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Java example source code file (util.h)

This example Java source code file (util.h) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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Java - Java tags/keywords

agent_error_invalid_count, backendglobaldata, eventindex, jdwp_util_h, objectbatch, packetinputstream, packetoutputstream, refnode, scope, utf8, with

The util.h Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#ifndef JDWP_UTIL_H
#define JDWP_UTIL_H

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* Just to make sure these interfaces are not used here. */
    #undef free
    #define free(p) Do not use this interface.
    #undef malloc
    #define malloc(p) Do not use this interface.
    #undef calloc
    #define calloc(p) Do not use this interface.
    #undef realloc
    #define realloc(p) Do not use this interface.
    #undef strdup
    #define strdup(p) Do not use this interface.

#include "log_messages.h"
#include "vm_interface.h"
#include "JDWP.h"
#include "util_md.h"
#include "error_messages.h"
#include "debugInit.h"

/* Get access to Native Platform Toolkit functions */
#include "npt.h"

/* Definition of a CommonRef tracked by the backend for the frontend */
typedef struct RefNode {
    jlong        seqNum;        /* ID of reference, also key for hash table */
    jobject      ref;           /* could be strong or weak */
    struct RefNode *next;       /* next RefNode* in bucket chain */
    jint         count;         /* count of references */
    unsigned     isStrong : 1;  /* 1 means this is a string reference */
} RefNode;

/* Value of a NULL ID */
#define NULL_OBJECT_ID  ((jlong)0)

 * Globals used throughout the back end

typedef jint FrameNumber;

typedef struct {
    jvmtiEnv *jvmti;
    JavaVM   *jvm;
    volatile jboolean vmDead; /* Once VM is dead it stays that way - don't put in init */
    jboolean assertOn;
    jboolean assertFatal;
    jboolean doerrorexit;
    jboolean modifiedUtf8;
    jboolean quiet;

    /* Debug flags (bit mask) */
    int      debugflags;

    /* Possible debug flags */

    char * options;

    jclass              classClass;
    jclass              threadClass;
    jclass              threadGroupClass;
    jclass              classLoaderClass;
    jclass              stringClass;
    jclass              systemClass;
    jmethodID           threadConstructor;
    jmethodID           threadSetDaemon;
    jmethodID           threadResume;
    jmethodID           systemGetProperty;
    jmethodID           setProperty;
    jthreadGroup        systemThreadGroup;
    jobject             agent_properties;

    jint                cachedJvmtiVersion;
    jvmtiCapabilities   cachedJvmtiCapabilities;
    jboolean            haveCachedJvmtiCapabilities;
    jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks;

    /* Various property values we should grab on initialization */
    char* property_java_version;          /* UTF8 java.version */
    char* property_java_vm_name;          /* UTF8 */
    char* property_java_vm_info;          /* UTF8 */
    char* property_java_class_path;       /* UTF8 java.class.path */
    char* property_sun_boot_class_path;   /* UTF8 sun.boot.class.path */
    char* property_sun_boot_library_path; /* UTF8 sun.boot.library.path */
    char* property_path_separator;        /* UTF8 path.separator */
    char* property_user_dir;              /* UTF8 user.dir */

    unsigned log_flags;

    /* The Native Platform Toolkit access */
    NptEnv *npt;

    /* Common References static data */
    jrawMonitorID refLock;
    jlong         nextSeqNum;
    RefNode     **objectsByID;
    int           objectsByIDsize;
    int           objectsByIDcount;

     /* Indication that the agent has been loaded */
     jboolean isLoaded;

} BackendGlobalData;

extern BackendGlobalData * gdata;

 * Event Index for handlers

typedef enum {
        EI_min                  =  1,

        EI_SINGLE_STEP          =  1,
        EI_BREAKPOINT           =  2,
        EI_FRAME_POP            =  3,
        EI_EXCEPTION            =  4,
        EI_THREAD_START         =  5,
        EI_THREAD_END           =  6,
        EI_CLASS_PREPARE        =  7,
        EI_GC_FINISH            =  8,
        EI_CLASS_LOAD           =  9,
        EI_FIELD_ACCESS         = 10,
        EI_EXCEPTION_CATCH      = 12,
        EI_METHOD_ENTRY         = 13,
        EI_METHOD_EXIT          = 14,
        EI_MONITOR_WAIT         = 17,
        EI_MONITOR_WAITED       = 18,
        EI_VM_INIT              = 19,
        EI_VM_DEATH             = 20,
        EI_max                  = 20
} EventIndex;

