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Java example source code file (CDragSource.m)

This example Java source code file (CDragSource.m) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

awt_threading, bool, cdragsource, cdragsourcecontextpeerclass, dlog3, dndutilities, false, jnf_member_cache, jnfcallvoidmethod, jnienv, nspoint, null, safe, threadutilities

The CDragSource.m Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

//#define DND_DEBUG TRUE

#import "java_awt_dnd_DnDConstants.h"

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h>

#import "AWTEvent.h"
#import "AWTView.h"
#import "CDataTransferer.h"
#import "CDropTarget.h"
#import "CDragSource.h"
#import "DnDUtilities.h"
#import "ThreadUtilities.h"

// When sIsJavaDragging is true Java drag gesture has been recognized and a drag is/has been initialized.
// We must stop posting MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED events for the duration of the drag or all hell will break
// loose in shared code - tracking state going haywire.
static BOOL sIsJavaDragging;

@interface NSEvent(AWTAdditions)

+ (void)javaDraggingBegin;
+ (void)javaDraggingEnd;


@implementation NSEvent(AWTAdditions)

+ (void)javaDraggingBegin
    sIsJavaDragging = YES;

+ (void)javaDraggingEnd
    // sIsJavaDragging is reset on mouseDown as well.
    sIsJavaDragging = NO;

JNF_CLASS_CACHE(DataTransfererClass, "sun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer");
JNF_CLASS_CACHE(CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CDragSourceContextPeer");
JNF_CLASS_CACHE(CImageClass, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CImage");

static NSDragOperation    sDragOperation;
static NSPoint            sDraggingLocation;

static CDragSource*        sCurrentDragSource;
static BOOL                sNeedsEnter;

@implementation CDragSource

+ (CDragSource *) currentDragSource {
    return sCurrentDragSource;

- (id)        init:(jobject)jDragSourceContextPeer
    self = [super init];
    DLog2(@"[CDragSource init]: %@\n", self);

    fView = nil;
    fComponent = nil;

    // Construct the object if we have a valid model for it:
    if (control != nil) {
        JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        fComponent = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jComponent);
        fDragSourceContextPeer = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jDragSourceContextPeer);

        fTransferable = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jTransferable);
        fTriggerEvent = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jTrigger);

        if (jDragImage) {
            JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(nsImagePtr, CImageClass, "ptr", "J");
            jlong imgPtr = JNFGetLongField(env, jDragImage, nsImagePtr);
            fDragImage = (NSImage*) jlong_to_ptr(imgPtr); // Double-casting prevents compiler 'd$|//

            [fDragImage retain];

        fDragImageOffset = NSMakePoint(jDragImageOffsetX, jDragImageOffsetY);

        fSourceActions = jSourceActions;
        fFormats = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jFormats);
        fFormatMap = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, jFormatMap);

        fTriggerEventTimeStamp = timeStamp;
        fDragPos = NSMakePoint(dragPosX, dragPosY);
        fClickCount = clickCount;
        fModifiers = extModifiers;

        // Set this object as a dragging source:

        fView = [(AWTView *) control retain];
        [fView setDragSource:self];

        // Let AWTEvent know Java drag is getting underway:
        [NSEvent javaDraggingBegin];

    else {
        [self release];
        self = nil;

    return self;

- (void)removeFromView:(JNIEnv *)env
    DLog2(@"[CDragSource removeFromView]: %@\n", self);

    // Remove this dragging source from the view:
    [((AWTView *) fView) setDragSource:nil];

    // Clean up JNI refs
    if (fComponent != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fComponent);
        fComponent = NULL;

    if (fDragSourceContextPeer != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fDragSourceContextPeer);
        fDragSourceContextPeer = NULL;

    if (fTransferable != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fTransferable);
        fTransferable = NULL;

    if (fTriggerEvent != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fTriggerEvent);
        fTriggerEvent = NULL;

    if (fFormats != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fFormats);
        fFormats = NULL;

    if (fFormatMap != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fFormatMap);
        fFormatMap = NULL;

    CFRelease(self); // GC

- (void)dealloc
    DLog2(@"[CDragSource dealloc]: %@\n", self);

    // Delete or release local data:
    [fView release];
    fView = nil;

