver to handle prolog scanning. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM */ protected final class PrologDriver implements Driver { /** * Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed * to stop at the next state/event. * * Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents * a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read * the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of * document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver * can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and * can maintain a different internal state. * * @return state representing the section of document just read. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown on parse error. */ public int next() throws IOException, XNIException { //System.out.println("here in next"); if(DEBUG_NEXT){ System.out.println("NOW IN PrologDriver"); } try { do { switch (fScannerState) { case SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG: { fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('<')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('&')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE); } else { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); } break; } case SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP: { fMarkupDepth++; if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('?')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PI); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('!')) { if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('-')) { if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('-')) { reportFatalError("InvalidCommentStart", null); } setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipString(DOCTYPE)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DOCTYPE); Entity entity = fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity(); if(entity instanceof Entity.ScannedEntity){ fStartPos=((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).position; } fReadingDTD=true; if(fDTDDecl == null) fDTDDecl = new XMLStringBuffer(); fDTDDecl.append("<!DOCTYPE"); } else { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInProlog", null); } } else if (XMLChar.isNameStart(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT); setDriver(fContentDriver); //from now onwards this would be handled by fContentDriver,in the same next() call return fContentDriver.next(); } else { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInProlog", null); } break; } } } while (fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG || fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP ); switch(fScannerState){ /** //this part is handled by FragmentContentHandler case SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT: { //we have read '<' and beginning of reading the start element tag setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT_TAG); setDriver(fContentDriver); //from now onwards this would be handled by fContentDriver,in the same next() call return fContentDriver.next(); } */ case SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT: { //this function fills the data.. scanComment(); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); return XMLEvent.COMMENT; //setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); //break; } case SCANNER_STATE_PI: { fContentBuffer.clear() ; scanPI(fContentBuffer); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); return XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; } case SCANNER_STATE_DOCTYPE: { if (fDisallowDoctype) { reportFatalError("DoctypeNotAllowed", null); } if (fSeenDoctypeDecl) { reportFatalError("AlreadySeenDoctype", null); } fSeenDoctypeDecl = true; // scanDoctypeDecl() sends XNI doctypeDecl event that // in SAX is converted to startDTD() event. if (scanDoctypeDecl(fSupportDTD)) { //allow parsing of entity decls to continue in order to stay well-formed setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_INTERNAL_DECLS); fSeenInternalSubset = true; if(fDTDDriver == null){ fDTDDriver = new DTDDriver(); } setDriver(fContentDriver); //always return DTD event, the event however, will not contain any entities return fDTDDriver.next(); } if(fSeenDoctypeDecl){ Entity entity = fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity(); if(entity instanceof Entity.ScannedEntity){ fEndPos = ((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).position; } fReadingDTD = false; } // handle external subset if (fDoctypeSystemId != null) { if (((fValidation || fLoadExternalDTD) && (fValidationManager == null || !fValidationManager.isCachedDTD()))) { if (fSupportDTD) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL); } else { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); } setDriver(fContentDriver); if(fDTDDriver == null) { fDTDDriver = new DTDDriver(); } return fDTDDriver.next(); } } else if (fExternalSubsetSource != null) { if (((fValidation || fLoadExternalDTD) && (fValidationManager == null || !fValidationManager.isCachedDTD()))) { // This handles the case of a DOCTYPE that had neither an internal subset or an external subset. fDTDScanner.setInputSource(fExternalSubsetSource); fExternalSubsetSource = null; if (fSupportDTD) setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS); else setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); setDriver(fContentDriver); if(fDTDDriver == null) fDTDDriver = new DTDDriver(); return fDTDDriver.next(); } } // Send endDTD() call if: // a) systemId is null or if an external subset resolver could not locate an external subset. // b) "load-external-dtd" and validation are false // c) DTD grammar is cached // in XNI this results in 3 events: doctypeDecl, startDTD, endDTD // in SAX this results in 2 events: startDTD, endDTD if (fDTDScanner != null) { fDTDScanner.setInputSource(null); } setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); return XMLEvent.DTD; } case SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT: { reportFatalError("ContentIllegalInProlog", null); fEntityScanner.scanChar(); } case SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE: { reportFatalError("ReferenceIllegalInProlog", null); } /** * if (complete) { * if (fEntityScanner.scanChar() != '<') { * reportFatalError("RootElementRequired", null); * } * setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT); * setDriver(fContentDriver); * } */ } } // premature end of file catch (EOFException e) { reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); //xxx what should be returned here.... ??? return -1 ; //throw e; } //xxx what should be returned here.... ??? return -1; } } // class PrologDriver /** * Driver to handle the internal and external DTD subsets. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM */ protected final class DTDDriver implements Driver { // // Driver methods // public int next() throws IOException, XNIException{ // throw new XNIException("DTD Parsing is currently not supported"); if(DEBUG_NEXT){ System.out.println("Now in DTD Driver"); } dispatch(true); if(DEBUG_NEXT){ System.out.println("After calling dispatch(true) -- At this point whole DTD is read."); } //xxx: remove this hack and align this with reusing DTD components //currently this routine will only be executed from Stax if(fPropertyManager != null){ dtdGrammarUtil = new DTDGrammarUtil(((XMLDTDScannerImpl)fDTDScanner).getGrammar(),fSymbolTable, fNamespaceContext); } return XMLEvent.DTD ; } /** * Dispatch an XML "event". * * @param complete True if this driver is intended to scan * and dispatch as much as possible. * * @return True if there is more to dispatch either from this * or a another driver. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown on parse error. */ public boolean dispatch(boolean complete) throws IOException, XNIException { fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(null); try { boolean again; XMLResourceIdentifierImpl resourceIdentifier = new XMLResourceIdentifierImpl(); if( fDTDScanner == null){ if (fEntityManager.getEntityScanner() instanceof XML11EntityScanner){ fDTDScanner = new XML11DTDScannerImpl(); } else fDTDScanner = new XMLDTDScannerImpl(); ((XMLDTDScannerImpl)fDTDScanner).reset(fPropertyManager); } fDTDScanner.setLimitAnalyzer(fLimitAnalyzer); do { again = false; switch (fScannerState) { case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_INTERNAL_DECLS: { // REVISIT: Should there be a feature for // the "complete" parameter? boolean completeDTD = true; boolean moreToScan = fDTDScanner.scanDTDInternalSubset(completeDTD, fStandalone, fHasExternalDTD && fLoadExternalDTD); Entity entity = fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity(); if(entity instanceof Entity.ScannedEntity){ fEndPos=((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).position; } fReadingDTD=false; if (!moreToScan) { // end doctype declaration if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar(']')) { reportFatalError("EXPECTED_SQUARE_BRACKET_TO_CLOSE_INTERNAL_SUBSET", null); } fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) { reportFatalError("DoctypedeclUnterminated", new Object[]{fDoctypeName}); } fMarkupDepth--; if (!fSupportDTD) { //simply reset the entity store without having to mess around //with the DTD Scanner code fEntityStore = fEntityManager.getEntityStore(); fEntityStore.reset(); } else { // scan external subset next unless we are ignoring DTDs if (fDoctypeSystemId != null && (fValidation || fLoadExternalDTD)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL); break; } } setEndDTDScanState(); return true; } break; } case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL: { /** fDTDDescription.setValues(fDoctypePublicId, fDoctypeSystemId, null, null); fDTDDescription.setRootName(fDoctypeName); XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = fEntityManager.resolveEntity(fDTDDescription); fDTDScanner.setInputSource(xmlInputSource); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS); again = true; break; */ resourceIdentifier.setValues(fDoctypePublicId, fDoctypeSystemId, null, null); XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null ; StaxXMLInputSource staxInputSource = fEntityManager.resolveEntityAsPerStax(resourceIdentifier); // Check access permission. If the source is resolved by a resolver, the check is skipped. if (!staxInputSource.hasResolver()) { String accessError = checkAccess(fDoctypeSystemId, fAccessExternalDTD); if (accessError != null) { reportFatalError("AccessExternalDTD", new Object[]{ SecuritySupport.sanitizePath(fDoctypeSystemId), accessError }); } } xmlInputSource = staxInputSource.getXMLInputSource(); fDTDScanner.setInputSource(xmlInputSource); if (fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity != null) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS); } else { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG); } again = true; break; } case SCANNER_STATE_DTD_EXTERNAL_DECLS: { // REVISIT: Should there be a feature for // the "complete" parameter? boolean completeDTD = true; boolean moreToScan = fDTDScanner.scanDTDExternalSubset(completeDTD); if (!moreToScan) { setEndDTDScanState(); return true; } break; } case SCANNER_STATE_PROLOG : { // skip entity decls setEndDTDScanState(); return true; } default: { throw new XNIException("DTDDriver#dispatch: scanner state="+fScannerState+" ("+getScannerStateName(fScannerState)+')'); } } } while (complete || again); } // premature end of file catch (EOFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); return false; //throw e; } // cleanup finally { fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(XMLDocumentScannerImpl.this); } return true; } // dispatch(boolean):boolean } // class DTDDriver /** * Driver to handle content scanning. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM */ protected class ContentDriver extends FragmentContentDriver { // // Protected methods // // hooks // NOTE: These hook methods are added so that the full document // scanner can share the majority of code with this class. /** * Scan for DOCTYPE hook. This method is a hook for subclasses * to add code to handle scanning for a the "DOCTYPE" string * after the string "<!" has been scanned. * * @return True if the "DOCTYPE" was scanned; false if "DOCTYPE" * was not scanned. */ protected boolean scanForDoctypeHook() throws IOException, XNIException { if (fEntityScanner.skipString(DOCTYPE)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_DOCTYPE); // fEntityScanner.markStartOfDTD(); return true; } return false; } // scanForDoctypeHook():boolean /** * Element depth iz zero. This methos is a hook for subclasses * to add code to handle when the element depth hits zero. When * scanning a document fragment, an element depth of zero is * normal. However, when scanning a full XML document, the * scanner must handle the trailing miscellanous section of * the document after the end of the document's root element. * * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which * allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning * driver. A return value of false indicates that * the content driver should continue as normal. */ protected boolean elementDepthIsZeroHook() throws IOException, XNIException { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); setDriver(fTrailingMiscDriver); return true; } // elementDepthIsZeroHook():boolean /** * Scan for root element hook. This method is a hook for * subclasses to add code that handles scanning for the root * element. When scanning a document fragment, there is no * "root" element. However, when scanning a full XML document, * the scanner must handle the root element specially. * * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which * allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning * driver. A return value of false indicates that * the content driver should continue as normal. */ protected boolean scanRootElementHook() throws IOException, XNIException { if (scanStartElement()) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); setDriver(fTrailingMiscDriver); return true; } return false; } // scanRootElementHook():boolean /** * End of file hook. This method is a hook for subclasses to * add code that handles the end of file. The end of file in * a document fragment is OK if the markup depth is zero. * However, when scanning a full XML document, an end of file * is always premature. */ protected void endOfFileHook(EOFException e) throws IOException, XNIException { reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); // in case continue-after-fatal-error set, should not do this... //throw e; } // endOfFileHook() protected void resolveExternalSubsetAndRead() throws IOException, XNIException { fDTDDescription.setValues(null, null, fEntityManager.getCurrentResourceIdentifier().getExpandedSystemId(), null); fDTDDescription.setRootName(fElementQName.rawname); XMLInputSource src = fExternalSubsetResolver.getExternalSubset(fDTDDescription); if (src != null) { fDoctypeName = fElementQName.rawname; fDoctypePublicId = src.getPublicId(); fDoctypeSystemId = src.getSystemId(); // call document handler if (fDocumentHandler != null) { // This inserts a doctypeDecl event into the stream though no // DOCTYPE existed in the instance document. fDocumentHandler.doctypeDecl(fDoctypeName, fDoctypePublicId, fDoctypeSystemId, null); } try { fDTDScanner.setInputSource(src); while (fDTDScanner.scanDTDExternalSubset(true)); } finally { fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(XMLDocumentScannerImpl.this); } } } // resolveExternalSubsetAndRead() } // class ContentDriver /** * Driver to handle trailing miscellaneous section scanning. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM */ protected final class TrailingMiscDriver implements Driver { // // Driver methods // public int next() throws IOException, XNIException{ //this could for cases like <foo/> //look at scanRootElementHook if(fEmptyElement){ fEmptyElement = false; return XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT; } try { if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED){ return XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT ;} do { switch (fScannerState) { case SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC: { fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); //we should have reached the end of the document in //most cases. if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED ){ return XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT ; } if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('<')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); } else { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); } break; } case SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP: { fMarkupDepth++; if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('?')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PI); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('!')) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('/')) { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInMisc", null); } else if (XMLChar.isNameStart(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInMisc", null); scanStartElement(); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); } else { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInMisc", null); } break; } } }while(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP || fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); if(DEBUG_NEXT){ System.out.println("State set by deciding while loop [TrailingMiscellaneous] is = " + getScannerStateName(fScannerState)); } switch (fScannerState){ case SCANNER_STATE_PI: { fContentBuffer.clear(); scanPI(fContentBuffer); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); return XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION ; } case SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT: { if (!fEntityScanner.skipString(COMMENTSTRING)) { reportFatalError("InvalidCommentStart", null); } scanComment(); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); return XMLEvent.COMMENT; } case SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT: { int ch = fEntityScanner.peekChar(); if (ch == -1) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED); return XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT ; } else{ reportFatalError("ContentIllegalInTrailingMisc", null); fEntityScanner.scanChar(); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } } case SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE: { reportFatalError("ReferenceIllegalInTrailingMisc", null); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC); return XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE ; } case SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED: { //there can't be any element after SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED or when the parser //has reached the end of document setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_NO_SUCH_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION); //xxx what to do when the scanner has reached the terminating state. return XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT ; } case SCANNER_STATE_NO_SUCH_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION:{ throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("No more events to be parsed"); } default: throw new XNIException("Scanner State " + fScannerState + " not Recognized "); }//switch } catch (EOFException e) { // NOTE: This is the only place we're allowed to reach // the real end of the document stream. Unless the // end of file was reached prematurely. if (fMarkupDepth != 0) { reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); return -1; //throw e; } //System.out.println("EOFException thrown") ; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED); } return XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT; }//next } // class TrailingMiscDriver /** * Implements XMLBufferListener interface. */ /** * receives callbacks from {@link XMLEntityReader } when buffer * is being changed. * @param refreshPosition */ public void refresh(int refreshPosition){ super.refresh(refreshPosition); if(fReadingDTD){ Entity entity = fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity(); if(entity instanceof Entity.ScannedEntity){ fEndPos=((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).position; } fDTDDecl.append(((Entity.ScannedEntity)entity).ch,fStartPos , fEndPos-fStartPos); fStartPos = refreshPosition; } } } // class XMLDocumentScannerImpl Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java source code file: |
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