/* Agent errors that might be in a jvmtiError for JDWP or internal.
 *    (Done this way so that compiler allows it's use as a jvmtiError)
#define _AGENT_ERROR(x)                 ((jvmtiError)(JVMTI_ERROR_MAX+64+x))
#define AGENT_ERROR_INTERNAL                    _AGENT_ERROR(1)
#define AGENT_ERROR_VM_DEAD                     _AGENT_ERROR(2)
#define AGENT_ERROR_NO_JNI_ENV                  _AGENT_ERROR(3)
#define AGENT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY               _AGENT_ERROR(8)
#define AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_TAG                 _AGENT_ERROR(9)
#define AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_INDEX               _AGENT_ERROR(11)
#define AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_ARRAY               _AGENT_ERROR(15)
#define AGENT_ERROR_NATIVE_METHOD               _AGENT_ERROR(18)
#define AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_COUNT               _AGENT_ERROR(19)
#define AGENT_ERROR_NULL_POINTER                _AGENT_ERROR(21)
#define AGENT_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES              _AGENT_ERROR(26)

/* Combined event information */

typedef struct {

    EventIndex  ei;
    jthread     thread;
    jclass      clazz;
    jmethodID   method;
    jlocation   location;
    jobject     object; /* possibly an exception or user object */

    union {

        /* ei = EI_FIELD_ACCESS */
        struct {
            jclass      field_clazz;
            jfieldID    field;
        } field_access;

        /* ei = EI_FIELD_MODIFICATION */
        struct {
            jclass      field_clazz;
            jfieldID    field;
            char        signature_type;
            jvalue      new_value;
        } field_modification;

        /* ei = EI_EXCEPTION */
        struct {
            jclass      catch_clazz;
            jmethodID   catch_method;
            jlocation   catch_location;
        } exception;

        /* ei = EI_METHOD_EXIT */
        struct {
            jvalue      return_value;
        } method_exit;

        /* For monitor wait events */
        union {
            /* ei = EI_MONITOR_WAIT */
            jlong timeout;
            /* ei = EI_MONITOR_WAITED */
            jboolean timed_out;
        } monitor;
    } u;

} EventInfo;

/* Structure to hold dynamic array of objects */
typedef struct ObjectBatch {
    jobject *objects;
    jint     count;
} ObjectBatch;

 * JNI signature constants, beyond those defined in JDWP_TAG(*)
#define SIGNATURE_END_ARGS      ')'
#define SIGNATURE_END_CLASS     ';'

 * Modifier flags for classes, fields, methods
#define MOD_PUBLIC       0x0001     /* visible to everyone */
#define MOD_PRIVATE      0x0002     /* visible only to the defining class */
#define MOD_PROTECTED    0x0004     /* visible to subclasses */
#define MOD_STATIC       0x0008     /* instance variable is static */
#define MOD_FINAL        0x0010     /* no further subclassing, overriding */
#define MOD_SYNCHRONIZED 0x0020     /* wrap method call in monitor lock */
#define MOD_VOLATILE     0x0040     /* can cache in registers */
#define MOD_TRANSIENT    0x0080     /* not persistant */
#define MOD_NATIVE       0x0100     /* implemented in C */
#define MOD_INTERFACE    0x0200     /* class is an interface */
#define MOD_ABSTRACT     0x0400     /* no definition provided */
 * Additional modifiers not defined as such in the JVM spec
#define MOD_SYNTHETIC    0xf0000000  /* not in source code */

 * jlong conversion macros
#define jlong_zero       ((jlong) 0)
#define jlong_one        ((jlong) 1)

#define jlong_to_ptr(a)  ((void*)(intptr_t)(a))
#define ptr_to_jlong(a)  ((jlong)(intptr_t)(a))
#define jint_to_jlong(a) ((jlong)(a))
#define jlong_to_jint(a) ((jint)(a))

 * util funcs
void util_initialize(JNIEnv *env);
void util_reset(void);

struct PacketInputStream;
struct PacketOutputStream;

jint uniqueID(void);
jbyte referenceTypeTag(jclass clazz);
jbyte specificTypeKey(JNIEnv *env, jobject object);
jboolean isObjectTag(jbyte tag);
jvmtiError spawnNewThread(jvmtiStartFunction func, void *arg, char *name);
void convertSignatureToClassname(char *convert);
void writeCodeLocation(struct PacketOutputStream *out, jclass clazz,
                       jmethodID method, jlocation location);

jvmtiError classInstances(jclass klass, ObjectBatch *instances, int maxInstances);
jvmtiError classInstanceCounts(jint classCount, jclass *classes, jlong *counts);
jvmtiError objectReferrers(jobject obj, ObjectBatch *referrers, int maxObjects);

