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Java example source code file (check_code.c)

This example Java source code file (check_code.c) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

ccerror, ccout_of_memory, ccpool, debug, expecting, get_indirection, get_item_type, illegal, jni_false, jni_true, jnienv, make_fullinfo, new, null

The check_code.c Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1994, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

 *      Verify that the code within a method block doesn't exploit any
 *      security holes.
   Exported function:

   VerifyClass(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *message_buffer,
               jint buffer_length)
   VerifyClassForMajorVersion(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *message_buffer,
                              jint buffer_length, jint major_version)

   This file now only uses the standard JNI and the following VM functions
   exported in jvm.h:







#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "jni.h"
#include "jvm.h"
#include "classfile_constants.h"
#include "opcodes.in_out"

#ifdef __APPLE__
/* use setjmp/longjmp versions that do not save/restore the signal mask */
#define setjmp _setjmp
#define longjmp _longjmp

/* align byte code */
#ifndef ALIGN_UP
#define ALIGN_UP(n,align_grain) (((n) + ((align_grain) - 1)) & ~((align_grain)-1))
#endif /* ALIGN_UP */
#define UCALIGN(n) ((unsigned char *)ALIGN_UP((uintptr_t)(n),sizeof(int)))

#ifdef DEBUG

int verify_verbose = 0;
static struct context_type *GlobalContext;

enum {
    ITEM_Void,                  /* only as a function return value */
    ITEM_Double_2,              /* 2nd word of double in register */
    ITEM_Long_2,                /* 2nd word of long in register */
    ITEM_Object,                /* Extra info field gives name. */
    ITEM_NewObject,             /* Like object, but uninitialized. */
    ITEM_InitObject,            /* "this" is init method, before call
                                    to super() */
    ITEM_ReturnAddress,         /* Extra info gives instr # of start pc */
    /* The following three are only used within array types.
     * Normally, we use ITEM_Integer, instead. */


#undef MAX
#undef MIN
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

#define BITS_PER_INT   (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int)/sizeof(char))
#define SET_BIT(flags, i)  (flags[(i)/BITS_PER_INT] |= \
                                       ((unsigned)1 << ((i) % BITS_PER_INT)))
#define IS_BIT_SET(flags, i) (flags[(i)/BITS_PER_INT] & \
                                       ((unsigned)1 << ((i) % BITS_PER_INT)))

typedef unsigned int fullinfo_type;
typedef unsigned int *bitvector;

#define GET_ITEM_TYPE(thing) ((thing) & 0x1F)
#define GET_INDIRECTION(thing) (((thing) & 0xFFFF) >> 5)
#define GET_EXTRA_INFO(thing) ((thing) >> 16)
#define WITH_ZERO_INDIRECTION(thing) ((thing) & ~(0xFFE0))
#define WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(thing) ((thing) & 0xFFFF)

#define MAKE_FULLINFO(type, indirect, extra) \
     ((type) + ((indirect) << 5) + ((extra) << 16))

#define MAKE_Object_ARRAY(indirect) \
       (context->object_info + ((indirect) << 5))


/* JVM_OPC_invokespecial calls to <init> need to be treated special */
#define JVM_OPC_invokeinit 0x100

/* A hash mechanism used by the verifier.
 * Maps class names to unique 16 bit integers.

#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 503

/* The buckets are managed as a 256 by 256 matrix. We allocate an entire
 * row (256 buckets) at a time to minimize fragmentation. Rows are
 * allocated on demand so that we don't waste too much space.

#define MAX_HASH_ENTRIES 65536
#define HASH_ROW_SIZE 256

typedef struct hash_bucket_type {
    char *name;
    unsigned int hash;
    jclass class;
    unsigned short ID;
    unsigned short next;
    unsigned loadable:1;  /* from context->class loader */
} hash_bucket_type;

typedef struct {
    hash_bucket_type **buckets;
    unsigned short *table;
    int entries_used;
} hash_table_type;

#define GET_BUCKET(class_hash, ID)\
    (class_hash->buckets[ID / HASH_ROW_SIZE] + ID % HASH_ROW_SIZE)

 * There are currently two types of resources that we need to keep
 * track of (in addition to the CCalloc pool).
enum {
    VM_STRING_UTF, /* VM-allocated UTF strings */
    VM_MALLOC_BLK  /* malloc'ed blocks */





#define ALLOC_STACK_SIZE 16 /* big enough */

typedef struct alloc_stack_type {
    void *ptr;
    int kind;
    struct alloc_stack_type *next;
} alloc_stack_type;

/* The context type encapsulates the current invocation of the byte
 * code verifier.
struct context_type {

    JNIEnv *env;                /* current JNIEnv */

    /* buffers etc. */
    char *message;
    jint message_buf_len;
    jboolean err_code;

    alloc_stack_type *allocated_memory; /* all memory blocks that we have not
                                           had a chance to free */
    /* Store up to ALLOC_STACK_SIZE number of handles to allocated memory
       blocks here, to save mallocs. */
    alloc_stack_type alloc_stack[ALLOC_STACK_SIZE];
    int alloc_stack_top;

    /* these fields are per class */
    jclass class;               /* current class */
    jint major_version;
    jint nconstants;
    unsigned char *constant_types;
    hash_table_type class_hash;

    fullinfo_type object_info;  /* fullinfo for java/lang/Object */
    fullinfo_type string_info;  /* fullinfo for java/lang/String */
    fullinfo_type throwable_info; /* fullinfo for java/lang/Throwable */
    fullinfo_type cloneable_info; /* fullinfo for java/lang/Cloneable */
    fullinfo_type serializable_info; /* fullinfo for java/io/Serializable */

    fullinfo_type currentclass_info; /* fullinfo for context->class */
    fullinfo_type superclass_info;   /* fullinfo for superclass */

    /* these fields are per method */
    int method_index;   /* current method */
    unsigned short *exceptions; /* exceptions */
    unsigned char *code;        /* current code object */
    jint code_length;
    int *code_data;             /* offset to instruction number */
    struct instruction_data_type *instruction_data; /* info about each */
    struct handler_info_type *handler_info;
    fullinfo_type *superclasses; /* null terminated superclasses */
    int instruction_count;      /* number of instructions */
    fullinfo_type return_type;  /* function return type */
    fullinfo_type swap_table[4]; /* used for passing information */
    int bitmask_size;           /* words needed to hold bitmap of arguments */

    /* these fields are per field */
    int field_index;

    /* Used by the space allocator */
    struct CCpool *CCroot, *CCcurrent;
    char *CCfree_ptr;
    int CCfree_size;

    /* Jump here on any error. */
    jmp_buf jump_buffer;

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* keep track of how many global refs are allocated. */
    int n_globalrefs;

struct stack_info_type {
    struct stack_item_type *stack;
    int stack_size;

struct register_info_type {
    int register_count;         /* number of registers used */
    fullinfo_type *registers;
    int mask_count;             /* number of masks in the following */
    struct mask_type *masks;

struct mask_type {
    int entry;
    int *modifies;

typedef unsigned short flag_type;

struct instruction_data_type {
    int opcode;         /* may turn into "canonical" opcode */
    unsigned changed:1;         /* has it changed */
    unsigned protected:1;       /* must accessor be a subclass of "this" */
    union {
        int i;                  /* operand to the opcode */
        int *ip;
        fullinfo_type fi;
    } operand, operand2;
    fullinfo_type p;
    struct stack_info_type stack_info;
    struct register_info_type register_info;
#define FLAG_REACHED            0x01 /* instruction reached */
#define FLAG_NEED_CONSTRUCTOR   0x02 /* must call this.<init> or super. */
#define FLAG_NO_RETURN          0x04 /* must throw out of method */
    flag_type or_flags;         /* true for at least one path to this inst */
#define FLAG_CONSTRUCTED        0x01 /* this.<init> or super. called */
    flag_type and_flags;        /* true for all paths to this instruction */

struct handler_info_type {
    int start, end, handler;
    struct stack_info_type stack_info;

struct stack_item_type {
    fullinfo_type item;
    struct stack_item_type *next;

typedef struct context_type context_type;
typedef struct instruction_data_type instruction_data_type;
typedef struct stack_item_type stack_item_type;
typedef struct register_info_type register_info_type;
typedef struct stack_info_type stack_info_type;
typedef struct mask_type mask_type;

static void read_all_code(context_type *context, jclass cb, int num_methods,
                          int** code_lengths, unsigned char*** code);
static void verify_method(context_type *context, jclass cb, int index,
                          int code_length, unsigned char* code);
static void free_all_code(context_type* context, int num_methods,
                          unsigned char** code);
static void verify_field(context_type *context, jclass cb, int index);

static void verify_opcode_operands (context_type *, unsigned int inumber, int offset);
static void set_protected(context_type *, unsigned int inumber, int key, int);
static jboolean is_superclass(context_type *, fullinfo_type);

static void initialize_exception_table(context_type *);
static int instruction_length(unsigned char *iptr, unsigned char *end);
static jboolean isLegalTarget(context_type *, int offset);
static void verify_constant_pool_type(context_type *, int, unsigned);

static void initialize_dataflow(context_type *);
static void run_dataflow(context_type *context);
static void check_register_values(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber);
static void check_flags(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber);
static void pop_stack(context_type *, unsigned int inumber, stack_info_type *);
static void update_registers(context_type *, unsigned int inumber, register_info_type *);
static void update_flags(context_type *, unsigned int inumber,
                         flag_type *new_and_flags, flag_type *new_or_flags);
static void push_stack(context_type *, unsigned int inumber, stack_info_type *stack);

static void merge_into_successors(context_type *, unsigned int inumber,
                                  register_info_type *register_info,
                                  stack_info_type *stack_info,
                                  flag_type and_flags, flag_type or_flags);
static void merge_into_one_successor(context_type *context,
                                     unsigned int from_inumber,
                                     unsigned int inumber,
                                     register_info_type *register_info,
                                     stack_info_type *stack_info,
                                     flag_type and_flags, flag_type or_flags,
                                     jboolean isException);
static void merge_stack(context_type *, unsigned int inumber,
                        unsigned int to_inumber, stack_info_type *);
static void merge_registers(context_type *, unsigned int inumber,
                            unsigned int to_inumber,
                            register_info_type *);
static void merge_flags(context_type *context, unsigned int from_inumber,
                        unsigned int to_inumber,
                        flag_type new_and_flags, flag_type new_or_flags);

static stack_item_type *copy_stack(context_type *, stack_item_type *);
static mask_type *copy_masks(context_type *, mask_type *masks, int mask_count);
static mask_type *add_to_masks(context_type *, mask_type *, int , int);

static fullinfo_type decrement_indirection(fullinfo_type);

static fullinfo_type merge_fullinfo_types(context_type *context,
                                          fullinfo_type a,
                                          fullinfo_type b,
                                          jboolean assignment);
static jboolean isAssignableTo(context_type *,
                               fullinfo_type a,
                               fullinfo_type b);

static jclass object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context_type *, fullinfo_type);

#define NEW(type, count) \
        ((type *)CCalloc(context, (count)*(sizeof(type)), JNI_FALSE))
#define ZNEW(type, count) \
        ((type *)CCalloc(context, (count)*(sizeof(type)), JNI_TRUE))

static void CCinit(context_type *context);
static void CCreinit(context_type *context);
static void CCdestroy(context_type *context);
static void *CCalloc(context_type *context, int size, jboolean zero);

static fullinfo_type cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context_type *, int, int);

static char signature_to_fieldtype(context_type *context,
                                   const char **signature_p, fullinfo_type *info);

static void CCerror (context_type *, char *format, ...);
static void CFerror (context_type *, char *format, ...);
static void CCout_of_memory (context_type *);

/* Because we can longjmp any time, we need to be very careful about
 * remembering what needs to be freed. */

static void check_and_push(context_type *context, const void *ptr, int kind);
static void pop_and_free(context_type *context);

static int signature_to_args_size(const char *method_signature);

#ifdef DEBUG
static void print_stack (context_type *, stack_info_type *stack_info);
static void print_registers(context_type *, register_info_type *register_info);
static void print_flags(context_type *, flag_type, flag_type);
static void print_formatted_fieldname(context_type *context, int index);
static void print_formatted_methodname(context_type *context, int index);

void initialize_class_hash(context_type *context)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    class_hash->buckets = (hash_bucket_type **)
        calloc(MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / HASH_ROW_SIZE, sizeof(hash_bucket_type *));
    class_hash->table = (unsigned short *)
        calloc(HASH_TABLE_SIZE, sizeof(unsigned short));
    if (class_hash->buckets == 0 ||
        class_hash->table == 0)
    class_hash->entries_used = 0;

static void finalize_class_hash(context_type *context)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    int i;
    /* 4296677: bucket index starts from 1. */
    for (i=1;i<=class_hash->entries_used;i++) {
        hash_bucket_type *bucket = GET_BUCKET(class_hash, i);
        assert(bucket != NULL);
        if (bucket->class) {
            (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, bucket->class);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (class_hash->buckets) {
        for (i=0;i<MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / HASH_ROW_SIZE; i++) {
            if (class_hash->buckets[i] == 0)

static hash_bucket_type *
new_bucket(context_type *context, unsigned short *pID)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    int i = *pID = class_hash->entries_used + 1;
    int row = i / HASH_ROW_SIZE;
    if (i >= MAX_HASH_ENTRIES)
        CCerror(context, "Exceeded verifier's limit of 65535 referred classes");
    if (class_hash->buckets[row] == 0) {
        class_hash->buckets[row] = (hash_bucket_type*)
            calloc(HASH_ROW_SIZE, sizeof(hash_bucket_type));
        if (class_hash->buckets[row] == 0)
    class_hash->entries_used++; /* only increment when we are sure there
                                   is no overflow. */
    return GET_BUCKET(class_hash, i);

static unsigned int
class_hash_fun(const char *s)
    int i;
    unsigned raw_hash;
    for (raw_hash = 0; (i = *s) != '\0'; ++s)
        raw_hash = raw_hash * 37 + i;
    return raw_hash;

 * Find a class using the defining loader of the current class
 * and return a local reference to it.
static jclass load_class_local(context_type *context,const char *classname)
    jclass cb = JVM_FindClassFromClass(context->env, classname,
                                 JNI_FALSE, context->class);
    if (cb == 0)
         CCerror(context, "Cannot find class %s", classname);
    return cb;

 * Find a class using the defining loader of the current class
 * and return a global reference to it.
static jclass load_class_global(context_type *context, const char *classname)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    jclass local, global;

    local = load_class_local(context, classname);
    global = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, local);
    if (global == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, local);
    return global;

 * Return a unique ID given a local class reference. The loadable
 * flag is true if the defining class loader of context->class
 * is known to be capable of loading the class.
static unsigned short
class_to_ID(context_type *context, jclass cb, jboolean loadable)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    unsigned int hash;
    hash_bucket_type *bucket;
    unsigned short *pID;
    const char *name = JVM_GetClassNameUTF(env, cb);

    check_and_push(context, name, VM_STRING_UTF);
    hash = class_hash_fun(name);
    pID = &(class_hash->table[hash % HASH_TABLE_SIZE]);
    while (*pID) {
        bucket = GET_BUCKET(class_hash, *pID);
        if (bucket->hash == hash && strcmp(name, bucket->name) == 0) {
             * There is an unresolved entry with our name
             * so we're forced to load it in case it matches us.
            if (bucket->class == 0) {
                assert(bucket->loadable == JNI_TRUE);
                bucket->class = load_class_global(context, name);

