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Java example source code file (JavaComponentAccessibility.m)

This example Java source code file (JavaComponentAccessibility.m) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

awt_threading, awtrunloop, bool, javacomponentaccessibility, jnf_static_member_cache, jnfcallstaticobjectmethod, jnienv, nsarray, nsmutablearray, nsstring, null, safe, threadutilities

The JavaComponentAccessibility.m Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

// External Java Accessibility links:
// <>
// <>
// <> (Sun's mailing list for Java accessibility)

#import "JavaComponentAccessibility.h"

#import "sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessibility.h"

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

#import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h>
#import <JavaRuntimeSupport/JavaRuntimeSupport.h>

#import <dlfcn.h>

#import "JavaAccessibilityAction.h"
#import "JavaAccessibilityUtilities.h"
#import "JavaTextAccessibility.h"
#import "ThreadUtilities.h"
#import "AWTView.h"

// these constants are duplicated in
// If the value is >=0, it's an index

static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getChildrenAndRoles, sjc_CAccessibility, "getChildrenAndRoles", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;IZ)[Ljava/lang/Object;");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleComponent, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleComponent", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleComponent;");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleValue, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleValue", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleValue;");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleName, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleName", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/String;");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleDescription, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleDescription", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/String;");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_isFocusTraversable, sjc_CAccessibility, "isFocusTraversable", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Z");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleIndexInParent, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleIndexInParent", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)I");

static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(sjc_CAccessible, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessible");

static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jf_ptr, sjc_CAccessible, "ptr", "J");
static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getCAccessible, sjc_CAccessible, "getCAccessible", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;)Lsun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessible;");

static jobject sAccessibilityClass = NULL;

// sAttributeNamesForRoleCache holds the names of the attributes to which each java
// AccessibleRole responds (see
// This cache is queried before attempting to access a given attribute for a particular role.
static NSMutableDictionary *sAttributeNamesForRoleCache = nil;
static NSObject *sAttributeNamesLOCK = nil;

@interface TabGroupAccessibility : JavaComponentAccessibility {
    NSInteger _numTabs;

- (id)currentTabWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAxContext:(jobject)axContext;
- (NSArray *)tabControlsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withTabGroupAxContext:(jobject)axContext withTabCode:(NSInteger)whichTabs allowIgnored:(BOOL)allowIgnored;
- (NSArray *)contentsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withTabGroupAxContext:(jobject)axContext withTabCode:(NSInteger)whichTabs allowIgnored:(BOOL)allowIgnored;
- (NSArray *)initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env;

- (NSArray *)accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:(NSString *)attribute index:(NSUInteger)index maxCount:(NSUInteger)maxCount;
- (NSArray *)accessibilityChildrenAttribute;
- (id) accessibilityTabsAttribute;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsTabsAttributeSettable;
- (NSArray *)accessibilityContentsAttribute;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsContentsAttributeSettable;
- (id) accessibilityValueAttribute;


@interface TabGroupControlAccessibility : JavaComponentAccessibility {
    jobject fTabGroupAxContext;
- (id)initWithParent:(NSObject *)parent withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAccessible:(jobject)accessible withIndex:(jint)index withTabGroup:(jobject)tabGroup withView:(NSView *)view withJavaRole:(NSString *)javaRole;
- (jobject)tabGroup;
- (void)getActionsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env;

- (id)accessibilityValueAttribute;

@interface ScrollAreaAccessibility : JavaComponentAccessibility {

- (NSArray *)initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env;
- (NSArray *)accessibilityContentsAttribute;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsContentsAttributeSettable;
- (id)accessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsVerticalScrollBarAttributeSettable;
- (id)accessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsHorizontalScrollBarAttributeSettable;

@implementation JavaComponentAccessibility

- (NSString *)description
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(title:'%@', desc:'%@', value:'%@')", [self accessibilityRoleAttribute],
        [self accessibilityTitleAttribute], [self accessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute], [self accessibilityValueAttribute]];

- (id)initWithParent:(NSObject *)parent withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAccessible:(jobject)accessible withIndex:(jint)index withView:(NSView *)view withJavaRole:(NSString *)javaRole
    self = [super init];
    if (self)
        fParent = [parent retain];
        fView = [view retain];
        fJavaRole = [javaRole retain];

        fAccessible = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, accessible);
        fComponent = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, [(AWTView *)fView awtComponent:env]);

        fIndex = index;

        fActions = nil;
        fActionsLOCK = [[NSObject alloc] init];
    return self;

- (void)unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem
    static dispatch_once_t initialize_unregisterUniqueId_once;
    static void (*unregisterUniqueId)(id);
    dispatch_once(&initialize_unregisterUniqueId_once, ^{
        void *jrsFwk = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Frameworks/JavaRuntimeSupport.framework/JavaRuntimeSupport", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
        unregisterUniqueId = dlsym(jrsFwk, "JRSAccessibilityUnregisterUniqueIdForUIElement");
    if (unregisterUniqueId) unregisterUniqueId(self);

- (void)dealloc
    [self unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem];

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnvUncached];

    JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fAccessible);
    fAccessible = NULL;

    JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fComponent);
    fComponent = NULL;

    [fParent release];
    fParent = nil;

    [fNSRole release];
    fNSRole = nil;

    [fJavaRole release];
    fJavaRole = nil;

    [fView release];
    fView = nil;

    [fActions release];
    fActions = nil;

    [fActionsLOCK release];
    fActionsLOCK = nil;

    [super dealloc];
- (void)finalize
    [self unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem];

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnvUncached];

    JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fAccessible);
    fAccessible = NULL;

    JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fComponent);
    fComponent = NULL;

    [super finalize];

- (void)postValueChanged
    NSAccessibilityPostNotification(self, NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification);

- (void)postSelectionChanged
    NSAccessibilityPostNotification(self, NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification);

- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject
    if (![anObject isKindOfClass:[self class]]) return NO;
    JavaComponentAccessibility *accessibility = (JavaComponentAccessibility *)anObject;

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    return (*env)->IsSameObject(env, accessibility->fAccessible, fAccessible);

- (BOOL)isAccessibleWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env forAccessible:(jobject)accessible
    return (*env)->IsSameObject(env, fAccessible, accessible);

+ (void)initialize
    if (sAttributeNamesForRoleCache == nil) {
        sAttributeNamesLOCK = [[NSObject alloc] init];
        sAttributeNamesForRoleCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:10];

    if (sRoles == nil) {

    if (sAccessibilityClass == NULL) {
        JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getAccessibility, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibility", "([Ljava/lang/String;)Lsun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessibility;");

        NSArray *ignoredKeys = [NSArray array];
        NSArray *ignoredKeys = [sRoles allKeysForObject:JavaAccessibilityIgnore];
        jobjectArray result = NULL;
        jsize count = [ignoredKeys count];

        JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String");
        result = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, count, clazz, NULL); // AWT_THREADING Safe (known object)
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, clazz);

        NSUInteger i;
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            jstring jString = JNFNSToJavaString(env, [ignoredKeys objectAtIndex:i]);
            (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, result, i, jString);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jString);

        sAccessibilityClass = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getAccessibility, result); // AWT_THREADING Safe (known object)

+ (void)postFocusChanged:(id)message
    NSAccessibilityPostNotification([NSApp accessibilityFocusedUIElement], NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification);

+ (jobject) getCAccessible:(jobject)jaccessible withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env {
    if (JNFIsInstanceOf(env, jaccessible, &sjc_CAccessible)) {
        return jaccessible;
    else if (JNFIsInstanceOf(env, jaccessible, &sjc_Accessible)) {
        return JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getCAccessible, jaccessible);
    return NULL;

+ (NSArray *)childrenOfParent:(JavaComponentAccessibility *)parent withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withChildrenCode:(NSInteger)whichChildren allowIgnored:(BOOL)allowIgnored
    jobjectArray jchildrenAndRoles = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getChildrenAndRoles, parent->fAccessible, parent->fComponent, whichChildren, allowIgnored); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if (jchildrenAndRoles == NULL) return nil;

    jsize arrayLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jchildrenAndRoles);
    NSMutableArray *children = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:arrayLen/2]; //childrenAndRoles array contains two elements (child, role) for each child

    NSUInteger i;
    NSUInteger childIndex = (whichChildren >= 0) ? whichChildren : 0; // if we're getting one particular child, make sure to set its index correctly
    for(i = 0; i < arrayLen; i+=2)
        jobject /* Accessible */ jchild = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, jchildrenAndRoles, i);
        jobject /* String */ jchildJavaRole = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, jchildrenAndRoles, i+1);

        NSString *childJavaRole = nil;
        if (jchildJavaRole != NULL) {
            childJavaRole = JNFJavaToNSString(env, JNFGetObjectField(env, jchildJavaRole, sjf_key));

        JavaComponentAccessibility *child = [self createWithParent:parent accessible:jchild role:childJavaRole index:childIndex withEnv:env withView:parent->fView];
        [children addObject:child];

    return children;

+ (JavaComponentAccessibility *)createWithAccessible:(jobject)jaccessible withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withView:(NSView *)view
    jobject jcomponent = [(AWTView *)view awtComponent:env];
    jint index = JNFCallStaticIntMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleIndexInParent, jaccessible, jcomponent);
    NSString *javaRole = getJavaRole(env, jaccessible, jcomponent);

    return [self createWithAccessible:jaccessible role:javaRole index:index withEnv:env withView:view];

+ (JavaComponentAccessibility *) createWithAccessible:(jobject)jaccessible role:(NSString *)javaRole index:(jint)index withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withView:(NSView *)view
    return [self createWithParent:nil accessible:jaccessible role:javaRole index:index withEnv:env withView:view];

+ (JavaComponentAccessibility *) createWithParent:(JavaComponentAccessibility *)parent accessible:(jobject)jaccessible role:(NSString *)javaRole index:(jint)index withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withView:(NSView *)view
    // try to fetch the jCAX from Java, and return autoreleased
    jobject jCAX = [JavaComponentAccessibility getCAccessible:jaccessible withEnv:env];
    if (jCAX == NULL) return nil;
    JavaComponentAccessibility *value = (JavaComponentAccessibility *) jlong_to_ptr(JNFGetLongField(env, jCAX, jf_ptr));
    if (value != nil) return [[value retain] autorelease];

    // otherwise, create a new instance
    JavaComponentAccessibility *newChild = nil;
    if ([javaRole isEqualToString:@"pagetablist"]) {
        newChild = [TabGroupAccessibility alloc];
    } else if ([javaRole isEqualToString:@"scrollpane"]) {
        newChild = [ScrollAreaAccessibility alloc];
    } else {
        NSString *nsRole = [sRoles objectForKey:javaRole];
        if ([nsRole isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole] || [nsRole isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole] || [nsRole isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole]) {
            newChild = [JavaTextAccessibility alloc];
        } else {
            newChild = [JavaComponentAccessibility alloc];