 * Command handling helpers shared among multiple command sets
int filterDebugThreads(jthread *threads, int count);

void sharedGetFieldValues(struct PacketInputStream *in,
                          struct PacketOutputStream *out,
                          jboolean isStatic);
jboolean sharedInvoke(struct PacketInputStream *in,
                      struct PacketOutputStream *out);

jvmtiError fieldSignature(jclass, jfieldID, char **, char **, char **);
jvmtiError fieldModifiers(jclass, jfieldID, jint *);
jvmtiError methodSignature(jmethodID, char **, char **, char **);
jvmtiError methodReturnType(jmethodID, char *);
jvmtiError methodModifiers(jmethodID, jint *);
jvmtiError methodClass(jmethodID, jclass *);
jvmtiError methodLocation(jmethodID, jlocation*, jlocation*);
jvmtiError classLoader(jclass, jobject *);

 * Thin wrappers on top of JNI
JNIEnv *getEnv(void);
jboolean isClass(jobject object);
jboolean isThread(jobject object);
jboolean isThreadGroup(jobject object);
jboolean isString(jobject object);
jboolean isClassLoader(jobject object);
jboolean isArray(jobject object);

 * Thin wrappers on top of JVMTI
jvmtiError jvmtiGetCapabilities(jvmtiCapabilities *caps);
jint jvmtiMajorVersion(void);
jint jvmtiMinorVersion(void);
jint jvmtiMicroVersion(void);
jvmtiError getSourceDebugExtension(jclass clazz, char **extensionPtr);
jboolean canSuspendResumeThreadLists(void);

jrawMonitorID debugMonitorCreate(char *name);
void debugMonitorEnter(jrawMonitorID theLock);
void debugMonitorExit(jrawMonitorID theLock);
void debugMonitorWait(jrawMonitorID theLock);
void debugMonitorTimedWait(jrawMonitorID theLock, jlong millis);
void debugMonitorNotify(jrawMonitorID theLock);
void debugMonitorNotifyAll(jrawMonitorID theLock);
void debugMonitorDestroy(jrawMonitorID theLock);

jthread *allThreads(jint *count);

void threadGroupInfo(jthreadGroup, jvmtiThreadGroupInfo *info);

char *getClassname(jclass);
jvmtiError classSignature(jclass, char**, char**);
jint classStatus(jclass);
void writeGenericSignature(struct PacketOutputStream *, char *);
jboolean isMethodNative(jmethodID);
jboolean isMethodObsolete(jmethodID);
jvmtiError isMethodSynthetic(jmethodID, jboolean*);
jvmtiError isFieldSynthetic(jclass, jfieldID, jboolean*);

jboolean isSameObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject o1, jobject o2);

jint objectHashCode(jobject);

jvmtiError allInterfaces(jclass clazz, jclass **ppinterfaces, jint *count);
jvmtiError allLoadedClasses(jclass **ppclasses, jint *count);
jvmtiError allClassLoaderClasses(jobject loader, jclass **ppclasses, jint *count);
jvmtiError allNestedClasses(jclass clazz, jclass **ppnested, jint *pcount);

void setAgentPropertyValue(JNIEnv *env, char *propertyName, char* propertyValue);

void *jvmtiAllocate(jint numBytes);
void jvmtiDeallocate(void *buffer);

void             eventIndexInit(void);
jdwpEvent        eventIndex2jdwp(EventIndex i);
jvmtiEvent       eventIndex2jvmti(EventIndex i);
EventIndex       jdwp2EventIndex(jdwpEvent eventType);
EventIndex       jvmti2EventIndex(jvmtiEvent kind);

jvmtiError       map2jvmtiError(jdwpError);
jdwpError        map2jdwpError(jvmtiError);
jdwpThreadStatus map2jdwpThreadStatus(jint state);
jint             map2jdwpSuspendStatus(jint state);
jint             map2jdwpClassStatus(jint);

void log_debugee_location(const char *func,
                jthread thread, jmethodID method, jlocation location);

 * Local Reference management. The two macros below are used
 * throughout the back end whenever space for JNI local references
 * is needed in the current frame.

void createLocalRefSpace(JNIEnv *env, jint capacity);

#define WITH_LOCAL_REFS(env, number) \
    createLocalRefSpace(env, number); \

#define END_WITH_LOCAL_REFS(env) \
        JNI_FUNC_PTR(env,PopLocalFrame)(env, NULL); \
    } /* END OF WITH SCOPE */

void saveGlobalRef(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject *pobj);
void tossGlobalRef(JNIEnv *env, jobject *pobj);


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