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Java example source code file (OGLBufImgOps.c)

This example Java source code file (OGLBufImgOps.c) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

gl_texture_rectangle_arb, glfloat, glhandlearb, glint, is_set, j2drlstraceln, j2dtraceln, next_float, oglbufimgops_createconvolveprogram, oglbufimgops_createlookupprogram, oglbufimgops_createrescaleprogram, oglcontext_createfragmentprogram, oglsdops, return_if_null

The OGLBufImgOps.c Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#ifndef HEADLESS

#include <jlong.h>

#include "OGLBufImgOps.h"
#include "OGLContext.h"
#include "OGLRenderQueue.h"
#include "OGLSurfaceData.h"
#include "GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h"

/** Evaluates to true if the given bit is set on the local flags variable. */
#define IS_SET(flagbit) \
    (((flags) & (flagbit)) != 0)

/**************************** ConvolveOp support ****************************/

 * The ConvolveOp shader is fairly straightforward.  For each texel in
 * the source texture, the shader samples the MxN texels in the surrounding
 * area, multiplies each by its corresponding kernel value, and then sums
 * them all together to produce a single color result.  Finally, the
 * resulting value is multiplied by the current OpenGL color, which contains
 * the extra alpha value.
 * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s".
 * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for
 * 3x3, one for 5x5, and so on) simply by filling in these "holes" with
 * a call to sprintf().  See the OGLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram() method
 * for more details.
 * REMIND: Currently this shader (and the supporting code in the
 *         EnableConvolveOp() method) only supports 3x3 and 5x5 filters.
 *         Early shader-level hardware did not support non-constant sized
 *         arrays but modern hardware should support them (although I
 *         don't know of any simple way to find out, other than to compile
 *         the shader at runtime and see if the drivers complain).
static const char *convolveShaderSource =
    // maximum size supported by this shader
    "const int MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = %s;"
    // image to be convolved
    "uniform sampler%s baseImage;"
    // image edge limits:
    //   imgEdge.xy = imgMin.xy (anything < will be treated as edge case)
    // = imgMax.xy (anything > will be treated as edge case)
    "uniform vec4 imgEdge;"
    // value for each location in the convolution kernel:
    //   kernelVals[i].x = offsetX[i]
    //   kernelVals[i].y = offsetY[i]
    //   kernelVals[i].z = kernel[i]
    "uniform vec3 kernelVals[MAX_KERNEL_SIZE];"
    "void main(void)"
    "    int i;"
    "    vec4 sum;"
    "    if (any(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[0].st, imgEdge.xy)) ||"
    "        any(greaterThan(gl_TexCoord[0].st,"
    "    {"
             // (placeholder for edge condition code)
    "        %s"
    "    } else {"
    "        sum = vec4(0.0);"
    "        for (i = 0; i < MAX_KERNEL_SIZE; i++) {"
    "            sum +="
    "                kernelVals[i].z *"
    "                texture%s(baseImage,"
    "                          gl_TexCoord[0].st + kernelVals[i].xy);"
    "        }"
    "    }"
         // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    gl_FragColor = sum * gl_Color;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define CONVOLVE_RECT            (1 << 0)
#define CONVOLVE_EDGE_ZERO_FILL  (1 << 1)
#define CONVOLVE_5X5             (1 << 2)

 * The handles to the ConvolveOp fragment program objects.  The index to
 * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the CONVOLVE_* flags defined
 * above.  Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one
 * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated.
static GLhandleARB convolvePrograms[8];

 * The maximum kernel size supported by the ConvolveOp shader.
#define MAX_KERNEL_SIZE 25

 * Compiles and links the ConvolveOp shader program.  If successful, this
 * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise
 * returns 0.
static GLhandleARB
OGLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram(jint flags)
    GLhandleARB convolveProgram;
    GLint loc;
    char *kernelMax = IS_SET(CONVOLVE_5X5) ? "25" : "9";
    char *target = IS_SET(CONVOLVE_RECT) ? "2DRect" : "2D";
    char edge[100];
    char finalSource[2000];

                "OGLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram: flags=%d",

        // EDGE_ZERO_FILL: fill in zero at the edges
        sprintf(edge, "sum = vec4(0.0);");
    } else {
        // EDGE_NO_OP: use the source pixel color at the edges
                "sum = texture%s(baseImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);",