             * It's already in the table. Update the loadable
             * state if it's known and then we're done.
            if ((*env)->IsSameObject(env, cb, bucket->class)) {
                if (loadable && !bucket->loadable)
                    bucket->loadable = JNI_TRUE;
                goto done;
        pID = &bucket->next;
    bucket = new_bucket(context, pID);
    bucket->next = 0;
    bucket->hash = hash;
    bucket->name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
    if (bucket->name == 0)
    strcpy(bucket->name, name);
    bucket->loadable = loadable;
    bucket->class = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, cb);
    if (bucket->class == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG

    return *pID;

 * Return a unique ID given a class name from the constant pool.
 * All classes are lazily loaded from the defining loader of
 * context->class.
static unsigned short
class_name_to_ID(context_type *context, const char *name)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    unsigned int hash = class_hash_fun(name);
    hash_bucket_type *bucket;
    unsigned short *pID;
    jboolean force_load = JNI_FALSE;

    pID = &(class_hash->table[hash % HASH_TABLE_SIZE]);
    while (*pID) {
        bucket = GET_BUCKET(class_hash, *pID);
        if (bucket->hash == hash && strcmp(name, bucket->name) == 0) {
            if (bucket->loadable)
                goto done;
            force_load = JNI_TRUE;
        pID = &bucket->next;

    if (force_load) {
         * We found at least one matching named entry for a class that
         * was not known to be loadable through the defining class loader
         * of context->class. We must load our named class and update
         * the hash table in case one these entries matches our class.
        JNIEnv *env = context->env;
        jclass cb = load_class_local(context, name);
        unsigned short id = class_to_ID(context, cb, JNI_TRUE);
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb);
        return id;

    bucket = new_bucket(context, pID);
    bucket->next = 0;
    bucket->class = 0;
    bucket->loadable = JNI_TRUE; /* name-only IDs are implicitly loadable */
    bucket->hash = hash;
    bucket->name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
    if (bucket->name == 0)
    strcpy(bucket->name, name);

    return *pID;

static const char *
ID_to_class_name(context_type *context, unsigned short ID)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    hash_bucket_type *bucket = GET_BUCKET(class_hash, ID);
    return bucket->name;

static jclass
ID_to_class(context_type *context, unsigned short ID)
    hash_table_type *class_hash = &(context->class_hash);
    hash_bucket_type *bucket = GET_BUCKET(class_hash, ID);
    if (bucket->class == 0) {
        assert(bucket->loadable == JNI_TRUE);
        bucket->class = load_class_global(context, bucket->name);
    return bucket->class;

static fullinfo_type
make_loadable_class_info(context_type *context, jclass cb)
    return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0,
                           class_to_ID(context, cb, JNI_TRUE));

static fullinfo_type
make_class_info(context_type *context, jclass cb)
    return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0,
                         class_to_ID(context, cb, JNI_FALSE));

static fullinfo_type
make_class_info_from_name(context_type *context, const char *name)
    return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0,
                         class_name_to_ID(context, name));

 * 1: on success       chosen to be consistent with previous VerifyClass
 * 0: verify error
 * 2: out of memory
 * 3: class format error
 * Called by verify_class.  Verify the code of each of the methods
 * in a class.  Note that this function apparently can't be JNICALL,
 * because if it is the dynamic linker doesn't appear to be able to
 * find it on Win32.

#define CC_OK 1
#define CC_VerifyError 0
#define CC_OutOfMemory 2
#define CC_ClassFormatError 3

JNIEXPORT jboolean
VerifyClassForMajorVersion(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *buffer, jint len,
                           jint major_version)
    context_type context_structure;
    context_type *context = &context_structure;
    jboolean result = CC_OK;
    int i;
    int num_methods;
    int* code_lengths;
    unsigned char** code;

#ifdef DEBUG
    GlobalContext = context;

    memset(context, 0, sizeof(context_type));
    context->message = buffer;
    context->message_buf_len = len;

    context->env = env;
    context->class = cb;

    /* Set invalid method/field index of the context, in case anyone
       calls CCerror */
    context->method_index = -1;
    context->field_index = -1;

    /* Don't call CCerror or anything that can call it above the setjmp! */
    if (!setjmp(context->jump_buffer)) {
        jclass super;

        CCinit(context);                /* initialize heap; may throw */


        context->major_version = major_version;
        context->nconstants = JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount(env, cb);
        context->constant_types = (unsigned char *)
            malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * context->nconstants + 1);

        if (context->constant_types == 0)

        JVM_GetClassCPTypes(env, cb, context->constant_types);

        if (context->constant_types == 0)

        context->object_info =
            make_class_info_from_name(context, "java/lang/Object");
        context->string_info =
            make_class_info_from_name(context, "java/lang/String");
        context->throwable_info =
            make_class_info_from_name(context, "java/lang/Throwable");
        context->cloneable_info =
            make_class_info_from_name(context, "java/lang/Cloneable");
        context->serializable_info =
            make_class_info_from_name(context, "java/io/Serializable");

        context->currentclass_info = make_loadable_class_info(context, cb);

        super = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb);

        if (super != 0) {
            fullinfo_type *gptr;
            int i = 0;

            context->superclass_info = make_loadable_class_info(context, super);

            while(super != 0) {
                jclass tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, super);
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);
                super = tmp_cb;
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);
            super = 0;

            /* Can't go on context heap since it survives more than
               one method */
            context->superclasses = gptr =
                malloc(sizeof(fullinfo_type)*(i + 1));
            if (gptr == 0) {

            super = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, context->class);
            while(super != 0) {
                jclass tmp_cb;
                *gptr++ = make_class_info(context, super);
                tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, super);
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);
                super = tmp_cb;
            *gptr = 0;
        } else {
            context->superclass_info = 0;

        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);

        /* Look at each method */
        for (i = JVM_GetClassFieldsCount(env, cb); --i >= 0;)
            verify_field(context, cb, i);
        num_methods = JVM_GetClassMethodsCount(env, cb);
        read_all_code(context, cb, num_methods, &code_lengths, &code);
        for (i = num_methods - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            verify_method(context, cb, i, code_lengths[i], code[i]);
        free_all_code(context, num_methods, code);
        result = CC_OK;
    } else {
        result = context->err_code;

    /* Cleanup */


#ifdef DEBUG
    GlobalContext = 0;

    if (context->exceptions)

    if (context->constant_types)

    if (context->superclasses)

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* Make sure all global refs created in the verifier are freed */
    assert(context->n_globalrefs == 0);

    CCdestroy(context);         /* destroy heap */
    return result;


JNIEXPORT jboolean
VerifyClass(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *buffer, jint len)
    static int warned = 0;
    if (!warned) {
      jio_fprintf(stdout, "Warning! An old version of jvm is used. This is not supported.\n");
      warned = 1;
    return VerifyClassForMajorVersion(env, cb, buffer, len,

static void
verify_field(context_type *context, jclass cb, int field_index)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    int access_bits = JVM_GetFieldIxModifiers(env, cb, field_index);
    context->field_index = field_index;

    if (  ((access_bits & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC) != 0) &&
          ((access_bits & (JVM_ACC_PRIVATE | JVM_ACC_PROTECTED)) != 0)) {
        CCerror(context, "Inconsistent access bits.");
    context->field_index = -1;

 * We read all of the class's methods' code because it is possible that
 * the verification of one method could resulting in linking further
 * down the stack (due to class loading), which could end up rewriting
 * some of the bytecode of methods we haven't verified yet.  Since we
 * don't want to see the rewritten bytecode, cache all the code and
 * operate only on that.
static void
read_all_code(context_type* context, jclass cb, int num_methods,
              int** lengths_addr, unsigned char*** code_addr)
    int* lengths;
    unsigned char** code;
    int i;

    lengths = malloc(sizeof(int) * num_methods);
    check_and_push(context, lengths, VM_MALLOC_BLK);

    code = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char*) * num_methods);
    check_and_push(context, code, VM_MALLOC_BLK);

    *(lengths_addr) = lengths;
    *(code_addr) = code;

    for (i = 0; i < num_methods; ++i) {
        lengths[i] = JVM_GetMethodIxByteCodeLength(context->env, cb, i);
        if (lengths[i] > 0) {
            code[i] = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (lengths[i] + 1));
            check_and_push(context, code[i], VM_MALLOC_BLK);
            JVM_GetMethodIxByteCode(context->env, cb, i, code[i]);
        } else {
            code[i] = NULL;

static void
free_all_code(context_type* context, int num_methods, unsigned char** code)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_methods; ++i) {
      if (code[i] != NULL) {
  pop_and_free(context); /* code */
  pop_and_free(context); /* lengths */

/* Verify the code of one method */
static void
verify_method(context_type *context, jclass cb, int method_index,
              int code_length, unsigned char* code)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    int access_bits = JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers(env, cb, method_index);
    int *code_data;
    instruction_data_type *idata = 0;
    int instruction_count;
    int i, offset;
    unsigned int inumber;
    jint nexceptions;

    if ((access_bits & (JVM_ACC_NATIVE | JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT)) != 0) {
        /* not much to do for abstract and native methods */

    context->code_length = code_length;
    context->code = code;

    /* CCerror can give method-specific info once this is set */
    context->method_index = method_index;

    CCreinit(context);          /* initial heap */
    code_data = NEW(int, code_length);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (verify_verbose) {
        const char *classname = JVM_GetClassNameUTF(env, cb);
        const char *methodname =
            JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF(env, cb, method_index);
        const char *signature =
            JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF(env, cb, method_index);
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "Looking at %s.%s%s\n",
                    (classname ? classname : ""),
                    (methodname ? methodname : ""),
                    (signature ? signature : ""));

    if (((access_bits & JVM_ACC_PUBLIC) != 0) &&
        ((access_bits & (JVM_ACC_PRIVATE | JVM_ACC_PROTECTED)) != 0)) {
        CCerror(context, "Inconsistent access bits.");

    // If this method is an overpass method, which is generated by the VM,
    // we trust the code and no check needs to be done.
    if (JVM_IsVMGeneratedMethodIx(env, cb, method_index)) {

    /* Run through the code.  Mark the start of each instruction, and give
     * the instruction a number */
    for (i = 0, offset = 0; offset < code_length; i++) {
        int length = instruction_length(&code[offset], code + code_length);
        int next_offset = offset + length;
        if (length <= 0)
            CCerror(context, "Illegal instruction found at offset %d", offset);
        if (next_offset > code_length)
            CCerror(context, "Code stops in the middle of instruction "
                    " starting at offset %d", offset);
        code_data[offset] = i;
        while (++offset < next_offset)
            code_data[offset] = -1; /* illegal location */
    instruction_count = i;      /* number of instructions in code */

    /* Allocate a structure to hold info about each instruction. */
    idata = NEW(instruction_data_type, instruction_count);

    /* Initialize the heap, and other info in the context structure. */
    context->code = code;
    context->instruction_data = idata;
    context->code_data = code_data;
    context->instruction_count = instruction_count;
    context->handler_info =
        NEW(struct handler_info_type,
            JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength(env, cb, method_index));
    context->bitmask_size =
        (JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount(env, cb, method_index)
         + (BITS_PER_INT - 1))/BITS_PER_INT;

    if (instruction_count == 0)
        CCerror(context, "Empty code");

    for (inumber = 0, offset = 0; offset < code_length; inumber++) {
        int length = instruction_length(&code[offset], code + code_length);
        instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
        this_idata->opcode = code[offset];
        this_idata->stack_info.stack = NULL;
        this_idata->stack_info.stack_size  = UNKNOWN_STACK_SIZE;
        this_idata->register_info.register_count = UNKNOWN_REGISTER_COUNT;
        this_idata->changed = JNI_FALSE;  /* no need to look at it yet. */
        this_idata->protected = JNI_FALSE;  /* no need to look at it yet. */
        this_idata->and_flags = (flag_type) -1; /* "bottom" and value */
        this_idata->or_flags = 0; /* "bottom" or value*/
        /* This also sets up this_data->operand.  It also makes the
         * xload_x and xstore_x instructions look like the generic form. */
        verify_opcode_operands(context, inumber, offset);
        offset += length;

    /* make sure exception table is reasonable. */
    /* Set up first instruction, and start of exception handlers. */
    /* Run data flow analysis on the instructions. */

    /* verify checked exceptions, if any */
    nexceptions = JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionsCount(env, cb, method_index);
    context->exceptions = (unsigned short *)
        malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * nexceptions + 1);
    if (context->exceptions == 0)
    JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionIndexes(env, cb, method_index,
    for (i = 0; i < nexceptions; i++) {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is JVM_CONSTANT_Class */
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, (int)context->exceptions[i],
                                  1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
    context->exceptions = 0;
    context->code = 0;
    context->method_index = -1;

/* Look at a single instruction, and verify its operands.  Also, for
 * simplicity, move the operand into the ->operand field.
 * Make sure that branches don't go into the middle of nowhere.

static jint _ck_ntohl(jint n)
    unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&n;
    return (p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3];

static void
verify_opcode_operands(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber, int offset)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int *code_data = context->code_data;
    int mi = context->method_index;
    unsigned char *code = context->code;
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    int var;