    // must init freshly -alloc'd object
    [newChild initWithParent:parent withEnv:env withAccessible:jCAX withIndex:index withView:view withJavaRole:javaRole]; // must init new instance

    // must hard CFRetain() pointer poked into Java object
    JNFSetLongField(env, jCAX, jf_ptr, ptr_to_jlong(newChild));

    // return autoreleased instance
    return [newChild autorelease];

- (NSArray *)initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getInitialAttributeStates, sjc_CAccessibility, "getInitialAttributeStates", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)[Z");

    NSMutableArray *attributeNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
    [attributeNames retain];

    // all elements respond to parent, role, role description, window, topLevelUIElement, help
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityParentAttribute];
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityRoleAttribute];
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute];
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute];

    // cmcnote: AXMenu usually doesn't respond to window / topLevelUIElement. But menus within a Java app's window
    // probably should. Should we use some role other than AXMenu / AXMenuBar for Java menus?
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityWindowAttribute];
    [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityTopLevelUIElementAttribute];

    // set accessible subrole
    NSString *javaRole = [self javaRole];
    if (javaRole != nil && [javaRole isEqualToString:@"passwordtext"]) {
        //cmcnote: should turn this into a constant
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilitySubroleAttribute];

    // Get all the other accessibility attributes states we need in one swell foop.
    // javaRole isn't pulled in because we need protected access to AccessibleRole.key
    jbooleanArray attributeStates = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getInitialAttributeStates, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if (attributeStates == NULL) return NULL;
    jboolean *attributeStatesArray = (*env)->GetBooleanArrayElements(env, attributeStates, 0);

    // if there's a component, it can be enabled and it has a size/position
    if (attributeStatesArray[0]) {
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityEnabledAttribute];
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilitySizeAttribute];
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityPositionAttribute];

    // According to javadoc, a component that is focusable will return true from isFocusTraversable,
    // as well as having AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE in it's AccessibleStateSet.
    // We use the former heuristic; if the component focus-traversable, add a focused attribute
    // See also: accessibilityIsFocusedAttributeSettable
    if (attributeStatesArray[1])
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityFocusedAttribute];

    // if it's a pagetab / radiobutton, it has a value but no min/max value.
    BOOL hasAxValue = attributeStatesArray[2];
    if ([javaRole isEqualToString:@"pagetab"] || [javaRole isEqualToString:@"radiobutton"]) {
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityValueAttribute];
    } else {
        // if not a pagetab/radio button, and it has a value, it has a min/max/current value.
        if (hasAxValue) {
            // er, it has a min/max/current value if it's not a button.
            // See AppKit/NSButtonCellAccessibility.m
            if (![javaRole isEqualToString:@"pushbutton"]) {
                //cmcnote: make this (and "passwordtext") constants instead of magic strings
                [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityMinValueAttribute];
                [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityMaxValueAttribute];
                [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityValueAttribute];

    // does it have an orientation?
    if (attributeStatesArray[4]) {
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityOrientationAttribute];

    // name
    if (attributeStatesArray[5]) {
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityTitleAttribute];

    // children
    if (attributeStatesArray[6]) {
        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute];
//        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenAttribute];
//        [attributeNames addObject:NSAccessibilityVisibleChildrenAttribute];
                //According to AXRoles.txt:
                //VisibleChildren: radio group, list, row, table row subrole
                //SelectedChildren: list

    // Cleanup
    (*env)->ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env, attributeStates, attributeStatesArray, JNI_ABORT);

    return attributeNames;

- (NSDictionary *)getActions:(JNIEnv *)env
    @synchronized(fActionsLOCK) {
        if (fActions == nil) {
            fActions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
            [self getActionsWithEnv:env];

    return fActions;

- (void)getActionsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getAccessibleAction, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleAction", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleAction;");

    // On MacOSX, text doesn't have actions, in java it does.
    // cmcnote: NOT TRUE - Editable text has AXShowMenu. Textfields have AXConfirm. Static text has no actions.
    jobject axAction = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getAccessibleAction, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if (axAction != NULL) {
        //+++gdb NOTE: In MacOSX, there is just a single Action, not multiple. In java,
        //  the first one seems to be the most basic, so this will be used.
        // cmcnote: NOT TRUE - Sometimes there are multiple actions, eg sliders have AXDecrement AND AXIncrement (radr://3893192)
        JavaAxAction *action = [[JavaAxAction alloc] initWithEnv:env withAccessibleAction:axAction withIndex:0 withComponent:fComponent];
        [fActions setObject:action forKey:[self isMenu] ? NSAccessibilityPickAction : NSAccessibilityPressAction];
        [action release];

- (jobject)axContextWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    return getAxContext(env, fAccessible, fComponent);

- (id)parent
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(sjm_getAccessibleParent, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleParent", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;");

    if(fParent == nil) {
        JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

        jobject jparent = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleParent, fAccessible, fComponent);

        if (jparent == NULL) {
            fParent = fView;
        } else {
            fParent = [JavaComponentAccessibility createWithAccessible:jparent withEnv:env withView:fView];
            if (fParent == nil) {
                fParent = fView;
        [fParent retain];
    return fParent;

- (NSView *)view
    return fView;

- (NSWindow *)window
    return [[self view] window];

- (NSString *)javaRole
    if(fJavaRole == nil) {
        JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        fJavaRole = getJavaRole(env, fAccessible, fComponent);
        [fJavaRole retain];
    return fJavaRole;

- (BOOL)isMenu
    id role = [self accessibilityRoleAttribute];
    return [role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityMenuBarRole] || [role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityMenuRole] || [role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityMenuItemRole];