    [fDragImage release];
    fDragImage = nil;

    [super dealloc];
//- (void)finalize { [super finalize]; }

// Appropriated from Windows' awt_DataTransferer.cpp:
// * NOTE: This returns a JNI Local Ref. Any code that calls must call DeleteLocalRef with the return value.
- (jobject)dataTransferer:(JNIEnv*)env
    JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(getInstanceMethod, DataTransfererClass, "getInstance", "()Lsun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer;");
    return JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, getInstanceMethod);

// Appropriated from Windows' awt_DataTransferer.cpp:
// * NOTE: This returns a JNI Local Ref. Any code that calls must call DeleteLocalRef with the return value.
- (jbyteArray)convertData:(jlong)format
    JNIEnv*    env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject    transferer = [self dataTransferer:env];
    jbyteArray data = nil;

    if (transferer != NULL) {
        JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(convertDataMethod, DataTransfererClass, "convertData", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/awt/datatransfer/Transferable;JLjava/util/Map;Z)[B");
        data = JNFCallObjectMethod(env, transferer, convertDataMethod, fComponent, fTransferable, format, fFormatMap, (jboolean) TRUE);

    return data;

// Encodes a byte array of zero-terminated filenames into an NSArray of NSStrings representing them.
// Borrowed and adapted from awt_DataTransferer.c, convertFileType().
- (id)getFileList:(jbyte *)jbytes dataLength:(jsize)jbytesLength
    jsize  strings = 0;
    jsize  i;

    // Get number of filenames while making sure to skip over empty strings.
    for (i = 1; i < jbytesLength; i++) {
        if (jbytes[i] == '\0' && jbytes[i - 1] != '\0')

    // Create the file list to return:
    NSMutableArray* fileList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:strings];

    for (i = 0; i < jbytesLength; i++) {
        char* start = (char *) &jbytes[i];

        // Skip over empty strings:
        if (start[0] == '\0') {

        // Update the position marker:
        i += strlen(start);

        // Add this filename to the file list:
        NSMutableString* fileName = [NSMutableString stringWithUTF8String:start];
        // Decompose the filename
        CFStringNormalize((CFMutableStringRef)fileName, kCFStringNormalizationFormD);
        [fileList addObject:fileName];

    // 03-01-09 Note: keep this around for debugging.
    // return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"/tmp/foo1", @"/tmp/foo2", nil];

    return ([fileList count] > 0 ? fileList : nil);

// Set up the pasteboard for dragging:
- (BOOL)declareTypesToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pb withEnv:(JNIEnv *) env {
    // 9-20-02 Note: leave this here for debugging:
    //[pb declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSStringPboardType] owner: self];
    //return TRUE;

    // Get byte array elements:
    jboolean isCopy;
    jlong* jformats = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, fFormats, &isCopy);
    if (jformats == nil)
        return FALSE;

    // Allocate storage arrays for dragging types to register with the pasteboard:
    jsize formatsLength = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, fFormats);
    NSMutableArray* pbTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:formatsLength];

    // And assume there are no NS-type data: [Radar 3065621]
    // This is to be able to drop transferables containing only a serialized object flavor, e.g.:
    //   "JAVA_DATAFLAVOR:application/x-java-serialized-object; class=java.awt.Label".
    BOOL hasNSTypeData = false;

    // Collect all supported types in a pasteboard format into the storage arrays:
    jsize i;
    for (i = 0; i < formatsLength; i++) {
        jlong jformat = jformats[i];

        if (jformat >= 0) {
            NSString* type = formatForIndex(jformat);

            // Add element type to the storage array.
            if (type != nil) {
                if ([type hasPrefix:@"JAVA_DATAFLAVOR:application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref;"] == false) {
                    [pbTypes addObject:type];

                    // This is a good approximation if not perfect. A conclusive search would
                    // have to be done matching all defined strings in AppKit's commonStrings.h.
                    if ([type hasPrefix:@"NS"] || [type hasPrefix:@"NeXT"])
                        hasNSTypeData = true;