     * Set the ip fields to 0 not the i fields because the ip fields
     * are 64 bits on 64 bit architectures, the i field is only 32
    this_idata->operand.ip = 0;
    this_idata->operand2.ip = 0;

    switch (opcode) {

    case JVM_OPC_jsr:
        /* instruction of ret statement */
        this_idata->operand2.i = UNKNOWN_RET_INSTRUCTION;
        /* FALLTHROUGH */
    case JVM_OPC_ifeq: case JVM_OPC_ifne: case JVM_OPC_iflt:
    case JVM_OPC_ifge: case JVM_OPC_ifgt: case JVM_OPC_ifle:
    case JVM_OPC_ifnull: case JVM_OPC_ifnonnull:
    case JVM_OPC_if_icmpeq: case JVM_OPC_if_icmpne: case JVM_OPC_if_icmplt:
    case JVM_OPC_if_icmpge: case JVM_OPC_if_icmpgt: case JVM_OPC_if_icmple:
    case JVM_OPC_if_acmpeq: case JVM_OPC_if_acmpne:
    case JVM_OPC_goto: {
        /* Set the ->operand to be the instruction number of the target. */
        int jump = (((signed char)(code[offset+1])) << 8) + code[offset+2];
        int target = offset + jump;
        if (!isLegalTarget(context, target))
            CCerror(context, "Illegal target of jump or branch");
        this_idata->operand.i = code_data[target];

    case JVM_OPC_jsr_w:
        /* instruction of ret statement */
        this_idata->operand2.i = UNKNOWN_RET_INSTRUCTION;
        /* FALLTHROUGH */
    case JVM_OPC_goto_w: {
        /* Set the ->operand to be the instruction number of the target. */
        int jump = (((signed char)(code[offset+1])) << 24) +
                     (code[offset+2] << 16) + (code[offset+3] << 8) +
                     (code[offset + 4]);
        int target = offset + jump;
        if (!isLegalTarget(context, target))
            CCerror(context, "Illegal target of jump or branch");
        this_idata->operand.i = code_data[target];

    case JVM_OPC_tableswitch:
    case JVM_OPC_lookupswitch: {
        /* Set the ->operand to be a table of possible instruction targets. */
        int *lpc = (int *) UCALIGN(code + offset + 1);
        int *lptr;
        int *saved_operand;
        int keys;
        int k, delta;

        if (context->major_version < NONZERO_PADDING_BYTES_IN_SWITCH_MAJOR_VERSION) {
            /* 4639449, 4647081: Padding bytes must be zero. */
            unsigned char* bptr = (unsigned char*) (code + offset + 1);
            for (; bptr < (unsigned char*)lpc; bptr++) {
                if (*bptr != 0) {
                    CCerror(context, "Non zero padding bytes in switch");
        if (opcode == JVM_OPC_tableswitch) {
            keys = _ck_ntohl(lpc[2]) -  _ck_ntohl(lpc[1]) + 1;
            delta = 1;
        } else {
            keys = _ck_ntohl(lpc[1]); /* number of pairs */
            delta = 2;
            /* Make sure that the tableswitch items are sorted */
            for (k = keys - 1, lptr = &lpc[2]; --k >= 0; lptr += 2) {
                int this_key = _ck_ntohl(lptr[0]);  /* NB: ntohl may be unsigned */
                int next_key = _ck_ntohl(lptr[2]);
                if (this_key >= next_key) {
                    CCerror(context, "Unsorted lookup switch");
        saved_operand = NEW(int, keys + 2);
        if (!isLegalTarget(context, offset + _ck_ntohl(lpc[0])))
            CCerror(context, "Illegal default target in switch");
        saved_operand[keys + 1] = code_data[offset + _ck_ntohl(lpc[0])];
        for (k = keys, lptr = &lpc[3]; --k >= 0; lptr += delta) {
            int target = offset + _ck_ntohl(lptr[0]);
            if (!isLegalTarget(context, target))
                CCerror(context, "Illegal branch in tableswitch");
            saved_operand[k + 1] = code_data[target];
        saved_operand[0] = keys + 1; /* number of successors */
        this_idata->operand.ip = saved_operand;

    case JVM_OPC_ldc: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        int key = code[offset + 1];
        int types = (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Integer) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Float) |
                    (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_String);
        if (context->major_version >= LDC_CLASS_MAJOR_VERSION) {
            types |= 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Class;
        if (context->major_version >= LDC_METHOD_HANDLE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
            types |= (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) |
                     (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType);
        this_idata->operand.i = key;
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, types);

    case JVM_OPC_ldc_w: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        int key = (code[offset + 1] << 8) + code[offset + 2];
        int types = (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Integer) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Float) |
                    (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_String);
        if (context->major_version >= LDC_CLASS_MAJOR_VERSION) {
            types |= 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Class;
        if (context->major_version >= LDC_METHOD_HANDLE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
            types |= (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) |
                     (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType);
        this_idata->operand.i = key;
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, types);

    case JVM_OPC_ldc2_w: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        int key = (code[offset + 1] << 8) + code[offset + 2];
        int types = (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Double) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Long);
        this_idata->operand.i = key;
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, types);

    case JVM_OPC_getfield: case JVM_OPC_putfield:
    case JVM_OPC_getstatic: case JVM_OPC_putstatic: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        int key = (code[offset + 1] << 8) + code[offset + 2];
        this_idata->operand.i = key;
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref);
        if (opcode == JVM_OPC_getfield || opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield)
            set_protected(context, inumber, key, opcode);

    case JVM_OPC_invokevirtual:
    case JVM_OPC_invokespecial:
    case JVM_OPC_invokestatic:
    case JVM_OPC_invokedynamic:
    case JVM_OPC_invokeinterface: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        int key = (code[offset + 1] << 8) + code[offset + 2];
        const char *methodname;
        jclass cb = context->class;
        fullinfo_type clazz_info;
        int is_constructor, is_internal, is_invokedynamic;
        int kind;

        switch (opcode ) {
        case JVM_OPC_invokestatic:
            kind = ((context->major_version < STATIC_METHOD_IN_INTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION)
                       ? (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref)
                       : ((1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref) | (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref)));
        case JVM_OPC_invokedynamic:
            kind = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType;
        case JVM_OPC_invokeinterface:
            kind = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
            kind = 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref;

        is_invokedynamic = opcode == JVM_OPC_invokedynamic;
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is the right type. */
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, kind);
        methodname = JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF(env, cb, key);
        check_and_push(context, methodname, VM_STRING_UTF);
        is_constructor = !strcmp(methodname, "<init>");
        is_internal = methodname[0] == '<';

        if (is_invokedynamic)
          clazz_info = context->object_info;  // anything will do
          clazz_info = cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context, key,
        this_idata->operand.i = key;
        this_idata-> = clazz_info;
        if (is_constructor) {
            if (opcode != JVM_OPC_invokespecial) {
                        "Must call initializers using invokespecial");
            this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_invokeinit;
        } else {
            if (is_internal) {
                CCerror(context, "Illegal call to internal method");
            if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokespecial
                   && clazz_info != context->currentclass_info
                   && clazz_info != context->superclass_info) {
                int not_found = 1;

                jclass super = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, context->class);
                while(super != 0) {
                    jclass tmp_cb;
                    fullinfo_type new_info = make_class_info(context, super);
                    if (clazz_info == new_info) {
                        not_found = 0;
                    tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, super);
                    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);
                    super = tmp_cb;
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, super);

                /* The optimizer make cause this to happen on local code */
                if (not_found) {
                    jobject loader = JVM_GetClassLoader(env, context->class);
                    int has_loader = (loader != 0);
                    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, loader);
                    if (has_loader)
#endif /* BROKEN_JAVAC */
                                "Illegal use of nonvirtual function call");
        if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokeinterface) {
            unsigned int args1;
            unsigned int args2;
            const char *signature =
                JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF(env, context->class, key);
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
            args1 = signature_to_args_size(signature) + 1;
            args2 = code[offset + 3];
            if (args1 != args2) {
                        "Inconsistent args_size for invokeinterface");
            if (code[offset + 4] != 0) {
                        "Fourth operand byte of invokeinterface must be zero");
        } else if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokedynamic) {
            if (code[offset + 3] != 0 || code[offset + 4] != 0) {
                        "Third and fourth operand bytes of invokedynamic must be zero");
        } else if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokevirtual
                      || opcode == JVM_OPC_invokespecial)
            set_protected(context, inumber, key, opcode);

    case JVM_OPC_instanceof:
    case JVM_OPC_checkcast:
    case JVM_OPC_new:
    case JVM_OPC_anewarray:
    case JVM_OPC_multianewarray: {
        /* Make sure the constant pool item is a class */
        int key = (code[offset + 1] << 8) + code[offset + 2];
        fullinfo_type target;
        verify_constant_pool_type(context, key, 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
        target = cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context, key, JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
        if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(target) == ITEM_Bogus)
            CCerror(context, "Illegal type");
        switch(opcode) {
        case JVM_OPC_anewarray:
            if ((GET_INDIRECTION(target)) >= MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS)
                CCerror(context, "Array with too many dimensions");
            this_idata-> = MAKE_FULLINFO(GET_ITEM_TYPE(target),
                                                   GET_INDIRECTION(target) + 1,
        case JVM_OPC_new:
            if (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(target) !=
                             MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0, 0))
                CCerror(context, "Illegal creation of multi-dimensional array");
            /* operand gets set to the "unitialized object".  operand2 gets
             * set to what the value will be after it's initialized. */
            this_idata-> = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_NewObject, 0, inumber);
            this_idata-> = target;
        case JVM_OPC_multianewarray:
            this_idata-> = target;
            this_idata->operand2.i = code[offset + 3];
            if (    (this_idata->operand2.i > (int)GET_INDIRECTION(target))
                 || (this_idata->operand2.i == 0))
                CCerror(context, "Illegal dimension argument");
            this_idata-> = target;

    case JVM_OPC_newarray: {
        /* Cache the result of the JVM_OPC_newarray into the operand slot */
        fullinfo_type full_info;
        switch (code[offset + 1]) {
            case JVM_T_INT:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_LONG:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_FLOAT:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Float, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_DOUBLE:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_BYTE: case JVM_T_BOOLEAN:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Byte, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_CHAR:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Char, 1, 0); break;
            case JVM_T_SHORT:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Short, 1, 0); break;
                full_info = 0;          /* Keep lint happy */
                CCerror(context, "Bad type passed to newarray");
        this_idata-> = full_info;

    /* Fudge iload_x, aload_x, etc to look like their generic cousin. */
    case JVM_OPC_iload_0: case JVM_OPC_iload_1: case JVM_OPC_iload_2: case JVM_OPC_iload_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_iload;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_iload_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_fload_0: case JVM_OPC_fload_1: case JVM_OPC_fload_2: case JVM_OPC_fload_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_fload;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_fload_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_aload_0: case JVM_OPC_aload_1: case JVM_OPC_aload_2: case JVM_OPC_aload_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_aload;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_aload_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_lload_0: case JVM_OPC_lload_1: case JVM_OPC_lload_2: case JVM_OPC_lload_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_lload;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_lload_0;
        goto check_local_variable2;

    case JVM_OPC_dload_0: case JVM_OPC_dload_1: case JVM_OPC_dload_2: case JVM_OPC_dload_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_dload;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_dload_0;
        goto check_local_variable2;

    case JVM_OPC_istore_0: case JVM_OPC_istore_1: case JVM_OPC_istore_2: case JVM_OPC_istore_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_istore;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_istore_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_fstore_0: case JVM_OPC_fstore_1: case JVM_OPC_fstore_2: case JVM_OPC_fstore_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_fstore;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_fstore_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_astore_0: case JVM_OPC_astore_1: case JVM_OPC_astore_2: case JVM_OPC_astore_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_astore;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_astore_0;
        goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_lstore_0: case JVM_OPC_lstore_1: case JVM_OPC_lstore_2: case JVM_OPC_lstore_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_lstore;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_lstore_0;
        goto check_local_variable2;

    case JVM_OPC_dstore_0: case JVM_OPC_dstore_1: case JVM_OPC_dstore_2: case JVM_OPC_dstore_3:
        this_idata->opcode = JVM_OPC_dstore;
        var = opcode - JVM_OPC_dstore_0;
        goto check_local_variable2;

    case JVM_OPC_wide:
        this_idata->opcode = code[offset + 1];
        var = (code[offset + 2] << 8) + code[offset + 3];
        switch(this_idata->opcode) {
            case JVM_OPC_lload:  case JVM_OPC_dload:
            case JVM_OPC_lstore: case JVM_OPC_dstore:
                goto check_local_variable2;
                goto check_local_variable;

    case JVM_OPC_iinc:              /* the increment amount doesn't matter */
    case JVM_OPC_ret:
    case JVM_OPC_aload: case JVM_OPC_iload: case JVM_OPC_fload:
    case JVM_OPC_astore: case JVM_OPC_istore: case JVM_OPC_fstore:
        var = code[offset + 1];
        /* Make sure that the variable number isn't illegal. */
        this_idata->operand.i = var;
        if (var >= JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount(env, context->class, mi))
            CCerror(context, "Illegal local variable number");

    case JVM_OPC_lload: case JVM_OPC_dload: case JVM_OPC_lstore: case JVM_OPC_dstore:
        var = code[offset + 1];
        /* Make sure that the variable number isn't illegal. */
        this_idata->operand.i = var;
        if ((var + 1) >= JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount(env, context->class, mi))
            CCerror(context, "Illegal local variable number");

        if (opcode > JVM_OPC_MAX)
            CCerror(context, "Quick instructions shouldn't appear yet.");
    } /* of switch */

static void
set_protected(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber, int key, int opcode)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    fullinfo_type clazz_info;
    if (opcode != JVM_OPC_invokevirtual && opcode != JVM_OPC_invokespecial) {
        clazz_info = cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context, key,
    } else {
        clazz_info = cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context, key,
    if (is_superclass(context, clazz_info)) {
        jclass calledClass =
            object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context, clazz_info);
        int access;
        /* 4734966: JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers() or JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers() only
           searches the referenced field or method in calledClass. The following
           while loop is added to search up the superclass chain to make this
           symbolic resolution consistent with the field/method resolution
           specified in VM spec 5.4.3. */
        calledClass = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, calledClass);
        do {
            jclass tmp_cb;
            if (opcode != JVM_OPC_invokevirtual && opcode != JVM_OPC_invokespecial) {
                access = JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers
                    (env, context->class, key, calledClass);
            } else {
                access = JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers
                    (env, context->class, key, calledClass);
            if (access != -1) {
            tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, calledClass);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, calledClass);
            calledClass = tmp_cb;
        } while (calledClass != 0);

        if (access == -1) {
            /* field/method not found, detected at runtime. */
        } else if (access & JVM_ACC_PROTECTED) {
            if (!JVM_IsSameClassPackage(env, calledClass, context->class))
                context->instruction_data[inumber].protected = JNI_TRUE;
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, calledClass);

static jboolean
is_superclass(context_type *context, fullinfo_type clazz_info) {
    fullinfo_type *fptr = context->superclasses;

    if (fptr == 0)
        return JNI_FALSE;
    for (; *fptr != 0; fptr++) {
        if (*fptr == clazz_info)
            return JNI_TRUE;
    return JNI_FALSE;

/* Look through each item on the exception table.  Each of the fields must
 * refer to a legal instruction.
static void
initialize_exception_table(context_type *context)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    int mi = context->method_index;
    struct handler_info_type *handler_info = context->handler_info;
    int *code_data = context->code_data;
    int code_length = context->code_length;
    int max_stack_size = JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack(env, context->class, mi);
    int i = JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength(env, context->class, mi);
    if (max_stack_size < 1 && i > 0) {
        // If the method contains exception handlers, it must have room
        // on the expression stack for the exception that the VM could push
        CCerror(context, "Stack size too large");
    for (; --i >= 0; handler_info++) {
        JVM_ExceptionTableEntryType einfo;
        stack_item_type *stack_item = NEW(stack_item_type, 1);

        JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry(env, context->class, mi,
                                           i, &einfo);

        if (!(einfo.start_pc < einfo.end_pc &&
              einfo.start_pc >= 0 &&
              isLegalTarget(context, einfo.start_pc) &&
              (einfo.end_pc ==  code_length ||
               isLegalTarget(context, einfo.end_pc)))) {
            CFerror(context, "Illegal exception table range");
        if (!((einfo.handler_pc > 0) &&
              isLegalTarget(context, einfo.handler_pc))) {
            CFerror(context, "Illegal exception table handler");

        handler_info->start = code_data[einfo.start_pc];
        /* einfo.end_pc may point to one byte beyond the end of bytecodes. */
        handler_info->end = (einfo.end_pc == context->code_length) ?
            context->instruction_count : code_data[einfo.end_pc];
        handler_info->handler = code_data[einfo.handler_pc];
        handler_info->stack_info.stack = stack_item;
        handler_info->stack_info.stack_size = 1;
        stack_item->next = NULL;
        if (einfo.catchType != 0) {
            const char *classname;
            /* Constant pool entry type has been checked in format checker */
            classname = JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF(env,
            check_and_push(context, classname, VM_STRING_UTF);
            stack_item->item = make_class_info_from_name(context, classname);
            if (!isAssignableTo(context,
                CCerror(context, "catch_type not a subclass of Throwable");
        } else {
            stack_item->item = context->throwable_info;

