Java example source code file (accessibility_sv.properties)
The accessibility_sv.properties Java example source code# # This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle # It contains Locale specific strings used be the Accessibility package. # # When this file is read in, the strings are put into the # defaults table. This is an implementation detail of the current # workings of Accessibility. DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS. # This may change in future versions of Accessibility as we improve # localization support. # # @author Lynn Monsanto # # accessible roles # alert=avisering awtcomponent=AWT-komponent checkbox=kryssruta colorchooser=f\u00E4rgv\u00E4ljare columnheader=kolumnrubrik combobox=kombinationsruta canvas=rityta desktopicon=skrivbordsikon desktoppane=skrivbordsruta dialog=dialogruta directorypane=katalogruta glasspane=glasruta filechooser=filv\u00E4ljare filler=utfyllnad frame=ram internalframe=intern ram label=etikett layeredpane=staplad ruta list=lista listitem=listobjekt menubar=menyrad menu=meny menuitem=menyalternativ optionpane=alternativruta pagetab=sidflik pagetablist=sidflikslista panel=panel passwordtext=l\u00F6senordstext popupmenu=snabbmeny progressbar=statusrad pushbutton=knapp radiobutton=alternativknapp rootpane=grundruta rowheader=radrubrik scrollbar=rullningslist scrollpane=rullningsruta separator=avskiljare slider=skjutreglage splitpane=delad ruta swingcomponent=swing-komponent table=tabell text=text tree=tr\u00E4d togglebutton=v\u00E4xlingsknapp toolbar=verktygsrad tooltip=knappbeskrivning unknown=ok\u00E4nd viewport=vyport window=f\u00F6nster # # accessible relations # labelFor=etikett f\u00F6r labeledBy=etikett av memberOf=medlem i controlledBy=controlledBy controllerFor=controllerFor # # accessible states # active=aktiv armed=redo busy=upptagen checked=markerad collapsed=komprimerad editable=redigerbar expandable=ut\u00F6kningsbar expanded=ut\u00F6kad enabled=aktiverad focusable=fokuseringsbar focused=fokuserad iconified=minimerad modal=modal multiline=flera rader multiselectable=flerval opaque=t\u00E4ckande pressed=nedtryckt resizable=storleks\u00E4ndringsbar selectable=valbar selected=vald showing=visas singleline=en rad transient=tillf\u00E4llig visible=synlig vertical=vertikal horizontal=horisontell # # accessible actions # toggleexpand=v\u00E4xla expandering # new relations, roles and states for J2SE 1.5.0 # # accessible relations # flowsTo=fl\u00F6dar till flowsFrom=fl\u00F6dar fr\u00E5n subwindowOf=delf\u00F6nster av parentWindowOf=\u00F6verordnat f\u00F6nster f\u00F6r embeds=b\u00E4ddar in embeddedBy=b\u00E4ddas in av childNodeOf=underordnad nod f\u00F6r # # accessible roles # header=sidhuvud footer=sidfot paragraph=stycke ruler=linjal editbar=redigeringslist progressMonitor=f\u00F6rlopps\u00F6vervakare # # accessible states # managesDescendants=hanterar underordnade indeterminate=obest\u00E4mt truncated=kapad # new for J2SE 1.6.0 # # accessible roles # htmlcontainer=HTML-container # # END OF MATERIAL TO LOCALIZE # Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java accessibility_sv.properties source code file: |
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