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Java - Java tags/keywords

badpaddingexception, bytebuffer, crypto, engineinputrecord, hexdumpencoder, internal, ioexception, mac, net, nio, override, protocolversion, runtimeexception, ssl, sslexception, unsupported

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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import java.nio.*;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder;

 * Wrapper class around InputRecord.
 * Application data is kept external to the InputRecord,
 * but handshake data (alert/change_cipher_spec/handshake) will
 * be kept internally in the ByteArrayInputStream.
 * @author Brad Wetmore
final class EngineInputRecord extends InputRecord {

    private SSLEngineImpl engine;

     * A dummy ByteBuffer we'll pass back even when the data
     * is stored internally.  It'll never actually be used.
    static private ByteBuffer tmpBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);

     * Flag to tell whether the last read/parsed data resides
     * internal in the ByteArrayInputStream, or in the external
     * buffers.
    private boolean internalData;

    EngineInputRecord(SSLEngineImpl engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

    byte contentType() {
        if (internalData) {
            return super.contentType();
        } else {
            return ct_application_data;

     * Check if there is enough inbound data in the ByteBuffer
     * to make a inbound packet.  Look for both SSLv2 and SSLv3.
     * @return -1 if there are not enough bytes to tell (small header),
    int bytesInCompletePacket(ByteBuffer buf) throws SSLException {

         * SSLv2 length field is in bytes 0/1
         * SSLv3/TLS length field is in bytes 3/4
        if (buf.remaining() < 5) {
            return -1;

        int pos = buf.position();
        byte byteZero = buf.get(pos);

        int len = 0;

         * If we have already verified previous packets, we can
         * ignore the verifications steps, and jump right to the
         * determination.  Otherwise, try one last hueristic to
         * see if it's SSL/TLS.
        if (formatVerified ||
                (byteZero == ct_handshake) ||
                (byteZero == ct_alert)) {
             * Last sanity check that it's not a wild record
            ProtocolVersion recordVersion =
                ProtocolVersion.valueOf(buf.get(pos + 1), buf.get(pos + 2));

            // Check if too old (currently not possible)
            // or if the major version does not match.
            // The actual version negotiation is in the handshaker classes
            if ((recordVersion.v < ProtocolVersion.MIN.v)
                    || (recordVersion.major > ProtocolVersion.MAX.major)) {
                throw new SSLException(
                    "Unsupported record version " + recordVersion);

             * Reasonably sure this is a V3, disable further checks.
             * We can't do the same in the v2 check below, because
             * read still needs to parse/handle the v2 clientHello.
            formatVerified = true;

             * One of the SSLv3/TLS message types.
            len = ((buf.get(pos + 3) & 0xff) << 8) +
                (buf.get(pos + 4) & 0xff) + headerSize;

        } else {
             * Must be SSLv2 or something unknown.
             * Check if it's short (2 bytes) or
             * long (3) header.
             * Internals can warn about unsupported SSLv2
            boolean isShort = ((byteZero & 0x80) != 0);

            if (isShort &&
                    ((buf.get(pos + 2) == 1) || buf.get(pos + 2) == 4)) {

                ProtocolVersion recordVersion =
                    ProtocolVersion.valueOf(buf.get(pos + 3), buf.get(pos + 4));

                // Check if too old (currently not possible)
                // or if the major version does not match.
                // The actual version negotiation is in the handshaker classes
                if ((recordVersion.v < ProtocolVersion.MIN.v)
                        || (recordVersion.major > ProtocolVersion.MAX.major)) {

                    // if it's not SSLv2, we're out of here.
                    if (recordVersion.v != ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello.v) {
                        throw new SSLException(
                            "Unsupported record version " + recordVersion);

                 * Client or Server Hello
                int mask = (isShort ? 0x7f : 0x3f);
                len = ((byteZero & mask) << 8) + (buf.get(pos + 1) & 0xff) +
                    (isShort ? 2 : 3);

