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Java - Java tags/keywords

arraylist, classsignature, eoi, fieldtypesignature, formaltypeparameter, list, reflection, signatureparser, simpleclasstypesignature, string, stringbuilder, typeargument, typevariablesignature, util

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

package sun.reflect.generics.parser;

import java.lang.reflect.GenericSignatureFormatError;
import java.util.*;
import sun.reflect.generics.tree.*;

 * Parser for type signatures, as defined in the Java Virtual
 * Machine Specification (JVMS) chapter 4.
 * Converts the signatures into an abstract syntax tree (AST) representation.
 * See the package sun.reflect.generics.tree for details of the AST.
public class SignatureParser {
    // The input is conceptually a character stream (though currently it's
    // a string). This is slightly different than traditional parsers,
    // because there is no lexical scanner performing tokenization.
    // Having a separate tokenizer does not fit with the nature of the
    // input format.
    // Other than the absence of a tokenizer, this parser is a classic
    // recursive descent parser. Its structure corresponds as closely
    // as possible to the grammar in the JVMS.
    // A note on asserts vs. errors: The code contains assertions
    // in situations that should never occur. An assertion failure
    // indicates a failure of the parser logic. A common pattern
    // is an assertion that the current input is a particular
    // character. This is often paired with a separate check
    // that this is the case, which seems redundant. For example:
    // assert(current() != x);
    // if (current != x {error("expected an x");
    // where x is some character constant.
    // The assertion indicates, that, as currently written,
    // the code should never reach this point unless the input is an
    // x. On the other hand, the test is there to check the legality
    // of the input wrt to a given production. It may be that at a later
    // time the code might be called directly, and if the input is
    // invalid, the parser should flag an error in accordance
    // with its logic.

    private char[] input; // the input signature
    private int index = 0; // index into the input
    // used to mark end of input
    private static final char EOI = ':';
    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

    // private constructor - enforces use of static factory
    private SignatureParser(){}

    // Utility methods.

    // Most parsing routines use the following routines to access the
    // input stream, and advance it as necessary.
    // This makes it easy to adapt the parser to operate on streams
    // of various kinds as well as strings.

    // returns current element of the input and advances the input
    private char getNext(){
        assert(index <= input.length);
        try {
            return input[index++];
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return EOI;}

    // returns current element of the input
    private char current(){
        assert(index <= input.length);
        try {
            return input[index];
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return EOI;}

    // advance the input
    private void advance(){
        assert(index <= input.length);

    // For debugging, prints current character to the end of the input.
    private String remainder() {
        return new String(input, index, input.length-index);

    // Match c against a "set" of characters
    private boolean matches(char c, char... set) {
        for (char e : set) {
            if (c == e) return true;
        return false;

    // Error handling routine. Encapsulates error handling.
    // Takes a string error message as argument.
    // Currently throws a GenericSignatureFormatError.

    private Error error(String errorMsg) {
        return new GenericSignatureFormatError("Signature Parse error: " + errorMsg +
                                               "\n\tRemaining input: " + remainder());

     * Verify the parse has made forward progress; throw an exception
     * if no progress.
    private void progress(int startingPosition) {
        if (index <= startingPosition)
            throw error("Failure to make progress!");

     * Static factory method. Produces a parser instance.
     * @return an instance of <tt>SignatureParser
    public static SignatureParser make() {
        return new SignatureParser();

     * Parses a class signature (as defined in the JVMS, chapter 4)
     * and produces an abstract syntax tree representing it.
     * @param s a string representing the input class signature
     * @return An abstract syntax tree for a class signature
     * corresponding to the input string
     * @throws GenericSignatureFormatError if the input is not a valid
     * class signature
    public ClassSignature parseClassSig(String s) {
        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Parsing class sig:" + s);
        input = s.toCharArray();
        return parseClassSignature();

     * Parses a method signature (as defined in the JVMS, chapter 4)
     * and produces an abstract syntax tree representing it.
     * @param s a string representing the input method signature
     * @return An abstract syntax tree for a method signature
     * corresponding to the input string
     * @throws GenericSignatureFormatError if the input is not a valid
     * method signature
    public MethodTypeSignature parseMethodSig(String s) {
        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Parsing method sig:" + s);
        input = s.toCharArray();
        return parseMethodTypeSignature();

     * Parses a type signature
     * and produces an abstract syntax tree representing it.
     * @param s a string representing the input type signature
     * @return An abstract syntax tree for a type signature
     * corresponding to the input string
     * @throws GenericSignatureFormatError if the input is not a valid
     * type signature
    public TypeSignature parseTypeSig(String s) {
        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Parsing type sig:" + s);
        input = s.toCharArray();
        return parseTypeSignature();

    // Parsing routines.
    // As a rule, the parsing routines access the input using the
    // utilities current(), getNext() and/or advance().
    // The convention is that when a parsing routine is invoked
    // it expects the current input to be the first character it should parse
    // and when it completes parsing, it leaves the input at the first
    // character after the input parses.

     * Note on grammar conventions: a trailing "*" matches zero or
     * more occurrences, a trailing "+" matches one or more occurrences,
     * "_opt" indicates an optional component.