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, convolveShaderSource,
            kernelMax, target, edge, target);

    convolveProgram = OGLContext_CreateFragmentProgram(finalSource);
    if (convolveProgram == 0) {
            "OGLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram: error creating program");
        return 0;

    // "use" the program object temporarily so that we can set the uniforms

    // set the "uniform" texture unit binding
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(convolveProgram, "baseImage");
    j2d_glUniform1iARB(loc, 0); // texture unit 0

    // "unuse" the program object; it will be re-bound later as needed

    return convolveProgram;

OGLBufImgOps_EnableConvolveOp(OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps,
                              jboolean edgeZeroFill,
                              jint kernelWidth, jint kernelHeight,
                              unsigned char *kernel)
    OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
    jint kernelSize = kernelWidth * kernelHeight;
    GLhandleARB convolveProgram;
    GLfloat xoff, yoff;
    GLfloat edgeX, edgeY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
    GLfloat kernelVals[MAX_KERNEL_SIZE*3];
    jint i, j, kIndex;
    GLint loc;
    jint flags = 0;

                "OGLBufImgOps_EnableConvolveOp: kernelW=%d kernelH=%d",
                kernelWidth, kernelHeight);


    if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
        flags |= CONVOLVE_RECT;

        // for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, texcoords are specified in the
        // range [0,srcw] and [0,srch], so to achieve an x/y offset of
        // exactly one pixel we simply use the value 1 here
        xoff = 1.0f;
        yoff = 1.0f;
    } else {
        // for GL_TEXTURE_2D, texcoords are specified in the range [0,1],
        // so to achieve an x/y offset of approximately one pixel we have
        // to normalize to that range here
        xoff = 1.0f / srcOps->textureWidth;
        yoff = 1.0f / srcOps->textureHeight;
    if (edgeZeroFill) {
        flags |= CONVOLVE_EDGE_ZERO_FILL;
    if (kernelWidth == 5 && kernelHeight == 5) {
        flags |= CONVOLVE_5X5;

    // locate/initialize the shader program for the given flags
    if (convolvePrograms[flags] == 0) {
        convolvePrograms[flags] = OGLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram(flags);
        if (convolvePrograms[flags] == 0) {
            // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
    convolveProgram = convolvePrograms[flags];

    // enable the convolve shader

    // update the "uniform" image min/max values
    edgeX = (kernelWidth/2) * xoff;
    edgeY = (kernelHeight/2) * yoff;
    minX = edgeX;
    minY = edgeY;
    if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
        // texcoords are in the range [0,srcw] and [0,srch]
        maxX = ((GLfloat)srcOps->width)  - edgeX;
        maxY = ((GLfloat)srcOps->height) - edgeY;
    } else {
        // texcoords are in the range [0,1]
        maxX = (((GLfloat)srcOps->width) / srcOps->textureWidth) - edgeX;
        maxY = (((GLfloat)srcOps->height) / srcOps->textureHeight) - edgeY;
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(convolveProgram, "imgEdge");
    j2d_glUniform4fARB(loc, minX, minY, maxX, maxY);

    // update the "uniform" kernel offsets and values
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(convolveProgram, "kernelVals");
    kIndex = 0;
    for (i = -kernelHeight/2; i < kernelHeight/2+1; i++) {
        for (j = -kernelWidth/2; j < kernelWidth/2+1; j++) {
            kernelVals[kIndex+0] = j*xoff;
            kernelVals[kIndex+1] = i*yoff;
            kernelVals[kIndex+2] = NEXT_FLOAT(kernel);
            kIndex += 3;
    j2d_glUniform3fvARB(loc, kernelSize, kernelVals);

OGLBufImgOps_DisableConvolveOp(OGLContext *oglc)
    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBufImgOps_DisableConvolveOp");