- (BOOL)isSelected:(JNIEnv *)env
    if (fIndex == -1) {
        return NO;

    return isChildSelected(env, ((JavaComponentAccessibility *)[self parent])->fAccessible, fIndex, fComponent);

- (BOOL)isVisible:(JNIEnv *)env
    if (fIndex == -1) {
        return NO;

    return isShowing(env, [self axContextWithEnv:env], fComponent);

// the array of names for each role is cached in the sAttributeNamesForRoleCache
- (NSArray *)accessibilityAttributeNames
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    @synchronized(sAttributeNamesLOCK) {
        NSString *javaRole = [self javaRole];
        NSArray *names = (NSArray *)[sAttributeNamesForRoleCache objectForKey:javaRole];
        if (names != nil) return names;

        names = [self initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:env];
        if (names != nil) {
            NSLog(@"Initializing: %s for %@: %@", __FUNCTION__, javaRole, names);
            [sAttributeNamesForRoleCache setObject:names forKey:javaRole];
            return names;

    NSLog(@"Warning in %s: could not find attribute names for role: %@", __FUNCTION__, [self javaRole]);

    return nil;

// -- accessibility attributes --

- (BOOL)accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId {
    return YES;

- (BOOL)accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes {
    return YES;

// generic getters & setters
// cmcnote: it would make more sense if these generic getters/setters were in JavaAccessibilityUtilities
- (id)accessibilityAttributeValue:(NSString *)attribute

    // turns attribute "NSAccessibilityEnabledAttribute" into getter "accessibilityEnabledAttribute",
    // calls getter on self
    return JavaAccessibilityAttributeValue(self, attribute);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsAttributeSettable:(NSString *)attribute

    // turns attribute "NSAccessibilityParentAttribute" into selector "accessibilityIsParentAttributeSettable",
    // calls selector on self
    return JavaAccessibilityIsAttributeSettable(self, attribute);

- (void)accessibilitySetValue:(id)value forAttribute:(NSString *)attribute

    if ([self accessibilityIsAttributeSettable:attribute]) {
        // turns attribute "NSAccessibilityFocusAttribute" into setter "accessibilitySetFocusAttribute",
        // calls setter on self
        JavaAccessibilitySetAttributeValue(self, attribute, value);

// specific attributes, in alphabetical order a la

// Elements that current element contains (NSArray)
- (NSArray *)accessibilityChildrenAttribute
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    NSArray *children = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_VISIBLE_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];

    NSArray *value = nil;
    if ([children count] > 0) {
        value = children;

    return value;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsChildrenAttributeSettable
    return NO;

- (NSUInteger)accessibilityIndexOfChild:(id)child
    // Only special-casing for Lists, for now. This allows lists to be accessible, fixing radr://3856139 "JLists are broken".
    // Will probably want to special-case for Tables when we implement them (radr://3096643 "Accessibility: Table").
    // In AppKit, NSMatrixAccessibility (which uses NSAccessibilityListRole), NSTableRowAccessibility, and NSTableViewAccessibility are the
    // only ones that override the default implementation in NSAccessibility
    if (![[self accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityListRole]) {
        return [super accessibilityIndexOfChild:child];

    return JNFCallStaticIntMethod([ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv], sjm_getAccessibleIndexInParent, ((JavaComponentAccessibility *)child)->fAccessible, ((JavaComponentAccessibility *)child)->fComponent);

// Without this optimization accessibilityChildrenAttribute is called in order to get the entire array of children.
- (NSArray *)accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:(NSString *)attribute index:(NSUInteger)index maxCount:(NSUInteger)maxCount {
    if ( (maxCount == 1) && [attribute isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute]) {
        // Children codes for ALL, SELECTED, VISIBLE are <0. If the code is >=0, we treat it as an index to a single child
        NSArray *child = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:[ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv] withChildrenCode:(NSInteger)index allowIgnored:NO];
        if ([child count] > 0) {
            return child;
    return [super accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:attribute index:index maxCount:maxCount];

// Flag indicating enabled state of element (NSNumber)
- (NSNumber *)accessibilityEnabledAttribute
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_isEnabled, sjc_CAccessibility, "isEnabled", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Z");

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithBool:JNFCallStaticBooleanMethod(env, jm_isEnabled, fAccessible, fComponent)]; // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if (value == nil) {
        NSLog(@"WARNING: %s called on component that has no accessible component: %@", __FUNCTION__, self);
    return value;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsEnabledAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Flag indicating presence of keyboard focus (NSNumber)
- (NSNumber *)accessibilityFocusedAttribute
    if ([self accessibilityIsFocusedAttributeSettable]) {
        return [NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isEqual:[NSApp accessibilityFocusedUIElement]]];
    return [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsFocusedAttributeSettable
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    // According to javadoc, a component that is focusable will return true from isFocusTraversable,
    // as well as having AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE in its AccessibleStateSet.
    // We use the former heuristic; if the component focus-traversable, add a focused attribute
    // See also initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:
    if (JNFCallStaticBooleanMethod(env, sjm_isFocusTraversable, fAccessible, fComponent)) { // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
        return YES;

    return NO;

- (void)accessibilitySetFocusedAttribute:(id)value
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_requestFocus, sjc_CAccessibility, "requestFocus", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)V");

    if ([(NSNumber*)value boolValue])
        JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        JNFCallStaticVoidMethod(env, jm_requestFocus, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)