/* Given a pointer to an instruction, return its length.  Use the table
 * opcode_length[] which is automatically built.
static int instruction_length(unsigned char *iptr, unsigned char *end)
    static unsigned char opcode_length[] = JVM_OPCODE_LENGTH_INITIALIZER;
    int instruction = *iptr;
    switch (instruction) {
        case JVM_OPC_tableswitch: {
            int *lpc = (int *)UCALIGN(iptr + 1);
            int index;
            if (lpc + 2 >= (int *)end) {
                return -1; /* do not read pass the end */
            index = _ck_ntohl(lpc[2]) - _ck_ntohl(lpc[1]);
            if ((index < 0) || (index > 65535)) {
                return -1;      /* illegal */
            } else {
                return (unsigned char *)(&lpc[index + 4]) - iptr;

        case JVM_OPC_lookupswitch: {
            int *lpc = (int *) UCALIGN(iptr + 1);
            int npairs;
            if (lpc + 1 >= (int *)end)
                return -1; /* do not read pass the end */
            npairs = _ck_ntohl(lpc[1]);
            /* There can't be more than 64K labels because of the limit
             * on per-method byte code length.
            if (npairs < 0 || npairs >= 65536)
                return  -1;
                return (unsigned char *)(&lpc[2 * (npairs + 1)]) - iptr;

        case JVM_OPC_wide:
            if (iptr + 1 >= end)
                return -1; /* do not read pass the end */
            switch(iptr[1]) {
                case JVM_OPC_ret:
                case JVM_OPC_iload: case JVM_OPC_istore:
                case JVM_OPC_fload: case JVM_OPC_fstore:
                case JVM_OPC_aload: case JVM_OPC_astore:
                case JVM_OPC_lload: case JVM_OPC_lstore:
                case JVM_OPC_dload: case JVM_OPC_dstore:
                    return 4;
                case JVM_OPC_iinc:
                    return 6;
                    return -1;

        default: {
            /* A length of 0 indicates an error. */
            int length = opcode_length[instruction];
            return (length <= 0) ? -1 : length;

/* Given the target of a branch, make sure that it's a legal target. */
static jboolean
isLegalTarget(context_type *context, int offset)
    int code_length = context->code_length;
    int *code_data = context->code_data;
    return (offset >= 0 && offset < code_length && code_data[offset] >= 0);

/* Make sure that an element of the constant pool really is of the indicated
 * type.
static void
verify_constant_pool_type(context_type *context, int index, unsigned mask)
    int nconstants = context->nconstants;
    unsigned char *type_table = context->constant_types;
    unsigned type;

    if ((index <= 0) || (index >= nconstants))
        CCerror(context, "Illegal constant pool index");

    type = type_table[index];
    if ((mask & (1 << type)) == 0)
        CCerror(context, "Illegal type in constant pool");

static void
initialize_dataflow(context_type *context)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    int mi = context->method_index;
    jclass cb = context->class;
    int args_size = JVM_GetMethodIxArgsSize(env, cb, mi);
    fullinfo_type *reg_ptr;
    fullinfo_type full_info;
    const char *p;
    const char *signature;

    /* Initialize the function entry, since we know everything about it. */
    idata[0].stack_info.stack_size = 0;
    idata[0].stack_info.stack = NULL;
    idata[0].register_info.register_count = args_size;
    idata[0].register_info.registers = NEW(fullinfo_type, args_size);
    idata[0].register_info.mask_count = 0;
    idata[0].register_info.masks = NULL;
    idata[0].and_flags = 0;     /* nothing needed */
    idata[0].or_flags = FLAG_REACHED; /* instruction reached */
    reg_ptr = idata[0].register_info.registers;

    if ((JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers(env, cb, mi) & JVM_ACC_STATIC) == 0) {
        /* A non static method.  If this is an <init> method, the first
         * argument is an uninitialized object.  Otherwise it is an object of
         * the given class type.  java.lang.Object.<init> is special since
         * we don't call its superclass <init> method.
        if (JVM_IsConstructorIx(env, cb, mi)
                && context->currentclass_info != context->object_info) {
            *reg_ptr++ = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_InitObject, 0, 0);
            idata[0].or_flags |= FLAG_NEED_CONSTRUCTOR;
        } else {
            *reg_ptr++ = context->currentclass_info;
    signature = JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF(env, cb, mi);
    check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
    /* Fill in each of the arguments into the registers. */
    for (p = signature + 1; *p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC; ) {
        char fieldchar = signature_to_fieldtype(context, &p, &full_info);
        switch (fieldchar) {
            case 'D': case 'L':
                *reg_ptr++ = full_info;
                *reg_ptr++ = full_info + 1;
                *reg_ptr++ = full_info;
    p++;                        /* skip over right parenthesis */
    if (*p == 'V') {
        context->return_type = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Void, 0, 0);
    } else {
        signature_to_fieldtype(context, &p, &full_info);
        context->return_type = full_info;
    /* Indicate that we need to look at the first instruction. */
    idata[0].changed = JNI_TRUE;

/* Run the data flow analysis, as long as there are things to change. */
static void
run_dataflow(context_type *context) {
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    int mi = context->method_index;
    jclass cb = context->class;
    int max_stack_size = JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack(env, cb, mi);
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    unsigned int icount = context->instruction_count;
    jboolean work_to_do = JNI_TRUE;
    unsigned int inumber;

    /* Run through the loop, until there is nothing left to do. */
    while (work_to_do) {
        work_to_do = JNI_FALSE;
        for (inumber = 0; inumber < icount; inumber++) {
            instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
            if (this_idata->changed) {
                register_info_type new_register_info;
                stack_info_type new_stack_info;
                flag_type new_and_flags, new_or_flags;

                this_idata->changed = JNI_FALSE;
                work_to_do = JNI_TRUE;
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (verify_verbose) {
                    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
                    jio_fprintf(stdout, "Instruction %d: ", inumber);
                    print_stack(context, &this_idata->stack_info);
                    print_registers(context, &this_idata->register_info);
                                this_idata->and_flags, this_idata->or_flags);
                /* Make sure the registers and flags are appropriate */
                check_register_values(context, inumber);
                check_flags(context, inumber);

                /* Make sure the stack can deal with this instruction */
                pop_stack(context, inumber, &new_stack_info);

                /* Update the registers  and flags */
                update_registers(context, inumber, &new_register_info);
                update_flags(context, inumber, &new_and_flags, &new_or_flags);

                /* Update the stack. */
                push_stack(context, inumber, &new_stack_info);

                if (new_stack_info.stack_size > max_stack_size)
                    CCerror(context, "Stack size too large");
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (verify_verbose) {
                    jio_fprintf(stdout, "  ");
                    print_stack(context, &new_stack_info);
                    print_registers(context, &new_register_info);
                    print_flags(context, new_and_flags, new_or_flags);
                /* Add the new stack and register information to any
                 * instructions that can follow this instruction.     */
                merge_into_successors(context, inumber,
                                      &new_register_info, &new_stack_info,
                                      new_and_flags, new_or_flags);

/* Make sure that the registers contain a legitimate value for the given
 * instruction.

static void
check_register_values(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
    int register_count = this_idata->register_info.register_count;
    fullinfo_type *registers = this_idata->register_info.registers;
    jboolean double_word = JNI_FALSE;   /* default value */
    int type;

    switch (opcode) {
        case JVM_OPC_iload: case JVM_OPC_iinc:
            type = ITEM_Integer; break;
        case JVM_OPC_fload:
            type = ITEM_Float; break;
        case JVM_OPC_aload:
            type = ITEM_Object; break;
        case JVM_OPC_ret:
            type = ITEM_ReturnAddress; break;
        case JVM_OPC_lload:
            type = ITEM_Long; double_word = JNI_TRUE; break;
        case JVM_OPC_dload:
            type = ITEM_Double; double_word = JNI_TRUE; break;
    if (!double_word) {
        fullinfo_type reg;
        /* Make sure we don't have an illegal register or one with wrong type */
        if (operand >= register_count) {
                    "Accessing value from uninitialized register %d", operand);
        reg = registers[operand];

        if (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(reg) == (unsigned)MAKE_FULLINFO(type, 0, 0)) {
            /* the register is obviously of the given type */
        } else if (GET_INDIRECTION(reg) > 0 && type == ITEM_Object) {
            /* address type stuff be used on all arrays */
        } else if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(reg) == ITEM_ReturnAddress) {
            CCerror(context, "Cannot load return address from register %d",
            /* alternatively
                      (GET_ITEM_TYPE(reg) == ITEM_ReturnAddress)
                   && (opcode == JVM_OPC_iload)
                   && (type == ITEM_Object || type == ITEM_Integer)
               but this never occurs
        } else if (reg == ITEM_InitObject && type == ITEM_Object) {
        } else if (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(reg) ==
                        MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_NewObject, 0, 0) &&
                   type == ITEM_Object) {
        } else {
            CCerror(context, "Register %d contains wrong type", operand);
    } else {
        /* Make sure we don't have an illegal register or one with wrong type */
        if ((operand + 1) >= register_count) {
                    "Accessing value from uninitialized register pair %d/%d",
                    operand, operand+1);
        } else {
            if ((registers[operand] == (unsigned)MAKE_FULLINFO(type, 0, 0)) &&
                (registers[operand + 1] == (unsigned)MAKE_FULLINFO(type + 1, 0, 0))) {
            } else {
                CCerror(context, "Register pair %d/%d contains wrong type",
                        operand, operand+1);

/* Make sure the flags contain legitimate values for this instruction.

static void
check_flags(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    switch (opcode) {
        case JVM_OPC_return:
            /* We need a constructor, but we aren't guaranteed it's called */
            if ((this_idata->or_flags & FLAG_NEED_CONSTRUCTOR) &&
                   !(this_idata->and_flags & FLAG_CONSTRUCTED))
                CCerror(context, "Constructor must call super() or this()");
            /* fall through */
        case JVM_OPC_ireturn: case JVM_OPC_lreturn:
        case JVM_OPC_freturn: case JVM_OPC_dreturn: case JVM_OPC_areturn:
            if (this_idata->or_flags & FLAG_NO_RETURN)
                /* This method cannot exit normally */
                CCerror(context, "Cannot return normally");
            break; /* nothing to do. */

/* Make sure that the top of the stack contains reasonable values for the
 * given instruction.  The post-pop values of the stack and its size are
 * returned in *new_stack_info.

static void
pop_stack(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber, stack_info_type *new_stack_info)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    stack_item_type *stack = this_idata->stack_info.stack;
    int stack_size = this_idata->stack_info.stack_size;
    char *stack_operands, *p;
    char buffer[257];           /* for holding manufactured argument lists */
    fullinfo_type stack_extra_info_buffer[256]; /* save info popped off stack */
    fullinfo_type *stack_extra_info = &stack_extra_info_buffer[256];
    fullinfo_type full_info;    /* only used in case of invoke instructions */
    fullinfo_type put_full_info; /* only used in case JVM_OPC_putstatic and JVM_OPC_putfield */

    switch(opcode) {
            /* For most instructions, we just use a built-in table */
            stack_operands = opcode_in_out[opcode][0];

        case JVM_OPC_putstatic: case JVM_OPC_putfield: {
            /* The top thing on the stack depends on the signature of
             * the object.                         */
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            const char *signature =
            char *ip = buffer;
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
#ifdef DEBUG
            if (verify_verbose) {
                print_formatted_fieldname(context, operand);
            if (opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield)
                *ip++ = 'A';    /* object for putfield */
            *ip++ = signature_to_fieldtype(context, &signature, &put_full_info);
            *ip = '\0';
            stack_operands = buffer;

        case JVM_OPC_invokevirtual: case JVM_OPC_invokespecial:
        case JVM_OPC_invokeinit:    /* invokespecial call to <init> */
        case JVM_OPC_invokedynamic:
        case JVM_OPC_invokestatic: case JVM_OPC_invokeinterface: {
            /* The top stuff on the stack depends on the method signature */
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            const char *signature =
            char *ip = buffer;
            const char *p;
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
#ifdef DEBUG
            if (verify_verbose) {
                print_formatted_methodname(context, operand);
            if (opcode != JVM_OPC_invokestatic &&
                opcode != JVM_OPC_invokedynamic)
                /* First, push the object */
                *ip++ = (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokeinit ? '@' : 'A');
            for (p = signature + 1; *p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC; ) {
                *ip++ = signature_to_fieldtype(context, &p, &full_info);
                if (ip >= buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1)
                    CCerror(context, "Signature %s has too many arguments",
            *ip = 0;
            stack_operands = buffer;

        case JVM_OPC_multianewarray: {
            /* Count can't be larger than 255. So can't overflow buffer */
            int count = this_idata->operand2.i; /* number of ints on stack */
            memset(buffer, 'I', count);
            buffer[count] = '\0';
            stack_operands = buffer;