    // disable the ConvolveOp shader

/**************************** RescaleOp support *****************************/

 * The RescaleOp shader is one of the simplest possible.  Each fragment
 * from the source image is multiplied by the user's scale factor and added
 * to the user's offset value (these are component-wise operations).
 * Finally, the resulting value is multiplied by the current OpenGL color,
 * which contains the extra alpha value.
 * The RescaleOp spec says that the operation is performed regardless of
 * whether the source data is premultiplied or non-premultiplied.  This is
 * a problem for the OpenGL pipeline in that a non-premultiplied
 * BufferedImage will have already been converted into premultiplied
 * when uploaded to an OpenGL texture.  Therefore, we have a special mode
 * called RESCALE_NON_PREMULT (used only for source images that were
 * originally non-premultiplied) that un-premultiplies the source color
 * prior to the rescale operation, then re-premultiplies the resulting
 * color before returning from the fragment shader.
 * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s".
 * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for
 * GL_TEXTURE_2D targets, one for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB targets, and so on)
 * simply by filling in these "holes" with a call to sprintf().  See the
 * OGLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram() method for more details.
static const char *rescaleShaderSource =
    // image to be rescaled
    "uniform sampler%s baseImage;"
    // vector containing scale factors
    "uniform vec4 scaleFactors;"
    // vector containing offsets
    "uniform vec4 offsets;"
    "void main(void)"
    "    vec4 srcColor = texture%s(baseImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);"
         // (placeholder for un-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // rescale source value
    "    vec4 result = (srcColor * scaleFactors) + offsets;"
         // (placeholder for re-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    gl_FragColor = result * gl_Color;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define RESCALE_RECT        (1 << 0)
#define RESCALE_NON_PREMULT (1 << 1)

 * The handles to the RescaleOp fragment program objects.  The index to
 * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the RESCALE_* flags defined
 * above.  Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one
 * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated.
static GLhandleARB rescalePrograms[4];

 * Compiles and links the RescaleOp shader program.  If successful, this
 * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise
 * returns 0.
static GLhandleARB
OGLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram(jint flags)
    GLhandleARB rescaleProgram;
    GLint loc;
    char *target = IS_SET(RESCALE_RECT) ? "2DRect" : "2D";
    char *preRescale = "";
    char *postRescale = "";
    char finalSource[2000];

                "OGLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram: flags=%d",

        preRescale  = "srcColor.rgb /= srcColor.a;";
        postRescale = "result.rgb *= result.a;";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, rescaleShaderSource,
            target, target, preRescale, postRescale);

    rescaleProgram = OGLContext_CreateFragmentProgram(finalSource);
    if (rescaleProgram == 0) {
            "OGLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram: error creating program");
        return 0;

    // "use" the program object temporarily so that we can set the uniforms

    // set the "uniform" values
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(rescaleProgram, "baseImage");
    j2d_glUniform1iARB(loc, 0); // texture unit 0

    // "unuse" the program object; it will be re-bound later as needed

    return rescaleProgram;

OGLBufImgOps_EnableRescaleOp(OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps,
                             jboolean nonPremult,
                             unsigned char *scaleFactors,
                             unsigned char *offsets)
    OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
    GLhandleARB rescaleProgram;
    GLint loc;
    jint flags = 0;

    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBufImgOps_EnableRescaleOp");


    // choose the appropriate shader, depending on the source texture target
    if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
        flags |= RESCALE_RECT;
    if (nonPremult) {
        flags |= RESCALE_NON_PREMULT;

    // locate/initialize the shader program for the given flags
    if (rescalePrograms[flags] == 0) {
        rescalePrograms[flags] = OGLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram(flags);
        if (rescalePrograms[flags] == 0) {
            // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
    rescaleProgram = rescalePrograms[flags];

    // enable the rescale shader

    // update the "uniform" scale factor values (note that the Java-level
    // dispatching code always passes down 4 values here, regardless of
    // the original source image type)
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(rescaleProgram, "scaleFactors");
        GLfloat sf1 = NEXT_FLOAT(scaleFactors);
        GLfloat sf2 = NEXT_FLOAT(scaleFactors);
        GLfloat sf3 = NEXT_FLOAT(scaleFactors);
        GLfloat sf4 = NEXT_FLOAT(scaleFactors);
        j2d_glUniform4fARB(loc, sf1, sf2, sf3, sf4);

    // update the "uniform" offset values (note that the Java-level
    // dispatching code always passes down 4 values here, and that the
    // offsets will have already been normalized to the range [0,1])
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(rescaleProgram, "offsets");
        GLfloat off1 = NEXT_FLOAT(offsets);
        GLfloat off2 = NEXT_FLOAT(offsets);
        GLfloat off3 = NEXT_FLOAT(offsets);
        GLfloat off4 = NEXT_FLOAT(offsets);
        j2d_glUniform4fARB(loc, off1, off2, off3, off4);

