Java example source code file (p11_crypt.c)
The p11_crypt.c Java example source code/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* Copyright (c) 2002 Graz University of Technology. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: * * "This product includes software developed by IAIK of Graz University of * Technology." * * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Graz University of Technology" and "IAIK of Graz University of * Technology" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without prior written permission. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called * "IAIK PKCS Wrapper", nor may "IAIK" appear in their name, without prior * written permission of Graz University of Technology. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LICENSOR BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * =========================================================================== */ #include "pkcs11wrapper.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11.h" #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_ENCRYPTINIT /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_EncryptInit * Signature: (JLsun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_MECHANISM;J)V * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jobject jMechanism CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism * @param jlong jKeyHandle CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1EncryptInit (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jobject jMechanism, jlong jKeyHandle) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_MECHANISM ckMechanism; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE ckKeyHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); ckKeyHandle = jLongToCKULong(jKeyHandle); jMechanismToCKMechanism(env, jMechanism, &ckMechanism); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { return; } rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_EncryptInit)(ckSessionHandle, &ckMechanism, ckKeyHandle); if (ckMechanism.pParameter != NULL_PTR) { free(ckMechanism.pParameter); } if (ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv) != CK_ASSERT_OK) { return; } } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_ENCRYPT /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_Encrypt * Signature: (J[BII[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jbyteArray jData CK_BYTE_PTR pData * CK_ULONG ulDataLen * @return jbyteArray jEncryptedData CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData * CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1Encrypt (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jbyteArray jIn, jint jInOfs, jint jInLen, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR inBufP; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckEncryptedPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); inBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, NULL); if (inBufP == NULL) { return 0; } outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { // Make sure to release inBufP (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); return 0; } ckEncryptedPartLen = jOutLen; rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_Encrypt)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(inBufP + jInOfs), jInLen, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckEncryptedPartLen); (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckEncryptedPartLen; } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_ENCRYPTUPDATE /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_EncryptUpdate * Signature: (J[BII[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jbyteArray jPart CK_BYTE_PTR pPart * CK_ULONG ulPartLen * @return jbyteArray jEncryptedPart CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart * CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1EncryptUpdate (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jlong directIn, jbyteArray jIn, jint jInOfs, jint jInLen, jlong directOut, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR inBufP; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckEncryptedPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); if (directIn != 0) { inBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directIn); } else { inBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, NULL); if (inBufP == NULL) { return 0; } } if (directOut != 0) { outBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directOut); } else { outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { // Make sure to release inBufP (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); return 0; } } ckEncryptedPartLen = jOutLen; //printf("EU: inBufP=%i, jInOfs=%i, jInLen=%i, outBufP=%i\n", // inBufP, jInOfs, jInLen, outBufP); rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_EncryptUpdate)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(inBufP + jInOfs), jInLen, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckEncryptedPartLen); //printf("EU: ckEncryptedPartLen=%i\n", ckEncryptedPartLen); if (directIn == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); } if (directOut == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); } ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckEncryptedPartLen; } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_ENCRYPTFINAL /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_EncryptFinal * Signature: (J[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @return jbyteArray jLastEncryptedPart CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedDataPart * CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedDataPartLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1EncryptFinal (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jlong directOut, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckLastEncryptedPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); if (directOut != 0) { outBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directOut); } else { outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { return 0; } } ckLastEncryptedPartLen = jOutLen; //printf("EF: outBufP=%i\n", outBufP); rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_EncryptFinal)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckLastEncryptedPartLen); //printf("EF: ckLastEncryptedPartLen=%i", ckLastEncryptedPartLen); if (directOut == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); } ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckLastEncryptedPartLen; } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_DECRYPTINIT /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_DecryptInit * Signature: (JLsun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_MECHANISM;J)V * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jobject jMechanism CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism * @param jlong jKeyHandle CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1DecryptInit (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jobject jMechanism, jlong jKeyHandle) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_MECHANISM ckMechanism; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE ckKeyHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); ckKeyHandle = jLongToCKULong(jKeyHandle); jMechanismToCKMechanism(env, jMechanism, &ckMechanism); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { return; } rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_DecryptInit)(ckSessionHandle, &ckMechanism, ckKeyHandle); if (ckMechanism.pParameter != NULL_PTR) { free(ckMechanism.pParameter); } if (ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv) != CK_ASSERT_OK) { return; } } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_DECRYPT /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_Decrypt * Signature: (J[BII[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jbyteArray jEncryptedData CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData * CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen * @return jbyteArray jData CK_BYTE_PTR pData * CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1Decrypt (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jbyteArray jIn, jint jInOfs, jint jInLen, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR inBufP; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); inBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, NULL); if (inBufP == NULL) { return 0; } outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { // Make sure to release inBufP (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); return 0; } ckPartLen = jOutLen; rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_Decrypt)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(inBufP + jInOfs), jInLen, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckPartLen); (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckPartLen; } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_DECRYPTUPDATE /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_DecryptUpdate * Signature: (J[BII[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @param jbyteArray jEncryptedPart CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart * CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen * @return jbyteArray jPart CK_BYTE_PTR pPart * CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1DecryptUpdate (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jlong directIn, jbyteArray jIn, jint jInOfs, jint jInLen, jlong directOut, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR inBufP; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckDecryptedPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); if (directIn != 0) { inBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directIn); } else { inBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, NULL); if (inBufP == NULL) { return 0; } } if (directOut != 0) { outBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directOut); } else { outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { // Make sure to release inBufP (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); return 0; } } ckDecryptedPartLen = jOutLen; rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_DecryptUpdate)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(inBufP + jInOfs), jInLen, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckDecryptedPartLen); if (directIn == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jIn, inBufP, JNI_ABORT); } if (directOut == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); } ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckDecryptedPartLen; } #endif #ifdef P11_ENABLE_C_DECRYPTFINAL /* * Class: sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11 * Method: C_DecryptFinal * Signature: (J[BII)I * Parametermapping: *PKCS11* * @param jlong jSessionHandle CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession * @return jbyteArray jLastPart CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart * CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_C_1DecryptFinal (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jSessionHandle, jlong directOut, jbyteArray jOut, jint jOutOfs, jint jOutLen) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE ckSessionHandle; CK_RV rv; CK_BYTE_PTR outBufP; CK_ULONG ckLastPartLen; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR ckpFunctions = getFunctionList(env, obj); if (ckpFunctions == NULL) { return 0; } ckSessionHandle = jLongToCKULong(jSessionHandle); if (directOut != 0) { outBufP = (CK_BYTE_PTR) jlong_to_ptr(directOut); } else { outBufP = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, NULL); if (outBufP == NULL) { return 0; } } ckLastPartLen = jOutLen; rv = (*ckpFunctions->C_DecryptFinal)(ckSessionHandle, (CK_BYTE_PTR)(outBufP + jOutOfs), &ckLastPartLen); if (directOut == 0) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jOut, outBufP, JNI_ABORT); } ckAssertReturnValueOK(env, rv); return ckLastPartLen; } #endif Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java p11_crypt.c source code file: |
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