            } else {
                // Gobblygook!
                throw new SSLException(
                    "Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?");

        return len;

     * Pass the data down if it's internally cached, otherwise
     * do it here.
     * If internal data, data is decrypted internally.
     * If external data(app), return a new ByteBuffer with data to
     * process.
    ByteBuffer decrypt(Authenticator authenticator,
            CipherBox box, ByteBuffer bb) throws BadPaddingException {

        if (internalData) {
            decrypt(authenticator, box);   // MAC is checked during decryption
            return tmpBB;

        BadPaddingException reservedBPE = null;
        int tagLen =
            (authenticator instanceof MAC) ? ((MAC)authenticator).MAClen() : 0;
        int cipheredLength = bb.remaining();

        if (!box.isNullCipher()) {
            try {
                // apply explicit nonce for AEAD/CBC cipher suites if needed
                int nonceSize =
                    box.applyExplicitNonce(authenticator, contentType(), bb);

                // decrypt the content
                if (box.isAEADMode()) {
                    // DON'T encrypt the nonce_explicit for AEAD mode
                    bb.position(bb.position() + nonceSize);
                }   // The explicit IV for CBC mode can be decrypted.

                // Note that the CipherBox.decrypt() does not change
                // the capacity of the buffer.
                box.decrypt(bb, tagLen);
                bb.position(nonceSize); // We don't actually remove the nonce.
            } catch (BadPaddingException bpe) {
                // RFC 2246 states that decryption_failed should be used
                // for this purpose. However, that allows certain attacks,
                // so we just send bad record MAC. We also need to make
                // sure to always check the MAC to avoid a timing attack
                // for the same issue. See paper by Vaudenay et al and the
                // update in RFC 4346/5246.
                // Failover to message authentication code checking.
                reservedBPE = bpe;

        // Requires message authentication code for null, stream and block
        // cipher suites.
        if ((authenticator instanceof MAC) && (tagLen != 0)) {
            MAC signer = (MAC)authenticator;
            int macOffset = bb.limit() - tagLen;

            // Note that although it is not necessary, we run the same MAC
            // computation and comparison on the payload for both stream
            // cipher and CBC block cipher.
            if (bb.remaining() < tagLen) {
                // negative data length, something is wrong
                if (reservedBPE == null) {
                    reservedBPE = new BadPaddingException("bad record");

                // set offset of the dummy MAC
                macOffset = cipheredLength - tagLen;

            // Run MAC computation and comparison on the payload.
            if (checkMacTags(contentType(), bb, signer, false)) {
                if (reservedBPE == null) {
                    reservedBPE = new BadPaddingException("bad record MAC");

            // Run MAC computation and comparison on the remainder.
            // It is only necessary for CBC block cipher.  It is used to get a
            // constant time of MAC computation and comparison on each record.
            if (box.isCBCMode()) {
                int remainingLen = calculateRemainingLen(
                                        signer, cipheredLength, macOffset);

                // NOTE: here we use the InputRecord.buf because I did not find
                // an effective way to work on ByteBuffer when its capacity is
                // less than remainingLen.

                // NOTE: remainingLen may be bigger (less than 1 block of the
                // hash algorithm of the MAC) than the cipheredLength. However,
                // We won't need to worry about it because we always use a
                // maximum buffer for every record.  We need a change here if
                // we use small buffer size in the future.
                if (remainingLen > buf.length) {
                    // unlikely to happen, just a placehold
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Internal buffer capacity error");

                // Won't need to worry about the result on the remainder. And
                // then we won't need to worry about what's actual data to
                // check MAC tag on.  We start the check from the header of the
                // buffer so that we don't need to construct a new byte buffer.
                checkMacTags(contentType(), buf, 0, remainingLen, signer, true);


        // Is it a failover?
        if (reservedBPE != null) {
            throw reservedBPE;

        return bb.slice();