    } /* of switch */

    /* Run through the list of operands >>backwards<< */
    for (   p = stack_operands + strlen(stack_operands);
            p > stack_operands;
            stack = stack->next) {
        int type = *--p;
        fullinfo_type top_type = stack ? stack->item : 0;
        int size = (type == 'D' || type == 'L') ? 2 : 1;
        *--stack_extra_info = top_type;
        if (stack == NULL)
            CCerror(context, "Unable to pop operand off an empty stack");

        switch (type) {
            case 'I':
                if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0))
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find integer on stack");

            case 'F':
                if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Float, 0, 0))
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find float on stack");

            case 'A':           /* object or array */
                if (   (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) != ITEM_Object)
                    && (GET_INDIRECTION(top_type) == 0)) {
                    /* The thing isn't an object or an array.  Let's see if it's
                     * one of the special cases  */
                    if (  (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(top_type) ==
                                MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_ReturnAddress, 0, 0))
                        && (opcode == JVM_OPC_astore))
                    if (   (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) == ITEM_NewObject
                            || (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) == ITEM_InitObject))
                        && ((opcode == JVM_OPC_astore) || (opcode == JVM_OPC_aload)
                            || (opcode == JVM_OPC_ifnull) || (opcode == JVM_OPC_ifnonnull)))
                    /* The 2nd edition VM of the specification allows field
                     * initializations before the superclass initializer,
                     * if the field is defined within the current class.
                     if (   (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) == ITEM_InitObject)
                         && (opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield)) {
                        int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
                        int access_bits = JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers(context->env,
                        /* Note: This relies on the fact that
                         * JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers retrieves only local fields,
                         * and does not respect inheritance.
                        if (access_bits != -1) {
                            if ( cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context, operand, JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref) ==
                                 context->currentclass_info ) {
                                top_type = context->currentclass_info;
                                *stack_extra_info = top_type;
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find object/array on stack");

            case '@': {         /* unitialized object, for call to <init> */
                int item_type = GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type);
                if (item_type != ITEM_NewObject && item_type != ITEM_InitObject)
                            "Expecting to find unitialized object on stack");

            case 'O':           /* object, not array */
                if (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(top_type) !=
                       MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0, 0))
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find object on stack");

            case 'a':           /* integer, object, or array */
                if (      (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0))
                       && (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) != ITEM_Object)
                       && (GET_INDIRECTION(top_type) == 0))
                            "Expecting to find object, array, or int on stack");

            case 'D':           /* double */
                if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 0, 0))
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find double on stack");

            case 'L':           /* long */
                if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 0, 0))
                    CCerror(context, "Expecting to find long on stack");

            case ']':           /* array of some type */
                if (top_type == NULL_FULLINFO) {
                    /* do nothing */
                } else switch(p[-1]) {
                    case 'I':   /* array of integers */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 1, 0) &&
                            top_type != NULL_FULLINFO)
                                    "Expecting to find array of ints on stack");

                    case 'L':   /* array of longs */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 1, 0))
                                   "Expecting to find array of longs on stack");

                    case 'F':   /* array of floats */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Float, 1, 0))
                                 "Expecting to find array of floats on stack");

                    case 'D':   /* array of doubles */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 1, 0))
                                "Expecting to find array of doubles on stack");

                    case 'A': { /* array of addresses (arrays or objects) */
                        int indirection = GET_INDIRECTION(top_type);
                        if ((indirection == 0) ||
                            ((indirection == 1) &&
                                (GET_ITEM_TYPE(top_type) != ITEM_Object)))
                                "Expecting to find array of objects or arrays "
                                    "on stack");

                    case 'B':   /* array of bytes */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Byte, 1, 0))
                                  "Expecting to find array of bytes on stack");

                    case 'C':   /* array of characters */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Char, 1, 0))
                                  "Expecting to find array of chars on stack");

                    case 'S':   /* array of shorts */
                        if (top_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Short, 1, 0))
                                 "Expecting to find array of shorts on stack");

                    case '?':   /* any type of array is okay */
                        if (GET_INDIRECTION(top_type) == 0)
                                    "Expecting to find array on stack");

                        CCerror(context, "Internal error #1");
                p -= 2;         /* skip over [ <char> */

            case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': /* stack swapping */
                if (top_type == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 0, 0)
                    || top_type == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 0, 0)) {
                    if ((p > stack_operands) && (p[-1] == '+')) {
                        context->swap_table[type - '1'] = top_type + 1;
                        context->swap_table[p[-2] - '1'] = top_type;
                        size = 2;
                        p -= 2;
                    } else {
                                "Attempt to split long or double on the stack");
                } else {
                    context->swap_table[type - '1'] = stack->item;
                    if ((p > stack_operands) && (p[-1] == '+'))
                        p--;    /* ignore */
            case '+':           /* these should have been caught. */
                CCerror(context, "Internal error #2");
        stack_size -= size;

    /* For many of the opcodes that had an "A" in their field, we really
     * need to go back and do a little bit more accurate testing.  We can, of
     * course, assume that the minimal type checking has already been done.
    switch (opcode) {
        default: break;
        case JVM_OPC_aastore: {     /* array index object  */
            fullinfo_type array_type = stack_extra_info[0];
            fullinfo_type object_type = stack_extra_info[2];
            fullinfo_type target_type = decrement_indirection(array_type);
            if ((GET_ITEM_TYPE(object_type) != ITEM_Object)
                    && (GET_INDIRECTION(object_type) == 0)) {
                CCerror(context, "Expecting reference type on operand stack in aastore");
            if ((GET_ITEM_TYPE(target_type) != ITEM_Object)
                    && (GET_INDIRECTION(target_type) == 0)) {
                CCerror(context, "Component type of the array must be reference type in aastore");

        case JVM_OPC_putfield:
        case JVM_OPC_getfield:
        case JVM_OPC_putstatic: {
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            fullinfo_type stack_object = stack_extra_info[0];
            if (opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield || opcode == JVM_OPC_getfield) {
                if (!isAssignableTo
                             (context, operand, JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref))) {
                            "Incompatible type for getting or setting field");
                if (this_idata->protected &&
                    !isAssignableTo(context, stack_object,
                                    context->currentclass_info)) {
                    CCerror(context, "Bad access to protected data");
            if (opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield || opcode == JVM_OPC_putstatic) {
                int item = (opcode == JVM_OPC_putfield ? 1 : 0);
                if (!isAssignableTo(context,
                                    stack_extra_info[item], put_full_info)) {
                    CCerror(context, "Bad type in putfield/putstatic");

        case JVM_OPC_athrow:
            if (!isAssignableTo(context, stack_extra_info[0],
                                context->throwable_info)) {
                CCerror(context, "Can only throw Throwable objects");

        case JVM_OPC_aaload: {      /* array index */
            /* We need to pass the information to the stack updater */
            fullinfo_type array_type = stack_extra_info[0];
            context->swap_table[0] = decrement_indirection(array_type);

        case JVM_OPC_invokevirtual: case JVM_OPC_invokespecial:
        case JVM_OPC_invokeinit:
        case JVM_OPC_invokedynamic:
        case JVM_OPC_invokeinterface: case JVM_OPC_invokestatic: {
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            const char *signature =
            int item;
            const char *p;
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
            if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokestatic ||
                opcode == JVM_OPC_invokedynamic) {
                item = 0;
            } else if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokeinit) {
                fullinfo_type init_type = this_idata->;
                fullinfo_type object_type = stack_extra_info[0];
                context->swap_table[0] = object_type; /* save value */
                if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(stack_extra_info[0]) == ITEM_NewObject) {
                    /* We better be calling the appropriate init.  Find the
                     * inumber of the "JVM_OPC_new" instruction", and figure
                     * out what the type really is.
                    unsigned int new_inumber = GET_EXTRA_INFO(stack_extra_info[0]);
                    fullinfo_type target_type = idata[new_inumber];
                    context->swap_table[1] = target_type;

                    if (target_type != init_type) {
                        CCerror(context, "Call to wrong initialization method");
                    if (this_idata->protected
                        && context->major_version > LDC_CLASS_MAJOR_VERSION
                        && !isAssignableTo(context, object_type,
                                           context->currentclass_info)) {
                      CCerror(context, "Bad access to protected data");
                } else {
                    /* We better be calling super() or this(). */
                    if (init_type != context->superclass_info &&
                        init_type != context->currentclass_info) {
                        CCerror(context, "Call to wrong initialization method");
                    context->swap_table[1] = context->currentclass_info;
                item = 1;
            } else {
                fullinfo_type target_type = this_idata->;
                fullinfo_type object_type = stack_extra_info[0];
                if (!isAssignableTo(context, object_type, target_type)){
                            "Incompatible object argument for function call");
                if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokespecial
                    && !isAssignableTo(context, object_type,
                                       context->currentclass_info)) {
                    /* Make sure object argument is assignment compatible to current class */
                            "Incompatible object argument for invokespecial");
                if (this_idata->protected
                    && !isAssignableTo(context, object_type,
                                       context->currentclass_info)) {
                    /* This is ugly. Special dispensation.  Arrays pretend to
                       implement public Object clone() even though they don't */
                    const char *utfName =
                    int is_clone = utfName && (strcmp(utfName, "clone") == 0);

                    if ((target_type == context->object_info) &&
                        (GET_INDIRECTION(object_type) > 0) &&
                        is_clone) {
                    } else {
                        CCerror(context, "Bad access to protected data");
                item = 1;
            for (p = signature + 1; *p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC; item++)
                if (signature_to_fieldtype(context, &p, &full_info) == 'A') {
                    if (!isAssignableTo(context,
                                        stack_extra_info[item], full_info)) {
                        CCerror(context, "Incompatible argument to function");


        case JVM_OPC_return:
            if (context->return_type != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Void, 0, 0))
                CCerror(context, "Wrong return type in function");

        case JVM_OPC_ireturn: case JVM_OPC_lreturn: case JVM_OPC_freturn:
        case JVM_OPC_dreturn: case JVM_OPC_areturn: {
            fullinfo_type target_type = context->return_type;
            fullinfo_type object_type = stack_extra_info[0];
            if (!isAssignableTo(context, object_type, target_type)) {
                CCerror(context, "Wrong return type in function");

        case JVM_OPC_new: {
            /* Make sure that nothing on the stack already looks like what
             * we want to create.  I can't image how this could possibly happen
             * but we should test for it anyway, since if it could happen, the
             * result would be an unitialized object being able to masquerade
             * as an initialized one.
            stack_item_type *item;
            for (item = stack; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
                if (item->item == this_idata-> {
                            "Uninitialized object on stack at creating point");
            /* Info for update_registers */
            context->swap_table[0] = this_idata->;
            context->swap_table[1] = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);

    new_stack_info->stack = stack;
    new_stack_info->stack_size = stack_size;

/* We've already determined that the instruction is legal.  Perform the
 * operation on the registers, and return the updated results in
 * new_register_count_p and new_registers.

static void
update_registers(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber,
                 register_info_type *new_register_info)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
    int register_count = this_idata->register_info.register_count;
    fullinfo_type *registers = this_idata->register_info.registers;
    stack_item_type *stack = this_idata->stack_info.stack;
    int mask_count = this_idata->register_info.mask_count;
    mask_type *masks = this_idata->register_info.masks;

    /* Use these as default new values. */
    int            new_register_count = register_count;
    int            new_mask_count = mask_count;
    fullinfo_type *new_registers = registers;
    mask_type     *new_masks = masks;

    int i;

    /* Remember, we've already verified the type at the top of the stack. */
    switch (opcode) {
        default: break;
        case JVM_OPC_istore: case JVM_OPC_fstore: case JVM_OPC_astore:
            access = ACCESS_SINGLE;
            goto continue_store;

        case JVM_OPC_lstore: case JVM_OPC_dstore:
            access = ACCESS_DOUBLE;
            goto continue_store;

        continue_store: {
            /* We have a modification to the registers.  Copy them if needed. */
            fullinfo_type stack_top_type = stack->item;
            int max_operand = operand + ((access == ACCESS_DOUBLE) ? 1 : 0);

            if (     max_operand < register_count
                  && registers[operand] == stack_top_type
                  && ((access == ACCESS_SINGLE) ||
                         (registers[operand + 1]== stack_top_type + 1)))
                /* No changes have been made to the registers. */
            new_register_count = MAX(max_operand + 1, register_count);
            new_registers = NEW(fullinfo_type, new_register_count);
            for (i = 0; i < register_count; i++)
                new_registers[i] = registers[i];
            for (i = register_count; i < new_register_count; i++)
                new_registers[i] = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
            new_registers[operand] = stack_top_type;
            if (access == ACCESS_DOUBLE)
                new_registers[operand + 1] = stack_top_type + 1;

        case JVM_OPC_iload: case JVM_OPC_fload: case JVM_OPC_aload:
        case JVM_OPC_iinc: case JVM_OPC_ret:
            access = ACCESS_SINGLE;

        case JVM_OPC_lload: case JVM_OPC_dload:
            access = ACCESS_DOUBLE;

        case JVM_OPC_jsr: case JVM_OPC_jsr_w:
            for (i = 0; i < new_mask_count; i++)
                if (new_masks[i].entry == operand)
                    CCerror(context, "Recursive call to jsr entry");
            new_masks = add_to_masks(context, masks, mask_count, operand);

        case JVM_OPC_invokeinit:
        case JVM_OPC_new: {
            /* For invokeinit, an uninitialized object has been initialized.
             * For new, all previous occurrences of an uninitialized object
             * from the same instruction must be made bogus.
             * We find all occurrences of swap_table[0] in the registers, and
             * replace them with swap_table[1];
            fullinfo_type from = context->swap_table[0];
            fullinfo_type to = context->swap_table[1];

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < register_count; i++) {
                if (new_registers[i] == from) {
                    /* Found a match */
            if (i < register_count) { /* We broke out loop for match */
                /* We have to change registers, and possibly a mask */
                jboolean copied_mask = JNI_FALSE;
                int k;
                new_registers = NEW(fullinfo_type, register_count);
                memcpy(new_registers, registers,
                       register_count * sizeof(registers[0]));
                for ( ; i < register_count; i++) {
                    if (new_registers[i] == from) {
                        new_registers[i] = to;
                        for (k = 0; k < new_mask_count; k++) {
                            if (!IS_BIT_SET(new_masks[k].modifies, i)) {
                                if (!copied_mask) {
                                    new_masks = copy_masks(context, new_masks,
                                    copied_mask = JNI_TRUE;
                                SET_BIT(new_masks[k].modifies, i);
    } /* of switch */

    if ((access != ACCESS_NONE) && (new_mask_count > 0)) {
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < new_mask_count; i++) {
            int *mask = new_masks[i].modifies;
            if ((!IS_BIT_SET(mask, operand)) ||
                  ((access == ACCESS_DOUBLE) &&
                   !IS_BIT_SET(mask, operand + 1))) {
                new_masks = copy_masks(context, new_masks, mask_count);
                for (j = i; j < new_mask_count; j++) {
                    SET_BIT(new_masks[j].modifies, operand);
                    if (access == ACCESS_DOUBLE)
                        SET_BIT(new_masks[j].modifies, operand + 1);

    new_register_info->register_count = new_register_count;
    new_register_info->registers = new_registers;
    new_register_info->masks = new_masks;
    new_register_info->mask_count = new_mask_count;

/* We've already determined that the instruction is legal, and have updated
 * the registers.  Update the flags, too.

static void
update_flags(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber,
             flag_type *new_and_flags, flag_type *new_or_flags)

    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    flag_type and_flags = this_idata->and_flags;
    flag_type or_flags = this_idata->or_flags;

    /* Set the "we've done a constructor" flag */
    if (this_idata->opcode == JVM_OPC_invokeinit) {
        fullinfo_type from = context->swap_table[0];
        if (from == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_InitObject, 0, 0))
            and_flags |= FLAG_CONSTRUCTED;
    *new_and_flags = and_flags;
    *new_or_flags = or_flags;

/* We've already determined that the instruction is legal.  Perform the
 * operation on the stack;
 * new_stack_size_p and new_stack_p point to the results after the pops have
 * already been done.  Do the pushes, and then put the results back there.

static void
push_stack(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber, stack_info_type *new_stack_info)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    int operand = this_idata->operand.i;

    int stack_size = new_stack_info->stack_size;
    stack_item_type *stack = new_stack_info->stack;
    char *stack_results;

    fullinfo_type full_info = 0;
    char buffer[5], *p;         /* actually [2] is big enough */