OGLBufImgOps_DisableRescaleOp(OGLContext *oglc)
    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBufImgOps_DisableRescaleOp");


    // disable the RescaleOp shader

/**************************** LookupOp support ******************************/

 * The LookupOp shader takes a fragment color (from the source texture) as
 * input, subtracts the optional user offset value, and then uses the
 * resulting value to index into the lookup table texture to provide
 * a new color result.  Finally, the resulting value is multiplied by
 * the current OpenGL color, which contains the extra alpha value.
 * The lookup step requires 3 texture accesses (or 4, when alpha is included),
 * which is somewhat unfortunate because it's not ideal from a performance
 * standpoint, but that sort of thing is getting faster with newer hardware.
 * In the 3-band case, we could consider using a three-dimensional texture
 * and performing the lookup with a single texture access step.  We already
 * use this approach in the LCD text shader, and it works well, but for the
 * purposes of this LookupOp shader, it's probably overkill.  Also, there's
 * a difference in that the LCD text shader only needs to populate the 3D LUT
 * once, but here we would need to populate it on every invocation, which
 * would likely be a waste of VRAM and CPU/GPU cycles.
 * The LUT texture is currently hardcoded as 4 rows/bands, each containing
 * 256 elements.  This means that we currently only support user-provided
 * tables with no more than 256 elements in each band (this is checked at
 * at the Java level).  If the user provides a table with less than 256
 * elements per band, our shader will still work fine, but if elements are
 * accessed with an index >= the size of the LUT, then the shader will simply
 * produce undefined values.  Typically the user would provide an offset
 * value that would prevent this from happening, but it's worth pointing out
 * this fact because the software LookupOp implementation would usually
 * throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in this scenario (although it is
 * not something demanded by the spec).
 * The LookupOp spec says that the operation is performed regardless of
 * whether the source data is premultiplied or non-premultiplied.  This is
 * a problem for the OpenGL pipeline in that a non-premultiplied
 * BufferedImage will have already been converted into premultiplied
 * when uploaded to an OpenGL texture.  Therefore, we have a special mode
 * called LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT (used only for source images that were
 * originally non-premultiplied) that un-premultiplies the source color
 * prior to the lookup operation, then re-premultiplies the resulting
 * color before returning from the fragment shader.
 * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s".
 * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for
 * GL_TEXTURE_2D targets, one for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB targets, and so on)
 * simply by filling in these "holes" with a call to sprintf().  See the
 * OGLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram() method for more details.
static const char *lookupShaderSource =
    // source image (bound to texture unit 0)
    "uniform sampler%s baseImage;"
    // lookup table (bound to texture unit 1)
    "uniform sampler2D lookupTable;"
    // offset subtracted from source index prior to lookup step
    "uniform vec4 offset;"
    "void main(void)"
    "    vec4 srcColor = texture%s(baseImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);"
         // (placeholder for un-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // subtract offset from original index
    "    vec4 srcIndex = srcColor - offset;"
         // use source value as input to lookup table (note that
         // "v" texcoords are hardcoded to hit texel centers of
         // each row/band in texture)
    "    vec4 result;"
    "    result.r = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.r, 0.125)).r;"
    "    result.g = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.g, 0.375)).r;"
    "    result.b = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.b, 0.625)).r;"
         // (placeholder for alpha store code)
    "    %s"
         // (placeholder for re-premult code)
    "    %s"
         // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha
    "    gl_FragColor = result * gl_Color;"

 * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader
 * source code is generated.
#define LOOKUP_RECT          (1 << 0)
#define LOOKUP_USE_SRC_ALPHA (1 << 1)
#define LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT   (1 << 2)

 * The handles to the LookupOp fragment program objects.  The index to
 * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the LOOKUP_* flags defined
 * above.  Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one
 * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated.
static GLhandleARB lookupPrograms[8];

 * The handle to the lookup table texture object used by the shader.
static GLuint lutTextureID = 0;

 * Compiles and links the LookupOp shader program.  If successful, this
 * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise
 * returns 0.
static GLhandleARB
OGLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram(jint flags)
    GLhandleARB lookupProgram;
    GLint loc;
    char *target = IS_SET(LOOKUP_RECT) ? "2DRect" : "2D";
    char *alpha;
    char *preLookup = "";
    char *postLookup = "";
    char finalSource[2000];