    // 1-16-03 Note: [Radar 3065621]
    // When TransferHandler is used with Swing components it puts only a type like this on the pasteboard:
    //   "JAVA_DATAFLAVOR:application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref; class=java.lang.String"
    // And there's similar type for serialized object only transferables.
    // Since our drop targets aren't trained for arbitrary data types yet we need to fake an empty string
    // which will cause drop target handlers to fire.
    // KCH  - 3550405 If the drag is between Swing components, formatsLength == 0, so expand the check.
    // Also, use a custom format rather than NSString, since that will prevent random views from accepting the drag
    if (hasNSTypeData == false && formatsLength >= 0) {
        [pbTypes addObject:[DnDUtilities javaPboardType]];

    (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, fFormats, jformats, JNI_ABORT);

    // Declare pasteboard types. If the types array is empty we still want to declare them
    // as otherwise an old set of types/data would remain on the pasteboard.
    NSUInteger typesCount = [pbTypes count];
    [pb declareTypes:pbTypes owner: self];

    // KCH - Lame conversion bug between Cocoa and Carbon drag types
    // If I provide the filenames _right now_, NSFilenamesPboardType is properly converted to CoreDrag flavors
    // If I try to wait until pasteboard:provideDataForType:, the conversion won't happen
    // and pasteboard:provideDataForType: won't even get called! (unless I go over a Cocoa app)
    if ([pbTypes containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) {
        [self pasteboard:pb provideDataForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];

    [pbTypes release];

    return typesCount > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;

// This is an NSPasteboard callback. In declareTypesToPasteboard:withEnv:, we only declared the types
// When the AppKit DnD system actually needs the data, this method will be invoked.
// Note that if the transfer is handled entirely from Swing (as in a local-vm drag), this method may never be called.
- (void)pasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pb provideDataForType:(NSString *)type {

    // 9-20-02 Note: leave this here for debugging:
    //[pb setString: @"Hello, World!" forType: NSStringPboardType];
    // return;

    // Set up Java environment:
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    id pbData = nil;

    // Collect data in a pasteboard format:
    jlong jformat = indexForFormat(type);
    if (jformat >= 0) {
        // Convert DataTransfer data to a Java byte array:
        // Note that this will eventually call getTransferData()
        jbyteArray jdata = [self convertData:jformat];

        if (jdata != nil) {
            jboolean isCopy;
            jsize jdataLength = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jdata);
            jbyte* jbytedata = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jdata, &isCopy);

            if (jdataLength > 0 && jbytedata != nil) {
                // Get element data to the storage array. For NSFilenamesPboardType type we use
                // an NSArray-type data - NSData-type data would cause a crash.
                if (type != nil) {
                    pbData = ([type isEqualTo:NSFilenamesPboardType]) ?
                        [self getFileList:jbytedata dataLength:jdataLength] :
                        [NSData dataWithBytes:jbytedata length:jdataLength];

            (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jdata, jbytedata, JNI_ABORT);

            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jdata);

    // If we are the custom type that matches local-vm drags, set an empty NSData
    if ( (pbData == nil) && ([type isEqualTo:[DnDUtilities javaPboardType]]) ) {
        pbData = [NSData dataWithBytes:"" length:1];

    // Add pasteboard data for the type:
    // Remember, NSFilenamesPboardType's data is NSArray (property list), not NSData!
    // We must use proper pb accessor depending on the data type.
    if ([pbData isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
        [pb setPropertyList:pbData forType:type];
        [pb setData:pbData forType:type];

- (void)validateDragImage
    // Make a small blank image if we don't have a drag image:
    if (fDragImage == nil) {
        // 9-30-02 Note: keep this around for debugging:
        fDragImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(21, 21)];
        NSSize imageSize = [fDragImage size];

        NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL
            pixelsWide:imageSize.width pixelsHigh:imageSize.height bitsPerSample:8 samplesPerPixel:4
            hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:NO colorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace bytesPerRow:0 bitsPerPixel:32];

        [fDragImage addRepresentation:imageRep];
        fDragImageOffset = NSMakePoint(0, 0);

        [imageRep release];

- (NSEvent*)nsDragEvent:(BOOL)isDrag
    // Get NSView for the drag source:
    NSWindow* window = [fView window];

    NSInteger windowNumber = [window windowNumber];
    NSGraphicsContext* graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow:window];