// Instance description, such as a help tag string (NSString)
- (NSString *)accessibilityHelpAttribute
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    jobject val = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleDescription, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return JNFJavaToNSString(env, val);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsHelpAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Element's maximum value (id)
- (id)accessibilityMaxValueAttribute
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getMaximumAccessibleValue, sjc_CAccessibility, "getMaximumAccessibleValue", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/Number;");

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    jobject axValue = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getMaximumAccessibleValue, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return JNFJavaToNSNumber(env, axValue);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsMaxValueAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Element's minimum value (id)
- (id)accessibilityMinValueAttribute
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getMinimumAccessibleValue, sjc_CAccessibility, "getMinimumAccessibleValue", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/Number;");

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    jobject axValue = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getMinimumAccessibleValue, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return JNFJavaToNSNumber(env, axValue);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsMinValueAttributeSettable
    return NO;

- (id)accessibilityOrientationAttribute
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];

    // cmcnote - should batch these two calls into one that returns an array of two bools, one for vertical and one for horiz
    if (isVertical(env, axContext, fComponent)) {
        return NSAccessibilityVerticalOrientationValue;

    if (isHorizontal(env, axContext, fComponent)) {
        return NSAccessibilityHorizontalOrientationValue;

    return nil;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsOrientationAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Element containing current element (id)
- (id)accessibilityParentAttribute
    return NSAccessibilityUnignoredAncestor([self parent]);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsParentAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Screen position of element's lower-left corner in lower-left relative screen coordinates (NSValue)
- (NSValue *)accessibilityPositionAttribute
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axComponent = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleComponent, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)

    // NSAccessibility wants the bottom left point of the object in
    // bottom left based screen coords

    // Get the java screen coords, and make a NSPoint of the bottom left of the AxComponent.
    NSSize size = getAxComponentSize(env, axComponent, fComponent);
    NSPoint point = getAxComponentLocationOnScreen(env, axComponent, fComponent);

    point.y += size.height;

    // Now make it into Cocoa screen coords.
    point.y = [[[[self view] window] screen] frame].size.height - point.y;

    return [NSValue valueWithPoint:point];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsPositionAttributeSettable
    // In AppKit, position is only settable for a window (NSAccessibilityWindowRole). Our windows are taken care of natively, so we don't need to deal with this here
    // We *could* make use of Java's AccessibleComponent.setLocation() method. Investigate. radr://3953869
    return NO;

// Element type, such as NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole (NSString). See the role table
// at
- (NSString *)accessibilityRoleAttribute
    if (fNSRole == nil) {
        NSString *javaRole = [self javaRole];
        fNSRole = [sRoles objectForKey:javaRole];
        if (fNSRole == nil) {
            // this component has assigned itself a custom AccessibleRole not in the sRoles array
            fNSRole = javaRole;
        [fNSRole retain];
    return fNSRole;
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsRoleAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Localized, user-readable description of role, such as radio button (NSString)
- (NSString *)accessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute
    // first ask AppKit for its accessible role description for a given AXRole
    NSString *value = NSAccessibilityRoleDescription([self accessibilityRoleAttribute], nil);

    if (value == nil) {
        // query java if necessary
        static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getAccessibleRoleDisplayString, sjc_CAccessibility, "getAccessibleRoleDisplayString", "(Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/String;");

        JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

        jobject axRole = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getAccessibleRoleDisplayString, fAccessible, fComponent);
        if(axRole != NULL) {
            value = JNFJavaToNSString(env, axRole);
        } else {
            value = @"unknown";

    return value;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsRoleDescriptionAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Currently selected children (NSArray)
- (NSArray *)accessibilitySelectedChildrenAttribute
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    NSArray *selectedChildren = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_SELECTED_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];
    if ([selectedChildren count] > 0) {
        return selectedChildren;

    return nil;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsSelectedChildrenAttributeSettable
    return NO; // cmcnote: actually it should be. so need to write accessibilitySetSelectedChildrenAttribute also

// Element size (NSValue)
- (NSValue *)accessibilitySizeAttribute {
    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axComponent = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleComponent, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return [NSValue valueWithSize:getAxComponentSize(env, axComponent, fComponent)];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsSizeAttributeSettable
    // SIZE is settable in windows if [self styleMask] & NSResizableWindowMask - but windows are heavyweight so we're ok here
    // SIZE is settable in columns if [[self tableValue] allowsColumnResizing - haven't dealt with columns yet
    return NO;

// Element subrole type, such as NSAccessibilityTableRowSubrole (NSString). See the subrole attribute table at
- (NSString *)accessibilitySubroleAttribute
    NSString *value = nil;
    if ([[self javaRole] isEqualToString:@"passwordtext"])
        value = NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole;
    // other subroles. TableRow and OutlineRow may be relevant to us
     NSAccessibilityCloseButtonSubrole // no, heavyweight window takes care of this
     NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonSubrole // "
     NSAccessibilityOutlineRowSubrole    // maybe?
     NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole // currently used
     NSAccessibilityTableRowSubrole        // maybe?
     NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonSubrole // maybe?
     NSAccessibilityZoomButtonSubrole    // no, heavyweight window takes care of this
     NSAccessibilityStandardWindowSubrole// no, heavyweight window takes care of this
     NSAccessibilityDialogSubrole        // maybe?
     NSAccessibilitySystemDialogSubrole    // no
     NSAccessibilityFloatingWindowSubrole // in 1.5 if we implement these, heavyweight will take care of them anyway
     NSAccessibilityIncrementArrowSubrole  // no
     NSAccessibilityDecrementArrowSubrole  // no
     NSAccessibilityIncrementPageSubrole   // no
     NSAccessibilityDecrementPageSubrole   // no
     NSAccessibilitySearchFieldSubrole    //no
    return value;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsSubroleAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Title of element, such as button text (NSString)
- (NSString *)accessibilityTitleAttribute
    // Return empty string for labels, since their value and tile end up being the same thing and this leads to repeated text.
    if ([[self accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole]) {
        return @"";