     * Run MAC computation and comparison
     * Please DON'T change the content of the ByteBuffer parameter!
    private static boolean checkMacTags(byte contentType, ByteBuffer bb,
            MAC signer, boolean isSimulated) {

        int position = bb.position();
        int tagLen = signer.MAClen();
        int lim = bb.limit();
        int macData = lim - tagLen;

        byte[] hash = signer.compute(contentType, bb, isSimulated);
        if (hash == null || tagLen != hash.length) {
            // Something is wrong with MAC implementation.
            throw new RuntimeException("Internal MAC error");

        try {
            int[] results = compareMacTags(bb, hash);
            return (results[0] != 0);
        } finally {
            // reset to the data

     * A constant-time comparison of the MAC tags.
     * Please DON'T change the content of the ByteBuffer parameter!
    private static int[] compareMacTags(ByteBuffer bb, byte[] tag) {

        // An array of hits is used to prevent Hotspot optimization for
        // the purpose of a constant-time check.
        int[] results = {0, 0};     // {missed #, matched #}

        // The caller ensures there are enough bytes available in the buffer.
        // So we won't need to check the remaining of the buffer.
        for (int i = 0; i < tag.length; i++) {
            if (bb.get() != tag[i]) {
                results[0]++;       // mismatched bytes
            } else {
                results[1]++;       // matched bytes

        return results;

     * Override the actual write below.  We do things this way to be
     * consistent with InputRecord.  InputRecord may try to write out
     * data to the peer, and *then* throw an Exception.  This forces
     * data to be generated/output before the exception is ever
     * generated.
    void writeBuffer(OutputStream s, byte [] buf, int off, int len)
            throws IOException {
         * Copy data out of buffer, it's ready to go.
        ByteBuffer netBB = (ByteBuffer)
            (ByteBuffer.allocate(len).put(buf, 0, len).flip());

     * Delineate or read a complete packet from src.
     * If internal data (hs, alert, ccs), the data is read and
     * stored internally.
     * If external data (app), return a new ByteBuffer which points
     * to the data to process.
    ByteBuffer read(ByteBuffer srcBB) throws IOException {
         * Could have a src == null/dst == null check here,
         * but that was already checked by SSLEngine.unwrap before
         * ever attempting to read.

         * If we have anything besides application data,
         * or if we haven't even done the initial v2 verification,
         * we send this down to be processed by the underlying
         * internal cache.
        if (!formatVerified ||
                (srcBB.get(srcBB.position()) != ct_application_data)) {
            internalData = true;
            read(new ByteBufferInputStream(srcBB), (OutputStream) null);
            return tmpBB;

        internalData = false;

        int srcPos = srcBB.position();
        int srcLim = srcBB.limit();

        ProtocolVersion recordVersion = ProtocolVersion.valueOf(
                srcBB.get(srcPos + 1), srcBB.get(srcPos + 2));
        // Check if too old (currently not possible)
        // or if the major version does not match.
        // The actual version negotiation is in the handshaker classes
        if ((recordVersion.v < ProtocolVersion.MIN.v)
                || (recordVersion.major > ProtocolVersion.MAX.major)) {
            throw new SSLException(
                "Unsupported record version " + recordVersion);

         * It's really application data.  How much to consume?
         * Jump over the header.
        int len = bytesInCompletePacket(srcBB);
        assert(len > 0);

        if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("packet")) {
            try {
                HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
                ByteBuffer bb = srcBB.duplicate();  // Use copy of BB
                bb.limit(srcPos + len);

                System.out.println("[Raw read (bb)]: length = " + len);
                hd.encodeBuffer(bb, System.out);
            } catch (IOException e) { }

        // Demarcate past header to end of packet.
        srcBB.position(srcPos + headerSize);
        srcBB.limit(srcPos + len);

        // Protect remainder of buffer, create slice to actually
        // operate on.
        ByteBuffer bb = srcBB.slice();


        return bb;

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