     * ClassSignature:
     *     FormalTypeParameters_opt SuperclassSignature SuperinterfaceSignature*
    private ClassSignature parseClassSignature() {
        // parse a class signature based on the implicit input.
        assert(index == 0);
        return ClassSignature.make(parseZeroOrMoreFormalTypeParameters(),
                                   parseClassTypeSignature(), // Only rule for SuperclassSignature

    private FormalTypeParameter[] parseZeroOrMoreFormalTypeParameters(){
        if (current() == '<') {
            return parseFormalTypeParameters();
        } else {
            return new FormalTypeParameter[0];

     * FormalTypeParameters:
     *     "<" FormalTypeParameter+ ">"
    private FormalTypeParameter[] parseFormalTypeParameters(){
        List<FormalTypeParameter> ftps =  new ArrayList<>(3);
        assert(current() == '<'); // should not have been called at all
        if (current() != '<') { throw error("expected '<'");}
        while (current() != '>') {
            int startingPosition = index;
        return ftps.toArray(new FormalTypeParameter[ftps.size()]);

     * FormalTypeParameter:
     *     Identifier ClassBound InterfaceBound*
    private FormalTypeParameter parseFormalTypeParameter(){
        String id = parseIdentifier();
        FieldTypeSignature[] bs = parseBounds();
        return FormalTypeParameter.make(id, bs);

    private String parseIdentifier(){
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        while (!Character.isWhitespace(current())) {
            char c = current();
            switch(c) {
            case ';':
            case '.':
            case '/':
            case '[':
            case ':':
            case '>':
            case '<':
                return result.toString();

        return result.toString();
     * FieldTypeSignature:
     *     ClassTypeSignature
     *     ArrayTypeSignature
     *     TypeVariableSignature
    private FieldTypeSignature parseFieldTypeSignature() {
        return parseFieldTypeSignature(true);

    private FieldTypeSignature parseFieldTypeSignature(boolean allowArrays) {
        switch(current()) {
        case 'L':
           return parseClassTypeSignature();
        case 'T':
            return parseTypeVariableSignature();
        case '[':
            if (allowArrays)
                return parseArrayTypeSignature();
                throw error("Array signature not allowed here.");
        default: throw error("Expected Field Type Signature");

     * ClassTypeSignature:
     *     "L" PackageSpecifier_opt SimpleClassTypeSignature ClassTypeSignatureSuffix* ";"
    private ClassTypeSignature parseClassTypeSignature(){
        assert(current() == 'L');
        if (current() != 'L') { throw error("expected a class type");}
        List<SimpleClassTypeSignature> scts = new ArrayList<>(5);

        if (current() != ';')
            throw error("expected ';' got '" + current() + "'");

        return ClassTypeSignature.make(scts);

     * PackageSpecifier:
     *     Identifier "/" PackageSpecifier*
    private SimpleClassTypeSignature parsePackageNameAndSimpleClassTypeSignature() {
        // Parse both any optional leading PackageSpecifier as well as
        // the following SimpleClassTypeSignature.

        String id = parseIdentifier();

        if (current() == '/') { // package name
            StringBuilder idBuild = new StringBuilder(id);

            while(current() == '/') {
            id = idBuild.toString();

        switch (current()) {
        case ';':
            return SimpleClassTypeSignature.make(id, false, new TypeArgument[0]); // all done!
        case '<':
            if (DEBUG) System.out.println("\t remainder: " + remainder());
            return SimpleClassTypeSignature.make(id, false, parseTypeArguments());
            throw error("expected '<' or ';' but got " + current());

     * SimpleClassTypeSignature:
     *     Identifier TypeArguments_opt
    private SimpleClassTypeSignature parseSimpleClassTypeSignature(boolean dollar){
        String id = parseIdentifier();
        char c = current();

        switch (c) {
        case ';':
        case '.':
            return SimpleClassTypeSignature.make(id, dollar, new TypeArgument[0]) ;
        case '<':
            return SimpleClassTypeSignature.make(id, dollar, parseTypeArguments());
            throw error("expected '<' or ';' or '.', got '" + c + "'.");

     * ClassTypeSignatureSuffix:
     *     "." SimpleClassTypeSignature
    private void parseClassTypeSignatureSuffix(List<SimpleClassTypeSignature> scts) {
        while (current() == '.') {

    private TypeArgument[] parseTypeArgumentsOpt() {
        if (current() == '<') {return parseTypeArguments();}
        else {return new TypeArgument[0];}

     * TypeArguments:
     *     "<" TypeArgument+ ">"
    private TypeArgument[] parseTypeArguments() {
        List<TypeArgument> tas = new ArrayList<>(3);
        assert(current() == '<');
        if (current() != '<') { throw error("expected '<'");}
        while (current() != '>') {
                //(matches(current(),  '+', '-', 'L', '[', 'T', '*')) {
        return tas.toArray(new TypeArgument[tas.size()]);