    /* We need to look at all those opcodes in which either we can't tell the
     * value pushed onto the stack from the opcode, or in which the value
     * pushed onto the stack is an object or array.  For the latter, we need
     * to make sure that full_info is set to the right value.
    switch(opcode) {
            stack_results = opcode_in_out[opcode][1];

        case JVM_OPC_ldc: case JVM_OPC_ldc_w: case JVM_OPC_ldc2_w: {
            /* Look to constant pool to determine correct result. */
            unsigned char *type_table = context->constant_types;
            switch (type_table[operand]) {
                case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer:
                    stack_results = "I"; break;
                case JVM_CONSTANT_Float:
                    stack_results = "F"; break;
                case JVM_CONSTANT_Double:
                    stack_results = "D"; break;
                case JVM_CONSTANT_Long:
                    stack_results = "L"; break;
                case JVM_CONSTANT_String:
                    stack_results = "A";
                    full_info = context->string_info;
                case JVM_CONSTANT_Class:
                    if (context->major_version < LDC_CLASS_MAJOR_VERSION)
                        CCerror(context, "Internal error #3");
                    stack_results = "A";
                    full_info = make_class_info_from_name(context,
                case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle:
                case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType:
                    if (context->major_version < LDC_METHOD_HANDLE_MAJOR_VERSION)
                        CCerror(context, "Internal error #3");
                    stack_results = "A";
                    switch (type_table[operand]) {
                    case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType:
                      full_info = make_class_info_from_name(context,
                    default: //JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle
                      full_info = make_class_info_from_name(context,
                    CCerror(context, "Internal error #3");
                    stack_results = ""; /* Never reached: keep lint happy */

        case JVM_OPC_getstatic: case JVM_OPC_getfield: {
            /* Look to signature to determine correct result. */
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            const char *signature = JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF(context->env,
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
#ifdef DEBUG
            if (verify_verbose) {
                print_formatted_fieldname(context, operand);
            buffer[0] = signature_to_fieldtype(context, &signature, &full_info);
            buffer[1] = '\0';
            stack_results = buffer;

        case JVM_OPC_invokevirtual: case JVM_OPC_invokespecial:
        case JVM_OPC_invokeinit:
        case JVM_OPC_invokedynamic:
        case JVM_OPC_invokestatic: case JVM_OPC_invokeinterface: {
            /* Look to signature to determine correct result. */
            int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
            const char *signature = JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF(context->env,
            const char *result_signature;
            check_and_push(context, signature, VM_STRING_UTF);
            result_signature = strchr(signature, JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC);
            if (result_signature++ == NULL) {
                CCerror(context, "Illegal signature %s", signature);
            if (result_signature[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID) {
                stack_results = "";
            } else {
                buffer[0] = signature_to_fieldtype(context, &result_signature,
                buffer[1] = '\0';
                stack_results = buffer;

        case JVM_OPC_aconst_null:
            stack_results = opcode_in_out[opcode][1];
            full_info = NULL_FULLINFO; /* special NULL */

        case JVM_OPC_new:
        case JVM_OPC_checkcast:
        case JVM_OPC_newarray:
        case JVM_OPC_anewarray:
        case JVM_OPC_multianewarray:
            stack_results = opcode_in_out[opcode][1];
            /* Conveniently, this result type is stored here */
            full_info = this_idata->;

        case JVM_OPC_aaload:
            stack_results = opcode_in_out[opcode][1];
            /* pop_stack() saved value for us. */
            full_info = context->swap_table[0];

        case JVM_OPC_aload:
            stack_results = opcode_in_out[opcode][1];
            /* The register hasn't been modified, so we can use its value. */
            full_info = this_idata->register_info.registers[operand];
    } /* of switch */

    for (p = stack_results; *p != 0; p++) {
        int type = *p;
        stack_item_type *new_item = NEW(stack_item_type, 1);
        new_item->next = stack;
        stack = new_item;
        switch (type) {
            case 'I':
                stack->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0); break;
            case 'F':
                stack->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Float, 0, 0); break;
            case 'D':
                stack->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 0, 0);
                stack_size++; break;
            case 'L':
                stack->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 0, 0);
                stack_size++; break;
            case 'R':
                stack->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_ReturnAddress, 0, operand);
            case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': {
                /* Get the info saved in the swap_table */
                fullinfo_type stype = context->swap_table[type - '1'];
                stack->item = stype;
                if (stype == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 0, 0) ||
                    stype == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 0, 0)) {
                    stack_size++; p++;
            case 'A':
                /* full_info should have the appropriate value. */
                assert(full_info != 0);
                stack->item = full_info;
                CCerror(context, "Internal error #4");

            } /* switch type */
    } /* outer for loop */

    if (opcode == JVM_OPC_invokeinit) {
        /* If there are any instances of "from" on the stack, we need to
         * replace it with "to", since calling <init> initializes all versions
         * of the object, obviously.     */
        fullinfo_type from = context->swap_table[0];
        stack_item_type *ptr;
        for (ptr = stack; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
            if (ptr->item == from) {
                fullinfo_type to = context->swap_table[1];
                stack = copy_stack(context, stack);
                for (ptr = stack; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
                    if (ptr->item == from) ptr->item = to;

    new_stack_info->stack_size = stack_size;
    new_stack_info->stack = stack;

/* We've performed an instruction, and determined the new registers and stack
 * value.  Look at all of the possibly subsequent instructions, and merge
 * this stack value into theirs.

static void
merge_into_successors(context_type *context, unsigned int inumber,
                      register_info_type *register_info,
                      stack_info_type *stack_info,
                      flag_type and_flags, flag_type or_flags)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[inumber];
    int opcode = this_idata->opcode;
    int operand = this_idata->operand.i;
    struct handler_info_type *handler_info = context->handler_info;
    int handler_info_length =

    int buffer[2];              /* default value for successors */
    int *successors = buffer;   /* table of successors */
    int successors_count;
    int i;

    switch (opcode) {
        successors_count = 1;
        buffer[0] = inumber + 1;

    case JVM_OPC_ifeq: case JVM_OPC_ifne: case JVM_OPC_ifgt:
    case JVM_OPC_ifge: case JVM_OPC_iflt: case JVM_OPC_ifle:
    case JVM_OPC_ifnull: case JVM_OPC_ifnonnull:
    case JVM_OPC_if_icmpeq: case JVM_OPC_if_icmpne: case JVM_OPC_if_icmpgt:
    case JVM_OPC_if_icmpge: case JVM_OPC_if_icmplt: case JVM_OPC_if_icmple:
    case JVM_OPC_if_acmpeq: case JVM_OPC_if_acmpne:
        successors_count = 2;
        buffer[0] = inumber + 1;
        buffer[1] = operand;

    case JVM_OPC_jsr: case JVM_OPC_jsr_w:
        if (this_idata->operand2.i != UNKNOWN_RET_INSTRUCTION)
            idata[this_idata->operand2.i].changed = JNI_TRUE;
        /* FALLTHROUGH */
    case JVM_OPC_goto: case JVM_OPC_goto_w:
        successors_count = 1;
        buffer[0] = operand;

    case JVM_OPC_ireturn: case JVM_OPC_lreturn: case JVM_OPC_return:
    case JVM_OPC_freturn: case JVM_OPC_dreturn: case JVM_OPC_areturn:
    case JVM_OPC_athrow:
        /* The testing for the returns is handled in pop_stack() */
        successors_count = 0;

    case JVM_OPC_ret: {
        /* This is slightly slow, but good enough for a seldom used instruction.
         * The EXTRA_ITEM_INFO of the ITEM_ReturnAddress indicates the
         * address of the first instruction of the subroutine.  We can return
         * to 1 after any instruction that jsr's to that instruction.
        if (this_idata->operand2.ip == NULL) {
            fullinfo_type *registers = this_idata->register_info.registers;
            int called_instruction = GET_EXTRA_INFO(registers[operand]);
            int i, count, *ptr;;
            for (i = context->instruction_count, count = 0; --i >= 0; ) {
                if (((idata[i].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr) ||
                     (idata[i].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr_w)) &&
                    (idata[i].operand.i == called_instruction))
            this_idata->operand2.ip = ptr = NEW(int, count + 1);
            *ptr++ = count;
            for (i = context->instruction_count, count = 0; --i >= 0; ) {
                if (((idata[i].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr) ||
                     (idata[i].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr_w)) &&
                    (idata[i].operand.i == called_instruction))
                    *ptr++ = i + 1;
        successors = this_idata->operand2.ip; /* use this instead */
        successors_count = *successors++;


    case JVM_OPC_tableswitch:
    case JVM_OPC_lookupswitch:
        successors = this_idata->operand.ip; /* use this instead */
        successors_count = *successors++;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (verify_verbose) {
        jio_fprintf(stdout, " [");
        for (i = handler_info_length; --i >= 0; handler_info++)
            if (handler_info->start <= (int)inumber && handler_info->end > (int)inumber)
                jio_fprintf(stdout, "%d* ", handler_info->handler);
        for (i = 0; i < successors_count; i++)
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "%d ", successors[i]);
        jio_fprintf(stdout,   "]\n");

    handler_info = context->handler_info;
    for (i = handler_info_length; --i >= 0; handler_info++) {
        if (handler_info->start <= (int)inumber && handler_info->end > (int)inumber) {
            int handler = handler_info->handler;
            if (opcode != JVM_OPC_invokeinit) {
                merge_into_one_successor(context, inumber, handler,
                                         &this_idata->register_info, /* old */
                                         (flag_type) (and_flags
                                                      & this_idata->and_flags),
                                         (flag_type) (or_flags
                                                      | this_idata->or_flags),
            } else {
                /* We need to be a little bit more careful with this
                 * instruction.  Things could either be in the state before
                 * the instruction or in the state afterwards */
                fullinfo_type from = context->swap_table[0];
                flag_type temp_or_flags = or_flags;
                if (from == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_InitObject, 0, 0))
                    temp_or_flags |= FLAG_NO_RETURN;
                merge_into_one_successor(context, inumber, handler,
                                         &this_idata->register_info, /* old */
                merge_into_one_successor(context, inumber, handler,
                                         and_flags, temp_or_flags, JNI_TRUE);
    for (i = 0; i < successors_count; i++) {
        int target = successors[i];
        if (target >= context->instruction_count)
            CCerror(context, "Falling off the end of the code");
        merge_into_one_successor(context, inumber, target,
                                 register_info, stack_info, and_flags, or_flags,

/* We have a new set of registers and stack values for a given instruction.
 * Merge this new set into the values that are already there.

static void
merge_into_one_successor(context_type *context,
                         unsigned int from_inumber, unsigned int to_inumber,
                         register_info_type *new_register_info,
                         stack_info_type *new_stack_info,
                         flag_type new_and_flags, flag_type new_or_flags,
                         jboolean isException)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    register_info_type register_info_buf;
    stack_info_type stack_info_buf;
#ifdef DEBUG
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[to_inumber];
    register_info_type old_reg_info;
    stack_info_type old_stack_info;
    flag_type old_and_flags = 0;
    flag_type old_or_flags = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (verify_verbose) {
        old_reg_info = this_idata->register_info;
        old_stack_info = this_idata->stack_info;
        old_and_flags = this_idata->and_flags;
        old_or_flags = this_idata->or_flags;

    /* All uninitialized objects are set to "bogus" when jsr and
     * ret are executed. Thus uninitialized objects can't propagate
     * into or out of a subroutine.
    if (idata[from_inumber].opcode == JVM_OPC_ret ||
        idata[from_inumber].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr ||
        idata[from_inumber].opcode == JVM_OPC_jsr_w) {
        int new_register_count = new_register_info->register_count;
        fullinfo_type *new_registers = new_register_info->registers;
        int i;
        stack_item_type *item;

        for (item = new_stack_info->stack; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
            if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(item->item) == ITEM_NewObject) {
                /* This check only succeeds for hand-contrived code.
                 * Efficiency is not an issue.
                stack_info_buf.stack = copy_stack(context,
                stack_info_buf.stack_size = new_stack_info->stack_size;
                new_stack_info = &stack_info_buf;
                for (item = new_stack_info->stack; item != NULL;
                     item = item->next) {
                    if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(item->item) == ITEM_NewObject) {
                        item->item = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < new_register_count; i++) {
            if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(new_registers[i]) == ITEM_NewObject) {
                /* This check only succeeds for hand-contrived code.
                 * Efficiency is not an issue.
                fullinfo_type *new_set = NEW(fullinfo_type,
                for (i = 0; i < new_register_count; i++) {
                    fullinfo_type t = new_registers[i];
                    new_set[i] = GET_ITEM_TYPE(t) != ITEM_NewObject ?
                        t : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
                register_info_buf.register_count = new_register_count;
                register_info_buf.registers = new_set;
                register_info_buf.mask_count = new_register_info->mask_count;
                register_info_buf.masks = new_register_info->masks;
                new_register_info = ®ister_info_buf;

    /* Returning from a subroutine is somewhat ugly.  The actual thing
     * that needs to get merged into the new instruction is a joining
     * of info from the ret instruction with stuff in the jsr instruction
    if (idata[from_inumber].opcode == JVM_OPC_ret && !isException) {
        int new_register_count = new_register_info->register_count;
        fullinfo_type *new_registers = new_register_info->registers;
        int new_mask_count = new_register_info->mask_count;
        mask_type *new_masks = new_register_info->masks;
        int operand = idata[from_inumber].operand.i;
        int called_instruction = GET_EXTRA_INFO(new_registers[operand]);
        instruction_data_type *jsr_idata = &idata[to_inumber - 1];
        register_info_type *jsr_reginfo = &jsr_idata->register_info;
        if (jsr_idata->operand2.i != (int)from_inumber) {
            if (jsr_idata->operand2.i != UNKNOWN_RET_INSTRUCTION)
                CCerror(context, "Multiple returns to single jsr");
            jsr_idata->operand2.i = from_inumber;
        if (jsr_reginfo->register_count == UNKNOWN_REGISTER_COUNT) {
            /* We don't want to handle the returned-to instruction until
             * we've dealt with the jsr instruction.   When we get to the
             * jsr instruction (if ever), we'll re-mark the ret instruction
        } else {
            int register_count = jsr_reginfo->register_count;
            fullinfo_type *registers = jsr_reginfo->registers;
            int max_registers = MAX(register_count, new_register_count);
            fullinfo_type *new_set = NEW(fullinfo_type, max_registers);
            int *return_mask;
            struct register_info_type new_new_register_info;
            int i;
            /* Make sure the place we're returning from is legal! */
            for (i = new_mask_count; --i >= 0; )
                if (new_masks[i].entry == called_instruction)
            if (i < 0)
                CCerror(context, "Illegal return from subroutine");
            /* pop the masks down to the indicated one.  Remember the mask
             * we're popping off. */
            return_mask = new_masks[i].modifies;
            new_mask_count = i;
            for (i = 0; i < max_registers; i++) {
                if (IS_BIT_SET(return_mask, i))
                    new_set[i] = i < new_register_count ?
                          new_registers[i] : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
                    new_set[i] = i < register_count ?
                        registers[i] : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
            new_new_register_info.register_count = max_registers;
            new_new_register_info.registers      = new_set;
            new_new_register_info.mask_count     = new_mask_count;
            new_new_register_info.masks          = new_masks;