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    jobject val = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleName, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return JNFJavaToNSString(env, val);

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsTitleAttributeSettable
    return NO;

- (NSWindow *)accessibilityTopLevelUIElementAttribute
    return [self window];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsTopLevelUIElementAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Element's value (id)
// note that the appKit meaning of "accessibilityValue" is different from the java
// meaning of "accessibleValue", which is specific to numerical values
// (
- (id)accessibilityValueAttribute
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getCurrentAccessibleValue, sjc_CAccessibility, "getCurrentAccessibleValue", "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleValue;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/lang/Number;");

    JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    // ask Java for the component's accessibleValue. In java, the "accessibleValue" just means a numerical value
    // a text value is taken care of in JavaTextAccessibility

    // cmcnote should coalesce these calls into one java call
    jobject axValue = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, sjm_getAccessibleValue, fAccessible, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    return JNFJavaToNSNumber(env, JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getCurrentAccessibleValue, axValue, fComponent)); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsValueAttributeSettable
    // according ot AppKit sources, in general the value attribute is not settable, except in the cases
    // of an NSScroller, an NSSplitView, and text that's both enabled & editable
    BOOL isSettable = NO;
    NSString *role = [self accessibilityRoleAttribute];

    if ([role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole] || // according to NSScrollerAccessibility
        [role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilitySplitGroupRole] ) // according to NSSplitViewAccessibility
        isSettable = YES;
    return isSettable;

- (void)accessibilitySetValueAttribute:(id)value
    NSLog(@"Not yet implemented: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); // radr://3954018

// Child elements that are visible (NSArray)
- (NSArray *)accessibilityVisibleChildrenAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    NSArray *visibleChildren = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_VISIBLE_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];
    if ([visibleChildren count] <= 0) return nil;
    return visibleChildren;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsVisibleChildrenAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// Window containing current element (id)
- (id)accessibilityWindowAttribute
    return [self window];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsWindowAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// -- accessibility actions --
- (NSArray *)accessibilityActionNames
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    return [[self getActions:env] allKeys];

- (NSString *)accessibilityActionDescription:(NSString *)action

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    return [(id <JavaAccessibilityAction>)[[self getActions:env] objectForKey:action] getDescription];

- (void)accessibilityPerformAction:(NSString *)action

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    [(id <JavaAccessibilityAction>)[[self getActions:env] objectForKey:action] perform];

// -- misc accessibility --
- (BOOL)accessibilityIsIgnored
    return NO;
    return [[self accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:JavaAccessibilityIgnore];
#endif /* JAVA_AX_NO_IGNORES */

- (id)accessibilityHitTest:(NSPoint)point withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_Container, "java/awt/Container");
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_accessibilityHitTest, sjc_CAccessibility, "accessibilityHitTest", "(Ljava/awt/Container;FF)Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;");

    // Make it into java screen coords
    point.y = [[[[self view] window] screen] frame].size.height - point.y;

    jobject jparent = fComponent;

    id value = nil;
    if (JNFIsInstanceOf(env, jparent, &jc_Container)) {
        jobject jaccessible = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_accessibilityHitTest, jparent, (jfloat)point.x, (jfloat)point.y); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
        value = [JavaComponentAccessibility createWithAccessible:jaccessible withEnv:env withView:fView];

    if (value == nil) {
        value = self;

    if ([value accessibilityIsIgnored]) {
        value = NSAccessibilityUnignoredAncestor(value);

    NSLog(@"%s: %@", __FUNCTION__, value);
    return value;

- (id)accessibilityFocusedUIElement
    static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_getFocusOwner, sjc_CAccessibility, "getFocusOwner", "(Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljavax/accessibility/Accessible;");

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    id value = nil;

    jobject focused = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getFocusOwner, fComponent); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if (focused != NULL) {
        if (JNFIsInstanceOf(env, focused, &sjc_Accessible)) {
            value = [JavaComponentAccessibility createWithAccessible:focused withEnv:env withView:fView];

    if (value == nil) {
        value = self;
    NSLog(@"%s: %@", __FUNCTION__, value);
    return value;


 * Class:     sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessibility
 * Method:    focusChanged
 * Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessibility_focusChanged
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)

    [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThread:@selector(postFocusChanged:) on:[JavaComponentAccessibility class] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

 * Class:     sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible
 * Method:    valueChanged
 * Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible_valueChanged
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jklass, jlong element)
    [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThread:@selector(postValueChanged) on:(JavaComponentAccessibility *)jlong_to_ptr(element) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

 * Class:     sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible
 * Method:    selectionChanged
 * Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible_selectionChanged
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jklass, jlong element)
    [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThread:@selector(postSelectionChanged) on:(JavaComponentAccessibility *)jlong_to_ptr(element) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

 * Class:     sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible
 * Method:    unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem
 * Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CAccessible_unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jklass, jlong element)
    [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThread:@selector(unregisterFromCocoaAXSystem) on:(JavaComponentAccessibility *)jlong_to_ptr(element) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