    // Convert mouse coordinates to NS:
    NSPoint eventLocation = [fView convertPoint:NSMakePoint(fDragPos.x, fDragPos.y) toView:nil];
    eventLocation.y = [[fView window] frame].size.height - eventLocation.y;
    // Convert fTriggerEventTimeStamp to NS - AWTEvent.h defines UTC(nsEvent) as ((jlong)[event timestamp] * 1000):
    NSTimeInterval timeStamp = fTriggerEventTimeStamp / 1000;

    // Convert fModifiers (extModifiers) to NS:
    NSEventType mouseButtons = 0;
    float pressure = 0.0;
    if (isDrag) {
        mouseButtons = (NSEventType) [DnDUtilities mapJavaExtModifiersToNSMouseDownButtons:fModifiers];
        pressure = 1.0;
    } else {
        mouseButtons = (NSEventType) [DnDUtilities mapJavaExtModifiersToNSMouseUpButtons:fModifiers];

    // Convert fModifiers (extModifiers) to NS:
    NSUInteger modifiers = JavaModifiersToNsKeyModifiers(fModifiers, TRUE); 

    // Just a dummy value ...
    NSInteger eventNumber = 0;

    // Make a native autoreleased dragging event:
    NSEvent* dragEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:mouseButtons location:eventLocation
        modifierFlags:modifiers timestamp:timeStamp windowNumber:windowNumber context:graphicsContext
        eventNumber:eventNumber clickCount:fClickCount pressure:pressure];

    return dragEvent;

- (void)doDrag

    DLog2(@"[CDragSource doDrag]: %@\n", self);

    // Set up Java environment:
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    // Set up the pasteboard:
    NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName: NSDragPboard];
    [self declareTypesToPasteboard:pb withEnv:env];

    // Make a native autoreleased NS dragging event:
    NSEvent *dragEvent = [self nsDragEvent:YES];

    // Get NSView for the drag source:
    NSView *view = fView;

    // Make sure we have a valid drag image:
    [self validateDragImage];
    NSImage* dragImage = fDragImage;

    // Get drag origin and offset:
    NSPoint dragOrigin = [dragEvent locationInWindow];
    dragOrigin.x += fDragImageOffset.x;
    dragOrigin.y -= fDragImageOffset.y + [dragImage size].height;

    // Drag offset values don't seem to matter:
    NSSize dragOffset = NSMakeSize(0, 0);

    // These variables should be set based on the transferable:
    BOOL isFileDrag = FALSE;
    BOOL fileDragPromises = FALSE;

    DLog(@"[CDragSource drag]: calling dragImage/File:");
    DLog3(@"  - drag origin: %f, %f", fDragPos.x, fDragPos.y);
    DLog5(@"  - drag image: %f, %f (%f x %f)", fDragImageOffset.x, fDragImageOffset.y, [dragImage size].width, [dragImage size].height);
    DLog3(@"  - event point (window) %f, %f", [dragEvent locationInWindow].x, [dragEvent locationInWindow].y);
    DLog3(@"  - drag point (view) %f, %f", dragOrigin.x, dragOrigin.y);
    // Set up the fDragKeyModifier, so we know if the operation has changed
    // Set up the fDragMouseModifier, so we can |= it later (since CoreDrag doesn't tell us mouse states during a drag)
    fDragKeyModifiers = [DnDUtilities extractJavaExtKeyModifiersFromJavaExtModifiers:fModifiers];
    fDragMouseModifiers = [DnDUtilities extractJavaExtMouseModifiersFromJavaExtModifiers:fModifiers];

    // Set the current DragSource
    sCurrentDragSource = self;
    sNeedsEnter = YES;

    @try {
        // Data dragging:
        if (isFileDrag == FALSE) {
            [view dragImage:dragImage at:dragOrigin offset:dragOffset event:dragEvent pasteboard:pb source:view slideBack:YES];
        } else if (fileDragPromises == FALSE) {
            // File dragging:
            NSLog(@"[CDragSource drag]: file dragging is unsupported.");
            NSString* fileName = nil;                                // This should be set based on the transferable.
            NSRect    fileLocationRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);    // This should be set based on the filename.