            merge_stack(context, from_inumber, to_inumber, new_stack_info);
            merge_registers(context, to_inumber - 1, to_inumber,
            merge_flags(context, from_inumber, to_inumber, new_and_flags, new_or_flags);
    } else {
        merge_stack(context, from_inumber, to_inumber, new_stack_info);
        merge_registers(context, from_inumber, to_inumber, new_register_info);
        merge_flags(context, from_inumber, to_inumber,
                    new_and_flags, new_or_flags);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (verify_verbose && idata[to_inumber].changed) {
        register_info_type *register_info = &this_idata->register_info;
        stack_info_type *stack_info = &this_idata->stack_info;
        if (memcmp(&old_reg_info, register_info, sizeof(old_reg_info)) ||
            memcmp(&old_stack_info, stack_info, sizeof(old_stack_info)) ||
            (old_and_flags != this_idata->and_flags) ||
            (old_or_flags != this_idata->or_flags)) {
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "   %2d:", to_inumber);
            print_stack(context, &old_stack_info);
            print_registers(context, &old_reg_info);
            print_flags(context, old_and_flags, old_or_flags);
            jio_fprintf(stdout, " => ");
            print_stack(context, &this_idata->stack_info);
            print_registers(context, &this_idata->register_info);
            print_flags(context, this_idata->and_flags, this_idata->or_flags);
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "\n");


static void
merge_stack(context_type *context, unsigned int from_inumber,
            unsigned int to_inumber, stack_info_type *new_stack_info)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[to_inumber];

    int new_stack_size =  new_stack_info->stack_size;
    stack_item_type *new_stack = new_stack_info->stack;

    int stack_size = this_idata->stack_info.stack_size;

    if (stack_size == UNKNOWN_STACK_SIZE) {
        /* First time at this instruction.  Just copy. */
        this_idata->stack_info.stack_size = new_stack_size;
        this_idata->stack_info.stack = new_stack;
        this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;
    } else if (new_stack_size != stack_size) {
        CCerror(context, "Inconsistent stack height %d != %d",
                new_stack_size, stack_size);
    } else {
        stack_item_type *stack = this_idata->stack_info.stack;
        stack_item_type *old, *new;
        jboolean change = JNI_FALSE;
        for (old = stack, new = new_stack; old != NULL;
                   old = old->next, new = new->next) {
            if (!isAssignableTo(context, new->item, old->item)) {
                change = JNI_TRUE;
        if (change) {
            stack = copy_stack(context, stack);
            for (old = stack, new = new_stack; old != NULL;
                          old = old->next, new = new->next) {
                if (new == NULL) {
                old->item = merge_fullinfo_types(context, old->item, new->item,
                if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(old->item) == ITEM_Bogus) {
                        CCerror(context, "Mismatched stack types");
            if (old != NULL || new != NULL) {
                CCerror(context, "Mismatched stack types");
            this_idata->stack_info.stack = stack;
            this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;

static void
merge_registers(context_type *context, unsigned int from_inumber,
                unsigned int to_inumber, register_info_type *new_register_info)
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[to_inumber];
    register_info_type    *this_reginfo = &this_idata->register_info;

    int            new_register_count = new_register_info->register_count;
    fullinfo_type *new_registers = new_register_info->registers;
    int            new_mask_count = new_register_info->mask_count;
    mask_type     *new_masks = new_register_info->masks;

    if (this_reginfo->register_count == UNKNOWN_REGISTER_COUNT) {
        this_reginfo->register_count = new_register_count;
        this_reginfo->registers = new_registers;
        this_reginfo->mask_count = new_mask_count;
        this_reginfo->masks = new_masks;
        this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;
    } else {
        /* See if we've got new information on the register set. */
        int register_count = this_reginfo->register_count;
        fullinfo_type *registers = this_reginfo->registers;
        int mask_count = this_reginfo->mask_count;
        mask_type *masks = this_reginfo->masks;

        jboolean copy = JNI_FALSE;
        int i, j;
        if (register_count > new_register_count) {
            /* Any register larger than new_register_count is now bogus */
            this_reginfo->register_count = new_register_count;
            register_count = new_register_count;
            this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;
        for (i = 0; i < register_count; i++) {
            fullinfo_type prev_value = registers[i];
            if ((i < new_register_count)
                  ? (!isAssignableTo(context, new_registers[i], prev_value))
                  : (prev_value != MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0))) {
                copy = JNI_TRUE;

        if (copy) {
            /* We need a copy.  So do it. */
            fullinfo_type *new_set = NEW(fullinfo_type, register_count);
            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                new_set[j] =  registers[j];
            for (j = i; j < register_count; j++) {
                if (i >= new_register_count)
                    new_set[j] = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
                    new_set[j] = merge_fullinfo_types(context,
                                                      registers[j], JNI_FALSE);
            /* Some of the end items might now be bogus. This step isn't
             * necessary, but it may save work later. */
            while (   register_count > 0
                   && GET_ITEM_TYPE(new_set[register_count-1]) == ITEM_Bogus)
            this_reginfo->register_count = register_count;
            this_reginfo->registers = new_set;
            this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;
        if (mask_count > 0) {
            /* If the target instruction already has a sequence of masks, then
             * we need to merge new_masks into it.  We want the entries on
             * the mask to be the longest common substring of the two.
             *   (e.g.   a->b->d merged with a->c->d should give a->d)
             * The bits set in the mask should be the or of the corresponding
             * entries in each of the original masks.
            int i, j, k;
            int matches = 0;
            int last_match = -1;
            jboolean copy_needed = JNI_FALSE;
            for (i = 0; i < mask_count; i++) {
                int entry = masks[i].entry;
                for (j = last_match + 1; j < new_mask_count; j++) {
                    if (new_masks[j].entry == entry) {
                        /* We have a match */
                        int *prev = masks[i].modifies;
                        int *new = new_masks[j].modifies;
                        /* See if new_mask has bits set for "entry" that
                         * weren't set for mask.  If so, need to copy. */
                        for (k = context->bitmask_size - 1;
                               !copy_needed && k >= 0;
                            if (~prev[k] & new[k])
                                copy_needed = JNI_TRUE;
                        last_match = j;
            if ((matches < mask_count) || copy_needed) {
                /* We need to make a copy for the new item, since either the
                 * size has decreased, or new bits are set. */
                mask_type *copy = NEW(mask_type, matches);
                for (i = 0; i < matches; i++) {
                    copy[i].modifies = NEW(int, context->bitmask_size);
                this_reginfo->masks = copy;
                this_reginfo->mask_count = matches;
                this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;
                matches = 0;
                last_match = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < mask_count; i++) {
                    int entry = masks[i].entry;
                    for (j = last_match + 1; j < new_mask_count; j++) {
                        if (new_masks[j].entry == entry) {
                            int *prev1 = masks[i].modifies;
                            int *prev2 = new_masks[j].modifies;
                            int *new = copy[matches].modifies;
                            copy[matches].entry = entry;
                            for (k = context->bitmask_size - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                                new[k] = prev1[k] | prev2[k];
                            last_match = j;

static void
merge_flags(context_type *context, unsigned int from_inumber,
            unsigned int to_inumber,
            flag_type new_and_flags, flag_type new_or_flags)
    /* Set this_idata->and_flags &= new_and_flags
           this_idata->or_flags |= new_or_flags
    instruction_data_type *idata = context->instruction_data;
    instruction_data_type *this_idata = &idata[to_inumber];
    flag_type this_and_flags = this_idata->and_flags;
    flag_type this_or_flags = this_idata->or_flags;
    flag_type merged_and = this_and_flags & new_and_flags;
    flag_type merged_or = this_or_flags | new_or_flags;

    if ((merged_and != this_and_flags) || (merged_or != this_or_flags)) {
        this_idata->and_flags = merged_and;
        this_idata->or_flags = merged_or;
        this_idata->changed = JNI_TRUE;

/* Make a copy of a stack */

static stack_item_type *
copy_stack(context_type *context, stack_item_type *stack)
    int length;
    stack_item_type *ptr;

    /* Find the length */
    for (ptr = stack, length = 0; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next, length++);

    if (length > 0) {
        stack_item_type *new_stack = NEW(stack_item_type, length);
        stack_item_type *new_ptr;
        for (    ptr = stack, new_ptr = new_stack;
                 ptr != NULL;
                 ptr = ptr->next, new_ptr++) {
            new_ptr->item = ptr->item;
            new_ptr->next = new_ptr + 1;
        new_stack[length - 1].next = NULL;
        return new_stack;
    } else {
        return NULL;

static mask_type *
copy_masks(context_type *context, mask_type *masks, int mask_count)
    mask_type *result = NEW(mask_type, mask_count);
    int bitmask_size = context->bitmask_size;
    int *bitmaps = NEW(int, mask_count * bitmask_size);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < mask_count; i++) {
        result[i].entry = masks[i].entry;
        result[i].modifies = &bitmaps[i * bitmask_size];
        memcpy(result[i].modifies, masks[i].modifies, bitmask_size * sizeof(int));
    return result;

static mask_type *
add_to_masks(context_type *context, mask_type *masks, int mask_count, int d)
    mask_type *result = NEW(mask_type, mask_count + 1);
    int bitmask_size = context->bitmask_size;
    int *bitmaps = NEW(int, (mask_count + 1) * bitmask_size);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < mask_count; i++) {
        result[i].entry = masks[i].entry;
        result[i].modifies = &bitmaps[i * bitmask_size];
        memcpy(result[i].modifies, masks[i].modifies, bitmask_size * sizeof(int));
    result[mask_count].entry = d;
    result[mask_count].modifies = &bitmaps[mask_count * bitmask_size];
    memset(result[mask_count].modifies, 0, bitmask_size * sizeof(int));
    return result;

/* We create our own storage manager, since we malloc lots of little items,
 * and I don't want to keep trace of when they become free.  I sure wish that
 * we had heaps, and I could just free the heap when done.

#define CCSegSize 2000

struct CCpool {                 /* a segment of allocated memory in the pool */
    struct CCpool *next;
    int segSize;                /* almost always CCSegSize */
    int poolPad;
    char space[CCSegSize];

/* Initialize the context's heap. */
static void CCinit(context_type *context)
    struct CCpool *new = (struct CCpool *) malloc(sizeof(struct CCpool));
    /* Set context->CCroot to 0 if new == 0 to tell CCdestroy to lay off */
    context->CCroot = context->CCcurrent = new;
    if (new == 0) {
    new->next = NULL;
    new->segSize = CCSegSize;
    context->CCfree_size = CCSegSize;
    context->CCfree_ptr = &new->space[0];

/* Reuse all the space that we have in the context's heap. */
static void CCreinit(context_type *context)
    struct CCpool *first = context->CCroot;
    context->CCcurrent = first;
    context->CCfree_size = CCSegSize;
    context->CCfree_ptr = &first->space[0];

/* Destroy the context's heap. */
static void CCdestroy(context_type *context)
    struct CCpool *this = context->CCroot;
    while (this) {
        struct CCpool *next = this->next;
        this = next;
    /* These two aren't necessary.  But can't hurt either */
    context->CCroot = context->CCcurrent = NULL;
    context->CCfree_ptr = 0;

/* Allocate an object of the given size from the context's heap. */
static void *
CCalloc(context_type *context, int size, jboolean zero)

    register char *p;
    /* Round CC to the size of a pointer */
    size = (size + (sizeof(void *) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(void *) - 1);

    if (context->CCfree_size <  size) {
        struct CCpool *current = context->CCcurrent;
        struct CCpool *new;
        if (size > CCSegSize) { /* we need to allocate a special block */
            new = (struct CCpool *)malloc(sizeof(struct CCpool) +
                                          (size - CCSegSize));
            if (new == 0) {
            new->next = current->next;
            new->segSize = size;
            current->next = new;
        } else {
            new = current->next;
            if (new == NULL) {
                new = (struct CCpool *) malloc(sizeof(struct CCpool));
                if (new == 0) {
                current->next = new;
                new->next = NULL;
                new->segSize = CCSegSize;
        context->CCcurrent = new;
        context->CCfree_ptr = &new->space[0];
        context->CCfree_size = new->segSize;
    p = context->CCfree_ptr;
    context->CCfree_ptr += size;
    context->CCfree_size -= size;
    if (zero)
        memset(p, 0, size);
    return p;

/* Get the class associated with a particular field or method or class in the
 * constant pool.  If is_field is true, we've got a field or method.  If
 * false, we've got a class.
static fullinfo_type
cp_index_to_class_fullinfo(context_type *context, int cp_index, int kind)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    fullinfo_type result;
    const char *classname;
    switch (kind) {
    case JVM_CONSTANT_Class:
        classname = JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF(env,
    case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
        classname = JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF(env,
    case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref:
        classname = JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF(env,
        classname = NULL;
        CCerror(context, "Internal error #5");

    check_and_push(context, classname, VM_STRING_UTF);
    if (classname[0] == JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY) {
        /* This make recursively call us, in case of a class array */
        signature_to_fieldtype(context, &classname, &result);
    } else {
        result = make_class_info_from_name(context, classname);
    return result;

static int
print_CCerror_info(context_type *context)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    jclass cb = context->class;
    const char *classname = JVM_GetClassNameUTF(env, cb);
    const char *name = 0;
    const char *signature = 0;
    int n = 0;
    if (context->method_index != -1) {
        name = JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF(env, cb, context->method_index);
        signature =
            JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF(env, cb, context->method_index);
        n += jio_snprintf(context->message, context->message_buf_len,
                          "(class: %s, method: %s signature: %s) ",
                          (classname ? classname : ""),
                          (name ? name : ""),
                          (signature ? signature : ""));
    } else if (context->field_index != -1 ) {
        name = JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF(env, cb, context->field_index);
        n += jio_snprintf(context->message, context->message_buf_len,
                          "(class: %s, field: %s) ",
                          (classname ? classname : 0),
                          (name ? name : 0));
    } else {
        n += jio_snprintf(context->message, context->message_buf_len,
                          "(class: %s) ", classname ? classname : "");
    return n;

static void
CCerror (context_type *context, char *format, ...)
    int n = print_CCerror_info(context);
    va_list args;
    if (n >= 0 && n < context->message_buf_len) {
        va_start(args, format);
        jio_vsnprintf(context->message + n, context->message_buf_len - n,
                      format, args);
    context->err_code = CC_VerifyError;
    longjmp(context->jump_buffer, 1);

static void
CCout_of_memory(context_type *context)
    int n = print_CCerror_info(context);
    context->err_code = CC_OutOfMemory;
    longjmp(context->jump_buffer, 1);

static void
CFerror(context_type *context, char *format, ...)
    int n = print_CCerror_info(context);
    va_list args;
    if (n >= 0 && n < context->message_buf_len) {
        va_start(args, format);
        jio_vsnprintf(context->message + n, context->message_buf_len - n,
                      format, args);
    context->err_code = CC_ClassFormatError;
    longjmp(context->jump_buffer, 1);

static char
signature_to_fieldtype(context_type *context,
                       const char **signature_p, fullinfo_type *full_info_p)
    const char *p = *signature_p;
    fullinfo_type full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
    char result;
    int array_depth = 0;

    for (;;) {
        switch(*p++) {
                result = 0;

                full_info = (array_depth > 0)
                              ? MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Byte, 0, 0)
                              : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0);
                result = 'I';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:
                full_info = (array_depth > 0)
                              ? MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Char, 0, 0)
                              : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0);
                result = 'I';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_SHORT:
                full_info = (array_depth > 0)
                              ? MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Short, 0, 0)
                              : MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0);
                result = 'I';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Integer, 0, 0);
                result = 'I';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_FLOAT:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Float, 0, 0);
                result = 'F';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_DOUBLE:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Double, 0, 0);
                result = 'D';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_LONG:
                full_info = MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Long, 0, 0);
                result = 'L';