@implementation TabGroupAccessibility

- (id)initWithParent:(NSObject *)parent withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAccessible:(jobject)accessible withIndex:(jint)index withView:(NSView *)view withJavaRole:(NSString *)javaRole
    self = [super initWithParent:parent withEnv:env withAccessible:accessible withIndex:index withView:view withJavaRole:javaRole];
    if (self) {
        _numTabs = -1; //flag for uninitialized numTabs
    return self;

- (NSArray *)initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    NSMutableArray *names = (NSMutableArray *)[super initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:env];

    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityTabsAttribute];
    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityContentsAttribute];
    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityValueAttribute];

    return names;

- (id)currentTabWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAxContext:(jobject)axContext
    NSArray *tabs = [self tabControlsWithEnv:env withTabGroupAxContext:axContext withTabCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];

    // Looking at the JTabbedPane sources, there is always one AccessibleSelection.
    jobject selAccessible = getAxContextSelection(env, axContext, 0, fComponent);
    if (selAccessible == NULL) return nil;

    // Go through the tabs and find selAccessible
    _numTabs = [tabs count];
    JavaComponentAccessibility *aTab;
    NSUInteger i;
    for (i = 0; i < _numTabs; i++) {
        aTab = (JavaComponentAccessibility *)[tabs objectAtIndex:i];
        if ([aTab isAccessibleWithEnv:env forAccessible:selAccessible]) {
            return aTab;

    return nil;

- (NSArray *)tabControlsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withTabGroupAxContext:(jobject)axContext withTabCode:(NSInteger)whichTabs allowIgnored:(BOOL)allowIgnored
    jobjectArray jtabsAndRoles = JNFCallStaticObjectMethod(env, jm_getChildrenAndRoles, fAccessible, fComponent, whichTabs, allowIgnored); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoop)
    if(jtabsAndRoles == NULL) return nil;

    jsize arrayLen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jtabsAndRoles);
    if (arrayLen == 0) return nil;

    NSMutableArray *tabs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(arrayLen/2)];

    // all of the tabs have the same role, so we can just find out what that is here and use it for all the tabs
    jobject jtabJavaRole = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, jtabsAndRoles, 1); // the array entries alternate between tab/role, starting with tab. so the first role is entry 1.
    if (jtabJavaRole == NULL) return nil;

    NSString *tabJavaRole = JNFJavaToNSString(env, JNFGetObjectField(env, jtabJavaRole, sjf_key));

    NSUInteger i;
    NSUInteger tabIndex = (whichTabs >= 0) ? whichTabs : 0; // if we're getting one particular child, make sure to set its index correctly
    for(i = 0; i < arrayLen; i+=2) {
        jobject jtab = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, jtabsAndRoles, i);
        JavaComponentAccessibility *tab = [[[TabGroupControlAccessibility alloc] initWithParent:self withEnv:env withAccessible:jtab withIndex:tabIndex withTabGroup:axContext withView:[self view] withJavaRole:tabJavaRole] autorelease];
        [tabs addObject:tab];

    return tabs;

- (NSArray *)contentsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withTabGroupAxContext:(jobject)axContext withTabCode:(NSInteger)whichTabs allowIgnored:(BOOL)allowIgnored
    // Contents are the children of the selected tab.
    id currentTab = [self currentTabWithEnv:env withAxContext:axContext];
    if (currentTab == nil) return nil;

    NSArray *contents = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:currentTab withEnv:env withChildrenCode:whichTabs allowIgnored:allowIgnored];
    if ([contents count] <= 0) return nil;
    return contents;

- (id) accessibilityTabsAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];
    return [self tabControlsWithEnv:env withTabGroupAxContext:axContext withTabCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsTabsAttributeSettable
    return NO; //cmcnote: not sure.

- (NSInteger)numTabs
    if (_numTabs == -1) {
        _numTabs = [[self accessibilityTabsAttribute] count];
    return _numTabs;

- (NSArray *) accessibilityContentsAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];
    return [self contentsWithEnv:env withTabGroupAxContext:axContext withTabCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:NO];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsContentsAttributeSettable
    return NO;

// axValue is the currently selected tab
-(id) accessibilityValueAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];
    return [self currentTabWithEnv:env withAxContext:axContext];

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsValueAttributeSettable
    return YES;

- (void)accessibilitySetValueAttribute:(id)value //cmcnote: not certain this is ever actually called. investigate.
    // set the current tab
    NSNumber *number = (NSNumber *)value;
    if (![number boolValue]) return;

    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];
    setAxContextSelection(env, axContext, fIndex, fComponent);

- (NSArray *)accessibilityChildrenAttribute
    //children = AXTabs + AXContents
    NSArray *tabs = [self accessibilityTabsAttribute];
    NSArray *contents = [self accessibilityContentsAttribute];

    NSMutableArray *children = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[tabs count] + [contents count]];
    [children addObjectsFromArray:tabs];
    [children addObjectsFromArray:contents];

    return (NSArray *)children;

// Without this optimization accessibilityChildrenAttribute is called in order to get the entire array of children.
// See similar optimization in JavaComponentAccessibility. We have to extend the base implementation here, since
// children of tabs are AXTabs + AXContents
- (NSArray *)accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:(NSString *)attribute index:(NSUInteger)index maxCount:(NSUInteger)maxCount {
    NSArray *result = nil;
    if ( (maxCount == 1) && [attribute isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute]) {
        // Children codes for ALL, SELECTED, VISIBLE are <0. If the code is >=0, we treat it as an index to a single child
        JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];