     * TypeArgument:
     *     WildcardIndicator_opt FieldTypeSignature
     *     "*"
    private TypeArgument parseTypeArgument() {
        FieldTypeSignature[] ub, lb;
        ub = new FieldTypeSignature[1];
        lb = new FieldTypeSignature[1];
        TypeArgument[] ta = new TypeArgument[0];
        char c = current();
        switch (c) {
        case '+': {
            ub[0] = parseFieldTypeSignature();
            lb[0] = BottomSignature.make(); // bottom
            return Wildcard.make(ub, lb);
        case '*':{
            ub[0] = SimpleClassTypeSignature.make("java.lang.Object", false, ta);
            lb[0] = BottomSignature.make(); // bottom
            return Wildcard.make(ub, lb);
        case '-': {
            lb[0] = parseFieldTypeSignature();
            ub[0] = SimpleClassTypeSignature.make("java.lang.Object", false, ta);
            return Wildcard.make(ub, lb);
            return parseFieldTypeSignature();

     * TypeVariableSignature:
     *     "T" Identifier ";"
    private TypeVariableSignature parseTypeVariableSignature() {
        assert(current() == 'T');
        if (current() != 'T') { throw error("expected a type variable usage");}
        TypeVariableSignature ts = TypeVariableSignature.make(parseIdentifier());
        if (current() != ';') {
            throw error("; expected in signature of type variable named" +
        return ts;

     * ArrayTypeSignature:
     *     "[" TypeSignature
    private ArrayTypeSignature parseArrayTypeSignature() {
        if (current() != '[') {throw error("expected array type signature");}
        return ArrayTypeSignature.make(parseTypeSignature());

     * TypeSignature:
     *     FieldTypeSignature
     *     BaseType
    private TypeSignature parseTypeSignature() {
        switch (current()) {
        case 'B':
        case 'C':
        case 'D':
        case 'F':
        case 'I':
        case 'J':
        case 'S':
        case 'Z':
            return parseBaseType();

            return parseFieldTypeSignature();

    private BaseType parseBaseType() {
        switch(current()) {
        case 'B':
            return ByteSignature.make();
        case 'C':
            return CharSignature.make();
        case 'D':
            return DoubleSignature.make();
        case 'F':
            return FloatSignature.make();
        case 'I':
            return IntSignature.make();
        case 'J':
            return LongSignature.make();
        case 'S':
            return ShortSignature.make();
        case 'Z':
            return BooleanSignature.make();
        default: {
            throw error("expected primitive type");

     * ClassBound:
     *     ":" FieldTypeSignature_opt
     * InterfaceBound:
     *     ":" FieldTypeSignature
    private FieldTypeSignature[] parseBounds() {
        List<FieldTypeSignature> fts = new ArrayList<>(3);

        if (current() == ':') {
            switch(current()) {
            case ':': // empty class bound

            default: // parse class bound

            // zero or more interface bounds
            while (current() == ':') {
        } else
            error("Bound expected");

        return fts.toArray(new FieldTypeSignature[fts.size()]);

     * SuperclassSignature:
     *     ClassTypeSignature
    private ClassTypeSignature[] parseSuperInterfaces() {
        List<ClassTypeSignature> cts = new ArrayList<>(5);
        while(current() == 'L') {
        return cts.toArray(new ClassTypeSignature[cts.size()]);

     * MethodTypeSignature:
     *     FormalTypeParameters_opt "(" TypeSignature* ")" ReturnType ThrowsSignature*
    private MethodTypeSignature parseMethodTypeSignature() {
        // Parse a method signature based on the implicit input.
        FieldTypeSignature[] ets;

        assert(index == 0);
        return MethodTypeSignature.make(parseZeroOrMoreFormalTypeParameters(),

    // "(" TypeSignature* ")"
    private TypeSignature[] parseFormalParameters() {
        if (current() != '(') {throw error("expected '('");}
        TypeSignature[] pts = parseZeroOrMoreTypeSignatures();
        if (current() != ')') {throw error("expected ')'");}
        return pts;

    // TypeSignature*
    private TypeSignature[] parseZeroOrMoreTypeSignatures() {
        List<TypeSignature> ts = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean stop = false;
        while (!stop) {
            switch(current()) {
            case 'B':
            case 'C':
            case 'D':
            case 'F':
            case 'I':
            case 'J':
            case 'S':
            case 'Z':
            case 'L':
            case 'T':
            case '[': {
            default: stop = true;
        return ts.toArray(new TypeSignature[ts.size()]);

     * ReturnType:
     *     TypeSignature
     *     VoidDescriptor
    private ReturnType parseReturnType(){
        if (current() == 'V') {
            return VoidDescriptor.make();
        } else
            return parseTypeSignature();

    // ThrowSignature*
    private FieldTypeSignature[] parseZeroOrMoreThrowsSignatures(){
        List<FieldTypeSignature> ets = new ArrayList<>(3);
        while( current() == '^') {
        return ets.toArray(new FieldTypeSignature[ets.size()]);

     * ThrowsSignature:
     *     "^" ClassTypeSignature
     *     "^" TypeVariableSignature
    private FieldTypeSignature parseThrowsSignature() {
        assert(current() == '^');
        if (current() != '^') { throw error("expected throws signature");}
        return parseFieldTypeSignature(false);

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