            BOOL success = [view dragFile:fileName fromRect:fileLocationRect slideBack:YES event:dragEvent];
            if (success == TRUE) {                                    // One would erase dragged file if this was a move operation.
        } else {
            // Promised file dragging:
            NSLog(@"[CDragSource drag]: file dragging promises are unsupported.");
            NSArray* fileTypesArray = nil;                            // This should be set based on the transferable.
            NSRect   fileLocationRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);        // This should be set based on all filenames.

            BOOL success = [view dragPromisedFilesOfTypes:fileTypesArray fromRect:fileLocationRect source:view slideBack:YES event:dragEvent];
            if (success == TRUE) {                                    // One would write out the promised files here.

        NSPoint point = [self mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:sDraggingLocation];

        // Convert drag operation to Java:
        jint dragOp = [DnDUtilities mapNSDragOperationToJava:sDragOperation];

        // Drag success must acount for DragOperationNone:
        jboolean success = (dragOp != java_awt_dnd_DnDConstants_ACTION_NONE);

        // We have a problem here... we don't send DragSource dragEnter/Exit messages outside of our own process
        // because we don't get anything from AppKit/CoreDrag
        // This means that if you drag outside of the app and drop, even if it's valid, a dragDropFinished is posted without dragEnter
        // I'm worried that this might confuse Java, so we're going to send a "bogus" dragEnter if necessary (only if the drag succeeded)
        if (success && sNeedsEnter) {
            [self postDragEnter];

        // DragSourceContextPeer.dragDropFinished() should be called even if there was an error:
        JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(dragDropFinishedMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "dragDropFinished", "(ZIII)V");
        DLog3(@"  -> posting dragDropFinished, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
        JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, dragDropFinishedMethod, success, dragOp, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)
                JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(resetHoveringMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "resetHovering", "()V");
        JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, resetHoveringMethod); // Hust reset static variable
    } @finally {
        // Clear the current DragSource
        sCurrentDragSource = nil;
        sNeedsEnter = NO;

    // We have to do this, otherwise AppKit doesn't know we're finished dragging. Yup, it's that bad.
    if ([[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] currentMode] isEqualTo:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]) {
        [NSApp postEvent:[self nsDragEvent:NO] atStart:YES];

    DLog2(@"[CDragSource doDrag] end: %@\n", self);

- (void)drag

    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(doDrag) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; // AWT_THREADING Safe (called from unique asynchronous thread)

/********************************  BEGIN NSDraggingSource Interface  ********************************/

- (void)draggingOperationChanged:(NSDragOperation)dragOp {
    //DLog2(@"[CDragSource draggingOperationChanged]: %@\n", self);

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    jint targetActions = fSourceActions;
    if ([CDropTarget currentDropTarget]) targetActions = [[CDropTarget currentDropTarget] currentJavaActions];

    NSPoint point = [self mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:sDraggingLocation];
    DLog3(@"  -> posting operationChanged, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
    jint modifiedModifiers = fDragKeyModifiers | fDragMouseModifiers | [DnDUtilities javaKeyModifiersForNSDragOperation:dragOp];

    JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(operationChangedMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "operationChanged", "(IIII)V");
    JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, operationChangedMethod, targetActions, modifiedModifiers, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)

- (NSDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)localDrag {
    //DLog2(@"[CDragSource draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal]: %@\n", self);
    return [DnDUtilities mapJavaDragOperationToNS:fSourceActions];

/* 9-16-02 Note: we don't support promises yet.
- (NSArray *)namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:(NSURL *)dropDestination {

- (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image beganAt:(NSPoint)screenPoint {
    DLog4(@"[CDragSource draggedImage beganAt]: (%f, %f) %@\n", screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, self);

    // Initialize static variables:
    sDragOperation = NSDragOperationNone;
    sDraggingLocation = screenPoint;

- (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image endedAt:(NSPoint)screenPoint operation:(NSDragOperation)operation {
    DLog4(@"[CDragSource draggedImage endedAt:]: (%f, %f) %@\n", screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, self);

    sDraggingLocation = screenPoint;
    sDragOperation = operation;

- (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image movedTo:(NSPoint)screenPoint {
    //DLog4(@"[CDragSource draggedImage moved]: (%d, %d) %@\n", (int) screenPoint.x, (int) screenPoint.y, self);
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    // There are two things we would be interested in:
    // a) mouse pointer has moved
    // b) drag actions (key modifiers) have changed