        //children = AXTabs + AXContents
        NSArray *children = [self tabControlsWithEnv:env withTabGroupAxContext:axContext withTabCode:index allowIgnored:NO]; // first look at the tabs
        if ([children count] > 0) {
            result = children;
         } else {
            children= [self contentsWithEnv:env withTabGroupAxContext:axContext withTabCode:(index-[self numTabs]) allowIgnored:NO];
            if ([children count] > 0) {
                result = children;
    } else {
        result = [super accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:attribute index:index maxCount:maxCount];
    return result;


static BOOL ObjectEquals(JNIEnv *env, jobject a, jobject b, jobject component);

@implementation TabGroupControlAccessibility

- (id)initWithParent:(NSObject *)parent withEnv:(JNIEnv *)env withAccessible:(jobject)accessible withIndex:(jint)index withTabGroup:(jobject)tabGroup withView:(NSView *)view withJavaRole:(NSString *)javaRole
    self = [super initWithParent:parent withEnv:env withAccessible:accessible withIndex:index withView:view withJavaRole:javaRole];
    if (self) {
        if (tabGroup != NULL) {
            fTabGroupAxContext = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, tabGroup);
        } else {
            fTabGroupAxContext = NULL;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnvUncached];

    if (fTabGroupAxContext != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fTabGroupAxContext);
        fTabGroupAxContext = NULL;

    [super dealloc];

- (void)finalize
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnvUncached];

    if (fTabGroupAxContext != NULL) {
        JNFDeleteGlobalRef(env, fTabGroupAxContext);
        fTabGroupAxContext = NULL;

    [super finalize];

- (id)accessibilityValueAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    jobject axContext = [self axContextWithEnv:env];

    // Returns the current selection of the page tab list
    return [NSNumber numberWithBool:ObjectEquals(env, axContext, getAxContextSelection(env, [self tabGroup], fIndex, fComponent), fComponent)];

- (void)getActionsWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    TabGroupAction *action = [[TabGroupAction alloc] initWithEnv:env withTabGroup:[self tabGroup] withIndex:fIndex withComponent:fComponent];
    [fActions setObject:action forKey:NSAccessibilityPressAction];
    [action release];

- (jobject)tabGroup
    if (fTabGroupAxContext == NULL) {
        JNIEnv* env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
        jobject tabGroupAxContext = [(JavaComponentAccessibility *)[self parent] axContextWithEnv:env];
        fTabGroupAxContext = JNFNewGlobalRef(env, tabGroupAxContext);
    return fTabGroupAxContext;


@implementation ScrollAreaAccessibility

- (NSArray *)initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:(JNIEnv *)env
    NSMutableArray *names = (NSMutableArray *)[super initializeAttributeNamesWithEnv:env];

    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute];
    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute];
    [names addObject:NSAccessibilityContentsAttribute];

    return names;

- (id)accessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    NSArray *children = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:YES];
    if ([children count] <= 0) return nil;

    // The scroll bars are in the children.
    JavaComponentAccessibility *aElement;
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [children objectEnumerator];
    while ((aElement = (JavaComponentAccessibility *)[enumerator nextObject])) {
        if ([[aElement accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole]) {
            jobject elementAxContext = [aElement axContextWithEnv:env];
            if (isHorizontal(env, elementAxContext, fComponent)) {
                return aElement;

    return nil;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsHorizontalScrollBarAttributeSettable
    return NO;

- (id)accessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];

    NSArray *children = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:YES];
    if ([children count] <= 0) return nil;

    // The scroll bars are in the children.
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [children objectEnumerator];
    JavaComponentAccessibility *aElement;
    while ((aElement = (JavaComponentAccessibility *)[enumerator nextObject])) {
        if ([[aElement accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole]) {
            jobject elementAxContext = [aElement axContextWithEnv:env];
            if (isVertical(env, elementAxContext, fComponent)) {
                return aElement;

    return nil;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsVerticalScrollBarAttributeSettable
    return NO;

- (NSArray *)accessibilityContentsAttribute
    JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
    NSArray *children = [JavaComponentAccessibility childrenOfParent:self withEnv:env withChildrenCode:JAVA_AX_ALL_CHILDREN allowIgnored:YES];

    if ([children count] <= 0) return nil;
    NSArray *contents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[children count]];

    // The scroll bars are in the children. children less the scroll bars is the contents
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [children objectEnumerator];
    JavaComponentAccessibility *aElement;
    while ((aElement = (JavaComponentAccessibility *)[enumerator nextObject])) {
        if (![[aElement accessibilityRoleAttribute] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole]) {
            // no scroll bars in contents
            [(NSMutableArray *)contents addObject:aElement];

    return contents;

- (BOOL)accessibilityIsContentsAttributeSettable
    return NO;


 * Returns Object.equals for the two items
 * This may use LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(); don't call while holding fLock
 * and try to pass a component so the event happens on the correct thread.
static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(sjc_Object, "java/lang/Object");
static BOOL ObjectEquals(JNIEnv *env, jobject a, jobject b, jobject component)
    static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_equals, sjc_Object, "equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");

    if ((a == NULL) && (b == NULL)) return YES;
    if ((a == NULL) || (b == NULL)) return NO;

    if (pthread_main_np() != 0) {
        // If we are on the AppKit thread
        static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(sjc_LWCToolkit, "sun/lwawt/macosx/LWCToolkit");
        static JNF_STATIC_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_doEquals, sjc_LWCToolkit, "doEquals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/awt/Component;)Z");
        return JNFCallStaticBooleanMethod(env, jm_doEquals, a, b, component); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoopMode)

    return JNFCallBooleanMethod(env, a, jm_equals, b); // AWT_THREADING Safe (!appKit)

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java JavaComponentAccessibility.m source code file:

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