                "OGLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram: flags=%d",

        // when numComps is 1 or 3, the alpha is not looked up in the table;
        // just keep the alpha from the source fragment
        alpha = "result.a = srcColor.a;";
    } else {
        // when numComps is 4, the alpha is looked up in the table, just
        // like the other color components from the source fragment
        alpha =
            "result.a = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.a, 0.875)).r;";
        preLookup  = "srcColor.rgb /= srcColor.a;";
        postLookup = "result.rgb *= result.a;";

    // compose the final source code string from the various pieces
    sprintf(finalSource, lookupShaderSource,
            target, target, preLookup, alpha, postLookup);

    lookupProgram = OGLContext_CreateFragmentProgram(finalSource);
    if (lookupProgram == 0) {
            "OGLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram: error creating program");
        return 0;

    // "use" the program object temporarily so that we can set the uniforms

    // set the "uniform" values
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lookupProgram, "baseImage");
    j2d_glUniform1iARB(loc, 0); // texture unit 0
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lookupProgram, "lookupTable");
    j2d_glUniform1iARB(loc, 1); // texture unit 1

    // "unuse" the program object; it will be re-bound later as needed

    return lookupProgram;

OGLBufImgOps_EnableLookupOp(OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps,
                            jboolean nonPremult, jboolean shortData,
                            jint numBands, jint bandLength, jint offset,
                            void *tableValues)
    OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
    int bytesPerElem = (shortData ? 2 : 1);
    GLhandleARB lookupProgram;
    GLfloat foff;
    GLint loc;
    void *bands[4];
    int i;
    jint flags = 0;

                "OGLBufImgOps_EnableLookupOp: short=%d num=%d len=%d off=%d",
                shortData, numBands, bandLength, offset);


    // choose the appropriate shader, depending on the source texture target
    // and the number of bands involved
    if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
        flags |= LOOKUP_RECT;
    if (numBands != 4) {
        flags |= LOOKUP_USE_SRC_ALPHA;
    if (nonPremult) {
        flags |= LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT;

    // locate/initialize the shader program for the given flags
    if (lookupPrograms[flags] == 0) {
        lookupPrograms[flags] = OGLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram(flags);
        if (lookupPrograms[flags] == 0) {
            // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
    lookupProgram = lookupPrograms[flags];

    // enable the lookup shader

    // update the "uniform" offset value
    loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lookupProgram, "offset");
    foff = offset / 255.0f;
    j2d_glUniform4fARB(loc, foff, foff, foff, foff);

    // bind the lookup table to texture unit 1 and enable texturing
    if (lutTextureID == 0) {
         * Create the lookup table texture with 4 rows (one band per row)
         * and 256 columns (one LUT band element per column) and with an
         * internal format of 16-bit luminance values, which will be
         * sufficient for either byte or short LUT data.  Note that the
         * texture wrap mode will be set to the default of GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
         * which means that out-of-range index value will be clamped
         * appropriately.
        lutTextureID =
            OGLContext_CreateBlitTexture(GL_LUMINANCE16, GL_LUMINANCE,
                                         256, 4);
        if (lutTextureID == 0) {
            // should never happen, but just to be safe...
    j2d_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lutTextureID);

    // update the lookup table with the user-provided values
    if (numBands == 1) {
        // replicate the single band for R/G/B; alpha band is unused
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            bands[i] = tableValues;
        bands[3] = NULL;
    } else if (numBands == 3) {
        // user supplied band for each of R/G/B; alpha band is unused
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            bands[i] = PtrAddBytes(tableValues, i*bandLength*bytesPerElem);
        bands[3] = NULL;
    } else if (numBands == 4) {
        // user supplied band for each of R/G/B/A
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            bands[i] = PtrAddBytes(tableValues, i*bandLength*bytesPerElem);

    // upload the bands one row at a time into our lookup table texture
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (bands[i] == NULL) {
        j2d_glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                            0, i, bandLength, 1,
                            shortData ? GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT : GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,

    // restore texture unit 0 (the default) as the active one since
    // the OGLBlitTextureToSurface() method is responsible for binding the
    // source image texture, which will happen later

OGLBufImgOps_DisableLookupOp(OGLContext *oglc)
    J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBufImgOps_DisableLookupOp");


    // disable the LookupOp shader

    // disable the lookup table on texture unit 1

#endif /* !HEADLESS */

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java OGLBufImgOps.c source code file:

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