    BOOL notifyJava = FALSE;

    // a) mouse pointer has moved:
    if (NSEqualPoints(screenPoint, sDraggingLocation) == FALSE) {
        //DLog2(@"[CDragSource draggedImage:movedTo]: mouse moved, %@\n", self);
        notifyJava = TRUE;

    // b) drag actions (key modifiers) have changed:
    jint modifiers = NsKeyModifiersToJavaModifiers([NSEvent modifierFlags], YES);
    if (fDragKeyModifiers != modifiers) {
        NSDragOperation currentOp = [DnDUtilities nsDragOperationForModifiers:[NSEvent modifierFlags]];
        NSDragOperation allowedOp = [DnDUtilities mapJavaDragOperationToNS:fSourceActions] & currentOp;

        fDragKeyModifiers = modifiers;

        if (sDragOperation != allowedOp) {
            sDragOperation = allowedOp;
            [self draggingOperationChanged:allowedOp];

    // Should we notify Java things have changed?
    if (notifyJava) {
        sDraggingLocation = screenPoint;

        NSPoint point = [self mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:screenPoint];

        jint targetActions = fSourceActions;
        if ([CDropTarget currentDropTarget]) targetActions = [[CDropTarget currentDropTarget] currentJavaActions];

        // Motion: dragMotion, dragMouseMoved
        DLog4(@"[CDragSource draggedImage moved]: (%f, %f) %@\n", screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, self);

        DLog3(@"  -> posting dragMotion, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
        JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(dragMotionMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "dragMotion", "(IIII)V");
        JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, dragMotionMethod, targetActions, (jint) fModifiers, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)

        DLog3(@"  -> posting dragMouseMoved, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
        JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(dragMouseMovedMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "dragMouseMoved", "(IIII)V");
        JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, dragMouseMovedMethod, targetActions, (jint) fModifiers, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)

- (BOOL)ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging {
    //DLog2(@"[CDragSource ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging]: %@\n", self);
    return NO;

/********************************  END NSDraggingSource Interface  ********************************/

// postDragEnter and postDragExit are called from CDropTarget when possible and appropriate
// Currently only possible if source and target are in the same process
- (void) postDragEnter {
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    sNeedsEnter = NO;

    jint targetActions = fSourceActions;
    if ([CDropTarget currentDropTarget]) targetActions = [[CDropTarget currentDropTarget] currentJavaActions];

    NSPoint point = [self mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:sDraggingLocation];
    DLog3(@"  -> posting dragEnter, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
    JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(dragEnterMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "dragEnter", "(IIII)V");
    JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, dragEnterMethod, targetActions, (jint) fModifiers, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)

- (void) postDragExit {
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    sNeedsEnter = YES;

    NSPoint point = [self mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:sDraggingLocation];
    DLog3(@"  -> posting dragExit, point %f, %f", point.x, point.y);
    JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(dragExitMethod, CDragSourceContextPeerClass, "dragExit", "(II)V");
    JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fDragSourceContextPeer, dragExitMethod, (jint) point.x, (jint) point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (event)

// Java assumes that the origin is the top-left corner of the screen.
// Cocoa assumes that the origin is the bottom-left corner of the screen.
// Adjust the y coordinate to account for this.
// NOTE: Also need to take into account the 0 screen relative screen coords.
//  This is because all screen coords in Cocoa are relative to the 0 screen.
// Also see +[CWindow convertAWTToCocoaScreenRect]
// NSScreen-to-JavaScreen mapping:
- (NSPoint) mapNSScreenPointToJavaWithOffset:(NSPoint)screenPoint {
    NSRect mainR = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
    NSPoint point = NSMakePoint(screenPoint.x, mainR.size.height - (screenPoint.y));

    // Adjust the point with the drag image offset to get the real mouse hotspot:
    // The point should remain in screen coordinates (as per DragSourceEvent.getLocation() documentation)
    point.x -= fDragImageOffset.x;
    point.y -= ([fDragImage size].height + fDragImageOffset.y);

    return point;


Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java CDragSource.m source code file:

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