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY:
                continue;       /* only time we ever do the loop > 1 */

            case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS: {
                char buffer_space[256];
                char *buffer = buffer_space;
                char *finish = strchr(p, JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS);
                int length;
                if (finish == NULL) {
                    /* Signature must have ';' after the class name.
                     * If it does not, return 0 and ITEM_Bogus in full_info. */
                    result = 0;
                length = finish - p;
                if (length + 1 > (int)sizeof(buffer_space)) {
                    buffer = malloc(length + 1);
                    check_and_push(context, buffer, VM_MALLOC_BLK);
                memcpy(buffer, p, length);
                buffer[length] = '\0';
                full_info = make_class_info_from_name(context, buffer);
                result = 'A';
                p = finish + 1;
                if (buffer != buffer_space)
        } /* end of switch */
    *signature_p = p;
    if (array_depth == 0 || result == 0) {
        /* either not an array, or result is bogus */
        *full_info_p = full_info;
        return result;
    } else {
        if (array_depth > MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS)
            CCerror(context, "Array with too many dimensions");
        *full_info_p = MAKE_FULLINFO(GET_ITEM_TYPE(full_info),
        return 'A';

/* Given an array type, create the type that has one less level of
 * indirection.

static fullinfo_type
decrement_indirection(fullinfo_type array_info)
    if (array_info == NULL_FULLINFO) {
        return NULL_FULLINFO;
    } else {
        int type = GET_ITEM_TYPE(array_info);
        int indirection = GET_INDIRECTION(array_info) - 1;
        int extra_info = GET_EXTRA_INFO(array_info);
        if (   (indirection == 0)
               && ((type == ITEM_Short || type == ITEM_Byte || type == ITEM_Char)))
            type = ITEM_Integer;
        return MAKE_FULLINFO(type, indirection, extra_info);

/* See if we can assign an object of the "from" type to an object
 * of the "to" type.

static jboolean isAssignableTo(context_type *context,
                             fullinfo_type from, fullinfo_type to)
    return (merge_fullinfo_types(context, from, to, JNI_TRUE) == to);

/* Given two fullinfo_type's, find their lowest common denominator.  If
 * the assignable_p argument is non-null, we're really just calling to find
 * out if "<target> := " is a legitimate assignment.
 * We treat all interfaces as if they were of type java/lang/Object, since the
 * runtime will do the full checking.
static fullinfo_type
merge_fullinfo_types(context_type *context,
                     fullinfo_type value, fullinfo_type target,
                     jboolean for_assignment)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    if (value == target) {
        /* If they're identical, clearly just return what we've got */
        return value;

    /* Both must be either arrays or objects to go further */
    if (GET_INDIRECTION(value) == 0 && GET_ITEM_TYPE(value) != ITEM_Object)
        return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
    if (GET_INDIRECTION(target) == 0 && GET_ITEM_TYPE(target) != ITEM_Object)
        return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);

    /* If either is NULL, return the other. */
    if (value == NULL_FULLINFO)
        return target;
    else if (target == NULL_FULLINFO)
        return value;

    /* If either is java/lang/Object, that's the result. */
    if (target == context->object_info)
        return target;
    else if (value == context->object_info) {
        /* Minor hack.  For assignments, Interface := Object, return Interface
         * rather than Object, so that isAssignableTo() will get the right
         * result.      */
        if (for_assignment && (WITH_ZERO_EXTRA_INFO(target) ==
                                  MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, 0, 0))) {
            jclass cb = object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context,
            int is_interface = cb && JVM_IsInterface(env, cb);
            if (is_interface)
                return target;
        return value;
    if (GET_INDIRECTION(value) > 0 || GET_INDIRECTION(target) > 0) {
        /* At least one is an array.  Neither is java/lang/Object or NULL.
         * Moreover, the types are not identical.
         * The result must either be Object, or an array of some object type.
        fullinfo_type value_base, target_base;
        int dimen_value = GET_INDIRECTION(value);
        int dimen_target = GET_INDIRECTION(target);

        if (target == context->cloneable_info ||
            target == context->serializable_info) {
            return target;

        if (value == context->cloneable_info ||
            value == context->serializable_info) {
            return value;

        /* First, if either item's base type isn't ITEM_Object, promote it up
         * to an object or array of object.  If either is elemental, we can
         * punt.
        if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(value) != ITEM_Object) {
            if (dimen_value == 0)
                return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
            value = MAKE_Object_ARRAY(dimen_value);

        if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(target) != ITEM_Object) {
            if (dimen_target == 0)
                return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
            target = MAKE_Object_ARRAY(dimen_target);
        /* Both are now objects or arrays of some sort of object type */
        value_base = WITH_ZERO_INDIRECTION(value);
        target_base = WITH_ZERO_INDIRECTION(target);
        if (dimen_value == dimen_target) {
            /* Arrays of the same dimension.  Merge their base types. */
            fullinfo_type  result_base =
                merge_fullinfo_types(context, value_base, target_base,
            if (result_base == MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0))
                /* bogus in, bogus out */
                return result_base;
            return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Object, dimen_value,
        } else {
            /* Arrays of different sizes. If the smaller dimension array's base
             * type is java/lang/Cloneable or java/io/Serializable, return it.
             * Otherwise return java/lang/Object with a dimension of the smaller
             * of the two */
            if (dimen_value < dimen_target) {
                if (value_base == context->cloneable_info ||
                    value_base == context ->serializable_info) {
                    return value;
                return MAKE_Object_ARRAY(dimen_value);
            } else {
                if (target_base == context->cloneable_info ||
                    target_base == context->serializable_info) {
                    return target;
                return MAKE_Object_ARRAY(dimen_target);
    } else {
        /* Both are non-array objects. Neither is java/lang/Object or NULL */
        jclass cb_value, cb_target, cb_super_value, cb_super_target;
        fullinfo_type result_info;

        /* Let's get the classes corresponding to each of these.  Treat
         * interfaces as if they were java/lang/Object.  See hack note above. */
        cb_target = object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context, target);
        if (cb_target == 0)
            return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
        if (JVM_IsInterface(env, cb_target))
            return for_assignment ? target : context->object_info;
        cb_value = object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context, value);
        if (cb_value == 0)
            return MAKE_FULLINFO(ITEM_Bogus, 0, 0);
        if (JVM_IsInterface(env, cb_value))
            return context->object_info;

        /* If this is for assignment of target := value, we just need to see if
         * cb_target is a superclass of cb_value.  Save ourselves a lot of
         * work.
        if (for_assignment) {
            cb_super_value = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_value);
            while (cb_super_value != 0) {
                jclass tmp_cb;
                if ((*env)->IsSameObject(env, cb_super_value, cb_target)) {
                    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
                    return target;
                tmp_cb =  (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_super_value);
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
                cb_super_value = tmp_cb;
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
            return context->object_info;

        /* Find out whether cb_value or cb_target is deeper in the class
         * tree by moving both toward the root, and seeing who gets there
         * first.                                                          */
        cb_super_value = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_value);
        cb_super_target = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_target);
        while((cb_super_value != 0) &&
              (cb_super_target != 0)) {
            jclass tmp_cb;
            /* Optimization.  If either hits the other when going up looking
             * for a parent, then might as well return the parent immediately */
            if ((*env)->IsSameObject(env, cb_super_value, cb_target)) {
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_target);
                return target;
            if ((*env)->IsSameObject(env, cb_super_target, cb_value)) {
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
                (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_target);
                return value;
            tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_super_value);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
            cb_super_value = tmp_cb;

            tmp_cb = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_super_target);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_target);
            cb_super_target = tmp_cb;
        cb_value = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, cb_value);
        cb_target = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, cb_target);
        /* At most one of the following two while clauses will be executed.
         * Bring the deeper of cb_target and cb_value to the depth of the
         * shallower one.
        while (cb_super_value != 0) {
          /* cb_value is deeper */
            jclass cb_tmp;

            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_super_value);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
            cb_super_value = cb_tmp;

            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_value);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_value);
            cb_value = cb_tmp;
        while (cb_super_target != 0) {
          /* cb_target is deeper */
            jclass cb_tmp;

            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_super_target);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_target);
            cb_super_target = cb_tmp;

            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_target);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_target);
            cb_target = cb_tmp;

        /* Walk both up, maintaining equal depth, until a join is found.  We
         * know that we will find one.  */
        while (!(*env)->IsSameObject(env, cb_value, cb_target)) {
            jclass cb_tmp;
            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_value);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_value);
            cb_value = cb_tmp;
            cb_tmp = (*env)->GetSuperclass(env, cb_target);
            (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_target);
            cb_target = cb_tmp;
        result_info = make_class_info(context, cb_value);
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_value);
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_value);
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_target);
        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cb_super_target);
        return result_info;
    } /* both items are classes */

/* Given a fullinfo_type corresponding to an Object, return the jclass
 * of that type.
 * This function always returns a global reference!

static jclass
object_fullinfo_to_classclass(context_type *context, fullinfo_type classinfo)
    unsigned short info = GET_EXTRA_INFO(classinfo);
    return ID_to_class(context, info);

static void free_block(void *ptr, int kind)
    switch (kind) {
    case VM_STRING_UTF:
    case VM_MALLOC_BLK:

static void check_and_push(context_type *context, const void *ptr, int kind)
    alloc_stack_type *p;
    if (ptr == 0)
    if (context->alloc_stack_top < ALLOC_STACK_SIZE)
        p = &(context->alloc_stack[context->alloc_stack_top++]);
    else {
        /* Otherwise we have to malloc */
        p = malloc(sizeof(alloc_stack_type));
        if (p == 0) {
            /* Make sure we clean up. */
            free_block((void *)ptr, kind);
    p->kind = kind;
    p->ptr = (void *)ptr;
    p->next = context->allocated_memory;
    context->allocated_memory = p;

static void pop_and_free(context_type *context)
    alloc_stack_type *p = context->allocated_memory;
    context->allocated_memory = p->next;
    free_block(p->ptr, p->kind);
    if (p < context->alloc_stack + ALLOC_STACK_SIZE &&
        p >= context->alloc_stack)

static int signature_to_args_size(const char *method_signature)
    const char *p;
    int args_size = 0;
    for (p = method_signature; *p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC; p++) {
        switch (*p) {
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE:
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_SHORT:
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_FLOAT:
            args_size += 1;
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS:
            args_size += 1;
            while (*p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS) p++;
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY:
            args_size += 1;
            while ((*p == JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY)) p++;
            /* If an array of classes, skip over class name, too. */
            if (*p == JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS) {
                while (*p != JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS)
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_DOUBLE:
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_LONG:
            args_size += 2;
          case JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC:  /* ignore initial (, if given */
            /* Indicate an error. */
            return 0;
    return args_size;

#ifdef DEBUG

/* Below are for debugging. */

static void print_fullinfo_type(context_type *, fullinfo_type, jboolean);

static void
print_stack(context_type *context, stack_info_type *stack_info)
    stack_item_type *stack = stack_info->stack;
    if (stack_info->stack_size == UNKNOWN_STACK_SIZE) {
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "x");
    } else {
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "(");
        for ( ; stack != 0; stack = stack->next)
            print_fullinfo_type(context, stack->item,
                (jboolean)(verify_verbose > 1 ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE));
        jio_fprintf(stdout, ")");

static void
print_registers(context_type *context, register_info_type *register_info)
    int register_count = register_info->register_count;
    if (register_count == UNKNOWN_REGISTER_COUNT) {
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "x");
    } else {
        fullinfo_type *registers = register_info->registers;
        int mask_count = register_info->mask_count;
        mask_type *masks = register_info->masks;
        int i, j;

        jio_fprintf(stdout, "{");
        for (i = 0; i < register_count; i++)
            print_fullinfo_type(context, registers[i],
                (jboolean)(verify_verbose > 1 ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE));
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "}");
        for (i = 0; i < mask_count; i++) {
            char *separator = "";
            int *modifies = masks[i].modifies;
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "<%d: ", masks[i].entry);
            for (j = 0;
                 j < JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount(context->env,
                if (IS_BIT_SET(modifies, j)) {
                    jio_fprintf(stdout, "%s%d", separator, j);
                    separator = ",";
            jio_fprintf(stdout, ">");

static void
print_flags(context_type *context, flag_type and_flags, flag_type or_flags)
    if (and_flags != ((flag_type)-1) || or_flags != 0) {
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "<%x %x>", and_flags, or_flags);

static void
print_fullinfo_type(context_type *context, fullinfo_type type, jboolean verbose)
    int i;
    int indirection = GET_INDIRECTION(type);
    for (i = indirection; i-- > 0; )
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "[");
    switch (GET_ITEM_TYPE(type)) {
        case ITEM_Integer:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "I"); break;
        case ITEM_Float:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "F"); break;
        case ITEM_Double:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "D"); break;
        case ITEM_Double_2:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "d"); break;
        case ITEM_Long:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "L"); break;
        case ITEM_Long_2:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "l"); break;
        case ITEM_ReturnAddress:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "a"); break;
        case ITEM_Object:
            if (!verbose) {
                jio_fprintf(stdout, "A");
            } else {
                unsigned short extra = GET_EXTRA_INFO(type);
                if (extra == 0) {
                    jio_fprintf(stdout, "/Null/");
                } else {
                    const char *name = ID_to_class_name(context, extra);
                    const char *name2 = strrchr(name, '/');
                    jio_fprintf(stdout, "/%s/", name2 ? name2 + 1 : name);
        case ITEM_Char:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "C"); break;
        case ITEM_Short:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "S"); break;
        case ITEM_Byte:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, "B"); break;
        case ITEM_NewObject:
            if (!verbose) {
                jio_fprintf(stdout, "@");
            } else {
                int inum = GET_EXTRA_INFO(type);
                fullinfo_type real_type =
                jio_fprintf(stdout, ">");
                print_fullinfo_type(context, real_type, JNI_TRUE);
                jio_fprintf(stdout, "<");
        case ITEM_InitObject:
            jio_fprintf(stdout, verbose ? ">/this/<" : "@");

            jio_fprintf(stdout, "?"); break;
    for (i = indirection; i-- > 0; )
        jio_fprintf(stdout, "]");

static void
print_formatted_fieldname(context_type *context, int index)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    jclass cb = context->class;
    const char *classname = JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF(env, cb, index);
    const char *fieldname = JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF(env, cb, index);
    jio_fprintf(stdout, "  <%s.%s>",
                classname ? classname : "", fieldname ? fieldname : "");

static void
print_formatted_methodname(context_type *context, int index)
    JNIEnv *env = context->env;
    jclass cb = context->class;
    const char *classname = JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF(env, cb, index);
    const char *methodname = JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF(env, cb, index);
    jio_fprintf(stdout, "  <%s.%s>",
                classname ? classname : "", methodname ? methodname : "");

#endif /*DEBUG*/

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